Anaphy Lab1 Lopez RM BSN1105

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Poee] MOTE, D. tepen BSN 105 Latoratory Exerase No. |” Anotomicdl Termingtngy + Relative Position ': Guperioe and nperior. Gite an example - Repninon: Suptrioe: Toward me read ed or wpper port ge 0 sH00Cte te Me, MODY 5 ont perior Ccouda!) + way prom te, Had end | & ward te wer jpeg a ace Vv ane mody ) DOW | Brompe! eeperior 1 me pre ned is sperion 40 se, Mey SUPERIOR, INFERIOR 2.Me chin is superior to Pe Examples Ingerior |. The navel ig ingerior He breast ote 2, Te “vel iS faperon I coud 2. Anverigg !Nentral and PuSieNOr / Dorsal fo ne din, ANTERIOR repiniton: Agerior Nental VENTRAL “Toword oF at te Front OF TERIOR! DIRCAL fH WON in prom of Nome: 1 Te reattbore is anterior 10 me cfint 1. the qavd & aniecton 10 the opine. Degnitian: Posterior | Docaal = Toward or of the WACKSidg OF nq ody’, behing. Examples ‘The, near i Posterior to te, bre anton. 2. me oping, i posterior to Me breOchoonle. 5 Medial and Lateral ai MEDAL UATERAL 4 Proximal ard Stal . Give an eampie: , | | 1 PROXIMAL, DISTAL, aye on tramge DEFINITION: Wadia Toward or af she, midline, oF ne Ody 5 0n the, ianer side op Erompe - reat is medal to the: 2 me ridge, of He re medial 4 the eye DEFINITION MATERAL- way pram He idtlne a He lady, og ine oner cider Bran gle. «me armé an lateral to Ne chest. 2.Te nipple, ie sateral fo the beeact one Cepininon Proxivnal, 5 1. cbse fo tne cxigin ep the wy Part or Ane point OF ayachment qa Kime to the wody trunk, Fromple:, 1} the Atbow & eroximnal 4b the weit 2) Deficiton, Dial: sorte pron the aim oF atath ment #0 ane wath} anor anottiee Stree kame: 1. west ig ictal to He elooyl 1. Me phalanges are aictal ‘the corralc, S what is the digperece between roqgitudingl , crost , trancverc® ang Forzontal cute. ‘oraitdiral ox 1S wher a ariel evetion 1S at along tng Tonge Oils OF ay onintal © promt. WancveRy eat ie Oe eras He tong ais or piptidalar 40 Me 10K te oF hey body. isSeaed a era secon or hovizontal at. © Drow a sagittal/wedial out 1. Draw 9° Cordial | Frontal cut. 4. beam a Woncverte, Hfocaunta ot TRUNK _ | * fn é sora [ey | | =e _— Ante edioital | “at — — cence ‘i ee patelor fe na Steeraron, surg cal cansal plantar % Lapel me oor quodeanie ce Me dodoming cavity. ie) = i ee - tee Upon qed ie Pigtt Lower | aay Sradro SHOnt ! © Locel the ne MGS oF she, AOdindl cvity Veagasrie, | *ef potrondiat MN i e910, “Seton ie ‘ Regon alae WOR Vie VE ks he ‘ 1 ombited! ae iQ torsar i region ( \ om af = git | TN a ag RON lige, tec) | Gages Cigaira! | fegion Neer FegON PART A, The gatiem eeperied $0°P ecOr puerto eepnalic: pain extending ito te aanteal reg and interaly tio tte branchial gin 7 We patient aC erarp odin in the tower back “OF Me Nea! Qt mitenk — dou Me rk — ond. Ifo bol upper are. 2. Tafeht nas sueting ot tte Wet Plecanon win acute ean ettending, distally Yee doreum. = re palin ngs sweliry aetind tne ebort wih sharp pain tending away ron the pint 40 the vackside of He hand. 3. FOMECH a6 pet anc ie 1 rertog deep par in He oehic segion with) eumioness Herding laléraliy 40 penscal , Sa] and ero) regiens. gost val * POIn extengy proximally 40 vne —TPslateral”—poptiteal region. OAM FPO shavy tearing seicahy) 19 the bk, OF sme MEE egON —wihiler playing peotanll. the erin ered foward ane wake oe ne Hoet w a A toceraton 12 cated forax 1 Meh lateral = h deep ot 1S tocaled on th Teh to ie Ade OF esidally on Me right to Me midcagital plane. 