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PO Release Strategy- Config & Pre-Requisites

We need to define the parameters to initiate release strategy.

Combination can be as required, here I have opted Document type and Material Group, as an
example. Structure CEKKO (Communication Release Strategy Determination Purch. Document)
displays all fields, using which release strategy can be configured.


Characteristics needs to be created for the attributes, on which release strategy is dependent. As an
example, we have CEKKO- BSART (Doc Type) & CEKKO- MATKL (Material Group)

• Run transaction CT04, below screen will appear

• Enter characteristic name and click on Create button

• Select data type
• In my case, I wanted configure the release strategy for 1 document type
• Selected Single Values in Value Assignment block
• Multiple values can be selected for Many document type

• As displayed below, in Addnl tab, for Reference to table field, mention field name as displayed
below. Same as mentioned in CEKKO structure,
• As displayed below, in Restriction tab, mention Class type as “032”

• Click on Value tab, mention value for PO Doc type, I have taken standard as NB
• As below, similarly create a characteristic for Material group
• All screen shots as mentioned below

Class needs to be created to club all characteristics as created above for the PO release Strategy.

• Run transaction CL02 with class type 032

• Provide Class description
• Enter characteristics name as mentioned below for Doc/Order Type & Material Group.

Release Strategy for Purchase Order

Config steps for Release strategy as below –

Path - SPRO: Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Release Procedure for
Purchase Orders -> Define Release Procedure for Purchase Orders.

➢ Release Groups
➢ Release Codes
➢ Release Indicator
➢ Release Strategies
➢ Workflow

• First, select Release Group, choose Release Group, below screen will appear
• Opt new entries & provide description/Name of the Release Group, in my case as “AS”
• Choose class & provide description as below.

• Second, select Release Codes, choose Release Codes, below screen will appear

• Enter release code against Release group.

• Here we have entered 10 & 20 with “10 = A & 20 = B”, as below
• Opted workflow = 1 (Role resolution with group, code, and plant).
• Save it
• Third, select Release Indicators, choose Release Indicators, below screen will appear

• Enter Release ID, here I have entered 0 & 1

• Check released check box for the Release ID where PO shall be released.
• Changeable value as 6 for PO
• Value change : After release of PR, it cannot be changed significantly till the value mentioned.
• Enter description

• Fourth, select Release Strategies, choose Release strategies, below screen will appear
• Click New Entries button and opt Release group.
• Now, provide describe Release strategy and description.
• Opt Release codes as below
• Here we have “A for Initial level” & “Final approver as B”

• As below, Now click on Release prerequisites

• In prerequisites screen, select prerequisites for each release code.
• Here in the screen shot, there is no prerequisite for release code 10 and for release
code 20, there is a pre-requisite that release id 10 has to be there.
• Click, Continue, as below.
• As below, Now click on Release Statuses
• No level released, “release indicator” not Released
• When the first level is released, “release indicator” not Released
• When both level are released, PO overall status will be Released.
• Click, Continue button.

• As below, Now click on Classification.

• Select characteristic values, as below.
• These values are involved in the release strategy.
• Press back button & save.
• Click on workflow
• Below screen will appear

• Opt Release group, release code, object type & ID.

• Displayed as below.
• SU01 ID displayed as below “Reviewer 1 & Reviewer 2”

• PO created with Doc type “NB” & Material grp as in release str…
• Release str triggered, as below

Aditya Sibal

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