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com/WalesOnline THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2020  south wales echo  13


Tributes paid
to man killed in
shop stabbing
Rod Minchin, Marcus
Hughes & Lydia Stephens Tributes left at All Saints Church,
Trealaw, Rhondda,
for John Rees
A CHURCHGOING pensioner who
died after he was stabbed in a village
Co-op has been remembered as “the
very definition of a good man” by his
grieving family.
“Proud Welshman” John Rees, 88,
died during the incident at the con-
venience store in Penygraig,
Rhondda, at Tuesday lunchtime. Police at the Co-op in Penygraig yesterday
Mr Rees, who lived in the nearby Chris Fairweather/Huw Evans Agency
village of Trealaw with his wife
Eunice, was a regular worshipper at
All Saints Church.
In a statement released by South


Wales Police yesterday, Mr Rees’
family said: “John was the very defi-
nition of a good man, extremely


respected and liked in the commu-
“He was proud of his family, proud
“It’s just so sad and unbelievable.
The church bells at the end of the
Detective Chief Inspector Mark "!%$$  
O’Shea, who is leading the investiga-
to be a Welshman and devoted to All street, he’d be there doing them. And tion, said: “This is a very tragic inci- ! !"!% #$!
Saints Church. We will all miss him couldn’t wait for the services to start dent and we are continuing to inves- "%"!""!
terribly.” back – he loved his church,” she told tigate circumstances surrounding
A 29-year-old woman from Porth ITV Wales. the matter.
had been arrested on suspicion of Eyewitnesses described seeing “Our sympathies are with Mr   
murder. She yesterday remained in people fleeing the store after reports Rees’ family at this very distressing FREE
custody at Merthyr Tydfil police sta- of a woman in the store with a knife. time for them and they are being COMPETITIVE
tion. One man remained in a stable supported by specially trained offic-
Heartfelt tributes have been paid condition in hospital yesterday. Two  
ers. This incident has understanda-
to Mr Rees from across the commu- other people suffered non-life- bly caused a lot of shock in the local  
nity. threatening injuries. community and I want to reassure  
George Price, 69, lives in Trealaw One of those injured was 53-year- residents that a full investigation is
and sells fruit from a stall at the bot- old nurse Lisa Way. under way.”
tom of Birthweunydd Road. Grandmother Lisa works at the Uniformed officers will continue
He said Mr Rees would visit his Royal Glamorgan Hospital in Llant- to maintain a visible presence in the
stall regularly on his walk to All risant. She was treated at the hospi- area.
Saints. tal where she works for non life- Divisional commander Chief
“You wouldn’t wish for a nicer threatening injuries. Superintendent Dorian Lloyd
man,” he said. “He would go to the Her husband Carl, 53, said he was added: “Tuesday’s horrific incident
chapel every day. too upset to talk about what hap- in Penygraig was extremely distress-
“I met him when I was 12. I have pened, other than to say: “It is bad ing and shocking for the local com-
lived in Trealaw all my life. He was a but we’ll just leave it there.” munity.
lovely man. It’s a sin that this has A neighbour said: “Lisa just “I would like to pay tribute to the
happened to him. He would pass popped down the Co-op and this members of the public and police
this stall and he would go to the shop happens. officers for their efforts at the scene,  
for his newspaper. Everybody knew “It is just terrible especially when rendering first aid to those involved   
him. I have never known a nicer you think what the NHS is going in this incident. GLAZING
chap.” through at the moment. Its devastat- “Penygraig is a small close-knit   
Local Plaid Cymru councillor ing. !7",0'1951145$6,1114514&+(5 

community which has been put into
Joshua Davies tweeted: “My “Thank God that we’ve been told the national spotlight in such tragic
thoughts and prayers are with the she will pull through. But it is going circumstances. ..;2(51),0,5+(58$,.$%.(
family and friends of John Rees from to have a terrible effect on her.” “I would like to reassure the local t "+,6(// t06,37($-
Trealaw. Rest in Peace John.” As the local community comes to community that the police response t 06,37($-10"+,6( t 15(911'
Floral tributes have been left out- terms with what happened, Leanne to the incident was extremely swift
side the convenience store at Wood, Plaid Cymru Member of the and officers were at the scene within t 15(911'10"+,6(
Penygraig, near Tonypandy, and Senedd for Rhondda, has written to minutes.
also at All Saints Church. the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University “We will continue to maintain a 4$'(#9(.&1/(94,66(0'(6$,.5 101145
One said: “Our hearts go out for Health Board asking that specialist visible presence to support those in 104(37(5606(40$..;.$<(')14''(' 6$,0('.$55
John and his beloved wife Eunice support services are made available the area as they try and come to (&74,6;+1161.61&-,0*$56$0'$4' ($'('.$55
and family. We are all heartbroken. for those who witnessed the inci- terms with what has happened.
Such a lovely, lovely gentleman, kind
and caring, so so sad. God bless.
“Thanks for being the lovely man
South Wales Police has referred
itself to the Independent Office for
“My thoughts and condolences
remain with the victim’s family and
all those affected by this incident at a
who has rang our church bells every Police Conduct, but did not say why. very sad time.”
Thursday night for the NHS. You will Officers from South Wales Police South Wales Police is urging any .;$4',))  
be very sadly missed by everyone.” returned to Tylacelyn Road yester- witnesses who have not yet come (.   
A neighbour of Mr Rees, Tracey day to continue with their investiga- forward to contact them and is also 99957%74%$09,0'195&17-
Goodridge, said he was a carer for tion. The police cordon in the street appealing for anyone with mobile
his wife and that he was “a gentle- has been removed but the Co-op phone footage of the incident to get #
man” who would “help anybody”. store remains closed. in touch.  !  ! 

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