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Curriculum Vitae

Chethankumar.H Mobile: +919342894886, +4915168577584


Objective :
To leverage my talent for growth by using my sound analytical and development skill to

realize organizational objectives. Also, to be a continuous contributor to the organization and

improve myself over the years to achieve professional recognition within the organization.

Experience :
Total 16.4 years of experience in Java development.
3 months of experience in 4Grands Gmbh, Dortmund Germany.
7 months of experience in Top It Team, Wiesbaden Germany.
1 year and 6 months of experience as Associate Lead(project) in CenturyLink Technologies India
6.4 years of experience as Technology Specialist in NIIT Technologies Bangalore and Delhi.
1 year of experience as senior software Engineer in Magna Infotech (client Niit Technologies Delhi).
6.7 years of Experience as Software Engineer in Credere Infotech Bangalore.
Work Permit To Germany: Yes
Domain Experience: 3 years of Experience in Airline Domain served international clients like
CATHY PACIFIC SITA and SABRE. Also worked in Travel domain for 2 years and 3 months for
clients like German Railways and
Operating System: Linux Red Hat 7, Unix, HP unix, Korn shell, Bash shell, MS
DOS, Windows and Windows NT.

Platform: Java, J2EE, Multithreading, Spring, Web services Jax-ws SOAP, Restful, Hadoop
BigData and AWS cloud.

Application Servers: Websphere 9.5, Weblogic 11i, Jboss, Tomcat.

Spring-Boot: Initializer, Actuator, CRUD, Kafka, Zuul, Admin, Integration,

microservices, Security, OAuth, JWT, Zipkin, Docker, Swagger, Hystrix, Azure,
Exceptions, AWS.

Programming Languages : Core Java, Object, Oriented programming(OOAD), Awt,

Utilities, Swings, Applets, RCP(Rich client platform), Swt, Jface, xml, Html, dom , xml dom,
DTD, xslt, xmlSchema , xsd, JSP, Servlets, PL-Sql, HTML, Struts Html, Struts tags,
EL(Expression Language), tiles, validation, DynactionForms, DAO, Icefaces, Jasper reports,
Design patterns, Beans, MSAccess, Dreamweaver, Perl, shell, Scripting in Linux, CSS, gwt and JS,
Elastic search.
Frameworks: Spring, Hibernate, EJB 2.1 3.0, Struts 1.3 2.0, JSF and Eclipse Rcp.
Enterprise Architecture Framework : TOGAF.
Javascript: ReactJS, Angular, Typescript, Jquery and Javascript ES6.
Rules Engine: Drools, Jrules.
Devops Build Tools: Git, Jenkins, Terraform, Ansible, Python AWS SDK, Ant,
Maven and Sonar.
Cloud Computing
AWS cloud Solutions Architect Certification. Phthon AWS-SDK.

Big Data : HDFS, Map Reduce, Flume, Hive, Kafka and MongoDB.
Software Architecture: SOA, Design Patterns, Middleware.
Messaging Tools JMS, Active MQ, Tibco.
Design Diagrams: UML(both LLD and HLD).
Design Tools: Enterprise Architect.
Report Tool: iReport 4.5
IDE: Intellij Idea, Eclipse, MyEclipse, Netbeans.
Editors: Edit plus and Macros.
Web Server: Weblogic 8.1, Jboss, Tomcat.
Database: Oracle9i, Oracle10g, MySQL, Relational database.
Scripting: Jquery, Jquery mobile, JavaScript, Ajax, Json, AngularJs.
English Language : IELTS 2018 APR Overall Band L-7 R- 6 W-6.5 S-7 overall 6.5
German Language: B1 Level
Summary of Proficiency:
1. Strong in Software Development Methodologies.
2. Involved in gathering the information required to develop the Application.
3. Involved in Programming the Application.
4. Involved in design of the Application
5. Involved in all aspects of Teamwork.
6. Implementing Business Logics of the application.
7. Developing Linux shell scripts to automate build.
8. Involved in all levels of Product Life Cycle Management.
9. Involved in Deployment of the Application.
10. Involved in writing test cases for unit tests.
11. Involved in unit testing the software.
12. Involved in design of LLD and HLD in UML.
13. Strong in gathering of requirements.
14. Guiding junior consultants in resolving their issues.
15. Participate in daily Scrum meetings.

