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Essay Writing Basics: The Fast
First Draft
May 14, 2014

I am of the opinion that drafts should be written as quickly as

possible, giving you a brain-dump of information and a
starting place for improvements, edits, and additional research.
Until I have a draft, I often do not know where I need to focus
energy for research and supporting evidence.


For a short paper, say 3-5 pages, I try to write my first draft in
a single sitting. I try to write it in less than two hours. A fast
draft probably won’t have all the quotes I need for a
strong essay, and will certainly need editing and revision.
But a fast draft means you have a starting place. You get
the main points down on paper. And even for longer
projects, this process of writing a fast draft will help push the
whole process along.

Sit down, take a deep breath, and here’s my four steps to

writing a super-fast first draft.

Note: this strategy assumes that you have a working

knowledge of the topic you’ll be writing about.

The Four Steps to a Super-Fast Draft


Really read the question. Think about what it is asking you to

do. Do you need to make an argument? Summarize facts?
Draw parallels between two (or more) topics?

Sometimes an essay question will provide the structure and

outline for you, right there in the assignment (you should also
check your original course syllabus for clues). If you are asked
to draw a parallel between two books, or two historical events,
or two concepts, then you know you’ll need to write an essay
that briefly describes each, and then gives several examples
comparing the two. There’s your essay outline, already laid out
for you . If you are asked to describe an idea and make an
argument about it, then you know you need to start by giving a
general overview of the concept before making several
specific comments on the topic.

Read the question, and you might already have a clear idea of
what you need to write. Even if the question doesn’t lay things
out in this specific way, you need to read the question
carefully to find out what you have to do. Look for:

 Specific questions to answer

 If there are multiple parts to the question

 Specific sources/topics/ideas/events you need to include

 Length requirements

An outline can be as simple as three ideas scribbled down that

you know you need to address. It can be as complicated as a
multi-page document with sections and sub-sections, bullet-
points and supporting quotes.

The point of an outline is to get organized. Figure out your

main ideas to be covered in the essay.

Here’s a perfectly adequate outline:

 Subject: Here’s my main point.

 Section one: Here’s one reason my point is correct.

 Section two: Here’s another, related reason my point is


 Section three: Here’s a final reason my point is correct.

 Conclusion: Based on those previous arguments, here’s

why my point is correct and why it matters.

This is the basic five-paragraph essay structure, which I’ve

written about previously. It works for most essays of most
lengths, from a one-page high school essay to an eighty page
Master’s thesis.
Your outline is there to help you figure out what you need to
write about. Do you know what’s important in your argument?
Can you think of three pieces of supporting evidence?


Take a deep breath, and take the plunge. Write the whole
essay. Do it in one sitting if you can, and let go of perfection
while getting as much information on the page as possible.
You will edit this later—no one will ever see this first draft.
Just get the bones of the essay down on paper, and then flesh
out your arguments and make it a full first draft.

If you have good notes from the texts you’ve studied, include
quotes and evidence in this draft. Pull out your class notes and
any research you’ve done. You want this to be as complete as
possible, and the more evidence you include early on the more
you’ll be able to make solid arguments while also spotting
weak spots in the essay.

If you have limited research to include, just write the argument

and know you’ll go back and add quotes later. When I draft
my essays, I often remember what the text said, but don’t want
to stop the writing process to search for a quote. So I’ll write
something like:

…According to Professor Smith [CHECK] in his article

____________, my main point also applied in this other situation.
He writes, “ ______ [SOMETHING ABOUT THIS IN THE
SECOND CHAPTER].” This supports my argument because…

The empty underlined sections make it easy for me to see

where I need to add text, and I write all my “notes to self” in
all capitals so I can be sure to find that information. The point
is to not interrupt your flow, and to do the big first effort of
getting the words on the page. Write it down, note where more
information is needed, and then keep on writing it down.


Once you’ve done your full, speed-written first draft, take a

few quick moments to look over what you’ve done. Is it all
there? Is it clear? What do you need to do to flesh it out/add
detail/add research? As you were writing, did new arguments
or sub-points occur to you? As you were drafting your
conclusion, did you realize you need to re-write the

