Ieltsliz Com Ielts Writing Task 1 Line Graph Model Score 9 PDF

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IELTS Line Graph Model (Band Score 9)

January 3, 2020 by Liz 35 Comments

This model line graph for IELTS is estimated at band score 9. The model answer below is for IELTS writing task 1
academic paper. Use this sample writing as a template for structure, key features and language for any IELTS line
graph. There are also some tips given below to guide you and help you understand how to describe this type of graph.

IELTS Line Graph Sample Task

The graph below shows the consumption of 3 spreads from 1981 to 2007.

Source: Graph above not created by IELTS Liz. Source unknown.

IELTS Line Graph Answer

The line graph illustrates the amount of three kinds of spreads (margarine, low fat and reduced spreads
and butter) which were consumed over 26 years from 1981 to 2007. Units are measured in grams.

Overall, the consumption of margarine and butter decreased over the period given, while for low fat and
reduced spreads, it rose. At the start of the period, butter was the most popular spread, which was
replaced by margarine from 1991 to 2001, and following that low fat and reduced spreads became the
most widely used spread in the final years.

With regards to the amount of butter used, it began at around 140 grams and then peaked at 160 grams in
1986 before falling dramatically to about 50 grams in the last year. Likewise, approximately 90 grams of
margarine was eaten in the first year after which the figure fluctuated slightly and dropped to a low of 40
grams in 2007.

On the other hand, the consumption of low fats and reduced spreads only started in 1996 at about 10
grams. This figure, which reached a high of just over 80 grams 5 years later, fell slightly in the final years
to approximately 70 grams in 2007.

Tips for Line Graphs

1. Paraphrase the line graph information for your introduction.
2. Put main trends and any other key features in an overall statement.
3. Make sure each body paragraph sentence has numbers and dates to support it.
4. Check the video lesson below to learn how to write a complex sentence for an IELTS line graph report.
5. Practice!! Click here: Practice Line Graphs to get a selection of sample line graphs to practice writing for your
writing task 1 preparation.

Recommended Tutorials

Bar Chart Model: Band Score 9

Line Graph Vocabulary
The 4 main complex sentences for a line graph: Video Tutorial
All writing task 1 lessons and tips


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Filed Under: IELTS Writing Task 1 Tagged With: line graph, model task 1



August 26, 2020 at 8:06 am

IELTS-5 Writing Task-1

The line graph illustrates the trend of old people (≥65years) living in Japan, Sweden and USA over a century starting from 1940.
Overall, it is evident that initially USA had the highest number of people aging 60 and above, followed by Sweden and then
Japan. Supposedly, in 2040 Japan will come on the top.
It can be seen that Japan had the least percentage of old people (5%), which were lower than Sweden and USA. It decreased
further over the next two decades until 1980. After that the percentage started to rise gradually and reached 10. The following
year experienced a sharp jump from 10 to 25%, thus Japan overtaking Sweden and USA after 2020.
On the other hand, Sweden and USA saw a similar trend of increasing percentage of people aged 65 and above. There were many
fluctuations with Sweden surpassing USA just before 2000, finally reaching at 25% in 2040. Meanwhile USA stood just below

WORDS: 155


eee says
August 16, 2020 at 11:09 am

Hi Liz, can i please get a review on this?

The graph illustrates the consumption of 3 spreads (margarine, low fat and reduced spreads and butter) between 1981 and 2007.
Overall, the consumption of margarine and butter seemed to have reduced over the years while the consumption of low fat and
reduced spreads increased.
In 1981, butter was the most famous spread used by consumers, followed by margarine, while low fat spreads weren’t even
introduced yet. This value changes over the years and in 2007, low fat and reduced spreads became the most famous spreads used
by people.
The consumption of butter has decreased over the years, starting at just above 140 grams in 1981, reaching a peak of 160 grams
in 1986, but then having a great fall to reach a low of about 50 grams in 2007. On the other hand, margarine consumption started
at about 90 grams in 1981, this value stays almost steady, although with a few fluctuations, until 2001 when there was a
significant drop in its consumption to about 40 grams.
Low fat and reduced spreads were introduced in 1996 starting at just about 5 grams i 1996, and rising to over 80 grams in 2001,
these were in great favour of the public. This value drops to about 50 grams in 2007, but they were still the most used of all 3
spreads that year.


