Assignment: Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

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Unit Code: D/615/1619

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Task 8 [LO3, P5]....................................................................................................................................4



Use of IP in head office this task are:.................................................................................................5

IP table for the branch computers:......................................................................................................5

Server technology:..............................................................................................................................5

Read Only Domain Controller:......................................................................................................6

Domain Name System:..................................................................................................................6

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol:.........................................................................................6

Routing and Remote Access Services:...........................................................................................6

Secondary DNS:.............................................................................................................................6

Virtual Private Network:................................................................................................................7

Windows Deployment Services:....................................................................................................7

Networking Devices:..........................................................................................................................7




Access point:..................................................................................................................................7


Network components:.........................................................................................................................7



Organizational units:......................................................................................................................8

Group policy:.................................................................................................................................8


Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Task 2 [LO1, P2]....................................................................................................................................8


Bus topology:.................................................................................................................................9

Ring topology:................................................................................................................................9

Star topology:...............................................................................................................................10

Mesh topology:.............................................................................................................................10

Hybrid topology:..........................................................................................................................11


Task 7 [LO2, D1].................................................................................................................................12



Task 1 [LO1, P1]..................................................................................................................................16


Types of Network:............................................................................................................................16

TCP/IP Model and OSI Model:........................................................................................................18


Task 4 [LO2, P3]..................................................................................................................................20


Networking devices:.........................................................................................................................20





Multiple layer Switch:..................................................................................................................23




Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018


Wireless devices:..........................................................................................................................23

Access point (wired/wireless):.....................................................................................................23

Content filter:...............................................................................................................................23

Load balancer:..............................................................................................................................23


Packet shaper:...............................................................................................................................23

VPN connector:............................................................................................................................23


Task 5 [LO2, P4]..................................................................................................................................24



Task 9 [LO3, P6]..................................................................................................................................25



Task 13 [LO4, P8]................................................................................................................................26




Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Task 8 [LO3, P5]

Design Efficient Networked System.

Design is the work process/decorative pattern which are made for the users according to their needs
and plans. Network means the link of many computers for the purpose of sharing of the
files/communicating with each-others. The communication may be the wired or in the wireless
medium. It may be linked through cables, satellites, radio waves etc. according to their needs. In this
task I am going to design the network of the Nepal bank limited using different server technology
and Networking devices.


Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Use of IP in head office this task are:

Server IP Address Subnet Mask DNS Gateway
Domain Controller No
Domain Name System No
Dynamic Host Configuration No No
Routing and Remote Access No No
Secondary DNS No No
Virtual Private Network No
Windows Deployment No No

IP table for the branch computers:

Server IP Address Subnet Mask DNS Gateway
Print server No
Read Only Domain Controller No
Virtual Private Network No No
Windows Deployment No No

Server technology:
Domain controller:

Domain controller is the main server of the computer which is responsible for maintaining the
security like log in permission, checking permission etc. in the server. It is also known as primary
domain controller, master/root domain etc. A domain is the logically grouped computer to which
access is controlled by DC. It has the total control on the computers of its network. It is mostly used
to manage the users/groups information. Also maintain the domain base security database. It always
has the master copy of user’s accounts from where all the data and the information can be modified
or easily accessed.

Read Only Domain Controller:

Read only domain controller gives the authentication to only look over the activities of domain
controller like how many users has been created by what name and they are not allowed to modify
delete or do anything. They only are able to sit and watch them. It is only the clone of the domain. It
is used under the branch of any of the company and they are also under the PDC which are the head
of the network. RODC is the server that hosts an Active directory.

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Domain Name System:

The naming system of any of the computer, services, or resources which are connect across the
public or private network is Domain name system. DNS consists of forward lookup zone and
backward lookup zone. This means that DNS provides IP to name and name to IP. IP to name is
given by forward lookup zone which is always automatic and name to IP is given by backward
lookup zone which we should do. For example if someone types in browser then behind
the scene it will work on the IP address of the website that may be like

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol:

DHCP provides the dynamic IP to the computers who are in the network in order to communicate
among all the computers. It allows host to obtain the necessary IP address from DHCP server. To
configure subnet mask, default gateway, DNS Server DHCP is installed. Dynamic IP is distributed
through DHCP server but it doesn’t means that static IP can’t be distributed through DHCP.

Routing and Remote Access Services:

In the very large company it is not possible to use only one network IP to connect many computers.
So in that case routing is necessary for addressing the packets of the information to determine its
exact locations. This service also allows to access the files and folders from the internet if the
computers are in the network.

