Story Central 1 Activity Book

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Macmillan Education 4 Crinan Street London Nt 9xW A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-0-230-45198-8 ‘Text, design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 Written by Viv Lambert ELT Limited ‘Additional matorial vitten by Tracy Traynor “The author has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Story Central is a registered trademark of Macmillan Publishers International Limited First published 2015 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, oF otherwise, without the prior walten permission of the publishers. Designed by Liz Adcock Illustrated by Valentina Belloni (MB Artists) pp72-73; Robin Boyden (Pickled Ink) p56; Inna Chemyak (Plum Pudding) p24; Marcus Cutler (Sylvie Poggio Artist Agency) p64; Sarah Home (Advocate Art) ppi0, 15, 22, 25, 26, 28, 31, 34, 42, 44, 47, 50, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 66, 73, 74; Elio Jenkins (Advocate Art) pp48~49; Andy Keylock (Beehive litustration) pps, 7, 10, 12-14, 18, 20, 26, 30, 34, 37, 39, 42, 50, 51, 55, 62, 70, 74, 75, 77, 78, 81, 82, 85, 88, 90, 95, 98; Ayesha Lopez (Advocate Art) pp32~33; Louise Redshaw (Plum Pudding) pp16-17; Stephen Reed (The July Group) pp12, 14, 23, 27, 29, 39, 35, 38, 40, 41, 43, 46, 49, 58, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 76, 70, 79, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 91-94, 96; Steven Wood (Advocate An) pp3-77; Patricia Yuste (Advocate Art) pp-9. Cover design by Wild Apple Design Ltd. Cover illustration by Steven Wood (Advocate Art) Author's acknowledgements ‘Thank you to the team at Macmillan for thelr support and also to Tracy Traynor for her invaluable input and advice. These materials may contain links for thd party websites. We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the contents of such third party websites. Please use care when accessing them. Printed and bound in Thailand 2019 2018 2017 2016 1098765 Pm Welcome....... Chapter 1 My School ... Chapter 2 My Toys Chapter 3 Wild Animals . Chapter 4 My House... Chapter 5 My Town... Chapter 6 My Family... Chapter 7 Strange Creatures... Chapter 8 I Like Food! .. Chapter 9 Sports and Music....... Chapter Reviews Grammar Reference & © o o) 0 Draw you with Libby. Then complete for you. Hi, I'm Libby. ) A : What's your name? —_/ (My name's .... (How old are you? _) @® Ellie Libby Biblio Tom ee © Read and color. Color three black. Color nine pink. Color six purple. Color eight red. © Circle the letters in the wrong place. Write the circled letters to make a color. 1 abcd® 4qretu 2efgli Skwxyz 3 1lmnap b Scr eee tee © Write and draw two more English words you know. My Schoo] ~ Lesson 1 big thing Ss small things door aa EHH HEE 1 { ) It's a table. 3| al It's a pencil. What is it? ) | 2| \itsachair, 4 {__ | It's a book, It’s a pencil Look and complete. 1 [S] Is ita chair? .Y@S__, itis, \\ 2 it a pencil? itisntt 3 A), it a book? Yes, 4 door? “ Od Number in order. Then act out. I'm fine, thank you. } How are you, [name]? Hello, [name]. How are you? 1 A» (I'm fine too, thanks. Read the story in your Student Book. CircleT (true) or F (false). 1 The boy's name is Chen. (D)/F 3 The girl has a book. T/F 2 Chen draws a table. TOF. 4 The pen isn't magic. T / F © What happens next? Choose and check (“). oO Look and complete. Then number ~ in story order. It's a horse BG ee a Itsa Draw a front cover ‘. | for the storybook. chen 5 Magic Pew Ruth stitt © Do you like the story? Choose and(ircle,) S.A «u.@ mom @ )) Circle) six words for school items. @encilcasdrulernotebookeraserbagcerayon ©) write the items from Activity 1 with a or an in the correct place. Match. | 1 What color a notebook. 2 It's b isn't an eraser. 3 An orange ¢ is the pencil? 