Professional Experience:
1. Total Experience: 16.4 years.
2. Relevant Experience: 16.4 years.
3. Expected CTC: According to company standards.
4. Notice Period: Immediate.
5. Current location: Bangalore, India. Worked in Frankfurt and Stuttgart.
6. Willingness to relocate: Yes.
International locations Onsite:

1. Frankfurt Germany.
2. Bangkok, Thailand.
3. Hong Kong.
4. Stuttgart, Germany.

Project Profile :

1. Dokitari:
Company: 4Grands Gmbh, Dortmund Germany.
Client: Health System Namibia
Duration: 01 Sep 2019 – 30 Nov 2019
Role: Senior Java Developer, FullStack.
Domain: Telemedicine
Dokitari is an Android based telemedicine application used to book appointments with
specialists. There are many fragments implemented in Android that is merged with main application.
Every specialist has a different fragment and there is a option of booking an appointment online.
Search functionality is useful in searching a particular specialty.

Technology: Android, Spring Boot, Restful web services, React Native, Gradle, Java8, microservices,
Android Studio and GitLab.
• Architecting the backend of the application.
• Developing framework using Firebase and Sinch with spring boot.
• Developing Rest controllers.
• Designing of application.
• Migrating the backend to spring boot.
• Migrating build automation from Gradle to maven.

Client: T Systems International Gmbh (Daimler Financial Services), Stuttgart Germany
Duration: 04 Feb 2019 – 30 Aug 2019
Role: Senior Java Expert, Fullstack.
Domain: Finance.
UNITE is an application that is used for providing finance options to new automobile buyers.
Web services is used in authentication, registering new customer, providing financial service like loans
etc. Active listeners always make sure the session is maintained through the transaction. Loans are
provided for both new and used vehicles. JPA is used as a persistence tool. Web services
SOAP and Rest are used in various transactions. Front end is developed using JSF 2.5,
primefaces, iText for pdf, Ajax etc. Enterprise Architect is used for modelling Business objects.
Mocks are used in unit testing. Deploy the application in Jenkins and use Git as repository. Executing
shell commands to setup Git locally.
Technology: Java8, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA, Eclipselink, Liquibase, SOAP web services,
microservices, Active MQ, Restful, Jsf, primefaces, Ajax, maven, Bootstrap, Kotlin, websphere 9.5,
JavaScript, IntelliJ Idea, Ubuntu and Elastic search.
Devops: Git, Jenkins, Linux shell scripting.
Methodology : Continuous integration/Continuous development.
• Developing of View using Jsf, primefaces, Ajax and JavaScript.
• Building of code using maven.
• Configuring WebSphere server for deploying application and mocks.
• Bug fixing of production issues in given time.
• Executing various tasks in Ubuntu.
• Attend daily Scrum meetings.

3. Ufeed:
Client: CenturyLink Technologies.
Duration: 21 Jun 2017 – 01 Feb 2019
Role: Associate Lead, Fullstack.
Domain: Telecommunications.

Ufeed is a multithreading application that process files from a feed and send that to down
streams. This has many multithreaded applications that interact with each other controlled. Initially a
thread waits for file to be loaded in a particular pre-configured path. The file is processed by file extractor
thread and distributed by distributor thread to respective data streams. Attend Scrum meeting every day
and give the status of project to onsite manager in VoIP calls. Deploy the application in Amazon cloud and
maintain the server in cloud. Documentation of Docker implementation in the project. Leading the
migration of existing project into devops training.

Technology: Java7, JEE, Drools, php, Tibco, Multithreading, Flex, Xml, JMS, maven, HP Unix Ksh shell
scripting, Red Hat 7, Fiorano application server, AWS (Amazon) Cloud, and Dimensions.
Devops: Docker, Linux shell scripting.
Methodology : Continuous integration/Continuous development.
• Develop and maintain Multithreaded based application in Java.
• Develop Business Rules in Drools.
• Develop HP-UX korn shell scripts to modify xml configuration files.
• Technical lead helping team in technical issues.
• Deployment of application in Amazon cloud and fix issues.
• Configure the multithreaded application to process new data feeds.
• Fix the issues in production.
• Develop utilities in HP UNIX korn shell scripting.
• Manage a team of 8 members.
• Design new requirements in UML diagrams.