Make a few “notes to self” at the end of your draft. Before you
lose all that drafting energy, make sure you’ve noted all-
important areas to edit or research to expand upon.
Write a 350-450 word argumentative essay draft about the
standards of parental control of media and modern technology
that children engage with. State your point of view on whether
it is a necessity to have security measures for underage
individuals in order to dissuade them from engaging in adult
Parental Control as a Necessary Measure in the Upbringing
of Modern Children
Living in the 21st century is connected with almost unceasing
consumption of information of all kinds. A wide variety of
means, such as television or Internet, allows people to access
data they require with ease. However, not all information is
useful and beneficial; camouflaged or uncovered violence and
pornography make a significant part of information available
for everyone (state why underages are in a risk group). And
while adults can distinguish between rights and wrongs and
safely navigate in this profound, underages are much more
sensitive and exposed to its dangers. Thus, a reasonable
parental control over information that their children consume is
The superfluity of easily accessible pornography and other
content connected to sex as the first and foremost reason for
establishing parental supervision over underages’ Internet
activity (list possible consequences for children’s
psychological health). Special software (image filters and
blockers) can be used to minimize risks that a child runs into
pornographic content by accident. The password shouldn’t be
set on the computer, because (give a good reason), but
spending time on the Internet together with an underage could
become a sufficient security measure.
The second reason for establishing control is violence in
different forms, advertised and displayed in an attractive way
(list most scandalous TV programs and video games). Children
tend to adopt and reproduce in real life behavioral patterns they
observe. It may result into aggression towards peers, parents,
and so on (browse media for examples). Talking about
behavioral norms that are acceptable and unacceptable in
civilized society as a way to help children distinguish between
right and wrong behavior.
Numerous websites and forums using uncensored explicit
vocabulary and raising provocative or obscene topics (give
examples of such topics). Based on such information children
may develop wrong understanding of such topics as religion,
racial tolerance, sex and relationship, and so on. Parents should
keep an eye on what their children read and discuss debatable
topics with them.
Amounts of widely available information today pose new
challenges for upbringing underages. In modern era, parents
should establish moderate control on their children’s activities
to ensure that their psychological development goes correctly
(restate reasons why underages’ mind is vulnerable). The
reasons why such control must be enabled are the superfluity of
obscene sexual content in the Web, demonstrated violence, and
uncensored vocabulary in provocative and debatable topics on
different forums.
Write a 650-word argumentative essay draft about the
standards of parental control of media and modern technology
children engage in. State the reasons why it is necessary to
have security measures for underage individuals in order to
dissuade them from participating in adult content.
Expand on the thesis you came up with in the first draft. Add
specific details to each argument you introduced. In the
introduction, specify the reasons of children’s vulnerability to
explicit content on the Web. In the first body paragraph, list the
negative effects of underage individuals watching pornographic
material; in the second body paragraph, list examples of the
most violent media legally available through the Internet. Add
more specific details wherever needed.
Format references properly, and pay attention to punctuation
and grammar.
Parental Control as a Necessary Measure in the Upbringing
of Modern Children
Living in the 21st century is associated with an almost
unceasing consumption of information of all kinds. A wide
variety of means, such as television or Internet, allows people
to access data they require with ease. However, not all
information is useful and beneficial; camouflaged or uncovered
violence and pornography make a significant part of
information available for everyone, and underage children are
the most vulnerable to information of this kind. Due to the fact
that their ethical principles are in a process of intense forming,
and their outlook isn’t fully formed, children and teenagers can
be negatively influenced by obscene content. While adults can
distinguish between rights and wrongs, underage children are
much more sensitive and exposed to its dangers. Thus, a
reasonable parental control over information that children
consume is necessary.
The superfluity of easily accessible pornography and other
content connected to sex as the first and foremost reason for
establishing parental supervision over underage children’s
Internet activity. Pornography can inflict severe psychological
damage to a young developing mind and cause serious
behavioral deviations. Among the most common dangers are
addiction to pornography, understanding sex as something
detached from morality and relationships, or sexual solicitation
(Margolies). Special software, such as PicBlock or SafeScreen,
can be used to minimize risks for a child running into
pornographic content by accident. The password shouldn’t be
set on the computer, because what is forbidden only becomes
more attractive for children, but spending time on the Internet
together with children could become a sufficient security
The second reason for establishing control is violence in
different forms, advertised and displayed in an attractive way.
This refers mostly to popular movies and video games. Such
movies as Undisputed or Devil’s Rejects, and especially video
games, such as Prototype, Assassin’s Creed, Manhunt, and
many others show violent actions as justified, with many
embroideries. Children tend to adopt and reproduce behavioral
patterns they observe in real life. It may result into aggression
towards peers, parents, and so on. For example, one needs to
look no further than a 16 years-old teen shooting classmates
with a shotgun in California (USA Today) this year, or a boy
shooting his teacher and then himself in front of the class in
2011 (Worden). Talking about behavioral norms that are
acceptable and unacceptable in civilized society as a way to
help children distinguish between right and wrong behavior.
