Trabajo de Cementacion Exitosa

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SPE 14135

Successful Primary Cementing: Fact or Fiction

by R.C. Smith, Amoco Production Co.
SPE Member

Copyright 1988, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was presented at the SPE 1986 International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering held in Beijing, China March 17-20, 1988. The material is
subject to correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Write SPE. P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, Texas
75083-3836. Telex: 730989 SPE DAL.

ABSTRACT The Cementable Wellbore

The planning of the cement job begins long

The producing performance of a well depends in before the well is drilled. Uppermost in all plan-
great parz on a good primary cementing job. In a ning and drilling decisions is the the objective of
high-quality cement job, all mud and gas channels obtaining complete zonal isolation in the wellbore
have been permanently prevented and there is a com- (see Fig. 1). A hydraulic seal must be obtained
plete hydraulic seal between the casing and the for- between the cement and the casing and between the
mation throughout the zones of interest. If the cement and the formation; at the same time, mud and
cementing operation is not carried out correctly, gas channels within the cement sheath must be elimi-
the well will never reach optimum performance. A nated. If these goals are to be accomplished, the
successful primary cementing operation requires a wellbore must be designed and drilled to be cemen-
positive attitude and commitment, proper supervision and table. The ideal cementable wellbore (see Fig. 2)
quality control, detailed planning, and careful is one that is (1) 3 in. (7.62 cm) larger than the
outside diameter of the casing - the absolute min-
preparation. This paper discusses the application
imum is 1-1/2 in. (3.81 cm) larger2'5, (2) as nearly
and interaction of these aspects of the job, as well
as other factors that contribute to successful gauge as possible (without washouts), (3) as
cementing. Examples of unique quality control straight as possible (without severe dog-legs), and
procedures are included, The actual mechanics of (4) stabilized and properly conditioned (without
performing a cementing job are not covered; they can sloughing or flowing or losing circulation). The
be obtained from references included in the paper. drillers must keep these requirements foremost in
all plans. It is imperative that the cementable
DISCUSSION wellbore not be sacrificed in the efforts to reduce
drilling days and mud costs. The cost of repairing
A recent editorial contained this comment: the cement job can far exceed savings in drilling
"There is no excuse for a bad cement job but there costs. Lost production and lost reserves must also
is no such thing as a good cement job." In my be included in any analysis of costs.
opinion, only the first half of this statement is
true. My feeling is that successful primary The Positive Approach
cementing can be a reality.2 It does not come cheap or
without effort, but it can be achieved. A positive cementing philosophy must be devel-
oped and followed. It is the very foundation of the
The primary cementing job on the production successful cementing block pyramid, as shown in
string is perhaps the most important operation per- Rig. 3. One must believe that a successful
formed on a well, yet it remains one of the most cementing job is possible. Such an attitude carries
neglected of all operations. It is also subject to a real commitment to a successful job and involves a
severe cost-cutting through bidding and turn- dedication of people, time, and money.
keying.3'4 But, as always, you get what you pay
for. Successful cementing requires the application Priorities must be set, and the top priority is
of technology, and technology is not free. to obtain a successful cementing job on the first

References and illustrations at end of paper.


