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BD =aE Introduction of Coordination Compounds and Werner’s Theory © Subjective Questions Direction (Q. Nos. 1-8) Those questions are subjective in nature, no ‘notebook. 1od to be solved completely on 4 Alums are double salts. How many ions are produced by one mole of an alum molecule in solution? 2. inCoCly -SNHg and K {Fe(CN)s} which satisfy primary and secondary valency? Write two defects in Werner's theory. i. rCly-3NH, complex is @ non-conductor in aqueous solulion Why? ‘i. What are homo and heteroleptic complexes? Give example. 5 CoCl, solution can be used as invsibie ink. On heating, It gives very legible blue colour which then slowly disappears. Why? © Only One Option Correct Type pirection (2. Nox. 618) This secon contains 10 ulti chace questions, Each avesion has 2r ee ctie a) B). (2) and (), out of which ONLY ONE is correc. 6 Primary and secondary valency of Pt in [Pt(en)2Cl,] are a, +4and 4 b, +4and6 c. +6and 4 d. 42and6 7 \fzeise's salt has the formula [PUCzH. )Cls}- In this, platinum primary and secondary valency are a. Hand 3 b. +1and 4 ©. #3and 4 d. +4and6 8 The two complexes PICl, »2NHg and PICl, -2KCI do not give precipitate of AgCl when teated with AgNOs. The structures of these complexes are @. JPLUNH),Cl4] and Ka{PtClal b."[PtNH,)o Cl, and Ka{PtCle] 6. [PUNHs),C!] Cl, and KaIPICl,]Cl, 4d. [PUUNH,),Cig] and KalP&ClICl 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS Working Space © One Integer Value Correct Type Working Space Direction (0. Nos. 24-28) This section contains § quostions. When warked out wil result in an integer {rom 0 to 9 (both inclusive) 24 Formula of Mohr’s salt is FeSO, (NH, )»SO, -xH0. Here x value is 25 When AgNO, solution is added in excess to 1 M solution of CoCl, -xNHs, one Mole of AgCl is formed. The value of x is 26 How many moles of AgCI would be obtained when 100 mL of 0.1 M Col, -3NHy is treated with excess AgNO;? 27 Oxidation state of cobalt in Co(CO), is 28 Inthe complex PICl, - SNHsif coordination number of platinum is 6, number of chloride ions precipitated by adding AgC| are © Statement Type Direction (©. Nos. 29 and 90) This section is based on Statement | and Statement Il Select tho correct ‘answer from the codes given below. @ Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct and Statement Il is the correct explanation of Statement | ». Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct but Statement Il is not the correct explanation of Statement | ©. Statement | is correct but Statement Il is incorrect 4. Statement Il is correct but Statement is incorrect 29 Statement! Oxidation state of Fe in Fe(CO)s is zero. Statement ll EAN of Fe in this complex is 36, 30 Statement! The oxidation number of platinum in Zeise's salt is +4, ‘Statement ll Zeise’s salt is ionic complex, 86 DPP - COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p,¢ & f BLOCKS y= IUPAC Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds © Subjective Questions Elen {Q. Nos. 1-5) These questions are subjective in nature, need to be solved ‘completely on Working spect notebo! 4 Write the structure to the following, i. Potassium tetraflucroargentate( !!!) ii, Calcium dioxalatodiamminecobaltate( |!) iii, Bis benzene chromium(0) iv. Sodium vis (thiosulphato)argentite (!) 2. Wiite the IUPAC names fo the following. i, [PUNHg)4] [PtCla] (Magnus’s green) fi, NH4[Cr(NH,)a(NCS)4] (Reinecko's salt) iil, K{Pt(n? - CH, )Cts] Zeise’s salt) iv. Fetbipyh)™ 3. Write the IUPAC name of the following i. PICl, NH, (gives 4 ions in solution) ji, PtCl, -2KCI (gives 3 ions in solution) IrCly-3NHg (n0 CI ion is precipitated) iv. CoC -4NH, (one Clis precipitated by AgNOs) 4. Inthe IUPAC system, the name given to the ligand a7 EO) | I 1. CH{COCH,COCH, === CH,— C=CH—-C—CHy ji. H.N-CH,—COO™ N Ne jv. HNCH,CHNHCHCHNH, 5 Explain the following. i. Chelate complex ii, Dimethylglyoxime(dmg) Tetradentate 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS 87 © Only One Option Correct Type Working Space Birection (2, Nos. 615) This section contains 10 mutile choice questions, Each question has four ‘hoices (a), (6), (c) and (0), out of which ONLY ONE'Is comect, 6 According to IUPAC nomenclature, sodium nitroprusside is named as . sodium nitroferricyanide b. sodium nitroferrocyanide ©. sodium pentacyanonitrosylferrate (II!) ¢. sodium pentacyanonitrosyliumferrate (Il) 7 The formula of the complex hexamminecobalt (Il) chloride sulphate is @. [Co(NH,ICISO, b. [Co(NH,)CISO, ©. [Co(NH, J,CISO,] d. None of these 8 The IUPAC name of the compound [Cr(NH )s(NCS)][ZnCl,] is 2. Pentammine isothiocyanatochromium (Il) tetrachlorozincate (ll) ». pentaammine thiocyanatochromium (I!) tatrachlorozincate (II ©. Pentammine isothiocyanatochromium (0) tetrachlorozincate (IV) 6. Pentammine thiocyanatochromiuin (0) tetrachlorozincate (IV) 9 The IUPAC name of the complex[(CO),Mn-Mn(CO),) is a. bis (pentacarbonyl dimanganese) b. bis (pentacarbonyldimanganate(|) ©. decacarbonyldimanganate(0) 4. bis (pentacarbonyldimanganese(0) 10 The donor sites of EDTA ligand are a. O-atoms only b. Neatoms only ©. {wo N-atoms and four O-atoms d. three N-atoms of EDTA ion 41 The 1UPAC name of [Ni(PPh3. JoCl]** is . bis dichioro(‘riphenylphosphine) nickel (It) ion b. dichloro bis (triphenylphosphine) nickel (Wion ¢. dichloro triphenylphosphine nickel (N) ion d. triphenyiphosphine nickel (II)dichioride 12 Formula of brown ring complex is @. FFe(H-O\(NO,).1S0, b. [Fe(H-0),(NO,),}80, ©. [Fe(H,0),(NO)}SO, 4. [Fe(H,0),(NO},ISO, 13° The IUPAC name of the compound KISbCI4Ph] is . Potassium chiorophenylantimonate (V) ». Potassium pentachloro(pheny/) antimonate (V) ©. Potassium pentachlorobenzylantimonate (V) d. None of the above 14. K,[OsCI,NJis named as 2. potassium pentachloroazoosmate(V1) ». potassium pentachloronitridoosmate(VI) ©. potassium pentachloroazidoosmate(V/) @. potassium pentachloronitroniumosmate(VI) 88 DPP - COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p,q & f BLOCKS 45 What is the IUPAC name of compound NaBH,? Working Space -a. Sodium boronhydride b. Sodium tetrahydridoboron (II!) cc. Sodium tetrahydridoborate (Ill) 4. Sodium tetrahydridoborate (1) ‘© One or More than One Options Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 16-20) Thio section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (2). 