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(some – any – a few – a little – a lot of)

1. Read the conversation and circle the correcto words.

- How many (con nombres contables) = ¿Cuántos/as…? /How much (con nombres
incontables) = ¿Cúanto/a…?
- Many = Muchos/as - Much = Mucho/a

Lucy: How about making a / an apple pie?

Alan: Great idea! Do we have some / any apples?
Lucy: Yes, there are a few / a litte in the kitchen.
How much / many do we need?
Alan: A lot / a little, about a kilo.
Lucy: There aren´t many / much. We can buy some / any in the shop.
Alan: And we need a little / a few sugar, too.
Lucy: How many / much do we need?
Alan: ½ kilo
Lucy: Oh no! There isn´t some / any.
Alan: Ok. Write it on the list. We also need some / any eggs.
How many / much are there in the fridge?
Lucy: A little / A few. There are four.
Alan: Ok. Let´s go to the supermarket to buy all the ingredients.

2. Fill in: A few – A litte – A lot of.

- There are mangoes in the bowl.
- Is there any wine in the bottle? Yes, .
- Peter has a stomachache and that is because he ate chocolate.
- We have knowledge about this subject. We nee to look for more information.
- There are people in this room!
- We have money on us, we can´t buy this jacket.
- My father has money in the bank, so we can buy a house.
- There are vegetables, so I can´t make a salad.
- He was sad because he had friends.
- There is salt and pepper in the fridge.
3. Look and write sentences using quantifiers.
Carrot eggs chicken lemonade orange bananas tomatoes milk bread grapes

1. There is a carrot.

2. There are…

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