Forming Comparative Adjectives

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Forming Comparative

One-syllable Adjectives
1. Form the comparative forms of a one-
syllable adjective by adding –er.
 long (lung)– longer(mai lung)
 tall(inalt) – taller (mai inalt)
2. If the one-syllable adjective ends with
an e, just add –r for the comparative form.
 cute(dragut) – cuter(mai dragut)
 large(mare, larg, vast)– larger(mai mare,
mai larg, mai vast)
3. Add –er to adjectives that end in
consonant-vowel-consonant and double the
last consonant.
 big(mare) – bigger(mai mare)
 hot (fierbinte)– hotter(mai fierbinte)
 NOTE: When comparative adjectives are
used, the word “THAN” appears after
the adjective.
 Than= decat
Tom’s car is FASTER THAN Bobby’s car.=
Masina lui Tom este mai rapida decat
masina lui Bobby.
He is TALLER THAN me.= El este mai
inalt decat mine.
My hair is LONGER THAN yours.= Parul
meu este mai lung decat al tau.

Two-syllable Adjectives
1. With most two-syllable adjectives, you
form the comparative with more.
 honest – more honest
 famous – more famous
2. If the two-syllable adjectives ends with –y,
change the y to i and add –er for the
comparative form.
 happy – happier
 crazy – crazier
3. Two-syllable adjectives ending in –er, –le,
or –ow take –er to form the comparative
 narrow – narrower
 gentle – gentler

Adjectives with Three or More

Add more to adjectives that has 3 or more
 expensive – more expensive
 difficult – more difficult
A plane is more expensive than a
car= Un avion este mai scump decat
o masina.
Maths is more difficult than
English.= Matematica este mai
dificila decat engleza.

Irregular Adjectives
 good(bun) – better(mai bun)
 bad(rau)– worse(mai rau)
 far(indepartat) – farther(mai
indepartat)/further(suplimentar, additional)
 little(putin) – less(mai putin)
 man(mult)y – more(mai mult)

I need further information= Am nevoie de informatii
suplimentare/ aditioonale.
He needs more money= El are nevoie de mai multi bani.

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