4 It d blue. Draw items from Activity 1. Then complete and color. 1 What .. color 3 It isn't a pencil is the notebook. 2 It's a blue It's red. 2 color is att the 2? It's an ruler. yellow. @ iFind|Out) @ IED : 5 = purple 3 = green 4 = yellow what color is it? 1 = orange 2 = blue : € ) Play @ game. Ask and answer. it @) Read and color. @Girciana match. Then use the extra letters to find and write Biblio’s favorite toy. © Write the words from Activity 1 in two groups. a SEED, in the house ee in the yord c on a doll ST =) TEES Le @ complete with This is or That's. This is. my car. That's... my doll. my bike. my teddy bear. my ball. my robot. Write the questions and answers. | 1 robot? / your / Is / this Les. this your: robot: w Yes, itis. 2 your / Is / bike? / that \ Ww) 3 this / doll? / your / Is (x) = : | 4 car? / Is / your / that 09 Lesson 3 Seen ® Complete. Then act out. Hello! Is your book? Yes, itis. What's your toy? My car. It’s and red. © Read the story in your Student Book. ©)Polly’s answers. 1 What's your favorite toy? My doll /(teddy bear.) 2 How old are you? rm4/13 3 Is this your teddy bear? —_No. My teddy bear is brown / yellow. 4 Is this your teddy bear? No. My teddy bear is small / big. What happens next? Choose and check (Vv). Read and color. Then complete with big or small. 1 It's and and 3 Its and green. brown, yellow. | © Write the title. princess the teddy bear and the Don’t forget to use capital letters! | Do you like the story? Choose and¢ircle,) Yes! @ No. ® Tm not sure, @ : February April June August November When's Ellie’s birthday? Read and write. It isn’t in January, June, or July. phy It isn't in August. 00 .__ Itisn’t in March or May. Es It isn’t in November or December. It isn't in February, April, or October. Ellie’s birthday is in Say the words. Circle) j as in January. King Jade orange green Oo Write about you. What's your name? My name's How old are you? When's your birthday? What's your favorite toy? © Ask a friend the questions in Activity 1. | ~ Then write his/her answers. What's his/her name? Boo | How old is he/she? When's his/her birthday? What's his/her favorite toy? Draw and write a birthday card for your friend. Dear = ’ It's You're today. Happy ! ®d Read and color. Then count and write. The circles are red. The triangles are green The rectangles are yellow. The squares are blue. b__ circles triangles rectangles squares © Use your Student Book research. Make a Shape Page. Choose and(circle)to make questions, es N V6 c 1 ec , How old is your g C brother | sister | dog? 4 | Name the months beginning with J/M/A Draw a 5 square / triangle | rectangle. Is this your pen / book / pencil case? What's your favorite toy / book | color? 6 What's 4+9/9+8/10+5? Play the game. Roll the dice. Ask, answer, and color. 1 six. 6 2 What's four and | nine? | 5 3 Thirteen! 1 4 Great! Color | number six. | Wild An Lesson 7 | oO Count and write. eye \ 1 ...three. giraffes 1 What are these? 3 What are 2 They're giraffes... 2 What are those 24 2 They're / Let's look at these / those books about cars / toys f No. Let's look { at these / those books \\ about animals | colors. _/ © Read the story in your Student Book. e)T (true) or F (false). 1 The giraffe is happy. T A®) 3 The elephant is hungry. T/F 2 The baby giraffe is very tall. T/F 4 The trees are very tall. T/F ©) what happens next? Choose and check (v). (1) Find and¢ leé)seven words. Then use _ the words to complete the sentences. @ giraffenecktalltreesgreenleaves - 1 Im hungry 2 These are brown, Those leaves are 3 The are very — ! 5 Thank you, © Number in order to make a sentence. Write. green are the but Those tall leaves are trees 1 ) Le ty _Those. © Do you like the story? Choose and(circle.) Yes! © No. ®@ Tm not sure. ® Oo Look and Girele) 1 It's /(They're) elephants. 