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International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

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Generalized Differential Quadrature Finite Element Method

for vibration analysis of arbitrarily shaped membranes
Nicholas Fantuzzi, Francesco Tornabene ∗, Erasmo Viola
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials—DICAM, University of Bologna, Viale del Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper provides a new technique for solving free vibration problems of composite arbitrarily shaped
Received 30 April 2013 membranes by using Generalized Differential Quadrature Finite Element Method (GDQFEM). The
Received in revised form proposed technique, also known as Multi-Domain Differential Quadrature (MDQ), is an extension of
25 November 2013
the classic Generalized Differential Quadrature (GDQ) procedure. The multi-domain method can be
Accepted 17 December 2013
Available online 25 December 2013
directly applied to regular sub-domains of rectangular shape, as well as to elements of general shape
when a coordinate transformation is considered. The mapping technique is used to transform both the
Keywords: governing differential equations and the compatibility conditions between two adjacent sub-domains
Free vibrations into the regular master element in the parent space, called computational space. The numerical
Arbitrarily shaped membranes
implementation of the global algebraic system obtained by the technique at issue is simple and
Non-homogeneous membranes
straightforward. Computer investigations concerning a large number of membrane geometries have
Generalized Differential Quadrature
Generalized Differential Quadrature Finite been carried out. GDQFEM results are compared with those presented in the literature and a perfect
Element Method agreement is observed. Membranes of complex geometry with a material inhomogeneity are also
carefully examined. Numerical results referring to some new unpublished geometric shapes are reported
to let comparisons with further research on this subject.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction element and boundary element method, have been discussed in

different works [16–26]. As it is well-known, there is an analogy
The problem of free vibration of membranes has been solved by between membrane vibrations and plate vibrations. In fact, the
several authors in the past decades, as reported in [1]. Composite eigenfrequencies of a simple supported polygonal plate are the
plates of various shapes have been deeply studied by Bhadra [2]. squares of the eigenvalues of a membrane under constant tension
Buchanan Jr. and Peddieson [3] and Buchanan [4] investigated the with identical geometry and fixed edges, and their eigenfunctions
vibration analysis of circular and annular membranes with vari- are identical [27–34]. This analogy has greatly evoked the
able density using Ritz and finite element method. The differential researchers0 interest in vibration analysis of membranes, because
quadrature method was applied for frequency analysis of rectan- solutions for polygonal membranes can be converted into those of
gular and circular membranes by Laura et al. [5,6], respectively. In polygonal simply supported plates. For membranes of simple
recent past, the method of discrete singular convolution was used geometry, such as rectangular and circular membranes, there are
by Civalek et al. [1,7], to deal with the vibration analysis of skew several exact solutions available in the literature. However, for a
and rhombic membranes and by Ersoy et al. [8,9], who examined membrane of a complex geometry only numerical solutions are
rectangular membranes with variable density in detail. Some possible. A complete presentation of the membrane vibration
important studies concerning the Helmholtz equation and the problem is given by Kang and co-workers [18–25], where the
waveguide problem have been conducted by several authors problem has been solved in several manners, both for simply and
[10–12]. Shu et al. [13–15] used the differential quadrature multi-connected membranes. Wu et al. [26] applied the local
technique and the multi-domain differential quadrature for sol- radial basis function based on differential quadrature to the study
ving the Helmholtz equation, too. As far as the vibration topic of of arbitrarily shaped membranes. In general, the dynamic bench-
arbitrarily shaped membranes is concerned, several methods of marks for a structural system need to be very accurate in order to
solving the problem under discussion, such as finite difference, find out the stability and accuracy of the adopted numerical
point matching, Rayleigh–Ritz method, Galerkin method, finite technique [35–37]. It is worth noting that the Differential Quad-
rature (DQ) method was introduced in the early 1970s as a simple
and rapid method of solving linear and nonlinear differential
equations. It is essentially a global collocation method that
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 39 0 512 093 500; fax: þ39 0 512 093 496.
E-mail addresses:, approximates the derivatives at a point by using a weighted sum (F. Tornabene). of function values at a group of nodal points. In his book, Shu [38]

0020-7403/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 217

developed the Generalized Differential Quadrature method which applied. In short, the GDQFEM is an extension of the classic GDQ
leads to a more simple and straightforward implementation of technique introduced by Shu [38]. The multi-domain method can
systems of partial differential equations, with the corresponding be directly applied to regular sub-domain, of rectangular shape.
boundary conditions. Compared to the widely-used Finite Element Nevertheless, if the elements have a general shape, a coordinate
Method (FEM), the GDQ method yields very accurate results by transformation must be implemented [98–109] for the practical
using a very small number of nodal points. The high accuracy use of the method at issue. The mapping technique is used to
characteristic has been widely shown in a number of articles transform the governing differential equations, the compatibility
presented in the literature [39–91]. However, some difficulties conditions of two adjacent sub-domains and the boundary condi-
arise when the GDQ method is applied to elastic problems where tions. The above relations and equations are mapped into the
discontinuities or disconnections are present, for example, in regular master element in the parent space, called computational
arbitrarily shaped structures such as membranes and plates, as space. The GDQ technique has been introduced to discretize all the
well as in the case of material inclusions or internal cracks. In this equations defined by the natural coordinates in the master
paper, the Generalized Differential Quadrature Finite Element element. For the sake of clarity, the GDQFEM is firstly applied to
Method is proposed to study the vibration analysis of arbitrarily rectangular domains, in order to focus on the assembly technique
shaped membranes. The method under discussion is also named when a regular domain is given. Secondly, the irregular multi-
Multi-Domain Differential Quadrature [15,92–118]. According to domain is also introduced by using the mapping technique. The
this technique, the computational domain is divided into several GDQ method is valid only if the solution function, the applied load
sub-domains or elements in which the quadrature rule [38] can be and the material properties are continuous over the domain. It is
remarked that, when the elastic structure under consideration is
made of different materials or mixed boundary conditions over the
same edge occur, the GDQ method cannot be applied. In fact, the
GDQ method is an high-order numerical technique able to solve
the strong form of the fundamental system. Thus, compatibility
conditions must be applied at the discontinuity to obtain an
accurate solution. Moreover, a finite discontinuity cannot be
described by a continuous function. In all these cases the stress
components, at the interface of the discontinuity, lead to a finite
jump of their values. In this study, the proposed GDQFEM is
formulated to solve membrane free vibration problems in the
presence of discontinuities of any kind, e.g., material discontinuity
or irregular geometry. The final numerical implementation of the
Fig. 1. Arbitrarily shaped membrane with continuous boundary ∂Ω and uniform global algebraic system obtained by the technique under discus-
domain Ω. sion is simple and straightforward, because it follows the elements

Fig. 2. (a) Multi-domain subdivision of a generic 2D rectangular domain Ω with ne ¼ 4; (b) GDQFEM element computational definitions; (c) a rectangular plate made of two
sub-domains and (d) total stiffness matrix of multi-domain structure.
218 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

connectivity rule such as in FEM. In summary, several novelties are technique compared to the well-known exact solution valid for
introduced in this paper. Firstly, the GDQFEM has been extensively rectangular membranes. Thirdly, the numerical calculations
applied to the computation of free vibrations of arbitrarily shaped involve not only regular rectangular GDQFEM elements, but also
membranes. Secondly, some numerical applications are performed triangular elements (degenerate quadrilateral ones). Fourthly, compo-
in order to show the accuracy and stability of the present site membranes with curved boundaries have been investigated for
the first time in the literature. In fact, all the other authors had
concentrated their studies on composite membranes with straight
sides. Finally, a complete review of all the membrane cases presented
in the literature have been deeply analyzed and compared with the
proposed GDQFEM. The correctness, the generality and the accuracy of
the proposed methodology have been verified.

2. Problem formulation

Consider a uniform homogeneous membrane of arbitrary shape

(Fig. 1). The equation for its free vibrations is written as
∂ w ∂2 w ∂2 w

T þ ¼ ρh 2 ð1Þ
∂x2 ∂y2 ∂t
where T is the uniform tension per unit length, ρ is the mass per unit
area, h is the membrane thickness and w is the configuration variable
or, in other words, the transverse deflection of the membrane. It is
assumed that in the equilibrium position under uniform tension T per
unit length, the membrane occupies a domain Ω in the x; y plane with
the boundary ∂Ω. It is also supposed that the membrane does not have
Fig. 3. Multi-domain decomposition with interface boundaries and external any deflections at its edges. On the other hand, the equation of motion
boundaries. for the free flexural vibration of a thin plate (Kirchhoff–Love plate

Fig. 4. Mapping of the quadratic 8 node element: (a) the physical domain; (b) the computational domain. Mapping of the cubic 12 node serendipity element: (c) the physical
domain; (d) the computational domain.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 219

Fig. 5. Implementation worked out for: (a) the internal corner compatibility condition; and (b) the boundary corner compatibility condition.

Fig. 6. Accuracy test for a single element rectangular membrane: (a) Chebyshev grid; (b) extended Chebyshev grid (I kind); (c) extended Chebyshev grid (II kind);
(d) Chebyshev–Gauss–Lobatto grid; (e) Legendre grid; and (f) normalized discrete spectra.
220 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

theory) is written as In Eq. (2) ρS is the surface density and D is the flexural rigidity
expressed as D ¼ Eh =12ð1 ν2 Þ in terms of the Young0 s modulus E,
∂2 w Poisson s ratio ν and plate thickness h. The governing equation of
D∇4 w þ ρs ¼0 ð2Þ
∂t 2 motion of the membrane (1) and the one for the thin plate (2) can be

Fig. 7. Two element distorted rectangular membrane meshes: (a) distorted mesh, with 0 r c r 0:6; (b) distorted mesh with c¼ 0; (c) distorted mesh with c ¼ 0.1; (d) distorted
mesh with c¼ 0.2; (e) distorted mesh with c ¼0.3; (f) distorted mesh with c ¼0.4; (g) distorted mesh with c ¼0.5; and (h) distorted mesh with c¼ 0.6. (For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 221

Fig. 8. Normalized discrete spectra for a two distorted element rectangular plate: (a) 11  11; (b) 21  21; (c) 31  31; and (d) 41  41 Legendre grids.

Fig. 9. GDQFEM meshes for a rectangular membrane: (a) single element; (b) four elements; (c) four skewed elements; (d) eight elements; (e) eight skewed elements;
(f) 12 elements; (g) 12 skewed elements; (h) 16 elements; and (i) 16 skewed elements.
222 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

both solved by using the method of variable separation. It is possible to and new complex problems. The first step of this procedure
seek solutions that are harmonic in time and whose frequency is decomposes the whole computational domain into several sub-
f ¼ ω=2π. Referring to Eq. (2), the flexural displacement w can be domains Ωn ; n ¼ 1; 2; …; ne , where ne is the total number of sub-
written as follows domains (Fig. 2a). A single sub-domain element is represented in
Fig. 2b, while a simple case is depicted in Fig. 2c considering only
wðx; y; t Þ ¼ W ðx; yÞeiωt ð3Þ
two sub-domains. In the following the numerical procedure to
where W is the amplitude value of the spatial vibration. Thus, the assemble the system of equations for each element, as reported in
differential equations (Eqs. (1) and (2)) of the vibrating homogeneous Fig. 2d, will be deeply explained. For the sake of simplicity, the
systems at issue, can be solved assuming the deflection wðx; y; tÞ sub-domains can be called elements in analogy with the finite
expressed as the product of a factor gðtÞ ¼ eiωt , depending only on the element method. Over each sub-domain Ωn a local discretization is
time and a factor Wðx; yÞ depending only on the space, the so-called performed and a GDQ technique is applied in the same manner as
form factor or vibration form. Substitution of (3) into (2) leads to the the application of GDQ method in a single domain problem. It is
following eigenvalue problem underlined that every sub-domain is disjoint to each other, that is
Ωn \ Ωm ¼ ∅ if n a m, where ∅ is the empty set. It is also noted
∇4 W þ Λ4 W ¼ 0 ð4Þ
that Ω ¼ Ω1 [ Ω2 [ … [ Ωne , where the symbol [ denotes union
4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4
where ∇ ¼ ∂ =∂x þ 2∂ =∂x ∂y þ∂ =∂y denotes the biharmonic of sets. In Fig. 2b a single domain GDQ element is represented. The
operator and Λ ¼ ðρs ω2 =DÞ1=4 is a constant. Such a constant Λ is called same computational scheme depicted in Fig. 2b has also been used
the frequency parameter, which is a function of the actual frequency f in the GDQFEM technique, when irregular elements are employed.
[Hz]. Since an analogy exists between the vibration of polygonal plates The general element is composed of three different groups of
with simply supported boundary conditions and a similarly shaped points. Fig. 2b shows the domain points used for the implementa-
membrane with fixed edges [26–33,119], Eq. (4) can be reduced to the tion of the fundamental equation (Eq. (1)), the boundary points
membrane equation, that is the same problem obtained starting from along the element sides used for the imposition of external and
(1) internal boundary conditions (compatibility conditions) and the
corner points that must follow some special rules. In fact, the main
∇2 W þ Λ2 W ¼ 0 ð5Þ
issue of the GDQFEM is the implementation of the boundary
2 2 2 2 2
where ∇ ¼ ∂ =∂x þ ∂ =∂y . If the i-th eigenvalue Λi is obtained conditions and, in particular, of the inter-element conditions.
by solving Eq. (5), the i-th thin plate natural frequency maybe In the case of membrane under uniform tension applied on
calculated according to the formula its boundary, the decomposition of the domain into several
sffiffiffiffiffi sub-domains should follow the general guidelines involving the
Λ2i D physical constants in each sub-domain, such as the tension T,
fi ¼ ð6Þ
2π ρs density ρ and thickness h to be kept constant. The information
as reported in [25]. It is important to point out that, for the differential
equation of the vibrating plate with simply supported boundary
conditions, its i-th eigenvalue is asymptotically equal to the square
of the i-th eigenvalue of the simply supported membrane. The
frequencies of a vibrating membrane represent the sound produced
by a membrane with the corresponding mode shape. The natural
frequency f ¼ ω=2π can be determined by solving the standard
eigenvalue problem (5). In the following, the problem (5) will be
solved for several structures and the numerical results will be
compared to the analytical solution, valid for a rectangular and circular
membrane only, and some numerical solutions found in the literature.
In order to solve the eigenvalue problem the boundary conditions
must be applied to the membrane sides. Since the membrane is not
having deflections at its sides the unique boundary condition is the
clamped one
W ¼0 on the boundary edge ∂Ω ð7Þ

