January 2007

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Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

First Semester M.Tech. Degree Examination, Dec.06 / Jan. 07

1.a). Explain the recent development in conventional concrete?

The recent development in conventional concrete include the development of
the following materials,
I. Use of fly ash
II. Use of high volume fly ash concrete
III. Use of ground granulated blast furnace slag
IV. Use of silica fumes

I. Use of fly ash to conventional concrete

Fly ash is the byproduct of thermal power stations product produced by
burning of coal. Fly ash is used as a partial replacement of cement in concrete
and also as a pozzolona in the manufacture of cement
The presence of higher silica and aluminium oxides in fly ash results in
higher ultimate strength. Active silica present in fly ash controls the reactivity in
the concrete or mortar
II. High volume fly ash concrete
In this type the cement is replaced by fly ash at least by 50 %. The early
strength of high volume fly ash concrete is generally much lower than that of
conventional concrete but the strength gradually increase with the age of
III. Ground granulated blast furnace slag
In fresh concrete the replacement of cement with GGBFS will reduce the
unit water content necessary to obtain the same slump.
The major advantage will be reduction in heat of hydration, refinement of pore
structure, increased workability etc.
IV. Silica fumes
It is by product of silicon and Ferro silicon alloy industry. The particles of
silica fumes can occupy the space between the particles of cement, thus

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

improve packing resulting in very dense material. More amounts of super

plasticizers are required to get the desired workability.
1.b): Explain the behavior of Ferro cement under tension and elastic
Behavior in Tension.



Stress strain curve for Ferro cement element in tension

The above graph shows the stress strain curve for a Ferro cement element in
tension. This graph has been divided into 5 zones as shown above.
This zone is called as elastic phase. Here the ferrocement will be crack
free & the element will be water tight.
This zone is called as the quazi elastic phase. In this zone the cracks
will be forming. These are initial cracks of very small length of 0 to 20µ. Here also the
element will be water tight.
This zone is called as the non linear elastic zone. In this zone the crack
starts propagating into the element. The width of the crack increases from 20µ to 50
µ. During this phase the Ferro cement will be non corrosive.
This zone is called as elastic plastic phase. The crack begins to wider & the width of
the crack ranges from 50 µ to 100 µ.

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

This zone is called as the plastic zone. Here the cracks widen
enormously and width will be greater than 100 µ. The element will be corrosive due
to greater width of crack.

2.a): Obtain the expression for strength and stiffness of the ferrocement
beam in pre cracking stage?

Within the elastic range the total load ( ) carried by the ferrocement element

is shared between the reinforcement carrying a load of ( ) and the cement sand

matrix carrying a load of ( )


Equation (1) can be rewritten in terms of stresses in the ferrocement composite,

reinforcement and the matrix as


Where , & are the average stresses in tension in the ferrocement

composite, cement-sand mortar mix, & reinforcement respectively. & are

volume fractions in the reinforcement and mortar respectively.


The first crack strength of ferrocement is given by

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

Where = ultimate strength of cement sand mortar in direct tension,

= stress in reinforcement when the matrix cracks.

2.b) A ferro cement structure is 1m wide and 12 mm thick. It is required to

calculate the adequacy of the section under the following service condition.
Given that the tensile force of 75 KN and the compression force of 150 KN. The
reinforcement consists of 6 layers of welded wire meshes. The wire spacing is
6.33mm and the diameter is 0.635mm. Compressive strength of mortar is
fc’=35MPa and the yield strength of reinforcement fy=450MPa.Check the
adequacy of the section in 1) Compression 2) Tension
ferro cement structure is 1m wide and 12 mm thick
tensile force - 75 KN
compression force - 150 KN
reinforcement consists of 6 layers of welded wire meshes
spacing - 6.33mm
diameter- 0.635mm
fy =450MPa
In Tension
Design load=P*LF=75*1.25=93.75KN.

Assuming =2.5%
Cross section of ferrocement element required

D=12, Therefore B=0.69 m

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

n= 6 layers.
The section is adequate
In Compression.
Design load=P*LF=150*1.25=187.5KN
Assuming =2.5%
Cross section of ferrocement element required

D=12, Therefore B=1.38m

n= 6 layers.
Therefore the section is adequate.