The Team Effort

ening time) is illustrated in Fig. 4. Note that

The team effort - the next tier in the block
pyramid - is essential to a successful job. The with only a small increase in downhole circulating
team consists of employees of the the service com- temperature there is a pronounced decrease in
pumping time; therefore, temperature must be deter-
pany, the operating company and the drilling con-
mined fairly accurately. One source of information
tractor. Communication and cooperation must be
established early among all parties, but particu- on downhole temperature is primary logs run on the
larly between the drilling engineers and the service well at the casing setting depth. The maximum
recorded log temperature often is considered psue-
company engineers. The engineered design of the
cementing job to fit the well requirements takes dostatic, provided it is obtained about 24 hours
after the last circulation ceased. If less than
time. All personnel must apply the total engineered
concept which starts with planning and design, con- 24 hours has elapsed, another temperature log or
tinues through blending and mixing the cement, and bottomhole circulation survey should be run. Once
a static temperature is determined, the appropriate
culminates in pumping the cement. The operation is
temperature schedule for slurry design purposes can
too big for one or two people. A team effort is
be obtained from API tables." If a circulation
required to handle the many and varied quality con-
trol measures necessary for a successful job. Usu- survey has been made, the temperature from that
ally, the operator should dedicate one drilling survey should be used in developing a temperature
foreman and at least one drilling engineer to schedule.
quality control.
Fracture Pressure Gradient: During the plan-
The Application of Technology ning stage for drilling a well, tentative decisions
must be made about casing seats, mud weights, and
cementing requirements. The decisions become firmer
The third tier of blocks in Fig. 3 involves the
application of cementing technology. This tech- as more information becomes available during
drilling. Sufficient knowledge of formation frac-
nology includes procedures, techniques, materials,
ture pressure, pore pressure, and lithology is
and job execution. We must link technical know-how
to field execution. To accomplish this task, field required not only to optimize the casing and
personnel must have access to the best technology. drilling plan, but also to provide for a successful
cementing job. Casing setting depths must be
Therefore, a program to transfer technology across
selected to prevent lost circulation problems and to
company boundaries and from research and the
permit proper control of the well at all times. It
industry to field personnel is mandatory. Such a
continuing-education program includes seminars, becomes imperative, therefore, to know the total
classroom courses, job experiences, and on-site hydrostatic pressure at which the exposed formations
expert assistance. Then to assure success, a con- will fracture.
scientious effort must be made to apply the proven
For safe operations, formation fracture pres-
sure is defined for cementing purposes as the frac-
Cement Job Planning: The major areas of con- ture extension pressure. It should not be confused
sideration in any cementing operation are job plan- with fracture initiation pressure, which is usually
higher because of the tensile strength of the
ning, slurry design, blending of bulk materials,
exposed rocks. However, since rock strength cannot
slurry mixing, well preparation, and slurry
be accurately measured in situ, fracture initiation
pumping.8'7 Each area requires special attention and
offers many challenges. A properly engineered pressure cannot be predicted very accurately.
Fig. 5 presents two formation control capability
slurry design satisfies all well requirements and is
affected by well depth, downhole temperature, down- tests that show the difference between fracture ini-
tiation pressure and fracture extension pressure.
hole fracture pressure gradient, slurry density, gas one hour apart on an
migration, fluid loss, pumping time, strength devel- The tests were conducted about
opment, type and quality of mix water, type and den- 8,000-ft (2438-m) well. Note on Test 2 the absence
sity of drilling mud, displacement flow regime, and of a breakdown or fracture initiation pressure, yet
brand and kind of cement. The design proceeds in a fracture extension pressure on the two tests
logical manner from one property to the next until remained essentially unchanged. In Test 1, fracture
all well requirements are fulfilled. The Literature initiation pressure was about 450 psi (3.1 mPa) or
contains procedures for determining most of these 1 lb/gal (120 kg/m8) higher than fracture extension
properties.8'7'10 The steps that offer the most pressure. It appears that once the formation has
challenge are (1) determining the downhole tempera- been broken, this extra pressure due to rock
ture, (2) determining the downhole fracture pressure strength can no longer be counted on for control of
gradient, (3) controlling gas migration, the well. It seems possible that during normal
(4) conditioning the mud and hole, and (5) blending drilling operations the formation could be broken
the bulk cement. unintentionally without its being indicated at the
surface. Designing for maximum slurry density on
Well Temperature: Well temperature is impor- the basis of initiation pressure could easily lead
tant because it affects all properties of cement, to lost circulation during the cementing job.
particularly pumping time and strength develop- Therefore, the fracture extension pressure should be
ment.6'9 Pumping time is the length of time the considered the maximum safe pressure for cementing.
slurry remains pumpable. Downhole cementing temper-
ature can vary widely, depending on the type and Formation fracture pressure is affected by the
weight of drilling mud, well depth, circulation interrelationship of overburden stress, pore pres-
time, geographic location, and many other factors.8 sure and matrix stress coefficient as given by the
The effect of temperature on pumping time (or thick- following expression:" 14