3. Generalized Differential Quadrature Finite Element Method

It has been widely demonstrated in the literature [14,39–91]

that the GDQ method is very fast and efficient when the problem
domain is rectangular or more generally regular. This is valid not
only for thick and thin plates, but also for revolution shells, doubly
curved shells, shells of translation and shallow shells. In other
words, when a problem can be implemented numerically by using
a computational domain that is defined by geometric relations, the
GDQ application is easy, straightforward and its results are in very
good agreement with reference solutions. In practical applications,
the physical domain is usually complex and for a general case the
GDQ method cannot be directly applied. Like the classical finite
difference method, this difficulty can be removed by the choice of
a multi-domain technique. In the following, a multi-domain GDQ Fig. 10. Mode shape percentages for rectangular membrane: (a) Chebyshev–
technique is proposed and validated by its application to classic Gauss–Lobatto grid distribution; and (b) Legendre grid distribution.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 223

exchange between neighboring sub-domains is conducted through represent one of the two compatibility conditions. Bm n is the
the interface. In particular, the boundaries of sub-domains lie on kinematic/static condition of the element Ωn that is connected to
the interfaces of different elements. Some authors have treated element Ωm , whereas Bnm is the kinematic/static relation of
neighboring sub-domains with overlapped mesh points [14]. In element Ωm joined to element Ωn . A compatibility condition must
this paper there is the only superposition of the boundary points have a kinematic relation (on the displacements) and a static one
[111]. A generic interface (Fig. 2a) of an element has two types of (on the stresses), so two boundary relations are needed in order to
boundaries: an external boundary condition B0n and a connectivity connect the two sub-domains properly. In other words, if the
boundary condition Bm n (interface), which is the boundary between kinematic relations are written on the edge, the corresponding
elements n and m, for n a m. It should be noted that Bm n
n and Bm static relations must be written on the facing edge. Thus, the

Fig. 11. First nine mode shapes for the rectangular membrane.

Table 1
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a rectangular membrane with sides a¼ 1.2 m and a¼ 0.9 m.

Λ Exact Ref. [18] FEM [18] Ref. [19] Ref. [20] Ref. [26] Ref. [25] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 12
N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21

1 4.36332 4.3633 4.3651 4.3633 4.363 4.3633 4.36 4.36332 4.36332 4.36332
2 6.29287 6.2929 6.3006 6.2929 6.293 6.2929 6.29 6.29287 6.29287 6.29287
3 7.45605 7.4560 7.4669 7.4560 7.456 7.4561 7.45 7.45605 7.45605 7.45605
4 8.59475 8.5948 8.6213 8.5945 8.596 8.5948 8.59 8.59475 8.59475 8.59475
5 8.72665 8.7266 8.7407 8.7266 8.726 8.7267 8.73 8.72665 8.72665 8.72665
6 10.50827 10.5083 10.5370 10.5135 10.50 10.5083 10.51 10.50827 10.50827 10.50827
7 10.79427 10.7943 10.8313 10.7871 10.79 10.7941 – 10.79427 10.79427 10.79427
8 11.03843 11.0389 11.1029 11.0385 11.05 11.0384 – 11.03843 11.03843 11.03843
9 11.70802 – – – – – – 11.70802 11.70802 11.70802
10 12.58575 – – – – – – 12.58575 12.58575 12.58575
224 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

information exchange between neighboring sub-domains is con- sub-domain boundaries are not parallel to the external reference
ducted through their interfaces, whereas the boundary conditions system, an irregular sub-domain decomposition is needed. Thus,
on B0n can be treated in the same way as for the single domain GDQ the numerical technique is termed GDQFEM because of its generic
approach. On the generic interface Bm n care must be taken to applicability. Further details will be given in the following sections.
properly treat boundary conditions. As it was aforementioned, the
boundary conditions on the interfaces (called compatibility con-
ditions) are imposed within two relations. In the first one, the 4. GDQFEM for irregular domains
displacements calculated from the two neighboring domains
are set equal W m n
n ¼ W m , where W is the generalized displacement The GDQFEM application considered in the previous section
of the model, so according to Fig. 2a W m m n n
n ¼ Bn and W m ¼ Bm . In was the combination of regular sub-domains, hence the bound-
the second set of equations, the continuity of the directional aries of each sub-domain are parallel to the external Cartesian
derivative of W is enforced [111], as it will be well explained system (Fig. 2a). It follows that GDQ scheme can be applied
in the following sections. It should be underlined that if the directly to each sub-domain in the same manner as for the single

Table 2
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a circular membrane of radius R ¼1 m.

Λ Exact Ref. [18] FEM [18] Ref. [20] Ref. [26] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 12
N ¼ 41 N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21
ð8 nodesÞ ð12 nodesÞ ð8 nodesÞ ð8 nodesÞ

1 2.4048 2.4048 2.4166 2.405 2.4047 2.41939 2.40301 2.40576 2.40576

2 3.8317 3.8317 3.8513 3.832 3.8316 3.85488 3.82881 3.83320 3.83320
3 5.1356 5.1356 5.1744 5.136 5.1356 5.15778 5.12694 5.13763 5.13763
4 5.5201 5.5201 5.5515 5.520 5.5202 5.55333 5.51588 5.52223 5.52223
5 6.3802 6.3802 6.4610 6.380 6.3802 6.41845 6.37528 6.38265 6.38265
6 7.0156 7.0156 7.0592 7.016 7.0158 7.05795 7.01029 7.01832 7.01832
7 7.5883 7.5876 7.7445 7.588 7.5884 7.62043 7.58610 7.59036 7.59224
8 8.4172 8.4172 8.4841 – 8.4174 8.45279 8.41863 8.42053 8.42053
9 8.65373 – – – – 8.70591 8.64721 8.65710 8.65710
10 8.77148 – – – – 8.82411 8.76481 8.77490 8.77490

Fig. 12. GDQFEM meshes for a circular membrane: (a) single element (8 nodes); (b) single element (12 nodes); (c) four elements; and (d) 12 elements.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 225

domain. In a multi-domain GDQ approach applied to arbitrarily using the following equation [111]
shaped membranes, the computational domain is divided into a
x ¼ xðξ; ηÞ y ¼ yðξ; ηÞ ð8Þ
certain number of sub-domains as depicted in Fig. 3, according
to the problem geometry [92–118]. In this case, the coordinate All the variables, including their derivatives with respect to the
transformation is needed to map the irregular domains into a space variable x or y, have to be mapped on the new coordinate
square computational domain in the natural coordinates. The system ξ η (computational domain). The computational domain
same technique is applied to classic finite element analysis. All is also called the master domain or the parent domain. The first-
the sets of differential equations, fundamental equation, boundary order derivatives of an arbitrary function defined in the Cartesian
conditions and compatibility conditions are transformed into the x y plane with respect to x and y, are given by
natural coordinate system. Consequently, all the computations are
performed in the rectangular computational domain. Furthermore, ∂ ∂ξ ∂ ∂η ∂ ∂ ∂
¼ þ ¼ ξx þ ηx
multi-domain GDQ approach is applied in conjunction with ∂x ∂x∂ξ ∂x∂η ∂ξ ∂η
coordinate transformation to arbitrarily shaped membranes con- ∂ ∂ξ ∂ ∂η ∂ ∂ ∂
sidering various inhomogeneities, such as irregular boundaries ¼ þ ¼ ξy þηy ð9Þ
∂y ∂y∂ξ ∂y∂η ∂ξ ∂η
and different materials. The coordinate transformation is used to
transform the irregular sub-domains in the Cartesian x y plane to where ξx , ηx , ξy , ηy are the first-order derivatives of ξ and η with
a square computational domain in the natural coordinate ξ η by respect to x and y, respectively. The second-order derivatives of a

Fig. 13. First 15 mode shapes for the circular membrane.

Fig. 14. GDQFEM meshes of the elliptic membrane with a/b¼ 2: (a) single element (8 nodes); and (b) single element (12 nodes).
226 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

function can be derived from Eq. (9) as ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂ ∂

¼ ξx ξy 2 þηx ηy 2 þ ðξx ηy þ ξy ηx Þ þξ þ ηxy ð10Þ
∂x ∂y ∂ξ ∂η ∂ξ ∂η xy ∂ξ ∂η
2 2 2 2

¼ ξ2x ∂ξ
∂ 2∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
2 þ ηx ∂η2 þ 2ξx ηx ∂ξ ∂η þ ξxx ∂ξ þ ηxx ∂η
The mapping of a sub-domain from the initial configuration on the
current configuration is performed using an approximate defor-
∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂ ∂ mation map. The deformation gradient Fn is used to perform the
¼ ξ2y 2 þ η2y 2 þ 2ξy ηy þξ þ ηyy
∂y2 ∂ξ ∂η ∂ξ ∂η yy ∂ξ ∂η mapping technique upon a generic sub-domain Ωn [111]. It is

Table 3
First 10 eigenfrequencies of an elliptic membrane for several values of a=b.

Λ Ref. [1] GDQFEM Ref. [1] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 12 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 12
N ¼ 41 N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 41 N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21
ð12 nodesÞ ð8 nodesÞ ð8 nodesÞ ð12 nodesÞ ð8 nodesÞ ð8 nodesÞ

a=b ¼ 1:5 a=b ¼ 2

1 2.041 2.04125 2.05179 2.03991 1.892 1.88664 1.90085 1.88931
2 – 2.91870 2.93087 2.91676 – 2.50476 2.51751 2.50603
3 – 3.54806 3.56927 3.54623 – 3.16637 3.18140 3.16812
4 – 3.83828 3.86340 3.84253 – 3.42067 3.45093 3.42725
5 – 4.35050 4.35941 4.33940 – 3.85438 3.88067 3.85857
6 – 4.78022 4.82423 4.79099 – 3.98824 4.01469 3.99180
7 – 5.10449 5.14018 5.10483 – 4.56093 4.59722 4.56743
8 – 5.18280 5.18731 5.17220 – 4.58702 4.60023 4.58714
9 – 5.73312 5.78934 5.74859 – 4.97991 5.02613 4.99065
10 – 5.89534 5.91463 5.88134 – 5.20583 5.22263 5.20636

a=b ¼ 2:5 a=b ¼ 3

1 1.814 1.80810 1.82256 1.81098 – 1.76060 1.77539 1.76368
2 – 2.28123 2.29320 2.28243 – 2.14296 2.15527 2.14436
3 – 2.78894 2.79902 2.78956 – 2.55231 2.56014 2.55249
4 – 3.31984 3.33741 3.32196 – 2.98059 2.99295 2.98156
5 – 3.35594 3.38672 3.36295 – 3.31540 3.34621 3.32264
6 – 3.79614 3.82656 3.80099 – 3.42486 3.44266 3.42679
7 – 3.86887 3.89416 3.87258 – 3.67487 3.70826 3.68072
8 – 4.26006 4.27587 4.26104 – 3.88112 3.90673 3.88483
9 – 4.43072 4.46537 4.43668 – 4.05295 4.07224 4.05491
10 – 4.73908 4.75322 4.73946 – 4.34719 4.38013 4.35257

Fig. 15. First nine mode shapes for an elliptic membrane with a/b ¼2.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 227

noted that the mapping procedure is the discrete version of the The above 2  2 matrix, in Eq. (11), denoted by J 1 , is the inverse
continuum mechanical description of the motion of a body. The of the Jacobian matrix J of the transformation (8) defined as
deformation gradient is related to the Jacobian matrix which can
be directly obtained from Eq. (9)
#2 ∂ 3 2 3
∂ xξ yξ
"∂# " " #
ξx ηx
¼ 4 ∂ 5 ¼ J 4 ∂ξ
∂ξ 1
ð11Þ J¼ ð12Þ
∂ ∂ xη yη
∂y ξy ηy ∂η ∂η

Fig. 16. GDQFEM meshes for an arbitrarily shaped membrane: (a) single element with 8 nodes; (b) single element with 12 nodes; (c) three elements; and (d) 12 elements.