4. PNR Services:
Client: Sabre
Duration : 21 Oct 2015 – 19 May 2017.
Role : Technology consultant, Fullstack
Domain: Airline.
PNR services is a project to Add, Delete or Modify the PNR of flight ticket of a passenger. SOAP
Web services is used to get the request from the user and this is processed to get the details and booking
of the ticket is done. If the request is made to modify the PNR then a particular service is invoked that
modifies the PNR information and stores in the database.
Spring is used to receive the user request and send the response.
Technology: Java 8, JEE, SOAP, WebServices, JAXB, Spring core, Spring Boot, AspectJ, log4j, xml,
microservices, Tomcat 6.0(middleware), JavaScript, Ajax, Jboss, Oracle, AngularJS, Subversion(SVN),
SOAPUi and Eclipse.

Methodology : Continuous integration/Continuous development.

• Lead a team of 3 members.
• Achieved development of interface from mainframe to Java application using Jms.
• Develop Regex based services to sort the request.
• Developing of the services in SOAP to implement the Keyword add information to PNR.
• Involved in resolving the Jira issues using SOAPUI, Eclipse.
• Involved in designing the ADD keyword to PNR using UML.

5. SITA Voyager (Sales and Servicing):

Client: SITA
Duration: 20 Apr 2015 – 31 Aug 2015
Role : Technology consultant
Domain: Airline
Voyager sales and servicing is a project that is used by SITA to sell air tickets online. This
application is developed using NGAF swing framework, web services Jax WS, SOAP,
Xsd, spring 2.5, JMS. This application has features like Booking, reservation, Modification of tickets.
Request from front end is sent to the JMS queue and this message is received from MDB that in turn
invokes the web service soap call to get the data from GDS system, that has the ticket related
information. After the selection of the data this is again sent to the GDS system for the confirmation of
ticket. The selected ticket is also stored in SITA database using soap message.
Technology: Java 7, NGEF, Ajax, xml, Web Services Jax-ws, SOAP, JMS, MDB, JAXB, Oracle OSB,
Weblogic server 11g, SOAPUI, JMS Hermes, Eclipse, Ant, Sonar and Jenkins. Methodology :
Continuous integration/Continuous development.
• Achieved the configuration of JMS queue in WebLogic server.
• Implemented the MDB to receive messages from the queue.
• Coding of web services call from MDB to receive the SOAP response.
• Achieving Marshalling and Unmarshalling of the SOAP messages.
• Setup OSB(Oracle Server Bus) and weblogic server in development environment.

6. Fault Tree Automation (E-enabled AIRCRAFT):

Client: Cathay Pacific
Duration: 15 Sep 2014 – 27 Feb 2015
Role: Tech Analyst.
Domain: Airline.
Onsite: 6 months (Hong Kong).
Fault Tree Automation is an application that is used to generate the fault tree xml file. Fault Tree
is an xml that has the information of the defects of aircraft. This is complex xml having size more than
80 thousand lines. DOM is used to generate xml. The facet data is provided in the form of excel. This
data is read and converted into xml. Facet data is displayed in table form.
If the row in a table is double clicked a form is displayed that has all the data. The facet data row is
displayed in textbox that helps to update facet data. Fault tree xml is generated and save in the path
specified in properties file.

Technology: Java 1.6, Swings, Dom4j, Design Patterns, Unix Shell Scripting, Ant and Eclipse.
Methodology: Continuous integration/Continuous development.
• Collection of requirements and converting into a document in word.
• Involved in designing of HLD and LLD by UML.
• Involved in designing of UI.
• Involved in coding of xml generation by using DOM.
• Involved in collection of requirements from client and converting into UI designs.
7. ECRB NextGen:
Client: Toyota motors Thailand.

Duration: Nov 25 Nov, 2013 – 12 Oct 2014

Role: Technical Analyst.

Domain: Automobile.

Onsite: 6 months (Thailand, Bangkok).

ECRB Nextgen is a online vehicle servicing application, used to maintain the data of cars that have
been given for servicing by Toyota automobile owners. This is developed using jquery, jquery mobile,
struts 1.1, Oracle 11i, css, Html 5. The data of the car and owner is stored in the database by using the
application in iPad. The details of the servicing are entered in the application. Then a total cost of
servicing is calculated and displayed in the billing page.
Technology :Java 7, JEE, Servlets, microservices, Html5, Css, jQuery, jQuery mobile, Struts 1.1,
Oracle11i, EJB2.5, JavaScript, Restful, websphere, Eclipse and Safari 6.2
Environment: IOS 6.0 (Apple iPad).
• Developing the prototype in IOS (Apple iPad) single handedly and hence the project got
approval for development.
• Developing of build xml files in maven.
• Configuring the JBoss server for development environment.
• Configuring Connection pool and JDBC in server.
• Lead a team of 3 members.
• Developing jQuery scripts required to modify the look and feel of the page.
• Developing EJB interfaces, and the implementation of the methods having business logic.

