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Kindly write down the procedure in how to perform the ff. Physical Fitness Test.

1. Push-Up
 For a performer:
a) Lie down on the mat; face down in standard push-up position; palms on the mat about
shoulder width, fingers pointing forward, and legs straight, parallel, and slightly apart,
with the toes supporting the feet.
b) FOR BOYS: Straighten the arms, keeping the back and knees straight, then lower the
arms until there is 90 degree angle at the elbows (upper arm are parallel on the floor.
FOR GIRLS: With knees in contact with the floor, straightens the arms, keeping the
back straight, then lower the arms until there is 90 degree angle at the elbows (upper
arms are parallel on the floor)
c) Perform as many repetitions as possible, maintaining a cadence of 20 push-ups per
minute. (2 seconds going down and 1 second going up).
NOTE: 60 beats/mins.
 For the partner:
a.) As the performer assumes the position of push-up, start counting as the performer
lowers his/her body until he/she reaches 90 degree angle at the elbow.
b.) Make sure that the performer executes the push-ups in the correct form.
c.) The test is terminated when the performer can no longer execute the push-ups in the
correct form. If in, pain, voluntarily stops, or cadence is broken.

2. Curl-Ups
a.) Performer lies flat on the floor, knees bent with heels about 6 inches from the
buttocks, feet slightly apart and held down firmly on the floor by his partner.
b.) Performer with straight elbows places hands on knees and hold himself up by holding
firmly his knees. This is the starting position.
c.) He lowers himself slowly until the tip of his middle fingers are about an inch from the
top of his knees.
d.) He raises himself up until he assumes the starting position and without resting, he
repeats the movement as many as he can.
e.) The curl-up should be performed slowly at the rate of one second in going down and
one second in going up (call out the cadence by using stopwatch or counting “one
thousand and one, one thousand and two” for one completed curl-ups).
f.) Stop when the performer completes 50 curl-ups or commits a two “form break”. A
form break occurs when the pupil cannot keep up with the cadence or stops and rest
by holding on his knees.

3. Sit and Reach

 For a performer:
a) Sit on the floor with back, head and shoulders flat on the wall. Feet are 12 inches
b) Interlock thumbs and position the tip of the fingers on the floor without bending the
elbows. Reach up.
c) Place hands on the top of the card or paper where the tips of the middle fingers are
the top edge of the cardboard or paper. Start the test by pushing the card board or
the paper slowly and try to reach the farthest distance possible without bending the
knees. Hold for 2 seconds.
d) Bouncing or jerking movements is not allowed.
e) Do it (3x) three times.
 For the partner:
a) As the performer assumes the (b) procedure, position the zero point of the tape
measure at the tip of the middle fingers of the performer.
b) See to it that the knees are not bent as the performer slides the farthest distance that
he could.
c) Record the farthest distance reached in centimetres.

4. Paper Juggling
 For a performer:
 Hit the sipa/rubber band material alternately with the right and left palm upward. The
height of the material being tossed should be at least above the head. Two trials only.
 For the partner:
 Count how many times the performer has hit the material with the right and left hand.
Then, stop the test if the material drops. Record the number of hits/trial.

5. Basketball Pass
a) The performer sits on the floor with buttocks, back and head resting against a wall; the
legs are stretched horizontally in front of the body. The performer uses a two-handed
chest pass to push the ball in the horizontal direction (45 degree angle) as far as possible.
A one-arm pass is not allowed.
b) Through-out the movement, the performer must keep his head, shoulders and buttocks
in contact with the wall and that the ball is thrown only with the arm and shoulder
c) Performer is allowed two (2) trials, with the tester noting the distances, to the nearest
five (5) centimetres from the edge of the wall to the base of the ball where it makes
contact with the floor on the first bounce.

6. 3 Minute Step Test

 Begin by demonstrating the alternating stepping cadence to the subject. In time with the
beat step one foot up on the bench (1st beat), step up with the second foot (2nd beat),
step down with one foot (3rd beat), and step down with the other floor (4th beat). Allow
the subject to practice the stepping to the metronome cadence, which is set 96 beats per
minute (4 clicks=one step cycle) for stepping rate of 24 steps per minute. The athlete
immediately stops on completion of the rest and sits down and remains still. Starting with
5 seconds, the tester is to count the subject’s heart rate (ideally with a stethoscope) foe
one complete minute.

7. Standing Long Jump

 The participant stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly apart. A two
foot take-off and landing is used, with swinging of the arms and bending of the knees to
provide drive. The participant attempts to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet
without falling backwards.

8. 50 Meter Sprint
 The test involves running a single maximum sprint over 50 meters, with the time
recorded. A thorough warm up should be given, including some practice starts and
acceleration. Start from the stationary standing position (hands cannot touch the
ground), with one foot in front of the other.

9. Stick Drop Test

a) Ask the volunteer to sit in the chair with good upright posture and eyes looking across
the room.
b) Have the volunteer place her forearm (the part of the arm from elbow to hand) so that
it extends over the edge of the table.
c) Ask the volunteer to place her thumb and index (pointer) finger on either side of the
bottom of the vertically placed ruler. The number “1” should be on the bottom, the “30”
near the top.
d) Let the volunteer practice holding the ruler with those two fingers.
e) Now, ask the volunteer to remove her fingers from the ruler while you continue hold it
so that the bottom of the ruler is at a height of 2cm above the fingers.
f) Tell the volunteer that you will release the ruler without telling her. Her job will be to
catch it with her thumb and forefinger as soon as she senses it dropping.
g) Drop the ruler. When the volunteer catches it, record the number on the ruler displayed
just over her thumb. The lower the number, the faster her reaction time.
h) Conduct several trials with the same volunteer, dropping the ruler from 2cm above her
fingers each time.
i) Make sure to record the results for each trial in a table similar to the following:

Volunteer 1st trial (cm) 2nd trial (cm) 3rd trial (cm)

j) You might consider letting your volunteers have rest between trials.
k) Repeat the experiment with at least one other volunteer.
10. Hexagon Agility Test
 Make a hexagon on the floor. All sides should be 60.5 cm and each corner should have a
120 degree angle. Stand in the center of the hexagon with your feet next to each other.
Jump over the line in front of you and then jump back into the hexagon (over the same
line). Now jump over the line next to it and jump back again. Repeat this until you have
jumped over all lines. It is important to keep your head facing towards.

11. Stork Balance Test

 Remove the shoes and place the hands on the hips, then position the non-supporting
foot against the inside knee of the supporting leg. The subject is given one minute to
practice the balance. It raises the heel to balance on the ball of the foot. The stopwatch
is started as the heel is raised from the floor. The stopwatch is stopped if any of the
following occur:
 The hand(s) come off the hips
 The supporting foot swivels or moves in any direction
 The non-supporting foot loses contact with the knee.
 The heel of the supporting foot touches the floor.

12. Zipper Test

 The test is done in standing position. Place one hand behind the head and back over the
shoulder and reach as far as possible down the middle of your back, your palm touching
your body and the fingers directed downwards. Place the other arm behind your back,
palm facing outward and fingers upward and reach up as far as possible attempting to
touch or overlap the middle fingers of both hands. An assistant is required to direct the
subject so that the fingers are aligned and to measure the distance between the tips of
the middle fingers. If the fingertips touch then the score is zero. If they do not touch,
measure the distance between the finger tips (a negative score). Practice two times, and
then test two times. Stop the test if the subject experiences pain.

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