Table 4
First 10 eigenfrequencies of an arbitrarily shaped membrane.

Λ Ref. [18] FEM [18] Ref. [20] FEM [20] Ref. [26] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 3 ne ¼ 12
N ¼ 41 N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21
ð8 nodesÞ ð12 nodesÞ ð8 nodesÞ ð8 nodesÞ

1 2.7097 2.7230 2.709 2.728 2.7106 2.71992 2.71063 2.71121 2.71121

2 4.2279 4.2598 4.225 4.270 4.2310 4.24701 4.23211 4.23294 4.23294
3 4.3579 4.3786 4.359 4.386 4.3579 4.37239 4.35778 4.35878 4.35878
4 5.5649 5.6336 5.559 5.656 5.5728 5.59987 5.56888 5.57401 5.57401
5 5.9336 5.9846 5.934 6.003 5.9339 5.94775 5.93730 5.93525 5.93525
6 6.1159 6.1641 6.114 6.181 6.1180 6.13819 6.11819 6.11931 6.11931
7 6.9974 7.1334 6.985 7.117 7.0134 7.05239 7.00729 7.01465 7.01465
8 7.1868 7.3002 7.186 7.340 7.1880 7.21106 7.18680 7.18967 7.18967
9 – – – – – 7.77899 7.76632 7.76426 7.76426
10 – – – – – 7.85995 7.83897 7.83837 7.83837
228 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

From relation (12) it is possible to obtain the inverse of the Eq. (11), the following relationships are obtained
Jacobian matrix as yη xη
ξx ¼ ; ξy ¼
det J det J
" #
1 1 yη yξ
J ¼ ; det J ¼ xξ yη xη yξ ð13Þ yξ xξ
det J xη xξ ηx ¼ ; ηy ¼ ð14Þ
det J det J
where det J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix J. From The substitution of expressions (14) into Eq. (9) yields
relations (13) it appears that, a necessary and sufficient condition
for matrix (12) to be invertible is that the determinant of the ∂ ∂ ∂
¼ yη yξ
Jacobian matrix is greater than zero at every point ξ; η in the ∂x det J ∂ξ ∂η
master domain and does not change its sign within the element. ∂ ∂ ∂
¼ xη þ xξ ð15Þ
Comparing the inverse matrix of Jacobian in Eq. (13) with that in ∂y det J ∂ξ ∂η

Fig. 17. First nine mode shapes for the arbitrarily shaped membrane.

Fig. 18. GDQFEM meshes for concave membrane: (a) three elements; and (b) four elements.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 229

Then, the second-order derivatives of ξ with respect to x and y can x2η

1 xξ xη
be expressed as ¼ xη xξη det Jξ xξ xηη þ det Jη ð16Þ
det J2 det J det J
∂2 ξ 1 yη
∂ ∂
¼ y y In relationships (16) det Jξ , det Jη denote the first-order derivatives
∂x2 det J η ∂ξ ξ
∂η det J
of the function det J (13) with respect to the natural coordinates ξ
1 yξ yη and η, respectively. In a similar manner, the second-order deriva-
¼ y y det J y y þ det J
det J2
η ξη
det J ξ ξ ηη
det J η
tives of η with respect to x and y can also be obtained

∂2 ξ 1 xη ∂2 η 1 yξ
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
¼ xη þxξ ¼ y yξ
∂y2 det J ∂ξ ∂η det J ∂x 2 det J η ∂ξ ∂η det J

Table 5
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a concave membrane.

Λ Ref. [19] FEM [19] Ref. [26] Ref. [25] FEM [25] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 3 ne ¼ 3 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4
N¼7 N ¼ 21 N¼7 N ¼ 21

1 5.79 5.71 5.7470 5.73 5.71 5.66509 5.69058 5.66305 5.69032

2 6.42 6.42 6.4186 6.43 6.42 6.41852 6.41887 6.41877 6.41887
3 8.15 8.17 8.1733 8.12 8.17 8.15453 8.15976 8.15322 8.15970
4 8.88 8.89 8.8845 8.89 8.89 8.88306 8.88430 8.88423 8.88430
5 9.92 9.87 9.8757 9.84 9.87 9.81900 9.83697 9.82108 9.83679
6 11.25 11.31 11.2627 11.27 11.31 11.35337 11.26363 11.29974 11.26363
7 11.55 11.46 11.4503 – – 11.41094 11.41339 11.40127 11.41322
8 11.81 11.84 11.8172 – – 11.86147 11.81728 11.81822 11.81728
9 – – – – – 12.50875 12.43991 12.46745 12.43990
10 – – – – – 13.15245 13.03749 13.07237 13.03749

Fig. 19. First nine mode shapes for the highly concave shape membrane.
230 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

y2ξ the physical coordinates with respect to the natural coordinates

1 yη yξ
¼ yη yξξ þ det Jξ þ yξ yξη det Jη are calculated as
det J2 det J det J
4 1 6 8 1
∂2 η 1 xξ
∂ ∂
¼ xη þxξ xξ ¼ ∑ ξi ð1 þ ηηi Þð2ξξi þ ηηi Þxi þ ∑ ξð1 þ ηηi Þxi þ ∑ ξi ð1 η2 Þxi
∂y2 det J ∂ξ ∂η det J i¼1 4 i¼5 i ¼ 72

1 xη xξ
¼ xη xξξ þ det Jξ þ xξ xξη det Jη ð17Þ 41 6 1 8
det J2 det J det J xη ¼ ∑ ηi ð1 þξξi Þðξξi þ2ηηi Þxi þ ∑ ηi ð1 ξ2 Þxi þ ∑ ηð1 þ ξξi Þxi
i¼14 i ¼ 52 i¼7
Differentiation of det J in Eq. (13) leads to ð24Þ
det Jξ ¼ xξ yξη yξ xξη þ yη xξξ xη yξξ
41 6 8 1
det Jη ¼ xη yξη þ yη xξη yξ xηη þ xξ yηη ð18Þ yξ ¼ ∑ ξi ð1 þ ηηi Þð2ξξi þ ηηi Þyi þ ∑ ξð1 þηηi Þyi þ ∑ ξi ð1 η2 Þyi
i¼14 i¼5 i ¼ 72
Finally, the mixed derivatives of ξ ¼ ξðx; yÞ and η ¼ ηðx; yÞ with
4 1 6 1 8
respect to x and y are given by yη ¼ ∑ ηi ð1 þ ξξi Þðξξi þ 2ηηi Þyi þ ∑ ηi ð1 ξ2 Þyi þ ∑ ηð1 þ ξξi Þyi
i¼1 4 i ¼ 52 i¼7
∂2 ξ 1 y η xη yξ xη
¼ 2
yη xξη þ det Jξ þyξ xηη det Jη ð25Þ
∂x∂y det J det J det J
∂2 η 1

xη xξ yξ xξ
 and the second-order derivatives are given by
¼ 2
yξ xξη þ det Jξ þ yη xξξ det Jη ð19Þ
∂x∂y det J det J det J 1 4 2 6
xξξ ¼ ∑ ξ ð1 þ ηηi Þxi ∑ ð1 þ ηηi Þxi
2i¼1 i
The above formulation is general, so various shape functions for i¼5

coordinate transformation can be used. Herein, in Fig. 4, the 1 4 2 8

quadratic and cubic elements are illustrated. For the sake of xηη ¼ ∑ η ð1 þ ξξi Þxi ∑ ð1 þ ξξi Þxi ð26Þ
2i¼1 i i¼7
completeness, the 8 node and 12 node element formulations are
fully presented in the following. The mapping of a quadratic 1 4 2 6
domain (see Fig. 4a) in the Cartesian x y plane on an 8 node yξξ ¼ ∑ ξ ð1 þ ηηi Þyi ∑ ð1 þ ηηi Þyi
2i¼1 i i¼5
square computational domain in the natural coordinates ξ η,
1 r ξ; η r 1, can be achieved by using the following relationships 1 4 8
yηη ¼ ∑ η2i ð1 þ ξξi Þyi ∑ ð1 þ ξξi Þyi ð27Þ
2i¼1 i¼7
x ¼ ∑ N i ðξ; ηÞxi
y ¼ ∑ Ni ðξ; ηÞyi ð20Þ Table 6
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a L-shaped membrane.
where xi and yi are the coordinates of the i-th boundary node in
Λ Ref. Ref. FEM Ref. Ref. FEM Ref. GDQFEM
x y plane, Ni ðξ; ηÞ are the quadratic shape functions defined as
[19] [19] [19] [26] [25] [25] [27]
1 ne ¼ 2 ne ¼ 3
N i ðξ; ηÞ ¼ ð1 þ ξξi Þð1 þηηi Þðξξi þ ηηi 1Þ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4 ð21Þ N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21

1 1 3.16 3.14 3.11 3.1124 3.10 3.11 3.11 3.10478 3.10463

N i ðξ; ηÞ ¼ ð1 ξ2 Þð1 þ ηηi Þ; i ¼ 5; 6 ð22Þ 2 3.89 3.89 3.90 3.8982 3.93 3.90 3.9 3.89837 3.89837
3 4.44 4.44 4.45 4.4429 4.46 4.45 4.44 4.44288 4.44288
1 4 5.43 5.43 5.44 5.4334 5.45 5.44 5.44 5.43337 5.43337
N i ðξ; ηÞ ¼ ð1 η2 Þð1 þ ξξi Þ; i ¼ 7; 8 ð23Þ 5 5.72 5.70 5.67 5.6593 5.62 5.68 5.44 5.64912 5.64892
2 6 6.49 6.48 6.47 6.4469 6.47 6.47 5.83 6.44006 6.43993
where ξi and ηi are the coordinates of the node i in the ξ η plane. 7 6.68 6.69 6.73 6.7039 – – – 6.70436 6.70436
All these shape functions possess the delta function property. In 8 7.03 7.03 7.05 7.0249 – – – 7.02481 7.02481
9 – – – – – – – 7.02481 7.02481
other words, the shape functions N i are equal to unity at the i-th 10 – – – – – – – 7.53057 7.53045
point and zero at all the other points. The first-order derivatives of

Fig. 20. GDQFEM meshes for L-shaped membrane: (a) two elements; and (b) three elements.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 231

Fig. 21. First nine mode shapes for the L-shaped membrane.

Fig. 22. GDQFEM meshes for the square membrane with a rhombic hole: (a) six elements; and (b) 14 elements.
232 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

Finally, mixed derivatives are A curvilinear quadrilateral domain with curved boundaries in the
physical coordinate x y, is presented in Fig. 4c and d. Each side of
4 6 8
the domain can be approximated by a cubic function. The irregular
ξi ηi 2ξξi þ 2ηηi þ 1 xi þ ∑ domain can be mapped into a square domain 1 r ξ; η r1 by the
xξη ¼ ∑ ξηi xi þ ∑ ηξi xi
i¼1 4 i¼5 i¼7 use of the following shape functions
4 6 8 12
ξi ηi 2ξξi þ 2ηηi þ1 yi þ ∑ x ¼ ∑ N i ðξ; ηÞxi
yξη ¼ ∑ ξηi yi þ ∑ ηξi yi ð28Þ
i¼14 i¼5 i¼7 i¼1

Table 7
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a square membrane with a hole.

Λ Ref. [19] FEM [19] Ref. [26] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 14 ne ¼ 14 ne ¼ 14
N¼7 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N¼7 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21

1 3.71 3.67 3.6731 3.63607 3.64121 3.64161 3.63739 3.64131 3.64164

2 4.00 3.99 3.9800 3.95333 3.96145 3.96201 3.95826 3.96197 3.96219
3 4.50 4.53 4.5084 4.50788 4.50948 4.50948 4.50942 4.50948 4.50948
4 5.27 5.19 5.1964 5.16035 5.16727 5.16764 5.16338 5.16736 5.16766
5 5.90 5.89 5.8615 5.84206 5.84782 5.84822 5.84567 5.84818 5.84834
6 6.48 6.51 6.4344 6.41746 6.40876 6.40909 6.40605 6.40885 6.40911
7 7.03 7.07 7.0287 7.03138 7.02895 7.02895 7.02867 7.02895 7.02895
8 7.12 7.24 7.1156 7.11596 7.10775 7.10805 7.10606 7.10803 7.10815
9 7.23 7.39 7.2455 7.34050 7.24790 7.24790 7.24746 7.24790 7.24790
10 7.77 7.73 7.7211 7.71306 7.70686 7.70706 7.70529 7.70692 7.70707

Fig. 23. First 12 mode shapes for the square membrane with a rhombic hole.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 233

Fig. 24. GDQFEM meshes for the trapezoidal membrane: (a) single element (first type); (b) single element (second type); (c) four elements; (d) four distorted elements;
(e) 16 elements; and (f) 16 distroted elements.

