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On Piano Playing Motion, Sound and Expression Gyorgy Sandor sorta io ndanerd er Sr prion wing an he Poi Feet ete in amt HE estar ot mn — coins pang — eg ares — rapt Mite Mater and Emolone 2 apter2 he Pare ‘ sag ~ ~ (pte 3 The Human Peeing Maan “ tpg ie nm spe a Pasha oa ft nen ‘mane aoe grag = ira posore eerste eh cpt: Free rat » “ape: Penge, Sate and pegs 2 dra ee ng an rumba de ang mons — (Gece tame top amanda ty ng happen ae eee ange ee dg pt sy ga, rape 6 Renton » ‘Sem anétbow cnn gators cmcan ours etme ak Se cctpe anc ne — tat Tae te alate te wet oes = gam frentnne it ~ where ue a — gues ence an ams Gute ammay fe Bae Feo Patent 8 ee ee etenamrnanemae —————— * eee Sere ae cat ———————— I reer etna i ener es Spee seamen eager De tmua ane euch Eocene E ————— oes * es Soe “nape 17 ac ertermnce a0 ite unespecied at concerns — phadiogia ae pachoogral acs — esa ‘ste igh embe ™e wg par on oer sine man de {iar mcangcvoe ne poarch “hope 8: Manet a nes Ey co ‘Romar "spores sabe rarest {eau fstemeveman "mae agi’ "Sere ann [r= soning onto ape — Sona ctcen gh cponeth ‘ecttge Preface Since the induction f the medem pane apps 17, nme merle books have been wen on pa techn, indeed her ‘Seals quite aw books to be ound om the kyon techatgue of ‘he plane's predeccisas he claichond and heheh The ur bose om book nat stand deseribe the cone hee won rte give «biblomaphyom the suet: Rather nn fo cay oncept of pane laying, describe sad onganoeandamestl le nents techniqu, ad nate owt ape ese eement npr Eemance i's brad ene, technique te sm al of agen Imaton executed ty the pesfrmer: These moton bee an ‘hat rereate the mods ofthe cmponer ote performer’ own et Many intangibles are obviously invslved in ths process. Mood Interpeetatin Improvisation, pation, an ratty ae ee ha stofard to define They are alec to acai ar ying ote {one and tates Technique, hrwevr fet skil-n velcmninted {site af motion condoned by the sntomy of he han by aa {henna of the plano, Even te most comple tech aches fan shouldbe comprehended hy anyone ho wishes ates ‘hom The can be reduced their component moon net by the fingers and ws ary ad ain act by he satire Bua ‘toms. The ordination os burman mesh bated os fle commonsense probes af physiol andthe fce sf gaity {When yo dance when you ply gal ing pong tennis the ln bre plano, sou ave sljet to these sme sndone wht 300 nce iformot You might ar wel be aware them! is nt tha twareest of thee ar essential to an aie sand onplredpesormancy nf ute te spp the ao ‘ete processes are hardy consis. Bu the Pepin =the Imimenbl hors spent practcing--mast be pepo motu {SM chant andi mst be consol conte by the ad cream ai Sno arany bccn br Se Rema jess ean cnn isjentant dtm ae ee ciel te coneinsnitoe Brats ee kd psn ok x we ecaclygh nsene of ats ons nis oe a rts aed ater tee eer 2 de trea oy ce bio str tm oe tana esie ie ed nts dnt em mt age te a maar Seeman ee ose teen nd ca ci tc Ch Fane la id a on ys e chin ccd tay, ao a anger sad re wagner eco wo a tops ry ie eo irl pent a cs oh ‘Onr task is to know: ‘coordinate, and. actisate-the- On econ er nwa te sh See hc eee Te prance i eae mace teh me at ae eae hel Sa ee baer i sae Bena sels dr nari Re caer eee centr dome pee Serpents tose a sahara pee tea emis ssl othe aH iain soma te ceil see be red cami sik ie fens al git thant eer mena scent tee Dent fi 9 Hite to er hem Sites 2m sce Satta on pater ce We enfin reaming noe mai Fons Sein {these mos that we aim evoke i the inten oush om {ntepetation.Therefrenepeetaton and chaque arene This caloric statement and many ater privipleset dw a this took run the risk eoming eter split ad bry mot ‘te ler {hope sou wll ave the patience to fed the respecting ‘haptes In hich thay are explored end save your evalaton wt Sourav read here dese Tssa jon at ntony formate Peveiles td rues bt aly dese expla and uty them ‘nen the technique af pao playing aed ofan ‘tm tobe al ht eater tacit and unseat tea butt tenons comport one at the nd tins of the Boge, han, ann at hour ae tory spe In coy {a fcton, bt they meat diated od prone {ny element eo fenton of ds too moh ot iti he ‘ite appara Is ected. the payne mechan malfonton tone ouch, phrasing, beating. the shaping ofthe mt, he Interpretation a whole are adel acted. Thos munca sd tchnigue are earl “Ths boo dels withthe echague anda of piano playing Teh sigue precoder arn teens oat be acted it eon ‘etmiation oftecaique we wil be concerned wth th barat “ny, sures of energy nsces andthe feof gravy) and the ‘tates ofthe piano, Whe umerble moto re noe inpiano playng, we cam ident them mr vars ery His unter of fda motions These fname motion pers tnlbe pope defined. deserted snd diferente they il en {cere ina the composite avites ht compre plano Ha Sng tl thon be necnsary othe tobe related wneunwcly to thei counterpart in the sae Tn musi at any Ket ar suc as dann aeting or conc sng) talon ar exprested by moto although we arent ner {ng iat these matin be exceed wth even ito uroroty we ‘ocraniae corn anda ways in which the mons concn {and ete! the emotions at generate hem Tate ths punt rae sibs waa diate een se posse at {Chopin nace o in Debussy prelade should no be pefooned ‘srangust or abet ations "There te one erpect tn mi this book may transcend sna lacs puna panna Her techno wl be rece to ana ‘i tondamental tons ad pater the conbation and arian of ‘thick fon the ene scope of technugo, What of reser por Unc, However, at de fader wll dcine tat the per of mates ters foe me are inicatd bythe wate core and wil veto aT he As we wl se al features of be musi on eases nervallic pers ds andthe oaton of SEER Kear have te equalens nthe appropiate mo i pater "kon patterns by ans init the freedom poe seo ee tpetatons: lead they serve gr gudeines the se eaihc Stony Thea fan techntaoe Bens tthe aan eee pyblem have acaty been resolved and et Shelia etna wrest eeatve porpnes of the Pane Ose The Determining Factors in Piano Technique cuaeren Sond sn Music, Motions and Emotions ‘The human car responds to woo ed cies within inte sang o itch sed vtec, We oan hear sends above ox below ‘Gita ptchesnamelysbave 35,00 and below 20 ations por ‘coma, spponcutcly, Sorc een latngch extremely aor ina unde As to ml, would wot tempt to foal» precise ‘fnton, utd bested ve with the sumption hat sowed ‘Sloot varton fn phy ie or ncn ent emsie at Uhlese we have eran medication i ay all of here charter “ic wil sod ayn int ane The sound of foghor, oa sation ivieporeven of2ay one ote played onthe ora wih unchansing ‘ohume and color does nat impress ne as mane what tansors {otnd ito ns it alteration. The expeevenes of must de ‘non the deme and quality change of pc, clo and lame ‘ena music ostument pode varaees nite dynamo ‘olen wemay ane me Ai al at cbt rr topic nm won ie sub hat the mone wed he und Bat deemin p sound hangs fame ese “pu and what expresses, The manne n whic pant tacks the hoard the way the sits wees it bow arm a ager, and the sy sages and win natrament player cont the eh deter rine the quay the tone they pre Thetis the esa of themotons hey eaploy. nother words he sbtater fer sound ‘production ase om the motions hat rete hers "Tht i why technique cannot he sept om mse and why faa technique resin fly musi One mustache a wel. ‘Sorin correc technigye inode o rode a teal varied ‘und eapresave of al the ini shadingr of man emotions Yet ‘he sound we pede does ot seas have to be beaiflif e ‘hae itn the Weare dealing withthe etre range of aman Tau sensations snl experiences ent he nly iceling we wish oxo, ‘ssn es su os nd so lie toe eo a 2 ads ma ae spn ae mse ach cee ent ce sitar hat ita rad lity tot fing of te mone Sree eet cw tome fe Se erty tte ene lr cere een eer ee seme mos eso an abe ees cea ah se nly an ek Whether ered ete hr gaa ems ese a ee eh ns nl ee ae Sons acter th tafe eb weg etion snc nn tng ods le. Se i eset ese i mune se cares by Ne wise mas eum aie spac meuttcmts resem and the emt at ies nits mt ae a an ect totes et Me att crane me ier ea ea a ct let he comer Fi te no wht sme erg Be et rs dong ns ed wher Ar ees rk tem cea ese een tious to some; to others it may ee ino ese ee oe som Stn te ene a comme Mera ano al sen nr onamentaly prat te iene fens techs ee employed ine al ey oe rie sae se isis PE ete ten tens nl motor Oe bole Selita ete epi nat a ee olen tony per pee, ne oy at ume mena he eae et i dnl met ao ate SWS feta, oi ty ene athe heh em he rs echt ws bce he an Muse, Matins and Emetos 5 ache ‘neta tine eno ertaily x since the fventon ofthe sano. Given {Bisunlormiy is yoobc rar ocsblub buman ton pers {hat are bse pu plying Yet thee a welcome ad nent ‘cy wt tote these weight ad proportion a the mmpencnts within the body are difrent ae ec nodal Ts ‘stein body typer powder an uimied vey of ovement ‘inthe fndamentl moto pater Th vey ina an Droce his own distinctive sowndhs own oa plete of ouch and ‘lancer lyin the plans "The deettos aed oupings of hee be ation ters ate _orlecin the appropriate Chaplers inert develop £0 ch ue the tent ad perfor most Kana ase hee mon {itersthat the must ube them a inate pt of i ia Iinements Ae be determine the spect mat pater eed iam the sare then spies Rts he mie The pacing och ‘igus nth eter tn he proces of eating mato pater {noueh repetiton fthee maton are ected ceecty and om ‘Shu, lately Sw repens wil ce. Prcco methods wl ‘edited moe fly cba orcen ena Takeo reggest thatone out mtn habs have been come and nly aoe seed te practice echt no longer ests All we ace othe it {Stpots ee mon perso Sr repety- Ou tecbgue costa Scr Spore and Becomes a0 Odenton ont ssh foe ‘maa ikerpcaton Tet urate tht most people who study mse and ae pct smasians were born wih avert Gage of rotate sae ‘Sordinton af th human body ens uo sure fo finton Strdaly ie, to move abt too respond © challenges ott ‘Sortnaton is pope developed may erable vt sree pak ‘Seamplistments Breaking aid records ming running, oF bale aulting a devclaping an excepsnal brillant sd expen nique af «pane of voltae mater of couionion of When ode, Sees ning tei corteaton ke alter must ae bl endrace and mesa enh bt masta oy aed ‘Sirlopcoocinaton We lo et bald von muscle, ated we “Taam vate the ner ar ey stony and to we the Collaboration withthe weaker one in adero heip them Using te Song males wep the meer ots inte exes ef csonation fs Kn ot kill what we man putin