Secondary DNS:
The alternate DNS that we used in the TCP IPv4 is the secondary DNS. It helps to search the data or
find the data if the data is not found from the preferred DNS. Secondary DNS is for the purpose of
web hosting and mostly used by the small business who required additional redundancy.

Virtual Private Network:

VPN is a private network across the public network that helps to sends and receives the data from the
sender and receiver from the public network if their computing devices are in the private network. It
use the tunneling means sends the data in the form of tunnel so the data are secured in VPN than

Windows Deployment Services:

WDS helps to deploy windows operating systems to the clients and also to the server computer. It is
time consuming steps to install server in all the computer individually so that WDS helps to make the
boot file of it and send it to clients.

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Networking Devices:
Router: Router is the networking device that joins two or more
computers that sends the packets of the data’s from one computer to
another computer either wired or wireless medium.

Switch: A switch is the multiport networking device that helps to Figure 1 Router
keep the computers in networking and helps to sends and receives
the data in the form of the packets. We can connect the devices like router, printers etc. on switch.

Printer: The representation of the human readable presentation, text, and graphics in the standard
size paper is printer. It is an external output device.

Access point: Access pointer helps to give access to connect to the network. It is just like the router
but it is mostly used wireless connections to connect the devices.

Firewall: Firewall is the wall that is created for the reason of the security. Means that it control the
amount of the data that are transfers at one time according to their needs and security rules.

Network components:
User: User are the clients that are created by administrator for their load balance in the
work/simplify the network.

Groups: The number of the users in the same place is the groups. Users are created and the same
departments users are kept in the group and the policy are given to them.

Organizational units: Organizational unit is a type subdivision in the AD DS where users are kept
inside it and give the policy to the OU so that policy will be apply to all members in OU.

Group policy: Simply, policy to the group is the group policy that is applied by the administrator as
the purpose of maintaining the good network in the company. Policy like creating file folders,
deleting etc. can be given to the users.

Network design is done so that it makes things easier to do, easier to evaluate, understand and also to
make clear about the design to the clients it is made. Using the various tools to create the design,

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

technology and devices to connect are really easy now a days. The main purpose of computer
network design is to make the communication among all the computers in your company. Means that
networks helps to maintain the security, access the data from one computer to another.

Task 2 [LO1, P2]

Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements.

Network topology is the layout design of the network. It is designed by the network designer. The
arrangement of the networking devices, servers in the form of the design. It may be the physical
connection or the logical. Physical topology means the physical components like networking devices
and the logical topology means how the data flows within the network.

The speed of transferring the data’s in per second in the wired or the wireless connection is
bandwidth. It is simply the rate of transferring the data in per second. The rate of transferring the data
is simply determined by its band width. Bandwidth is calculated in hertz unit.

In this task I am going to describe about the different types of network topology and its bandwidth.

Network topology is divided into two main topologies. They are physical topology and logical
topology. It can also be further divided into five topologies which are called LAN topology. LAN
topology consists of the connection between two or more networking devices and they are known as
the nodes.

Bus topology:
In this kind of topology all the devices are connected in the sequential or serial ways. In this types of
topology no networking devices
are used only coaxial cables or RJ-
45 are used to make them in the
connection. As no networking
devices are used it is cheaper for
the small networks and the easies
network. But it is not better for the
large company because if the

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

whole systems goes down then it is difficult to detect the problem. In this computers data will be
flown serially for example comp 1, comp 2, comp 3, etc. if the computer at the middles got distracted
or got some failure then the whole network will be fallen down.

Data traffic in Bus topology is high so that there is the greatest chance of getting the data collision
and then mismatching of the data from sender to the receiver. Data traffic means the amount of the
data that are moving from one place to another place either in the same direction or in the different
direction. Here data are transferred from anywhere means there is no such a rule to determine the
route of the data so data traffic happens. And then data traffic is indirectly proportional to the
bandwidth. I.e. data traffic increases then bandwidth decreases.

Ring topology:
Ring topology is similar to the bus topology. Here only the computers are kept in the form of the
ring. Here is also no communication devices are used. All the computers
in this networks are equally important to each-others. As in the bus
topology if a cable gets disturbed then the whole network will become
affected. In this types of topology packets of the data moves from one
computer to another computer until it doesn’t find the correct destination
computer. It has the high speed of transferring the data without having
packet collision problem because data will flows in only one
is not so flexible kind of networking topology.