Table 8
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a trapezoidal membrane (first type).

Λ Ref. [22] FEM [22] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4
N¼7 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 41 N¼7 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21

1 3.81 3.81 3.79961 3.79970 3.79970 3.79970 3.79968 3.79970 3.79970

2 5.28 5.29 5.28189 5.25530 5.25530 5.25530 5.25523 5.25530 5.25530
3 6.57 6.58 6.52742 6.56287 6.56287 6.56287 6.56282 6.56287 6.56287
4 7.06 7.07 6.85693 7.02835 7.02835 7.02835 7.02756 7.02835 7.02835
5 7.60 7.62 7.65102 7.57808 7.57808 7.57808 7.57907 7.57808 7.57808
6 8.73 8.75 8.77546 8.69734 8.69734 8.69734 8.71887 8.69734 8.69734
7 9.03 9.06 9.37736 8.98051 8.98052 8.98052 8.99064 8.98052 8.98052
8 9.73 9.78 10.00105 9.72533 9.72533 9.72533 9.72565 9.72533 9.72533
9 – – 11.02739 10.08759 10.08759 10.08759 10.10097 10.08759 10.08759
10 – – 13.26855 10.46275 10.46297 10.46297 10.51129 10.46297 10.46297
234 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

Table 9
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a trapezoidal membrane (second type).

Λ Ref. [25] FEM [25] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 16 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 16 ne ¼ 16
N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21 N¼7 N ¼ 21 N¼7 N ¼ 21
dist: dist: dist: dist:

1 1.90 1.89 1.89725 1.89725 1.89725 1.89725 1.89725 1.89725 1.89725

2 2.88 2.88 2.88383 2.88383 2.88383 2.88381 2.88383 2.88383 2.88383
3 3.08 3.08 3.08253 3.08253 3.08253 3.08255 3.08253 3.08253 3.08253
4 3.80 3.79 3.80064 3.80064 3.80064 3.80188 3.80064 3.80063 3.80064
5 3.99 3.99 4.00871 4.00871 4.00871 4.01338 4.00871 4.00871 4.00871
6 4.36 4.35 4.35744 4.35744 4.35744 4.36605 4.35744 4.35742 4.35744
7 – – 4.73760 4.73760 4.73760 4.74824 4.73760 4.73762 4.73760
8 – – 4.99037 4.99037 4.99037 4.99489 4.99037 4.99037 4.99037
9 – – 5.12632 5.12632 5.12632 5.14672 5.12632 5.12634 5.12632
10 – – 5.62843 5.62843 5.62843 5.61886 5.62843 5.62852 5.62843

Fig. 25. First nine mode shapes for the trapezoidal membrane (second type).
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 235

Fig. 26. GDQFEM meshes for a skewed or rhombic membrane having a skew angle of θ ¼ π=3: (a) single element; and (b) four elements.

Table 10
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a skew membrane b=a ¼ 3=2 with θ ¼ π=3.

Λ Ref. [7] FEM [7] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 8 ne ¼ 8
N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 41 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21

1 4.2611 4.2608 4.25686 4.25686 4.25686 4.25686 4.25686 4.25686 4.25686

2 5.7103 5.7049 5.69300 5.69299 5.69300 5.69300 5.69300 5.69300 5.69300
3 7.3568 7.3564 7.30990 7.30990 7.30990 7.30990 7.30990 7.30990 7.30990
4 7.6752 7.6741 7.61125 7.61125 7.61125 7.61125 7.61125 7.61125 7.61125
5 8.8156 8.8148 8.70857 8.70855 8.70857 8.70857 8.70857 8.70857 8.70857
6 9.0189 9.0162 8.86259 8.86259 8.86259 8.86259 8.86259 8.86259 8.86259
7 – – 10.32732 10.32731 10.32732 10.32732 10.32732 10.32732 10.32732
8 – – 10.34155 10.34155 10.34155 10.34155 10.34155 10.34155 10.34155
9 – – 11.13091 11.13091 11.13091 11.13091 11.13091 11.13091 11.13091
10 – – 11.64007 11.64007 11.64007 11.64007 11.64007 11.64007 11.64007

Table 11
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a skew membrane b=a ¼ 1 for several values of θ.

Λ Ref. [7] GDQFEM Ref. [7] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 8 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 8
N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21

θ ¼ π=4 θ ¼ π=3
1 5.9019 5.89528 5.89528 5.89528 4.9912 4.98993 4.98993 4.98993
2 8.1477 8.14171 8.14171 8.14171 7.2588 7.25530 7.25530 7.25530
3 10.0261 10.01317 10.01317 10.01317 8.4751 8.46840 8.46840 8.46840
4 10.3592 10.34676 10.34676 10.34676 9.1623 9.15593 9.15593 9.15593
5 11.8780 11.86690 11.86690 11.86690 11.0856 11.08264 11.08264 11.08264
6 – 12.97365 12.97365 12.97365 – 11.08268 11.08268 11.08268
7 – 13.60300 13.60300 13.60300 – 11.85141 11.85141 11.85141
8 – 14.77270 14.77269 14.77269 – 13.00895 13.00895 13.00895
9 – 14.98905 14.98905 14.98905 – 13.02982 13.02982 13.02982
10 – 15.39859 15.39859 15.39859 – 14.51061 14.51061 14.51061

θ ¼ 7π=18 θ ¼ 5π=12
1 4.6708 4.67779 4.67779 4.67779 4.5671 4.56809 4.56809 4.56809
2 7.0061 7.00860 7.00860 7.00860 6.9514 6.94262 6.94262 6.94262
3 7.7520 7.76083 7.76083 7.76083 7.4940 7.49040 7.49040 7.49040
4 8.9403 8.94571 8.94571 8.94571 8.8954 8.89012 8.89012 8.89012
5 10.4162 10.42871 10.42871 10.42871 10.2019 10.19774 10.19774 10.19774
6 – 10.82155 10.82155 10.82155 – 10.43476 10.43476 10.43476
7 – 10.96750 10.96750 10.96750 – 10.97543 10.97543 10.97543
8 – 12.29977 12.29977 12.29977 – 11.99422 11.99422 11.99422
9 – 12.95083 12.95083 12.95083 – 12.99845 12.99845 12.99845
10 – 13.70667 13.70667 13.70667 – 13.36409 13.36409 13.36409
236 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

12 where ξi and ηi are the coordinates of the node i in the ξ η plane.

y ¼ ∑ Ni ðξ; ηÞyi ð29Þ
All these shape functions possess the delta function property, as
illustrated before. The first-order derivatives of the physical
where N i ðξ; ηÞ is the cubic shape function defined by coordinate with respect to the natural coordinate are derived as
1 4 1
N i ðξ; ηÞ ¼ ð1 þ ξξi Þð1 þ ηηi Þð9ðξ2 þ η2 Þ 10Þ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4 ð30Þ xξ ¼ ∑ ð1 þ ηηi Þðξi ð9ξ2 þ 9η2 10Þ þ 18ξð1 þ ξξi ÞÞxi
32 i ¼ 1 32

8 9
N i ðξ; ηÞ ¼ ð1 ξ2 Þð1 þ ηηi Þð1 þ 9ξξi Þ; i ¼ 5; 6; 7; 8 ð31Þ þ ∑ ð1 þ ηηi Þð 2ξð1 þ9ξξi Þ þ 9ξi ð1 ξ2 ÞÞxi
32 i ¼ 5 32

12 9 
9 þ ∑ 1 η2 1 þ 9ηηi ξi xi
N i ðξ; ηÞ ¼ ð1 η2 Þð1 þ ξξi Þð1 þ 9ηηi Þ; i ¼ 9; 10; 11; 12 ð32Þ 32
32 i¼9

Table 12
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a b=a ¼ 2 skew membrane for several values of θ.

Λ Ref. [7] GDQFEM Ref. [7] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 8 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 8
N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21

θ ¼ π=4 θ ¼ π=3
1 4.7903 4.77759 4.77759 4.77759 4.0046 3.98457 3.98457 3.98457
2 5.6728 5.64261 5.64261 5.64261 4.9288 4.88922 4.88922 4.88922
3 6.8153 6.77872 6.77872 6.77872 6.0811 6.06516 6.06516 6.06516
4 8.0096 7.96701 7.96701 7.96701 7.3029 7.25530 7.25530 7.25530
5 9.1403 9.03840 9.03840 9.03840 7.5362 7.52274 7.52274 7.52274
6 9.1719 9.09843 9.09843 9.09843 7.9846 7.94813 7.94813 7.94813
7 – 9.78725 9.78725 9.78725 – 8.65414 8.65414 8.65414
8 – 10.05661 10.05661 10.05661 – 8.83295 8.83295 8.83295
9 – 10.81602 10.81602 10.81602 – 9.87782 9.87782 9.87782
10 – 11.15829 11.15829 11.15829 – 9.94657 9.94657 9.94657

θ ¼ 7π=18 θ ¼ 5π=12
1 3.7116 3.70843 3.70843 3.70843 3.6447 3.62010 3.62010 3.62010
2 4.6329 4.62814 4.62814 4.62814 4.5802 4.54424 4.54424 4.54424
3 5.8359 5.82676 5.82676 5.82676 5.7857 5.75153 5.75153 5.75153
4 6.8602 6.85697 6.85697 6.85697 6.7240 6.68936 6.68936 6.68936
5 7.1648 7.15602 7.15602 7.15602 7.1081 7.08686 7.08686 7.08686
6 7.4413 7.42143 7.42143 7.42143 7.2495 7.24473 7.24473 7.24473
7 – 8.28620 8.28620 8.28620 – 8.09724 8.09724 8.09724
8 – 8.46712 8.46712 8.46712 – 8.43702 8.43702 8.43702
9 – 9.39081 9.39081 9.39081 – 9.18571 9.18571 9.18571
10 – 9.74868 9.74868 9.74868 – 9.75341 9.75341 9.75341

Table 13
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a skew membrane for several values of b=a and θ ¼ π=3.

Λ Ref. [7] GDQFEM Ref. [7] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 8 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 8
N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 41 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 21

b=a ¼ 1 b=a ¼ 1:5

1 4.9912 4.98993 4.98993 4.98993 4.2611 4.25686 4.25686 4.25686
2 7.2588 7.25530 7.25530 7.25530 5.7103 5.69300 5.69300 5.69300
3 8.4751 8.46840 8.46840 8.46840 7.3568 7.30990 7.30990 7.30990
4 9.1623 9.15593 9.15593 9.15593 7.6752 7.61125 7.61125 7.61125
5 11.0856 11.08264 11.08264 11.08264 8.8156 8.70857 8.70857 8.70857
6 – 11.08268 11.08268 11.08268 9.0189 8.86259 8.86259 8.86259
7 – 11.85141 11.85141 11.85141 – 10.32732 10.32732 10.32732
8 – 13.00895 13.00895 13.00895 – 10.34155 10.34155 10.34155
9 – 13.02982 13.02982 13.02982 – 11.13091 11.13091 11.13091
10 – 14.51061 14.51061 14.51061 – 11.64007 11.64007 11.64007

b=a ¼ 2 b=a ¼ 3
1 4.0046 3.98457 3.98457 3.98457 3.8006 3.68421 3.68421 3.68421
2 4.9288 4.88922 4.88922 4.88922 4.2403 4.15420 4.15420 4.15420
3 6.0811 6.06516 6.06516 6.06516 4.8999 4.83193 4.83193 4.83193
4 7.3029 7.25530 7.25530 7.25530 5.6425 5.63460 5.63460 5.63460
5 7.5362 7.52274 7.52274 7.52274 6.5117 6.49967 6.49967 6.49967
6 7.9846 7.94813 7.94813 7.94813 7.3310 7.10792 7.10792 7.10792
7 – 8.65414 8.65414 8.65414 – 7.37337 7.37337 7.37337
8 – 8.83295 8.83295 8.83295 – 7.38081 7.38081 7.38081
9 – 9.87782 9.87782 9.87782 – 7.84575 7.84575 7.84575
10 – 9.94657 9.94657 9.94657 – 8.14107 8.14107 8.14107
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 237

4 1 4 1 8 9
xη ¼ ∑ ð1 þ ξξi Þðηi ð9ξ2 þ 9η2 10Þ þ 18ηð1 þ ηηi ÞÞxi yξξ ¼ ∑ ð1 þ ηηi Þð18 þ 54ξξi Þyi þ ∑ ð1 þηηi Þð 2 54ξξi Þyi
i ¼ 1 32 i ¼ 132 i ¼ 532

8 4 1 8 9
þ ∑ ð1 ξ2 Þð1 þ 9ξξi Þηi xi yηη ¼ ∑ ð1 þ ξξi Þð18 þ 54ηηi Þyi þ ∑ ð1 þ ξξi Þð 2 54ηηi Þyi
i ¼ 5 32 i¼132 i ¼ 532