2 They're black / gray. 3 They'e big / small 4 They are / aren't scary. Animal: Color: OEMS big / small scary / cute They are OnM nt (Ww WM ==Onw = EW e=O MM They aren't © Answer for your animal. 1 Are they gray? 2 Are they small? 3 Are they scary? 4 Are they cute? What's this? I's a .crocodile... Crocodiles eat mectt Can you see Z giraffes? Watch out, ae ! This crocodile is Crocodiles eat giraffes and other Use your Student Book research. Make a food chart for another animal. : oO Choose an animal. Ask and answer to Are they tall? } | complete the path, Me = | ~( | inreiney Malle No, they aren't. NX 7 I an.% wali. Sitter. oot, va bs A sz ) W1Ma— Yes, they are. No, they aren't. Yes, they are. No, they aren't. Ua Nite whe | tte. | wi, La [YTS Lesson 7 © where do you find these things? Complete the puzzle. & Bs: Tea) [Blele|2 FF Is [s]- outside the house Look and complete. 1 The teddy bear is under the chair 2 The car is the table. 3 The monkey is the bag. 4 The ruler is E the monkey. © Now complete and match. 1 _ Where's the doll? a It's in the bag 2 Where's the bag? b It's ...... the table. 3 Where's the ball? ¢ It’s under the table 4 ruler? d Its the bag. © Draw a cat and a mouse in the picture. Then ask and answer. Where's the cat? ee] | M2 Lye) i as) Tell Me a Stor @© choose andGircle)Then act out. Can | listen to the story, too?) No, sorry. / sit here. / Yes, of course. ) © Read the story in your Student Book. Complete the sentences about the cat. 1 The cat is... Behind ... the door in the living room. iH 3 It in the kitchen. 4 It. in the bedroom. a O Draw the necklace. Then draw the Lesson C3 cat’s route through the house. “ Ko : Teoh nthe © Complete with “?” or “.” 1 CanIcome in. 2. 4 It's in the bedroom .... f 2 What's that 4 5 What's on the shelf RS IUStCh CC nua: 6 Is this your cat ..... Do you like the story? Choose and(circle) Yes! @ No. ® I'm not sure. @ 1 closet. 2 i 3 © Read and draw these things in the picture. 1 Acar is under the bed. 3 A ball is behind the TV. 2 Acat is in the closet 4 A teddy bear is on the sofa. © Say the words. Circle)! as in living, Underline ras in room. aa Oo Read and write the opposite instructions. 1 Stamd up. Don't. standup. 2 Don't sit down, 3 Open the book. 4 Don't look. Circle)the instructions to find the clue. Git down) / Don’t sit down on the floor. What can you see? Look on / under the chair / bed. It begins withb /¢/e. © Hide an eraser in the classroom. Gircl)and complete _ the instructions for a friend to find if. Stand ... a the chair. What a i see? Look in / on / under / behind the It begins with @ what's in your home? Check (v). living room ] bedrooms yard kitchen | bathioom | | garage | Ask 10 friends and complete. Then count. Do you live in a house? No, | don't. Live in an apartment. © Use your Student Book research. Draw an ~ unusual home and label the rooms. ») How many cats can you find? - (Circle)and count. © Draw cats in different colors for a friend to find. Where's the inl It’s under the bed in the bedroom! movie theater | 2 | cate ZOO l swimming pool l WN, Town - Lesson 7 | hospital ) mail ) L hotel { l \ library ) park \ \ © Write the words from Activity 1 in two groups, @ like this place. ® I don't like this place. yy X ‘¥ [ oO Look and complete with 7 TN Lesson 25 a! ey } There’s or There isn’t. q hospital. 2. a swimming pool. 3 a café. | | 4 a library. \ Look at the picture in Activity 1. Complete the questions and Gircléthe answers. 1 Ls there.a. zoo? (Yes, there is.)/ No, there isn't. 2 movie theater? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 3 i. hotel? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. © Look again, Count and write. 