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COVID-19 cases in PH now at

Posted at Oct 03 2020 04:03 PM | Updated as of Oct 03 2020 04:28 PM


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MANILA - The Philippines on Saturday reported 2,674 new COVID-19 cases, raising the nationwide
caseload to 319,330.

Cases of recoveries jumped by 459 over the previous day, the Department of Health (DOH) said in
its latest bulletin. This brings the total number of recoveries to 255,046.

The country also recorded 62 new fatalities from the respiratory illness, taking the death toll to 5,678.

To date, the Philippines has 58,606 active coronavirus cases, of which 87.1% percent of the patients
are exhibiting mild symptoms, official DOH figures showed.

The Philippines is the top Southeast Asian country in terms of COVID-19 infections despite having
one of the world's longest lockdowns. 

More details to follow.


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Singapore reports single-digit
COVID-19 cases for first time
since March
Posted at Oct 03 2020 04:10 PM


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SINGAPORE— Singapore reported on Saturday new coronavirus cases in the single digits for the
first time since March.

The city-state, which has seen cases fall sharply in recent months as it has brought outbreaks in
migrant worker dormitories under control, said it had discovered just six new cases.

Of those six, four were classed as imported cases— travellers who had been ordered to stay home on
arrival into the Southeast Asian island nation.

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