ne sence far Tempe ‘Beast eso pig ed me ered "There are may way opractie ths cordnatn the ited: pendence ofthe entre body Praca to develop independene of the fers ftom one another bas ts mers ton, but we aol be seine lat sta eet ee eee ita record et aa Se at the ma ane bee abused dare alia fo hel. a ee bese iter eure os {50 Boor prving oeelves ard will make a witwe of punishing So Gur sevations sot the correc functioning ofthe buna ana wince pa eee ‘Soiei0%oace rt pane Tn sino he cen wan sh hat sts fap Th ue he mons wa at called waht tec: By using weight stead af re, consider: ‘he ret wan fet inthe abused muscle: ther speared the scl ‘elnation: Unfortunate lah ths method became very pul ‘Ream’ tattctn either Use of weight in tell merely ached ‘eltively crfrablesemation nth ry ay, compared othe teosonss inherent nthe ald technique However the rele” "Hes now tended py sloppy even pd acetate teal ot be conte Ie the tone mutes. shold bs svn that threo uch hina complete relation rng pa pl tng: some of he mescles work sme othe eho and ist en those tht arto be acted have mentioned afore that sole of sound i coningst on Jame sped, In oder ta mole the playing apart ed gener se the dens speed the banners, re a ater fa ures of enersy sealable he fre ogra, which pale eve thine down toward he center ofthe cake sod mtselaecry othe fre of cur oon mui which pul the Anger ae rad thease prt ofthe onracg nucle These fn ao ett ‘Shatin, provide he sur fence sate the entire psig uipment Fh ef git Rely mesa ‘iy the nu of the paying eames eponed o Rn Sot of he tne, hepato ly energy Pures tat [nove the ota lin Our sim Schone Be pete te Ewe ent expenditure feng. ol tap tos deer tive he to tee foc fry exe when as Imola nen excels he fl owt Sntne bath ‘Ta relatos aomenstent in plan plying Even theme ely puehy on te force of grviy, we muy he arco msc ‘Supe ope ea and hd ini pope ys, ‘Mt moton are eneeted by antagonistic sc of musts: ie taupe eiampc: he Ber) oR, the ster sep crear) ‘nts Pavel cleat aheaer wt ascelr aciy aall ine ‘Smpice elation ens oly ee downs ext. ort deter wa he postin of he ais comp sent of te piing ppt shat Gat svaten, sb pap tc hou be tte, and how tee cles shoul acon Invrdr to abieve optim rrr bth techie and steal Ah sec is he mater expen whe etext {tone coetey Ove shoal oo mistony exes tee es ‘rh Sonos oscar nso, or calves ys {Shon o manor sts (cnet ey). We mas remeaibcr at os the psnrs nmer eie, we ca ater the sound by ay sequent acty. essere snd xed Cee tae tmeteet tthe Ronene ar sone ERIE Sen generating sped. Sse tod yet the lasion th then aed bat fet Ri Siena this esse only Binder he stack onthe flow iryt The igre nls sh as SEONG resale nsed on the pan masta sed oly sta incest he mame af impact never extended! Sieigt ane ef ite we, les ett min. Ben ‘ston af weight i applied to the Ke, des ot produce 3 sound “nts'h moves doer ith cenin sped Tt epee that gen TES San, ot weight nse Tete woe ane as oe ‘s toce taf ae only ~emctng sped nthe ames, nt every sent taal. The ‘routes and extended actaton fan sagen eto mses revamp, the fen extonsar ofthe forear ofthe cep and {sce of th upper tm) i empoducive, and te owas ESite ener and tenon te ay totaly serous and ‘hereto snl be avons A snus snot and ties, ‘SETS Shunately rst na joe sod The nesapable cootusion [But ese mt sneer tel rth zens te are no sine tec of ity and espending numa and flont nut fn an eur erg A asin forties wel {hclighest panssine can be produced by hase rosedates In aco ‘ltl ellos manner ‘One cannot empharize to strongly theft hat ase and tech iq envi The human eras fs flete by and “pm stress and soathing’ o's esting. pls. metols wl ‘Rroaeceloteordecrente song to emetions and masta exper nc Theis nea even dese: And ithe human ey [niente or prey physi reno avertense muscles de rose dlaprag o alan stig, forced and satiate Fnthing se Ths tered respiration flee sia phrasing and {he shaplog of mele ins ot only we panng under stress able butatall es. A'malfanctoning pps fects phrasing Tp racton dyno, rut, acento change and ‘reson almost eveything tat a ile Tap ad short thing generates» este ood: and, in gone melode and ‘iytimtedbtrton are caused by egeave masclrcontaton: 0 fn sod the sespioy stem. Sms and ont cause 9 ‘ntSoumd wl excessively sft ones prc» pale, meine “aivuth the pho far lest espns ad seve han sting osument ono enton the fst vole) A does nevertheless ‘Coyotes tchniqwe, and produces suds acd tn Tira aagss sone qual te soul the most x= “TEPSRR tent he nd of ws very at as touch Mie, Mains Emoto ° eligi gta etna cuarren 2 teroichond and ‘acd ‘The Piano ‘co ntrument the mate pao a cand mane: Boe i stephenie qulcs ont match se of rome of he sting iso ‘Seg haman voce, trang of pth, dams, and coloring Met the wt complete fstrment Bence of Hs harmon ep Fite and transl thers rumen alt ts ervces mat ft tines canner wit ny te tot ‘tone Compose or rng the pt edie yeas no, Noall TFs mst ra the best qual cows, bat many of the estat ampere averuelmnly favored the plano to ter lois Of he plants preorsos, the claichord ie the cloves to The laser prac ud tat ca aye dat evel and color Roti be ravers touch The slo ofthe cavichor, how ‘Ser mini and psu brs conce any. Fi cine and develope the sw careers ofthe {Sn ts sity to vary Gute sd col, but nao ts vol Sint awn come The, rhode ‘inatns boon nd oor y touch, oly by mechani ani {Soman semen thd ed pl, a nde cs By ws ded sts of te Bese pcg wer sane of ound The pio hs al te ‘owen the cinco nd cn be et an he rs ‘Sead aks the mecha eouplingy of te ter istroment ‘Mowers witht resp spun ade aby ovary dais ad tome cla, the ano surpassed.” Re Ascra tt eat em Se ‘The Pano a With aie wealth of sound, the piano sil bas cen lining hate, for empl tound ade ply: Comper a ‘Snpensted thi decency by developing les tha are yoeally ‘Plante o rather "keyboardist" since he harpist ‘han lo sul fom the sume liniaton Sle fhe ation of ny le nt extemal soe an these heyboad struments, he cont ‘yn the sound has tobe spplemented by al, temols repented tots, epee ling note, pastagesna and paling hese de ‘hes are ured bath nr suraied woods sompanying ‘Sages in prea all peor and ye “nother device, the ormament, as thoroughly explored and ti tied on inetrameni ke the harpsichord and the sgh, Sine thee estrone cannot empiaie ndaa tes wi any ge {ope ior and ese, th ol wa fo set o ‘lls stomance to Crae nt mardent antec dist ‘i netboring nts. These wily used pstraments made eo tment very popular during the, Bae pera thete {ediseriminte we pend ober keyboard names epecaly the civicord andthe plana These ramets se fly Expl of ‘cng cling, al emphasi ay wt Fee tt "When Bach wrote fo the vo oe be seldom wied mae dens or pllen However, when be assed sting me Tre snd si the movement ofthe Sonata or Unaccompanied Violin nC Major o the ete Patt Jor Unacsmpanted Ven ‘Minor}he aged nu of thee owner conte: teSeSSsers ee su kan in nt ni feeeenRSs ‘tert he Intersting that he wed the hey of aoe for is Reyboar version of Ieee compton othe vain and D not forthe A minor Harta} it isso mtewothy that Baroae composers very seldom eared ether thelr Keyboard ssi was forthe savior, the ‘Bp orthe nga, For enapl, two ofthe est own “oa tartans by Bach the Ponca tw Minor andthe Fantory SEF Fawe mG Mines were vigil conceived for the tworkey ‘ted wd pedal ashy ony Iter weve they adopted by oa Een acce nf interchanging inten was always Fe") ‘Semmom nthe past "ae he eof struments was most asmate fopartaniy snd cvenienc sd sical of hese fstyrents were sek ‘Mecn in ter fh toe galt an echgo, viet hat ESSE omanentation soon ta aed aecoding tthe neds ‘Sinatertics ofeach insane Common sense dss th ess seauetation onthe an and he caviar anon the arp tondand the onan, Aso the type of mament shold be selected ‘eeirng to the trent When a meld begins tthe sme ie SEE apaniment on te Repco the oan, one sy ‘anne hear he meaiy bese frome of the overtones of the bas Sinead ti nose to play louder diferey, There a westotamce ote euned noe tal stenson to Tate cone Pike vce othe pan the melody ean be payed louder Seat levine tude! There the ordent often ot me EE Plhermove te ground ie that we bw so well aboot le ‘hd'daamentsto sat on the upper mie Inthe Baroqoe ad ey Giri emasneodseomation Thera wn netstat by ‘ie Sead mentioned shove of the nay of he man se aha euy lye a sme tie athe bs. the Bs ae Trego nc the mento the pan, bea you cm. tsa the deste te thn you sil wish athe ramen SESE make any difereace wheter you sar the upper te {heim me You maga awl epi the main ate by 28 ecent rb adilierence shading sine the piano can dhs xy ‘Fae Tuny fal the tense a ale ten bout ores tions highly debate when they are spliced to the piano. To =~ othe seamen exumine teams metocesy Bach sng, wind: and voce to ee beer they tat wth eri main hte No mater how ss the pce yu wl a ltl work that bons with a gmat. On the aor hd Tk the fit nes ofthe melodie ofthe Senn movement of he Maton Concert Adag othe Organ Toca tw Ser, sd the'Toeat nd Pugue tr Minor allt them begin wth sone Kind 8 formant case they wer writen fr Broek im ‘nen Whe inspec tw lage ow the hsp oro reunion shot pd ut wt sally see ‘Tent pn iho ied ‘tor img tro ste plano, naion the pd ect of smd the td pas oman hon, ce ‘rach wuatyncades ine or ten notes athe met; mest bd “hes cate must roe Ths sion help dere ‘eemostonal yer ht ted tha dig tet sn Sv Joe ‘Nin othe Chopin Eade ps 10s oh egg te noon of he cd mene he Schaar Fanta 1 Tonunerbi seh cbse ovis ta puagr wo that presets enbnce bond hemone popes {nthe tation fhe hn ao nated anther sont: Coe {rere sled chore lyn he teste wee eda Inca ting mas ae eon le they hl sorkor ocx ein quart, hey weal std ros Torte adr fort btonegiace” “Se feos te pan chord dot snd a ond ath rhe ‘Satire nt te, ve nine ‘ne pte, sn th tp tee to sl ie ebb Sane tee sey ne eee ssh) nites ‘Seller ai more ont smote ral eed “ikra teed sa cnn ee eoebeplr pass ie And ssi, ie Srnec ens pane "le ws enamine cen apc fae pein, we any has cb rere fe sere oe Sov et Shae ok ee shut fo the er say ee ‘touts ihe ar ewe yer bd ‘ons hye Wi he ae ese aan eke i ee u so the st nd event ody me hited isl. When ne git bk keys he uppers tow shald move Se ea ane teeta pnton that ay the Sane THAN Sets nite kgs ratone deed fscson See TD a op ne er arate aos posed wie the harm sts the sv lhe hein sy ha hee, sae tet sa and he ste