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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
F. Salalilla St, Project 4 Quezon City


Grade Level 9 Sections Reliance (MW-Sync, TTH – Async) (9:00 – 10:00 AM) Humility Learning Area Science (Living Things)
(MF- Sync, TTh- Async) (11:30 AM – 12:30 PM0

Charity (TTH – Sync, MW- Async) (12:30 PM – 01:30 PM)

Quarter I Week 2 Inclusive Date October 12-16, 2020

Day/Time Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

6:00 - 7:30 AM Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day 1

7:30 - 8:00 AM Have a short exercise meditation/bonding with the family

Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the Prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases affecting the
functioning of respiratory and respiratory and circulatory systems.
circulatory systems (S9LT-lc-b-27)

Day 1  Explain the negative effects of Cigarette ● For Online Class:

smoking on the respiratory and
Once they are done with Pre-Test, the teacher will ask the
circulatory system.
students to answer the activity in Looking Back. The teacher
 Identify and describe the symptoms of
will emphasize that this activity will serve as a recall of what ●Once the students are done with Pre-
the common ailments of respiratory and Test, the teacher will show the correct
they have learned in the previous lesson. The teacher will post
circulatory system.s answers. Then, the teacher will ask the
a scrambled words and students will arrange it according to the
blood circulation. Then, the teacher will show a quotation, students to post their scores in the
Smokers never grow old but they just die young and the chatbox.
students will provide insights about this. Then, the teacher will ●Once they’re done answering the
show a picture of the smoker’s body and students will describe
and take note of the illnesses that might develop due to questions in Looking Back, the teacher
cigarette smoking. The teacher will show the table that will show the correct answers and will
summarizes the ailments of respiratory and circulatory system ask the students to post their scores in
linked to cigarette smoking Prior the discussion, the students the chatbox.
will be divided into four groups. Each group will dicuss the
effects of cigarette smoking for a person’s respiratory and ●Once done with the homework and
circulatory system using the meta plan. Then, the students will Activity 1, the students will take a
play fact or bluff to check what they’ve understood with the picture, comment DONE, and upload
lesson. Lastly, the students will now focus on the impact of their work.
cigarette smoking not only physically but in economics and
law. For homework, the students will answert a short quiz via
google form link to the post, Homework October 12, 2020, in
their google classroom.

● For Modular Class:

Since the students have gotten their modules from the school,
they will now start answering the Pre-Test and encircle the
letter of the correct answer. But before they start, the teacher
will remind them, via Facebook Group Chat (Messenger), to
read each question carefully and just choose the correct
answer. Afterwards, the teacher will post the instructions in the
●Once they are done with the Pre-Test,
newsfeed of their Google classroom so that they will be guided
the teacher will post the Pre-Test in the
on what to do with the activities in the worksheet. Then, the
newsfeed of Google Classroom, and the
students will now start answering the activity in Looking Back.
students will comment DONE so the
The teacher will emphasize that this activity will serve as a
teacher will be informed that they are
recall of what they have learned in the previous lesson Then,
finished with that activity.
the students will watch the recorded video of the class
discussion After answering the activity, the students will
answer the questions in the google form and interview a
smoker to calculate and contextualize the monetary cost of ● Once they are done answering the
smoking cigarettes. Their work mush be uploaded on the post, activity in Looking Back, the teacher
Homework, October 12, 2020. will post Looking Back Activity in the
newsfeed of their Google Classroom,
and the students should comment
Day 2  Identify ways of detecting and ● For Online Class:
preventing diseases in circulatory
Before they proceed with the discussion, the teacher will ask
system. ●Once done with the homework and
some questions about what they have learned in the previous
 Identify which health habits keep the Activity 1, the students will take a
lesson. Then, the teacher will post some pictures and let the
circulatory system heatlhy. picture, comment DONE, and upload
students identify the common Respiratory and Ciculatory
 Appreciate the importance of a healthly their work.
ailments. The teacher will show some pictures and the student
lifestyle in avoiding such disease.
will realize that the lesson for that day is all about the ways of
 Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the
detecting and preventing diseases. During the class discussion,
functioning of the respiratory and
the teacher will ask the students to go to their respective  Each student will get a point for each
circulatory system. correct answer.
groups and create a story that illustrates various ways of
preventing diseases that affect the respiratory and circulatory
●Once they’re done answering the
systems. They must also show the imporatance of keeping
questions with their seatwork, the
healthy and free from illnesses. For seatwork, the students will
students will upload their work and
answer the Activity 2 on pages 8. The title would be Seatwork,
comment DONE.
October 13, 2020. For homework, the students will create an
advocacy for having a healthy lifestyle during this pandemic,
COVID19 and upload their work on Homework, October 13,