12 ð36Þ
þ ∑ ð1 þξξi Þð 2ηð1 þ 9ηηi Þ þ 9ηi ð1 η2 ÞÞxi ð33Þ
i ¼ 9 32 4 1
xξη ¼ ∑ ð18ηξi þ 27ξi ηi ðξ2 þ η2 Þ 10ξi ηi þ 18ξηi Þxi
4 i ¼ 1 32
yξ ¼ ∑ ð1 þ ηηi Þðξi ð9ξ2 þ 9η2 10Þ þ 18ξð1 þ ξξi ÞÞyi 8 9 12 9
i ¼ 1 32 þ ∑ ηi ð 2ξ 27ξi ξ2 þ 9ξi Þxi þ ∑ ξi ð 2η þ 9ηi 27η2 ηi Þxi
i ¼ 5 32 i ¼ 9 32
8 9
þ ∑ ð1 þ ηηi Þð 2ξð1 þ 9ξξi Þ þ 9ξi ð1 ξ2 ÞÞyi 4
i ¼ 5 32
yξη ¼ ∑ ð18ηξi þ 27ξi ηi ðξ2 þ η2 Þ 10ξi ηi þ 18ξηi Þyi
12 i ¼ 1 32
9 2
þ ∑ ð1 η Þð1 þ 9ηηi Þξi yi 8 9 12 9
i ¼ 9 32 þ ∑ ηi ð 2ξ 27ξi ξ2 þ 9ξi Þyi þ ∑ ξi ð 2η þ 9ηi 27η2 ηi Þyi
4 i ¼ 5 32 i ¼ 9 32
yη ¼ ∑ ð1 þ ξξi Þðηi ð9ξ2 þ 9η2 10Þ þ 18ηð1 þ ηηi ÞÞyi ð37Þ
i ¼ 1 32
8 9 12 9 It is worth noting that linear shape functions [98] are not
þ ∑ ð1 ξ2 Þð1 þ 9ξξi Þηi yi þ ∑ ð1 þ ξξi Þð 2ηð1 þ 9ηηi Þ introduced in this paper. The linear elements were not considered,
i¼5 32 i¼9 32
even though they can be implemented, because the paper focuses
þ 9ηi ð1 η2 ÞÞyi ð34Þ on arbitrarily shaped membranes with curved boundaries. Using
parabolic elements when the element edges are straight leads to
The second-order derivatives are obtained as follows:
the same results as linear elements as can be found in [98,115].
4 1 8 9
xξξ ¼ ∑ ð1 þ ηηi Þð18 þ 54ξξi Þxi þ ∑ ð1 þ ηηi Þð 2 54ξξi Þxi
i ¼ 132 i ¼ 532

4 8 9
5. Numerical implementation of the GDQFEM technique
xηη ¼ ∑ ð1 þξξi Þð18 þ54ηηi Þxi þ ∑ ð1 þξξi Þð 2 54ηηi Þxi
i ¼ 132 i ¼ 532 As far as the GDQFEM numerical implementation is concerned,
ð35Þ a specific procedure must be followed in order to solve the

Fig. 27. First nine mode shapes for the skew membrane with θ ¼ π=3 and b/a ¼3/2.
238 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

eigenvalue problem for arbitrarily shaped membranes. Firstly, the conditions are concerned, the discussion can be moved to the
membrane geometry is defined and the domain is divided into single domain GDQ approach widely known in the literature
several sub-domains. The best accuracy can be yielded by increas- [39–91]. Regarding the compatibility conditions between two
ing the number of elements and fixing a certain number of grid adjacent elements, it is required that displacements and the
points, or keeping the same amount of elements and increasing derivatives of the given displacements are equal [95] at each node
the number of nodes per element. In this paper, the lowest of the internal boundaries.
number of elements within the highest number of grid points
per element has been considered. In fact, it appears from the 5.1. Inter-element compatibility conditions
numerical results that this solution gives the most accurate results.
The boundary conditions of a quadrature element can be classified The GDQFEM is based on the compatibility conditions between
as two kinds (Fig. 5): internal boundary conditions (IB) and elements. Hence, the fundamental equation is written in the
external boundary conditions (EB). As far as the external boundary strong form as well as the compatibility conditions, expressing

Fig. 28. Multi-connected membrane: (a) annular membrane with a circular hole; (b) annular membrane with an eccentric hole; (c) circular membrane with a square hole;
and (d) circular membrane with an eccentric square hole.

Table 14
First 10 eigenfrequencies of an annular membrane, Ri ¼ 0:5 m, Re ¼ 2 m.

Λ FEM [10] BEM [10] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4
N¼5 N¼9 N ¼ 13 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 25 N ¼ 31

1 2.03 2.06 2.05099 2.06135 2.06137 2.06137 2.06137 2.06137 2.06137

2 2.20 2.23 2.22236 2.23727 2.23729 2.23729 2.23729 2.23729 2.23729
3 2.20 2.23 2.22236 2.23727 2.23729 2.23729 2.23729 2.23729 2.23729
4 2.62 2.67 2.64238 2.67144 2.67145 2.67145 2.67145 2.67145 2.67145
5 2.62 2.67 2.67310 2.68062 2.68065 2.68066 2.68066 2.68066 2.68066
6 3.15 3.22 3.24398 3.23258 3.23261 3.23261 3.23261 3.23261 3.23261
7 3.15 3.22 3.24398 3.23258 3.23261 3.23261 3.23261 3.23261 3.23261
8 3.71 3.81 3.81578 3.81489 3.81505 3.81505 3.81506 3.81506 3.81506
9 3.71 3.81 4.15469 3.82889 3.82885 3.82885 3.82885 3.82885 3.82885
10 4.06 4.18 4.79012 4.18746 4.18744 4.18744 4.18744 4.18744 4.18744
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 239

the connections between the elements of the given mesh. For of the current sub-domain. It is worth noting that the outward unit
example, taking the simplest subdivision reported in Fig. 2c, which normal vectors n1 and n2 at a point upon the interface B are
considers a mesh made of two elements, the kinematic and different from each other. The direction cosines nx ; ny of the
natural transition conditions over the inter-element boundary outward unit normal vector n on the element boundary are
(B21 ¼ B12 ) along the line CH are the continuities of the displace- necessary for defining the discrete natural transition conditions
ments and the equilibrium conditions written as and the natural boundary conditions. Several techniques can be
used to calculate the direction cosines of n at a node on the
W 21 ¼ W 12 and S21 ¼ S12 along the line CH ð38Þ
element boundary. The mapping technique used for generating
where W stands for a generalized displacement of the model and S the mesh and the grid in conjunction with the tangent operation
corresponds to directional derivative of W. Nevertheless it repre- and the transformation operation of the first-order Cartesian
sents generally the stress component between two elements [115]. tensor are adopted [92–118]. The expressions for the two direction
These relationships (38) have to be referred to the normal vector n cosines on the four sides of a quadrilateral sub-domain are given

Table 15
First 10 eigenfrequencies of an eccentric annular membrane, Ri ¼ 0:5 m, Re ¼ 2 m.

Λ FEM [10] Ref. [16] Ref. [37] Ref. [10] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4 ne ¼ 4
N¼5 N ¼ 11 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 31

1 1.73 1.75 1.74 1.75 1.73339 1.74485 1.74485 1.74485 1.74485

2 2.13 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.13282 2.14429 2.14430 2.14430 2.14430
3 2.45 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.45323 2.47804 2.47805 2.47805 2.47806
4 2.76 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.79978 2.78287 2.78287 2.78287 2.78287
5 2.95 2.97 2.98 2.98 2.99047 2.98403 2.98404 2.98404 2.98404
6 3.30 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.40060 3.33627 3.33627 3.33627 3.33627
7 3.34 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.43506 3.38613 3.38615 3.38615 3.38615
8 3.36 3.38 3.39 3.39 4.04953 3.39119 3.39120 3.39120 3.39120
9 3.83 3.85 3.87 3.87 4.04953 3.87768 3.87768 3.87769 3.87769
10 3.84 3.87 3.87 3.87 4.20014 3.88442 3.88443 3.88444 3.88444

Table 16
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a circular membrane with a square hole.

Λ FEM [10] BEM [10] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6
N¼5 N¼9 N ¼ 13 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 25 N ¼ 31

1 2.19 2.19 2.19737 2.19102 2.19006 2.18993 2.18977 2.18973 2.18970

2 2.33 2.33 2.33710 2.33926 2.33851 2.33841 2.33828 2.33824 2.33822
3 2.33 2.33 2.34089 2.33933 2.33852 2.33841 2.33828 2.33825 2.33823
4 2.67 2.69 2.66678 2.68510 2.68509 2.68509 2.68509 2.68509 2.68509
5 2.76 2.76 2.77300 2.77177 2.77079 2.77065 2.77049 2.77045 2.77042
6 3.22 3.24 3.24049 3.24535 3.24510 3.24507 3.24503 3.24502 3.24501
7 3.22 3.24 3.24971 3.24802 3.24774 3.24770 3.24765 3.24763 3.24763
8 3.76 3.81 3.81839 3.81111 3.81110 3.81110 3.81110 3.81110 3.81110
9 3.77 3.81 3.87910 3.81539 3.81523 3.81521 3.81518 3.81517 3.81517
10 4.32 4.40 4.43422 4.39112 4.39112 4.39112 4.39112 4.39112 4.39112

Table 17
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a circular membrane with an eccentric square hole.

Λ FEM [10] BEM [10] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6 ne ¼ 6
N¼5 N¼9 N ¼ 13 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 25 N ¼ 31

1 1.81 1.81 1.81216 1.81274 1.81251 1.81249 1.81247 1.81247 1.81246

2 2.20 2.21 2.21769 2.21981 2.21949 2.21946 2.21943 2.21943 2.21942
3 2.50 2.53 2.52615 2.52954 2.52938 2.52936 2.52934 2.52933 2.52933
4 2.79 2.83 2.83281 2.83397 2.83388 2.83387 2.83385 2.83385 2.83384
5 3.07 3.10 3.12876 3.11083 3.11053 3.11050 3.11045 3.11043 3.11042
6 3.36 3.42 3.47473 3.43360 3.43330 3.43326 3.43321 3.43319 3.43318
7 3.40 3.47 3.52113 3.46600 3.46572 3.46569 3.46565 3.46564 3.46563
8 3.41 3.47 4.00575 3.48288 3.48258 3.48256 3.48254 3.48254 3.48253
9 3.79 3.90 4.05591 3.89608 3.89607 3.89607 3.89606 3.89606 3.89606
10 3.85 3.95 4.22877 3.96028 3.95996 3.95991 3.95986 3.95984 3.95983
240 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

as follows [111] derivative (41) becomes

ξ ξ ∂W ∂W ∂W
nx ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiyη ; ny ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffixη ; for ξ ¼ 7 1 ð39Þ ¼ ððnx ny Þ2 ξx þðnx þ ny Þ2 ξy Þ þ ððnx ny Þ2 ηx þ ðnx þ ny Þ2 ηy Þ :
xη þ y2η
2 xη þ y2η
2 ∂n ∂ξ ∂η
The relations (39) are valid for the edges parallel to ξ axis, and the
following ones are used for the edges parallel to η axis 5.2. Corner-type compatibility condition
η η
nx ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiyξ ; ny ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffixξ ; for η ¼ 7 1 ð40Þ
xξ þy2ξ
2 xξ þ y2ξ
2 The inter-element compatibility conditions, presented above,
are valid when the conditions are written between two opposite
It should be noted that ξ and η correspond to x and y when the sides as it is well depicted in Fig. 3. One of the technical details
domain has got all the edges parallel to the external Cartesian encountered in quadrature element analysis is the establishment
system (see Fig. 2b). Obviously, the displacement compatibility of equations at the corners of a generic quadrilateral element
(38), can be directly applied to the natural coordinate without [98–109]. In the present case in which a second-order fundamen-
coordinate transformation. On the contrary, the equilibrium con- tal equation is solved, one equation at each node of a given
ditions (38) should be mapped into the computational domain. element is set up. Since a kinematic and a static compatibility
The stress equation (Eq. (38)) is function of x and y. In fact, the condition must be written at each connected element boundary,
membrane inter-element static compatibility condition is related the same is required at element corners. When any domain
to the derivatives ∂=∂x and ∂=∂y of the direction cosines, nx and ny , decomposition/subdivision is performed during a numerical ana-
of the given outward normal. The directional derivative on each lysis, either by FEM or GDQFEM, there are some configurations for
element side can be written as an element corner to be considered. In Fig. 5 [98–109] only one
corner per element is represented. There can be any element
∂W ∂W ∂W
¼ ðnx ny Þ2 þ ðnx þ ny Þ2 ð41Þ enumeration, so that the implementation is general. For a corner,
∂n ∂x ∂y
as depicted in Fig. 5a, both kinematic and static compatibility
It is noted that if the current element is regular (rectangular sub- conditions must be prescribed. To solve the problem at issue, it has
domain) the relation (41) coincides with the directional derivative been found by the authors that it is sufficient to write a static
(∇W ¼ ∂W=∂x þ ∂W=∂y) of a scalar function for any element edge. condition between two corners and a kinematic one among the
When an irregular sub-domain is considered, the coordinate others. Firstly, the code imposes the kinematic conditions until it
transformation (14) must be applied, so the generalized directional reaches the final corner in which it enjoins the static one. For

Fig. 29. GDQFEM meshes for a triangular membrane: (a) single distorted element; and (b) three quadrilateral elements.