of ami sen see te Same ich ceed wi el lence he tn dns cone ine ey el {italien one qty by ater the ed wth which emma seugiil concer aha of wee See eel ase rdsaon, Sua postin, sce mei te soul: sm, hand gee ese eMifatl que equ ose hese hammer a etion ath Fo acta Seal pom eed ae ae a ari Sa eo Ss a Peel on sek ‘elahntney potas my ee tnterrseireentd St ea pr se te ae ter hy ota ee ee agate etree ee ee ea cad ye hci aa vt ere seo eye ser tired ernie ge {dba nts these and omy er ats may ieflence fone tot ta eae Thee neem a he at hors Rei belo fe tat Mcgee deine eae ea he (rela todas ‘Speaking of dvnamis, we mont realize that dhe plan, ike any shot mesa insane ested ithe aout a cod Hen wacandn herspoatvenes of We echan Em tbe ExSEmaune asthe humane, fist eck when feed: Bet 6 bist rns eee jsunrooraenenaeh cranes cone teri ea ta ‘Sacha dns ind youve nthing wot ith andl cusrren 3 ‘The Human Performing Mechanism clr econ! any he of wit blenathe ats trai Celi trea seme eee rasa md ae mie a apa omen SYST ete mano nba op So uae ish ane eng cee eesaioh etl tr art sme ra ctaiow ah opie We feta vein sey heyy tl fhe man i eet kaslclee acumen ce stay er Whe a a mer of enpmdabis nenen Solty ce ian mat eg Se peerage pepe ern Snes je nero yt sd eating mes iets ena me gc ‘Sian dont nocd tomo much shout thn wea they work Sng eat en by penton ee et nen bod ee on api ard Trae ee ona weal ah ea eh of vine et Subeie cae caw" Reeser he Sea cy ene re hve dope meant Manette musk wet Yo ast kw bow pacte ne MST mentoned bee, io lng ot es of gaa sacha ee WE cog of mas sored pth sem Sl ad ea mad oe wok thes te song and omer If we can ate SSS tte etme cen the es Sinn ind ash rae TORTU ac daSian caument nd tly wiht ay tac of “The Human Pxfrmine Mechanien Seon fxg so iter tre demanding a the pases we must "ery normal vig thing hoe withthe degre of coenation ‘tad to neta thin enronment ado sures Aero) ‘few months infants develop thi quality remarably wel In genera Ici poste that cldem ave even tter como then als 24 teu of thei sll stare: Shorr peop to are fen betes ‘diated than tall ours They mave mone effete) and we ‘pester agi ad ate, Some ofthe ast utstanding vito were short and a small ands: Gedowshy Hofmann and Frist, ot name few. were estas ho were fal suture Oba poop con lon ‘Segeat pani biel wt ome ald pois ps festa mura ait cordate and th they ae abet prs fin the most demand Sn secrigly sens Weel feats sit he wetest ease inst this ens seems lear hat whe il begins his musical studies he sally posses conser meant nate ‘ordination, teacher an tbe gon vata of than de lnteree ith he can shapes mor ete and apes Pane ‘When sel pay lly instinctive thw ne what rm ee aeons ely lays tht ay fore fn ot Sire thse he cae wth vanced pant with pra Many ‘hem ae onstained eae of ther pace and they ae tien tandknpped by all nde of ohiting sess. Vem ae te ‘al concer bow to regi the mate eoointion Ui hey eet ‘thei way to becoming anced pans Ta mom com ce fers tse of coordination an overne of dls designed oak the fngre independent and to stensthen the weak "wit mses Many al pista were euted ter theagh ger actly Inner to develop “stong muslox”"They pine nce degre ot Fnac independence a the expe of nerdependenc and coord tation Olen psholoeal aor alo ih perme: Fo now Kwovr let ur concentrate the purely tec secs a pans blosng independence ofthe Bogert essen, bt sea of tying {oa ty fred ad oslesttening enero, oa fandarer {al porsch to techni sluton to seat forthe coe ostomy In ich the ht equoment Reps the foges werk dependent and provides them withthe power hey need. Tht apron seem 1s the mt sensible way oso fring a atigu in the freer ‘ules that ove the ger and pod onde ‘When te larger usces ae watiaed te eo reaied play ‘he lan wil be dite in sach away ta the neces expen, ‘ire of eneray wil ary be elo sce, Moy Lema er it 8 erection this xtmeme redeton of emery must nt be mistaken for “ons ies sple ate of ezng msl so expos hat elon need be wet At netione previo, al ea th hen laying the pans doen ox sige ven the asin of linger or hand must state some moles Reelin maybe {cnuse movt ofthe muscos se making no ort the ones But ‘rokcan bane horsey since hey are el helped by he ‘anger males. “Compared to Bager exercising, with te euting strane and ill mules the lenges Toe motions af weight techaigue certainly Imus hae lene The te elastin ace Brena) sound Marin but owencr larrsble lege and Ioose motions tay be, they are nt the slut rou ech problems. I we weren't 36 tence ne wot nee selaation ether eed open tions ife ues the otal eomnation of etan muscles, we wl ever becom if and tense, We do wat elas we an toma ‘tit and to ie tvelved ial Gann sd emotions ut ith no ‘ise sin “Oar am here i to Heat and apply all he necesary mation terns tht ve the tl for lao plang inode py eft Eel'capresively thon infomation of onal and tendons. We ‘lial shoot etive and punve motions nd at the xt le {Fike agers hand wissen upper a td bad Sense 8 Shay the ner tht ren cal oat seh ey al ter at ies wil be gered aimed ete le of big them, We don't fete mont for motions sake, Tasted of bogging dwn ith eouows frgerwork or ith etagpeated, cular “welaing” ge ie wi ees he poi mo ater nd vite he proper ets of males Tefre we dese the mascular achites, lt ws ist examine toy a mele work A me ona volte ovata lovers om our ere caer, when contents gets sates an ihiber Ar sores tpl the portion of the anatomy to which Hetether ond atic td it sher port of tachment Rae 1. ‘Ths only hing that scl cam dr fea pall tin or part of the body to hich I tendon is stached td Rel can never ‘um te pulled opto tos sina poston. This overt ‘Badly antagonistic este rte once fait oy th were afer the mosce haw bee contacted and ptt work ‘eds ern of ogi shape nde to feton na iti dos eur to orga tape, can repond another ero isd nc il met i in, When thir happen, eave ses I in option t te degree Sn his sae af ne epost muscle ses warm “The Henan Pertning Muchas 7) ‘ear the ros Fe: Moe ie a ding tts serve ones ht help eeded Wh ep comes hems con Tinos shag a got wok sei el dos mo re {iE nl wo der ater sid the seats ll Ica more ce: Fae il nen hen stein as ‘mare inl oc nd ind te thee willbe Son we Sa Titman ofthe tendon Once endo set yon st ‘op lang sometimes oar ongs tee oon 2 ore. nt ur hereto remeber tet mules need tr ie sc etn, Sere toler shold tle re hse acy ee the mde inf conn osm “ie fran he tome of he musts ht mae the ses 3p nd dn To nase he Bags ne ast sles ca th oper ‘Gian of the fre called the exes monly there eqn mcrae conte, the gr a up tee ‘muck wy the gris ove dw with tal help a cs {ty ve want opal hr den ay, wet ots eFimue nelones a sc he eacle eer tmucto When hi bappens hs preville) cnr ‘rumcles he scant oie nd become shy ste Tis ‘sling sod stching cables tm ob in ee soon fo Sine ster wt opaesben nao te ee ‘Ptscnilby the ante ses ener eos mesces at ‘rand eocaratey. Ang tga mel work se {Uintyttey cious nec There ego oteonshe ‘rer, chest sntagonne males hve to cost stony, inte ton mut be tattoo esd te on ton extended, he wl exer esl in he sce ‘Tisundus ai mst oid” Sele at ane of prcened “To pall in the fra, we activate he icra fr the opposite lone te the Facer Bath these le ae Tote a the “pera an hey ate much stongr tan the maces othe foe ‘ino To mice the upper ar we we some ofthe shoulder and bck Iinles To det he appear dieu he ces back, an ody Imola re steted, ‘hese mules are mong the stone nthe ‘una bay Basta al those stone male we can easly 04d Ea. Onc our corinne ht and there so extended com {tation othe atomic msl pct woe oar of Inula energy talib sy ust” Besse we te con ine nth pn lying aed ot with besing the word vor ‘So iti palleps The fest nest man beng as al ‘Resources fener he needs to ply the ast strenous plnste sages oy a pal ty fein you tit the vesitane of {piano key tof about tg re mes ‘When we fel gue should donate he contacted maces and ie others det ccuntnces do we en and "bald AD" the sulering les wth tous ence Om he cota, ste don't want to deceit ou aatles wet he arm ‘ihn thy are ocervorked sud alfenctoning We ned these ar Ine device they ele ato achieve sont and tore succes ‘cevdinaton with ou enie anand ith the mo {ion thar mmc endran asta be developed or psn the ln, ‘plano or ny thor msc Intramet. Forcing masts tay be ere nathletce where nc only rntonbgteme tema ln endurance ar ese In moses however, eration ts the cof sue, the sens ha sea vate out muscles ‘Sule, ad we mest consist ste to conserve the sens {tyr Whatever might be ped by focing he males wil prove 0 be iy Net oly al our cooiaton safer tut vol tome rode ‘ow that we ae faa wit the wosk of the mc pling by cntcion, withthe ole of stagnitc macs alternate ates ‘Tlopposte ncn and wi ht paral eset, es examine thet ange of sites af he plying apr that sa the Fingers band, ecurm pper any and shoulda An anderstanding of {hermes fest portance determining wh bos, ato wa {Sie then eenpoent sb be aca in order ta achiev op lw ssa both techie ad interpretation. I 4 define ‘siuntage ora n thin he centages the abe anges toch apse and to aol the etemer whenever possible ‘he Human Psfrming Mohanien 21 The fingers Ati abit aire ofthe thumb). — Braid Hint nim gee eon you can see in Figure 2, Again, the thumb is different, ” 2 “Fated the most dzet ‘Al vetcal finger mations ate executed by antaganitie muscles lata tam cen Terco ie ee et reds wl med 2c Tine th these REET enn tht there most bea sight horton ade see the penton othe so foreach ger, There can be 9 Bed es Pal ve fer unless hey ay sulanens at ree iy th ec he paar in nt Seamer cach ingens the arm cling the wes an hand) mont Pe ined coninaoaiy in the horizontal dimension, Fare 3 shows Bete poston often and ages. When the ners ae called aetna shill be sey eal terse the srs errr sti We dont want ckazeate the dhusting ation, ny nahin the tenn that mone se, “Re ttegtin the esl porn verte aot isatventnchpter ve ft ce tame the ange of aston of the Baers, woud ike to de te wy n wich the plano bey en ation bythe Finger The pans bey moves Tosa sth vert lise, axGtrtke neal core, nbich seus by the vu. There ‘SoBe Sa of lt plans fhe ogee sould be close to ‘Sst Se posse a anng othe hey otha ner ca be as moe Ay ante peach to the eye Tol in eran debacton of te. ‘She depos on the ang ofthe ver ompone SEIS Bacy Sat anges the keys In nde i von a [Ba ae atik (epee ‘Sometanet 23 We hn ht