Website Development SR (Unnamed)

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Website development service request

Technical Solution
The developed website shall be based on the mother company website, such as photos,
font, style and colors, no deviation from design is accepted without granting permission.

1- Frontend Development:
The vendor company should develop front-end website based on the mother
company website.

2- Backend Development
The vendor company should provide two proposed solutions:
1- Full solution development.
2- Using online solution (SHOPIFY, ECWIL, WEEBLY), developer shall as well recommend
the package selection (for financial consideration by client).
Note: if the developer have other preference of online platforms please mention.

A- Frontend Website:
1- Users Registration:
- Email
- Google account
- Facebook account

2- Website pages
1. Home
2. Navigation menu
3. Categories List
4. Search box by category, item.
5. Items Details
6. User dashboard
a. My personal info (user profile: email, mobile, birthdate, picture, gender,
b. My dashboard (canceled, confirmed, paid, history, retune, card, rating,
7. Contact Us
8. Social media linking
9. Login
3- Language:
Bilingualism Eng/Arabic (right to left language), the admin dashboard will be in
english langauge only.
4- Layout:
- Website should be responsive and easy to convert to mobile app in the
- Website shall be based on the mother company website, such as photos,
font, style and colors, no deviation from design is accepted without granting

5- Website features
1. In the purchase page below buttons to be introduced
2. button “add to cart” (that will only add the item to the cart without any navigation
to any other pages), with a feedback icon (such as tick if the item is added
successfully to the cart)
3. button “checkout” (that will lead to the final purchase page)
4. the cart count shall always keep the updated count (pressing back shall not undo
the addition)
5. when mouse cursor is kept on the cart an overview of the cart shall be shown or a
small arrow with drop down menu or any other way.
6. Change the quantity at the purchase page without full refresh of the page
7. Link the matching women top or pants on same page for ordering
8. Items with different colors shall be clipped in one page with color selection for
navigation between them
9. The “on Sale” tab shall have a hidden options. where this tap shall only appear if
there is items on sale. And disappear if there is no items on sale.
10. Photos shall be selected by user from the photo’s thumbnails and displayed, the
scroll down shall control the full page.
11. Special task button for ordered items history from which the user can return or
cancel the order or change size, or raise a complaint, with time restrictions of each
12. Policy setting:
13. Cancel order is not permitted after the worker placed a feedback in the system
as shipped.
14. Return/change not permitted after 2 days of delivery
15. Raise complain not permitted after 10 days of delivery
16. Where any item after 10 days of delivery considered fully satisfied
17. Customer loyalty system
a. Based on review submission
i. Each account created shall have a loyalty based on review
submissions, such that the reviews have some sort of badges granted
when they submit a certain amount of reviews, with an automated
email to congratulate them. With the option of getting a credit to use
in their next purchase that can be presented by the admin, when they
reach a certain limit, with explanatory of the levels once the
customers visit hi loyalty badge.
ii. Once the customer reaches a certain level an automated email shall
be sent to congratulate the customer and shows the amount of credit


iii. Credit given shall have an expiry period of 4 months and shall be
deleted automatically from the system.
iv. Customers shall be emailed after 3 months to get a reminder to use
the credit, and a second email week before expiry.

B- Admin Dashboard (Backend)

1. Sign In
(B) Password
2. Dashboard
(A) Add customers (update, view, delete)
(B) List items (add categories, items name, type, features, size, services,
pictures...etc) update,view,delete)
(C) Items related view by using tag option.
(D) Each item shall be created and registered with designated code by the admin
(include item code ,color, gender, price, photos, discount if available and type
selection as show below in table 1.1)
(E) Note: tags shall appear automatically if triggered (sold out, low on stock,
discount with value and price change)
(F) Admin shall be able to attach two items as set (so both appear on the same
page) as related items
(G) Items code shall be unique
Table 1.1
Short sleeve

Short sleeve


3. Payments Channels
(A)Credit Card/Debit Card.
(B) Integrate the website to Paypal, Cridimax, and Benefit payment Gateways.

