Big Party of Andacollo

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“Big party of

Andacollo´s virgin”

Name: Marcelo Minder V

Date : 08-06-2020
Teacher: Maria Angelica Vergara V.
1) Name of the celebration:

Big party of Andacollo´s virgin

2) Why are you going to this place?

I´am going to Andacollo because my girlfriend´s family is from there and they are devotee
of this virgin.

3) What are your plans for visiting this celebration?

I´am going to drive in with my girlfriend to her parents house in La Serena and the day of
party all of us going to drive to Andacolllo.

4) Description of the party:

The celebration is a pilgrimage to Andacollo city in diferents ways, you can going in car, or
you can walk to the church for seven hours from La Serena to Andacollo, some people in
Elqui´s valley going to Andacollo in horses.

5) Story of the party:

This is a religious celebration in honor to Virgin of Carmen, whose appeared to an

indigenous man in Andacollo four hundred of years ago. Take place in Andacollo city.

6) Activities:

In this celebration people are going to walk with the virgin´s image from ancient church to
the great church, in this walk some people dance “bailes chinos” a typical dance with
typical clothing, some people only walk or throw flowers to the virgin, and i´am going to
wait in the great church until the virgin arrives.

7) Typical meals:

For people who walk from La Serena to Andacollo are stations in the road deliver for free
sándwich, wáter and lemons (for the pressure, because Andacollo is a city with an altitude
of one thousand of meters above sea level)
8) Typical outfits:

People wear normal clothes except for the dancers to “bailes chinos” who has their
typical clothes.

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