he ge ie the Band a ane rest ft uaa ya we nacre ing bane yee {Sect nt tsp heya tieaos e oclePhrefre crept mil the wt orton oh te ae ge Shes appease perpen dsm he by ach se reane taunt escaly when we shim sie keys SUSIE end ton ck kes whine hye Fgwes 7 and 8 show the position of the thumb and the othr Sngen treme ngs hg 9 ro 1 ite te cudnt Severe ne mit sees eel aan wh sn oe "Wah the comer a the et the paying means, cn ssc pay fhe coment al i Trew ough 1 show th sty ngs oe ta the veri an car icon To Sted es dt the ‘Sipe sng, nod the hk ne shows th atl ce hte he functions comfortably, Ove am 0 bing the wi ante Sno cle t thee emt nes, Whe siheae atonal motos ofthe Singers (pen and sed p the hana exceed Y he aside th 7 ee set imaons ne de by "Boge muscle é ee Se te msclr hat do the work, a Pe oe ging componeet ofthe fran appara. Th heir normal posto 2 stead only «split-second tne to achive thi Tis 6 he ease with id ‘cate ttes tose chapter seven. “Mth te help the Horio sd vertical adsting mations the Anges wan svld mst extreme o xed postions and operate within Hemel wcas of ty The nt the playing mechanism i Uevelped bythe especie ding motion ofthe adjacent me Let us ive the exc isting fhe capabilities ofthe varios com ‘pats thatxceite mations Tse tons are seria within the eee dimensogs™verl Horan nd depth eh eles the ES fm the bel ofthe ky tot edge). However the combination Fie mited mumbo of tions provides an hfe varied gat ions sounds shading of sun "he cers can earcte verted aed boiz mations (8 res Tad 3 They are mowed bythe fenoretensr mls ofthe ‘Bilan tnd bythe sbtorskctr muncles of the ha They co ‘ES Cel ans by combing the verte and hoot 0 The hand ean bo moved vertcly; orzontly and cca by ‘he nen des. Hcnnot execute ory ans, whi are he ons the ver oe es 9, 0a 1D, "The forearm canbe moved vet bythe wpperarm muscles ane hese ad eep) Wate te hep of mse tad to te spt an oem can tants om as bythe pronation {2% Sepinton ofthe laa and rar Tecanot ove later te ‘tion mae re ution ofthe per am j Th upperorm con wine vert rz and ical x well te th oe be of the bay hele, and chest muscles Wi gn ofthe mst mobile members ofthe buran bods "The sxe can move vet, forward ad aca an i colar Itsldom inne stl ba apport and moves te te ‘ocasonlly week the potion and mations ofthe ta, tere athe sides foward and backward and vottionl mations Re Rabon: esa es the parson he es ad eat ‘supporting ad blaine he boy sd ecng ts aby, STF Sit OF sure the et slo manip the pedals [Noalteuson ofthe apt compete thot metin a the nek {head However tei tes are neil mn pan ping sce. {atthe he ds a he hi “hs ht otras» complete inventory of the components wed sn plan plying and ll tr posse eon estos tha the Mutter of tapesens ie remained. However, with these wanes and ‘their combinations we can meet all plansic demands. Tn fmt sc nein ofr; emt he nD mr aa ea ‘Sep te cou erga ace fea ies Smporcnts Wore one hen icee ease e fearon By nang be msc ‘how they are executed und what equipment is to be utilized, we can ‘spot any malfunction and correct it tmnmediately, 7 ‘Whats whl oy tae as a ey cone sentinel fanaa ns aera IRS Sa n'a be er es ie ye ‘ide cpmtaisens ott wells nes if ah flags descend in sth eral ine we way “ioe a aS Te erat ne unr ve nhs thes compres deed Sola be oper oats eek selon an a Saget appt sin dooms wl ran owes fds te wel of stint nd eee Mowe erate hvac ‘he aaa Pesta Meshatn ~ pperam partisan; Bure shows the comet postion af the "Once iain 1 st war you aaiatexteme potions Overly raised fogs, staht Rages very curved Boge, extemel low nd high wt, extremely tet has i ot, plledin ellos, use resale ave Al of sep ence | tobe Interremic, —"'Sometines it the emotion testy of he se tht caer ferns wnse musts. We should ryt temper hs conto Tod more than ever audiences mate te encesvely tense marae ctves tthe pefomer for an intense musa eperone, a al to fen Ste se the pubic mprened and wed by commie entrants sd pu wrtions Whe worse than that tha these excesses ae then infil the unniapectiogaaences ute nso ‘tan the musi happens ober serene, and gre One should Teed datngushteoweenpurponciland vertared mela a a ie ule ms er dt cry, ee and ‘eis Snes igen sia te mcg As aul, te shoulder int supped to hone scene ue Bech nfo i a elo of in nay be pero ‘Toren thi ll one stds to move tay ether crea ew 1, es ety ne tet te paste aon ta ich wea Even the sho Setaprenmpetemin | ‘Se ches, an back muscles mee ele stone they maybe. Soe ithe shoulder that ares the il weight ofthe a continu ieshold rest osasonally this happen daring the fie fal othe ar, a when rity akes ove ad whe te am drop clef te cy | Sonics deep reat ng ltho reliet teed Al walls the | Shonlder as sulient opposes rest tempera abd there | rarneed fro tect ‘Actually there continuous itera that acars tween the || Petree shader an the inert. The power or welt i maton of te || RocrSta SIRS San esther completly held by te shoulder 9 ily || tienes” ~ tater tothe gers beware of ha otc be partly hot (helen) Sh partly tafe The enteneyseove Ice nerve ot Ie on the dingeripe suite tis acy by sendlog messages through the were ster tis bese o thc cue ety of "he ngertips that so many pais enjoy saat tn sno tat ‘nite Key, prataly never abandoning thew They ctounualy “ea” the keys, and ths host tmelaton by the nace a oe ey help thom tn geneate more nei tt eligs. Unit fey thee sa deorack to ths bab because the Roper ae touche fae of tebe they at wale to erent the peed that ponte when they aes tance fom the keys and led toa Their weight not explo becase they canot he moved by {pervert pny they are abe othe keys! The tone ality of hog ings” imever amb of cure, bt the alum 1 ‘Suite ules one alg swingin rh nto, which may then deropt the mse psig Tatine wa ow aga aero the all weight fhe ar fo the ner aan extend period of tne, The taser of weit 10 {RS flasers shouldbe nutans Esha Suk tne ‘Bley resume caing the fll wet of the a In ader to vod eget om te ngers 15 simply too mach or the ges ‘Sythe ach ns ato et > MWe can greatly benefit fc the postive participation ofthe rest of thos ads power le: eat purpose ad ot an eSlace urtespaton By the er {en tat he body muscles rt up, immobilize the pevormer tnd et his ar alow to do ‘ic won Smet nt vars wor on the ands while Bete eaupent i somobaed ad Baking ll The Ihre folate ty mcs accommodate the arms ‘le etping to ep the boy named bu secure cnaon ‘Sacsive body ton, the aps ofthis my ot om mendable vith fat ast Sedo cates easton Tension, ‘Trip pueling vista aed sounds toma the eas, rhe chet muscles which eka al downward and award mo- sito th rs ae yep icv ds chord playing OF ‘se thse av tho groupe of mses hvalved in these emo [oS tle env hig the srg al the shoul ‘iagcathers in pling tom den and they enable te oy oan ‘and and siden ‘Onc ut mest impeach apap. Becase this sl oly hide, many fw ae ware of le but eect oes: or eat When acon ese ‘SE ru ths mete (nt cay divides the aman bcs Ave Beep the ngs ors expnding propery and can ese ala fer duce an tnson When he legs amo ne ‘ootteclybveahing becomes farterand shore node to sop al the ooygen needed During a performace the pianist need ote ‘Sgn tha sual bec ody faetions ae accelerated and (Sete, hevfretheeecs of tense daha ad ngs ct be ese sri Needless oti mpaie eating as a ‘Eiht onthe moi praing tht becomes etic and bat. Ue ‘Bhatt ts mone ene the moses et he aber the dap lle The lowest connecsng ink between the performing appara he Haman Peering Mecha st ulan 4nd mus sf the thing whch ides nd ons at the ‘Meigs ep of uses sties Winner eon cee Fao the apap, mon aly and ene este oe {rnb edo eA eep beth tes bp pss {he ipa dwn ands expt html stan {Sata I the lying nechanom wm and epee {ey sem nt had By etn eso nee ts {Signo sr mun we have he stng pope ue taking By aon oe mt lon of ge ght htt tp diane thie het ey andor {esa at hey lel he spam ea moma “hen examine the comes nyt sit a the plano we bv to eal with ot of srs i sot an ath vb ‘he olde he se and har oe pn ee het ofthe heya The vais fod al he ha at ela es Sesncr No only bs bright nd weigh ut he ne vet ‘thin the proper of tasty vay teeny ape {nls fle Boge funder, steal ese ens I aig Ee ce arly ae ict ac a pn each hight ave che Even Sh "pl yh se i fe we Soper ame he tengo hitomi hha ad Boers cei ditrent pron Oinbuy here te oe wy ook Te pian dt jbl bebe! a bv tea feng up ae woul rt cats pris fn conierton In moining ow boca te plan we eck Soc aily a nity wea sek min ate tee balance the pane Byway mena poston tht rab {ehcqmay. ary mt means pont a eae ‘ty el fh al we ea Mot of he ly ‘Sid srs he fh ft cnn of fe apne by thee ‘Sorcnly win the bodys ton Woenevet ot Bde ars S2r'in mtn the Yalan of the hy changes, sven toate ‘Sanger alight bly ashe sss ds nd igs ‘temo the pation whee try conc be waa “These of cout ho conn change a cai sin he ne techs ial ve tie bt nea we mow gh wil bo blanc. A bance bec rin acs cea enon eth iets dhe hs Ar ive ts ble ony tony Sued potion cose by Sd cate teon Bas cangs pon gactaly paneer it S15 coumced moon Th elec why we slay sek ca srr inthat potion with the i “hanged wee ‘With any shi our ba ommpenating hi Palade eae, ge wil be change fel se Enemy wasted bath hough tension (nod ewe bln sk aie athe Pa cal way of keepin an ‘ntnuousy white be plays “toplest melee re Bd anny seme of bala Tog stand one completely dere. rng me ete ‘eum ie white eye othe be ri earl at ae the ello Capper a 0 88 paving on te back Keys even thous the the body leaning therey nfonable when playing ming Mechanism 8 bey ae nano By othe wrist hat mm to move 9p nr down: Wen we alternate ack and white bey ‘ly the by ay some a scent postion between the to "Sonnets and slat change of psiton a he sev alive ade : {om the plana to his ow iki ‘laying is comfortable “Sut ndiapsh te poston ae Quite amumber af exelent ‘inst choc test extemely ow, and heya nonetheless unser al he necessary power an kl othe Keyboard. The same {tue howe who st unusually igh Tere seems to be a generally {a the une level as the keys but even this simple rule not aid for ‘Sep nt For tne Sener ny a ‘rode to have the oem at sgt angle othe ke ti he per arm fong ity bring th lb eran to owe positon, We bane only tr sccopt coe tnd lett of convenience a ne then we pratie pleces the Chopin Etude, pus 10 oo Sh ope 8 no 12, whee moet of the man mes {he bmw are fro the let sd ofthe keyboard, we wil