4. Users Roles Management:

- List Roles
- View Role Details
- Add a new Role
- Edit Role
- Delete Role
- Set the permissions
- Permissions Management
- List Permissions
- View Permission Details
1.1. Three admin control levels
1.1.1. IT level control (adjustable features by IT only)
1.1.2. Master level (shall have full control of all features and can create admins
and control their access)
1.1.3. Admin can do modifications according to the granted access by master The admin features shall include all basic control features such as Review users reviews before posting Add/remove items (item registration)
1.1.4. Accounts retrieval
1.2. Control advertisement and sales
1.3. Control stock availability (edit stock values, the stock values shall except mass
updates from tables such as excel files)
1.4. Review return order and initiate the process
1.5. Inventory management
1.5.1. List all items with low stocks (value preset by user according to size, gender,
and category)
1.5.2. List all items out of stock
1.5.3. generate list of items with low stocks (table form shall show below items) serial number thumbnail photo sizes availability of the items show hours from item listed to become low stock, and time till
item became out of stock) Show time counter of out of stock items (since out of stock till
present) Daily automated email shall be sent of the items to the
3 men/women
5- Analytical tools
The analytical tool is a tool that will create statistics and reports to analyze the customer
behavior and will have two main tabs (tool only accessible by the master) all the below
mentioned shall be viewed in graphical view based on daily, weekly and monthly, with
subcategory such as daily can be viewed in hours of day purchase, and weekly in day
of week purchase)
A. Men
● Shows the item count of purchase in different category as shown below
i. Whole men purchase(shows descending/ascending count of all
items )
ii. Purchase according to size category
iii. Purchase according to color preferences
iv. Average number of items per purchase
v. Age of clients
1. Show subcategory of the mentioned items (,2,3,6,8,10,11
and the subcategories of 11)
vi. Method of payment
vii. Count of navigation to website
viii. Count of purchase per country
ix. Count of most viewed men items
x. Count of men customer visits using desktops and mobile devices
xi. average items bought by customer as well as the average item
xii. item counts (all items men items mentioned in table 1.1)
● count of tops purchased
● count of stringer purchased
● shows descending/ascending count of all items …etc
● count of bottoms purchased
● count of shorts purchased
● shows descending/ascending count of all items …etc
● All above mentioned can be viewed with on and off ticks in the same graph
(timeline shall be selected for x-axis as well)
● All above data shall be extractable to excel file if required for further analysis

B. Woman
● Shows the items count of purchase in different category as shown below

i. Whole women purchase shows descending/ascending count of all

ii. Purchase according to size category
iii. Purchase according to color preferences
iv. Average number of items per purchase
v. Age of clients Show subcategory of the mentioned items
(1,2,3,6,8,10,11 and the subcategories of 11)
vi. Method of payment

