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Senior High School Department

8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City




Students are the important elements in educational institutions and these

learners play the part of the next generation future builders of the country’s

success. Students have to face many academic demands, for example,

answering in recitation, accomplishing paper works, showing progress in school

subjects, comprehending the lesson, socializing to classmates, fulfilling teachers

and parents’ academic expectations that leads to academic stress. The blog of

Thakkar (2018) stated that academic stress involves mental distress regarding

anticipated academic challenges.

Mounting social and academic pressures mean that higher education can

be a challenge for any student. A Uni Health study found that 80% of those

studying in higher education reported symptoms of stress or anxiety, while one

NUS survey found that nine in 10 students experienced stress, Lawton

(2019).Intricately, the academic stress is caused by enrolment and admission,

subject, schedule, classroom, financial, teacher, expectation and classmate. The

academic performance is affected on the academic stress and through identifying

the academic stress level, it will serve a way to give proper recommendations to

solve this situation along the realizations of academic stress level in senior high

school. Having low grades will lessen their self-confidence on enhancing their

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

skills and abilities that reduces the opportunities to have their tertiary level of

education, employment and even entrepreneurship.

Reasons why this study will focus on the academic stress level of selected

senior high school students. These give researchers the determination to

contribute reliable and usable information that will help to lessen the academic

stress of senior high school and improve their academic performance through the

realization on conclusion based on the analysis and interpretation of data on the

academic stressors to know the academic stress level. These improvements on

students will open on many possibilities that the students will succeed on getting

their profession.

Background of the Study

According to the poll by the social network, After School, tens of thousands

of high school students are asked how often they feel stressed, nearly 45% said

“all the time,” citing relationships and teachers as the primary reasons why.

The poll answered by 35,878 teens in the United States of America shows

44.88% ofteens feel stressed “all the time,” compared to just 12.18% who are

“rarely” stressed, and 6.3% who are “never” stressed.

Relationships (27.22%) and teachers (24.55%) were the most popular

answers to “what stresses you out the most,” followed by parents (13.46%),

college (9.47%), and friends (4.21%).

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

From 2015 to succeeding year, the news release of New York University

stated that selective high schools have oriented themselves to address a context

of competitive college admissions, along the school work, college applications,

extracurricular activities, and parental expectations all contribute to teenagers’

stress. It shows that nearly half (49%) of all students reported feeling a great deal

of stress on a daily basis and 31 percent reported feeling somewhat stressed.

Grades, homework, and preparing for college were the greatest sources of stress

for both genders. A substantial minority, 26 percent of participants, reported

symptoms of depression at a clinically significant level.

Furthermore, a recent study surveyed and interviewed and found out that

49 percent of students reported feeling “a great deal of stress” on a daily basis.

Half reported doing three or more hours of homework per night—over four times

the national average of 6 percent.But many students are only stressed about

these things because they internalize pressures from parents, teachers, and

peers, Ossola (2015).

Theoretical Framework

Cognitive-relational theory defines stress as a particular relationship

between the person and the environment that is appraised by the person as

taxing or exceeding his or her resources and endangering his or her well-being

(Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). Appraisals are determined simultaneously by

perceiving environmental demands and personal resources.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City



Teacher-related Classmate-related

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

This concept is from the cognitive-relational theory of Lazarus and

Folkman (1984) that has two factors which is the personal factors and

environmental factors. But we can only use personal factor which is consist of

Classmate-related and Teacher-related as the stressors that assess the

individual’s circumstances.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Input Process Output

Demographic Profile  Survey

of the Respondents: Questionnaire
 Data Gathering
 Gender  Tallying of Data
 Age  Analyzing and  Academic Stress
 Strand interpreting the Level among
data Selected Senior
A Academic Stress High School
Level in the Students of
Following: President
 Teacher-related
Macapagal High
 Classmate-related
School. S.Y.

Figure 2: Research Paradigm

This figure shows the Input, Process and Output of the study.

In input, the researchers included the gender, age and strand as the

demographic profile of selected senior high school along the academic stress

level that composes of teacher-related and classmate-related,

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Process involves the survey questionnaire as the main instrument to

gather the information. The collected data by the researchers are counted to get

the frequency of the demographic profile and the answers of the respondents in

academic stressors that will define the academic stress level.