be more ‘StritleHwe consider ving he Bene 2 be to the Te of ha ‘Ser ofthe keyboud Mil be exer fo ean 4 the fe ht an {Stead fom ths secure potion ror ha ob seated nthe ene futon and tobe contimaly aff lance while wean to the ct hth Tet Since the left fat des at veto bon the Te peda can conveniently be pled positions where i can suport ad lance he bn Tit emf fave pry over everything else eee rest bly well lane and soporte the dps and er Heastsetie'mat tense ups tension i hese muscles ets ou Peete ad techniques an we this handicap hardly vibe, area ics ll During he conten bows tate spend pat Seer tnccesay ati as upto formal eed [eEltus emery: We ast be adamaot in avoiding and conectn LeEittemag up ur mele: Furthermore continous Inner sul tonsoneqtehat frmingand amusing PareTwo Basic Technical Patterns Pert Tu of bk presente at ofc o maton pater hat una acon ‘Scape of sgotng tne fre gh ene of he cara ‘isdn cop mtch ana to dsoneting mrt the SA oe teetm alta rare Poe peer oud Tl cS all ltl ‘sande them ee rape ipa ‘dni de and utero weet fora “hrf ny ode thee matin pte: cdo aol sana a ag en ica otra to ep toon’, ean 9 sence aug ttt ee be apd bake carerpnane ke a atone Yet crc nan sof wan fom Bako Bow Bree Free Fall The fst and most avilable sonic of energy me ca daw fom is ‘he fne of gave pesense univer ens hereon ete ‘Sprott tifluences ll mater Anthingtha fee tomes moves toward th center of thes et hal we ae precept ‘er aspect ofthis cetera, bt fa fone tat we us ‘Sider whenever we det with iat mover Bosse urs nat nt Weight, we ae sbligedt thnk of whether we td Howse, By plane o pay the pana. Since toch ogee ‘rio and motion are our concer here we esgic ths nas thle oar if ener; we ty to tap whenever posible, nd puto Shr own we Sine’ eve pest ts leo gnone ewe me ‘Sell mporate ih and sve our on ene wheres pose, eg ene bro ure se ‘eler the stead heres Toe aren oer py soe fem hy aval to ws The vee of gravy a oar sees wl ce ‘ish anything we tau Mont the tne me cmb the ts Fei bviows thats more econ to waste foe af vey ‘whenever posible and save aur own enciy One easton fo he ‘rnc the trate chaps cg Tuell the salle modern schol of piano playing wa it ated by Ral Brehpt whem e pablo hf Bie Grandlage ier nauriche Rletertchne Natoral Puane Teche’), bene fs atin speared sn 1905. The work gave greta soeines ‘xcenve importance the yole of lations weit rene Sins the old schools, whch sed and sve “Bose echt ‘There was a ned fo ew ideas Preset ident tha the md rm piano could nat he tered ys muscle fc ad ope tly ae by the relatively wea fra uscer that move Be fingers Betas ect termioloy sea ply, bt wes employed in arate conned a conf a. weiter ‘Seating reo nip ae by all Aho wpa motion ofthe fae, which ot ses the hand ad eRe ee hmaltancons ton but scessive one. Whe sap ee Ei the dance fn tho keys fo the nse I pp ‘een oes: atthe pt tbe elbow shoal be slight Towered EM te al fe wi and Sgt wil be completely cere Fane doh 2 very important to have te estite sm ee etc ioe before the op sts 0 wo 1 Fe saith toe frei either by resins the acelerton see hcsing Pesos ne the ght srved poston a he Fee the poston nse tha a the moment of andi Sie it be able chon ltl ad antes the emery wee Ee tomeaty: Ever on fhe unt the tw ons bee sees the fer the Hn he west and to «Tee eet haw and thowie jth share i eating the ESS} astnenoe The quo sounds alles bars Seer er pci onthe degre to mich the js have bee LITTERS ae lose ly any Soand wl come throws they Bae Me eta hay nartlate sou The o TEENA fe and hey shld be ed ony ae ei he key. While the lig ra sccesive mation, he ‘ERE l05 ean simulans fra he elements ole, Te seamd sts er, und, and ner al tthe sre sil White ngs doe oy coe ase, hs ge 9 co vie aati an ere shold em terrence with he acer steel by the fone of ravi. During he faction of econ eeepc fling weave tally elxedyes, hn the ‘ime toe Sa ce the thie stage—the landing. A his point there i tid sttancons atonal the especie nt Thit Baton ees th tamterner energy tt th eye and alg rebond of GROSLSSSF nec annua ofthe wre is stent da hi este stuntancg tested and tha there be no semation MeeeNeP SP takes pce the shoulder mcs tein She upper ar ingng bck to stage tne) there ele ‘peo presen He Angers: using ot ofthe ins ‘32 Stn remain onthe Key sae ve dnt want teat an ae ie ie sound Aleve wuts complete change af os set ie sen imputation of lnk) at ‘ia a ne wil read forthe teste Rl Owe movers ft neh ane fut ase pilex ‘Be Sibneeofsnyprlongaton of ny Bud poston. Avery er fhe anode Ere ts that the wrist mut be in telatvely tow etapa th Silnetbeablet cation popes Gee fame a0. fork tout be enc sco When ps 0 the when he age and on the ap the wt sen am thonccdedexra pace The “eee haan Soper sala be cannot accelerate enuf wee ao firey wel eras onthe keys marae Gem i wi have to be epated my ie, mtd ay ecru ‘wot eaguente the Sight” mat at ho un one Sagas ba ‘clin fries si nl pope go hee ‘Gravity work on sown tem and unless enough te and di aint spe wll be generated 6 Gatlin results once the ingens are a good shape an fnction ell ‘Shur coodiatonexily syachrmares the maton, and they be “Mere area fe guidelines forthe ie il 1 Thad sal nt partpte mili he fe sb miner hla reese 2 The met mt be av he cam ltt ane sae Finacial in cngncton ehh oper Daas tn mn tn st a ou Ee tcc tne nw whch Hager fl comply serch See na rere Sater rsa rt Reichs names oot ae Heke Saar camer Dire between ie and Mack bey siti by chante 10, Iver ptt at you do a nrnce he eed prety thence af iy ether by mele oy sone ie iar ate aearse pao kon a tar ature mck erm ton me he 12. iin tem gent lem atin he Uebel, te depnnc sched “Ther no question that the piane’s bigest sonore cane sehen bythe fel on ine the force of ay does mos Ft worn the te of acelrton ony falling by th sae ‘eau ft weight therefore the ig wea ol sent othe [erlonmer arf snseqvense, Alle ave te dato rave the a tothe proper poston where the feof waity can act on iin he brat ponnbie way-and let et anther equally fice ut aie dren way produce big sonontes i Gesribed nthe chapter om “Thrust” hap ht Ins gestaze we pt tos the les sek strongest muscles ofthe by ands Te tt ase aly ft Tes the ht coordination of the ene hay aera the est ales person ean deel power sou ech ‘Ghtatrce of fring sd thot any mech ulin execs ‘ATnctioed ere, many of he eet pans ose (Ho ‘mam, Gods, Fedan, Schnabel, Barta, Se Oe Lach or ‘rape were an ae of onal tata: Alem paced power Sonera wil Ire sho te at there were and te any el ot Iayeat pants (Cesekng. Bachar Johannsen. Citar: Rah ‘aoa thea ad supers oorlaton shih eed sense ‘tone production hae on aac ces aera cr fn tcl env ta enabled hem to manipulate every gestion of ‘tee speed ed ener st ring out he tt he pans ad Uf themsever without a tae offocng If anys emt fad ‘ost sing to mach power because othe i fest nthe Itctument nthe ese offe al, one ut et drop the arm fo High's positon since it ped clr by it uae pr seco or he pl fw “The along Tefal exercises ar extremely imple: hy enable ws to etereze the regula tions, Dut thy oot inde ‘acice mechanically 1, Sith chor om whe keys, hands separate and together Prac ‘ie ie thre tnt stages of the move. Do mt Inter ith the fre af gat 2 Sih chords on lack keys: hands separate aa together. When you practice sith chods on ack keys, adja the Dy a a pt en, Lean fra he wt and Bags ol ef ae stata ent ere he othr the Black One hand om the white Keys and the othe Rd ie versa Te boy ams gy to at othe oper se i ri he Sloe moves sy er ‘Ramee lt shoulder wre ward ame iid to i est tar the ka 4. Execs bath ands t cent and ext ations ofthe ky taal Paine a ck Kesh aay sting the potion of ey ost coi cambiation of white ad lack kes aja cs bay athe nt coal potion 00 Example fe ° the poston of your upper ams, mina the comet band and wrist sale. 6, This eerie may nude any combination of white, lack, ana nine hors At het tage the anne make sre at he st Fv ample oom t'cshion te mpct and that cn bce dow ‘ap om te keys thn nero, holes ing arr lt o nr aera the tov, we shod achieve the sue eedam and cast ofa ‘wth the extended fingers tat staves toque: Th man goal et “pe the han ey to the force of grty im an unhindered oy {nd wo pce te whole playing apart tm optimal position ART the fingers eae the has, hehands should ast the cet po At st practice octaves on white bey oly ato Hack keys cy: wth the an separate and te pope Hedy ase yo Soni be aware af hefner wages aol deve teractions Then ‘tice them embod, wing the same etree gen hr se The cramples forthe se of th rel motion ate fm the stan A plano erate have indeed the pats wa fe ll cuneree Adamant ‘cer Sebi Five-Fingers, Scales, and Arpeggios In the five fl th ele ofthe Sages was minima they acted many ae arecll mechan, Now; however, we ae gongs etamine {Becharaderistis sl fneton ofthe ager carcaly Thee ae ‘tfnemost importance od they muste cordate with and help ihe the ete paving apamve andthe force af grat They are ‘Mosely important hth thera and pus roles bec They ate the “excutonan" they lone ae Itoh wth the ke [Stall lows an body motions te a ther parpse a 0 ieipandt operate wit the Sey nie most portant that we tea the gers nots lated units but the entenion thn tat nove ten would keto make hs pt vere lea: no Eiger cxerne will eer give tw tue independence of the Saget news ech fingers Helge by the proper placement and astnent the fre se upper a, Troe tndepondencecan be achieved tly by cling ferdprndente wih he forearm sl wpper nl and aot by manana Sued and or es postion Mat Fine the ogre tot fed sonal station Ine Tong ron those fed puons will exe tenon te, ran and te ‘Soni aliments Worst fal the peice» por pan sound. “gh the gers are illeent sn ste. and in the ase of te thu even in snatony, we sre or ones of ound a play {ian pacing our seis and angaion we stme ed Rand {ews potions and So accommodate each one of he Bes the ‘inevenness ofthe Baers manifests ll ns prone way ‘hecho snd thin BR ger and he uly, torpalnaed tmb l fever sud he sme. We can fre hey bhava a, [ate il hae fo hecp on forcing hem 0.6 50a ie they sl fevers ety otha ed west toad of ufo, Seed ind prion, the Sager need continuous ajsting mations by the ‘te the oes, ad the wpe rm to common the Rges aed ve Fngn, Se reais a sie Siecle koacrst mec erg plat schon ge (ital ee ade pl), Leverage it fr thane atin Uleectasral ton and writ) ‘The abviows consequence ofthis