Table 18
First 10 eigenfrequencies of a homogeneous triangular membrane.


ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 1 ne ¼ 3 ne ¼ 3 ne ¼ 3 ne ¼ 3
N¼7 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 31 N¼7 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 31

1 3.51408 3.51241 3.51241 3.51241 3.51241 3.51241 3.51241 3.51241

2 4.96170 4.96729 4.96729 4.96729 4.96708 4.96729 4.96729 4.96729
3 5.64173 5.66359 5.66359 5.66359 5.66369 5.66359 5.66359 5.66359
4 6.47801 6.47656 6.47656 6.47656 6.47917 6.47656 6.47656 6.47656
5 7.32056 7.02481 7.02481 7.02481 7.03474 7.02481 7.02481 7.02481
6 7.94265 7.85398 7.85398 7.85398 7.85818 7.85398 7.85398 7.85398
7 8.99767 8.00952 8.00952 8.00952 8.05906 8.00952 8.00952 8.00952
8 10.72028 8.45899 8.45900 8.45900 8.52245 8.45900 8.45900 8.45900
9 11.91513 9.15923 9.15924 9.15924 9.24026 9.15924 9.15924 9.15924
10 12.24676 9.55482 9.55478 9.55478 9.57057 9.55478 9.55478 9.55478
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 241

example, in Fig. 5a, where five elements concur at the displayed defining inter-element boundary conditions are valid for other
node, at first the code has to find out the correct sequence of scientific or engineering problems, due to the general purpose of
elements which belongs to the current node. In Fig. 5a the GDQFEM straightforward implementation to any differential sys-
sequence is 1, 3, 5, 2, 4. Therefore, following the given sequence tem of equations as also shown in [115].
the algorithm imposes the kinematic conditions W m n
n ¼ W m -W n;m ,
which are written for the element Ωn with respect to the element
5.3. The eigenvalue problem
Ωm until the end of the sequence in which the static condition is
enjoined S41 ¼ S14 -S4;1 . In the configuration reported in Fig. 5b, two
The fundamental equation within its boundary conditions
different boundary conditions are shown, the external and the
(external and internal) are implemented in a MATLAB code by
internal one. For the membrane case, the external conditions are
using GDQFEM. The solution system is written in algebraic form as
always stronger than the internal compatibility ones. As a result,
in the following. In a GDQ implementation for a single domain
that node is fixed and the kinematic conditions are written
technique [39–91], the solution system can be written as
automatically by the code. It is a clamped condition (7) for all
the element corners. Moreover, it has been found out by the ðKdd Kdb Kbb1 Kbd Þδd ¼ ω2 Mdd δd ð43Þ
authors that imposing the condition W 1;3 or W 3;1 across the
external boundary does not produce accurate solutions. So this is when the free vibration problem has to be solved. In Eq. (43) all
the boundary conditions (only external for the single domain
the reason why the corner compatibility conditions are imposed
differently respect to Fig. 5a. The interested reader can find a problem) are written in the first couple of stiffness matrices Kbb
and Kbd , whereas the domain equations are written in Kdb and Kdd
complete review of the boundary conditions implementation in
the work [115]. It should be underlined that in the FEM the corners stiffness matrices. The main idea of the multi-domain GDQ
are the mesh nodes, so there is one node that several elements
belong to, whereas in the GDQFEM there are as many nodes as
many elements concur at that point. In other words, considering
Fig. 5 as a reference, there are five corners of five distinct elements
that represent the same geometric point. Therefore, computation-
ally speaking these five nodes are superimposed and five equa-
tions have to be written and these equations are termed corner
type boundary conditions. In general, the number of corner
conditions that have to be enforced are equal to the number of
corners that concur at that point. For the proposed GDQFEM
analysis model, the number of constraint conditions can be fully
satisfied. The philosophy inherent in the outlined technique for Fig. 31. Non-homogeneous rectangular membrane.

Fig. 30. First nine mode shapes for the isosceles triangular membrane with a¼ b¼ 2 m.
242 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

technique is to assemble a system like the algebraic one (43), global system must be in the same form
following the physical approach for each sub-domain. For instance,
when the rectangular membrane composed of two sub-domains ðKdd Kdb Kbb Kbd Þδd ¼ ω2 Mdd δd ð44Þ
(Fig. 2c) is considered, the two neighboring sub-domains are
overlapped by one grid point line (the line CH). It appears that where each stiffness matrix K is composed as a function of the two
the right boundary of the sub-domain Ω1 is connected to the left sub-domains in different manners. The external and internal
boundary of the sub-domain Ω2 . Therefore, the first condition W 21 (compatibility) equations involve Kbb and Kbd , whereas the inter-
is written as a kinematic condition between the two boundaries nal domain equations entail Kdb and Kdd . Starting with Fig. 2d the
and the second one S12 is written as a static condition on that edge. matrix structure will be explained below. The domain relations are
On the contrary, in each sub-domain the governing equation is independent since Kdb and Kdd fill only the diagonal areas of the
discretized at all interior points and all the equations are com- total stiffness matrix. The internal points of each element are not
pletely independent. Following the structure of Eq. (43), a total related to the neighboring elements. On the contrary, the bounded
stiffness system is written for the multi-domain approach. The part contains not only external boundary conditions Knb and Km b ,

Table 19
First 10 frequencies of a rectangular non-homogeneous membrane.

f Ref. [23] FEM [23] GDQFEM

ne ¼ 2 ne ¼ 2 ne ¼ 2 ne ¼ 2 ne ¼ 2 ne ¼ 2 ne ¼ 2
N¼7 N¼9 N ¼ 11 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 21 N ¼ 31 N ¼ 41

1 150.2 150.3 150.04647 150.04712 150.04712 150.04712 150.04712 150.04712 150.04712

2 215.2 215.5 214.97947 214.97552 214.97552 214.97552 214.97552 214.97552 214.97552
3 262.9 263.9 263.49677 262.63266 262.62836 262.62835 262.62835 262.62835 262.62835
4 271.6 272.3 271.67370 271.36450 271.36309 271.36309 271.36309 271.36309 271.36309
5 317.0 318.3 317.40878 316.68721 316.68618 316.68619 316.68619 316.68619 316.68619
6 342.1 343.8 341.08718 341.78054 341.79572 341.79581 341.79581 341.79581 341.79581
7 375.7 377.9 365.07725 375.14498 375.34197 375.34358 375.34358 375.34358 375.34358
8 380.2 383.0 378.48215 379.37383 379.77122 379.77510 379.77510 379.77510 379.77510
9 414.1 416.9 409.12905 413.44384 413.66519 413.66746 413.66746 413.66746 413.66746
10 418.1 421.0 411.93510 417.59181 417.96529 417.96929 417.96929 417.96929 417.96929

Fig. 32. First nine mode shapes for the non-homogeneous rectangular membrane.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 243

but also connectivity relations Kbn;m and Km;n

. The Mdd matrix do Although the single domain GDQ approach defines different point
not change with respect to the single domain case, because the numbers along the two coordinates x; y axes, this is no more
inertia terms lead to the domain points only. This is in agreement possible because it could not numerically connect two edges with
with what it has been proposed in Eq. (43). This will also be a different number of points. As a result, the total number of
validated by numerical examples given in the following. The global degrees of freedom for the GDQFEM model are ne NN, where N is
GDQFEM system has Ntot ¼ ne NM unknowns, where N and M are the number of points along every element edge. In Section 6, the
the number of grid points along the master element coordinates symbol N indicates the number of points per edge used for the
ξ and η respectively, and ne is the total number of elements. current mesh. The global algebraic system can be computed by
solving the eigenvalue problem (44) for the multi-domain case. It
is worth noting that, the GDQ scheme is applied to each regular
sub-domain in the same manner as in the single domain. In fact,
the fundamental algebraic system of equations is written in the
master element (ξ; η) coordinate system. They are related to the

Fig. 33. GDQFEM mesh for a multi-connected composite membrane, with a circular
eccentric inclusion. Fig. 34. First 10 frequencies as functions of the density ratio ρ of the two materials.

Table 20
Convergence of the first 10 frequencies for a multi-connected non-homogeneous membrane.


N¼5 N¼7 N¼9 N ¼ 11 N ¼ 13 N ¼ 15 N ¼ 17 N ¼ 19 N ¼ 21

1 34.64835 34.50122 34.49968 34.50004 34.50011 34.50012 34.50012 34.50012 34.50012

2 74.07162 73.65616 73.65499 73.65471 73.65478 73.65481 73.65482 73.65482 73.65482
3 76.31618 75.13132 75.11267 75.11349 75.11369 75.11372 75.11373 75.11373 75.11373
4 91.81467 90.77313 90.79196 90.79148 90.79144 90.79145 90.79145 90.79145 90.79145
5 106.78799 106.86757 106.85501 106.85445 106.85448 106.85449 106.85449 106.85449 106.85449
6 112.84991 112.59212 112.62670 112.62730 112.62747 112.62750 112.62751 112.62751 112.62751
7 119.33697 121.52836 121.72303 121.72561 121.72488 121.72483 121.72483 121.72483 121.72483
8 130.06959 126.05965 125.88064 125.88161 125.88268 125.88280 125.88282 125.88282 125.88282
9 132.32830 131.79609 132.14867 132.15195 132.15141 132.15140 132.15140 132.15140 132.15140
10 143.36901 140.05224 140.27857 140.28231 140.28270 140.28276 140.28277 140.28277 140.28277

Table 21
First 10 frequencies for a multi-connected non-homogeneous membrane for N ¼ 21.


ρ ¼ 0:01 ρ ¼ 0:5 ρ¼1 ρ¼2 ρ¼5 ρ ¼ 10 ρ ¼ 20 ρ ¼ 50 ρ ¼ 100

1 64.63703 62.50461 60.21038 55.59699 44.57115 34.50012 25.51457 16.56604 11.81506

2 96.14238 95.70287 95.20097 91.06169 83.16833 73.65482 56.98049 37.18708 26.53261
3 99.55937 97.43849 95.20097 94.00519 88.41881 75.11373 57.01577 37.29468 26.61175
4 121.12011 120.79687 120.42076 119.49215 107.68250 90.79145 81.49124 58.49542 41.57011
5 136.34491 135.59191 134.63451 125.31276 114.76665 106.85449 90.53619 58.72193 41.72684
6 142.61368 139.27439 134.63451 131.99583 121.65319 112.62751 90.96061 59.86424 43.16084
7 153.96848 153.76610 153.50695 149.22571 136.49219 121.72483 98.33222 78.79360 55.86941
8 158.96170 156.36797 153.50695 152.65444 142.80693 125.88282 103.44210 78.79616 55.87054
9 179.08773 177.78517 175.54192 166.80926 151.34057 132.15140 120.91024 81.18815 59.81246
10 181.55845 179.82938 175.54192 168.56252 157.29601 140.28277 122.39168 83.01106 59.81825
244 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

actual domain (x; y) in the Cartesian plane by the coordinate

transformation (8).

6. Numerical results

In order to show the accuracy and stability of the proposed

technique, some numerical tests are performed comparing the
GDQFEM solution to the exact solutions of rectangular and circular
membranes. It should be noted beforehand that the solution to
circular membranes is exact only mathematically, in fact in order
to find the actual eigenvalues the zeroes of the Bessel function of
the first kind must be found. Moreover, some other comparisons
have been done by following the results of several authors in the
literature [1,10,18–20,25,26]. Finally, some new arbitrarily compo-
site and non-homegeneous membranes have been proposed for
further studies. The GDQFEM is based on a grid point distribution
upon each sub-domain. Consequently, a test on several grid
distributions has been performed in order to use the one that
has the highest performance for this technique. In the following
all the used distributions are presented [76]. It is noticed that
the following point distributions are defined in the interval
ξ A ½0; 1Š. Since the computational element is defined between
1 r ξ; η r 1 a coordinate shifting must be done. The first dis- Fig. 36. GDQFEM mesh for an arbitrarily shaped composite membrane with an
tribution is the Chebyshev grid distribution which can be elliptic inclusion.