This is the kind of the network where all are interconnected and based upon the peer to peer network
architecture and allows to flow the data in only one direction so that the data traffic is less and then
so do the bandwidth is high. Data traffic is then directly proportional to the rate of the collision of the

Star topology:
It is a type of the topology where every hosts computer is connected to the centralize
hub/switch/router. Star topology makes the data centralizes it means that it make the data more
secured in comparison to the bus and ring topology. Here the main difference is
that it uses hub/switch/router at the center and ever data will pass through it that
makes more secured than others which is the client server architecture. In this
topology if one of the host got failure there will no effect on the network of the
computers but if the centralized device got failure then obviously the whole
network will be in the failure. Many devices can be added or removed until the centralized device
Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)
Networking 2018

have its limitation. The centralized device uses SAT (source address table) that helps to decide the
exactly same destination computer. They uses mac address on the table.

It required large amounts of the cables but it is really simple and easy to setup. Data traffic in the
topology is high in the central devices so does the bandwidth is low in this topology.

Mesh topology:
It is mostly used in the wireless area network like ISP to connect to as many hosts as they can
wirelessly. In this topology networking devices are not in use but the rate of
the transferring data is high speed. Here if one computer does get failure then
there will become failure in transferring the data. If one got affected then the
data will be transferred by the others.

The network is connected with the multi-port connector which provides

alternative way to transfer the data so that the bandwidth will not be affected
so much and also the fastest topology. So that it is used in the wireless connections. Multiple ports,
cables, infrastructure, are needed so much so that it is the expensive topology and difficult to handle

Hybrid topology:
Hybrid means combination of two or more other topology. We can say it as the resultant topology
that has both the advantages and disadvantages. Advantages is
that it can be more efficient to send the data, flexible, reliable
and efficient but disadvantages is that it is difficult to setup the
connections and it is costly hybrid topology it is easier
to increase the no of the networks. Star-Bus and Star-Ring
topology are mostly used topology. It is complex to design and
then costly.

In the company network topology are set up according to the needs of the data sensitivity, according
to the data types and all that. For example; for a school where there is no such a sensitive data there

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

you can so the bus or the ring topology. But for the big company it is needed to do more network
than the bus and ring topology. So all the topology has some merits and demerits but according to the
bandwidth and the speed of the network it is better to keep ring and mesh topology because in this
topology data traffic is low and the bandwidth is high.

Task 7 [LO2, D1]

Considering a given scenario identify the given topology protocol selected for the efficient
utilization of a networked system.

The selection criteria for the network topology in the organization might be its costs, data
transmission rate, error rate, simplicity, flexibility, maintainability, volume of the data traffic, data
security etc.

In the given scenario of Nepal Bank limited there are more than numbers of the computer so that it is
better to do the Mesh topology in the given network. Topology simply means the interconnection of
the many computers in the physical or the logical state with the geometrical scientific order is known
as topology. Simply it is the way of the connecting the computers among each other’s. Topologies
are simply used in the LAN. The division of the network according to the geographical order is

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

known as the LAN that stands for local area network. The connection of the computers among the
specific regions like in a room, in a building etc. is simply known to be the LAN connection.

LAN is the simple, cheaper types of the networking which can be used in the small companies or the
buildings where you can share the printers, files, software, programs etc. It also required OS that is
provided by the Microsoft windows called Internet connection sharing (ICS). Data transmission rate
is fast than others as well as having the security and can be maintained in the low costs.[CITATION
kha15 \l 1033 ]

According to the scenario of the Nepal bank limited Mesh topology is the best topology. Mesh
topology means the topology where each and every computer of the organizations are interrelated
with each other’s. It forms the mesh of the computer network. The computers in the networks is
connected by the separate cables so that there is maintained the security also. It provides the
redundant path through the network, so if one of the computer in the networks got failure then the
whole networks will not got the failure like in other topologies. So that it is the best topology for the
given scenario.

You can connect the multiple LAN using mesh topology with leased telephone lines, Thicknet
coaxial cables or fiber optical cables. The main purpose to put the mesh topology in the given
scenario i.e. Nepal bank limited is that its backup capabilities which provides multiple paths through
the network in order to do the backup of the computer. If one of the computers in the mesh topology
got failure then the whole system will not be on the failure and the backup can be done from any of
the other computers sin the same networks. It means that in the mesh topology there will not be the
single computer that can be called as the head computers all the computers equal in this topology.