astral erence i tht when (he thumb mover veal Rrmater «iret wrt poston the sri must i place consderabiy lower Ifthe wet eae in he “she pontion suber th ther fingers the tums vera thn sould consi of an outa arch ated of «perpendicular one (Gee figures 30-8 ‘We'must enable everyone of the Bngetps descend verily ‘became the Leys themselves move easly ina real deen, ieee ay dv an ania det ote ages twa “There to etallyndapenable ating motion ofthe arm andes dat enue thet toch these the Be oy the movement i he vertea lane sn (2) memes nthe bor ii ia arsages, This widespread and eoncons oitine cues most ofthe Pestle in i ‘Uacven psa ni mpeg he ‘cnt no muscles avalable to bing down vet re faure 3, {Fou have to pest ph dwn withthe west or perfor rapid ‘She wth he fovea ne oewitaly there's the bot accent IMD sgeven nts How can ove ply an even eBoy sale when “Srenuonssitestion cam be avid altogether simply by not ever per ‘ating the thant to's nde the pa mut onto no ‘erclcm and be fee tl estate pnb oly Wt ope onside the hs nthe wrt werd ofthe fingers sve describe sae pl vida. We the he {fom th thamy Hey also nay among themselves They ier ‘pela ste andthe they hve gt ale hey arent ‘Salen stent he fourth gern parte, els wea, but not ‘eke lacks sing muscles However ss Benors ad extensors ae Strapped together withthe thd fingers mule: Bence these Tacs td ost an extend tether The fourth gor cannot etal independent ofthe thi. But psnble to mabe he Revista and sea adsting motions so pez, acre that the acim ofthe sth finger eam be dane eflotesy. Waent me those adjustments the fourth Sgr i ded hap Contry ‘o-canmon itt the hinge sone a he snge See I trac thats thes on eton tthe var ees {tha a spetl staf sons musces a the tse ofthe had These mune an develop subtataly an ve a ‘poks ertny nee seen sine set fhe arent emer ave played by the let a the melds by the at hand's Bh ager aswell ar sta the "wine cane pasos The fret mls that move the finger te seltvly sal TONE lcd evo by an he pera sls ofthe sho ‘evan set stead of the weak oearn mses, we ae intel thera interme of comin ndarance, and one quality Because SPIN cen copeation fetta equipment there no tac of cee etl the oust demanding sages, ad tere 1 ech tor sound and eater enation ith the nai Peete ie ve pnts one bye Tho activation of ont eer utonsl hele teers eater sped atthe exe FU ping capment the ysl gr sound ht rede seer mtd way." dstbutn of the motions sso ‘Slaton fir example, fe want to mase the Engrs cit inthe above ite hes sng he west lone, the hand will nave aout Bae eames ee 62 Now, f we wish cover the ae UIstne by dsebting the up maton so tha al components of HENS latipes we wil omy wos ay motion bythe Baers or sn to ye Dad ale etn by the fine a st tralerone by th wpe a Th fas mts ae ia Bra nee chtnene enc ehh pe ‘Eades cen gag stints hp a ition chi hat me ‘Hct ain win’ coined scape ie eins seo mt Sy ae ty. ‘there must be a slight simultaneous rise of the finger, hand, forearm, fn upper arm The ite of tein mon at ny sl SSLRISE mee gtd ard te ape ac Cafperenmate fleas ety aero spit wy cnn ly la fod Tot and tic ff de ph tay ‘ptm get a ea ti soos fs ts Sine tan pen re he ‘isn fea rn meteor el ee ‘nd then simpy isttd the toner sles et the a vig ATW oaty tet merece ete These SSRAUE As ees es hn ke oe ayer he SRR SANTc ty eliotn sas eo witha aan este how ee ao time for the gradual acceleration caused by gravity. All the compo- teed ents age ative and they este very ny mations. They eeive « {ave tt engin fum the per am, wth the ema of he Beata chest When dingo he key od on the way tack all caer ens ugh a minal ot dite change in every SoeePTle ns The min change sunt hat the muscles Sitar et fed and sl Otauely these changes wil be tly TEL tempos tatty sil be tare! Please dnt ra SrENGlnese changes citer oterwse te vlaonship aon the ne Seqppents wll sested the dstbuton haste a. We ‘yer that we ave pring the otons cones by seine that ‘RE Rance move ina completely seat verte! Tine the > “mst be crf avo the lowing steche Snes atthe tant une sein hae wet ether to hah to a en Treen tn, am obized fea, exeesve upper. ‘STormetion (ebich crate excenive forward maton of the band see ented approach othe Keys) and fsuictent mover tt upper a ere ee paying sac, me spend at He tne as possible con th sac ft eye en anno the ys the ne set othe burtce wll ea mere ston af a second The moment he Bae each the Bey we immediatly Mf the entre equipment (ae dager bar ad sr rang tos gal postion eccve ee ere hand Engrs mot bounce bck immectely ES2ibbline sel ora ithe key wee seng hot ‘Sas tort to typ the ene are sutanecual—et ‘hen Band eth ard ne ce al iting, ut he woe IMitonatier The ation steal We mus place them ain em whene they ean fen worn te hr hich thin tele "ince we want oil any help we can get, wal ake tage Fhe rebound fom the boom fhe ey then we ply Tod SED t's thu the finger to the botom of dhe Keys, ine the i sStietmae fla materi eoponds ith considerable The en ne come de eth aor, we Tel ea rong eo ‘pun cuton too acon sn be of considerable avant 9 [Mngt equtment ou neat shore befor howtng dawn aa [Anette anda terefore receive snsieale bel om the Rar elt tertne in extenie fresimo pastanes layed tp eeedihe tacts atom may rede to prey downward active Pe Mclapward motion tatty taken crea by this ‘See touhls te the way to play some ofthe most spetaulcy ‘Sh fotasimo oetves and hors a ein the be ater * Aer we zie the ab of wing th na act, we anos tanumcable vasa of i mats yee We bees athe oi fn components inv we con ay {heir eh nd poston sod we con ey promis {Brent ger hand eu td pera ory coms Sn thre cmponent: While we sleape ae he ete spare ‘cya shyt amount fing sew scones ‘io andupperann stony we mt vay cman of any ‘Sorte mponns forearm Reger wnt fra ‘son The penal sary ond pst sk in 2a Scr snd eos of tons et poate ad yu ml tive vent tone els and guantes acc tt ay The femipment raed Obvious» hat sound eas feng mae ‘kaweand wis to thon cat sd appear sco ey ‘hoor he Component epi, bln be teenie mck Sion tht shape monk Sow stat plese“ we ho ‘testa “Concer wt ad lc Ket, hese considers are valiian rth Ge nates andsregs aod on ecase Ue tony ofthe kor Ge pe cipmest hat baer when soupy on ak Lays. hey awed {eas the rd pion the ame Spd by ight ening tera the ton tht pontine ee te war oi Stare. ‘Tie Leo on hing th potion fhe by continously, wo belgie oso ay fae tobi conan Dot ane we fic ewah js move tient dc te ou oye “olin pte Bag with rerpecive erm muse ist EEN nti lie le a ‘hem ap ion by ert sera and pth ating moe {Sar Blase ofc gmt thw fom he ape a Sted much pe et andi namie ough ges ‘Shoe boys —_ “Tmt accra bly te sume wpanddown maton of ‘he um tac ute np fer oi fe he eon ‘von fd on each nt) tensa bls ad ‘ool te ng uy ant ae sl ee fe ect alae {ithe nthe saci padaced bythe ene depression they ie dw moton wth sent ste il be smn by Wh desea athe ster caed'y the sows non of ‘data nts ae Booped tpt e elp ofan a ‘rrtmoton f th arm, jut od Ie yng Whether sermence oth oes white lowed y Hak re flowed by JIM oe et ey eae ey tat ee he go. Ned or a sods sth ap the auongetmncles ofthe by se the tbat a them sed tea of nes toning the sal, re ele Tte force of rity aways presen 02 ‘ombatons, ttn advnble to hepa pcticng the stato motion th an tthe cannes at tance ay ht erate Tomer fe gr then he ha th he ng cer am, Nev cone tent fwos a ees, ity arp o mater al orf hen ee rt echoed patrs wil deci arn ct tan them wi screrating the aca Te etncutin ernment on the erect aeration of ticiandanceal moto ole 1 Single pots, itrl and cord al require the sae to init en me gl ae, Thin ns he Bled hasnt ym, ehich tans he energy ‘SERSEATRG cic asthe nes st aays be stated nthe Ht nt by the upper a Bath nthe dwn mos sional cp meton th compen tt simataneausy. The speed Frey tthe same nat ectigs The tie pesto he wee ethe kes teeter we he btom’ nt sould be 8 ort ‘ifthteeewe foctnn ofa sco a me gees case raatsotaven hee we tay onthe keys with dhe Brash ihe taco mon i never en o ays He we le we mk ie i ar rent orcs he eee fit teow, ore omfine hee sto Wa ee tore om Enger to Sager and ram key By, we nats tne nen ert beh sone ee any Bed sl positon, He have to epet the same {Shee ame lagen ov xed ine, prevent tion Shake ehamges of peton fare oral of the component at fet cetves we smplement «minal avo tion sw ue Ragorwork cons the mts more es. he i ‘Win tate fnge dena have oleae the hey Fa ett fen somined wth ber base tuo: Ae hrntl an vera astm af the a) an a thm ar the mst ommon nes. THe To nced w conceals on and excrete the atin of tne Unsicches and soma scent slice o prac Ae are etronsaltn fhe for skemets of he am oa, ite, and upper ar) Once fy goon wl na RES Sbel afte ative component of te ar all ha i suine Segue of 109 needed Ihe a works wel the trong males wl tp in when thy are need "6 Grey rlciating member of the playing appar should ‘oxdssort operate within ts cent range an sho sso conta ‘Stay a porn change hr positon to twang mus cetera "ne the by soles tat ely the am staccato ion are gtinated, te daphrsgm san parcipte on frown, In 2 sense nate” te mation by mean of fetid onions The di phragm cat tenet maximum specd—the same sect a Sager {wind players an ata in heir actos! 