Numerous websites and forums using uncensored explicit
vocabulary and raising provocative or obscene topics, such as
sexual relationships, is another reason why the parental control
of children should be mandatory. Based on such information,
children may develop a wrong understanding of such topics as
religion, racial tolerance, sex and relationships, and so on.
Parents should keep an eye on what their children read and
discuss debatable topics with them.
Amounts of widely available information today pose new
challenges for the upbringing of modern children. In modern
era, parents should establish moderate control on their
children’s activities to ensure that their psychological
development goes well, since underages’ principles and
outlook are in the process of forming, thus unstable and easily
suggestible. The reasons why such control must be enabled are
the superfluity of obscene sexual content on the Web,
demonstrated violence, and uncensored vocabulary in
provocative and debatable topics on different forums.
1. Margolies, Lynn. “Teens and Internet Pornography.” Psych N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013.
2. “Calif. Teen with Shotgun Wounds Classmate in School.”
USA Today. Gannett, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013.
3. Worden, Tom. “Boy, 10, Shoots Teacher in Class before
Killing Himself with Policeman Dad’s Revolver.” Daily Mail
Online. N.p., 23 Sept. 2011. Web. 16 Apr. 2013.
Write a 650-700 word argumentative essay draft about the
standards of parental control of media and modern technology
that children engage with. State that it is necessary to have
security measures for underage individuals in order to dissuade
them from being involved in adult content.
Expand on the thesis that you came up with in the first draft.
Add specific details to each argument you introduce. In the
introduction, you could specify the reasons of underage
people’s vulnerability to explicit content on the Web; in the
first body paragraph list the negative effects watching
pornography has on underages; in the second body paragraph,
list examples of the most violent materials that are legally
available through the Internet. Add more specific details
wherever needed.
Format references properly, and pay attention to punctuation
and grammar.
Parental Control as a Necessary Measure in the Upbringing
of Modern Children
Living in the 21st century is conjuncted with a seemingly
unceasing consumption of information. A wide variety of
means, such as television or the Internet, allows people to
access data they require or desire with ease. However, not all
information is useful and beneficial; camouflaged or uncovered
violence and pornography makes up a significant part of the
information available, and underage youth are most vulnerable
to materials of this kind. Due to the fact that their ethical
principles are in a process of intense forming, and their
outlooks have not reached their full fruition, children and
teenagers can be negatively influenced by obscene content.
Reasonable parental control over information that children
consume is necessary. While adults can distinguish between
right and wrong and safely navigate through information
provided by the media, teenagers and children are much more
sensitive and exposed to its dangers.
The superfluity of easily accessible pornography and other
content connected to sex is the first and foremost reason for
establishing parental supervision over underage youth’s media
involvement. Pornography can inflict severe psychological
damage to a youth’s developing personality and cause serious
behavioral deviations. Among the most common dangers are
addiction to pornography, understanding sex as an act detached
from morality and relationships, or sexual solicitation
(Margolies). Special software, such as PicBlock or SafeScreen,
can be used to minimize the risk of viewing pornographic
content by accident on the Internet. The password should not
be set on the computer, because forbidden material only
becomes even more attractive for children. Spending time on
the Internet together with a child or a teenager could become a
sufficient security measure.
Violence in different forms, advertised and displayed in an
attractive way is another manifestation of an offensive against
children’s clear psyche. This refers mostly to popular movies
and video games. Such movies as Undisputed or Devil’s
Rejects, and especially video games, such as Prototype,
Assassin’s Creed, Manhunt, and many others show violent
actions as justified, with many embroideries. Children tend to
adopt and reproduce behavioral patterns they observe in real
life. It may result in aggression towards peers, parents, and so
on. For example, one needs to look no further than a 16-year-
old teen shooting classmates with a shotgun in California (USA
Today) this year, or a boy shooting his teacher and then himself
in front of his class in 2011 in Sao Paulo, Brazil (Worden).
Talking about behavioral norms that are acceptable and
unacceptable in civilized society is a way to help children
distinguish between right and wrong behavior.
Numerous websites and forums use explicit vocabulary and
raise disputable topics, such as sectarian disputes, radical
political revolutionary content, or sexual relationships, in a
provocative or obscene manner. Based on such information,
children may develop a wrong understanding of such topics as
religion, racial tolerance, sex, familial relationships, and so on.
Parents should keep an eye on what their children read and
should discuss sound, debatable topics with them.
Copious amounts of available information through media today
poses new challenges for the upbringing of young people. In
this modern era, parents should establish moderate control of
their children’s activities to ensure that their psychological
development continues correctly, since underage youths’
principles and outlook are in the process of forming, thus
unstable and easily suggestible. The reasons why such control
must be enabled are the superfluity of obscene sexual content
on the Web, violence demonstrated attractively in the media,
and uncensored vocabulary in provocative and debatable topics
within different forums.
1. Margolies, Lynn. “Teens and Internet Pornography.” N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013.
2. Stanglin, Doug; Winter, Michael. “Calif. Teen with Shotgun
Wounds Classmate in School.” USA Today. Gannett, n.d.
Web. 15 Apr. 2013.
3. Worden, Tom. “Boy, 10, Shoots Teacher in Class before
Killing Himself with Policeman Dad’s Revolver.” Daily Mail
Online. N.p., 23 Sept. 2011. Web. 16 Apr. 2013.

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