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7/19/2020 Confidence, Dominance and Authority | Sapien Medicine on Patreon

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Sapien Medicine

Feb 17, 2018 at 7:57pm Unlocked

Con dence, Dominance and Authority
Ever wonder why most people listen to Generals etc? Because of their uniform.? If you look
closely most of these guys (and ladies of course) act di erently, they walk and talk with authority,
like own and control the place. This type of thinking and body language is learnt over time. The
eld here works to replicate this in you. This can be very useful for leaders and those aspiring to
be. They always say ladies love a guy in uniform, but is it really his uniform or the authority and
control he represents? This can help you acquire a bit of that authority.

All the elds here work together and are designed to complement each other and work for
getting complements to you. 

You can use the sigil on this book to create your own item to help instill con dence, make you
dominant and command authority

Con dence_Dominance_and_Authority.pdf


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Lenny 1y
No audio?

Atreides 1y
I placed this on a piece of yellow obsidian using my phone screen for the sigil... 3 hours. Spoke the
word rst. And then again at the end just in case. I've been carrying this with me for a few days now.
My feedback is that it works very well. What I've noticed most is being more comfortable talking to
people while at work, which is sort of a necessary evil. The authority and dominance I've noticed a bit
with being more direct with people. I was already pretty direct so it's not a huge di erence, but
noticeable. Self con dence showed up in a surprising way, more in my internal world than with
people. I noticed a developing epiphany lately that my goal and reward in life so to speak is more
about doing what I choose to do (in a healthy way) and much less or not at all about how people treat
me in return for me being who I am. So much energy can be sapped by trying to gure out how to
maneuver others into not being toxic towards us. What a relief if we can ever truly not give a fuck and
just be happy to be able to live the lives we choose, not feeling we need anyone else in order to
accomplish that. So that's my feedback. It's the kind of real life results/feedback I scroll through the
comments looking for, so may it satisfy the curiosity of whoever reads it. 1/5
7/19/2020 Confidence, Dominance and Authority | Sapien Medicine on Patreon

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Christian Okonye 1y
Is it okay to have any of your sigils as tattoos?

Atreides 1y
It has crossed my mind. I almost want to put shielding in one of my palms. It would be a
little conspicuous though. I think you'd still have to look at it and say "Shielding

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Viviane Beyer 1y
Very helpful Frank !

Tara Silverwillow 1y
I charged several items (each item for 3 hours) using this sigil. I have worn them, and can truly feel
that they work, as people show me more politeness and respect than before and being an introvert, I
am now calmer around people as well. Thank you for this gift, Sapien Med.

Markus 11mo
I had charged a silver ring with carnelian with this sigil. After four days of wearing it, the ring
disappeared. I only took it o for sleeping and having showers. What do you make of it?

Atreides 11mo
Having too much con dence can piss people o . Maybe the angels said 4 days is good
and yanked it.

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Helena 11mo
I have been using the item I charged for a few days now, on and o . I think it works very well
indeed!!! Very e ective!!! Thank you for this sigil!!

Guro Mathisen 4mo

How do you charge it?

Srboslav 4mo
i think with the eld booster? not sure though

Sean Conway 2/5

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