Fabrication and Characterization of A Passive Silicon-Based Direct Methanol Fuel Cell

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Microsyst Technol (2008) 14:535–541

DOI 10.1007/s00542-007-0451-9


Fabrication and characterization of a passive silicon-based direct

methanol fuel cell
J. P. Esquivel Æ N. Sabaté Æ J. Santander Æ
N. Torres Æ C. Cané

Received: 18 May 2007 / Accepted: 13 October 2007 / Published online: 30 October 2007
Ó Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract This paper reports on the fabrication and power density, long operation lifetime and low cost. In
characterization of a passive silicon microfabricated direct recent years, many solutions have been proposed to over-
methanol fuel cell (lDMFC). The main characteristics of come these challenges. Regarding their integration in
the device are its capability to work without complex MEMS technology, most of the works have focused on the
pumping systems, only by capillary pressure, and the fact development of energy scavenging microsystems (Menin-
that its performance is not affected by the device orienta- ger et al. 2001), microreactors (Jacobson and Epstein 2003)
tion. A simple fabrication process based in deep reactive and microfuel cells (Kamarudin et al. 2007). Among them,
ion etching (DRIE), allows obtaining a reliable and low- microfuel cell power supplies appear as the most promising
cost final device. The device consists of two silicon option due to their higher energy density. Particularly, fuel
microfabricated plates mounted together with a commer- cells based on polymer electrolytes (PEMFC) are the most
cial membrane electrode assembly (MEA). The impact of appropriate due to their capability of operating at temper-
current collector design on microfuel cell performance is atures close to ambient. Although the most effective fuel
explored and current–voltage (I–V) and current–power (I– used in this kind of cells is hydrogen, its difficulty of
P) curves of the device at different methanol concentration storage and handling makes it hard to incorporate it into
and orientation are presented. Optimal performance was portable applications. In this sense, the use of alternative
obtained for methanol concentrations between 3 and 5 M, fuels as methanol has proved to overcome successfully this
achieving a maximum power density of 12 mW/cm2. The problem, mainly due to its higher energy density and easier
results obtained in this work demonstrate the feasibility of handling as it can be used in liquid state (Larminie and
the device and give a guideline for design and conditions Dicks 2003). Moreover, in order to optimize the fuel cell
optimization. supplied power and facilitate integration, auxiliary devices
such as fuel pumps and air blowers can be eliminated from
the design. This kind of cell system has been denoted as
passive fuel cell (Chen and Zhao 2007). In this way, the
1 Introduction overall DMFC system becomes simpler, more compact and
easier to integrate with other silicon-based devices.
The increasing presence of microelectromechanical sys- Therefore, in contrast with active systems where the fuel
tems (MEMS) in a wide range of applications has is supplied with a constant flux the same concentration and
originated an intensive research towards the obtaining of pressure conditions are maintained at every moment, in a
small power sources that satisfy the requirements of high passive system fuel distribution relies on diffusion, so
design and optimization of the architecture of the micro-
fluidic structures is a critical issue.
J. P. Esquivel (&)  N. Sabaté  J. Santander  N. Torres  In this paper, we report on silicon-based microfabricated
C. Cané
direct methanol fuel cell with passive methanol delivery.
Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica-IMB (CSIC),
Campus de la UAB s/n, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain The fuel cell is tested at different varying operation
e-mail: juanpablo.esquivel@cnm.es conditions such as methanol concentration and device

536 Microsyst Technol (2008) 14:535–541

orientation. Moreover, the effect of the current collector

design both at the anode and the cathode on the fuel cell
response is explored.