1 How many cars are there? There are 2 trees ? -Lesson 3 7 7) IC eon Choose and write. Then circle and act out. It’s / They've Excuse me! across from | next to the {Where's | Where are the ? Thanks! © Read the story in your Student Book. ~ Complete. 1 Where's the It's on. First. Avenue 2 Where's the i 2 3 Where's the 2 © What's this man going to do? Choose and check (”). Oo Match. Then number the places in the story order. bus station | mal |! | police station | ©) which words are like | Draw == around those words. ZOOM! = netic! CRASH! Excuseme! CLICK! } © Do you like the story? Choose and(Circle.) Yes! @ No. ® I'm not sure. @ er) > Ly 7 eee eo oF Eixcis)tne one that doesn’t belong. 1 bus Gtreet) van 2 truck three five 3 van motorcycle mall 4 library taxi car Write the words in the correct outlines. aa Look at the map. You're in the taxi. Read, follow the directions, and write. ood) HOTEL) (eHoserral f a BAL 1 Go straight. Take the second right. It's across from the park. Where are you? Lim. atthe ale BB 2 Take the first left. Take the first right. It's next to the movie theater. Where are you? © 100k at the map in Activity 1. Complete for the library and the café. 1 Take the first left Go The library is the bus station. 2 Take the the hospital, right. Take the first The café is 1 There are a lot of these. cars. and taxis 2 They're blue and red, 3 They have two wheels 4 They're on the river. © Use your Student Book research. ~ Make a Transportation Poster. @) Look and say the directions | Take the first left, | Take the first right. | Go straight. zoo = swimming pool hospital (S~ movie theater hotel S café Zo0 to library. Take the Go straight at the mall first right at the café. LW) TT oe Lesson 7 J Od Unscramble the words and complete the puzzle. _ Find the name of Jack’s dad. lelcnu 2rteiss 3 rboreth 4aamrgnd Stuna 6pragdan 7add 8mmo Jack lulni{c}ife 2 | My dad’s name is 3 4 5 6 7 8 )) Write the words from Activity 1 in two groups. male female uncle h @) took and complete with I have ~ or I don’t have. 1 Lhave a mom and a dad. +} 2 1 don't have... any sisters 3 two brothers. 4 : two grandmas. 6 a grandpa. 6 any aunts or uncles. © Draw a picture of your family. Then write. Lesson 3 e Secs Oo Number in order. Then act out. Hello, Maria. , (Hi, Maria, This is my l little sister, Sophie, ] l Hello, jack. Who's this? ) Hi, Sophie, Nice to) y meet you! ) 7 l I i oO Read the story in your Student Book.Circle,) 1 Thave a(big)/ small family, 2 Ihave / don't have a sister. 3 The turnip is big / small. 4 Olga is happy / hungry. - Oo Complete the family tree. a? g.@ ©22¢e@ Mikhail — © Do you like the story? Choose and(circle.) Yes! @ No. ® Tm not sure. @ (3) t w h l o (b olriguistit te ufifr ab bit s|rjt or j as b eld) s a meh p EAU eee HL He cee © Write the words from Activity 1 in alphabetical order. _ Then number. bird Le ) ci ) ) © Say the words.(Circle) has in hamster. OExcie » 1 What'’s(your)/ my name? Their / My name's Jake 2 Do you have no / any brothers or sisters? Yes, I do / I don't I have a brother. 3 Do you / You do have any aunts or uncles? No, I do / I don't. 4 Are you / Do you have any pets? Yes, I do. © Complete the email. Thee eee | Hi [your name] My name's Sw... . I'm in Sydney. I love Australia. | have a small and a yard. Ihave a : . His name is Bobby. | don’t have a sister. | have a and a dog. names are Flo and Bonzo. Write soon. Love, ® Sam Do you have ? Do you love ? is hungry. Please help. Give a bed and )) Use your Student Book research. Draw your animal and complete the Fact File. = FAG TIFILE! My animal is a It needs ' ()) Play the game. Roll the dicé and draw. > @ a EG2 | Be D 3 How old is Max? @ ® Chapter 3 Review 1 Reading and Writing. Look, read, and complete This animal is orange, black, and white. It’s a tiger This animal is very tall. It’s a (1) This animal is scary. Ie’s a (2) This animal is very big. It’s an @) This animal is hungry. It’s a (4) This animal is small and it’s in a tree. It’s a (5) 2 Listening. = Listen and check lv] the correct picture. Example. Which animals are they? a b c a b Chapter 4 Review 1 Reading and Writing. Look and answer. Write one-word answers. Example. Where's the boy? Under the table 1 What's on the desk? A 2 Where's the spider? On the 3 Where's the bag? In the. 4 Where's the monkey? the chair. 