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Episode 1: Secrets/Geheimnisse

The episode opens with the suicide of Michael Kahnwald in June of 2019, and his suicide note was
hidden away by his mother, Ines Kahnwald. The episode flashes forward a few months, where Michael’s
son, Jonas Kahnwaid, returns to the local high school in Winden, Germany after months of psychiatric
treatment. It is soon discovered that the school’s drug dealer, Erik Obendorf, has been missing for a
couple weeks. Police officer Ulrich Nielsen is assigned to the case, but he is distracted due to his affair
with Jonas’s mother, Hannah Kahnwald. Ulrich’s wife Katharina is the principle of the high school, and
they have three kids together: Martha, Magnus, and Mikkel. The Nielsen kids, Jonas, and their friends
Bartosz Tiedemann and Franziska Doppler try to search for Erik’s weed stash at cave in a nearby forest.
There are strange sounds cave in a nearby forest. There are strange sounds and flashing lights, and
Mikkel, the youngest Nielsen child, disappeared. As the police were searching the area for Mikkel, they
find the body of a young boy dressed in 80’s clothes, but he is not Mikkel. The boy’s entire eye area was
completely burnt, and his ears were bleeding. The episode concludes with an unknown man in a room
covered with bright wallpaper strapping Erik Obendorf into a chair with a metal piece covering his eyes.

Episode 2: Lies/Liigen

After his son Mikkel disappeared, Ulrich is reminded of a similar event happening in 1986 when his
younger brother Mads vanished. Ulrich tries to search the cave where Mikkel disappeared and finds a
locked door leading nuclear power plant that supplies Winden with energy. The director of the plant is
Bartosz’s father, Aleksander Tiedemann, and he refuses to let Ulrich investigate. Ulrich's boss, police
chief Charlotte Doppler, is told of the unknown dead boy found in the woods. As she is leaving the police
station, streetlights flicker and dead birds fall from the sky. In a different part of town, a hooded
stranger checks into a hotel owned by Bartosz’s mother, Regina Tiedemann. Ulrich visits his mother,
Jana Nielsen, and asks her about the night that Mads disappeared in 1986. She lies and says that her
husband, Tronte, was with her that night, even though he was not in the house for hours. The episode
ends with Mikkel waking up in the cave and running home, only to discover that he is in the year 1986.
Episode 3: Past and Present/Gestern und Heute

This episode opens in 1986 after Mads Nielsen disappeared, where Mikkel goes to the police station in
hopes of finding out how to get home. The police officer at the time, Egon Tiedemann, suspects that
Mikkel got beat up by teenage Ulrich Nielson. Egon takes Mikkel to the hospital, where he is taken care
of by nurse Ines Kahnwald. At the nuclear plant, the new director Claudia Tiedemann (Egon’s daughter,
Regina’s mother) meets a security guard named Helge Doppler, who gives her a book called A Journey
Through Time by HG. Tannhaus. Similarly to what’s happening in 2019, teenage Charlotte sees birds
falling from the sky. Also at the high school, Hannah has a crush on Ulrich, and Regina Tiedemann is a
victim of bullying by Ulrich and Katharina. A man in an unknown location surrounded by clocks builds a
small machine. Back at the hospital, Mikkel sneaks back to the cave, but he injures himself and starts to
call for help. In 2019, Ulrich hears Mikkel as he is looking through the caves.

Episode 4: Double Lives/Doppelleben

In 2019, Jonas looks through maps and notes on the caves he found in his house. Meanwhile, Charlotte
Doppler tries to find a connection between the disappearances and the dead birds, which also have
ruptured eardrums. Her marriage to Peter Doppler is falling apart because she found out he was having
an affair and lied about his alibi the night Mikkel disappeared. Their younger daughter Elisabeth goes
missing after school, but she comes home that night and says she met a man named Noah. Noah gave
Elisabeth a watch that had once belonged to Charlotte. Meanwhile, Peter's father, Helge Doppler, is
found walking around the woods. He said he must fund Noah, but because he has dementia, no one
takes it seriously.