Lastly, the output is to find the relationship of academic stress level

pertaining to gender, age and strand.

Statement of the Problem

This study generally aims to recognize the academic stress level among

selected senior high school students.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents on the following:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

1.3 Strand

2. What is the academic stress level in terms of the following:

2.1 Teacher-related

2.2 Classmate-related

3. Is there a significant relationship between academic stress level of

selected senior high school students pertaining to gender, age and strand.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City


Ho: There is no significant relationship between academic stress level to gender,

age and strand of the students.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between academic stress level to gender,

age and strand of the selected senior high school students.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aimed to evaluate academic stress level among selected senior

high school students in the President Diosdado Macapagal High School being

conducted on year 2020. The researchers will not merely focus on identifying the

academic stress level of the selected respondents from senior high school,

instead, the study will also include the significant relationship of the academic

stress level pertains to gender, age, track and strand that will fill the gap on the

other past researches with regards the relationship of these variables.

The academic stress level of senior high students was identified through

academic stressors responded by selected senior high school studentsthat

include enrolment and admission related, subject-related, teacher-related,

classmate-related, schedule-related, classroom-related, financial-related and


Significance of the Study

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

This segment gave brief description on various significant of the study given to

those who would be benefited. This study is beneficial to the following:

Principals: This study serve as a reference for the curriculum design for

planning and implementation of program to lessen the academics stress shown

in the academic stress level.

Guidance Counsellors: They may use this study as a reference to organize a

program that will help and benefit the students to reduce and recover from their


Teachers: To make this study valuable through determining where subject area

does the students experienced struggle or stress and make a suggestion that will

be helpful on planning the program.

Students: This may help the students to recognize their academic stress level

and what strategies or solution they can take to minimize their stress that is

merely affect their performance on school. In line with this, the study also helps

them to turn their academic stresses into the useful things and be productive.

Future researchers: To find this research as a useful tool in gathering data for

future references that will help them on improvements through filling the gaps

present in other researches.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in this study are defined operationally to ensure

better understanding of the text.

Academic stress- is a stress that is response of body to academic challenges

and failures that students usually experience.

Academic stress level- a kind of stress level that merely focus on academic that

is being identified through the academic stressors perceived by the senior high

school students.

Age- it is one of the demographic profiles that has the ranges of 16-17, 18-19,

20-21, 22-23 and 24-25.

Classmate-related- is where the academic stress came from their classmate

through interaction and socialization within the school.

Gender- define the respondents as female or male.

Senior high- the level of education that includes the grade 11 and 12.

Strand- it includes Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS), General Academic

Strand (GAS), Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),

Cookery, Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM), Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) and Nursing Aid for demographic profile of


Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Stress- is feeling or emotion of a person towards the tasks and challenges that is

seem so hard to accomplish.

Students- these are the selected grade 11 and 12 students used as a

respondenton conducting a study.

Teacher-related - is the related cause of academic stress of the students

through the teacher's teaching style, attitude or as motivator.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City



This chapter presents relevant literature and studies concerning the academic

stress level of selected senior high school students.

Academic Stress

Academic stress was associated with poor living arrangements, unable to

share personal problems with others and involvement in romantic relationships,

Deb (2015). Academic stressors show themselves in many aspects in the

students' environment: at school, home, in their peer relations and even in their

neighborhoods. The WHO (2015) defined the age interval for adolescences as

10 to 19 years.

In addition, academic stress demands an extra ability to cope, often with

something that is new and different in academics, Deb (2015).Students in

secondary and tertiary education settings face a wide range of ongoing stressors

related to academic demands.

Previous research indicates that academic-related stress can reduce

academic achievement, decrease motivation and increase the risk of school

dropout, concluded on the article of Pascoe et al. (2019).

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Thakkar (2018) asserted that greatest academic stressors include tests,

grades, homework, academic and achievement expectations and parental

pressure. School related stresses include inadequate instructional methods,

teacher-student relationships, heavy academic workload, poor physical

classroom environments, inability to balance one’s leisure time with school, and

disorganization surrounding academic assignments and schedules. Additional

sources consist of a struggle to meet academic standards, worries about time

management and concerns over grades and scores. Students are thus, seen to

be affected by the negative causes of academic stress.


