Company Articles

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Company articles

By Jagadish

Unethical company usurping away land not allocated to it under greediness to be lord of land

Convert the company to public limited company

Given lesser than 6% share in authorized capital

Have to fight a case in supreme court to get away from jail

Publish a report to be generated in media for public to understand the procedures followed in state

Partners to company for being unethical to be deported to foreign nation

Winding up company through operating system petition else public petition

Stake holders to get shares of the company on premium instead of face value

Chief minister to explain to high court for breach of company policy

Reports to be generated and explanation in biography to be drafted for candidate to survive

Knowledge to industries about the policies to be informed through magazines

Foreign media to be informed and paid a heavy sum for validation of the judgment to be scrutinized

Foreign companies which want to distribute wealth to country and create employment

Are to be informed about company policy and rectification of it through state chief minister

Accidental cases of greed by small stalwarts are to be removed and given no salary for 6 months

Stamp duty to be issued in name plate of state government governance and implemented by courts

Every Sunday submit a signature in police station for clearance of bail application

Anticipatory bail applications are not valid when public is involved and affected
Explanation by the Parties involved has to be informed to operating system for their membership to


Both the parties have to be ethical and if found guilty of mis information are liable to pay penalty

Penalty may be even jail for 6 months

Without information being correct courts should never be involved nor industry to be woken up

Winning is continuation of petitions, losing is leaving the nation state for creating hurdles

Governance has to be smooth so think carefully if you are unethical, law is 24 hours active

Stamp duty to be issued by themselves in the high court to call themselves ethical to continue

membership in operating system for stake holder to watch and observe and learn how to handle the


If the parties and court are unable to decide the fate of the case within time frame and have to

postpone the verdict to future date a sum of court fees of minimum 5 lakhs has to be paid by the

institutions for disturbing the peace of court and creating civil war in state government running



Thought of the day

Knowledge of information if is proven wrong and guilty for over information is liable to be prosecuted

How strategy is designed in companies without depending outside to have cutting edge over others

Choose the topic of discussion

Choose the terminologies associated with the topic

Jot it down in the word processor

Pick up books on the subject related well in advance

Pick up additional terms and acronyms based upon topic selected

Frame questions based upon the terms selected to see coordination

Choose the knowledge jargons which match the question closer by

Compare the answers with each other before selecting the actual one

You should have more than five answers for each question

It is done through pick up of 5 students

Stretch the limit of your answers by writing down the answers one by one

Select the passages from the text eBooks selected as secondary data

Do analysis on passages of reading comprehension by interpreting the knowledge to visual thoughts

Convert the text knowledge to visuals

Imagine the scenario and extend your thoughts through terms closer to visual knowledge

Write down the entire terms which are connected to the subject

Think on how many questions you can frame to create a case study on it

Case study should have maximum number of terms so that ideas can be framed

Afterwards debate on the case study through terms and work it out strategy

Strategy is nothing but choosing words over sentences and framing them with insight

Experience in coming to right strategy is knowledge of how many terms were used and spend upon

How much of awareness of society and books information was used to get to the solution without faults

How does clutter affect the marketing after corona virus episode is over?

Pick up terms closer to clutter and marketing terms


Bill boards

White board


Public habits


Psychology of public

Etc etc

Now imagine the public mentality through knowledge of habits by having visuals of corona virus

Read novels and books related to corona attacks through books, magazines etc.

Now imagine the prices to be given to marketing executives after corona with help of cost of living term

Check out through marketing research cost of living prior to corona virus and change in geography after

It is all terminologies in and around your life which you pick and look at questions framing to suit answer
Now design questions one by one

What is cost of living standard prior to corona virus?

How many marketing executives are left out to be picked up

How much salary to be fixed up after corona to keep company safe

Etc etc

With these questions through terms framed you can easily answer the questions

The very strength of strategy designing is awareness of how many terms can be associated with

How many areas of subjects are getting associated with the actual question

How much of knowledge is in the brain giving insight to self and can be got through others

When you do marketing research through terms association answer is ineviably got

And answer is

After corona virus attack cost of living of utilities has increased as observed through daily outings during
corona virus which means salary package has to be increased which means to get profits from utilities
produced marketing terminology of differentiation is to be implemented instead of remaining terms
called as focus and cost leadership

When you know the terms of focus and cost leadership in your brain cells learnt it is easy to pick up the
strategy answer through testing of terms used and remembered
What you remember in your brain and apply the knowledge strategy can easily be designed

Terms knowledge through you can easily fine tune the closeness of success of choosing right strategy

Now do brain storming terminology and come to conclusion through group behavioral psychology

If you are good at picking up terms from books to brains automatically one can design any strategy

For proper strategy to be successful constant interaction with books which means constant observation
of usage of terms in subject is observed, understood and seen how it has been implemented through
discussions and debates with copartners and co workers

Strategy designing is nothing but usage of terms and remembering them practically to use them when
needed to come to right decision without making mistakes

You forget terms, you lose strategy upgradation,

You remember terms, you can hit jack pot's easily through collaboration

Hence more you read books, look out for terms used in the books to keep the book engrossing

The more you identify the terms associated with the subject being spoken you can easily succeed in life

Thought of the day

Terms and subject are interrelated to succeed in strategy designing and can be copied easily by