2, Most alsin tact otve) plying ae case by the lack or ssoeae of afign i sme components af the plving apart As ive repetely sate the upper ar forearm, hand aed gers mast {le ctvely involved nth tn, The exaces alpina a losing comet condition by establishing a what te each eit ‘ou ove The nnplet may to tet the orctness of the al Someone t check whather the wpm tion ofthe ‘sulin avert ath ofthe Saget If there boa ch to Iie act anya the ingredients tts ne wl deviate os line perpendicular othe hey, We st ake sre tate st Ione fhe fen line up the fgets oe Simmuscles Remember tall moto ofthe sm see only ne [urpreet hep the Gngers ecetve and wana tet Gow fer edesttchee (octaves or ty be sue tat he had at cance Toroya central positon: hs achieved yng te ands a ‘ity paling in the ngrsThe wt should nt remain na Bed 2 ue fingers 12 3,4 nd 8 acoesioey (watch tht ream aang maton) Bot play the seerces ands separately Wen ie togther, using both pre and sya! matlos, Play tho ea ik ky sinned aerate ‘ete vlame fom pans to foi, Use the same ences Evloteras fall ser and chords, Ar the speed inerewen the se of ‘he ato wl decrease 2 Alhongh sca motion can be conde a simultaneous throw fail the components involved there nevertieles ant estat tine lope beswcen the nttion a the tow bythe soul ‘evan te reception by he Bingo. Then fst tempos a igh 104 ox PANO mLAMING. shit i the sequence and appre ofthe aca mation acts Ta TIS fampos the finger, an Seam, sod pet a me wo ‘Woon simattancons Is Lt temp, tht minal ose ne wil NE th tngrs, hand and neu to go dower, whe the woes ‘Sii'ruves formar (or pls when the fis hee components nove Sante uper ar anne bck (or do) This sigh aeration Shige Tet the result ion come slat ante. Yow rin a aa hi teen i ate ms Sime Sretingerselenarensie Eth wr cuaeren ‘Thrust In the chote on fe fl (canter fos) we exlned the te Uiguaity. The active involvement ofthe maseuan syste was ited rei) hing the playing equipment (he am to he hans) and 15 tnt the proper postion where the farce of ity cul st ute downwsrd land ha tng he et acteuhen contact made ith he hey enbling the ngs te or de luce of the il to the hoy Aer this apicccond {low the shoulder mune mete he fecal the fee fall muses de wo pry Ssmoard moton ofthe ara Kl ad acca ate ond ce bythe fre of Tie techn weil rains ow, the hr te neouted parely ty mnie mules, and ner the feo iy no welt 1 slored.nvtend ef ig the a, bd a ng ad exon ffases ton the surface ofthe keys and push the keys down with etic iatantancous contrat of ome of the sagen by ad ‘elicit chess stomach back cep, nd rear Resor mi e thie ation geovaor mnie speed he net: tn te nt contact with the keys they tel the fey befe dri and Sherine cal suid mua ctacton take lace The see. sl muscles generate by the ihtinglie contation uch ‘Steet arnt te eg sy, ta red sound wold eva Wi he in of last {pe iat the plan made othe maim sonore of the orotate yh hn ss hon fel ttl “fits, de the nce tr et in condition ad shape immediatly they are ey once ft original raat ‘We do not want i the th ny thomson. We mist a Sten elecrenboelibe conta i ‘son dt ith thet ve flor wth ion during which the boy appear ie it wm se then ston the sara of the bey th am age sil hent to vetaly den at the Ke a the by st Teumobe to rest the rbd that takes place the irked Netto sen an rapid he tl tp Sn thei acceleration will not surpass the optim sped or ne n volume. Ths condion eset aerie the speed a ‘hethrust would compel the plano to pode ocd sed. & Sond ‘ste ld oe : Tn eecutng the thes ton ter i abltely wo need to ph thea upward. no nee olan dog the man anna ee Duh the head foward: Also any prolonged Saton shuld he seed all cvs The contason use den snd ash pose ip and lity il ca ‘ual the potion a the body adams sade fr playing ‘on white or black eye ee gre 3t ane 3) " The thrust Tends ela aeraely ft passes and slow chord sequences The sudden contacto fallow the al elnton the muscles abviwaly taker mane ne tat 4 raid cae thro mations: However the so Il maton would be rk” Ofcourse the degree and speed feos ‘ration i opionaln fotsnier we ice the ain sa of ontacon etherwie'we app speed aerogenes ‘Sound we want race a's power and ellen: Tis fe wide sec ad chords, where he fe no Here summary ofthe base pips inveve inthe thst 1 The fingers st be in touch with the Keys before, ding. ad somes ier Te ash: Even ae Lest forts, the ee sree ints tntantneons and bets poste, The dretion Er AerShSS sees nt slate or upward we aide by theve ‘se wil beable to pedace the foes ovr without STR chon or btgue The sped four ewes can be deel Seay practice Se lcaness ofthe contraction canbe rogue ot wil. We ced tin otal encase foes atl ies the ro ah sare at or an sonore wel. The dynamic Heve de AON brome ofthe ace This motion related by he ‘etemely sea tcl nerve endings of the ingen, whichare {econ touch withthe hes, andthe volume i tfueced by Bc ge o soinae and las of the ott atthe moment of ie Bor see sad choles e poet. fe, “Thc RDS My Groat mts mtver ached ad Messi usualy ftrterer th the acento ofthe "EBurng the thu the shades and by spor the active sot teats they rein ate whe the trast gor it he Teeishrd Geese bold the shales and od firmly place, they Sit'osnee bectwad hy resistance fom the Keyed daring the RARE ett remaln il ems hs ati appear ure fb ce fei ine ed ia Ship agout incy Bat ean gente the oust an, theme cen proce None needed! Apply he eh of thst as itis deserted here tay chord or nea ad then apy ito any portion ofthe her ‘hattatedlstorit Some sample passages hat ll for thst ae ven Ine flowing examples Ste rogers sees aesaon 7 Mh ee 1 nr mn ua ma ON PIANO PLAYING. ump, Tors Pm Caner St met eer bas tf beboreteats leavers soptatelp eal cuseren amen Stes al ‘apne Indl Summary of the Basic ‘Technical Patterns ‘The preceding shapes have listed Sve haste matin puters ad their patel 0 oe ial 6) See fngrs, calles persion) these Ste fndametal pater aller » ston tec probes nano plying when they are teSay thal ais wil be eiiateds rater means tha no busag shoul eee wr pated sat he pea rcion oat i ‘rlvng the technical problem ove. The dfulses of payne ‘xtreme rpced, cera, and con! sl exit ba we tor Kow bow {ereslve technical patiems and how opie even the mont om brad hallenging passages One tay st beable to Suplate te ey nce et of Rcter® perlormance of Liat ens Fl. iS bate tech elton esl the et depends ono [even ngination, and alent. lefts ated tern evened tinequivocaly the base formula or formulas to be apie, ity toqence of notes, phrsog tndcaton or toe forms ean ‘ect potto, a tent) ca ad manta ated wah om ‘cecal quivatnt Onc we hav Mente the po moon ‘ore arte indeations tte sere) out on concern PF ust cmphasize thatthe recognition and application of these asters by wo mens iit heared nes of exresion Themsles toa tite variety of hang coring to hw they tte adaned how they are combined and wit each performer ana Sn reese, temperment tact semis, wight tnd in se IFYscent smote ori rota svolrate 4 pasage these efct my own reer, responses tod poral ‘tin pattern wil br sharceae by th pero 16 Sontsed er nd anatomy, ands wil the galt of bis tne. Thee 9 ned a ‘hc for fdene perms, bene the Inada ‘lout nd obstscs re smoved hee ited ppt for Biter cpm, were ny. len or a “Thee aervtons apply tothe ierpetaton nd execution ofthe writen teat The tnt wil be eaieed trough the apheaton a he “Nuromte, bic ston puturas—the tects omalarexplned ‘ie posed chaptes A surary ofthe tela, mechanical ‘pects of pane Hayne willbe followed by an expanaton oft ny tetra de vil perso sore no mtr putea the way to uno the core int tec” Ah ee El as the Bist mation dst, we wil gin sur review with the Be ier stn ane ovement By eat te ton emf tu omer that eh fhe agers he a charactrintc poston in ech anctons ati best. Te soa be pod tn ‘aight line with reece forearms” We Know hat the ‘tomb geacally equie Tower ra postion han the ter fs fea tht te writ an daly teat we progres oar Ca esse me har ay te ith ht forearm muscles adjusting motion the canbe made horny ‘vals andi deh on thee ofthe hey tot bck They ‘Scot the ner wth mal changes of poston and thas el {Sat tn fred potion othe wrt arm, Treefretaequeace of ‘acs nese nt oly dates the tes cation the Leb the ger action that mae her soon et utomately pe ‘Eevallthe stamens, cordnaed sr apd wrt cons spprone "eta the paying mechani, There sight and conto change {the poston of the equipment while we move fos one Sngerto the ‘ert not sss wandering, bt pref ne Bea ‘nin ht we areactualy dating rth ow sigh diferent art-and Enger pion tat come atts the oason ree OF couse, ‘hse yotons are odied scoring to whether pa on White oF ck Leys heer athe conta rete srear of the Keyboard The bn en foward dew abd the wri potion cages ‘oid any wonecesary sn et examine thse spl nate pte ange sed es ten qe Summary ofthe Bre Tce Pater ur Scrndeater Tir vinsage atone anges the fe-gertehnal sla Weloaton a daa We Immediately equate in bth hand he St Cth Iw the poneond! rt potion the hes cl rt oem ont tat le The fen” Tne nth the thumb ands ate Soper motion nest nate the fagertohe eal fre shy higher nit forthe ides gan ao mand ne ging Ser Aounde Aight tera hh ofthe fran tet he second Anger th its mapeles. Atti pint ei the thumb to Join the er ger that se ot plying. tn oter wore te seqaeee of ‘ote inthe score nate te sto tobe aie, nt only Hythe ges at bythe wre forearm, and wppe arm a elu hw Prion the fart Rng rqures that arher outa up The Fifhet pon forthe wean sm tthe ae vod ig tao fra, serch the wpper arm, fear, and wrist pada ‘tur t orga! poi, exch the lowest paint 2 the thm emembor that each Bnger mut evenly aoe i on 8 yy the other Rare are sgh ated, ready to come down > soa the reat of the equipment (he wrt and am ae ough lato ition There principles apply to bath hands “The ater crample 62 illo the sme aceing an descend x Hep ptr st thone a cxample 6 However here Ue sans ‘te he note no our, “These sors horonahy madly the techie ntereetation ofthe sein expla lou ony concer was placing the a, nd wet inthe preaeposton reed for each Rng with the itmest wrist fir te thom ad he Hihest forthe hfe ‘ine the st ndates a oupng that ales he tec soi {othe passage, We mute thee es tga, odo roe we the Teche of ep ying. ‘Werhave sate hat real legato cana be achieved oy by Anger acy (ove though as wan tbe Bagers havea acne le forthe nates ed together as, we we ah pad ton a he fom and hand: Atthe begining we away we else Tow wrt ‘haan a stone an at the od of gp thew hand, ee tr poston i higher this afr rae with no exceptions us Now this ule seems fo contact ur et Basi ales aul only complements We il line p the eum with each fer, etl havea relatvely Tow pstion fr the huis avd ier {te fr the ith ing: however while we pay the note within the Slur the per ar pidly rales te ole apart sgh A {Welend of sr the foes: and ed igre adn te keys ‘iu on wad matin, roast of which ager 6 ening De ‘hyse Any poup of nts hat perce te atechnal oes 2 Stun should be payed wth he scending rn ton whether the torhas aco een notated or not The extent the {iscrined bythe sal acts: what ve end the group on Black shite keys what the aston fe pasage oe keen and ‘Silhone af the gers nthe group. "Three he techni oteretation of example 62 demands: 2 low wt post othe Bit note + hehe ost fon he next and the highest poston he lat mate nt too ish please! On the text ete athe bernnig ofthe nw sv sow west postion Ise or Tet Anges eradaly ier positon ese the nent wot ‘athe mest pion se othe lt oe wich ployed by the thumbs Aga the fecha