5 Where's the teddy bear? the shelf. ee mem a 1 Reading and Writing. Look and read. Write yes or no. Example The library is across from the café. yes There’s a movie theater. nO. 1 The swimming pool is next to the park 2 There's a hotel. 3. The zoo is across from the school 4 There are two cafés. 5 The school is next to the swimming pool. Listen and color. 2 Listening. Chapter 6 Review 1 Reading and Writing. Look, read, and check | or cross []. grandma brother Example. 1 Ihave three brothers. 2 Tdon’t have any aunts or uncles, 3 [have a grandma. This is my mom. [| I don’t have a grandpa. eo? es This is my dad 5 Thave a sister. 2 Listening. Listen and write a name or a number. Example. What's Pat’s sister’s name? .... Kirn How old is her sister? 5. 1 How old is Pat? 2 How many aunts does she have? 3 How old is her brother? 4 What's her grandma’s name? 5 How old is Tom? Chapter 7 Review 1 Reading and Writing. Look, read, and complete. Tt doesn't have any ......ANMAS....... It has four (1) Tt has two (2) Tt has a long (3) . It has a big (4) It has a short (5) Example _ 2 Listening. Listen and write a name or a number. | Example | What's the boy's name? Sawn. How old is the boy? 8 1 What's Sam's friend’s name? 2 How many legs does the monster have? 3 How many elephants are there? 4 Who draws lions and tigers? 5 How many eyes does the alien have? 1 Reading and Writing. Look and read. Write yes or no Monday Example On Monday, I have pasta and cheese... yes On Saturday, I have chicken and rice. 110. 1 On Wednesday, I have chicken and broccoli 2 On Friday, I have pizza and salad. 3 On Sunday, I have burger and fries 4 On Tuesday, I have fish and green beans. 5 On Thursday, I have pasta and green beans. 1 Reading and Writing. Look, unscramble, and write. Example. 2 Listening. | Listen and check |¥]| the correct picture Example. What can Bill do? {Ne 1 Which instrument can Sue play? b c a 2 Which is Anna's favorite sport? a 4 b | x Grammar Reference Chapter 1 Grammar What is it? The q. | pencil Isit a book? Yes, it is. Think Again! | No, it isn't, it’s = itis it isn’t = it is not Draw two things in your school bag. Then complete. 1 What is it? 2 Is it an eraser? It's Yes, No, What color is it? It's green. Think Again! A ted notebook a pencil / an eraser An orange a black pen / an orange ruler Itisn't a ruler. etesicred ») Read and color. Then complete. Caf 1 ablue bag 2 agreenruler 3 an orange notebook 1 What. colorisit? L's blue. 2 What is it? | dit Teg This is my bike That's im! Is this your doll? Yes, itis Think Again! VY Yes,icis. that No, it isn’t. x Yess: Oo Draw you and two of your toys. Draw two of your school things. Then complete. me and my toys my school things This is my = That's my my When's your birthday? It's in May. his her How old are you? I'm seven. is he? He's is she? She's © Write an answer for you. Write an answer for a friend. sy When's your birthday? When's his/her baer? | How old are you? How old is he/she? Chapter 3 Grammar What are these? They're | crocodiles. Think Again! ‘one tiger, one elephant two tigers, five elephants those? Write. 1 are / What / these? What.are. these? Theyire pens. a Eat 2 What / those? / are 3 those? / are / What Tm hungry. They're They. aren't scary. | Are spiders scary? Yes, they are. Think Again! they're = they are No, they aren't. zt they aren't = they are not ©) Read and Girclé)the adjectives. Then write answers using Yes, they are. and No, they aren't. 1 Are elephants thin)? No, they arent. 