2 Design of microfuel cell

The basic structure of a DMFC can be described as a

membrane electrode assembly (MEA) placed between two
conducting plates. The MEA consists of a polymer elec-
trolyte membrane (typically Nafion1) covered on both Fig. 2 Diagram of fuel cell with silicon plates showing the fuel
sides by porous electrodes that contain the catalyst loads reservoir, the array of 80 lm channels and separations between
that enhance the chemical reaction. The MEA is pressed
between the plates, which besides giving support to the
has been defined at the silicon wafer backside and aligned
structure, act as current collectors and distribute the fuel
with the channel array and it is used as a fuel reservoir.
towards the membrane. A schematic diagram with main
Figure 2 shows a scheme of the basic silicon-based mi-
parts of a direct methanol fuel cell can be seen in Fig. 1.
crofuel cell structure.
The approach presented in this work consists on the
development of a silicon-based passive fuel cell with a
compact and simple design. The microfuel cell is based on
3 Fabrication process and assembly
a hybrid device that consists on a commercial MEA
sandwiched between two microfabricated silicon plates. In
The process starts with 100 mm double-side polished Si
addition of giving the mechanical support to the fuel cell
wafers 500 lm thick. A first photolithography is done on
structure, the silicon plates must be structures that facilitate
the front side to define an array of squared windows with
mass transport in the system, ensuring that the fuel reaches
80 lm size distributed over a squared surface of
the membrane and CO2 is correctly degassed. In addition,
5.0 9 5.0 mm. Subsequently, a second photolithography is
due to their role as current collectors, they also have to be
performed on the back side to define the cavity for the fuel
provided with high area and good electrical conductivity to
container. Then, a deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) is
reduce ohmic losses when driving the electrons.
realized first on the front side to obtain 300 lm-deep
Therefore, the plates have been provided with an array
channels, and secondly at the back until the wafer is
of vertical squared channels 300-lm long covering an area
completely perforated. Figure 3 shows a SEM image of the
of 5 9 5 mm. Channels dimensions have been set to
channels array. In order to provide the current collectors
80 9 80 lm in order to ensure the prevalence of the cap-
with an appropriate electrical conductivity, a 150 nm Ti/Ni
illary force versus gravity regardless of device orientation
(Aravamudhan et al. 2005). In order to test the influence of
the exposed area of the MEA to the fuel, three different
designs were fabricated varying the distance between
channels with separations of 20, 40 and 80 lm. A cavity

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram showing the parts and operation of a Fig. 3 SEM image of the front side of the silicon wafer showing the
typical DMFC array of 80 lm channels

Microsyst Technol (2008) 14:535–541 537

Table 1 Main steps of the microfabrication process

Main steps of the microfabrication process
Step Description
Double side
polished wafer
front side

back side

DRIE front side

DRIE back side

Fig. 4 Photograph of microfuel cell on the setup structure for testing
Sputter deposition

Electrodeposition electronic load and interfacing with a computer in order to

Ni/Au apply different loads and record the output voltages. The
influence of different parameters such as the silicon current
Silicon Photoresist Ti/Ni Sputter Ni/Au
collectors design, changes in device orientation, variation
of methanol concentration and the operation lifetime with a
limited volume of fuel has been studied. In this section the
obtained measurements are presented and discussed.
sputter layer is deposited covering the front side of the Before characterization of the device, a MEA’s pre-
wafer and the channels walls. This last conductive layer is treatment process had to be done to activate the membrane.
used as a seed layer for the 4 lm thick Ni layer that is The process consisted on wetting the anode side with a
electrodeposited afterwards. This layer, that allows reduc- concentration of 0.25 M methanol for several hours and
ing significantly the resistivity of the current collector, is afterwards submitting the fuel cell to working conditions at
then covered by a thin Au layer to prevent oxidation. a constant current for a short period of time (Kho et al.
Finally, the wafer is cut into 10 9 14 mm chips. The main 2004).
steps of the microfabrication process of the silicon current
collectors have been summarized in Table 1.
The final assembly of the microfuel cell is achieved by 4.1 Open circuit voltage evolution at different
placing a MEA (E-TEK ELAT1) consisting of a Nafion1 concentrations
117 membrane with 4.0 mg/cm2 Pt-Ru catalyst load on the
anode side and 4.0 mg/cm2 Pt on the cathode, between two In a direct methanol fuel cell, open circuit voltage (OCV) is
microfabricated plates. During the assembling process, strongly dependent on the methanol concentration. This is
alignment of the arrays of channels on both chips is due to the crossing over of methanol from anode to cathode
ensured, yielding a total active area of 0.28 cm2. In order to through the Nafion1 membrane that occurs because of the
provide the mechanical support to the structure and a larger combined effect of molecular diffusion and electro-osmotic
fuel reservoir while testing, two micromilled methacrylate drag. This results not only in a fuel loss, but also a decrease
pieces are positioned onto the plates and all the compo- in the overall cell voltage due to the mixed potential on the
nents are tightened together with four bolts. An image of cathode. Methanol crossover depends on different factors,
the final assembly can be seen in Fig. 4 and details about being the most important ones the membrane permeability
fabrication can be found elsewhere (Santander et al. 2006). and thickness (Liu et al. 2006), the concentration of
methanol (Kim et al. 2006), the operating temperature
(Kho et al. 2005), and the catalyst load in the electrodes
4 Characterization (Bae et al. 2006). In order to evaluate the influence of
methanol concentration on the OCV of cell at room tem-
I–V characteristic curves of the microdevices were perature, the evolution of the OCV when filling the fuel
obtained using a Keithley 2400 Sourcemeter as an reservoir with 100 ll of methanol at different