interpecation i same for both wands lease emembc tht no mater which Ber plays—heter i the thu or the Bh nger-at the beni ofthe phase the wri ‘Siow toa th end afte pref igh The reson or these ‘Mtepvca stents an be oud inthe chuple 0 emt pains fbn mh fo wlesh your memory No mate how many notes there {iim the gp, there tas a upward matin at hee of the (pour, In 2 ve long legit pacase aller suiisons ray be Enum where we cn employ the award movement tte od ofthe se to upward wt wil ene in eidene. OF course, ay Thine thr goes ap ast ome dows be ste hatte writ tars Tie lw ptt when you begin the nt soup These roping: te Sometimes tec sod satis masta the two aspects donot Meine Also the grouping ate ot aoays marked In he Sore, Nevorielers: whether te ply’ Bac Baroy slowly or {Tek Toul ay the bind wes ito poups I accom ‘shed by upward am tions esta itp typo tpt eh i amples In example 63 the dod sls cepesentsubivsons of the ted lr sealer wa othe ging ad shih ws end ofea oftes ubivions a By the way. han we ea hase, the Ina fhe ast note is the perfoer cote can be shor edn fone, Ts me's Fen deemed bythe noun meth fer ea oe Keyan i indwed bythe sore” An upward wt mo elt {Gs main too Bo at make al yur face endings nome ive te tcl we nod ay th cys mas Stacy working apprator in which the corpeent fein ‘hin or lose theta ea of tae eal ta neces “Gne word of ation: whenever the wis, and, an am ae in sconce Hage. They tent cre pre, denen, ta to hangover the Leys Thee mas be scoot sto teen he eran the est othe apart he ers mat aay bese sed bee paying and they shalbe consent eve ‘niyn matin spec oes he Bg ston Dacre coin that ‘Sinise. Another word of wating whenever the ges te {cecal en ty ae wcrc he wishes tnd tome lac and Both ofthese reat a Ye dnt a Ibe tnd abi eal a ise te ma We ‘ork heey racing all moons to thew mtn: Bat one doce {ov sabaate he won anyone component rhe work a cote Su wil ind tha Tone gv or onenctve the oer compen ‘ilcompennte or ved encse mins dents hs eer trobith andor cular nto th the wrt ee, Srperam ea ration the ws San ree sper ar, tote oold our ger vais Enumplcs 61-6 a extenely simple ut hay are quite chara tesa of nc clr The vege, sl da ‘emo fut shoud be spied a any pasa where the nies te nthe same etn ops ote ose oe Nowe ‘ich direction thes move nat the ye oF cer wa Sjnamics ae or wheter hee re ge dno herd the se yl cei techni apis wc i ee tae aca, ns emiay the epee Here a few examples of rset where dhe sae tochnlqve canbe api eee 133 he thm ad Seales an areas te’ ascllyBvelager ations with dhe Ear aay poses andro ever the thi or Hee eerie and mperior avoid Seepng the hum der sou an allow ito function longi he bad by Fg! upper am shy aay fom the body When te had ne abet center of he Bea the eo mst move er jt bets the thumb 3 aboat to play and he 27 LE Bere Then the postion apenpat he ex Tr Fi cle swings back td forth consis ding eet et hand sine wp and the Ie hand ges dv, Totten yur move fn the extries of the heya Howie the wove arm mot you alle tine and he Fee nna up depending othe ote soning sate Bose ASVSig The demon tick te per ao tye wp depron he fiat pl Fentcs on he keyboards stv extremes the elbow must ett aT aresaion hare the intra between tes ae ee esa say eve ner out to fctate the Brae rae. ceak hubs The siz fe tons, ay lays, depends aa et ice slay. i dnsbes Speed cesses nd ‘Gow! atte pose oes However ch compen! ms Sm ‘grows as the tempo Bets 11000 eer. Base Tech ates Bs eats aentiping muse pater whe ete, ewig mise terns whee tation sapien merly ter: tin cd whi es pea oe Sect voles oth matin a temo and el You wl el how carly one most ol tie ft sto when tte fhe tena i Symi the sion fRekotoud chang or whesteve change fom we ey ‘Other example in which ton shuld he apie inde mole73, Cp ad Bo tit ne tol shee exe, rtay motion eva and cant ey secon te ay tlc beet wih hs ma {intZpeuly hon he eh oe fagenms we wed ei ‘Soa he ea at nome he Rar hich Shes gh ed nantcaton otre m nom fe enlPoeat waa ma he pa ayo mach ey tobe the gu oli acy sae homo yy ‘ep iontane cis ht the tle oupi ouugemay soreness o Cop Ee 3 1g te many uo mat be sid noo iar acl tees oman othe pane, nop a oe Eo ASMeTtoa we ten so von of se iesanee he ‘Side cpog he wy t's tre dtd st A slight dowoward positon mst beatae the fet nate of cach gonad slight upward ton ofthe wists peed toward ‘elu bae ofeach pup These cele mations do ot cn ‘win the msl grouping ofthe passe and wth the bus, but hey with the musteal grouping of the pasi¥@™ i effortless activities of the: ior Ine ate Ses Besides the feu’ te motion, the fingers ned the ex {oelown motions the wrist il main speed ad power eee ‘Ny paste pg ical ration Whenever ates ‘gustan reete tice ection rts the maton pater tare. ‘en the meres row wider shen ablation insult, ‘neal movement the reas tobe aided On some cussions foaton ma be combiped wath a stasro met fr cramp see act Camptell ale a “Pagan Sema “Te vere ow of staat mation most ton employed for sled sounds vials nthe sce det or wed at {tisten nt nde inthe core. Tha ie Gt eps ly omple rowing motion tha ost fromthe soulr ad {ely volves the entre am, hand and Rng isons ni ‘veal components of the laying mechanism mst ac at he {im elf amounts toning mare than ih how. Ta fst af th stacetthe upper am trance hw ang he fre and hands toward he fos, wh ans tp ths keys The fingers andthe esto equpnet eam imme) tothe poston om which the how bea Since hs at hore dst, the mono he partpating components ‘Se mini and ese rear oft amp deat ef oe ‘sae cently, «ditincton between he dtd the ede Shoal be mae ny ate the Baro pron the days when Fehrs wer asd fr wring tern spy no way tow at therefore wedge became they or staat ter on cope Inthe Romane perid, the wedge us Wet ste sm fr Sharer tact athe dot ora ela stua Howeve ths ‘incon shal nt be made fr ase writen bee te 19 ce “he hesoning of Beethoven's “Walden” Sonata opus 53 ‘example aa pssae nwhichsacet sree te dt mise ‘agimthe sore Ths pea ques ist th th no ecese ‘Sharpness abriptnes i the sun, Mayo the amiable ote [ape I Lisa’ Sonata n 8 Minor ae not marl vest ier, tthe obvionly al fr his te of mon [A enone bere, the entation Ostet nd atves can be sare nintly. Although the etre apart st seas pre ite we can increase crdcreat the oe ofthe Rages hand er, {oper arn nd ey combination ofthese component ve dese ‘fore, crisper sound, we my scot the Anges and the ad Slight reife wants Heavier and mote mauve sound mete ‘nore forearms nd apr ann acts 130 Ox rIaNo PLANING Summary the Base ec Fatens bor Nemunte In all of hese vrais the eie equipment must be active ou EGRES” easel times the motion i aglycone and tert, to rie itbation of | = teat the plant ally ee up th tendons an be wos ‘Mhgenty on hley to develop aban rd wooden sound "Fit meus ane pager in Chopin's Poloase nA Flt Mao opus So and Lines" Famcraies equ aca technique, 80 Fae lowing examples Tile Avo erating combination ofthe to ations do not ean ato ‘foe lsd dnt copy tht fr edt. Nether the piano SelSournche can eve tse acto! When the whole am Fechracelerating fen sient distance, speed me than estas petace the gustan possible sound: IPyou Incense te ‘feed othe nym nha row, wo good or sense plano can repo OSES onus: i tthe sandy fey wood, and ‘Gann The mast sound canbe produced either by the sheer ihe ea he canton Sng li et nce Behot combine the twa “San ape fo ou dacsson af the Be ase min pater, Tula few sas on tiles bjt conspicuous rs absence athe ecedingdscseion of plano techie Trl ar an ior pa PFS ray sine they ae fund is every ste of pana mse ‘en hay ane popeny enced thy reste neste eles, weet area ston tote ection they poe ‘iifeltbecase tay ses toe eacate nab hse and highly ace ean Tats respect they wae au portant device we Peiitanglners the eae fi difbel to deiow foal bow ‘pce ther te tl or he bat, ap is almost imposible teu these devices However # posable to cent the conto {Bataleon to veda ether a fod till ora sett apped a re mardients o's well cmndnated and smoothly ive i plying apart are waking pope elle and ei tentysthe won to dwn ‘Pirdace shows ta os any cobain of Ses can po Aces ne tll Some player ane mos comfortable witha 93 comb ton while tere fe even er complexcmbatons ike TSS PIS Some peter the ll nd fo the bt hand and ‘rm seed fo ft speed and some exe ery fast and od, ‘csi will hs hgh adda city eats oma combs ‘on ref dating tons a the teachers ain ah {P'ewre's fee mobilization of all he eompanents involved Enger and rea Tits bes ttt ctl at dere tempo wth slighty arias finger and fovea ios Te spec of he loud be gad SeSeaed ite the mayer aly ard agaist tension the ‘Sham: ap ingens enone speed coednatin tot, oe SERA Me eco intel, Tele need mot be eect at ‘Titi paces thove tat re lay erent at « moderate ter recto completly sain ‘Rea be comfy executed in avant waste ingens ‘an be ether carved srenended the wit can e Tow hh, td 8 1 th Bi etter 1 irc avast of generate amish fra singe te n example 9 fou gern ar vided forthe ame i x: serpent nhl To hana ins c futh vara low & ceasing ton fo be me ft cv pomp isd ged Sema rc gle hpi Ed pn et LL addled Pane Tan Technique Becomes Music Identification and Application of the Basic Technical Patterns We have reduced pian tcbnign to Boe base mition ptr: and theircombinaons, We contend thatthe men teste t Sites which to selec a the appropiate tcc stn, Nove we ‘el sabi an extend maa example im hich we wl de The technical frat apy both prac alin perfomance ‘The stot forthe fee motion patterns and for ow ad hig st rejoined by smo forthe fou tc fs fe fil A Nokenst 1 tmrato> SA {P= sot ap scorn exsn esl in slow Besides staccato and leet there are athe tach fms: the Aenuto an the pte esto making =e tht the ‘ote to be eld or lathe ae several et tes Scesion, they seal at he as closely connected they wd ithey wee marked Tegan Tegt te comme the moter with a ‘spear tom mation and by ting the darers al soli em wo fet the dames al fly Ts wil create a slight esconneston ‘Between the mes Ht Is chareterstc to tena. The lg baget Poon is helped bythe wal hreoma vera adjustment of Tre lrcenm but the suing of the gers snot slowed down by a ee eping maton ofthe sms ei leat lying. The ‘Byer ds withutimpednent andthe sound ends sit with {heen ofthe ger Indole onto si dows aot Nee ‘yea nace! “The port comets incorrect called “partments” making

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