Episode 5: Truths/Wahrheiten

In 1986, Mikkel is taken back to hospital and visited by a priest named Noah. Hannah sets the police
after Ulrich to arrest him by falsely accusing him of raping Katharina. In 2019, Elisabeth Doppler’s friend
Yasin goes missing after talking to Noah. Charlotte accuses Peter of being involved in the
disappearances, but he denies it. At Regina Tiedemann's hotel, the stranger tells her to deliver a package
to Jonas. Bartosz Tiedemann meets Erik Obendorf's supplier, Noah. A few days later, Jonas receives the
package from the stranger containing a light, a Geiger counter, and Michael Kahnwald’s suicide letter.
The letter reveals that Michael Kahnwald was actually Mikkel Nielsen, who accidentally traveled back to
1986, married Hannah, fathered Jonas, and has now committed suicide in the present day.
Episode 6: “Thus the world was created”/"Sic Mundus Creatus Est”

In 2019, Ulrich finds out his father Tronte was having an affair with Claudia Tiedemann (Regina’s
mother) when Mads went missing in 1986. Ulrich also finds out that Regina was the last person to see
Mads alive, but instead of helping him, Regina tells him that Hannah was the one that framed him for
raping Katharina. Ulrich then goes to the morgue to see the dead boy found in the woods and realizes it
is Mads’s body, which had not aged for the past 33 years. Meanwhile, Jonas goes into the cave with the
map given to him by the stranger and finds a little door with the phrase “Sic mundus creatus est" (“Thus
the world was created") written on it. He goes through the door and out of the cave to find posters for
Mads Nielsen’s disappearance. The episode ends with teenage Hannah offering Jonas a ride.

Episode 7: Crossroads/Kreuzwege

In 2019, the police finally have clearance to search the power plant. Charlotte Doppler funds a door in
the caves that is welded shut. Ulrich discovers that Charlotte’s father-in-law, Helge Doppler, was a
suspect in Mads’s disappearance in 1986 but was never interviewed. Ulrich goes to a nursing home to
confront Helge. The nurses at the home kick out Ulrich for upsetting Helge, and he is suspended from
the police force for his actions. In her investigation, Charlotte discovers that the cave system goes under
a cabin in the woods owned by Helge. She receives a voice mail from Ulrich, who told her that Helge is
the kidnapper from 1986 and 2019. That night, Helge leaves the nursing home, followed closely by
Ulrich. In 1986, the stranger warns Jonas taking Mikkel back to 2019 will rip a hole in time, Meanwhile,
1986 Helge and Noah move Yasin’s dead body out of a bunker.

Episode 8: As You Sow, So You Shall Reap/Was man sat, das wird man ernten

This episode begins in the year 1953, where the bodies of Erik and Yasin are discovered near the
construction site of the nuclear power plant. Police officer Egon Tiedemann is investigating the scene.
Ulrich goes through the caves to 1953 and meets Agnes Nielsen (his grandmother) and her son Tronte
(his father) who are renting a room in the Tiedemann house. He also meets H.G. Tannhaus, but this was
before he wrote A Journey Through Time. Young Ines Kahnwald and Jana (Ulrich’s mother) tell Ulrich
about the boys' bodies. He finds Helge Doppler, a young child the time, and Ulrich thinks that killing
Helge will stop the killings from happening. He chases and beats Helge, leaving him for dead in the
bunker behind the Doppler cabin. In 1986, the stranger meets an older H.G. Tannhaus, who believes
that time travel through wormholes is possible. The stranger tells him that a wormhole allowing people
to travel in 33-year intervals does exist in Winden. The stranger wants to destroy the wormhole and asks
Tannhaus to fix a machine that will allow him to do that.
Episode 9: Everything Is Now/Alles ist Jetzt

In 1986, Ulrich is acquitted from his rape charges. Claudia Tiedemann finds her dog Gretchen, who
disappeared in 1953, by the caves. Noah and Helge argue, and it is revealed that the children died
because of Noah’s failed attempts to create a working time machine. In 2019, Bartosz Tiedemann is
visited by his grandmother Claudia, whom everyone thought to be dead. Later, Bartosz is approached by
Noah and agrees to be in business with him. In 1953, Helge is reported missing by his mother, who is
visited by Noah (it is worth noting that he looks the same age every time he is seen). Ulrich is arrested
for Helge’s murder, but Helge did not actually die and none of the killings were stopped.

Episode 10: Alpha and Omega/Alpha und Omega

The season finale opens on the night of Mikkel’s disappearance. Peter Doppler goes to the cabin, and
Mads’s body suddenly appears in front of him. Claudia Tiedemann arrives to tell him to move the body
where it will be found the following day. In 1986, Noah and Helge find and kidnap Jonas when he tries to
bring Mikkel back to 2019. Jonas wakes up in the bunker with the stranger, who reveals himself to be an
older Jonas. Adult Jonas leaves to destroy the wormhole with his repaired machine. In 2019, Noah tells
Bartosz that Claudia is the real enemy, and she has sent adult Jonas to unknowingly create the
wormhole instead of destroy it. In 1953, young Helge wakes up as a wormhole appears in front of him in
the bunker, connecting him to Jonas in 1986. They reach for each other, and Helge is transported to
1986. Jonas is transported to 2052 in a post-apocalyptic Winden.