Maria says
May 18, 2020 at 4:09 pm

Hi Liz,
thank you for all the good work you are doing and the amount and quality of material you provide. Just a quick question,
although it may have been answered before. I’m taking a computer-based test and I was wondering about the structure of the
paragraphs in the written tasks. I know that there should not be any gaps in the beginning of the paragraphs or on the left side of
the text, but what about the right side? Should I choose it to be the same or do you think this will affect in any way the
presentation of my essay? Thank you in advance :))


Liz says
May 18, 2020 at 6:33 pm

As you see, I write my model answers on a laptop. Follow the way I present paragraphs

saman says
August 15, 2020 at 3:27 am

The line graph illustrates the usage of Magarine, Low fat and reduced spreads and butter over the period of
continuous twenty six years starting from 1981.
Overall, consumption of Magarine and Butter decreased while use of Low fat and reduced spreads has increased.
In 1986 Butter was able to marked the highest consumption over the considered period which was 160 grams in number. It
has decreased dramatically by the rest of the period.
Although, within first five years, consumption of the Magarine has fall down its usage was increased at two-fold rate within
next five years. From 1991 to 1996 it was stable and then its demand was lowered very sharply and by the end of the period
it was the lowest consumed spread.
Low fat and reduced spreads seemed had a high demand over first five years, starting from 1996 and was able reached to
the level of Magarine which was at the top at that time. After 2001 people interest to it too has fell down as same as other
two and was 70grams in 2007, marking it as the top most consumed spread at the end period.
(Report ends.)
192 words

Is this work suit for get band score 7.0 ?


Joanna says
May 12, 2020 at 8:10 pm

The consumption in grams of three different spreads namely: margarine, low fat and reduced spreads, and butter for
26 years is illustrated in the line graph.
Although the utilization of the spread, specifically the butter was greatly used from 1981 to 1900 reaching up to nearly 160
grams, its consumption never been the same after 1990. The consumptions since after the said year have continuously dropped
until 2007. Similarly, the used of low fat and reduces spreads hiked up in the year 2001 reaching just over 80 grams and slightly
yet consistently decreased over time.
On the other hand, the utilization of margarine has a different trend, it started with over 95 grams in the starting years then had a
slight decreased by 1986, then it gradually increases up to 100 grams and stayed with same measure over 6 years from 1991 until
1996, from that year little by little the consumption rate dropped to 40 grams in the year 2007.


Azimjon says
April 5, 2020 at 10:36 am

Hi Liz
I want to ask that if we start our introduction writing ‘a glance at the line graph or given is line graph illustrating smth’ , does it
bring higher score? What about using inversion in overview, body part? Thanks in advance


Liz says
April 5, 2020 at 2:32 pm
No, it doesn’t help your score at all. Using “AT a glance” is actually completely inappropriate considering you are
supposed to analyse and not glance at the chart. Just stick to the standard language for report writing. Task 1 is
formulaic and can be easily learned.


Lanice says
March 26, 2020 at 4:09 pm

Does the overview have to start with ‘Overall’ ?


Liz says
March 26, 2020 at 4:57 pm

The examiner is looking for appropriate and logical linking words – this is the most logical and most appropriate
way to start an overview. Why would you not want to use it?


neenu says
April 10, 2020 at 3:16 am

I had gone through many ieltes coaching websites but yours is the best .I am starting to learn using this.Thank u so


Liz says
April 10, 2020 at 10:32 am

I’m glad my site is helping you


Prince says
February 16, 2020 at 2:00 pm

Dear Liz,I am your big fan

Your explanation and sentences are excellent and you are my master
I love you


Liz says
February 16, 2020 at 2:47 pm
I’m glad my website is useful for you


Hina Jajoria says

January 31, 2020 at 6:51 pm

Hi Liz
In all your sample writing tasks the first sentence says illustrates. can we use elucidates or exhibits instead of illustrates?


Liz says
January 31, 2020 at 7:21 pm

Why do you want to change the word? You only need to write one report in the test. IELTS usually use “gives
information about” and you paraphrase as “illustrates” – nothing more is needed. Don’t give yourself extra work for no reason
when you prepare for IELTS. There are many more important aspects to learn and prepare for.


Harwinder singh says

July 20, 2020 at 8:21 am

I agree , what i understand after following the way you explain the things (which is amazing) , we need to learn
the basic about representing the information. going for extra attractive words can make the things more complicated


Todd says
January 30, 2020 at 6:20 pm

The graph also has a minor error in that it should say “Low- & reduced-fat spreads,” and not, “Lowfat & reduced
spreads,” since “lowfat” is not recognized by any dictionary as a single word and “reduced spreads” is really more of a concept
than a thing that actually exists and whose consumption can be measured. I’d like to get to the bottom of who this “unknown
source” is. Just (mostly) kidding. My mom’s an editor and I can’t help myself. More importantly, I love this site! It’s a huge help
with those of my students who are prepping for the IELTS. Thanks, Liz!


