We Shape Kingdom's Vision Leaders: Gimnasio Campestre Beth Shalom Math Final Test Second Grade - First Term

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We shape kingdom’s vision leaders
Math Final test
Second grade – First term

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________________


Revelation 22:19. And

if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove
that person’s share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book (Bible).

Student has to write down on these lines, a Math bible integration that understands from
this bible verse and that impacted his/her life in the I term’s classes.

Everything the Lord says is truth and we cannot subtract any word he has said. Psalms 119:160 The sum of your word is truth, and every one
of your righteous rules endures forever.

Essential question: Who is our only one righteous role model who is the truth and endures forever?

Competence: To identify the process of adding and subtracting operations, Skip-counting, Addition and Subtraction




-Numbers up to 100,000

-Counting back and forward


- Operations and Word problems

1. Do the ADDITION + of this quantities (Colombian Bills)
and write them down in NUMBERS FORM and in WORD

NUMBER FORM: $ _________________________


2. Write the numbers that follow if you count by 10s. TENS

Example: 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040 …

a. 8,125;

b. 9,020;

c. 3,111;

3. Complete the table with the place and place value of the underlined digit of each number.
4. Write >, <, or =.
5. Look at the following table and put the Distances in order on the number line beginning from the LEFT
← (Least) to the RIGHT → (Greatest).

6. Complete with the corresponding missing number

a. 10 + = 30 b. + = 50 c. 500 + = 600

+ 15 = 25 + = 200 100 + = 5100

11 − 9 = 17 − 17 = 1,000 − = 10

50 − = 40 17 − = 150 − =10

7. Solve the following math problem.

 Joseph and Mary are collecting money to buy some fish. Joseph has $4,350 and Mary has $3,900. If the fish cost $12,990, how
much more money do they need?
Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________

8. Solve the following math problem

a. Samuel sells 15.100 bibles in 1 month? If he only works for a Christian library in Bogota on
August and September, how many bibles will she sell in total?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________

The amount of star is infinite Gen. 15:5 “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He
said to him, “So shall your descendants be.”

Essential question: Can I count the blessings God gives me?

Competence: Understands concepts such us place and value in the basic operations.

9. Solve each situation, writing an equation.

During the vacations our friends Veggitales traveled 1,008 km and
then 503 km more. How many kilometers did they travel in total?

b. If Carlos donated $4,635

and Mariana donated $4,355 to
Children with cancer,
how much money did
THEY donate in total?
10. Match each equation with the equation used to check it.

Greater numbers are yet to be discovered. ¿Can you count it all? Gen. 13:16 I will make your offspring as the dust of the earth, so that if
one can count the dust of the earth, your offspring also can be counted.

Essential question: Can anyone count God’s children?

Competence: Understand the importance of carrying over and borrowing at the moment of adding or subtracting.

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