Fig. 35. First nine mode shapes for the multi-connected non-homogeneous membrane for ρ ¼ 100.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 245

recursively defined from the second to the previous, before the last Analogously to the previous distribution, the extended Cheby-
point, when the first and the last points are fixed shev grid distribution (roots of the Chebyshev polynomial of second
kind) can be written as
1 2k 3
ξ1 ¼ 0; ξN ¼ 1; ξk ¼ 1 cos π ; k ¼ 2; …; N 1
2 2ðN 2Þ r r1 k
ξk ¼ k ; r k ¼ cos π ; k ¼ 1; 2; …; N ð47Þ
ð45Þ rN r1 N þ1
Then, there is the extended Chebyshev grid distribution (roots of the The most used grid point distribution for the single domain case is
Chebyshev polynomial of first kind), that is defined by the roots r k the Chebyshev–Gauss–Lobatto grid distribution
r r1 2k 1
1 k 1
ξk ¼ k ; r k ¼ cos π ; k ¼ 1; 2; …; N ð46Þ ξk ¼ 1 cos π ; k ¼ 1; 2; …; N ð48Þ
rN r1 2N 2 N 1

Table 22
First 10 frequencies for an arbitrarily shaped composite membrane N ¼ 21.


ρ ¼ 0:01 ρ ¼ 0:5 ρ¼1 ρ¼2 ρ¼5 ρ ¼ 10 ρ ¼ 20 ρ ¼ 50 ρ ¼ 100

1 85.51749 12.09922 8.55548 6.04965 3.82614 2.70549 1.91307 1.20993 0.85555

2 145.17925 20.53980 14.52389 10.26996 6.49530 4.59287 3.24765 2.05400 1.45239
3 195.70154 27.69595 19.58413 13.84812 8.75834 6.19309 4.37918 2.76963 1.95843
4 208.36110 29.47758 20.84387 14.73887 9.32169 6.59143 4.66085 2.94778 2.08440
5 258.88198 36.62820 25.90017 18.31423 11.58295 8.19039 5.79148 3.66285 2.59003
6 273.34466 38.66977 27.34375 19.33498 12.22853 8.64688 6.11427 3.86700 2.73438
7 320.43841 45.33242 32.05497 22.66633 14.33546 10.13670 7.16773 4.53327 3.20551
8 327.06882 46.28941 32.73180 23.14497 14.63820 10.35078 7.31911 4.62901 3.27321
9 339.44023 48.01859 33.95438 24.00941 15.18490 10.73735 7.59245 4.80189 3.39545
10 382.01199 54.03951 38.21181 27.01987 17.08888 12.08367 8.54444 5.40398 3.82119

Fig. 37. First nine mode shapes for the arbitrarily shaped composite membrane for ρ ¼ 100.
246 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

Finally, the Legendre grid distribution (roots of the Legendre Fig. 6f represents the percentage of the total number of accurate
polynomial of the first kind) is written as modes with respect to the maximum mtot computable. It should be
N 2 stressed that if a less restricted tolerance is considered the maximum
d 2 2 amount of accurate modes will increase. Secondly, distortion effect on
ξ1 ¼ 0; ξN ¼ 1; 2
ðτN ðτ 1ÞN Þ ¼ 0-ξk ; k ¼ 2; …; N 1:
dτN a two element mesh is presented in the following. In Fig. 7a the
ð49Þ parametric representation of the current mesh is shown. The dimen-
It should be noted that, in order to find the Legendre grid sion of the membrane are kept constant (a¼1.2 m and b¼0.9 m) and
distribution (49), the roots of the differential equation reported in the parameter c varies from c¼0.6 m in which no distortion is applied
Eq. (49) must be found for a fixed N points. Firstly, several accuracy to c¼0 m, where the two elements degenerate into two triangles. In
tests have been performed on the rectangular membrane compared Fig. 7b–h the red digits represent the element number, whereas the
to the exact solution. Secondly, several case studies have been black digits are the nodes used for the coordinate transformation. In
considered in order to compare the numerical solution obtained the case of rectangular membrane only 8 node elements have been
with GDQFEM to some reference solutions found in the literature used, however 4 node linear elements could be considered because no
[1,10,18–20,25,26]. The results are presented in form of tables and curved boundaries are considered in the meshes under study. It is
figures in which the first 10 eigenfrequencies are depicted. It is pointed out that the term “8 node element” is referred to the element
pointed out that FEM solutions are also presented in the following type used for the mapping technique, as depicted in Fig. 4a and b,
tables. These kinds of numerical results have been obtained by whereas the number of collocation points inside each element is
many authors in literature by using the analogy between the N  N. At the same time the term “4 node element” is referred to the
membrane fixed at all edges and the thin simply supported plate. element presented in the work [98]. In Fig. 8 the discrete spectra for
different grids are presented. The number of grid points varies from
N ¼ 11 to N ¼ 41. Fig. 8 shows that when the distortion increases,
6.1. Rectangular membrane
varying the c-parameter from c¼0.6 m to c¼0 m, the percentage of
accurate frequencies, under the fixed tolerance tol ¼ 10 4 , decreases
In the first example the natural frequencies of a rectangular
for all the considered grids. In fact, the number of modes (and its
membrane are considered. The exact reference solution is obtained,
percentage Pm) written in the legend of Fig. 8a–d decreases when c
as it is well-known from literature [34], by the following equation
increases. The seven curves plotted in Fig. 8a–d form a sheaf of lines
that becomes thinner when the number N of grid points increases.
T m2 n2
ωmn ¼ π þ ð50Þ This is consistent with the results shown in Fig. 6, where the accuracy
ρh a b
increases when the number of grid point increases, until it becomes
where m and n are the mode shapes indices, a and b are the stable. It is also noted that the maximum percentage is never above
two sides of the rectangular membrane, T is the membrane tension, the 20% under the tolerance. It is worth noting that, the GDQFEM
ρ is the material density and h is the membrane thickness. In the cannot capture the total number of modes related to a fixed number of
following the rectangular membrane, whose dimensions are degrees of freedom (dofs). The maximum percentage is always below
a¼ 1.2 m and b¼0.9 m, is considered. In order to show the best the 20% of the total number of the computable dofs mtot . The last
discretization technique to apply to GDQFEM, a numerical test has numerical test is connected with the meshes depicted in Fig. 9. In
been shown. The aim of the accuracy test is to demonstrate how fast Fig. 10 the maximum percentage of accurate mode shapes Pm, under a
is the trend for the first 20 frequencies of a rectangular membrane fixed tolerance tol ¼ 10 4 , is presented for the meshes at issue (see
solved by GDQFEM and what is the maximum error for the case Fig. 9). In Fig. 10a, the Chebyshev–Gauss–Lobatto grid distribution (48)
under study. In Fig. 6a–e the five grid distributions reported above has been used, whereas in Fig. 10b the Legendre grid distribution (49)
are used to find the first 20 frequencies for the membrane under has been applied. Starting from the single element mesh to 16
consideration and the numerical results are compared with the distorted element mesh, nine different meshes have been used. In
exact solution. The number of grid points N per element edge is on the legend of Fig. 10 the symbol ne indicates the number of elements
the horizontal abscissa and the orthogonal axis represents the and with the acronym sk a skewed mesh is denoted. It appears that
relative error the percentage of accurate modes decreases if a skewed mesh and a

Λgdq Λexact high number of elements are considered. In fact, for the single element
Er ¼ ð51Þ mesh Pm 4 20%, whereas for a mesh composed of 16 elements, or
almost all the skewed meshes, Pm o 15%. In Fig. 11 the first nine
It is noted that the chosen grid which leads to obtain the first 20 mode shapes of the rectangular membrane are depicted. It should be
frequencies within the less number of grid points is the Legendre grid noted that the pictures have been created by using a single element
distribution. In fact, for N ¼ 25 the first 20 frequencies are kept within domain with a 41  41 grid distribution. Numerical solutions obtained
a relative error less than Er o 10 14 . Another important aspect is that within several meshes and grid point numbers are compared to the
the accuracy is stable when the minimum error is reached. In Fig. 6f a analytical solution and other numerical solutions found in the
summary of all the distributions is presented. The resulting eigenfre- literature [8,9,18–20,25,26]. In Table 1 the first 10 eigenfrequencies
quencies Λgdq normalized with respect to the exact solution are are reported for the rectangular membrane of sides a¼1.2 m and
plotted versus the ratio of the mode number m to the total number 0.9 m. The results are presented for three different meshes. Firstly, one
of degrees of freedom (dofs) Ntot [34,35]. To reproduce the spectra of single element (ne ¼ 1) with N ¼ 41 grid points is used which gives
Fig. 6f, a grid of 51  51 points has been used so that Ntot ¼ 2601 dofs. the same results as the single domain GDQ approach. Then, four
The total number of calculated modes, that is given by the dofs regular elements (ne ¼ 4) and 12 regular elements (ne ¼ 12) with
mtot ¼ Ntot 200 ¼ 2401 dofs, where 200 denotes the boundary con- N ¼ 21 grid points are considered. It can be noted that the three cases
dition nodes. Each curve has been obtained within a fixed error under study give the same results which are very accurate with
tolerance tol ¼ 10 4 . All the distributions have less than 25% of the respect to the exact solution.
modes accurate below the given tolerance, but above that the
maximum error is almost 5% for the first 40% of the modes. This 6.2. Circular membrane
means that is not possible to obtain the 100% of accurate modes given
a certain mesh. This numerical investigation explains why more points In considering a clamped circular membrane with thickness h,
are needed to capture high frequencies. The symbol Pm reported in radius R and mass density ρ, a uniform radial force per unit length
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 247

T acting on its edge is assumed. The natural frequencies of a triangle of sides L ¼ 2 m. This kind of shape has been widely
vibration are identified by two integers (m; n) that characterize used in the literature [17,19,25] and it is depicted in Fig. 16 for
the mode shape. The index m ¼ 1; 2; 3; … corresponds to the several GDQFEM meshes. Since previous authors have done a very
number of circumferential lines, with r ¼ constant, on the mem- good work in the past [17,19,25], for the sake of conciseness not all
brane that have zero displacement, whereas n ¼ 1; 2; 3; … corre- the geometric details are graphically reported in this paper. This
sponds to the number of diametrical lines, with θ ¼ constant, that kind of shape presents two geometrical issues related to the circle
have zero displacement. The natural frequencies of vibration are and the triangle, because both of them are not well represented by
obtained by solving the differential equation of the membrane (1) a quadrilateral element. Although this problem is solved by using
written in polar coordinates one irregular element only, the results suit the eigenfrequencies
 2 given by the literature. The first 10 eigenfrequencies Λi are
∂ w 1∂w 1 ∂2 w ∂2 w

T þ þ ¼ ρh 2 ð52Þ presented in Table 4 for a single element mesh having 8 or 12
∂r 2 r ∂r r 2 ∂θ2 ∂t nodes. Eigenfrequencies for meshes made of three and 12 ele-
The general solution of this equation, which can be found by ments are also worked out. It appears that all the results obtained
separation of variables [2,32], can be expressed in the form by using GDQFEM are in good agreement with the results of the
literature. It is underlined that the geometric mapping with the 12
wðr; θÞ ¼ ðAJ n ðkmn rÞ sin ðnθ þ θ0 Þ þ BY n ðkmn rÞ sin ðnθ þ θ1 ÞÞ cos ðωmn t þ ϕÞ
node element works better than the 8 node one, because the
ð53Þ coordinate transformation is better accomplished when the for-
mer element is used. The results obtained with a 12 node single
where kmn ¼ ρh=T ; A; B; θ0 ; θ1 ; ϕ are arbitrary constants, and J n ; Y n
are Bessel functions of the first and the second kind, with order n, element are similar to those corresponding to mesh composed of
respectively. The solution must satisfy wðθÞ ¼ wð2π þ θÞ, which is 12 elements with 8 nodes. The first nine mode shapes for the
only possible if n is an integer. Moreover, the Bessel function of the current structure are graphically presented in Fig. 17.
second kind is infinite at r ¼ 0, this implies B ¼ 0. The transverse
displacement must satisfy the boundary conditions w ¼ 0 on the 6.5. Concave membrane with high concavity
edge of the membrane, which leads to the condition
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi In order to obtain the eigenvalues of a concavely shaped
J n ðωmn R ρh=T Þ ¼ 0 ð54Þ membrane with high concavity, the GDQFEM is applied to rectan-
gular membrane with a partially concave region, as shown in
In conclusion, the problem of finding the natural frequencies of a
[18,24,25]. The concavity cuts a regular rectangle of sides a¼ 1.2 m
circular membrane is transferred to find the zeroes of the Bessel
and 0.9 m at its half (for further details see what is reported in
function of the first kind J n . Table 2 shows the first 10 eigenfre-
[18,24,25]). In Fig. 18 two GDQFEM meshes are presented. Fig. 18a
quencies for a circular membrane of radius R¼1 m obtained by
shows a mesh with three elements of which one is a triangle
using GDQFEM with a single element (with 8 and 12 nodes). A four
(degenerate quadrilateral element). In Fig. 18b a four element
element mesh and a 12 element mesh are also used as shown in
mesh is depicted. This kind of geometry has the main issue of
Fig. 12. All the computed eigenfrequencies are compared to some
being highly distorted, so more than one element is needed to
results found in the literature [17,19,24], as shown in Table 2. It
map the element domain correctly. In Table 5 the first 10
appears that more accurate results are obtained when the 12 node
eigenfrequencies Λi are presented for the two meshes under
element is used with respect to the 8 node one. This happens
discussion. The first 10 eigenvalues obtained by the present
because more points are needed in order to apply the mapping
method are in agreement with those obtained by the literature
technique accurately, since the boundary of the circular membrane
[18,24,25]. It is emphasized that a single-domain method cannot
is not a closed polygonal. The first 15 mode shapes of the circular
be applied because the element shape must satisfy the Jacobian
membrane are graphically presented in Fig. 13, that have been
transformation. In this case, due to the geometric distortion, the
generated by a single 12 node element with 41  41 grid.
transformation matrix degenerates. However, a three element
mesh (see Fig. 18a) can be used even though one of the elements
6.3. Elliptic membrane degenerates into a triangle. Increasing the number of points upon
each edge the results tend to the reference solutions. In fact, it
An elliptic membrane is considered in the following. Its major appears from Table 5 that N ¼ 7 is not sufficient to get the solution.
and minor semi-axes are a and b respectively. Four different Furthermore, the first nine mode shapes are depicted in Fig. 19 for
ellipses, defined by the ratios a=b ¼ 1:5; 2; 2:5; 3, are investi- a four elements mesh.
gated. In Fig. 14 two single elements, with 12 and 8 nodes, are
depicted. In this case, with respect to the circular membrane, the 6.6. L-shaped membrane
12 node element is more suitable for solving the problem because
the 8 node element is not sufficient for mapping the elliptical Fig. 20 shows two GDQFEM discretized models for a L-shaped
curve. It is pointed out the term “8 node element” is referred to the membrane with equal sides. The longest edge is L¼ 2 m and the
element type used for the mapping technique, as depicted in shortest one is l ¼1 m. The total domain is divided into two
Fig. 4a and b, whereas the number of collocation points inside each (Fig. 20a) or three (Fig. 20b) sub-domains. No 12 node element
element is N  N. At the same time the term “12 node element” is is needed in this case, because there is no curved boundaries in
referred to the other element type depicted in Fig. 4c and d. In this model. From Table 6 it appears that the solution involving two
Table 3, the first 10 eigenfrequencies are reported. In Fig. 15 the elements is enough to capture the first 10 eigenvalues when
first nine mode shapes are depicted for a single element mesh N ¼ 21 is considered. The results are compared with some others
with 12 nodes and N ¼ 41 for a a=b ¼ 2 semi-axes ratio. results found in the literature [19,25–27]. Moreover, the first nine
mode shapes are presented in Fig. 21 for a two element mesh.
6.4. Arbitrarily shaped membrane
6.7. Square membrane with a rhombic hole
When the free vibration analysis is carried out for an arbitrarily
shaped membrane, no exact solution exists. Here, the membrane As shown in Fig. 22, two discretized models are used to find the
geometry is formed from a half-circle of a unit radius R¼1 m, and eigenvalues of the square membrane with a rhombic hole [19,26].
248 N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251