0) (2) 2nd (2), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct. 46 Which of the following complexes have correct name? a. K[Pt(NH,)Cl_] = potassiumamminepentachloridoplatinate (IV) b. [Ag(CN),J" = dicyanidoargentate(!) ion c. KalCr(C,0, )s] = tripotassium trioxalatochromate(|II) d. Na,[Ni(EDTA)] = sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetatonickelil) 47 Which is/are the correctly named? a. acac = Acetylacetonato, chelating ,uninegative b. bipy = 2,2 bipyridine , bidentate, neutral c. DMG = bidentate and neutral 4. gly =alycinato, bidentate, uninegative 48 The correct name of ligand(s) in 'UPAC name is/are a. $,0% = thiosulphato 49 Which is/are the incorrect IUPAC name? a. Formula of potassium tetrafluoroargentite Is K [AQF] b. IUPAC name for[AuCl,(H,0),]" diaquatetrachloroaurate (|) «. [Cr(CgHe)p]is named as bis (benzene) chromium (0) d. [AH,]” is named as tetrahydrido aluminium (Il) ion 20 The ligand(s) which gives chelate complexes is/are a. SCN" b. NH,—NH,, c, EDTA d, CF © Comprehension Type Direction (Q. Nos. 21 and 22) This section contain a paragraph, describing theory, experiments, data, {210 Two questions have been related fo the paragraph have been given. Each question has only ane Correct answer among the four given options (2), (2), (6) and (3). Passage In naming complexes, cation is named first followed by anion. Non-ionic or neutral complexes are given a one word name. The cationic and neutral complex ions are named by writing ‘the number and name of the ligands followed by the name of the central metal ion with its oxidation number in roman numerals within the parenthesis. if the complex is anionic, name of the metals ends with ‘ate’. When the complex contain two or more metal atoms linked with the help of bridging ligand then ‘each bridging ligand is started with p. 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS 89 ———————————EEEEEEeEe- °° °°. 21 22 e Mat : Workin Name of [CoBr(NH),NOz]is ig Seace a. tetramminebromonitrocobalt (II) b. bromotetramminenitritocobalt(I)). c. tetramminebromonitrocobalt (Ii!) d. tetramminebromine nitritocobatt (II) ‘The IUPAC name of [Ni(NH3 )4] [NiCl]is a, tetrachloronickel (I!) etramminenickel (i) b. tetramminenickel (II) tetrachloronickel (II) ¢. tetramminenickel (Il) tetrachloronickelate (Il) d, tetrachloronickel (I!) tetramminenickelate (0) 5 itching List Type Direction (Q. Nos. 23 and 24) Choices for the correct combination of elements ircm Column i and ‘Column 1! are given as options a), (2), (¢) and (dl), out of which one is comect. 23 24 Match the Column I with Column Il and mark the correct option from the codes given below. Column | Column I i Sodium . | Neutral complex | argentothiosuiphate i, | PRC, SNH, | Cationic complex i Na,ZnCl, | Anionic complex. IV. [PH{NHL),8,Cl,] S:- Heteroleptic complex 1. Homolopte complex Pops qs ons Goaisebra ea at as ont ps Po oas nt oq Match the Column | with Column Il and mark the correct option from the codes given below. Column | | Column tt i [CoCKONOyen,* P| Gobet (up Hl [CoBr(HjO)(NHg)¢1(NOg)y & | Cobatt lon i. INICO}] | Zero charge iw (CoHs)sP 8. | Homoleptic complex | Neutral complex q 1s prs 4 gt as nt ps q op oat r DPP RDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p, d & f BLOCKS ne Integer Value Correct Type Morin Se rection (Q. Nos. 25-28) This sation contains 5 quesfons. When worked ow. result nan integer 08 ooh inclusive). Ethylenedi smminetetraacetate ion is a polydentate ligand and negatively charged. The magnitude of negative charge is The oxidation state of the central metal in the complex ion [Fe(EDTA)| ‘The complex potassium dicyanodioxalatonickelate (|) in solution produce ions. Number of EDTA molecules required to form an octahedral complex. ‘The number of complexes in which IUPAC names contain metal name ending with ‘ate? K[Co(EDTA)], [PUNH, )4]Bra, [CO(NO, gl, [FeFel® Pe(en)CIBra] [Pi(ena)I"*. KICo(EDTA) [Pt(py) 4] [PtCla] ‘Statement Type | Direction (Q. No.20) This section is based on Statement and Statement I, Soloct he coe answer ‘Son the codes given bolow. ‘a, Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct and Statement Ils the correct ‘explanation of Statement| b. Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct but Statement Il is not the correct explanation of Statement | c. Statement | is correct but Statement W \correct d. Statement Il is correct but Statement Lis incorrect statement! IUPAC name of the complex [(NH3)5—Cr—OH— Cr (NHg)sICls is pentammine chromium,i-hydroxopentammine chromium (I) chloride Statement IUPAC name of the complex {Ni(dma)alis bis (dimethylalyoximato) nickel (III. 