vii. Count of navigation to website
viii. Count of purchase per country
ix. Count of most viewed women items
x. Count of men customer visits using desktops and mobile devices
xi. average items bought by customers as well as the average item
xii. items count (all women items mentioned in table 1.1)
xiii. count of bras purchased
xiv. shows descending/ascending count of all items…etc
xv. count of bottoms purchased
xvi. count of leggings purchased
xvii. shows descending/ascending count of all items…etc
xviii. count of sets purchased
xix. count of bottoms bough without top vs set of same
xx. count of tops bough without bottom vs set of same
● All above mentioned can be viewed with on and off ticks in the same graph
(timeline shall be selected for x-axis as well)
● All above data shall be extractable to excel file if required for further analysis
6- Financial
● Show total amount purchased as per below items (in accordance to table
i. Whole items
ii. Men items
● Include all value and count of men subcategory (table 1.1)
iii. Women items
iv. Include all value and count of women subcategory in (table 1.1)
v. Inventory value (at end of selected time category, according to the
sale price keeping in consideration sales value)
vi. Financial analysis
vii. Average value per customer, and total value spent by customer
according to (with the ability to select more than indicator at a time
as the lead KPI)
● Age
● Gender
● Country
● Method of payment
● Total value spent/count according to time
a. Day of week (with subcategories as mentioned in point
b. Time of day (with subcategories as mentioned in point
c. Month of year (with subcategories as mentioned in point
● Automatic financial reports
The automated reports shall be created and emailed to the master accounts emails and shall have the
below information (in pdf format or image)
● Daily report
○ Total value of purchases (with gender breakdown)
○ Total count of purchases (with gender breakdown)
○ Total value of sales item purchases (with percentage of
total sales value)
○ Total count of sales item purchase (with percentage of
total sales)
○ Number of items out of stocks
○ Number of items out of stock without restock order (with
○ Number of Low items on low stock
○ Number of items on low stock without restock order (with
○ Number of returned items
● Weekly report
○ Total value of purchases (with gender breakdown)
■ Show breakdown of days
○ Total count of purchases (with gender breakdown)
■ Show breakdown of days
○ Total value of sales item purchases (with percentage of
total sales value)
○ Total count of sales item purchase (with percentage of
total sales)
○ Number of items out of stocks
○ Number of items out of stock without restock order (with
○ Number of Low items on low stock
○ Number of items on low stock without restock order (with
○ Total number of returned items (with gender
○ Total value of inventory
○ Total value of accumulated purchases from start of
month (with average in brackets)
○ Total count of accumulated purchases from start of
month (with average in brackets)
○ Best 20 most sold items
○ Worst 20 unsold items
○ Total number of loyalty credit given
○ Total number of loyalty credit expired
○ Total number of loyalty credit consumed
● Monthly report
○ Total value of purchases (with gender breakdown)
○ Total count of purchases (with gender breakdown)
○ Total value of sales item purchases (with percentage of
total sales value)
○ Total count of sales item purchase (with percentage of
total sales)
○ Number of items out of stocks
○ Number of items out of stock without restock order (with
○ Number of Low items on low stock
○ Number of items on low stock without restock order (with
○ Total number of returned items (with gender
○ Total value of inventory (with gender breakdown)
○ Total value of accumulated purchases from start of
month (with average in brackets)
○ Total count of accumulated purchases from start of
month (with average in brackets)
○ Best 20 most sold items
○ Worst 20 unsold items
○ Total number of loyalty credit given
○ Total number of loyalty credit expired
○ Total number of loyalty credit consumed

● Taxation management system

○ The system shall be able to handle tax once applicable
with the below features, in which it shall be able to
count the total amount of taxes collected from each
country monthly and annually.
● Inventory items analysis
This section will analyze the inventory and will highlight the fast-moving items and the
● Below list shall be filtered by Master account according to
table 1.1
○ List all purchases in descending/Ascending items
according to purchase value
○ List all purchases in descending/Ascending items
according to views
○ List of fast-moving items in past 6 months (conditions
shall be selected by master)
○ List of Slow-moving items in past 6 months (conditions
shall be selected by master)
○ List of returned items

7- Security
Plan of website security (option for third-party protection), as well as the security
of payment and customers cards.
8- Receipt creation
○ Each purchase shall have a unique receipt number
○ Automated receipt shall be created and saved on website for customer
access (with link in purchased email)

○ Creation of pending shipping order with individual sticker print out (in
which at the start of the day the worker can print the list of yesterday
orders and fulfill them along with any unfulfilled orders, with an individual
print receipt)
Note: receipt content shall be discussed with client

9- Shipping
Compatibility with the shipping agent plug-in
○ Calculations of the shipping rates (for each user)
○ Estimated shipping date
○ Show tracking of the shipment (connection with shipping agent)
○ Show tracking of returned orders (connection with shipping agent)
○ API integration with the shipping companies

10- Customer satisfaction

After order fulfillment the customer shall receive an email confirming the fulfillment
with a link in which the customer can review the order and write a comment, then
the admin shall approve the review for final submission, with the ability of the admin
to post a reply to the comment.