14135 R. C. SMITH 3

Cement Slurry Density: For a casing program

like that of Fig. 7, the maximum slurry density to
Pf x Pp + K (Sov Pp)' (1) prevent losing circulation would be: (1) about
17.5 lb/gal (2096 kg/m3) for the production liner,
(2) nearly 15 lb/gal (1797 kg/m3) for the drilling
where liner, and (3) 11.5 to 12.5 lb/gal (1378 to
1498 kg/m3) filler slurry followed by 15.8 lb/gal
Pf = formation fracture pressure, psi, (1893 kg/m3) tail-in slurry for the intermediate
pp = formation pore pressure, psi,
To determine optimum slurry density involves
Sov = overburden stress, psi, considerable effort but the extra effort pays diii-
dends in successfully cementing the well.
K = matrix stress coefficient, dimension-
less, A wide range of slurry densities can be
obtained using the nine API classes of cement, other
To obtain a reasonable prediction'of formation non-API cements, and various additives. Fig. 8
fracture pressure using Eq. 1, one must have repre- shows slurry density vs a generalized grouping of
sentative estimates for overburden stress, formation cements ranging from neat (with no additives) to
pore pressure, and matrix stress coefficient. Over- cements variously weighted with density-altering
burden stress is obtained from formation density additives. Each group has distinct advantages and
logs, and pore pressure usually is obtained from properties. Laboratory testing will determine the
empirical correlations using wireline log parameters upper and lower limits for application.
and measured pore pressures for the drilling
area.27 However, matrix stress coefficient, K, must Gas Migration: Natural gas is often present in
be determined from actual destructive testing of the formations exposed to the wellbore at the time of
formation--i.e., hydraulic fracturing, or formation cementing. This gas must be prevented from
control capability testing at the casing shoe where migrating through the cement column during WOC
the formation was fractured--or from leakoff test (waiting on cement) time. Failure to prevent gas
data. Care must be exercised in developing empir- migration can cause such problems as high annular
ical correlations for stress coefficient. Usually pressures at the surface, blowouts, poor zonal iso-
it is back calculated from Eq. 1 when the other par- lation, loss of gas to nonproductive zones, poor
ameters are known. The value of formation fracture stimulation, low producing rates, etc., (see
pressure, pf, must be the value of fracture exten- Fig. 9). All of these are costly to correct.
sion pressure determined in the destructive test.
For some active drilling areas, a correlation has Before it begins to hydrate, a cementing slurry
been developed by Matthews and Matthews." in the annulus can transmit hydrostatic head and
thus prevent gas invasion into the slurry. However,
Sometimes Poison's ratio14 is used in place of during the early stages of hydration, the slurry
the stress coefficient; however, reliable values for develops gel strength and tends to become load-
Poison's ratio are not always available. beering," which causes it to lose its ability to
transmit hydrostatic head. In this condition, gas
Ref. 13 provides an updated procedure for det- invasion can occur.
ermining downhole fracture pressure from which max-
imum slurry density can be obtained. There are several successful methods to control
gas migration, each with its advantages. Early
An example of a curve of calculated onshore methods included controlling fluid loss," pres-
fracture pressure gradient in relation to curves of suring the annulus, increasing slurry density, and
overburden stress and pore pressure is presented in eliminating free water.17 Those techniques, which
Fig. 6. Notice that the overburden stress, which is still are used, solve some gas migration problems,
calculated from density logs, is not constant. For but not all. Another method uses a cement slurry
offshore application, the fracture pressure gradient that interacts with the incoming gas to form an
must be adjusted for depth of water and height of impermeable barrier in the cement pore spaces.18
mud line above water level." Still another technique uses an impermeable cement
system for controlling gas migration." Other
Casing Setting Depths: The casing setting approaches involve cements containing gas" or other
depths must be selected such that the well can be additives" to cause expansion of the cement during
controlled and lost circulation can be prevented hydration. In selecting the optimum mechanism or
during drilling And cementing. Assuming an overba- combination of mechanisms for controlling gas inva-
lanced drilling oituation, a mud weight curve is sion and migration many well conditions must be con-
established as shown on Fig. 7. From this curve and sidered. For example, formation pressure,
the fracture pressure curve casing seats can be permeability, gas flow rate, bottomhole temperature,
selected (see Fig. 7). The Regulatory Body having wellbore geometry, well deviation, height of the
jurisdiction over the drilling area and established cement column, formation fracture pressure.
field rules often dictate maximum and minimum set-
ting depths for surface casing. Also, guidelines Some of the techniques for preventing gas
are often given for pressure gradients for the other migration involve the use of an external casing
casing strings; therefore, these requirements, field packer,7 which provides a positive seal in the
rules and guidelines must be followed in selecting annulus (see Fig. 10). It eliminates all three
the final casing string setting depth and size pro- avenues of communication: the formation/cement
gram. interface, the microannulus between casing and
cement, and channels within the cement sheath.