3.a): Derive an expression for the post cracking ultimate strength of the fiber
reinforced composite?
If the composite failure is by pullout of the fiber, it has been found that fiber

pull out length is L/4. If “ ” is the average bond strength, the average pull out force

(F) is given by


The ultimate stress ( ) sustained by the composite after cracking is given by


We have,

N for random 1-D case

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

N for random 2-D case

N for random 3-D case

Substituting values of N in equation (2) we get for aligned fibers

= * * (L/d)------------------ for 1-D

= (2/ ) ( * *(L/d))--------- for 2-D

= (1/2) ( * *(L/d)) ---------- for 3-D

These are the equation for post cracking strength. These equations can be
expressed in general way as

= A* * *(L/d)

Where A = Efficiency factor

d = Equivalent diameter

3.b): Explain the theoretical principles of fiber reinforcement composite?

The theoretical principles of fiber reinforcement composite can be explained by the
failure that plane in fiber reinforcement composite.
The failure is of two types
In fracture of fibers, the fiber will be split or cut into two pieces due to
application of the load’s
This type of failure is not desired as the fibers are assumed to take much of the
tensile load on the member.
In the pull out of fibers, the fiber will fully come out of the mortar.
This type of failure is favorable rather than fracture.

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

 At this point the element will be sustained until the load reaches a
critical value.
 At this point both the mortar and the fiber will be at critical point and
even a small application of load will lead to failure of specimen.
4.a) Discuss the properties of concrete required for radiation shielding?
i. The concrete should have very high density.
ii. The concrete should withstand very high temperatures.
iii. The shrinkage should be as less as possible.
iv. The modulus of elasticity must be greater than 30Gpa.
v. The mean compressive strength should generally greater than 30 Mpa.
vi. The concrete must have low elastic & creep deformation.

4.b).How do you increase the density of concrete required for radiation

shielding? What are the problems encountered in the preparation of high
density concrete?
i. The density of concrete can be increased by using the aggregate of high
ii. There are many aggregates which have specific gravity more than 3.5 for
making high density concrete out of these ,the commercially employed
iii. Also available are steel and iron aggregates in the form of SHOTS,
iv. For heavy weight concrete aggregate used must be Clean, strong, inert, and
relatively free from deleterious materials which might impair the strength in
The problems that may be encountered during the preparation of high
density concrete are:
 As the cement content is high, concrete may exhibit increased creep
and shrinkage.
 By the use of high density aggregate, there will be tendency of

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

 Good quality control has to be followed while preparing high density


5.a): Discuss the properties of light weight concrete?

The properties of light weight concrete can be categorized into two types
i. Functional properties.
ii. Structural properties
i. Functional properties:
Thermal insulation is proportional to density; therefore the thermal
insulation is very high at lower density.
Good sound absorption capacity.
More effective fire protection than compared to conventional concrete.

It posses good resistance to exposed environmental pollutants.
High water absorption capacity


It increases with the aging of concrete
It is usually one half to three fourth that of the reference concrete.
It is similar to that of normal concrete.
Creep is higher than that of normal aggregate concrete.
The shrinkage is assumed to be twice that of conventional concrete

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

The bond strength of structurally light weight concrete is
normally high and as such at equal compressive strengths,
comparable bond strength can be expected although the bond
strength for horizontal bars are lower.
Shear strength is lower compared to that of conventional concrete

5.b) It is proposal to produce light weight aggregate concrete with average

strength of 20 MPa at 28 days, and air content of 5.5%, a minimum cement
content of 350 Kg/m3. of concrete and a slump of 75mm. The coarse aggregate
has a dry loose density of 720 Kg/m3 and a total moisture content of 3%. The
fine aggregate has dry loose density of 900Kg/m3 and the total moisture
content of 7%. Design the light weight concrete mix to suit the above
mentioned data.
average strength of 20 MPa at 28 days
air content of 5.5%
cement content of 350 Kg/m3.
slump of 75mm
Moisture content : fine aggregate=7%
Coarse aggregate=3%