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

It is also the maximum used topology in the ISP to connect between the hosts. By the direct
connection of the computers in the mesh topology it becomes the most reliable topology in among
the computer networks. The rate of the transmission of the data among all the computers in the mesh
topology is fast but due to it needs more cables it is used to become more expensive and complex
means of the topology. The fault tolerance facility as the data traffic can be delivered to the
destination using either of the multiple ways in the computer connection can be possible. Due to the
less data collision there is less data traffic and due to less data traffic there is less data error rate.
There is no chance of getting the network failure by one computer. [ CITATION kha15 \l 1033 ]

There are two kinds of the mesh topology i.e. full mesh topology and partial mesh topology. Full
mesh topology means the topology where all the nodes are being connected directly to each of the
computers in the network where as Partial mesh topology means the network of the all computers in
the direct connection of the network but some computer can be connected to only those computer
where most of the data are used to be send. Another best means that make this topology best is that it
can be used both in the wired as well as in the wireless mediums. In the mesh topology if the single
data is been send from one computer then the data will completely came through all the computer in

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

the network in the same direction and the data will reach to the destination computer. With the help
of the routing technology all the nodes on the networks are identified upon the transmission even if
the node is been broken and this process of finding the route is known to be self-healing algorithm.
This makes to handle the problem, troubleshoot the problem in an easy way.

In the full mesh topology there will be no need of the switch or the broadcasts but in the partial
topology there will be the network according to the peer-to-peer link. “It means that the redundancy
that is been provided by the full mesh topology can be taken to its maximum capability without
complexity required for the node in the network.” Mathematically the no of the connection in the full
mesh topology can be calculated through n(n-1)/2.

In the world the internet connection is successful due to the use of the mesh topology in the wireless
medium. So I used to recommend them the mesh topology because in it data is being send through
the signals. Since the nodes are interconnected to each other’s the information comes through the
flow and the data also doesn’t have the pattern.

In the bank there has to be send a lot of the data’s among the clients and the member so that by the
use of the mesh topology there will be the smoothness in sending and receiving the data.

Mesh topology simply uses relay on the routing table that are much easier way to tell the nodes about
the access point in the communication, data traffic that is trying to go somewhere. The table consists
of the source, destination and broadcasting identifier, source and destination sequence number and
time to live. Mesh topology can only operates through by either routing the data or by flooding the
data which makes this topology the best one to utilize in this network. The hardware of the mesh
topology also can be found easily and in the low cost like ZigBee.[ CITATION BRI15 \l 1033 ]

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Task 1 [LO1, P1]

Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.

The connection among all the computers, servers, mainframe, networking devices etc. to share the
file folders, information, and data among each other is known as network. To have the network
among the computers there must be two or more than two computers, network cables, distributors,
routers, internal and external network card. Network is simply the electronic means of the
communication. The best example of the network is Internet which is the collection of millions of the
electronic devices like mobile, computer, laptop etc. as the means of the electronic communication.

Types of Network:
There are many types of the computer networks. Some of them are:

Network Name Meaning Advantages Disadvantages

Peer to peer Network without Cheaper, Easy to install, Security lapses with data
network (work the server. Can links have dozen decentralized,
base network) Sharing files and computer at a time, failure Time consuming to maintain the
folders through of one pair doesn’t affect security so sometime you have to
OS. others, no need of system use without username or password
It is just for administrator 24 hrs. each or through same , difficult to
connection node can acts as the Implement good backup system,
clients and servers users must be experienced to use the

Client server Network with Data centralized with Very costly and expensive hardware
networking server, security, consists of many and software are required, needs an
Foe e.g.: computer roles like file server, web experienced employee to handle the
with web browser server, email server etc., networks,
accesses the much more stable and
websites that are scalable, dedicated server
hosted in servers. and specific client are
It is for sharing preset in client server.
Cluster Cluster server Can be viewed as the Requires more server. Hardware,
means the single system, more monitors, so it is costly, it not much
collections of powerful, faster, large more flexible than it needs to be,
server which storage capacity, supper many applications does not support
communicates to reliability, strength, cluster design, affordable only by
make the set of redundancy and the large organizations and
server scalability, no problem if company, [ CITATION Mac15 \l
one server fails down in 1033 ]
the network, can do we
hosting, scalable, easy for
maintenance and

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018


Cloud Instead of the hard It is the communication on It might cause problem if you don’t
disk in your the internet, doesn’t need know how to use and manage it,
computer the your space on hard drive, compulsory need of the internet to
program to store accessing data is fast and access the data, no privacy of the
and access the data easy, more reliable WAN data or the less data security, need to
is known to be bandwidth, centralized download the whole server if you
cloud. For e.g. management, visibility, want to manipulate files in multiple
google Gmail. and control on the devices,[ CITATION Bai16 \l 1033 ]
network, data are remotely
managed, maintained and
backed up etc.