Mud and Hole Conditioning: To enhance mud dis- taminate a cement slurry to the point that it
placement efficiency during a primary cementing job, will not perform downhole. A tank should be
the hole and the mud must be properly condi- cleaned if it contains excess cement.
tioned.21'22 This is one phase of the entire op
tion that should not be rushed-- up to 24 hrs may be 2. Verify the calculations of additive weights.
required to properly condition the mud and wellbore
nt 3. Verify the weights of all additives put in the
after the casing is on bottom. At best, a ceme
ud batch tank for each blend. In addition, count
slurry can only follow the path of the drilling m
and stack the sacks of each additive placed in
circulating ahead of it in the annulus. Therefore,
the cement blend.
the time required to properly condition the mud and
the hole will be very well spent. Some of the
important procedures that have proven successful are 4. Limit the batch size to 50 % of the total
summarized here. capacity of the tank.

5. Verify the air valve positions made by the

The mud and the hole are initially conditioned
with drillpipe in the hole before the casing is run. operator.
Wiper trips are made to check for caving, hole inst-
ability, and tight spots. The casing should not be 6. Blend materials with air and then transfer them
run until the hole is free of cavings and all tight between tanks a minimum of three times.
spots are eliminated. Then the running speed of the
7. Collect representative samples of the blend for
casing is controlled carefully to prevent fracturing
and lost circulation. Once the casing is on bottom, analysis.
pipe movement and mud conditioning are begun and are
Close attention should be paid to the proper
continued throughout the entire cementing opera-
collection of samples. Although investigations into
tion.8'7'21 Cement pumping should not begin until
at least 95% of the hole volume is being circu- proper sampling techniques have been limited, the
lated.2 Generally this can be determined with fluid industry consensus is that three transfers of the
calipers. The drilling mud should be conditioned to blend should be made before sampling. With a con-
as low a plastic viscosity and yield point as the tinuous in-line sampling device, a representative
(In sample can be taken of each blend. A minimum of two
system permits without dropping out solids.7
1-gal samples of bulk material should be collected
some highly deviated holes, this may not be advi-
sable.2') The hole should be conditioned with good and identified for every weigh tank batch.
surface conditioned mud at rates as high as the
After the blending, laboratory tests should be
expected cementing pump rates. Such high circula-
conducted to determine the chemical composition28 or
tion rates are necessary to remove the gelled mud
the pumping timel° at the expected temperature and
that has developed during the static period as a
result of temperature rise and filtrate Loss. In
addition, improved displacement efficiency is
obtained by following these guidelines: (1) the Job Execution and Monitoring
properties of the mud returned should be close to
Proper job execution includes monitoring and
those of the mud being pumped. into the well, (2) the
funnel viscosity nf the mud returned should be less controlling several factors. Certain data must be
collected and analyzed to ensure timely decisions
than SO seconds ;:tlial be within 5 seconds of the vis-
cosity of the mud being pumped into the well, and affecting the overall operation. Recorded data
(3) the gas content of the returning mud should be should include pump rate in, annulus rate out, well-
within 10 units of normal background-gas. Following head pressure (at the cementing head), density of
those guidelines has resulted in more successful fluids pumped in and those returning (using radioac-
cementing. tivity devices or equivalent), cumulative displace-
ment volume, cumulative return volume, hook load
The Importance of Bulk Blending: It is appro- during pipe reciprocation. To enable the job super-
visor to make timely decisions, he should have a
priate to single out bulk blending, or dry blending,
for additional discussion. Blending of bulk mater- central monitoring point such as a monitoring van or
ials often is taken for granted, yet it is a process portable electronic data recorder from which he can
in which serious errors can occur undetected, and if observe the entire operation.
not corrected, can lead to a cementing failure.
After the cementing system has been carefully It is especially important to measure the mud
designed in the laboratory, the composition or return rate. Because of free-fall" of cement in
recipe must be correctly blended to ensure proper the casing, the mud return rate can exceed displace-
slurry performance in the wellbore. The two major ment rates while a well is on a vacuum. However,
factors affecting this performance are the concen- later in the job, as the free-fall rate slows down,
tration and the distribution of the additives in the the return rate can be significantly less than the
cement Liend.24 Small variations in concentrations displacement rate. This lowering of return rate is
of additive can significantly alter the performance often mistaken for losing circulation. Therefore,
properties of the cement slurry. Therefore, quality it is important to calculate job performance using a
control during this phase is extremely important." downhole simulator with which to compare real-time
Following are steps that should be carefully fn% - data during the job. Full-opening magnetic flow
lowed.24'25 meters are available for measuring return rate for
water-based systems. These are much more accurate
1. Visually inspect all bulk tanks before trans- than trip tanks which are o:casionally used.
ferring any bulk material. Any cement
remaining in tanks from previous jobs can con-