Contents Foam Agilite Lytag Lecca Graph
slag Number
Total w/c ratio. 0.8 1.26 1.34 0.74 1
Cement 350 350 350 350
content Kg/m3
Water content 280 441 469 259
Relative 1.8 1.64 1.7 1.26 5

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

Dry density 1.86 1.7 1.78 1.36 4

Density of 1860 1700 1780 1360
fresh concrete

Assuming the ratio of Coarse aggregate : Fine Aggregate =1:1

Weight of 615 454.5 480.5 375.5
Weight of 615 454.5 480.5 375.5

Since fine aggregate has 7% moisture content this value has to be added to weight
of fine aggregate
Coarse aggregate has 3% moisture content this value has to be added to weight
coarse aggregate.
Since aggregates have moisture, that amount has to be reduced with the water
added to get required amount of water.
Foam slag
Fine aggregate: 615+7% of 615 = 615+43.05 =658.05 kg
Coarse aggregate: 615 + 3% of 615= 615+18.45=633.45 kg
Water : 280-43.05-18.45 =218.5 kg.
Fine aggregate: 454.54+7% of 454.54 = 454.54+31.81 =486.31 kg
Coarse aggregate: 454.54+ 3% of 454.54= 454.54+13.63=468.14 kg
Water : 441-31.81-13.63=395.56 kg.
Fine aggregate: 480.5+7% of 480.5=480.5+33.63=514.13 kg
Coarse aggregate: 480.5+ 3% of 480.5= 480.5+14.41=494.91 kg
Water : 469-33.63-14.41=420.96 kg.

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

Fine aggregate: 375.5+7% of 375.5 = 375.5+26.28=401.78 kg

Coarse aggregate: 375.5+ 3% of 375.5= 375.5+11.265=386.76 kg
Water : 259-26.28-11.265=221.46 kg.

Amount of Foamed slag Agilite Lytag Lecca
Fine 658.05 486.31 514.13 401.78
Coarse 633.45 468.14 494.91 386.76
aggregate (Kg)
Water(Kg) 218.5 395.56 420.96 221.46

6) a) what is no fines concrete? Explain the properties of no fines concrete?

Ans. It is a kind of concrete in which the fine aggregate fraction has been omitted.
This concrete is made up of only coarse aggregate, cement and water. Very often
only single sized coarse aggregate of size passing through 20mm and retained on
10mm is used.
Properties of No fines concrete.
I. Density
The density of no fines concrete may be around 360kg per cubic meter.
II. Compressive strength
The compressive strength of no fines concrete may vary from 1.4 MPa to 14
III. Bond Strength.
The bond strength of no fines concrete is very low.
IV. Drying Shrinkage.
The drying shrinkage of no fines concrete is considerably lower than that of
conventional concrete.
V. Thermal conductivity.
The value of coefficient of thermal conductivity of no fines concrete is much
less than that of conventional concrete.

6) b) Explain the role of Super plasticizer in modifying the properties of


Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

Ans. The role of super plasticizer on the properties of concrete is discussed under
the following two categories.
i. Effect of super plasticizer on Fresh concrete.
ii. Effect of super plasticizer on hardened concrete.
Effect of super plasticizer on Fresh concrete.
When super plasticizers are added to fresh concrete it is noted that there is
increase in the slump of the concrete up to 25 cms. However this increase in
slump is dependent on the initial slump of the concrete. This is not true in
case of fluidified no-slump concrete.
The slump of the concrete increases to a certain value and remains constant
even after the addition of super-plasticizer.
Effect of super plasticizer on hardened concrete.
Super-plasticizer will be added to the concrete in which water cement ratio is
low, hence the creep of the concrete will be low. This will reduce the pores in
the concrete and hence improves the resistance of concrete to the
surrounding environment.
Use of super-plasticizer may lead to the reduction in the w/c ratio with out
affecting the workability of the concrete and thereby the concrete becomes

7) a) Discuss the factors governing the high strength concrete?

Ans. The factors that govern the high strength concrete are
I. Seeding
This involves adding a small percentage of finely grounded, fully
hydrated Portland cement to the concrete mix.
II. Revibration.
The concrete must be vibrated or compacted several times so that the
concrete achieves good amount of compaction and then attains a good
III. Use of Admixtures.
These agents increase the strengths by decreasing the w/c ratio in the
IV. Sulpher Impregnation.

