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Test Paper Units 1-2
Partea I
I. Choose the correct tense: present simple or present continuous.
1. We’re in the classroom . We have/ are having a test.
2. Bon Jovi always is having/ has a lot of coffee in the morning.
3. Carla doesn’t travel/ isn’t travelling to school by bus today.
4. Spike’s parents are visiting/ visit her every month.
5. Are you learning/ Do you learn English at school?
6. They aren’t liking/ don’t like tests.
7. The children are drinking/ drink milk now.
8. They drink/ are drinking milk every morning.
9. I always am driving/ drive my friends to the station.
10. Listen! Somebody is knocking/ knocks at the door.
II. Underline the mistakes and correct the sentences.
1. Look! The train gets in at this very moment.
2. We are usually going to a football match at the weekend.
3. Mrs. Adams is doing her shopping on Mondays.
4. Oh, no! It rains again.
5. It is raining almost every day in October.
III. Complete the sentences about what they like or don’t like doing. Use the verbs in the
eat go be watch speak

1. The students hate ___________________ late for school in the morning.

2. Bob likes _____________________ pizza and cakes.
3. We enjoy _____________________ to the theatre on Sundays.
4. My sister doesn’t like _______________________ English.
5. My parents don’t like _______________________ films on the computer.
IV. Choose the correct answer.
1. Speak quiet / quietly – the baby is sleeping.
2. Does your father like driving fast / fastly?
3. Wow, your brother speaks English really good / well!
4. This book isn’t very good / well. I don’t really like it.
5. This problem is just so easy / easily. I will solve it fast.
V. Complete the questions using the prompts and will. Then give short answers.
1. _________________________ (it / snow) tomorrow? No, _____________________
2. _________________________ (you / learn) Spanish next year? Yes, _________________
3. _________________________ (your parents / visit) France next summer? Yes, _________
4. _________________________ (the teacher / give) us a test tomorrow? No, ____________
5. _________________________ (your brother / play) tennis tomorrow? Yes, ____________
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
1. Scientists believe there is water on Mars, _______________________________?
2. Paul and Mike are coming to the party tonight, ___________________________?
3. Dad will drive you to the station tomorrow, ______________________________?
4. You can’t eat all that chocolate by yourself, ______________________________?
5. You haven’t got enough money to go to the concert, _______________________?
Partea a II-a
Write a short composition describing your favourite season (about 60 – 80 words).
Which is this season? What is the weather like during this season? What activities you
do during this season? (15 points)

In addition: 20 points

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