The geometry is composed of a square of side L ¼2 m with a (Fig. 28a and b). The inner square has the side l ¼0.5 m (Fig. 28c
centered rhombic hole of side l ¼0.5 m. In Fig. 22a a six element and d). As far as the eccentric hole is considered, in both the cases
mesh is reported and it is the mesh with the lowest number of the inner circle and the square are shifted on the left of the same
element that can be used for this geometry. In Fig. 22b a 14 quantity of the inner main dimension (l ¼r ¼0.5 m). In Table 14 the
element mesh is depicted. It should be noted that both the first 10 eigenfrequencies are reported for the annular membrane.
external boundary and the internal one are fixed in order to The GDQFEM results are compared with the numerical results
satisfy the membrane Eq. (1). Moreover, when the six element obtained with FEM and Boundary Element Method (BEM) [10].
mesh is used in the analysis, it is composed of two triangular Table 15 shows the first 10 eigenfrequencies for the annular
elements (quadrilateral degenerated elements) and four irregular membrane with an eccentric circular hole, where the comparisons
quadrilateral elements. In spite of that, the numerical solutions are involve several methodologies [9,15,36]. Tables 16 and 17 report
in very good agreement with the others found in the literature the first 10 eigenfrequencies for a circular membrane with a
[19,26] (see Table 7). Table 7 shows the first 10 eigenfrequencies square hole, located in a symmetric and non-symmetric way,
computed for the two presented meshes and for different numbers respectively. In order to have the most accurate solution for the
of grid points N ¼ 7, N ¼ 15, N ¼ 21. In addition, the first 12 mode proposed methodology all the results reported in this study refer
shapes are represented in Fig. 23. to the least number of elements. In addition, to see the rapid
convergence of the GDQFEM several grid point numbers are
6.8. Trapezoidal membrane considered (see Tables 14–17). In conclusion, further details about
the mode shapes can be found well depicted in [10], therefore they
As far as a trapezoidal membrane is considered, two different are not reported in this paper.
reference geometries have been found in the literature. One has
been studied by Kang et al. [22] and another geometry is widely
shown in the work by Kang et al. [25]. For more details about the
two geometries it is suggested to refer to [21,24]. In Fig. 24 all the 6.11. Triangular membrane
used GDQFEM meshes are represented. Tables 8 and 9 summarize
the first 10 eigenfrequencies for the two trapezoidal geometries In Fig. 29a triangular membrane is considered. Since this kind
compared to the same results found in literature. Several grid of geometry is complex to model with only quadrilateral elements,
point numbers have been used N ¼ 7, N ¼ 15, N ¼ 21 and for single a new solution is proposed in this paper. The triangle is isosceles
element mesh N ¼ 41. All the presented results are in good and right, with the two sides a ¼b¼2 m. The membrane is
agreement with the same in the literature. It should be noted that homogeneous but two different meshes are considered. The first
some distorted meshes have been applied in this study showing is composed of a single triangular element (heavily distorted
that there is good accordance for a distorted mesh too (see quadrilateral one), and the second one has three standard ele-
Table 9). The first nine mode shapes are depicted in Fig. 25, when ments. In Table 18 the first 10 eigenfrequencies of the two meshes
N ¼ 21 is assumed. are reported. Table 18 also shows a convergence test for the two
given meshes (Fig. 29) from N ¼ 7 to N ¼ 31. It should be noted
6.9. Skew or rhombic membrane that the single element captures the solution like the three-
element mesh, with a small number of points per element. In
The article by Civalek [7] has widely discussed the free vibra- addition, the first nine mode shapes are graphically presented in
tion analysis of skew membranes. In order to compare the results Fig. 30.
obtained by Civalek [7] with the ones worked out by using the
GDQFEM, several skew membranes have been investigated. In
Fig. 26 two types of meshes are presented for a particular rhombic
geometry. The skew or rhombic membrane has got two sides a and 6.12. Non-homogeneous rectangular membrane
b of various length and a skew angle θ. In the following several
ratios b=a and θ values are presented. In Table 10 a rhombic A composite rectangular membrane formed from two homo-
membrane with the ratio b=a ¼ 3=2 and θ ¼ π=3 is presented. geneous regions, having the common boundary oblique against
Using one element is sufficient to capture the FEM solution with the vertical axis, is considered in the following. This problem was
a negligible error. More refined meshes are presented too. A studied by Kang et al. [23] in their accurate work about transverse
parametric study for a b=a ¼ 1 skew membrane is presented in vibrations of composite rectangular membranes with oblique
Table 11. Four values of the skew angle θ are investigated. All the interface. In this paper only the non-homogeneous example is
proposed results are in good accordance with the ones obtained by worked out. The dimensions of the membrane are a ¼1.8 m,
Civalek [7]. Another parametric study is shown in Table 12 for b¼1.02 m and the coordinate of the points defining the oblique
b=a ¼ 2 and four values of the skew angle θ. Finally, varying b=a in interface are a1 ¼ 1:0 m, a2 ¼ 0:7 m (see Kang et al. [23] for further
Table 13 the results are presented for θ ¼ π=3. In conclusion, the details). In Fig. 31 the membrane geometry is presented where the
first nine mode shapes are depicted in Fig. 27 for a skew gray area represents the second material. The values of the surface
membrane of b=a ¼ 3=2 and θ ¼ π=3. density are ρs1 ¼ 1:293  10 5 kg=m2 , ρs2 ¼ 2ρs1 . It is noted that
the densities are defined per surface area and not per unit of
6.10. Multi-connected domain volume, as a FEM program needs. Furthermore, the tension per
unit length T is needed. Since the exact definition of T is not
In the work by Chen et al. [10] multi-connected domains for reported in [23] it has been assumed to be T ¼ 1:5 N. The results
acoustic cavities have been studied and the Helmholtz equation is are summarized in Table 19 for the first 10 frequencies for the
involved. Since the fundamental equation has the same mathe- given non-homogeneous membrane. The GDQFEM results are in
matical form of the free vibration of a membrane, the eigenvalues perfect accordance with the solution proposed by Kang et al. [23]
can be compared. However, it is clear that they have different and the FEM solution. In Fig. 32 the first nine mode shapes are
physical meaning. In Fig. 28 multi-connected membranes with presented for the case under study. Since a composite membrane
circular and square openings are graphically reported. The radius has been considered, the mode shapes are non-symmetric due to
of the outer circle is R¼2 m and the inner circle radius is r ¼ 0.5 m the mechanical configuration of the membrane.
N. Fantuzzi et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 79 (2014) 216–251 249

6.13. Multi-connected non-homogeneous membrane (mtot ), in a similar way as it really appears in other numerical
techniques (e.g., FEM). In addition, the results obtained in this
Since the GDQFEM methodology and the implemented code paper are related to a certain (and very restrictive) tolerance
has been tested with several reference solutions found in litera- number. In fact, using a higher tolerance value the percentage of
ture, some new results are proposed in this section. In particular, accurate modes considerably increases. Some numerical accuracy
a multi-connected membrane with different kinds of material tests, assuming as a variable the mesh distorsion, are reported. It
is solved (Fig. 33). The membrane is a square one with sides has been verified that the accuracy of the solution decreases as the
a ¼b¼ 4 m and containing a circular eccentric inclusion of radius distortion increases. At the same time, numerical tests on the total
r 1 ¼ 0:5 m. The surface densities are ρs1 ¼ 1:293  10 5 kg=m2 and number of elements in the same geometry have also been
ρs2 ¼ ρρs1 , where ρ4 0. At first, a convergence analysis has been performed by changing the number of points per element. The
performed (Table 20) to study the effect of the increasing number GDQFEM mesh should be a good compromise between a good
of points upon each domain on the solution. It appears that the geometrical mapping and the number of elements necessary to
convergence rate is very fast, just N ¼ 15 is enough to get a stable obtain accurate and reliable solutions. The two parameters that
solution. In Table 21 the first 10 frequencies for several values of can be tailored are the number of elements ne and the number of
ρ ¼ ρs2 =ρs1 are presented. When ρ increases, the inclusion points per element N  N. The solution is always stable when the
increases its density until it is 100 times greater than the rest of number of points per element is increased, so the solution is never
the membrane. From Fig. 34, it can be seen that there is a oscillating. The examples presented show that the GDQFEM can
convergence to some values for the investigated first 10 frequen- produce accurate results by using a small number of sampling
cies. This phenomenon has a physical explanation, due to the mass points and the smallest number of sub-domains. Several geome-
concentration of a free vibrating system. The first nine mode tries have been reported in the literature and all their results are
shapes for ρ ¼ 100 are depicted in Fig. 35. compared with the ones obtained using the GDQFEM. All the
comparisons are reported in tables and confirm that GDQFEM
6.14. Arbitrarily shaped composite membrane provides accurate and computationally low cost results for all the
considered structures. Furthermore, several numerical accuracy
Here, an arbitrarily shaped composite membrane is considered. and stability tests have been performed in order to examine this
The external boundaries follow the geometric shape of the numerical technique in its entirety. Finally, this paper provides a
arbitrarily shaped membrane studied in [18,24,25]. However, an number of numerically worked out solutions for the vibration of
internal elliptic inclusion has been inserted. The semi-diameter of generic membranes and can be used as a reference for further
the inclusion has a ¼ 0:5 m and b ¼ 0:25 m. The GDQFEM mesh is developments on this subject.
presented in Fig. 36 and for the sake of clarity the current mesh is
reported without the node numbers per element. The surface
densities are ρs1 ¼ 1:293  10 5 kg=m2 and ρs2 ¼ ρρs1 , where ρ is a Acknowledgments
number that defines how much the second density is greater or
smaller than the first one. In this example, T ¼ 1 N and the This research was supported by the Italian Ministry for Uni-
thickness h ¼ 0:005 m have been considered. In Table 22 the first versity and Scientific Technological Research MIUR (40% and 60%).
10 frequencies of the current model are reported as functions of The research topic is one of the subjects of the Center of Study and
the ratio ρ between the two materials. It is noted that increasing Research for the Identification of Materials and Structures (CIM-
the density coefficient ρ the resulting frequencies decrease due to EST)-“M. Capurso” of the University of Bologna (Italy).
the mass concentration. In other words, the system tends to be
similar to a single degree of freedom because all the mass is
concentrated at the membrane center. The first nine mode shapes References
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