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Project quality management is basically the process through which the quality is maintained and
managed throughout a project. It ensures the consistency of quality in a project that may vary
from project to project depending upon the needs of the customers.

This process determines the objectives, responsibilities and quality standards that govern as the
project deliverables and how the project will achieve compliance to those set standards [ CITATION
Ros18 \l 1033 ]. In a project the project manager has to have these three key quality management
concepts that will help him to make his project a high quality project i.e.

 Customer satisfaction
 Prevention over inspection
 Continuous improvement


Customer satisfaction is regarded as a key factor in any project’s quality. The most important
factor which a project manager has to keep in mind is that project quality management is
concerned with both the product of the project and management of the project [ CITATION Sch \l
1033 ]

If the product does not satisfy the customer or the way the project run didn’t met their
expectations then the quality of the project will not be appreciated by the customer. So it is
important that the requirements by the customers are fulfilled as it will directly affect the quality.


It is one of the fundamental factors in quality management that ensures that quality is planned,
designed and built-in and not inspected in. Inspecting in a project would reduce the probability of
defects but through prevention i.e. planning designing, building in quality can reduce the rate of
defects for a lot less cost as compared to inspection process.

The Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, is the basis of the concept of continuous improvement in any
project, this cycle that is derived from a business process model is developed by Walter A.
Shewhart and popularized by W. Edward Deming. This iterative four-step management method
is used for the controlling the project and the continuous improvement of processes and products
involved in a project.

The steps in each successive PDCA cycle are:

 Plan
A plan means basically to understand the existing situation of the project and then to establish
the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the target or goals.
 Do
Implement the plan. That is, execute the planned process.
 Check
This step analyzes the actual results of the previous phase and compares them with the expected
target/goals that are set to discover any differences. Look for deviation from the plan in
implementation and also look for the appropriateness and completeness of the plan to enable the
execution. Convert the collected data into a form that can be used in the next step.
 Act
Where there are significant differences between actual and planned results request corrective
actions. Analyze the differences to determine their root causes. Determine where to apply any
change that will improve quality of the process or product.

ISO 9000 is basically a standard for quality management and quality assurance. It is considered
to be the most famous many organizations are adopting it[CITATION Sch \l 1033 ].


This Malcolm Baldridge National Quality award was established in 1987. This award was named
after the former secretary Malcolm Baldridge. He was basically a believer that quality and
performance are the main components for the nation’s economic growth and long-term
prosperity. This awards main focused on quality and excellence recognition. This award can be
given to any organization but it is won by technology-based firm for example: XEROX & IBM.

Total quality Management

TQM is a technique of management which depends upon that every staff member should
establish high standards in company work place and also in its operation.

5b. Develop a list of at least five standards or requirements. Provide a brief description of
each requirement?

List of five Quality requirements are as follows,


Suffering and reliable execution in certifiable condition. For example: A drum designed to
maintain its sound.

The definition of consistency implies thickness or something remains the equivalent, is done
similarly or appears to be identical. For examples: When paint is applied on two different walls,
they appear the same.


Maintainability is the proportion of the capacity of a thing to be held in or reestablished to a

predefined condition when upkeep is performed by work force having indicated aptitude levels
utilizing endorsed methodology and assets at each recommended degree of support and fix.


ISO defines usability as "The degree to which an item can be utilized by indicated clients to
accomplish determined objectives with viability, effectiveness, and fulfillment in a predefined
setting of utilization"


Something with accessibility is anything but difficult to get or to get to. In the event that you
work at a frozen yogurt shop, the accessibility of dessert may make it difficult to adhere to an
eating regimen. The thing accessibility demonstrates that something is effectively reachable and
prepared for use.

5c.Based on the list created in 5b; determine how you will measure progress on meeting the

To measure the progress of the requirements which are explained above are as follows:

The progress in reliability in any software can easily be measured if it performs it intended
purpose without any disturbance and failure.

The progress in maintainability is measured in such a way that the software which is created can
be repaired in a given time and environment. Increasing maintainability means that it has shorter
repairing time.
The progress in availability can be defined as that the given software is operational at a given
time. If our system takes 10 hours of updating every week then it is not reliable because it’s
availability hours are 158 out of 168, which is not reliable

The consistency progress in the software is that is performs the functions the software was made
to do and is consistent throughout the period. The progress in usability can be measured in such a
way that the software is used by the specified users to fulfill its goal with efficiency.
Works Cited
Roseke, B. (2018) Project Quality Management According to the PMBOK:

Scheinder, C., Fuller A, M., Valacich S, J., & George F, J. (2019, january). Information systems project
management; Quality management (2.nd ed). Burlington, VT: Prospect Press

Schwalbe, K. (2016). Information technology project management. (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage

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