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS _ niin ee lhe eee oe 'D)2)26) Isomerism in Coordination Compounds-I © Subjective Questions were Direction (Q. Nos. 1-8) These questions are subjective in nature, need fo be solved completely on ‘notebook. 1 [Pi(gly),] show geometrical but [Pt(en),]** do not show. Why? 2. Fac and mer isomers of an [Mass] octahedral complex are optically inactive. Why? 3 How many isomers are possible for a complex having the formula [Mabodef] having octahedral geometry? 4 How many geometrical isomers are possible for the following? 1 [PAINHs) CI] ii, (PRUNH,),C1T PPUNH,),NO,CI] iv. [Pt(NH,),CIBq2* 5 Draw the structure of EDTA as ligand. @ Only One Option Correct Type Direction (2. Nos. 6-15) This section contains 10 mute choice questions. Each question has four ‘choices (a), (6), (c) and (a), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 6 | Tris (ethylenediamine) cobatt (II) cation, [Co(en),]®* can have a. three stereois all chiral and optically active b. two chiral stereoisomers (enantiomers ) and one achiral . three stereoisomers, all achiral 9. two stereoisomers, both achiral 7 Which of the following types of octahedral complexes will exhibit geometrical isomerism (where, M= metal, a, b = achiral ligands)? a. [Mag] b. [Mas b] . [Ma,b,) d. [M(2a)3] 8 Which of the following can exhibit linkage isomerism? a. NO3 b. HO ©. NH, 4. HyNCH,CHANH, 92 DPP - COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p, d & f BLOCKS What type of isomerism is shown by [Co(NHs)4BraJCI? a, Geometrical only . lonisation only ¢. Geometrical and ionisation d. onisation and optical ‘Which of the following does not show optical isomerism? a. [Co(en)* b. [Cofen},Cl}* . [Co(NHs)sCla} 4. (Cofen}(NH3).Cl.I* The ionisation isomer of [Cr(H,0), Cl(NO2 JIClis a. [Cr(H,0),(ON)] Cle b. [Cr(H,0),Cl] (NO2) ¢. [Cr(H,0),Cl (ONO)]CI , [Cr(H,0),Cl: (NO2)]-HO Which of the following complex species is not expected to exhibit optical isomerism? a. [Co(en);]* b. [Cofen),Cl,]” ©. [CONH,Cls} 4. [Cofen)(NH,),Cl" ‘The complex [Co(NHs }e[Cr(Cz0¢ }s] and [Cr(NHs }s[Co(C,0, 3] exhibit a. coordination isomerism b, geometrical isomerism Cc. ionisation isomerism 4. linkage isomerism Which of the following exhibit cis-rans isomerism? a. [PACI,(NHa)a] b. (Pecigrl] ©. [UNH (Py) (C60) 4. Allofthese Which of the following is considered to be an anticancer species? Cla 5, CH=CH Cla 5 2Cl & ow Nal > ce Sol HN a, Cl HaNa 5,26! g Pt 4. Pt HN “ol ci” NH One or More than One Option Correct Type Direction (Q..Nos. 16-20) This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question hes four Ses (a). 0). (0) and (0), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are corect. 16 Linkage isomerism is/are shown by a. NOZ b. CN" c. SCN” d. HO 47 Which is/are correct pair? . K[Ag(CN} = linkage isomerism 5. [Ag(NH,),] [CuCI,] = ionisation isomerism . [CrCI(NH, js} = lonisation . [Pilla] = geometrical Coordination isomerism is/are shown by 2, [AQ(NH, je] [CuCl] b. [AKH,O),}[CO(CN) 1 cc. [Pi(NHs), (OH)21 S04 d. [Co(NH,),CISO, Which of the following show geometrical isomerism? a. [Pt(NH,CHCOO),} . [Pt(NH )(NH_OH)(NO)(CoH-N ©. [Cu(NH)_]Clz 4d, [PHNHs Cla} 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS hb eanine Working Space 20 Which of the following statements is/are correct? a. Geometrical isomerism is not observed in complexes of CN 4 hi geometry ' b, Square planar complexes with CN 4 and 6 generally show geometrical isomerism ¢. Square planar complexes with Masb or Mab, exhibit cis-trans isomerism ‘d. The platinumglycinato complex [Pt(aly},] show geomettical isomerism ‘aving tetrahedral Direction (@, Nos. 21 and 22 ) This section contains @ paragraph, describing theory, experiments, data ‘16 two qusztions related to tne paragraph have been given. Each has only one correct answer among the four aven options (a) (0), (6) and (8). Passage Consider the following isomers of [Co(NH),Br2]*. The black sphere represents Co, grey sphere represents NH, and unshaded sphere represents Br. STP i oa @ ©) © © 21° The oxidation state and coordination number of cobalt in the complex. [Co{NHy),Br2]* are a, +2and 6 b. +3and6 c. +3and +6 d. Hand 6 22. Which of the structures is identical? 1. Structure (a) = structure (b) and structure (c) b. Structure (a) = structure (c) and structure (6) ¢. Structure (a) = structure (d) and structure (o) d. None of the above = structure (c) © Matching List Type Direction (Q. Nos. 23 and 24) Choices forthe correct combination of elements from Column I and ‘Column I! are given as options (2), (2), (c) and (6) out of which one is correct. 23. Match the Column | with Column il and mark the correct option from the codes given below. Column | 4 Column I k (Complex species) (lsomerism) i] tomar |. | Optical ji. | cise [OofenClpy* | 4: | tonisation Hi. | [Coq NOAIC, | | Coordination | TCO(NHg)g]IC(CNig] | & | Geometrical | ___ t | tiage Codes i ii iit wv Coe teec) peel Diora tia! ap Ce Vee (auitieen aera are it), "is 94 DPP - COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p, d & f BLOCKS 24 Match the Column | with Column ll and mark the correct option from the codes Working Space given below. onal Column i i [OOOIsINHg)e} | P| cis fois optically acive i (Co(or, 4. | ans form is optically inactive i [ccl,(ox), | Show meridian form iv.) RHCI ey] | & | Show facial tom Show both geometrial and optical isomerism Codes ii im ow i i iv apa aq pt 6s bor 1s ap pa bopt os pt pint 4 18 pat pat ns © One Integer Value Correct Type Direction (@. Nos. 25-28) Ths section conteins 5 questions. When worked out wil result in an integer from 910 8 (both incusive) 25 Total number of geometrical isomers for the complex [RhCl(CO)(PPh (NH )] is 26 The total number of isomers of [Co(en),Ci,]* is 27 The total number of possible isomers for the. complex compound [Cul(NH,),]IPt'Cl,] 28 The number of geometrical isomers possible for Cr(NH3)5Cl; are: 29 For square planar complex of platinum (II), [Pt(NH. )(Br)(Cl)py]**, how many isomeric forms are possible? © Statement Type Direction (Q. No, 30) This section is based on Statement | and Statement I, Select the correct answer {rom the codes given below. a, Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct and Statement Ils the correct explanation of Statement | . Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct but Statement Il is not the correct explanation of Statement I ¢. Statement lis correct but Statement Il is incorrect d. Statement Il is correct but Statement | is incorrect 30 Statement! Complexes of MX, and MX gl. type do not show geometrical isomerism. Assume that X and L are unidentate. Statement! Geometrical isomerism is not shown by complexes of coordination number 6. 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS 95 1B)22="4 Isomerism in Coordination Compounds-II © Subjective Questions Direction (0. Nos. 18) These questions are subjective n nature, need to be solved completely on notebook, Working Space 1 How many geometrical isomers are possible for i. [Rh(en),J* and fi, [CoClBry* 2 2 [CoC!,Br,]* do not show geometrical but [PdBr,Cl,]* show geometrical isomerism. Why? 3° What type of isomerism is shown by the complex K [Cr(H,0),(C,0, ),]? 4 Which platinum complex is known as anticancer drug? 5 Give the size of ring structure formed by the following chelating ligands. |. Propylenediamine (pn) ji, Trimethylenediamine (tn) li, Ethylenediamine (en) \v. Oxalate ion © Only One Option Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 6-18) This section contains 10 multol choice questions. Each question has four ‘choices (a), (6). () and (@), cut oF which ONLY ONE is correct. & Which type of isomerism is shown by [Co(NHs }, BrCl]? @. Geometrical and ionisation ». Optical and ionisation ©. Geometrical and optical 4. Geometrical only 7 The complex that exists as a pair of enantiomers is @. trans-[Co(H,NCH,CH.NH,),ClI 'b. [Co(H,NCH_CH.NH,),]°* ©. PA(PPhs(CI(Br) (CH) d. cis-[Co(NH,),Cl]* 8 Which of the following will have three stereoisomeric forms? [Cx(NO5 (NH, )] it KelCo(C0,).] iii, KsICO(C,O,),C1,) Iv. (Co(en),C1Bq] a. ill and iv b. jandiv ©. it and ii 4. iandil DPP - COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p, d & f BLOCKS 9 Acoordination compound of cobalt has the molecular formula containing five eciee ammonia molecules, one nitro group and two chlorine atoms for one cobalt atom. Gin mole ofthis compound produces three ions in an aqueous solution. The ‘gqueous solution on treatment with an excess of AGNO, gives two moles of AgC! ge.a precipitate. The formula of the complex and the isomerism shown by this is a. [Co(NHa),NO,1Cla, ionisation isomerism b, [Co{NH,).NO_1Cla linkage isomerism ©. [Ge(NH,),NO,]Gb, both linkage and ionisation isomerism 4. [Co(NH,),Cla]NO>, ionisation isomerism 40 Which of the following will give maximum number of isomers? a. IN(C_O, Yen) b. INi(en)(NH3).]"" ©. [E(SCN)NHg)I" 4. [Co(NH, Cl 44. Which of the following coordination compounds would exhibit optical isomerism? a, Pentamminenitrocobalt (II!) iodide b. Diamminedichloroptatinum (Il) c. trans-dicyanobis(ethylenediamine) chromium (I!) chloride 4. trans-{ethylenediamine) cobalt (Il) bromide it optical isomerism? 42 Which one of the following is expected to (en = ethylenediamine) a. cis-{PUNHs),Cle b. trans-[PUNH,),Cl) «. eis-{Colen),Cl} 4. trans-[Colen),Ch] 43. How the isomeric complexes [Co(NH)s] [Or(NOz el and [Cr(NH5)s] [Co(NO, el can be distinguished from one another by a. conductivity measurement b. measuring magnetic moment cc. electrolysis of their aqueous solution d. optical measurement 44. The complexes [Co(NH)g] [x(CN}g] and [Cr(NH, }] [CO(CN}s] are the examples of which type of isomerism? [pveee 20111, a. Linkage isomerism b. lonisation isomerism c. Coordination isomerism d. Geometrical isomerism 45. The isomerism shown by [CO(EDTA)]” ion is a. geometrical b. optical c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of these ‘© One or More than One Options Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 16-20) This seton contains 5 mulple choice questions, Each question has Our Orrices (a). bh () and (2), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct 46 [Co(NHg),(NOz)2ICl exhibits i b. ionisation isomerism . geometrical isomerism 4d. optical isomerism 47 The complex [Co(NH Br] SO, and [Co(NH, }sS0, JBr can be identiiod by a. BaCh, b. AgNOS c. PbO, d. SO, 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS OF ti‘ Working Space 48 The pair(s) of coordination complexes/ions exhibiting the same kind of isomerism 24 islare fa [Cr(NH,),Cll* and [Cr(NH),Cl]” b. [Or(NH),ClL}* and [PtNH,)H_O)CI* . [CoBr,Cl,]* and [PtBr,Cl,]> 4d. [P{(NH,),NO,ICI and [PUNH ),CBr 49. Which of the following complexes show geometrical isomerism? a, Tetrahedral b, Octahedral . Square planar 4. Linear 20 The compound(s) that exhibit(s) geometrical isomerism is/are a. [Pt(en)Cl] b. [Pt(en),Cl.JCl, . [PX(NHs),Cla} . [Pt(en)pICl, © Comprehension Type . Direction (Q. Nos. 21 and 22) This section contains a paragraph, each describing theory, experiments, date, ote, Two questions related to the paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct ‘answer among the four glven options (a), (2), (c) and (). ‘ Passage 2 ‘A metal complex having the composition Cr(NHs ), Cl,Br has been isolated in two forms Aand B. The form A reacts with AgNO; to give a white precipitate readily 2 soluble in dilute aqueous ammonia whereas B gives a pale yellow precipitate soluble in cone, ammonia. 