How to do multiple source jobs in a given 24 hours to become rich

To be rich is everybody goal in life so as to come out of rat race

A person can't earn income huge unless he has plenty of opportunities available in country

The best method to be rich is spending time with the subject knowledge

If you invest a greater number of hours on job and go on working is sure to earn income

10000 hours of habit of doing job is sure way to be wealthy


I am a consultant giving advice to companies and earning income every day every month

Multiple source jobs on above rule game are

I can take up a job of giving consultation in internet

I can take up chat as mode of giving instructions to people

I can take up friends and groom up blogs to get wealth

I can take up women enterprise and solve issues through books

I can take up website and refer books for people to be independent

I can take up institutions and give speeches through hr network

The best way to confront and earn income is

Sitting in one place and earning income through sit down position on chair

Look for those jobs which you can invest sitting in one position and getting wealth

Look for those ways through which you can never leave the job and spend hours of time non stop

The best methodology I taught in above example is

The job of consultation extension was

Sitting in one place Infront of computer

Sitting in one place and chatting with thousands of people non stop

Looking at opportunities by being introvert

By being extrovert you can never tap people as it is wastage of time

The best way you can earn income is stationary jobs

As is advised by me it is to be observed that job of consultation was 24 hours

I can choose the job extension without leaving the home

I can choose the job without tension of leaving the thoughts which come to me

I can record anything at any given 24 hours and write at any given day or night

This type of jobs if you can do you would always end up with money

But best way to look at earnings is it should be extension of your actual income

It should extend your knowledge of base subject on which you have taken up job

Extension of job for me was consultation to companies extended to blogs writing and chats with CEOs

Knowledge continuation of job extending it to different spheres within limits of introverts is money
Thought of the day

Job extension and continuation through thoughts with being introvert to house 24 hours is being rich


How should a company employee should be rich in my opinion

You do a job

You read books in plenty

You gain insight into career

You look for opportunities

You have to share knowledge

You purchase books

You spend time with intellectuals

You go to foreign for studies

You are given ceo position at 35

You lose the job

You cant take up future assignments

You are scared of being pauper

You gain insight into life

What is it???
You should read school books

You should read books of personality development during teens

You should never earn money during childhood

You should invest time in soft skills

You should take up vocational training

You should never read books higher than your brain cells

You can find it out through friends of your own age when they no longer your friends when you chat

You should know job one by one step in accordance with development of brain cells

You should take job one at a time and never at a time

You should groom up brain cells intelligence gradually

This you would know when you are working in group psychology without being leader of group

You are asked to read books through reference and not by self

You can keep job till 14 years without fuss

You gain knowledge of society

You become an entrepreneur

You employ people who are more knowledgeable than you

You become wealth

The moral of story told by me is ????

Others should be intelligent you shouldn’t be

Others should have more knowledge than you

Others should be more wealthy than you

Others should be insightful and give you helping hand

Why ???
Dangerous people always look for higher knowledge

Dangerous people take up risks because of knowledge sharing

Dangerous people die ruthless death gaining insight of head and tails

Dangerous people look for employment lesser than 6 hours of work per day

Dangerous people mint money faster than others gaining insights of positive and negative

Dangerous people lead abnormal lives , many fail

Who wins the battle of wits and wisdom according to me???

The man who believe in needs

The man who cooks his food slowly

The man who gets promotion gradually

The man who read books out of necessity

The man who is insightful about his job and does it without assistance

Faster life, faster cars, faster paced lifestyle is dangerous

Why ???

Knowledge is slow process

Knowledge needs friends helping hand to gain insights

Knowledge needs authors to be detailed

Knowledge is to be PhD which requires all round knowledge of all term's usage

Knowledge can never be amassed in one gulp, it requires understanding psychology

Psychology knowledge is socializing and socializing is never taken up youth,

As knowing of habit to inculcate in individual on anything takes 10000 hours of time minimum
What to take and what not to take ????

You would be rich if you answer all questions of life

You would be rich if you have insight into everything pertaining to your field

You would be rich if you know your work thoroughly

You would be rich if you know what is good and what is bad in society , that takes observation of time

For all above to take place in your life you should be experienced pro and that takes habit of 10000 hour

Retire at 45 but never at 35

Passive income is needed to retire

Knowledge of financial books is to be read before retiring

Knowledge of friend's circle is to be there to do work later on if required

Knowledge of consultation is pre requisite to succeed that requires experience of few decades to handle

You should be entrepreneur to be rich ???

Investments give you wealth

Investments means money, you have to earn it through white money

Investments is knowledge of jargons to succeed

Investments means you should depend upon institutions

Investments means you should be a learner of knowledge not professor

Investments to handle need observation of life of others

Investments observation is process of flow of income in earth

Being slow mover is Indian scenario, faster paced life is foreign staying because education is flexible

If you are knowledgeable at age of 30 instead of 50 ???

You would be made CEO of the company

You would never have knowledge of grass root levels of management

You would never see yourself gaining knowledge of everything

All decisions are haywire because of short stay in company

You would be tension as you are not able to retire because you are young

You would lose money being young as it requires insight into investments

Investments insight comes when you have time under your belt to observe

Job load is huge and all are seniors to handle instead of your own age to survive

Survival of fittest is applied only to those people who handle similar age group

It is not implemented when employees are above aged to handle, you would lose commonsense

Thought of the day

Similar age group people fall into similar type of retirement plans , never under aged
End of company articles

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