538 Microsyst Technol (2008) 14:535–541

Fig. 5 Open circuit voltage evolution at different methanol


concentrations has been depicted in Fig. 5. This figure

shows the changes in the OCV with time from the moment
of fuel injection of a particular methanol solution into the
fuel reservoir until it reaches a steady value. As expected,
increasing methanol concentrations lead to lower OCV
values. As seen in the figure, when the reservoir is filled,
the OCV experiences an abrupt jump when the methanol
reaches the anode and then drops slowly to a steady value,
as part of the fuel permeates the membrane and reaches the
cathode. In order to compensate a decrease in methanol
concentration associated to fuel losses originated by the Fig. 6 a Performance of device working at different methanol
methanol crossover, the fuel reservoir was refilled after a concentrations. b Values of maximum power density, maximum
few minutes. It can be observed that the initial voltage current density and current density at maximum power of the fuel cell
depending on methanol concentrations
jump becomes smaller when refilling the reservoir a second
time. This can be due to the accumulation of both methanol
and water in the cathode, which limit access of oxygen to previous section. As already discussed, a reduction in OCV
the catalytic sites and leads to a decrease in the methanol due to the effect of methanol crossover through the mem-
oxidation rate both in the anode and cathode sides (Kho brane was observed.
et al. 2005). This effect was also visible when the reservoir The methanol concentration for the maximum power in
was refilled with higher concentrations of methanol. a passive cell is much higher than in an active cell, which
has an appropriate concentration of around 1 M (Liu et al.
2004). This is due to the need to compensate the slower
4.2 Fuel cell performance with different methanol mass transport rate of methanol, which in passive cells is
concentrations performed by diffusion. However, increasing concentration
leads to higher methanol crossover and consequent dete-
The intermediate current collector design with 80 lm rioration of cell performance. In practice, a compromise
separation between channels was chosen to evaluate the between transport benefits and crossover negative effects is
behaviour of the microfuel cell working at different found at concentrations between 4 and 5 M (Kamarudin
methanol concentrations. The system was tested at con- et al. 2007). Figure 6a, b shows that the maximum power
centrations of 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 5 M and the measured I–V density delivered by our device increases with the con-
curves have been depicted in Fig. 6a. Measurements were centration and reaches a maximum value of 3.3 mW at
taken after the OCV stabilization sequence shown in 5 M which corresponds to a power density of 11.4 mW/

Microsyst Technol (2008) 14:535–541 539

Fig. 7 Cell performance curves with current collectors of different

channel densities

cm2. This power density is higher than any of the values

reported before in silicon-based methanol fuel cells without
external fuel pumping (Kamarudin et al. 2007) and close to
the values reported for stainless-steel fabricated passive
micro cells (Chen and Yang 2003, Liu et al. 2005). In
addition, it was also observed that the maximum current
density of 120 mA/cm2 is achieved at concentration of 3 M
whereas at 5 M the I–V curve drops revealing the existence
of transport limitations beyond the maximum power peak.
This drop might be caused by the additional accumulation
of water that is produced by oxidation of crossover

4.3 Silicon plates design comparison

Fig. 8 Methanol consumption of microfuel cell. a Operating with
The effect of the channel density in the silicon current two methanol concentrations delivering the same power. b Fuel cell
collectors (i.e. separation between vertical channels) was with 3 M methanol concentration working at two different current
evaluated comparing the characteristic curves of the three
different geometric designs working with a 2 M methanol
concentration. As it can be seen in Fig. 7, the OCV and the highest mass transport limitation and show an abrupt drop
maximum current density are dependent on the separation before reaching 70 mA/cm2. A separation of 80 lm allows
between channels, while the maximum power does not shifting mass transport limitations up to 90 mA/cm2
change significantly. The slight difference observed in the whereas the current collectors with a separation of 40 lm
recorded OCV values is related to the fact that a narrower between channels present almost no drop by concentration
separation between fuel channels mean more exposed area losses and reach a current density of more than 115 mA/
of methanol to the membrane. This enhances methanol cm2.
crossover that leads to a reduction of the cell potential.
As expected, all the fuel cell I–V curves show the same
slope at the ohmic region, meaning that transport of elec- 4.4 Methanol consumption
trons is performed with the same efficiency in all designs.
On the contrary, channel density has a significant effect on In order to test the power output performance of our silicon
fuel cell concentration losses. Current collectors with a passive DMFC, different continuous operation conditions
separation of 160 lm between channels suffer from the have been tested. For this purpose, the intermediate current