2 . 24 The formula of complex A a. [Cr(NH,),Br]Cly b, [Cr(NHg),CIBRIC 2 9. [Cr(NH),ClIBr d. Both (a) and (b) 2 22 The isomerism shown by complex Ais a. ionisation b. geometrical . c. linkage 4d. Both (a) and (b) e © Matching List Type Direction (Q. Nos. 23 and 24) Choices forthe correct combination of elements from Coluran | and Column 1! are given as options (a), (b). (c) and (0) out of which one is correct. 23° Match the Column | with Column I! and mark the correct option from the codes: given below. Column | ed Column tt | [PaPPhy) SON] |: | onisaton isomerism S | [oot )(N0) $0, | 9 Unkage isomerism Ti. | (CrHO},CTCl,-H,O | Coordination isomerison 1% | [OutvHs)e] [PCN] | 8. | Hydrate isomerism Codes : io ii’ wv he ee age a es qe fr dia) | foe te ie DPP - COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p, d & f BLOCKS 24 Match the Column | with Column Il and mark the correct option from the codes Working Space given below. — _— Column | column 4 | (octgfen" P. | Shows geometrical || isomerism only it | fox(oxgl® | Shows optical isomerism 1 ony i fRMCLe(pYh) | Shows optical as well as | OT Geometreal iv. | [ZnCl,(NH,)p] 8. | Shows no isomerism Codes iow ih ow i wv aor as ps bp eG eos fr p 4s -da@ or po as © One Integer Value Correct Type Direction (0. Nos. 25-29) This section contains § questions. When worked out wil result in en integer ‘rom 0 9 (both inclusive). 25. The total number of isomers expected for [Pt(NCS)(en),]** are 26 Number of isomers possible for [Co(NH3)sSCN]Cl are 27 [Fe(EDTA)]” exhibits optical isomerism. In this complex, the number of rings formed are 28 The number of geometrical isomers possible for the complex [CoC!,Br2]" are 29° The total number of possible isomers for the complex compound {Cul (NH)4] IPt'Cl,Jare © Statement Type Direction (Q. No. 30) This section is based on Statement| and Statement Il Solact the correct answer ‘rom the codes given below. a. Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct and Statement Il is the correct ‘explanation of Statement | b. Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct but Statement I! is not the correct explanation of Statement | ¢. Statement |is correct but Statement I! is incorrect d. Statement Il is correct but Statement | is incorrect 30 Statement! Ambidentate ligands lead to linkage isomerism. Statementil The ionisation sphere is different in different linkage isomers. 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS oe _———— Valence Bond Theory, Effective Atomic Number and Magnetic Properties @ Subjective Questions Direction (Q. Nos. 1-8) These questions are subjective in nature, need to be solved completely on notebook. Working Space 11. Whats effective atomic number (EAN)? ji, Calculate the EAN value of Mn in Wing{CO)so. 2. Using VBT explain the geometry and magnetic behaviour of [Fe(CO)s]. 3. The EAN of a metal carbonyl (M(CO},] = 36. Atomic number of metal is 24. Find the value of x. 4 The species [CuCl,]* exists but{Cul,]*" does not exist. Why? a SN e 5 Fe* > A —° 8: In this what are A and 6? Give the IUPAC name of A. Find the spin only magnetic moment of B. @ Only One Option Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 6-15) This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (a), (2), (c) and (0), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 6 Which one of the following is wrongly matched? a. [N(CO),]= neutral complex b. [Cu(NH,),]?* = square planar ¢, [Cofen),}** = follow EAN rule d. [Fe(CN),)*" = sp’d* 7 inwhich of the following the central atom has sp°d?-hybridisation? a. [CoP] b. (ColNHy)J" —&. [Fe(CN)g]** d. [Cr(NHg}e]* 8 Which is the diamagnetic? a. [CoF* b. [Ni(CN),)? cc. [NIC] d. [Fe(CN),]> 9 A magnetic moment of 1.73 BM will be shown by one among following, a. [N(CN),) b. TIC, ©. [CoCh|* 4G. [Cu(NH,),]* 40. Which one of the following complex species does not involve inner orbital hybridisation? a. [CoFJ* b. [Co(NHs)eI°* —&. (Fe(CN) >. [CrNHg eI 100 DPP ~ COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p, d & f BLOCKS “4 Which of the following complex has zero magnetic moment (spin only)? Working Space a. [Ni(NH,)gIClp b. Na,[FeF,] c. [Cr(H,O).]SO, d. K,IFe(CN)e 2. The number of unpaired electrons calculated in [Co(NHs)s]°* and [CoFe]*~ are a. 4and4 b. Oand2 o, 2and4 d. Oand4 +3. The tetrachloro complexes of Ni( |!) and Pa({I) respectively are (atomic number of Niand Pd are 28 and 46 respectively). a. diamagnetic and diamagnetic b. diamagnetic and paramagnetic c. paramagnetic and diamagnetic d. paramagnetic and paramagnetic +4 Which one of the following is an inner orbital complex as well as diamagnetic in behaviour? (Atomic number, Zn = 30, Cr= 24, Co = 27, Ni= 28) a [Zn(NHS eI . (CNHI «. [Co(NHs I 4. IN(NHQ)I** “5. The pair of compounds having the same hybridisation for the central atom is a. (Cu(NHs),}** and [NW(NH,)1°" b. [NICI]® and [PtCl, cc. [Cu(NHg)_J* and [Zn(NHs)e] 4. [Co(NHs el and [CotH,O 6} # One or More than One Options Correct Type ‘ection (Q. Nos. 16-20) This saction contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four ‘as (a), (0), (@) and (d), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct. *8 The formation of