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

Satisfactory high strength concrete has been produced by impregnated

the porus concrete by Sulpher. The Sulpher impregnated concrete has
given strength up to 58 MPa.
V. Use of cementitious aggregate.
Uses of cementitious aggregate have yielded strength up to 125 MPa.

7) b) Explain the following concrete chemicals.

a. Air entraining agent.
These air entrain agents incorporate millions of non-coalescing air
bubbles, which will act as flexible ball bearings and will modify the
properties of plastic concrete regarding workability, segregation,
bleeding and finishing quality of concrete. It also modifies the
properties of hardened concrete regarding its resistance to frost action
and permeability.
Factors affecting amount of air entrainment.
a) The type & quantity of air entraining agent used.
b) Water/cement ratio of mix.
c) Type & grading of aggregate.
d) Mixing time.
e) Temperature.
f) Type of cement.
g) Influence of Compaction
h) Admixtures other than air entraining agents.
b. Corrosion intrbiting admixture
These agents are used to prevent corrosion in the reinforcement of
It has been found that calcium lignosulphonate decreased the rate of
corrosion of steel embedded in the concrete, when the steel
reinforcement in concrete is subjected to alternating or direct current.
Sodium nitrate and calcium nitrite have been found to be efficient
inhibitors of corrosion of steel in autoclaved products.
The typical dosage is of the order of 10-30 liters per cubic meter of
concrete depending on chloride levels in concrete.

8) Write short notes on any four of the following.

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

a) Application of ferrocement.
b)Polypropylene fibres.
c) Aerated concrete.
d) Polymer impregnated concrete.
e)Shrinkage reducing admixtures.
Ans. A) Application of ferrocement.
 Ferrocement rafters for tiled roof
 Ferro-cement tile/panel roof.
 Ferro-cement truss.
 Pre fabricated ferro-cement cylindrical channel roof.
 Prestessed Ferro-trapezoidal roof element.
 Ferrocement lintel cum chejja.
Apart from these housing applications, ferrocement is also used for marine
structures. They are
 Water tanks.
 Boats.
 Ferrocement container as gas holder unit for gobar gas plant.
 Grain silos
 Manhole cover.
 Pressure pipes.

B) Polypropylene fibres.
These are polymeric fibres and are products of petrochemicals and textile
The physical properties of polypropylene fibres are
Specific gravity-0.90 to 0.91
Tensile strength-310 to 760 MPa.
Modulus of elasticity-3.5 to 4.9 GPa
Ultimate Elongation-15% .

C) Polymer impregnated concrete.

The principle of this method is to impregnate the hardened concrete by
monomer and subsequently polymerize the same. This results in forming

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

of a composite comprising of two networks of polymer and hardened

concrete mix. The amount of polymer present in the concrete is reckoned
as polymer loading which is the percentage of difference in weight to initial
weight of sample.
Most of the monomers used are in liquid state. They include acrylics,
styrenes and methyl methaccrylate and other vinyl monomers. A further
catalytic agent such as benzol peroxide is also used along with the
monomers. These are easy to handle since most of them have fairly low
vapour pressures and low viscosity thereby facilitating easy impregnation
into hardened concrete at ambient pressure. In the initial stages, the
techniques recommended for polymerization are by thermal means or by
cobalt radiation under controlled condition.

D) Aerated concrete.
Aerated concrete is made by introducing air or gas into slurry composed of
Portland cement or lime and finely crushed siliceous filler so that when the
mix sets and hardens, a uniformly cellular structure is formed.
There are several ways in which aerated concrete can be
manufactured, some of them are
 By the formation of gas by chemical reaction within the mass during
the liquid or plastic state.
 By mixing performed stable foam with the slurry.
 By using finely powdered metal (usually aluminum powder) with the
slurry and made to react with the calcium hydroxide liberated during
the hydration process, to give out large quantity of hydrogen gas.
This hydrogen gas when contained in the slurry mix, gives the
cellular structure.

Properties of Aerated concrete.

Density: 300kg per cubic meter to 800kg per cubic meter.
Thermal insulation: High at low density.

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper

Special Concrete: December/January 2007 question paper


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