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This decomposition (levels) is repeated to further increase the frequency resolution [1].

In general, the dyadic

decomposition of the data is encountered at each stage of wavelet transformation with halving the spatial
resolution (only half the number of samples characterize the entire signal at next stage) along each dimension
thereby doubling the frequency resolution (the band width of the signal in the next stage spans only half the
frequency band, effectively halving the uncertainty in frequency) [2].

 Narrower we make the window, better the time resolution and better the assumption of stationarity, but
poorer the frequency resolution.

 Narrow window à good TR à poor FR

 Wide window à good FR à poor TR [3]

 In STFT,(FR) decreases because we no longer know the exact frequency components that exist in the
signal, but we only know a band of frequencies that exist.

 In FT, window (kernel) function is infinite length. In STFT window is of finite length.

 MRA is designed to give good TR and poor FR at high frequencies and good FR and poor TR at
lower frequencies. [3]

 Translation is related to location of window.

 Scale/ Dilation ( Inverse of frequency) , Low scale (high frequencies) corresponds to detailed
information of the signal and High scale( lower frequencies) corresponds to global/coarse
information of the signal. [3]

Thus we can conclude that as we go from 1 level to the next the the frequency resolution increases (or)
width of the time window decreases.

Multiresolution Analysis [4]

Analyze the signal at different frequencies with different resolutions

Good time resolution and poor frequency resolution at high frequencies

Good frequency resolution and poor time resolution at low frequencies [ my inference: suppose a
pattern is dispersed for large space in an image {LF}, that pattern {LF} can be trapped as we go to next
levels of decomposition {increase frequency resolution} ]

More suitable for short duration of higher frequency; and longer duration of lower frequency components

The discrete translates of the scaling functions form an orthonormal basis at each resolution
level. The wavelet basis is generated from the scaling function basis. The two bases are mutually orthogonal
at each resolution level. The scaling function is an averaging function. The orthogonal projection of a
function onto the scaling function basis is an averaged approximation. The orthogonal projection onto
the wavelet basis is the difference between two approximations at two adjacent resolution levels. Both
the scaling functions and the wavelets satisfy the orthonormality conditions and the regularity conditions.


[2] My proposal

[3] eye old/ wavelets workshop / Mr Mahesh

[4] eye old/ wavelets workshop / appwave...

[5] Sheng 2000

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