Centralized All the users Maintains the consistency, Network and application
connected to the efficiency and administrator will be always under
central server is affordability in the pressure because they have to be
centralization in network for computing, update on online and new software,
network, gives the data protections,
control over the network

Virtualized Process of Used in software testing, Investment in the possible hardware

combining the reduces the cost of the or the software might be required,
sources of the money on the hardware, software licensing considerations,
hardware and easier backup and disaster required of the expertise, security
software into one recovery, efficient IT risks like hacking and cracking,
is known to be operations, cheaper and consumes time because it required
virtualizations cost predictable, reduces several links in chain that must work
the work load, faster together.
development of the

The method that is been used to maintain the communication between the network and media,
physical layout, cabling etc. by the exact and detail specification is known as network stander. An
international organization for worldwide use IEEE (institute of electrical and electronic engineering)
is responsible for providing and developing the network technology. The network technology that is
been provided by the IEEE is known to be network stander.

IEEE is the non-profitable technical professional association among 150 countries. The leading
authority in technical areas and computing, bio technical etc. area is IEEE. Some of the examples of
the IEEE are IEEE 802.1 used in LAN/WAN, IEEE 802.3 used in Ethernet, IEEE 802.5 used in
token ring topology, IEE 802.11 used in wireless LAN etc.

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

TCP/IP Model and OSI Model:

TCP/IP Model OSI Model
Transmission control protocol is the Open system interconnection is the gateway
communication protocol that provides the among the network and the end users developed
hosting facility to internet. by International Organization of the
Standardization (ISO)
Comes from implementation of the OSI model Developed in order to employ on interned.
Works on only four layers i.e. link, internet, Works on 7 layers i.e. physical, datalink,
application, transport layer. network, transport, sessions, presentation,
application layer.
Fallows horizontal approach, reliable and more Fallows vertical approach, less reliable and
developed protocol so called native protocol. developed, and is the old and known as strict

By the help of the different network types and the protocol it helps to identify the networks and helps
to maintain the networking on the system. As working as the system administrator to know about the
types of the network helps to make the better decisions and maintain the cost price in the company.

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Task 4 [LO2, P3]

Discuss the operating principle of networking devices and server types.

The digital or the electronic communications among the nodes is known as the computer network.
Nodes means the physical components like computers, switch, hub, routers etc. that helps to keep the
computers in the network. The purpose of doing the network is in order to minimize the time of
sending the information from one place to another, making the communication faster, reliable, and
easy means of the communication. The main purpose of networking is to connect two or more than
two computers and then share the data and the resources, centralize control and management, backup
and flexibility etc. The common example of network is internet.

Computer network is classified on the basis of the media, scopes and its function/models. In this task
I am going to describe about some of the networking devices on the basis of their media under the
wired media and the server types in details.

Networking devices:
The physical devices that are used as the medium to communicate among the computers which are in
the networks is known as networking devices. Computer devices in this real world are mostly in the
wired mediums and the electronic devices. Some examples of the networking devices are described

A computer that is known to be providing the services to other computer i.e. client computers
through the help of the same computer is known as the server. In an organization there may be
thousands of the client computers but they are controlled with the only one server. A server is
designed in such a way that it can transfer and deliver the data to other computers either it might be
over the internet or a local network. In an organization one server will handle only one work related
to it. There are many types of the server that is used for many purposes.

Server types:
Web server:

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

The servers that shows the pages to run the web application through the browses like google, chrome
etc. is known as the web server. The main function of the web
server is to transfer the simple text and the images, uploading
and backing up the files through the cloud or the internet. With
the help of the web server it makes the communication easier in
the field of the business, exchanges the information in the
targeted market easily, fast, and securely. To handle the storage
and information web server uses server side scrips like PHP and
ASP where as to dhow the information to the targeted audience it Figure 2 Web Server

uses client side scripts like JavaScript and HTML.