● For Modular Class:

Before they proceed with the activities, the teacher will post
some questions in the google classroom as a recall of what
they have learned in the previous activities. The title of that
post would be Review for October 12, 2020. Then, the students
will watch the recorded video of the class discussion in
Circulatory system. Then, the students will answer the
questions in the newsfeed of their Google classroom to check
what they have learned in the said video. For seatwork, the
students will answer the Activity 2 on pages 8. The title would ●Once all of the students commented in
be Seatwork, October 13, 2020. For homework, the students the Review for October 12, 2020 post,
will create an advocacy for having a healthy lifestyle during the teacher will create another post with
this pandemic, COVID19 and upload their work on the correct answers and the student(s)
Homework, October 13, 2020. who will give the correct answer(s) will
get a point for each question.
Day 3  Appreciate the importance of a healthy ● For Modular Class:
lifestyle in avoiding such disease. ●Once they’re done answering the
Before the students proceed with the activity, the teacher will
 Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the questions with their seatwork, the
post some questions in the Google Classroom or Facebook
functioning of the respiratory and students will upload their work and
page that will serve as a recall on what they have learned in the
circulatory system. comment DONE.
previous activity. The title of the post would be Review for
October 6, 2020. The students will be asked about the different
ways on how to make respiratory and circulatory system
healthy. The students will also be asked to do the activity 3 and ●Each student will get a point for each
and their work will uploaded in the post, Activity 3, and 4, correct answer.
October 07, 2020. ●Once the students are done with the
Day 4  Appreciate the importance of a healthy  For Online Class activities 3 and 4. The students must
lifestyle in avoiding such disease. upload their work and scores will be
Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the sent thru email.
functioning of the respiratory and Before the class discussion starts, the students will ask some
circulatory system. questions that will help them recall about the previous lesson.
The teacher will use a randomizer so that everyone has
opportunity to answer. Then, the students will play 4 pics 1
work and the will realize that the lesson would about how ●Each student will get a point for each
one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of the respiratory and correct answer.
circulatory system. The students will again be divided into
groups and asked them to brainstorm different lifestyle and ●Once the students are done in answering
explain the positive and negative effect to one’s life. Also, the questions in Check Your
each will do the information dissimenation activity about Understanding the student will
raising awareness on how people can effectively take care of comment DONE and upload their work.
their respiratory and circulatory systems by creating ●Once dome with the infographic, they
infographic. They will given deadline until next Monday, will take a picture of it and upload in the
October 19, 2020 for this activity. It also should be related google classroom.
with the pandemic that we are experiencing now. Then, the
studens will be having a short quiz. For homework, the
students will be asked to answer Check your Understanding on
page 10.
● For Modular Class:

Before the students proceed with the activity, the teacher will
post a question about the different ways on how to make
respiratory and circulatory system healthy in the Google
Classroom that will serve as a recall on what they have learned
in the previous activity. The title of the post would be Review
for October 14, 2020. Then, the students will watch the ●Each student will get a point for each
recorded video of the classroom discussion of how one’s correct answer.
lifestyle affect the functioning and circulatory system.
●Once the students are done in answering
Afterwards, the students will do the information dissimenation
the questions in Check Your
activity about raising awareness on how people can effectively
Understanding the student will
take care of their respiratory and circulatory systems. The can
comment DONE and upload their work.
use any medium for their artwork. They will given deadline
until next Monday, October 19, 2020 for this activity. It also ●Once dome with the infographic, they
should be related with the pandemic that we are experiencing will take a picture of it and upload in the
now. Then, the studens will be having a short quiz. For google classroom.
homework, the students will be asked to answer Check your
Understanding on page 10 ●The parent/guardian/authorized person
should hand-in the output to the teacher
in school. After checking the modules,
the teacher will distribute the module
back to the parent/guardian/authorized

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