540 Microsyst Technol (2008) 14:535–541

that in order to optimize the efficiency of a passive fuel cell

the operation point must be carefully chosen.

4.5 Performance at different device orientation

Dimensions of the channels etched in the silicon current

collectors are chosen small enough to create a capillary
force high enough to overcome gravity. As the channel
surface is covered by a slightly hydrophilic metal, the
capillary force keeps the liquid inside the cavities, pressing
the methanol to the membrane regardless the fuel cell
position. The device capability to work under random
orientation conditions was tested. The system was char-
acterized with a concentration of methanol 3 M in three
different orientations, with the methanol reservoir facing
up, facing down and placed sideways. The resulting I–V
Fig. 9 Performance at different cell orientations. Fuel cell operating plots are depicted in Fig. 9. It can be observed that the
with methanol reservoir facing up, facing down and sideways curves start with the same OCV but finish at different
current density points. The maximum current density was
recorded for the fuel cell working upwards. In this case,
collector design with 80 lm separation between channels capillary force and gravity work in the same direction. The
was chosen and the fuel reservoir was filled with 100 ll of worst case was recorded when the cell was placed on its
fuel. Methanol consumption tests were performed at con- side, with a 20 mA/cm2 decrease of the maximal current
stant current operation. Figure 8a shows the transient density, which means a 15% change at the highest intensity
discharge of the microfuel cells at methanol concentrations point. However, the variation in the maximum power
of 2 and 3 M at an operation point of 9 mW/cm2, that was density measured at different orientations supposes only a
achieved by setting cell current values at 35 and 27 mA/ 13% decrease in the performance when the cell is place
cm2 respectively. A stable cell performance was observed sideways.
in both cases until a significant decrease of methanol
concentration in the reservoir caused a sudden drop in the
output cell power. As expected, the increase of methanol 5 Conclusion
concentration from 2 to 3 M extends operation time of the
fuel cell significantly. A passive direct methanol microfuel cell has been fabri-
Moreover, the impact of the fuel cell operation point on cated and characterized under different conditions. First of
its transient discharge has been explored. Figure 8b shows all, it has been shown that the channel density in the current
the power evolution of a microfuel cell fed with 3 M collectors has an important influence in fuel cell perfor-
methanol at two different power loads: 9 and 13.5 mW/ mance, mainly affecting fuel cell concentration losses.
cm2, corresponding to different operation points in the Moreover, the I–V characteristic curves of the microfuel
ohmic region of the I–V fuel curve. At the first point, set to cell have been measured under various methanol concen-
27 mA/cm2, the fuel cell delivered a stable output power trations showing a maximal power density around 12 mW/
during a long time. On the contrary, when the cell was cm2 at a concentration of 5 M despite the mass transport
operated at the second point, set to a current of 70 mA/cm2 limitations observed at high current densities.
and corresponding to the maximum power point of the cell The evolution of the output power of the device at dif-
P–I curve, the output stability period was shorted below ferent current densities and methanol concentrations has
5 min. The observed behaviour is related to the passive been analysed. These tests have shown that when filled
feeding of fuel. with 100 ll of methanol at 3 M, the device is able to
At the operating point corresponding to the maximum provide a power density of 9 mW/cm2 for about 50 min.
cell power, the current is so high that it is difficult to However, when the device is operated at its maximum
maintain the fuel concentration at the anode as the overall power, lower energy efficiency is obtained, revealing the
methanol concentration in the fuel reservoir decreases, so importance of choosing the appropriate operation point in a
the operating point migrates towards the I–V curve region passive fuel cell. Finally, as the device has been designed
regulated by mass transport limitations. These results show to be able to work regardless of its orientation, it has been

Microsyst Technol (2008) 14:535–541 541

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