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Exercise 1

Use How much or How many to complete the dialogue

- Hi! How you been?
- I'm good, and you?
- I'm good too!
- Hey, I was wondering if you want to go at supermarket with me?
- Yes, Of course.
- What do you need at the store?
- I need to buy oil, onions, tomatoes, potatoes and salt.
- Ok, how much oil do you want?
- 2 gallons of oil.
- Ok, what else?
- Onions.
- How many onions do you want to buy?
- I need 7 onions.
- And how many tomatoes?
- 4 tomatoes.
- And how many potatoes?
- 6 potatoes.
- What else?
- Amm... Salt!
- Ok, how much salt do you need?
- I need 2 pounds of salt.
- Ok, that's it!
- Thank's


Exercise 2
Use how much or how many according to the noun, read it carefully, it is
countable or uncontable?

How many eggs did you buy ?

How much coffee did you drink last night ?

How many girls are there in your group ?

How many cans of beer do you want ?

How much milk do you drink ?

How much time have you got to play ?

How many stars can you see in the sky ?

How much sugar would you like in your tea ?

How much money did you pay for your bike ?

How much hours do you sleep every night ?

How many Spanish words do you know ?

How much water did you drink ?


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