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Name Felipe Romero Ludeña Teacher Alan Quintana Zevallos Date

1 Circle the correct words. 4 Match the answers with the questions from
0 I’ve got an exam tomorrow. I must / mustn’t go to
Exercise 3.
bed late. a 0 I’m sorry. He’s not here at the moment.
1 It’s Giorgio’s birthday soon. We must / mustn’t b Of course she can.
forget it!
c No. You must do your homework.
2 We haven’t got any more petrol in the car. We must
/ mustn’t buy some more. d No, please don’t. I don’t want them to know.
3 My doctor says I must / mustn’t drink milk. It’s bad e No, sorry. You must leave it in the garden.
for me. f Sure. Here it is.
4 You must / mustn’t eat too much before you go 5
5 Sorry, the concert isn’t free. You must / mustn’t pay 5 Complete the sentences with would like and
to go in. the words in brackets. Use contractions where
0 I’ d like a coffee , (I / a coffee) please.
2 Complete the rules with must or mustn’t and the 1 (we / a ticket) to
verbs in the box.
Georgetown, please.
arrive | use | do | eat | do | be
2 (I / sit) here.
School rules 3 (I / buy) some water, please.
In my school, we’ve got a lot of rules. For example, 4 (you / something / eat)?
all students 0 must arrive before 9 o’clock in the 5 (you / anything else)?
morning. We 1 late.
In class, students 2 their phones.
The teachers always ask us to turn them off. And we 6 Complete the dialogue with the phrases from
3 what the teachers say. Always! the list.
We 4 or drink in class. We can only eat or would you like to | I’d like | would you like
drink at lunch time in the school cafeteria. I’d like some | what would you like | I’d like to
And the teachers give us homework every day, and we WAITER Hello sir, 0 would you like to
5 it by the next day! order now?
10 CUSTOMER Hi. 1 have the soup,
please. What have you got today?
3 Complete the questions with can and the words WAITER Sure. 2 the chicken or the
in brackets. vegetable soup?
0 Can I talk (I / talk) to Bill, please? CUSTOMER 3 the vegetable please.
1 (I / go) out tonight? WAITER Of course. And 4 to drink?
2 (we / see) your new phone? CUSTOMER 5 water, please. Sparkling.
3 (Jesse / come) to my party? WAITER Thank you very much.
4 (my dog / come) inside the house? 10
5 (I / tell) Jo and Clara about your
wedding? TOTAL SCORE 50


Think Starter Extension Test 9

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