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SFX: *instrumental eme buong play* dapat mauuna tunog bago magsalita narrator

In search of fame and fortune, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan set out from
Spain in 1519 with five ships to discover a western sea route to the Spice Islands. En route he
discovered what is now known as the Strait of Magellan and became the first European to cross
the Pacific Ocean. The voyage was long and dangerous, and only one ship returned home three
years later. Although it was laden with valuable spices from the East, only 18 of the fleet’s
original crew of 270 returned with the ship. Magellan himself was killed in battle on the voyage,
but his ambitious expedition proved that the globe could be circled by sea and that the world was
much larger than had previously been imagined.


SFX: *tentenenentenen*

Scene 1
(Slide 2)
Narrator: In the 15th century, spices were at the epicenter of the world economy, highly valued
for flavoring and preserving food as well as masking the taste of meat gone bad, spices like
cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and especially black pepper were extremely valuable.

(Slide 3)
Narrator: On March 22, 1518, Ferdinand Magellan asked the King of Spain, King Charles I, for
funds to reach the Spice Islands by sailing west.

Magellan: Your majesty! (Drops to his knees) I was just coming to see you.

King Charles: (Motions for Ferdinand to get up) Yes, Ferdinand Magellan, I wanted to speak to
you about your offer. I have decided to give you five ships and a crew of two-hundred and
seventy men, does that please you? You will set sail on the Trinidad, the San Antonio, the
Conception, the Victoria, and the Santiago.

Magellan: (Overjoyed, Ferdinand takes the King's hand and kisses it) My Lord, thank you! You
will not be disappointed, I will come back with the best and most expensive spices there are!
Thank you!

King Charles: I trust I will not be disappointed at all, Ferdinand, not at all. I will give you as
many funds as you need to set sail as soon as possible.
Magellan: Thank you again My Lord, you will not be disappointed. (He bows and the King,
giving him the signal to stand, walks away, seemingly very happy about something)

Scene 2
(Slide 4)
Narrator: On October 21, 1520 Magellan started his voyage.

Magellan: I will be leading the ship Trinidad and the other four ships will accompany me. Let’s
start our journey in finding the Spice Island!

(Slide 5)
Narrator: It took 38 days to navigate the treacherous strait, and -SFX: *tubig effect*- when the
ocean was sighted at the other end Magellan wept with joy. He was the first European explorer to
reach the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic. His fleet accomplished the westward crossing of the
ocean in 99 days, crossing waters so strangely calm that the ocean was named “Pacific,” from the
Latin word pacificus, meaning “tranquil.” By the end, the men were out of food and chewed the
leather parts of their gear to keep themselves alive.

Scene 3
(Slide 6)
Narrator: After the struggles they went through in Pacific Ocean, Magellan continued their
voyage but unfortunately they got lost in the middle of their search in spice island. Instead they
arrived in the Island of Samar which he later called “The Archipelago of San Lazaro,"

(Slide 7)
Magellan: What a ravishing view of this Island, from now on I will call it “The Archipelago of
San Lazaro.”

Scene 4
(Slide 8)
Narrator: On March 16, 1521 Magellan docked in Homonhon Island and managed to get food
and water. The island was still uninhabited that time, thus the common misconception that
Magellan "discovered" the Philippines, instead of just finding it. People in homonhon gladly
accepted them and gave them a place for them to rest.

He was seen by the boats of Rajah Culambo of Limasawa, an ally of the Rajah of Cebu, and so
he was directed to Cebu. -SFX:*tubig effect fades*-

(Slide 9)
Magellan: In exchange for your good deeds to us, here are some comb, mirrors and bells that
you might need.

Narrator: They left the Homonhon after a short rest and they continued the journey, then they
reached the island of Limasawa.