14135 R. C. SMITH 5

Another reason to measure the mud return 12. Pilkington, P. E.: "Fracture Gradient
is so the downhole displacement rate can be co Estimates in Tertiary Basins," Pet. Eng. -
ring dis-
trolled to ensure the proper flow regime du Intl. (May 1978).
placement. For example, if turbulent flow
s return 13. Matthews, J. C. and Matthews, W. R.: "Program
required throughout the job, then the annulu
his min- Calculates Frac Gradients for Many Basins," Oil
rate should not be allowed to drop below t
g flow and Gas Journal (July 8, 1985) 39-43.
imum return rate. On the other hand, if plu
n rate
displacement is desired, the aluutlus retur
must not exceed the maximum calculated rate. 14. Eaton, B. A.: "Fracture Gradient Prediction
and Its Application in Oilfield Operations," J.
CONCLUSIONS Pet. Tech. (Oct. 1969), 1353.

1. Successful primary cementing can be a reality. 15. Cheung, P. R. and Beirute, R. M.: "Gas Flow in
Cements," J. Pet. Tech. (June 1985), 1041-1048.
2. Successful primary cementing requires intense
16. Garcia, J. A. and Clark, C. R.: "An Investiga-
quality control.
tion of Annular Gas Flow Following Cementing
cementing requires a proper Operations," Paper SPE 5701 presented at the
3. Successful primary 1976 SPE Symposium on Formation Damage Control,
positive attitude, commitment, and dedication. Houston, Jan. 20-30.

SI METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS 17. Webster, W. W. and Eikerts, J. V.: "Flow After
Cementing - A Field Study and Laboratory
bbl x 1.589873 E-01 = m3 Model," Paper SPE 8259 presented at the 54th
ft x 3.048 E-01 =m SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
°F (°F-32)/1.8 c Las Vegas, Sept. 23-26, 1979.
gal x 3.785412 E-03 m m3
a kg
lbm x 4.535924 E-01 18. Bannister, C. E., Shuster, G. E., Wooldridge,
psi x 6.894757 E-03 mPa L. A., Jones, M. J. and Birch, A. C.: "Critical
lb/gal x 1.198 E+02 a kg/m3 Design Parameters to Prevent Gas Invasion
in. x 2.54 E+00 = cm During Cementing Operations," Paper SPE 11982,
presented at the SPE 58th Annual Technical Con-
REFERENCES ference and Exhibition, San Francisco,
Oct. 5-8, 1983.
1. "Cogent Comment," World Oil (Jan. 1985).
19. Tinsley, J. M., Miller, E. C., and Sutton, D.
2. Smith, R. C.: "Successful Primary Cementing L.: "Study of Factors Causing Annular Gas Flow
Can be a Reality," J. Pet. Tech. (Nov. 1984), Following Primary Cementing," J. Pet. Tech.
1851-1858. (Aug. 1980) 1427-1437.

3. "Dialog", J. Pet. Tech. (Mar. 1985). 20. Griffin, T. J., Spangle, L. B., and Nelson, E.
B.: "New Expanding Cement Promotes Better
4. Jenkins, Dean: "President's Outlook," Well Bonding," Oil and Gas Journal (June 25, 1979),
Servicing (Mar./Apr. 1985), 9. 143-151.

5. Shryock, S. H. and Smith, D. K.: "Geothermal 21. Haut, R. C. and Crook, R. J. Jr.: "Primary
Cementing - The State-of-the-Art," Halliburton Cementing: Optimized for Maximum Mud Displace-
Services Brochure C-1274. ment," World Oil (Nov. 1980).

