Power2 Leading The Way in Two-Stage Turbocharging

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Power2 leading the

way in two-stage
Second-generation Power2 ® can be used for the entire power
range of large medium-speed engines.
Text Dr. Thomas Behr, Photography Michael Reinhard, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd


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n 2013 ABB Turbocharging began pre- Optimum performance fectly in order to allow unrestricted engine

I senting to customers Power2 800-M,

the second generation of its two-stage
turbocharging system Power2. Offer-
ing considerable improvements in engine
efficiency and reductions in emissions that
Power2’s high efficiency comes as a
result of its sophisticated design, which
was always planned as a dedicated two-
stage turbocharging solution. Its com-
pressor and turbine stages make a spe-
operation over the entire load range.
The high-pressure turbocharger fea-
tures two compressor stage variants,
which are specified according to the
desired overall pressure ratio. The com-
go far beyond any single-stage system, cial contribution in this regard. pressor stage known from the first gen-
even exceeding the high expectations, Two-stage turbocharging implies spe- eration yields optimum performance for
Power2 in its second generation repre- cific requirements having to be met by the applications with pressure ratios up to
sents the next step in two-stage turbo - thermodynamic components that differ ␲C = 10. For pressure ratios up to
charging for large medium-speed engines. from those of single-stage systems. Pres- ␲ C = 12, an entirely new high-pressure
A portfolio with four different frame sizes is sure ratios of compressors and turbines in compressor stage design has been
planned for second-generation Power2, low- and high-pressure turbochargers of developed. Both stages have been opti-
two more than for the first-generation two-stage systems are generally different mized, focusing on the compressor map
Power2 that has been on the market to those of components in single-stage width and efficiency at their specific
since 2010. turbochargers. Fig. 1 shows this differ- operating range. Performance maps of
Two-stage turbocharging is a key ence by comparing the compressor maps both stages are presented in Fig. 2. Both
technology that facilitates a reduction in of a single-stage design and the Power2 stages operate at an efficiency level of
both fuel consumption and emissions low-pressure stage design for the same up to 84 % at design pressure ratio.
while helping to increase engine power impeller wheel diameter. With respect to Axial turbines will be used for both the
density. With pressures of up to 12 bar flow areas, differences in fluid density low- and the high-pressure stage. The
and turbocharging efficiencies over 75 %, resulting from specific temperatures and turbine stage designs take into account
second-generation Power2 leverages the pressures in the high- and low-pressure the diverging needs of the high- and
full potential of extreme Miller cycles to stages need to be considered. In addi- low-pressure sides. These result from
minimize NOx reduction and fuel con- tion, performance maps of compressors different temperature levels and flow area
sumption. and turbines need to be matched per- requirements.

Two-stage turbocharging
Single-stage turbocharger High-pressure design ␲C,Sys ≤ 10
is a key technology Power2 800-M low-pressure High-pressure design ␲C,Sys ≤ 12
that facilitates a reduction turbocharger

in both fuel consumption ⌸ Ⲑ ⌸ ref [-] ⌸ Ⲑ ⌸ ref [-]

and emissions while 1.2 1.2

helping to increase
engine power density.
Compressor pressure ratio (normalized)

Compressor pressure ratio (normalized)

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 V/ Vref [-] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 V/ Vref [-]
Volume flow (normalized) Volume flow (normalized)

Fig. 1: Compressor performance maps of a single- Fig. 2: Compressor performance maps of the
stage turbocharger (A100-M) and Power2 800-M Power2 800-M high-pressure turbocharger.
low-pressure turbocharger at equal impeller wheel

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Service friendliness for optimal economic performance.

For the second genera- The axial turbine design for the high- quently, this lower requirement has been
pressure turbocharger combines the exploited in the design of the new low-
tion turbochargers the advantages of high specific volume flow pressure turbine stage to gain higher
proven cartridge concept (Fig. 3), excellent efficiency even at part stage efficiency.
has been enhanced in load and good acceleration behavior due In addition to the compressor and
to low mass moment of inertia. turbine design, the design framework
order to further reduce The requirements for the low-pres- around these components needs to be
service time. sure turbine stage also differ significantly considered to achieve optimum system
from those for single-stage turbines. The performance. Therefore, the design of the
required range of specific volume flows flow channels and subsystems has been
in the case of the low-pressure turbine optimized specifically during development
is shifted toward a lower level than of the new turbochargers.
for single-stage turbines (Fig. 4). Conse-

Single-stage turbocharger Single-stage turbocharger

Power2 800-M high-pressure Power2 800-M low-pressure
turbocharger turbocharger

[%] [%]
Turbine efficiency

Turbine efficiency

84 86
82 84
80 82
78 80
76 78
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 [-] 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 [-]
Specific effective flow area (normalized) Specific effective flow area (normalized)

Fig. 3: Turbine efficiency vs. specific effective Fig. 4: Turbine efficiency vs. specific effective
flow area of a single-stage turbocharger and flow area of a single-stage turbocharger and
Power2 800-M high-pressure turbocharger. Power2 800-M low-pressure turbocharger.

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Fig. 5: Power2 800-M high-pressure turbocharger with extractable cartridge.

Focus on minimal service downtime turbocharger anymore, since only the

Engine availability is a key factor for flange connection of the air inlet needs to
achieving optimal economic perform- be accessed during service (Fig. 5).
ance. Consequently, the time required
for service work needs to be reduced Conclusion
to a minimum. In the case of two-stage Demand for highly efficient engines
turbocharging, this aspect becomes with high power density and low operat-
even more important as there are ing costs that comply with today’s emis-
double the number of turbochargers to sion requirements is driving the develop-
be serviced. During development of the ment of new turbocharging solutions. Dr. Thomas Behr received his degree
new turbocharger generation, service Second-generation Power2 represents in mechanical engineering from
the Dresden University of Technology
friendliness has been considered from an optimized technology enabling engine
in Germany in 2002. In 2007 he
the very beginning. The designated goal designs that fulfill all these requirements completed his PhD thesis on turbo-
was to reduce service time of the com- at once. The entire system has been machinery aerodynamics at the
plete two-stage system to below the designed and optimized for the specific Turbomachinery Laboratory of the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
reference value of current single-stage needs of two-stage turbocharging. With
in Zurich (ETH). He subsequently
turbochargers. pressure ratios of up to 12 and turbo- joined ABB Turbo Systems Ltd in
For the second generation turbo- charging efficiencies beyond 75 %, Power2 Baden, Switzerland, as a turbo-
chargers the proven cartridge concept enables full exploitation of the advan- charger development engineer and
is currently Project Manager for the
has been enhanced in order to further tages of two-stage turbocharging. Ease
development of the second-generation
reduce service time. The idea behind the of service has been especially consid- Power2.
extractable cartridge is a turbocharger ered in the design. With the new
which has an outer shell, consisting of extractable cartridge, service downtime
compressor casing and gas casings, and has been minimized, which increases
a cartridge group which contains the engine availability. The Power2 800-M
entire interior of the turbocharger. In series provides a two-stage turbocharg-
order to exchange the cartridge during ing solution for the entire range of large
service, only the air inlet casing together medium-speed engines.
with the insert wall of the compressor
needs to be removed. All other interfaces
to the engine, such as oil connections,
air outlet flange connection, gas inlet and
gas outlet flange connections, remain
untouched. Furthermore, there is no
need to remove the insulation of the

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