8. SGN(Group Mass transit):

Client: DB Systel(Deutsche Bahn)
Duration: Aug, 2012 – 22, Nov 2013
Role: Technical Analyst
Domain: Travel.
Link : Desktop application.
SGN is an application used by German railway to book and maintain group ticketing. Group
ticketing is used by people who travel in group. This application is developed using RCP, JPA,
Hibernate and Oracle 11g. The design patterns used are Delegate, Façade, and DAO.


• Contribute to the project requirements individually.

• Design the LLD using Enterprise architect.
• Development of the functional components in Rcp, Jface, Hibernate, JPA.
• Writing the Jrxml for reports in pdf format in Jasper reports.
• Writing unit test cases along with Regression test cases.
Technology: Core Java, JEE, Eclipse plugin (Rcp), Jface, Swt, JEE, Jasper Reports, and Oracle 10g,
maven, JBoss 6.0, SVN, Clearcase and Eclipse.
• Developing of stop section page using RCP.
• Developing Entities that are required to store the data using Hibernate, JPA,
• Developing of named queries that are required to persist the data.
• Designing of requirements using Enterprise Architect tool and design class
diagrams and Sequence diagrams.
• Single handedly developed many functionalities in SWT and Jface.

9. NVS Kruz and ABO:

Client: DB Systel (Gmbh).
Duration: Nov, 2011 – Nov, 2013.
Role: Technical Analyst.
Domain: Travel.
Onsite: 1.5 months Frankfurt.
Link : Standalone application.
NVS is a desktop application used to book the train tickets by German railways (DB).
The application is implemented in core Java, JavaScript, jsp, servlets, web services. The client side of
NVS is implemented in jsp and JavaScript. The client side has features like booking, reservation,
train schedule, reports etc. The request from client side is sent to the middle tier that process the
request and convert to xml format. Middle tier is connected to another application responsible for
connecting to database using Tuxedo. Sax parser is used to process the xml data. The response is
sent to NVS application from Tuxedo interface and this is displayed in the client side.
The ABO system is another application used to book monthly or yearly subscriptions.
This is implemented in Rcp (eclipse), Swt, Jface, Servlets, and Oracle. The client side of the
application is implemented as eclipse plugin. Jface and Swt is used in developing the dialogs (view).
The usecase is implemented in Java. Sax parser is used to parse the xml data that sent from the

Technology: Core Java, JEE, Eclipse plugin(Rcp), Jface, Swt, JavaScript, J2EE, Jasper reports, Xml
Oracle, Rational Clearcase and Eclipse.
• Achieved implementation of listener based search functionality.
• Development of the table sorting in Rcp using comparator.
• Maintenance of the ABO application by resolving the defects.
• Developing the interface of SEPA in swing.
• Development of reports in jrxml using jasper reports.

10. Trading(Room Solutions):

Client: Niit Insurance Technologies Limited. (Solen Shell)
Duration: Nov, 2010 – Nov 2011.
Role: Sr, Software Engineer.
Domain: Insurance.
Link : Intranet application.
Trading is an Insurance project. This has modules like subscribe, admin, and support. This
has page to enter all the Insurance details. Once the details are entered, then this is stored in
database. There is an option to add asset. This will also be updated in database. There is an option
to transfer the Insurance to some other company. This has Tree navigation in the left side of the
page. Once all the details are entered the tab generate appears on the top of the page. If this tab is
clicked the policy will be generated. This policy has start date and end date. This can be renewed
after the end date is reached.

Technology: Java 6, Struts 1.2, Tiles, JEE, xml, Ejb 2.1, JPA, Jrules, JavaScript, Weblogic
6.0 – 11g, Sybase and Eclipse.

• Leading a Team of 5 members.
• Coding of Jsp pages, Struts, Sax parser.
• Developing Business rules using IBM JRules.
• Developing reports in PDF format in Jasper report.
• Validation of Jsp pages in Javascript.
• Development of document about architecture of the project.
• Development of understanding document of Renewal 2011.

11. Telephonic Booking Kiosk:

Client: Indepay.
Duration: Jun, 2010 – Aug, 2010
Role: Senior Software Engineer
Domain: Telecom
Link : Internal application used in management of dealers.