(Slide 10)
Antonio Pigafetta: We found two fountains of very clear water; we called it the `Waters of
Good Signs,’ having found the first sign of gold in the said island. There also can be found much
white coral and tall trees that bear fruits smaller than an almond and look like pines. There were
also many palm trees, some of the good kind, some of the bad. Thereabouts are many
neighboring islands. Hence, we called them the St. Lazarus Archipelago because we stayed there
on the day and feast of St. Lazarus.

Scene 5
(Slide 11)
Narrator: On March 17, 1521 is the first meeting of Filipinos and Spaniards. Due to always
having different visitors from different parts of the world, the Filipinos are very pleased with the

(Slide 12)
Rajah Culambo: Kami ay nalulugod na makilala kayo at kami ay nagagalak na pag silbihan

Magellan: I’m very pleased to meet you.

(Slide 13)
Narrator: Although the two don’t understand each other. They could feel the sincerity in each
gesture. Rajah Culambo with his brother Siago decided to have a blood compact with the
Spaniards for friendship and alliance on both sides.

Magellan: Blood compact as a sign of friendship and alliance in our countries.

Scene 6
(Slide 14)
Narrator: On March 31, 1521, which was Easter Sunday, Magellan ordered a Mass by the
shore. The natives heard of it and joined them in the mass. This was the "First Mass" in the
SFX: *bell*
Padre Valderrama: Now we stand the cross that symbolizes the start of Christian Era here on
this Island.

Magellan: We will call this island an Archipelago of San Lazaro as respect to fiesta of San
Lazaro, and also the day that we arrived on the island.

(Slide 15)
Scene 7
Narrator: After seven days, Magellan decided to move and they heard the land of Ceylon and
Zzubu which was the richest among other islands and intended to go there. The King of Cebu
demanded Magellan and his troops to pay tribute for them.

King: You should bow before me and my men for I am the King of this island.

Magellan: I am the Captain of a King and I would not pay tribute to other kings. Let's just be

(Slide 16)
Narrator: By the next day, Magellan's men and the King of Cebu met in an open space. There
the King offered a bit of his blood and demanded that Magellan do the same, it is called "The
Blood Compact".

(Slide 17)
Narrator: On the 26th of April, Zula, a principal man from the island of Mactan went to see

Zula: Please give me a boat full of men for I will fight the Chief Lapu-Lapu.

Magellan: Have these three boats and I will fight that Chief with you.

Scene 8

(Slide 18)
Narrator: As the boats nearing the shore at the place of Lakan Lapu-lapu, (Slide 19) as
the moment they arrive, Magellan with their companions, Magellan immediately started a war.

SFX: *Wushu wushu basta sword effect*

(Slide 20)
Narrator: Lapu-Lapu speaks, addressing his weary tribesman and Bathala.

Lapu Lapu: Bathala, by your design we slew these wicked men, From distant lands they came,
they took, they changed our way of living; Unmindful Masters, they trampled our sacred shores,
For in their mind, we are meek, humble and weak. This land which we have is always ours.
When time began we tilled this land. What right have they to claim a deed when no amount was
paid? The might of the Sword is not the key nor the Cross, the symbol for them to stay. It is not
the price for them to make for in our hearts, this land is ours to keep.

(Slide 21)
Narrator: And while the dead body of Ferdinand Magellan lay prostrate on the sands of Mactan,
Lakan Lapu-Lapu, in response to Rajah Humabon’s request for the body of Magellan, issued his
stern warning, a cry that reverberated around the globe.

(Slide 22)
SFX:*We are the champion song*
Lapu-Lapu: For all the riches in the world, I will not relinquish Magellan’s body. We will make
him live amongst us, to remind the people of Mactan that we surrender to no man, and that any
adventurer who comes to dominate our people shall himself be dominated!”

(Slide 23)
Narrator: Thus ends the voyage that proved beyond a doubt that the earth is round, and proved,
beyond a doubt, that when you set your mind on something, it is impossible to fail, even if death
prevails before victory.

The End.

SFX:*We are the champion song fade out*

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