11- Marketing

- Admin controller can have a control over marketing options such as front page
offers, newsletters (mass emailing option), bought together options.
- Facebook and instagram compatibility to link our items to these channels and
have online purchase via these two channels.
- Provide website SEO plan based on expected results.
- Ability to measure the marketing campaign effectiveness key parameters such
as promo codes, and conversion rates

12- Social media and browser compatibility

Website shall be compatible with all famous browsers (Chrome, Safari, IE, FF) Mobile
website shall be compatible with all famous mobile browsers (Chrome, Safari) as
well as built in browsers of famous social apps (Instagram, Facebook, twitter...etc.)
13- System Audit Log
Here we have a very accurate audit log to log every small action happen in your system
with its full details.
- Filtration
- Export as PDF and Excel
- Order by columns (ASC and DESC)
14- Notifications Audit Log
Now you can check the status of Email, SMS and Mobile Application notifications.
- Filtration
- Export as PDF and Excel
- Order by columns (ASC and DESC)
15- Category Management
- Add New Category (Halls, service)
- View Category Details
- Quick add new Category
- Edit Category
- Delete Category
- List Category (Filtration, Export To, Order by column).
16- Customers Management:
- Add New Customer
- View Customer Details
- Quick add new Customer
- Edit Customer
- Cancel Customer subscription
- Freez Customer subscription
- Customer subscription
- Customer Profile
- Payment/Invoice
- List Customers (Filtration, Export To, Order by column).
17- Invoicing Management System
- Full invoice system with monthly calculation.
- Invoice create (monthly, yearly)
18- Multiple countries options & currency
19- Searching option:
Search by categories, items,
20- Notifications:
- The admin will get an email notification for any new reservation with the
customer info.
- Customer notification for ordering, payment, cancelation, changing, ads.
21- Offers option
- Offer is an option to the admin to add any offer by %, it will calculate the new
price and show it to the end user, in search and categories.
23- Performance test
Developer shall submit three tested version for approval:
- Developer should submit Alpa version.
- Developer should submit Beta version.
- Developer should submit Final version.
The client shall be eligible for 3 times review of any submission of the developer work
and request of any minor changes without extra fees, and any major changes shall be
subjected to PCR as mentioned below.

● The contract should submit a clear milestones for project tasks delivery.
● Clear What-if milestones delay.


Architecture, Structure & Model

UI Design & Coding





Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


D- Training plan
● Contractor should submit full training plan for all employees.
● Contractor should submit full training plan for any new employee.

E- Maintenance plan
Provide the maintenance plan with optional price for 2 years maintenance plan:
The plan should contain the following:
○ System troubleshooting
○ Reports manage/create
○ Server maintenance
○ Website performance testing
○ Server Daily backup

F- Documents submissions
Contractor should submit full documentation for the system:
- Admin panel setting.
- Admin panel features.
- How to use admin panel.
- Admin panel FAQ.

G- Coding submissions
- Contractor should submit a DVD with full source code
- Usernames and passwords

H- Project Change Control Procedure
Any contract is subjected to expected and unexpected variations and the below are
the guidelines to manage the variations in the below manner
● A Project Change Request (PCR) will be the vehicle for communicating change. The
PCR must describe the change, the rationale for the change, and the effect the
change will have on the project.
● The designated Project Manager of the requesting party will review the proposed
change and determine whether to submit a request to the other party.
● The client shall be eligible for 3 times review of any submission of the developer work
and request of any minor changes without extra fees, and any major changes shall
be subjected to variation policy below as mentioned below.
● Any major variation requested by the client shall be discussed and the developer
shall submit the variation value in number of extra hours and delay in timeline if the
change have a schedule impact as well.
● Note-1: Minor changes definition (any change that doesn’t exceed 6 hours of work)
● Note-2: Developer shall provide price of extra hours fees
● A written Change Authorization and/or PCR must be signed by both parties to
authorize implementation of the investigated changes.

● The Contractor agrees to hold all details related to product development for the
Client as proprietary and confidential. No aspect or detail or the product being
developed or any assets or information provided to the Provider by the Client shall be
disclosed to any party without prior written consent from the Client.
● The Contractor is the application source code and application API and database.
● The Contractor has the full right to create his own Apple and Google development
accounts and transfer the full application from Contractor accounts to Client
● The Client has the full right to create his own hosting server(s) and transfer the full
application from Contractor account to Client account.
● The Contractor agrees to transfer ownership of all completed work to the Client upon
cancellation of this agreement, once payment has been made pursuant to the terms
of this agreement.
● The Contractor will be responsible for any application update, crashes or database
down with Yearly Full Support and Maintenance.


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