6. Smith, D. K.: c!Eisnias, Monograph Series, 22. Clark, C. R. and Carter, L. C.: "Mud Displace-
SPE, Dallas (1970 ment with Cement Slurries," J. Pet. Tech. (July
1973), 775-783.
7. Suman, G. 0., Jr., and Ellis, R. C.: Cementing
Handbook, World Oil (1977). 23. Keller, S. R., Crook, R. J., Haut, R. C., and
Kulakofsky, D. S.: "Problems Associated with
8. API Task Group: "Better Temperature Readings Deviated Wellbore Cementing," Paper SPE 11979
Promise Better Cement Jobs," Drilling-DCW (Aug. presented at the SPE 58th Annual Technical Con-
1917). ference and Exhibition, San Francisco,
Oct. 5-8, 1983.
9. Venditto, J. J. and George, C. R.: "Better
Wellbore Temperature Data Equal Better Cement 24. Pace, R. S., McElfresh, P. M., Cobb, J. A.,
Job," World Oil (Feb. 1984). Smith, C. L., and Olsberg, M. A.: "Improved
Bulk Blending Techniques for Accurate and Uni-
10. API Specifications for Materials and Testing form Cement Blends," Paper SPE 13041 presented
for Well Cements, API Spec. 10, 2nd Ed., API at the SPE 59th Annual Technical Conference and
Production Dept., Dallas (1984). Exhibition, Houston, Sept. 16-19, 1984.

11. Matthews, W. R. and Kelly, J.: "How to Predict

25. Smith, R. C.: "Successful Primary Cementing
Formation Fracture Pressure and Fracture Gra- Checklist," Oil and Gas Journal (Nov. 1, 1982).
dient," Oil and Gas Journal (Feb. 20, 1967),


26. Christman, S. A.: "Offshore Fracture Gradi-

ents," J. Pet. Tech. (Aug. 1973).

27. Hottman, C. E. and Johnson, R. K.: "Estimation

of Formation Fracture Pressures from Log-
Derived Shale Properties," J. Pet. Tech. (June
1965), 717.

28. McElfresh, P. M.: "Chemical Thickening-Time

Test for Cements," J. Pet. Tech. (Feb. 1983).

29. Beirute, R. M.: "The Phenomenon of Free Fall

During Primary Cementing," Paper SPE 13045 pre-
sented at the SPE 59th Annual Technical Confer-
ence and Exhibition, Houston, Sept. 16-19,

SPE 14135

Complete Cement Sheath

without Mud or Gas Channels

+ 3" (7.62 cm)

Properly Conditioned Hole & Mud

No Sloughing

Cement Bonded
To Formations
Gauge Diameter
Cement Bonded
To Casing Straight As Possible

Pay Zone No Flow

No Lost Circulation

Figure 1 Figure 2
Job The Cementable Wellbore
Objectives of a Primary Cementing



Procedures Training
and Transfer
Techniques of Program

Company Operato Rig Drilling Drilling
Contactor Foreman Engineers
Team Concept

Attitude Commitment Dedication Proper


Cementing Philosophy

Figure 3
Structure of a Successful Primary Cementing Job


sp 14135

Fracture Initiation Pressure

2000 Test 1

E (13.79)
(93.3) API Class E 2 Pressure
Cement Test 2
Class D 1500
Cement (10.34)
160 cn
c.7s (71.1) Class G Shut-In
LL Cement a 1000
0 (6.89)
cc u.
120 cr
(48.9) cn
a_ (3.45)
(26.7) Class G I I I I
Cement + 2% Caa 2 0 2 4 6 2 4
(.22) i-;3) ShUT-IN TIME, MINUTES
(4.4) 2 4 6 8 10


Figure 4
Effect of Temperature on Pumping Time of Formation Control Capability Tests
Various API Cements at Atmospheric Pressure.

2000 Fracture Gradient 2000 -
Pressure . Intermediate
Gradient Fracture Casing
4000 4000
I Pressure

6000 6000 Mud Weight g-

Pore Pressure
141' Drilling
fp 8000 La' moo Liner

10000 10000
Pore Pressure
12000 12000 -

I I 1 I
14000 r I 14000 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
04 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Figure 6 Figure 7
Formation Fracture Pressure Onshore Casing Setting Depths

_ -176 _ -
SPE 14135


Figure 8
Density Range of Cement Slurries 2

Channels Mud
Leakage mpermeable or Expanding Cement
Low Fluid Loss
Zero Free Water

External Inflatable
Casing Packer

Figure 9 Figure 10
Gas Migration in a Cemented Annulus. 6 Use of a Casing Packer To Prevent
Gas Migration in a Cemented Annulus
(Modified from Ref. 6)


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