What Day Is It?: Let's Begin!

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Super Simple Questions

What Day Is It?

Let's Begin!
Dialogue 1

Practice the dialogue with your partner.

Student A: What day is it?

Student B: It's Thursday.

Student A: Thursday?

Student B: Yes!

Student A: I have a dentist appointment.

Dialogue 2

Practice the dialogue again with today's information.

Student A: What         is it?

Student B: It's                   .

Student A:                   ?

Student B: Yes.

Student A: I have                           .

Copyright 2016, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. ( PR E B E G – B E G / V E R S I O N 1.1) 1
What Day Is It?
Super Simple Questions

Let's Learn!

A. Speaking B. Listening & Writing

Repeat these days Look at the calendar.

and times of the week. Listen to some questions.
Write the answers.

Days of the Week

Sunday Sun
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Monday Mon

Tuesday Tues

Wednesday Wed

Thursday Thurs Yesterday Today Tomorrow

Friday Fri

Saturday Sat

Times of the Week

today now
tomorrow future
yesterday past
Saturday 4.
and Sunday



Copyright 2016, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. ( PR E B E G – B E G / V E R S I O N 1.1) 2
What Day Is It?
Super Simple Questions

Let's Practice!
Dialogue 3 Dialogue 4

Practice the dialogue with your partner. Practice the dialogue with your partner.

Student A: What day is it tomorrow? Student A: Is it Monday today?

Student B: Tomorrow is Thursday. Student B: No, it's Tuesday.

Student A: Really? I have an interview on Thursday. Student A: Tuesday? I have yoga tomorrow!

Student B: Good luck! Student B: Really? I have yoga on Thursday.

Student A: Thanks! Student A: Oh, I work on Thursday.

I have yoga on the weekend, too.

Student B: On the weekend?

Student A: Yes, I have yoga on Saturday and Sunday.

Dialogue 5

Practice the dialogue again with your own information.

Today's Questions
Student A: Is it Wednesday today? & Answers
• What day is it?
Student B: No, it's                  . • It's Friday.
• What day is it tomorrow?
Student A: I have                  tomorrow! • Tomorrow is Tuesday.
• Is it Thursday today?
Student B: Really? I have that on                  . • No, it's Wednesday.
• Really? I have yoga
Student A: Oh, I work on                  . I have on Wednesday.

                 on the weekend, too.


Student B: On the weekend?

Student A: Yes, I have                  


on                    .
(weekend days)

Copyright 2016, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. ( PR E B E G – B E G / V E R S I O N 1.1) 3

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