Indepay kiosk is used to book online tickets of trains, bus, Airline. Prepaid moble recharge is
also possible in this equipment. There is a customized telephone from Indepay that has options of
booking of train, bus and plane tickets. The Database used is Oracle 10g. EJB is used to connect to
database. J2EE technology is used in frontend. This is having Interfaces which references the
Implementation class which has all the business logic to book the tickets.
Mobile recharge is also possible from this machine. Jsp, Javascript, Css is used in front end.
Technology: EJB, J2EE, Oracle 10g, Advanced JavaScript and Eclipse.
• Involved in designing and development of frontend in JSP, Javascript and Struts.
• Connecting the application to database.
• Developing EJB components.
• Achievement of mapping of various fileds using Javascript using RDBMS concept.
• Individually involved in development of frontend module SUINew.
12. SAAS(Procure Easy) :
Client: Product of NIIT Technologies (OFB client).
Duration: Apr, 2010 – Jun, 2010.
Role: Senior Software Engineer.
Domain: Finance.
Link : Intranet portal given only to customers.

SAAS is software used to provide service to clients. This project was providing Online
Tenders and auctions. The project has two sides Enterprise and partner. Enterprise side is used
by the company which provides Tenders and auctions. Partner side is used by the customers to
bid for tenders and auctions. There is a Main admin who has sub admins. NIIT has access of
Main admin. There are sub admins from partners. Sub admin has access to supplier’s account.
Tenders and auctions are created by sub admins in Enterprise side. Suppliers log in to partner
Side and then bid online. This is implemented in Struts 1.1, Oracle, and weblogic 8.1.
JavaScript is used in client side validation.
The authentication of user is done using the RSA encryption. Technology: Windows, Struts1.1,
Oracle 10.5, Weblogic 8.0, xml, Jaxp, Jsp, tiles, RSA Algorithm Encryption. I was involved in
getting the values from database and generation of xml. Then the xml is encrypted using public
key. Decryption is done using private key.

Technology: Windows, Java 5 Struts1.1, J2EE, Oracle9i, Weblogic 8.1 and Eclipse.
• Responsible for development of action class to Decline participation OF Tenders.
• Worked on Encryption using RSA algorithm used in authentication.
• Created the necessary tables in the database.
• Developing the DAO methods.
• Created the database document.
• Unit testing of the module.

13. Online Train Packages:

Duration: Jan, 2010 – Apr, 2010.
Role: Senior Software Engineer.
Domain: Travel.

Online train packages application is used to reserve the trains. The project is
implemented in Springs, tiles, Jsp, mysql, webservices. The project has search page which gets all
the train packages available from IRCTC website. I was involved in developing this page in
Springs, Jsp. Then there is an option to select the package. I was involved in developing this page
in spring tiles, Jsp. After selection of package there is a review page, which has all the details of
the package. Then the person will make the transaction online. I was involved in developing the
page for redirecting to the bank. After the transaction is done the page is redirected to ticket
printing. If the transaction fails then a mail is sent that the ticket could not be confirmed.
JavaScript is used in client side validation.

Technology: Java 5, Spring 2.5, Tiles, Jsp, Xml, MySQL, Tomcat6.0 and Eclipse.
• Developing Special packages train functionality individually from scratch.
• Responsible for development of the spring tiles and jsp pages.
• Implement Ajax calls to server using jQuery.
• Validation of client side using JavaScript.
• Unit testing.

14. Student Management

Client: Credere Infotech.
Duration: Apr, 2008 – Jan, 2010.
Platform: J2EE.
Web Browser: MS Internet Explorer 6.0 or above.
Web Server: BEA Weblogic 8.1
Link: Intranet application.

Description: This project is used for school Management. This Project has modules like register,
Accounts, notifications, delete. There are other modules like admin, student, faculty, and
corporate. The project is implemented in MVC 2 architecture. The admin module has the
control of all the modules. The admin has his own login page. The students has different login
page. The faculty has different login page. Used PL-Sql in database operations.

Technology: Java, Jdbc, Struts, Oracle 9i, PL-Sql and Eclipse.

• Involved in coding of Admin Module.
• Involved in unit testing.
• Coded the Action class of the project.

15. B2B Portal

Client: Credere Infotech.
Duration: Sep, 2007 – Apr, 2008.
Platform: J2EE.
Web Browser: MS Internet Explorer 6.0 or above.
Web Server: BEA Weblogic 8.1
Domain: Finance.
Link: Intranet application.

