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Why do I say smoking effects human health ? Why am I taking this topic seriously ? These
days smoking has become a habit among citizens as some of them think it is cool and they
take it as a social requirement. However it effects the human body unconsciously.

The effect of smoking can cause cancer almost to every part of the human body. For an
example, bladder, blood, cervix, kidney or ureter, liver, pancreas, stomach, trachea, and
orophanynx which is throat and tongue. When an individual is diagnosed with a cancer they
may survive or even die due to smoking in specific (2018)

Next, poor oral hygiene. Do you think people who smoke are hygiene ? No absolutely no !
People who smoke have double the risk of getting gum disease depending on the number of
cigarettes a person smokes. One of the symptoms of a smoker is getting gum disease is that
they will face swollen and tender gums as well as bleeding when they brush. Some of them
may loose tooth as smoking corrodes the roots of our tooth. This purely makes it unhygienic
for the surrounding and the smoker itself. Smoking can also limit a person’s taste buds.
(Danielle Dresden, 2019)

It also effects the CNS (central nervous system), mainly integumentary systems which is the
skin, hairs and nails. Smoking can cause changes in f the skin structure. In addition, it may
cause fungal infections on your nails which is also unhygienic. Hair is also affected by
nicotine. An older study found it increases hair loss, balding, and graying. (Ann Pietrangelo
and Kristeen Cherney, 2017)

Besides, do you think smoking is cool ? Because I don’t think so ! It can actually cause
addiction to smokers. The nicotine contain in the tobacco smoke is an addictive drug which
causes people to continue smoking. (2019)

Lastly, smoking can affect our lungs badly. Smokers' lungs experience inflammation in the
small airways and tissues of your lungs. This can make your chest feel tight or cause you to
wheeze or feel short of breath. This can read to scar tissue and breathing difficulties. (2019)

In closing, smoking can be a choice to everyone. However if you choose to smoke you should
be ready to face the consequences at any situations. Every citizen should be well
knowledgeable about the side effects of smoking and smokers should be responsible for their
behaviour in public as it can harm themselves and others.

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