Episode 1: Beginnings ancl Endings/Anfange und Enden

The premiere episode opens in Winden in 1921 where two men are mining a passageway that
would later become the portal between time periods. One of the men is a younger Noah, who
killed the other man for losing his faith in a time travelling group called Sic Mundus. Sic Mundus
is led by an old and disfigured man named Adam, and adult Noah is also a member. Adam and
Noah are working to find the missing pages in a diary previously owned by Claudia Tiedemann.
Adam tells Noah that the pages are necessary for understanding the apocalypse that occurs in
Winden on June 27, 2020. The episode shifts to June 21, 2020, where an investigator named
Clausen goes to Winden help the police with the disappearances that happened six months
prior. The adult Jonas reveals his identity to his mother Hannah and also tells her about
Michael's true identity as Mikkel Nielsen. Aleksander Tiedemann decides to bury barrels of
nuclear waste with concrete so that no one would be able to find it. In 2053, younger Jonas is
still in post-apocalyptic Winden, and he wants to travel through time to stop the apocalypse
from happening in 2020. An older Elisabeth Doppler is the leader of the survivors, and she has
killed everyone who tries to enter the nuclear power plant, which was the origin of the
apocalypse. Jonas goes into the power plant anyway and finds a swirling black mass inside the
plant’s particle reactor.

Episode 2: Dark Matter/Dunkle Materie

In 1987, elderly Claudia visits her younger self to tell her about time travel in Winden and where to find
the time machine. Egon Tiedemann, despite being retired and in an advanced stage of cancer, finally
interviews Helge Doppler, who is now in a mental facility. Helge is in the beginning stages of his
dementia and doesn't really give Egon any answers regarding Mads’s disappearance the year prior. Egon
then goes to a psychiatric ward to find Ulrich Nielsen, who has been imprisoned for the past 34 years for
the murders of Erik and Yasin and the disappearance of a young Helge Doppler. Ulrich is very cryptic,
and Egon suspects that he made incorrect assumptions about the events from 1953. In the year 2020,
Clausen and Charlotte interview Regina Tiedemann. Clausen seems to be fixated on the fact that
Regina’s husband, Aleksander, took Regina’s last name. Regina tells them about the man (adult Jonas)
that stayed in her hotel during the disappearances, and she turned all of his belongings over to the
police. Charlotte finds pages from her grandfather’s book in Jonas’s belongings, which makes her
suspicious of her upbringing. Meanwhile, adult Jonas brings Hannah Kahnwald back to 1987 to find
Mikkel. Hannah now knows about time travel and the true identity of her husband Michael. In 2053,
Jonas is caught sneaking into the power plant by Elisabeth. He is publicly hanged, but Elisabeth saves
him at the last minute and imprisons him. Another survivor named Silja frees Jonas because she wants
to know wha Elisabeth is hiding. Jonas and Silja go into the power plant and find the swirling black mass,
known as the God Particle. The episode closes with Jonas disappearing inside the God Particle.

Episode 3: Ghosts/Gespenster

In 1954, young Helge Doppler is sent back to his home by adult Helge and Noah using a new time
machine. Helge refuses to speak to anyone except Noah, who visits him and his mother. Elderly Claudia
funds Agnes Nielsen, who used to be a member of Sic Mundus. It initially seems like they are in alliance,
but Agnes quickly betrays Claudia to Noah in hopes of rejoining Sic Mundus. Noah fmds Claudia to get
the missing pages of her diary back, and kills her in the process. In 1987, Ulrich flnally tells Egon his true

Episode 4: The Travelers/Die Reisenden

Jonas wakes up in 1921, where he meets young Noah. Young Noah takes Jonas to meet older Noah and
Adam. Adam reveals himself to be an elderly Jonas. Adult Claudia uses the time machine to travel to
2020, where she uses a library computer to look up herself and her father. She funds out the date that
Egon dies and the date she will disappear. After this, she tried back to 1987. Clausen interviews
Aleksander and finds out that his surname is Kohler, but it is still not clear why this information is
important. Martha, Franziska, Elisabeth, and Magnus take the time machine from Bartosz.