2 Are monkeys green? 3 Are teddy bears scary? 4 Are bananas yellow? Chapter 4 Grammar Where's thecat? It's in the living room, in/on/ the chair. under/ a oy behind Think Again! where's = where is Oo Complete using your own things. Then draw a picture. 2 It's the 1 Where's the ? It's .. the 2 Where's the 3 Where's the It's the Stand up. Don't stand up, © Read and check (/’) or cross (<). Look. v Don't write. < Open the book. Don't sing. Help me. Sit on the floor. Draw a bag. Don’t eat those leaves. Cate TeeM cn titepa | There's @ 200. There are —_ four cafés. Is there amall? Yes, there is. No, there isn't, How many malls are there? _—There's one mall. There are —_ two malls. Read and check (//) or cross (5<). Write the wrong sentences correctly. 1 There five are bedrooms. _There.are. five bedrooms. 2 Is there a yard? 3 There's one closet 4 How many are there TVs? Take the first right/left second third Go straight, Think Again! Its next to the park. Ast = first Ind = second across from 3rd = third © match. 1 Go - @ from the hospital 2 Take the first b to the park, 3 It's next ¢ straight. 4 Take the d second left | 5 40) It's across e right Chapter 6 Grammar Thave a brother. two sisters. Think Again! Idon't have a brother. | have a brother and a sister. any brothers or sisters. a | don't have any brothers or sisters. Oo Complete with I have or I don’t have. 1... have. a brother and two sisters. ¥ | 2 _. any pencils or crayons. & | 3 ; any dolls or balls. & 4 q fish and a hamster. ¥ Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I do. I have two brothers. No, I don't, I don't have any brothers or sisters. How many aunts and uncles do you have? = [have two aunts. Their names are Liset ond Laurer © Complete the questions. Then write Think Again! answers for you. They're my brothers. Their names are | 1 Doyou pets? Gary and Jake. 2 How many brothers and sisters 2 Chapter 7 Grammar It has a small head. four legs. ‘ ss Itdoesn'thave a big head Think Again! | don’t have long hair. any ams. It doesn’t have tong hair. oO Write sentences. “4 My dilien / big head W My alien.has.a. big. head 2 It/legs X& 3 It / six eyes V 4 It / mouth & He/She has green eyes, doesn't have Doeshe/ longlegs? _—_-Yes, he/she does, she have Think Again! Nov he/she coren't Does it have legs? How many legs does ithave? It has twolegs. Yes, it does, doesn't any legs. XX Yes;ieheve- have © Unscramble and write the sentences. 1 brown /he / Does / hair? /have Does he have Drown hair? 2 It / have / body. / doesn't / a / thin 3 has / closet. / a / big / She 4 crayons / many / have? / does / he / How (a) Chapter 8 Grammar I like pizza. I don't like Think Again! I like chicken and | like salad, I like pizza, butI don't like broccoli. | like chicken, but | don’t like salad. ») Choose and draw one thing you like and one thing you don’t like for each topic. Then write sentences. 1 pets 2 wild animals 3 toys 1 Tlike , but I don't like 2 3 Do you like pizza? Yes, I do. Think Again! eC Pann: Do you like salad? v Yes,! do. XX Yes Hike- oO Complete the questions. Then write answers for you. 1 Do. youlike frogs? 2 broccoli? 3 5 ZOOS? 4 rats? Chapter 9 Grammar 1/He/She/It can run. can't Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can. No, I can't Oo Choose two things you can do and two things ~ you can't do. Write questions and answers. 2 Yes, T.can. 1 Can you me 2 3 2 a. : 2 Can he/she/it | swim? _Yes, he/she/it can Think Again! Seay Can you play the guitar? v Yes,! can. X Yesrtptay- Write questions about your mom and dad using can and he/she. Then write answers. 1 Can . dance? 2 ... Skate? B ... w+. Tide a bike? 4 ..... play the drums?

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