1 ckin oF He chest regio/l } the center oF the body, POHEM le epeaencity toca pein ai We night medial yarca) region with nuiibnees §— and yin radlanag 1 Me vasitayeral — hallur rtgion, me pert ae eperienin woot Cankig) region fo he ‘og, foe. Patient ray camtuciog tpslitarerol axillary — eegion. on the, Net ont eveita) region Kat pon St the Might middle, win “‘Aumbone, ond pain radiahng aia porno oF we eens prori mally fo Ye = Marien nee a wrvise on ane center porhin OF Me leet forarm aot exter op 9 MO ket armpit okie ce eARerlening enfOnis pay in the aedial sapenor ADMIN rayon with FFD pan Me ALO “4 Joteral op Me umeiticns "On upon movement. = He gate ic erpenending —enmotic gan MMe Tower middie, andome) with sharp” gain ann right ower quoaront 4-5 ialts “to tne Sd oF Me daly louttor) ‘upon rover. POH —ompiding oF cidden severe gain shat Staris in HO — medial lumi or region §— and extengs wioteally Me giteat and pasterior — Fempral Fegiont . ~ Me pane campicing oF SWden severe ‘pain that stars i the MEA back regi or 1 He Cant OF He Lower Qtd extende to the bom des oF sno wuHocks and wching the Highe © A roeratgn — 1 OCAted Super gicially on he right worax 1 meh lateral fee midcagital plane. ~ A deep ot iS tocaled on the ckin oe the chest region } meh to $e Sd OF the center OF the woody, % patent le erpedencity tora) pein ai We eight medial yatta) region With nuioaes — and yin radlahng 4 He vesiialeral nator agian, ~ me pOMLenk ie etpereneing qin Mt the Night middle Foot Cantey region wih umm ond pain radiahng fo the ig foe. #. Patiens ra, camtucion on Me mediol —gorhon of me Wet —anticveigq) region Mat attends proti mally fo He weltfareral axillary — eeqion. = AtieM Nae ag OrVice on tne cemer porhin OF Me leet forearm fot ext@d$ up to MO et armpit. J, votient % eiferiencing en“Onic pay in the aedral ‘tenor alddmiNdl rego with = hdr pany tne ALO 4S Jateral op thé umbiticnc On upon moyement. me ga ig erpenerdog —eneic pan she lower middle, adorn) with sharp gain inne right lower vodrant 4-5 mits “to the SdG oF te wally WUtto/) ‘upon totem 1. Fate Compiaine OF cédden setae pain thot Shods 4 ANG —eeedjat egion — and extengs wioteaily he giuteat — and posterior — pempeal Fegyont. ~ ME paket camprcing oF Sdenl eevee ‘Pain tna SHOE tne Medy| oe He center oF He Lower DOK rg — at extends fo the both cides oF she wuHecKe “and ebind the Hugh Ke fattent woe nit ig ne Poce proce and tos a pain tye mo wren to also has ringing seund = me patie was hit fo wotketeal during pradice.. region 9nd wight orbital rigrt bdcedl ang menial fipe Mending = vingug sourd Tr Ye patient he opt pote part Yanaed Srouder blade, OF the spine, ~The atlent landed oq the lee fornia region iro He Cervical region ‘and ver feo ra) HOG pain, nd shore sbpente port oF the ". Ponent dic Wocaled — Me night jneugh me oredr) tine The Patient doocated te nnght polar regina, ‘and hay wiieoogn he 19, Fowent is experienc ucnin of wie unest that rodlateg nay rodiotes 20, Patent hoy ladted 4 \arge,_ lame inne ty He aura) cwemng — in te aight armpit. eagle pew mong o with aller port tne, feqion Qn he ert shoulder ha Shoots ante eranchial region to th DF Me Aipely aloig with ASGmport mthe pohart ws tooled gig vat el Swelling the night atlilary ¢eg io]. with bac tet ball m his owe and avri righ MS nignt ebetx ord chin. patient “ te eae. ‘he tephalic vegion_wilth a and nas pom 1 nis nocd) trot etende to _ nig ors. he patient 1 asd rein Me right Of regun and hat pain vader ito tHe eck and ang He region. thumb and tat pain eadiatag elo amaut medal aigit OF te fain -etendiag / radiata, oi tal fag! pain under $Me rikag andl center info Me _ upper back bon oF the cholder kigdey up» ere di Ing. F ty vader The patient esptrienang Furning pain in the stecavn rwty te gusterior vo the rignh eK peal aod lunjp 9 he night mammary OF #e nigel oleg PRAT CO m2, Pain, w. Mito He branch at 24, Patient a5 CaHenh nas bilateral prsteror and ontenor pain » tne regions 29. patent Fadi ates 1 He Oterion right crmulder region entendiag —aazially. Potent Wl pain 9 fhe conical rego etterding sngeriorty Godeminal MgO ond ineeso iaieraly ato He and oMerordnthial regions hal lept ater min ertendtig, ty Me popliteal regioy signa CPO] eg eiterding proximally mh He axlOry ha pan orignany Phy inguinal "eon nat superiorly 9 ne” FOOD Aagga,

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