B2B is a web portal used for maintaining the data of various companies. The project
includes different classes used for various transactions.The project also includes sessions for
various process. This is developed for chatting within companies. The mail is sent automatically
about the order. This portal is used to maintain the the business between many companies which
are member’s and these companies are able to chat and make online business once they login into
website. Used PL-Sql in database operations.

Technology: Java, Jdbc, Struts, Oracle9i, PL-Sql and Eclipse.

• Involved in preparing the documents required for development of the product
• Worked as a Key Developer
• Developed the presentation layer of the software.

16. Hotel Management

Client: Credere Infotech.
Duration: Jan, 2006 – Sep, 2007.
Platform: Java.
Domain: Travel.
Link: Intranet application.

Hotel management is a project developed using java and oracle which is used to
maintain the management of Hotel. The Project includes various modules for transactions.
The request is processed and updated to the database. The database has many tables like
reservation, cancellation, and billing.

Technology: Core Java, Java Servlets, Oracle9i and Eclipse.

• Developing the application required to manage the database.
• Involved in debugging and fixing the errors.
• Preparing and documenting the operating manual for the Application.

17. Resort management

Client: Credere Infotech.
Duration: Jan, 2004 – Jan, 2006.
Platform: Core Java.
Link: Intranet application.
This is an online project with online reservation of resort rooms. The project also gives the
information of resort. The user has to register and he will get the room registered online.
The cost of the room and the tour package is given. The user is able to cancel if he is unable
to come to tour and he will get the refund of money.

Technology: Java, Jdbc, Html, Oracle and Eclipse.

• Coding the business logic of the project.
• Developing the application required to manage admin module the project.
• Involved in testing and debugging.
• Developed the database of the project.

18. Online web development

Client: Credere Infotech.
Duration: Jan, 2006 – Sep, 2007.
Platform: Java.
Link: Intranet application.

Description :
This is a project to develop website online using Servlets.The project has
servlets and this is developed using Jdbc. The project has database which has the
information of user, password. Once the user logs in the user can access the data.

Technology: Java, Servlets, Jdbc, Html, Javascript, oracle and Eclipse.

• Developing the servlets.
• Coding the business logic
• Testing the project.
• Involved in debugging and fixing errors.

19. Online shopping

Client: Credere Infotech.
Duration: Sep, 2003 – Jan, 2004.
Platform: Java.
Link: Intranet application.
Description: Online shopping simulation is a project which is used for buying books online.

This has jsp pages like registration of user, authentication of user, then user has to select
Books and confirm the author and book title. Then the bill amount is printed in other
page, after this user has given details of credit card for online pay and then this is updated
into the database and a confirmation message is printed in other jsp page.

Technology: Core Java, Java Servlets, Oracle9i, JavaScript and Eclipse.

• Coding the business logic of the project in Jdbc.
• Developing the application required to manage the database.
• Involved in debugging and fixing the errors
• Preparing and documented operating manual for the Application.

20. Online web development using FTP

Client: Credere Infotech.
Duration: Jun, 2003 - Sep, 2003.
Platform: Java.
Language: Core Java, JDBC, Html, Mysql.
Web Browser: MS Internet explorer 6.0.
Online web development is used to register the user and also to authenticate the user name
and password. Once the user register’s User name and password will be stored in database
using mysql. Mysql Driver is used to update the information into the database.There is a
query form which collects the details about the requirements and information required will
be sent as E-mail. The user will see the confirmation page of E-mail sent and then user has
option of going to Home page or logout from site. This is updated into web using FTP.

Technology: Core Java, JDBC, Html, FTP, Mysql and Eclipse.

• Coding the business logic of the project.
• Collecting the necessary documents for the project.
• Developing the database of the project in Mysql.

Education Qualification:

Name of the course / Degree Institute / University Year

Bachelor of Kuvempu University 2001

(Computer Science)

12th, STJ Anubhava Mantapa Davanagere. 1997

10th Maria Nivas High School, Harihar, 1995
Davanagere Dist.

PG Embedded Systems Indian Service Machine Bangalore. 2003

Comm percentage : 70%

Personal Details:

Name : ChethanKumar H
Sex : Male
Marital status : Single
Date of Birth : 19-03-1980.
Passport No : Z2790221
Expiry Date : 16.01.2024
Languages known : English(Fluent), Basic German(A2), Hindi,

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