Liz says
January 31, 2020 at 12:57 am

Thanks for your input, Todd. The problem here is that this is all about IELTS. You can’t alter the category titles
given on a graph. You can adapt capital letters to make sentences grammatically correct, but you can’t alter the category
headings. Just as you can’t alter data because it doesn’t make logical sense (which has happened in an IELTS graph before –
you’d be surprised at what has turned up in IELTS tests). So, for this, candidates must stick with what has been given in the
graph and work with it. About the source, there are many IELTS graphs floating around online without a known source of
origin – this is one of them. It provides a useful lesson for candidates to see how to tackle a line graph report. Glad you like the
site and that it’s helping your students


Martha says
January 30, 2020 at 6:19 am

Your the best teacher


Maha says
January 28, 2020 at 6:52 am

Thanks Liz. You are a great teacher.

Bless you.


Liz says
January 28, 2020 at 10:17 am



Nozimjon Mamadaliev (Edward) says

January 26, 2020 at 10:11 am

Hi, Liz! I am grateful to ensure myself with your materials, posts, suggestions and etc. My question is related to
1. Units are/were measured in grams…? Are or were? Which one is correct? Since, nowadays, such index maybe be measured in
another type of calculation. The line graph is given in the past simple. Thanks in advance for your explanation.


Liz says
January 28, 2020 at 10:19 am

How the units are measured is always in the present because it refers to what you see rather than the data given in
the past. It will always be “Units are measured in …”. However, you only use this if you haven’t already given the units in the
previous statement. For example, “The graph illustrates the proportion of …” – this already shows the units are in percentage
so you don’t need to repeat it.

Edward says
January 25, 2020 at 3:50 am

Hi, Liz! I am grateful to ensure myself with your tips, materials, posts and etc. My question is concerning overview
point and the sentence related to calculation.
1. Can I start mine overview like this “Overall, a glance at the graph reveals that…”””
2. The line graph or bar chart is given in thepast simple, for instance in 2000. Under this circumstance, how should I say “”the
statistics were/are measured in smth”””” which one is best option were or are?


Liz says
January 28, 2020 at 10:21 am

“a glance at the graph” is not recommended to use. Firstly it seems as though you are trying to push unnecessary
language into your report, which is supposed to be a highly focused report. Secondly, your task is not to glance but to analyse.
Always try to avoid using words that are not necessary – it won’t help your score in IELTS.


Nozimjon Mamadaliev (Edward) says

January 29, 2020 at 2:58 am

Thank you so much! I will follow your advice.


Parneet kaur says

January 23, 2020 at 8:32 am

hi! Liz hope you doing good

i just wanna ask that i have given IELTS test 3 times and still not getting good bands in reading and writing i have worked so hard
but i m loosing hope for getting good bands and i don’t know my mistakes so what should i do


Liz says
January 28, 2020 at 10:30 am

Firstly, review your understand of the techniques and requirements of IELTS higher band scores. Unless you
understand what the examiner is looking for and what influences your score to go up or down, you won’t improve. You can use
my free tips and model essays on this page: I also offer Advanced Writing Task 2
Lessons which are very detailed and are aimed to help people push their scores higher by explaining step by step how to create
a high band score essay:

Sunil says
January 21, 2020 at 3:47 pm

Hi Liz,
Pls give me a reply.
For a graph with no dates we use present tense. But if it’s a survey report with no dates??? The survey is done already, then is it
past tense or present tense?

I’m totally confused, i don’t have any tutor to ask. Pls give me a reply and thank you in advance


Liz says
January 21, 2020 at 3:57 pm

If there is any mention that the data in the table, graph, map, chart etc is in the past, you use past tense. If there is
no indication, you use the present tense. IELTS is not a trick test. Just apply logic and common sense in all situations. English
grammar rules are not different because it is IELTS.


Anton says
January 14, 2020 at 5:51 pm

Hi Liz
why you have not compared the figures through body paragraphs?


Liz says
January 28, 2020 at 10:22 am

Because it is not necessary to do so with a line graph. A comparison can be given in the overview. This is similar
to diagrams – they frequently do not contain comparisons. You only compare where necessary.


Praise Alikor says

January 4, 2020 at 3:53 am

Thank You Ma, your website have been of great help to me.
Pls Ma how should i construct the paragraph when writing.
Should i leave a full line and start a new paragraph or should i go to the next line then give a few space before writing.


Liz says
January 28, 2020 at 10:22 am
Your aim is to make it easy for the examiner to see your paragraphs. There are no fixed rules on how to do that. Leaving an
empty line between paragraphs is the most effective way.


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