Wait, There Are Aliens Among Us?

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At 11:11 (GMT) in the morning of 21.12.2012 our world will change – physically and
spiritually. There are a lot of theories about a lot of aspects of the forthcoming change.

Physically: It will be painful, there will definitely be natural disasters (video); add to that
starvation, plagues and possibly WorldWar3. Maybe even a war with extraterrestrials.

Spiritually: The process started already at 1999; It is called the Time of Unmasking –
Getting rid of the ego; spiritual epiphanies will be experienced, Each and every one of
us will have to deal with himself (his persona). The entire personal belief system and
perspectives of a person on which he leans on will collapse in the light of the
knowledge he will gain – about the world and himself.

Some will start to communicate with the higher dimensions and contact the beings that
are trying to help us. A dimensional shift will occur, which some of the aliens (the ones
without souls such as the grays) will not survive. I assume that the races that are part of
the force that is against us will put up a good fight considering that they won’t survive
the dimensional shift (Explanations about the extraterrestrials and the races – in the links
below, St. Clair’s works, and in the next post).

Additionally some say that we’ll start using our brain fully, our 2 strand RNA/DNA will
switch to 12 strands, and our 7 Chakras will evolve to 13.

Wait, there are aliens among us?

I’m pretty sure that there are ones right next to you.

I’m not an alien, right?

The universe in multi dimensional, not only the physicists discovered that we cannot feel
without known senses 90% of the matter – and that concerns only the 3rd dimension –
imagine how about the others. The truth is we’re all aliens – If you think our origin is the
Earth, then think again.

Maybe, what exactly started to change in 2007?

This change, it’s not happening at once in one second… firstly according to the Mayan
Culture (The most advanced concerning Astronomy, Astrology, Architecture, Literature
and more) there are predictions for periods of years – the period between 1999 and
2012 contains these CHANGES.

For example; In a lot of prophecies it was told that the end of the world is accompanied
with what’s going on right now – there are thefts, starvation, objectification of women,
everyone are egoistic and act only on personal interests, diseases and death is
everywhere and it’s getting worse, there is passion instead of love – everything came to
the lowest level.

Spiritually were heading to the opposite direction – but we are right before a huge
change (that already started for some).

Physically for example; The Earth has an SR Beat (Explanation in Michael Tsarion’s
works) – A beat that was permanent 7 times per second and some of the world’s
militaries’ calculations were based on this beat because it was comfortable and steady.
But it started changing for an unknown reason now its 11 per second already.
Additionally the equator is now 23 degrees to where it is supposed to be and it’s
supposed to turn completely in 2012. It’s called the Pole Shift (Explanation in Michael
Tsarion’s works and Michael St. Clair’s works)

Also, the sun is coming closer and closer to the center of the galaxy and to a certain
alignment between our solar system and the whole galaxy that will actually be a crazy
bond astrologically speaking that will affect our world in a lot of ways. This happens only
once in a lot of years (24000 if I’m not mistaken) it is known that this has happened in
the past – but now it will also include a dimensional shift (see St. Clair’s works)

So there will be a serious change but you can’t pinpoint exactly what it will be

A lot more than ‘serious’.

Where is the exact proof?

You cannot prove anything, there are predictions and prophecies; There are people
that call these ‘conspiracies’; but a conspiracy is a theory with thin evidence; here we
have actually the opposite; there is a lot of evidence and predictions, there are a lot of
researches about all the aspects, a lot of scholars – if you’ll look for it you’ll find it. It is
undoubted that extraordinary things are about to happen.

So I’m going to die?

Most people are (It is expected that 80-90% of humanity will die until the end of this
process that some say will end in 2012 and some say it will end in 2014 after planet
NIBIRU will leave the area of the Earth and all its affects – the natural disasters among
them – will leave with him – explanation in the videos)

There are 5 years, and a lot of theories; Go find out what will really happen in 2012 and
what’s best to do.

I’m on the way; close but still not enough… How does the fact that I know you will save
I’m planning to find the ultimate place to be in at time of disasters, hoping it will help.

All I can say is save some money in the meanwhile.

Are innocent people going to die?

People, who won’t be able to find the ultimate place for them or won’t be lucky, will
probably die.

So you can go to an isolated Island in the Pacific Ocean, where no one lives?

In a World war for example, you can find and strategic place and hope for the best or
just ignore what coming until the war lands on your head. There are people that are
funding Huge bunkers in the US that can go through radiation, earthquakes and
everything they can imagine, also there are others guys sitting near the Himalaya that
claim that the currents of energy in 2012 will flow best there. A few days ago there was
an article about some people in Russia that are hiding in a cave… You see, there are a
lot of things to do; you have to find the best thing for yourself.

You can go to an isolated place in Australia, Lots of disserted Miles.

The thing is also to survive the radiation – for example one of the places I’ve found is in
South Africa – far from any nuclear reactors (Except only 2 in Africa ; while there is a
huge amount of them in Europe America and some in Asia). The mountain in south
Africa is 3 Km of height above sea level – and they will be staying in Hobbit-like caves –
Like apartments that if needed will be isolated with special materials to get rid of any
shred of radiation. There is a 2 Km height Tsunami expected (Explanation in the
interview in the link) but it won’t reach the mountain, The ones who planned this already
had bought the land (After lots of difficulties with the government and monetary
problems) and call people to come with them (under certain circumstances – you need
to share the vision, pay for the place and bring certain stuff with you to survive –
explanation in a link below to How To Survive 2012)

So there is a chance to survive?

I believe so, but it’s a slight chance

What can we do in the meantime?

Two important things: The First is to read about these subjects of Doomsday prophecies,
2012, Extraterrestrial, Secret Societies, Researches on the Pole Shift, and the works of
scholars such as the ones I brought up – Like Michael Tsarion, Michael St. Clair, and
others like Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Alex Collier, P. Geryl and more.

The Second is not to cancel appointments after 2012 – not to think that everything will
be over or get depressed – as said; nothing is sure, It’s nice to think we live in one of the
most important eras in history but it’s better also no to exaggerate.

Meaning, to understand the essence of what is happening; but to take it under

proportion… We’ll see?

We’ll see.


Videos about what is coming

Sumerians, Nibiru, and bloodlines


The End of Our World


December 21 2012 THE END




Explanation about WorldWar3



Explanation about extraterrestrials

Reptilians, Grays, Nordics.


St. Clair’s workd



Nostradamus on WW3 – Free Book


Explanation about secret societies and New World Order


Michael Tsarion’s Works


Pole Shift




W C VETSCH ‘s Works


P. Geryl Interview


P. Geryl’s How to survive 2012


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