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Subject: English

Year: 3 Tulip

Date/Day: 1. 10. 2019 (Thursday)

Time: 9.00 a.m. – 9.30 a.m.

Theme: World of knowledge

Topic: Topic 8 Where were you yesterday?

Focused Skill: Reading

Proficiency level: Intermediate

Cross-curricular element: Language

Content Standards: Learning Standards:

Main skill: Reading Main Skill: Reading
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non- 3.2.2 Understand specific information and
linear print and digital texts by using details of short simple texts.
appropriate reading strategies.
Complementary skill: Reading
Complementary skill: Reading 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non- simple texts
linear print and digital texts by using
appropriate reading strategies.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
i) Read the passage given and identify the correct simple past tense verbs (was
and were) in the context.
ii) Fill in ‘was’ or ‘were’ correctly in the worksheet given to show comprehension to
the concept of simple past tense.

Language Content:
 Grammar: past simple sentences (was/ were)
 Sentence pattern: subject+ verb+ object+ past time

Educational Emphases:
 Thinking Skills: KBAT question: Why do we wear swimsuits to swim?
 EMK : Values and citizenship (dress properly in different occasion)
o Moral value: dress properly/ wear suitable outfit to match the occasion
 Multiple Intelligences: Interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistics

Resources/Teaching aids: word cards, display sheets, worksheets

Stage/Time Teaching-learning
Content Activity Remarks
Set Prompt question: 1. Teacher writes a Preparation Phase
Induction - Irfan and his sentence with (Setting the tone
friend are at the grammar of lesson)
(+/- 2 minutes) bookstore mistake on the
yesterday board. - To arouse
evening. 2. Teacher asks
pupils to identify
- To elicit
Expected answer: the mistake in pupils’ prior
- Irfan and his the sentence. knowledge
friend were at the 3. Pupils respond - To
bookstore to teacher’s introduce
yesterday question. the topic of
evening. 4. Teacher the lesson.
introduces the
topic of the day
(simple past
Presentation 1. Teacher pastes Imagination
the word cards Phase
(+/- 10 Activity: Teacher’s of pronouns on (Exploring,
minutes) presentation the board. generating, probing
and synthesising
2. Teacher picks
the pupils
randomly to - To give
paste the verbs input of
of ‘was’ and knowledge
‘were’ at the
respective Teaching aids:
places. Display sheet
The list of nouns: 3. Teacher elicits
- The king the use of ‘was’
- The young lady and ‘were’ by
- The basketball giving some
players examples in
- Alif and Aisyah sentences.
- Hisyam and his 4. Pupils read the
family sentences on
- The cow the board for a
few times with
5. Pupils orally
answer whether
‘was’ or ‘were’
should be use to
nouns given by
the teacher.
Practice 1. Teacher Development
pastes an Phase
(+/- 8 Activity: Identify ‘was’ enlarged (Guided practice)
minutes) and ‘were’ in the passage on
passage the board. - To make
sure the
2. Pupils read
Passage: through the of whole
passage class in the
Matteen dan his friends silently. learning
___________ at the beach 3. Pupils are process.
yesterday. He brought his picked - To enable
puppy, Rick along to the randomly to pupils to
beach. It ____________ his fill in the practice the
favourite pet. He blanks in the knowledge
_____________ swimming in passage. that they
the sea after putting on his 4. Pupils read have been
swimsuits. While, his puppy the passage taught at
___________ playing around given and the
with his friends. They identify the presentation
_____________ spending correct stage.
good moments together simple past
until it _______ past dusk. tense verbs
(was and Assessment for
were) in the learning objective
- Were (1)
- Was
5. Teacher
- Was Teaching aids:
- Was - display
the correct
- Were sheet
answers and
- Was - marker
explains the
reason. Moral value:
KBAT questions:
6. Teacher - dress
- Why did Matteen
instills the properly/
wear swimsuits to
moral value. wear
Answer: swimsuits can keep suitable
some body heat in so you outfit to
don’t get cold. It protects the match the
wearer from water

Production 1. Teacher Action Phase

(+/- 8 Worksheet: distributes the (Independent
minutes) - Fill in the blanks worksheet to practice)
with ‘was’ or pupils.
‘were’ 2. Pupils are given - To apply the
Refer to Appendix 2 instructions - To evaluate
about what they if pupils
have to for the understand
worksheet. the
3. Pupils are knowledge
given sufficient
time to Assessment for
complete the learning objective
worksheet. Fill (2)
in ‘was’ or ‘were’
correctly in the
worksheet given
to show the
to the concept of Teaching aids:
simple past - Worksheet
tense. (refer to
4. Teacher walks APPENDIX
around the class 2)
and monitors
pupils’ work.
1. Teacher recaps Closure phase
Closure the simple past (Summary and
(+/-2 minutes) tense learned. reinforcement)

- To revise
what has
taught and


I Was at the garden last Monday

She evening.
You Were

Day:_______________________ Date:_______________

Fill in the blanks with ‘was’ or ‘were’.

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