Krebs Cycle Explained

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Name: Tagab, Kendrick Jan Royd P. Score:

Grade & Section: 12-Lovelace
PERIOD 1 Review:
1.) Probe – It is act to physically investigate and inspect something or someone. It also refers to peruse
2.) Ponder – Is the ability to reflect about something; contemplate to a topic.
- It also refers to ability to meditate and ease the mind.
3.) Random – It is something that is unplanned or out of the blue; it can be considered as illogical, unorganized,
and illogical

Today, Wednesday 7th day of October 2020, I met my Junior High School friends. Days before this day,
we’ve pondered thoroughly on what café are we going to meet and eat brunch. On our group chatroom, we
randomly suggested café around the city and probe its ambiance and menu. In today’s agenda, when we’ve
already met at the café, we also have random conversations like talking about memes, videos, dramas, our
opinion and condition in this school year. Overall, this day was fun and it was great catching up with friends.
From what I can remember, Inquiry involves High-Order thinking, it also has the essence of inferring
and its usually open-ended and opinionated. Research on the other hand, is the process of acquiring knowledge
through a logical and system-oriented process. Research is grounded on facts, credible sources, and empirical.

1. Yes, there have been many countless times in which I apply both inquiry and research in my daily life.
Inquiry can be applied is basically just by wondering about something is made. One example I can give is I’ve
always pondered how are ingredients in skincare be still potent and effective, especially L-ascorbic acid. Since I
am a skincare-junkie, I’ve become that type of consumer that always do search literally every ingredient in the
skincare products I want to buy. In order for me to do that I will search medical journals to see if something is
medically and clinically approved, if it is FDA approved, Vegan-friendly, and all the positive things I want in
my skincare. Unconsciously, I’ve become obsessed to the point that every single detail I want to know I will
research about, I can say that at one point of my life I wanted to become a Chemist just to formulate my own
skincare and have an exclusive skincare no one can ever have.
Name: Tagab, Kendrick Jan Royd P. Score:
Grade & Section: 12-Lovelace
Research and inquiry are both similar to the fact they seek to obtain new information for more extensive and
thorough knowledge with regards to the topic. Their differences boils down on the methods to which they
obtain the knowledge. Inquiry obtains information through asking questions while research involves reviewing
and citing credible information and creating factual information.

I. Digging the Mind
1. What is the difference in terms of water content of French style butter and regular American butter? –
2. Which is more effective oxygen bleach or pure chlorine? – Research
3. What would happen if I don’t pass my modules on time? - Inquiry
II. Thinking touch
This morning, I was making three peanut butter sandwiches for myself so that I can eat it while
answering my module. After I was tasked by my grandmother to do something, I came back with shock since
there was only one peanut butter sandwich left. Therefore, instead of answering the module, I began to question
everyone in my house. It turns out it was my baby cousin who ate it because he was hungry. The method I use
to obtain the answer was through inquiry.
I have always been a fan of French toast with melted cheese and I always eat it after lunch around 3 PM
as a snack. However, this time, I was running out of butter an I asked my mom through the phone what
alternative is there to it and she answered margarine and she said it tasted better. I really wanted to test if
whether margarine was actually better than butter with the little butter I had. Thus, I prepared the little butter
that I had and slathered it onto one bread and put Quickmelt cheese while on the other bread, the margarine. I
then fried both for 30 seconds for both sides of the bread. I then did a taste test in which I was the only
participant. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being the nastiest while 5 being the tastiest. Turns out, the margarine did not
fare as well as the butter. Not only was it oilier but was also saltier. Although there is only a one point
difference between them since the margarine scored a 4 on my taste test while the butter scored a perfect 5 for

1. gesture – it is a movement of a part of a body.
2. analogous – it means comparable in certain aspects.
3. precise – it means exact and accurate in detail.
4. inflated – being filled with air or gas.
5.instability – lack of stability.

II. Looping
Quantitative Research is basically research that uses numbers or is numerical. This is basically a type of
research which compares data with numbers. It also involves studies with hard data and statistics.
I. Comprehension Test
1. A. 2. B. 3. A. 4. B. 5. D.

II. Thinking Touch

1. Does the Covid-19 Pandemic affect one gender more than the other in terms of infection rate?
2. Which learning style is most favorable among the students in relation to Distance Learning?
3. Which of the many transportation systems do the Filipino people favor the most?
4. What are the most used communication media in the Philippines?
5. Have drug addiction rates in the Philippines significantly lowered after the war against drugs?

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