Episode 5: Lost and FoundNom Suchen und Finden

In 1921, Adam tells Jonas that he can change the future and the past if he prevents his father, Michael
Kahnwald, from killing himself. Adam shows Jonas another God particle that was manmade, and Jonas
transports himself to the day before Michael committed suicide. In 1987, Ulrich funds out that Mikkel
exists in that time period. He breaks out of the psychiatric ward and fmds Mikkel, but they are caught by
the police before they can reach the caves. In 2020, Charlotte reveals to adult Jonas that HG Tannhaus is
not her real grandfather and that she doesn’t know who her parents actually are. After Jonas leaves,
Noah finds Charlotte and reveals that he is her father, but he won’t say who her mother is. Charlotte
reveals to aduIt Jonas that HG Tannhaus is not her real grandfather and that she doesn't know who her
parents actually are. After Jonas leaves, Noah fmds Charlotte and reveals that he is her father, but he
won’t say who her mother is.

Episode 6: An Endless Cycle/Ein unendlicher Kreis

In 2019, the day that Michael kills himself, the Nielsen family is throwing a big party to celebrate
Katharina and Ulrich's wedding anniversary. While younger Jonas and Hannah go to the party, older
Jonas talks to his father. Michael claims that he has not considered suicide and that Jonas led him into
the caves and took him to 1986. Elderly Claudia funds them and tells Jonas that Michael must kill himself
so everything happens the same way that it always has. Jonas believes Claudia, and the following events
still occurred.

Episode 7: The White Devil/Der weiBe Teufel

In 1954, the police funds elderly Claudia’s body in the woods. Egon thinks that she may have been an
accomplice in Helge Doppler’s kidnapping. He asks Helge about her, but Helge only responds by calling
Claudia “the White Devil.” Meanwhile Hannah steals the time machine from adult Jonas and travels to
1954 to fund Ulrich. Instead of breaking him out of prison, she leaves him there.In 1987, Claudia realizes
that it is the day of her father’s death. She tries to prevent his death, but she accidentally reveals to him
that she knows about time travel. He tries to call the police to tell them what he knows, and in Claudia’s
efforts to get the phone away from him, she pushes him through a table. As he dies, Egon calls Claudia
the White Devil. Claudia goes back to her house where Jonas finds her and convinces her to come with
him to change the future.In 2020, aduIt Jonas tells Martha who he is and what happened to Mikkel.
Clausen confronts Aleksander Tiedemann about his identity, saying that he had a brother named
Aleksander Kéhler who went missing in 1986.

Episode 8: Endings and Beginnings/Enden und Anfange

Jonas explains to Claudia everything that her elder self knew about time travel and the coming
apocalypse. Charlotte finds out that Aleksander Tiedemann buried the radioactive waste, and she thinks
that Clausen’s investigation will lead him to this cover-up. Until this point, Noah did not share the diary
pages with Adam after he killed elderly Claudia. After finding out that Charlotte was his daughter, he
decided that he had to kill Adam. According to Adam, however, it was not his destiny to die yet, so Noah
was unsuccessful. It was also revealed that Noah’s wife is an older Elisabeth, meaning Elisabeth is both
Charlotte’s daughter and mother. Adult Jonas finds Martha and forces her to go into the bunker at
gunpoint. He seems paranoid that she will die in the apocalypse and wants her to be safe. Meanwhile,
Clausen gains access to the nuclear power plant and wants to go where the nuclear waste is buried.
Young Jonas and Claudia go through the caves and activate the time machine, opening the time portal
again. Peter and Elisabeth Doppler go to the bunker to be safe, but as soon as they open the door,
Martha runs out to find Jonas. Claudia finds Regina and also brings her to the bunker. Young Jonas finds
Martha, then Adam, who travelled to 2020 through the God Particle, shoots Martha and kills her. Adam
said that in order for him to exist, Jonas had to see Martha die. In 2053, Elisabeth goes against her own
laws and goes to the God particle while in 2020, Clausen has members of the police force drill through
the concrete covering the barrels of waste. Before they can open a barrel, Charlotte tries to stop
Clausen, but he still insists on opening the barrel. In 2053, Elisabeth activates the God Particle at the
same time that it is activated in 1921. The contents of the waste barrel become the God Particle, and a
portal is formed between Elisabeth in 2053 and Charlotte in 2020. They try to touch hands, which
triggers the apocalypse across Winden. Before the destruction can reach him, Jonas is saved by a version
of Martha from another dimension.

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