File server:

“The computer on the network that gives the location to other client computers and are able to access
the data and shared the storage from one computer to another computer is known as the file server.
Those computer that are been at the same network can acts as the host of the file server and are able
to centralized, store and manage the data in the client server model of the computer. File server is
that kind of the server that does not need to be physical connection among the computer means that
data can be transferred through the internet by the means of the file transfer protocol (FTP). Data are
more secured because they used redundant hard disk with the regular backup and physically locked
on the room with only authorized access”[ CITATION ND15 \l 1033 ].

Database server:

The server that is used to analyze the data, storage, manipulation of the data, archiving the data etc. It
can be both the hardware and software or the combination of both in sometimes. Some examples of
database server are Oracle, DB2, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server etc. It is a server that is used to
runs a network database applications. Data are kept in the central location with maintain the high
security on it and are regular back up to maintain the security. Security is been implements on the
different stags like: Microsoft SQL Server or the MYSQL.


The division of the work in the server, operating system, storage, network by creating the new virtual
vision or the resources is known as the visualization. It helps to run two or more operating system on

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

the single computer. Virtualization support the old apps to run and support them. It is the safe way to
browse the application and testing the software, upgrading them and containing the new
configurations. The main advantage of the virtualization is that you can back up the whole operating
system if it got crashed. But the preformation of the system that had been virtualized is not better
than the original system.

Print server:

The server that connects the printer with the client computers over the network is known as the print
server. It accepts the print job from the client computer and then prints the required files and folders.
The main advantages of having the print server in an organization is that it does not need the larger
space and then more amount of the budget. It does not need the skilled manpower to handle and is
quickly installed. But some of the features of the multi-function printer are not supported by the print

Hub is the connectivity devices in the network that has the multiple ports to connect the network
cables. It is mostly used in the star topology. It accepts the data
from the sender and then amplifies them and broadcast them
without doing the filter of the data. Adding the host and taking it
off is the simple tasks on the hub because each computers are
connected on the hub through the single line. There is more data
traffic on hub due to the broadcasting so that the rate of the loss
Figure 3 HUB
of the data is also high in the hub. It is also used to split the
network and propagate the signals. Data are transferred in the terms of the packets.

The three layer, internetwork device on OSI Model that is been used to connect between two
different network is known as the router. It helps in transferring the data packets from one logical
network segment to another segment. Router basically sends the data according to the routing table
where the address of the destination computer is been located. Its main job is to find the routes/path
to transfer the data. Routers are responsible in getting the traffic from here to there along the most
efficient possible paths. [ CITATION kha15 \l 1033 ]

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

The intelligence hub that is used to forward the incoming data frame to the correct port by selecting
the most direct path that is needed to send the data is known as
switch. Switch can make the decisions on the basis of the
headers of the packets in TCP/IP Protocol. It creates the direct
connection among the sender and the receiver and then send
them to the destination computer only. Each computer is been
connected through the single line and then bandwidth speed of
the each port is automatically sensed and set approximately. It
Figure 4 Switch
also operates at data link layer on the OSI model. It increases
the performance of the network and reduces the workload on the individual computers.

Multiple layer Switch:

The ability to operate the higher layer of OSI reference model rather than data link layer which is the
traditional means is known to be multiple layer switch. It works on OSI model layer 2 that have extra
functioning ability. It is known to be multiple layer switch because it can act as the router as well as
the switch in an incredible speed at the same time. To perform the routing function it uses ASIC
hardware and inspects at the packet or even at the segment layers.

Firewall is the device helps to do network trafficking of an incoming and outgoing network. Firewall
may be either hardware devices or the software devices. It is simply the barrier among the internal
network and external network like internet to keep the network safe. It is simply the set of the rules
about what data packets are allowed to enter or to leave the
network. It maintain the security over the network by not
allowing the malicious packet in the private network that is been
thrown from the public networks. There are many types of the
firewall with their own function like packet-filtering firewall
examines the packet is isolated or not, proxy firewall inspects Figure 5 Firewall device

packet at the application layer of the OSI Model etc. hardware

firewall are used to be found at the broadband routers that are easy to setup for an organizations or
the company. “A hardware firewall use packet filtering to examine the header of the packet to
determine the source and destination”. A software firewall is the firewall on your common pc at
home that needs you command and can give the security against Trojan and e-mail worms.