complex which involves d-orbitals of outer shell are called 2. low spin complex ’b. high spin complex ¢. inner orbital complex . outer orbital complex *7 _ sp°-hybridisation is found in a. (ZnCl, b. (Cu(NH).J"* ©. [CuCl] 4. [Ni(CO),] 418 Regarding the complex [Co(H,O).]” . correct statement(s) is/are ‘a, Paramagnetic complex b. Inner orbital complex ¢. Outer orbital complex d. Magnetic moment is 3.873 BM 49 For which the EAN value is equal to the atomic number of a noble gas? a. Kahle) b. [Pd(NH, C1) ©. [Cd] d. Co,(CO), 20. [Fe(H,0)9]" and [Fe(CN),]*" differ in a, magnetic moment b. colour cc hybridisation d. geometry 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS 101 © Comprehension Type Working Space Direction (Q. Nos. 21 and 22) This section contains a paragraph, deseribing theory, experiments, data, ‘tc. Two qusctions related tothe paragraph have been given. Each question has only ono correct answer ‘among the four given options (a), (0), (©) and (a. Passage When crystals of CuSO, -4NH, are dissolved in water, there is hardly any evidence for the presence of Cu" jons or ammonia molecules. A new ion [Cu(NH; ),]* is furnished in which ammonia molecules are directly linked with the metal ion. Similarly, aqueous solution of Fe(CN), - 4KCN does not give tests of Fe and CN” ions but give test for new ion [Fe(CN),]*~ called ferrocyanide ion. 21. The hybridisation and geometry and magnetic property of [Cu(NH,)4]** ion are a. sp*, tetrahedral, diamagnetic b. sp°, tetrahedral, paramagnetic c. dsp®, square planar, diamagnetic d. dsp”, square planar, paramagnetic 22 The hybridisation, geometry and magnetic property of [Fe(CN).]*" are a. d’sp*, octahedral, diamagnetic b. d2sp°, octahedral, paramagnetic c. sp'd”, octahedral, diamagnetic d, sp°d?, octahedral, paramagnetic ® Matching List Type Direction (Q. Nos. 23 and 24) Choices forthe correct combination of eloments fram Column | and Column 1! are given as options (a), (0). (c) and (0) out of which one is corect. 23 Match the Column | with Column Il and mark the correct option from the codes given bleow. Column | Column Il GnNH A spt i [Mobs > @ | Octahedal | Ky lFetCNe} 6? spa? MW.) fFet,OI0, |S Tetahedral it disp? Codes io if Ww io om ow a ps ps at ar b. ns rp © q pt pq ar ds prs rst 24 = Match the Column | with Column Il and mark the correct option from the codes given bleow, | Cotumnt | ig io i | (Hybridisation and number of | Complexion) unpaired electrons} 4 [CrH,O),P* | P- asp? 1 i | ICo(cny* a seas | vite | 5p? 3 w. | IMnFey* 1s. sg'?.2 ‘Codes: io i ow io oii ow aor qos bor qos Pp ©. s r q Pp 4. Pp q r 102 DPP - COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p,q & f BLOCKS © One Integer Value Correct Type Working Space Direction (Q. Nos. 25-28) This section contains 5 questions. When worked out wil result in an integer from 010 9 (both inclusive). 25 How many of the following species obey Sidgwick EAN rule? KolFe(CN)g], [Ru(CO)s]. [Cr(NHa Jel®, [O(NHg Jel™ INi(NH,))g]**, [Fe(CO)s],W(CO)g] 26 How many of the following are diamagnetic? [2n(OH)4]*.IN(NHg)e]**, Kg [Fe(CN)g], Kg [Fe(CN)g], [Cu(NH, )4]*.[PaBr.]*, INi(CO),}, [CoF.]- 27 The number of unpaired electrons in the complex [Mn(acac).] is (Atomic number of n= 25) 28 The magnetic moment of [Ru(H,O),]*" corresponds to the presence of ...... unpaired electrons. 29° The number of unpaired electrons in [Fe(dipy),]** are © Statement Type Direction (@. No, 90) This section is based on Statement | and Statement I, Select the correct answer “om the codes given below. a. Both Statement | and Statement I! are correct and Statement Il is the correct, explanation of Statement I b. Both Statement | and Statement II are correct but Statement Il is not the correct, explanation of Statement | , Statement lis correct but Statement I! is incorrect, 4. Statement Il is correct but Statement I is incorrect, 30 Statement! Both [Ni(CN),]* and [NiCl,]* have same shape and same magnetic behaviour. Statement Il Both are square planar and diamagnetic. 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS 103 (CFT) and Colour of Complexes @ Subjective Questions Direction (Q. Nos. 1-8) These questions are subjective in nature, need to be solved completely on notebook 1 INi(H,0).]°"Is green while [Ni(NH )e]2* complex is vioiet. Explain, 2 i, The value of A for [RhCle]* is 243 kulmol, What ‘wavelength of light will promote an electron from the fp, to thee, set? ii. The crystal field stabilisation energy (CFSE) value in terms of wave number for [TI(H,O},]** that has absorption maximum at 492 nm. 3° What will be the correct order for the ‘wavelengths of absorption in the visible region of the following [Ni(H,0).]*, [Ni(NH3 }g}*, [Ni(NO. }a]*" 2 Explain, why nearly all tetrahedral complexes are high spin? 5 What are weak field ligands and strong field ligands? Give examples, ® Only One Option Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 6-18) This section contains 10 multe choice questions. Each question has four hotces (a), (b),(c) and (2), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 6 Among the following complexes the one which shows zero crystal field stabilisation energy is a. [ColH0),)?* b. IColH,O}1* —c. IMn(HOMI* — d. [Fe(H,0}g1* 7 The wavelength of light absorbed is highest in a. ICo(NH),C1?* b. (Co(NH),H,0]% cc. [Co(NH,),)** d. [Cofen),)°* 8 The CFSE for octahedral [CoCl.]*“is 18000 cm”. Then the CFSE for tetrahedral [CoC!,]** will be a. 18000em™ b. 16000cm"* ©. 80000m 4. 