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© MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 494303486.




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© Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited, 1 Circular Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim BT37 0RA, Tel : 028 9036 5950 Fax : 028 9036 5102
© MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 494303486.docx


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December 1997

V.A.T. Reg. No. ___ ____ __


© Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited, 1 Circular Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim BT37 0RA, Tel : 028 9036 5950 Fax : 028 9036 5102
© MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 494303486.docx


Base-Plate Connection


Basic Data
Applied Forces at Interface
Resultant Forces M, Fv, F Moment +0.0 kNm, Shear +19.6 kN, Axial -42.3 kN
(Axial Up-Lift)

Basic Dimensions
Column: 139.7x6.3CHS [28] Ø=139.7, T=6.3, py=275
Data grout, Fcu, Fcv, py, slope 25 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 0.35 N/mm², 265 N/mm², 30 deg to vertical
Design to BS 5950-1: 2000 and the SCI Green Book:
Joints in Steel Construction : Moment Connections: SCI-P-207/95
Column Capacities Mc, Fvc, Fc 27.8 kN.m, 261.4 kN, 726.1 kN Fvc = 261.4 kN OK

Summary of Results (Unity Ratios)

Bolt Tension 0.16 OK
Plate Tension Bending 0.60 0.60 OK
Concrete Embedment 0.17 OK
Washer Bending & Shear 0.00, 0.05 0.05 OK
Pullout Cones 0.02, 0.03, 0.05 0.05 OK
Horizontal Shear 0.09 OK
Weld 0.05, 0.08, 0.01 0.08 OK

Step 1: Base-Plate Pressure

No Net Compression Tension Only
Bolt Ecc=L-Lcent-Rcent 400.0 - 50.0 - 50.0 300.0 mm
Fmom=M/Bolt ecc 0.0/300.0 0.0 kN
Bolt Force=Fa/2+Fmom 42.3/2 + 0.0 (per side) 21.2 kN
Bolt Capacity=0.8•pt•No.Bolts 0.8•84.7•2 135.6 kN OK

© Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited, 1 Circular Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim BT37 0RA, Tel : 028 9036 5950 Fax : 028 9036 5102
© MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 494303486.docx

Step 2b: Plate Tension Bending

m=(Rmax-D/2) (212.1 - 139.7/2) 142.3 mm
Le=Lei+2•m <= B <= Pi•D/2 109.7 + 2•142.3 <=400 <= Pi • 139.7 / 2 219.4 mm
mt=(T•n)•m (10.6•2)•142.3 3.0 kN.m
tp=√(4•mt/py/Le) √(4•3.0/265/219) 14.4 mm OK

Step 3: Bolt Pullout

Washer Embedment
Min Embedment Fn(Ft, Void, Fbear) 10.6, 50,30 1.7 mm
Actual Embedment (70 - 50)/2 10.0 mm OK

Washer Shear and Bending

Washer Force per Bolt 10.58 kN
Washer Bending Fn(py, ts, Le, ø') 275, 12, 25, 14.0 Void <= 1.7Ø + 2t n/a
Washer Shear Cap=Ø•pyq•0.9•t (1.7•24•)(0.6•275)•0.9•12 228.4 kN OK

Individual Cones
Limit Washer width Lap=5•t/0.6 5•12/0.6 100.0 mm
Force per Bolt 10.58 kN
Capacity Fn(w, Slope, h, Pyq) 70.0, 30°, 788, 0.35 544.35 kN OK

Single Cone
Total Bolt Force 21.15 kN
Limit Washer width Lap=5•t/0.6 5•12/0.6 100.0 mm
Capacity Fn(w, d, Slope, h, Pyq) 70.0, 370.0, 30°, 788, 0.35 735.43 kN OK

Single Cone on All Bolts

Total Bolt Force 42.30 kN
Limit Washer width Lap=5•t/0.6 5•12/0.6 100.0 mm
Capacity Fn(w, d, Slope, h, Pyq) 370, 370, 30°, 788, 0.35 926.51 kN OK
Note Minimum distance from any tension Bolt to free edge 490 mm
If less then pullout cone shear capacity will be reduced

Step 4: Shear
Base Friction
Friction Fr=0.30•Fc 0.30•-42.3 kN uplift therefore ignore 0.0 kN

Bolt Bearing
Bolt Shear Bs=Fn(ShrCap, tg) 56.5, 24 56.5 kN
Concrete Bearing Cb=6•Ø²•Fcu 6•24²•25 86.4 kN
Plate Bearing Pb=Fn(pb,e,Ø,t,kbs) 460, 50, 24, 24, 0.70 185.5 kN
Bolt Bearing Bb=pb•Ø•tk 460•24•24 265.0 kN
Bsten=min(1, 1.4 -Ft/(0.8•Pt))•Bs min(1, 1.4 - 21.2) /(0.8•169.4))•56.5 56.5 kN
Pts=Min(Bsten, Cb, Pb, Bb)•nbt Min(56.5, 86.4, 185.5, 265.0) = 56.5•4 225.9 kN

Total Shear Capacity

Total Cap=Pts 225.9 225.9 kN OK

© Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited, 1 Circular Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim BT37 0RA, Tel : 028 9036 5950 Fax : 028 9036 5102
© MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 494303486.docx

Step 5: Weld
Axial Load Fa=F/(pi•D) -42.3/(3.14•139.7) -0.10 kN/mm
Moment load Fm=M/(D•D) 0.0/(139.7•139.7) 0.00 kN/mm
Shear load Fv=V/(pi•D) 19.6/(3.14•139.7) 0.04 kN/mm
Direct Bearing therefore design for tensile forces only.
Fapp=Fa 0.10 0.10 kN/mm

Shear (Longitudinal)
Fcap w=1•0.7•leg•Py 1•0.7•6•220 0.92 kN/mm OK

Tension (transverse)
Fcap w=1•0.7•leg•Py 1•0.7•6•275 1.16 kN/mm OK

Comb (Ft/Pt)²+(Fl/Pl)²<1 (0.10/1.16)² + (0.04/0.92)² 0.01 OK

© Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited, 1 Circular Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim BT37 0RA, Tel : 028 9036 5950 Fax : 028 9036 5102
© MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 494303486.docx

© Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited, 1 Circular Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim BT37 0RA, Tel : 028 9036 5950 Fax : 028 9036 5102

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