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Software application to help during time of crisis

“Found it”

Section 1: Project Integration Management

1a. Overview

Project integration management ensures that processes contributing to the success of a project

are coordinated to be activated at the right time. Some of these processes are: (1) developing the

project charter, (2) developing the project management plan, (3) directing and managing the

project work, (4) monitoring and controlling the project work while also performing integrated

change control, and (5) closing the project (Schwalbe, 2016).

There are several ways for a project to be officially recognized and considered active by the

organization launching and conducting it. During the initiation process, subject matter experts

(SMEs) are consulted with the purpose to create a useful and realistic project charter; this

document is generated as a result of brainstorming and meeting management and it is signed by

key project stakeholders. It is the document that provides direction regarding the objectives and

the management of the project (Schwalbe, 2016).

1b. Project Title and Background

The board of directors of the local community center were concerned about the continuously

high number of trespassing and theft incidents happening on their property. After requesting

assistance from the local police department, the police chief advised the center that improving

the very dated lighting on the property and adding sensor lighting in areas prone to trespassing

(e.g., parking lots) would be beneficial.

The board considered the project’s cost. When weighed against the monthly electrical bill, cost

of replacing faulty parts that were breaking down very often, and the personnel hours spent on

making those replacements and repairs, upgrading the property’s lighting to new smart LED

fixtures and timers was a good investment. I am on the board of directors and I have expertise in

project management. Therefore, I volunteered to manage the project. The executive director of

the board assured me that he would facilitate access to other subject matter experts on the board

and within the community who could help with the project.

1c. Project Charter

Project Title: “Found It” Software Application 

Project Start Date: May 21, 2020

Projected Finish Date: July 19, 2020

Budget Information: $100,000

Project Manager: Mohammed AL Youssef

Project Objectives: Upgrade common area lighting to LED with the purpose to combat crime

through better lighting, automated lighting, and lower electrical bill.

Main Project Success Criteria: The project will be deemed successful if the following are

recorded six months after the project is completed:

1. Fewer reported incidents (trespassing, break-ins, theft)

2. Reduced time spent by personnel on attending to lighting (switching on/off, replacing

defective parts)

3. Electrical expenses related to lighting are reduced by at least 25%, compound from costs

related to:

 replacement of defective parts

 monthly electrical bill

 personnel hours spent attending to lighting needs

Approach: The board of directors has hired a lighting contractor company to evaluate the

illumination needs of the community, choose an LED lighting manufacturer, and replace, add,

and remove lighting fixtures, timers, and sensors. Agile method will be the best suitable

approach in this project. We will divide this project into mile stones in order to complete every

part on time. Finishing expected date for the project is July 19, 2020 so the very first lighting
contractor company will hired no later than May 31, 2020 they evaluate the needs of illumination

and we will estimate the budget whether is it under the range of our expected budget or not. This

evaluation would be done before June 5, 2020. After that we will work on the design process that

would completed around June 15, 2020. In the next step developing is major milestone which

will take a lot of time and struggle too expected date for the development of this project in order

to make it successful should be 1st July 2020. It will be tested many times in different situations

to make sure the fast response and perfection moreover to improve if any issues countered before

July 5, 2020.

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Name  Organization/Position Contact Information

Project Manager  Mohammed Alyoussef TBD

CC Executive Director  Rick Kidder  TBD

Software Designer Ariel Negron TBD

Software Designer  Miguel A Olavarria TBD

Security Analyst  Stephen Patrick TBD 

Comments: We are now working to get all task divided 


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