20000em-* 9 The crystal field splitting energy (A.,) of | ICoBrJ* U1 [CoFeJ* iil. [Co(NCS)_J* IV. {Co(CN),J** is in the order of a I a We tot b. [pital cc. W> ail J. >> In which of the following coordination entities, the magnitude A, (CFSE in ‘octahedral field) will be maximum? a, (CofH,O))* b. [Co(NH,)I* — &. [Co(CN}s]® 4. [Co(C04)3I 5 The increasing order of wavelength of absorption for the complex ions L a. ce [Cr(NH)J* U{CrCl 0. [Cr(HO)* IV. [Cr(CN)eI is Wettetiicl b. IV aos CFSE of [Co(NHg)g]°* c. [Fe(CN),NOS}*~ d. [Fe(CN),NOS}* 7 Wilkinson's catalyst is a. (RM(CO}LT b. [(PhgP),RHCI] ©. [Co{CO),] 4, ((PhyP),RH(CO}C} 108 DPP ~ COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p. d & f BLOCKS 410 11 12 13 14 15 Tollen’s reagent contains Working Space a. AGOH b. AgNO, ¢. [AQ(NOs)J" d. [AQ(NH, ol” ‘The compound formed by dissolving gold and platinum in aqua-regia i a, [AUCI,|* and [PtCl_]?- b. [AUCL] and [PtCl)*~ . [AUC] and [PICi,) d. [AuCI,J” and [PICl,]? Among the following, which is not the -bonded organometallic compound? a. (CH,),Sn b. KPICIg(n?- CoH) ©. Fe(n?~C#Hs)2 4. Crin® CHe)o Which of the following biomolecules contain @ non-transition metal ion? a. Vitamin B-12 b. Chlorophyll cc. Haemoglobin . insulin In black and white photography, the developed film is fixed by washing with hypo solution which dissolves the undecomposed AgBr to form a complex ion formed is. a. (Ag(S05))~ b. [Ag(S,0.)” ©. [AG(S,05),)" 4. (AQIS,0.)° In the estimation of hardness of water, the reagent used is a. hypo solution b. KMnO, ¢. EDTA solution d. KCr0, Which of the following is powerful o-donor and x-acceptor ligand? a cr b, CO c. NH5 d. OH Fe® and Fe® can be distinguished by a. KgiFe(CN)) b. K4lFe(CNie] c. [(KSCN)] d. All ofthese @ One or More than One Options Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 16-20) Thie section contains 5 muitpie choice questions. Each question has four sholoes (a), (0) (2) and (0), out ef which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct. 16 17 18 Which of the following forms a metal carbonyl corresponding [M(CO)¢]? a. Cr bw ©. Fe d. Ni In which of the following porphyrin acts as ligand? ‘a. Haemoglobin b. Chlorophyll ¢. Vitamin B-12 4. Insulin Which are z-bonded organometallic compounds? a. [Cain® — (CoH) b. [Fe(Co),) ©. KIPtCLn? - CHa] 4. IFetn? ~CeHs)) 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS 109 19 Which is the correct? a. [Fe(NCS),]> = blood red b. [Fe(H,O),]* =pale green ©. [Cu(HO),)* =biue 4. KalHiol:] = scariet red 20 How many of the following combinations in an aqueous medium will give a blue a. Fe™ + [Fe(CN))™ ¢, Co + SCN" © Comprehension Type Direction (@. Nos. 24 and 22) This section contains a paragraph, desorbing theory, experiments, dae, te. Two questions related to the paragraph have been given. Each question has only one correct answer ‘among the four given options (a), (0), (6) and (). b, Fe™ +(Fe(CN)I* d. Fe® + SCN™ Passage Coordination compounds play a vital role in our lives. The importance of these compounds can be realised from the fact that life would not have been possible fence of chlorophyll in plants and haemoglobin in the blood of the animals. The field of such compounds has expanded very fast in recent years and coordination compounds are playing important roles in analytical chemistry, polymerisation reactions, metallurgy and refining of metals, etc. without the @ 24 The reagent used for Identifying nickel ion is a. EDTA ©. potassium ferrocyaniée 22 Which is used in cancer chemotherapy? a. cis-platin ©. Ferrocene ® Matching List Type Direction (Q. Nos. 23 and 24) Choices for the correct combination of elamants from Column | and b. dimethyiglyoxime 4. sodium nitroprusside b. Zeise’s salt 4. Fischer salt Column i! are given as options (a). (0), (c) and (dl) out of which one fs correct. 23° Match the Column | with Column Il and mark the correct option from the codes given below. Column | i Feta? Cette} i Ke[Co(NO, jg) ih | PHM) (PICLy) \ KolHake] Codes i oi i w a BG Pp ar s bor oq os p © poqgor ts aos po qtr Column it B. Nessiers reagent | 9. | Fischer sat | erocene 8. | Magnus's green Working Space yt 110 DPP ~ COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p,d & f BLOCKS ing 5 24 Match the Column I with Column il and mark the correct option from the codes orn Space given below. . See ! Column Column It i (COO) p. EAN= 36 hy Fep(CO)y, q. ; ThteeCO—CO bond 4 We) ColCOhg 1. | Zeta bridged CO group mw. Fey(COjg —, & | One Fe—Fe bond t ‘ Codes: i oii tv apr os qt be r q s Pp co po aor ts a2 8 p ar : One Integer Value Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 25-29) This section contains 6 questions. When worked out wil result in an integer ‘fom 0 t0 8 (both inclusive). 25. The number of terminal carbonyl groups present in Fe,(CO), are 26 InFe,(CO)s, the number of CO present between iron atoms ..... 27 In{Co,(CO)g} the number of CO motecules lying between the metal atoms are 28 The number of M—M bonds in [Irg(CO},2] are 29° InMng(CO)o, the number of CO molecules in between the metal atoms are 1 Statement Type Direction (0. No. 30) This section is based on Siatement land Statement I. Select the corect answer om the codes givon bolow. ‘a. Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement | b. Both Statement | and Statement II are correct but Statement II is not the correct ‘explanation of Statement | c, Statement | is correct but Statement II is incorrect 4. Statement Il is correct but Statement | is incorrect 30. Statement! Mn(n— C3Hs)(CO),, obey effective atomic number rule. Statement Il z-allyl ligand act as a 3e~ donor. | 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS ii Revisal Problems for JEE Main © Only One Option Correct Type hee oy Bee a), Me Seton consis 28 mute choice questons. Each question hae fur ahoices (2). (b), (6) and (), out oF which ONLY ONE option a eo 1 Which hes higher van't Hoit actor value in aqueous solution? a Potash alum b. Mohr's sat ©. Potassium ferocyanide 4, Camaita 2° A chelating ligand has two or ‘more than two donor atoms to bind a single metal ion. Which Of the folowing isnot a chelating agent? 4 Thiosulphato b. Giycinate © Oxalate 4. Gthane-1, 2-dlamine 3 Pick up a poor electrolytic conductor complex in solution, @ K,IPICL} b. K,IFe(CN),] © ICoINH), 180, ©. [CO(NH, (NO) 4 How many EDTA molecules are required to make an octahedral complex with aCa’* ion? a. Sk b. Three © One 4. Two 5 Which ofthe following isan outer rbital complex? a [Ca(NH eI b. [MnCNg ©. (Fe(CNgy d.INUNH) 6 The structure of the complexes [Cu(NH,),] (CIO,) and {Cu(NHs}.]CIO, in solution respectively are 2 ‘square planar and tetrahedral , octahedral and square pyramidal © octahedral and tigonal bipyramidal 4, tolrahecral end square pyramial 7 EAN value of the compiex is not equal to 36 in & INGLOF b. [ZMH ©. [Fe(CO},] 4. (CrCO},} 8 The correct statement is 3, (NUWNH,)* is an inner orbital complex , [Cr (on),F exhibits nkage isomerism ©. [MnBy is tetrahedral a. [Co(NHs),}* is paramagnetic 9 How many moles of AgCI would be obtained when 100 moles of 0.1 M CoC, - SNH, is treated with excess AgNO,? 8 Oot b. 002 s. 003 4. 0.04 10 The IUPAC name of (Ni(NH,).JINiCl,Jis 4. etrachloronicketl teraarnminenicke 1) ©, tetraemminenickel()tetrachloronickel (Wy ©. tetraamminenicke! (Il) tetrachloronickelate: mM 4. fetrachionnickelate (I ttramminenicketatel) 11 Which is the incorect? a (Cover).NO,CiBris eatonic complex . {Cofen)sJO}, shows geometrical isomerism . [Fe(CO)},]is neutral complex 9. [uINH,),]S0, is deep blue colour 112 DPP ~ COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND p,d & f BLOCKS Working Space 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 2 Extent of crystal field splitting in octahedral complexes of the given metal with particular Working Space weak field igand are such that a, Fetll) (CHO), }"* > {CHINH I. P* > [Cr(CNI5 I [CrCig * < [OH,Olg}* = [CHINH} I” < (CHO The IUPAC name of [Fe(O2)(CN\ CII Is a, chloretracyanocioxoferrate (i on . chiowtetracyanoperoxoterrate (l) on . chlorotetracyanc superoxotarrate (l) ion 4d, None of the above ‘The value of 'spin only’ magnetic moment for one of the following configuration in octahedral field is 3.87 BM. The correct one is a, d® Gin strong field ligand) bb. df (in weak field ligand) cc. d? (in weak as well asin strong field igand) 4. 0 (in strong field ligand) ‘There are four complexes of Ni. Select the complexes) which will be attracted by magnetic. field, LINWCON PHL (NIClP> IllNI(CO), §V. INITHO}s F* a. Only! b. Oniyil ©. thllland W land Iv ‘An octahedral complex with molecular formula SNH, -Cl-SO, has two isomers A and 8. The solution of Agives a white precipitate with AGNO, solution and the solution of B gives white precipitate with BaC!, solution The type of isomerism exhibited by the complex is 2. linkage isomerism »._lonisation isomerism ‘©. coardinaton isomerism . geometrical iomersm Both geometrical and optical isomerism are shown by a. (Coler),Cl” b. [CoftHa)-CiP* © (CONH,),GeI 3. [Co(Ojgh* Low spin complex of d® cation in an octahedral field will have which of the following energy? Tease a : Ay ©. 2a,42P at ‘The crystal field stabliisation energy (CFSE) and the spin only magnetic moment in Bohr ‘magneton (BM) for the complex K[Fe{CN),] respectively, are 0.08, and 35 8M b, ~ 204, and /3 BM ©. = 0.4, and v4 BM Gd. - 2.44, and 0.0 BM 3 COORDINATION COMPOUNDS 113 23 24 25 26 It the bond length of CO bond in carbon monoxide is 1.128 A, then whet is the value of CO Working Space bond length in Fe{CO),? a 118 b. 1426 e178 a iat Crystal field theory does not explain which of the following property of coordination compounds? 1a, Magnetic property b. Colour ©. Structure of coordination compounds 4, The covalent cheracter of the bond between metal anc ligand The correct order of ligand field strength is a. HO < G1 sf @ Bp 3 sop e Integer Value Correct Type tion (2. Nos. 26-30) This section contains 5 questions. When worked out will result in an integer 3 40.9 (both inclusive). Among the following complexes (K to P) GelFe{CNig] (K), [Co(NHg g]CIg(0) Nas[Co(oxalatal) (4, NiO le]Clp (NM) Ke{PYCNY] (©) and [ZntH,O)g] (NO) (P) The number of diamagnetic complexes are For ad ion with high spin complex, CFSE is -x Da. Here, x is umber of unpaired clectrons int, set of d-orbitals in the complex [Co(H,O},Fs]are ‘he number of opticaly active isomers for the complex of formula May by ce] he number of ions formed, when bis (ethane-1, 2-dlamine) copper (l} sulphate is dissolve ‘water will be tement Type tion (@. No. 31) This section is based on Statement | and Statement Il. Sclact the correct answer ‘e codes given below Both Statement| and Stetement i are correct and Statement Is the correct explanation Statement | Both Statement | and Statement Il are comet and Statement iis not the correct explanation of Statement| Statement is correct but Statement I's incorrect Statement is correct but Statement lis mcorrect tatement | Toxic metals aro removed by the chelating igands, tatement Il Chelate complexes tend to be more stable.

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