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

HIDS Stands for host intrusion detecting system which is for the security purpose either for the
computer or for the entire network. “It is just like the anti-threat
applications like firewall, antivirus software”. It is capable to monitor
the computer system and analyzes the network packets on the
network. It checks either the internal or the external environment or
the circumstances has circumvented the system security policy or not
and takes the actions. IDS is a software application that analyzes the
policy and then send the report to the administrator to take the actions.

Repeater are the devices to convert the low bandwidth network into high bandwidth during the
networking. Networking connections are mainly disturbed by the long distances, due to the loud
environments, due to the radiation etc. which causes on the main effects of the network and cannot
provides the full bandwidth to the receiver. Repeater helps to convert those low band width network
into the equivalent bandwidth and then send it to the receiver. It helps in removing the unwanted
noise in the network of the incoming signals. It operates on the physical layer of the OSI model.

A bridge is the same as like the router that is responsible for routing traffic from one computer to
another. It operates on the data link layer on OSI Model. As they
receives the frame they make the MAC address table to sends the
data in the destination files. Bridges also can acts as a repeater and
helps to extend the network in the large scale. It also reduces the
collision but is expensive than the repeater and hubs. “It filters the
traffics on the basis of the MAC Address.” There are three types
of the Bridges. They are: Local, remote and wireless Bridge.

Wireless devices:
The devices that is used to connect the two or more devices in the wireless medium. Some example
of the wireless devices are cellular, GPS, cordless telephone sets, baby monitor, two-way radio,
satellite television etc. In the wireless medium electromagnetive waves carry the signals over the
networks and helps in communicating among the computers. The common example of the wireless
network is internet where all the devices and the computer are connected wirelessly.

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Access point (wired/wireless):

Access pointer is the device that is used to create the wireless network like WALAN is known as
Access pointer. The main purpose of the Access pointer is that it connects the wired devices like
router, switch, and hub through the wireless medium like Wi-Fi. It helps to extend the range of the
network connection without the use of any wires/wired medium. The main function of the access
point is to transfer and then receives the data. The main principle is to connect to any wireless
network by broadcasting a wireless signals that the computers can detect.

Content filter:
The availability and the access of limited web applications on the screen with the demand is known
as content filter. It filters the information use in the program. It is the part of the internet firewall and
as well the way to not allowed to access the computers in the organizations or in the personal
computers. “It works by identifying the string, that if matched indicates the undesirable content that
is need to be screened out”.

Load balancer:
A load balancer is the device that helps to maintain the balanced load all over the networks. It acts as
the reserved proxy server that maintain the network traffic across the server. The working principle
of the load balancer is that it sits in between the client and server and then accepts the incoming
network with the traffic and then distributes the traffics among the clients by various methods. It
helps in maintain the security, faster, easier and then directs all new application request to other
available servers in the pool.

MODEM stands for the Modulator and Demodulator means that it can convert data from binary to
analog i.e. modulator and analog to binary i.e. demodulator. Modem is necessary in the network only
when the digital data stored in the computer has to be translated into the analog medium like the
telephone system for the communication. Modem is no longer in use because of the digitalization of
the telephone lines. There are many kinds of the modem like analog modem, digital modem, external
modem etc. Its speed is measured on baud rate or bits per second. It works on the physical layer of
the OSI model and helps to keeps the computers in the networks. They are of two types: Active and

Packet shaper:
The device that is been used between the private and public network to pass all the computers
through the incoming and outgoing traffics. The main purpose of the packet shaper is to prioritize
Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)
Networking 2018

and classify the traffic according to the protocol that the users defines. It helps to maintain and fix
the policy and control over the traffic.

VPN connector:
VPN standard for the virtual private network that allows to make the private network or can access it
and then can share it on the public networks. In the private network it helps to keep the data securely
and then protect it from the online. It can help in remotely access the data through maintaining the
security by creating the tunneling facility.

The main disadvantages of the network beside its advantages is that it will become expensive to
handle, needs a lot of the experienced and excellent employees, security problem, sometimes
network will be on the failures etc. Choosing the best networking devices for the organization
according to the needs, security and the cost of the organization is necessary. Networking devices are
many more to do network among the different companies and it is necessary to take the discussion
according to the needs.

Task 5 [LO2, P4]

Discuss the interdependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.


Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018


Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Task 9 [LO3, P6]

Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirement and analyze user feedback.



Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Task 13 [LO4, P8]

Document and analyze test result against expected result.



Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)

Networking 2018

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Saroj Kumar Thapa (HND / First Semester)


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