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Types of academic texts 2.

Scanning-used to search only for specific

information needed.
ARTICLES-Published scholarly journals. This 3. Comprehhensive-technique requires processing
type of academic text offers results of the text for full understanding of the material.
of research and development that 4. Critical- It is a technique whic involves an analysis
can either impact the academic of the claims presented in the text.
community or provide relevance to
nation building.
CONFERENCE REPORTS-These are papers Context Clues- are words or phrases or sentences
presented in scholastic conferences, and maybe that would help you to decipher the meaning of
revised as articles for possible publication in difficult words in the selection.
scholarly journals.
REVIEWS-These provide evaluation or Critique paper is an expression of the writer’s
reviews of works published in thoughts, feelings, ideas or emotions in an
scholarly journals. undertaking.
THESIS/ DISSERTATIONS-These are personal
researches written by a candidate for a college Unity The oneness of thought in the whole
or university degree. composition
Emphasis means highlighting the topic of
1.Typically formal. choice in the entire composition.
2.Clearly structured introduction. A good thesis statement provides unclear topic
3.Clearly structured body. of the text.
4.Clearly structured conclusion.
5.Information from credible source which in
turn, properly cited.
6. Include list of references.

Summarizing-Condensing the text into a shorter

Paraphrasing-entails the use of rewording and
phrasing of the original text.
Details- simply the facts or ideas presented by the
author in the text.

Reading- a connected discourse between the

reader and the text.
Techniques in Reading
1. Skimming- used to get only hte main ideas of a
written text in order to know what the material is all
1.1 Previewing- involves giving the material a
general look in order to know what the material
1.2 Overviewing- makes use of taking a look at the
titl, chapter or heading.
1.3 Surveying- involves giving the text a rundown
from first selection to the ast selection.

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