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Princess Lopez

BSED III-B Social Studies

Read with comprehension the lesson 1 of Urban Geography and answer the following:
1. Explain the concept of Urban Geography.
Urban geography is a study about various aspects of a specific city. The main goal
of studying urban geography is to emphasize the location and space and to study
what is beneath the society. It also includes different aspects to study the city
such as the physical appearance and also cultural wherein they focus on
understanding various ideas related to the area of the people/ Lastly urban
geography explains the concept of internal migration relating to over population
of urban cities.

2. Differentiate urban to rural societies.

Rural societies are more classified as traditional society wherein most of the
people’s job is through farming and fishing. Their way of life is known to be
simpler in so many ways particularly in building their houses. You will see that
the houses in rural community are mostly traditional. Also, they have more
pollutant free environment because vehicles and factories are not everywhere.
On the other hand, urban societies referred as the modern type community
where the way of living is more industrialized. You can see large factories,
buildings and establishments that offers a great opportunity to the people.
Wages is higher that rural place thus, the cost of living is more expensive. In
addition, poverty is more evident in urban than rural societies.

3. Give the meaning and cause of internal migration.

Internal migration is an act of moving from one place to another within one
state. It maybe movement from rural-urban, rural-rural, urban-rural or urban-
urban migration. The factors cause people to migrate includes poverty, political
persecution, starvation, war, unemployment. Pull factors include family reunion,
employment, better services and political freedom.

4. Describe the situation in the slum area and cite the problems caused by internal

5. Despite the multiple problems that they have, slum dwellers would rather stay in the
urban areas. Why?
Despite their situation they still choose to stay in urban areas because they are
aware that there, they could get better job opportunities. There are also lots of
benefits that they can get from government agencies. Lastly in urban areas, the
minimum wage of a work is much higher than the rural area.
6. Explain the notion of peri-urban settlement

7. Illustrate the hierarchies of urban settlement.

1 million- 10 million
400,000 – 1 million
Metropolis 100,000 – 400,000
Less than 100,000
Large City


Large Town

Hierarchy of Urban Settlements

8. Compare and identify the differences of the 1970 and 2003 definitions of the urban
area in accordance to the National Statistics Office (20 points).

9. Slum dwellers are also called squatters. Informal settlers are another term. There are
so many of them in the urban areas and they are living in poverty. What do you think
that the government should do to improve the life of urban poor?
There are four strategies which may be used. The first is toleration through
neglect which only leads to the perpetuation of slums. The second is encouraging
slum dwellers to go back to their hometowns. However, as has been mentioned
earlier, slum dwellers prefer to stay in the city because they perceive it as giving
more opportunities. The third is the multi-story, low-rent urban housing which
people find unattractive because of higher costs, regular payment requirements
while their income is intermittent, decrease in neighborliness and
interdependence in times of needs, unfamiliar and threatening physical and
social environments and the lure of windfall moving from the sale of rights.
Finally, the fourth strategy is relocation to government urban fringe sites which
have already been found to fail primarily because squatters were moved into the
settlements before services and economic opportunities were available. In fact,
statistics show that at least fifty-three per cent of relocated families in various
government sites left the areas, most of whom returned to the city and its slums.
10. Point out the positive results that urbanization can provide.
The result of urbanization are , first it can provide job opportunities for the
people. Second is better housing and education particularly to those people who
migrated from rural to urban society. Third is high economy because
urbanization is also about building different factories and enterprises that can
help the state in making the economy stable and lastly is greater access to goods
and service which happened because there are machines that help the
employees and worker in making their more fast and easier.

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