The study of Dhull and Kumari (2015) examined the Academic Stress

among Adolescents in relation to Gender. They found out that there is a

significant difference between academic stress of male and female adolescents.

Female subjects were found to be under more academic stress as compared to

their male counterparts.According to Calvarese (2015) more females

experienced higher levels of depression, frustration, and anxiety than their male

counterparts when reacting to stress. Males also tended to have other

psychological reactions different from those listed on the survey. In addition,

while the stress reaction of anger was barely statistically in significant, more

females expressed anger than males as a reaction to stress.


Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

The 2018 Statistics of Canada shows that 23 per cent of people over the

age of 15 report that most days are “quite a bit” or “extremely” stressful, and that

number rises to 30 per cent among the 35 to 54 age group. From the 2017

statistical data by Kunst that exhibit the percentage of adults in the U.S. by

frequency of stress as of 2017, by age. It was found that 87 percent of those

aged 18 to 29 years often or sometimes felt stressed, compared to 70 percent of

those aged 30 to 59 years. Age really matters when it comes on levelling of

stress that will use on academic stress level.


Desamparado et al. (2019) reveals that there is no significant association

of stress levels when students are categorized according to strand.


Meador (2019) defines a bad teacher that can set a student or group of

students back considerably. They can create significant learning gaps making the

next teacher’s job that much harder. A bad teacher can foster an atmosphere full

of discipline issues and chaos establishing a pattern that is extremely difficult to

break. Finally, and perhaps most devastatingly, they can shatter a student’s

confidence and overall morale. The effects can be disastrous and nearly

impossible to reverse. Discipline issues cause distractions, and distractions add

up and limit learning time. Every time a teacher has to handle a discipline issue,

she loses valuable instructional time. In addition, each time a student is sent to

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

the office on a discipline referral that student loses valuable instruction time. Any

discipline issue will result in the loss of instruction time, which limits a student’s

learning potential. This some teacher-related factors can be a stressor to identify

the academic stress level.

Furthermore, Alm and Colnerud (2015) researched that grading is often

perceived as one of a teacher's most difficult tasks. Despite most teachers

endeavoring to grade their students as objectively as possible, many students

feel that they are subject to unfair grading.


The news written by Hadden (2015) provides reliable information about

academic competition causes stress. It presents that school-inflicted stress is

increasing, and many students and faculty members believe that academic

competition, within the classroom and in the form of class ranks, is a major

contributing factor.

Schuman (2012) stated that bullying is a widespread and serious issue.

What was once brushed aside as a rite of passage, when kids were advised to

"tough it out," is now understood as a potentially catastrophic problem among

youth today. According to, 160,000 children in the U.S miss

school each day for fear of being bullied. And with improved technology and the

pervasive use of social media, inappropriate behavior between kids can occur

outside of school hours via emails, text messages, and Facebook posts. These

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

exchanges, known as cyberbullying, can be particularly hurtful and aggressive,

especially if they are anonymous, and their harmful effects are often brought

back into school the next day. Whether it's verbal or physical, bullying is a threat

to children of all ages. Here are seven ways to help your child cope with being


In addition, Mann (2017) stated that one more club, one more sport, one

more Advanced Placement class — one less hour of sleep. This kind of schedule

has become a reality for some high schoolers, often resulting in students

devoting excessive amounts of time to school. This is done in order achieve high

caliber grades while staying involved in various extracurricular activities.Students

attempting to maintain involvement in a variety of activities while juggling school

work has proven to have a number of effects on their mental health. A study

conducted by Dr. Noelle Leonard, a psychological researcher at New York

University, found that American high school students are functioning at stress

levels which parallel those of an adult with chronic stress disease. Activities

showcasing lots of veins.

Synthesis and Relevance of the Related Literature and Studies

Academic plays a big role in youth succession in any aspects of life.

However, it may also hinder the success through the academic stressors that

involves enrolment and admission-related, subject-related, teacher-related,

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

classmate-related, schedule-related, classroom-related, financial-related,


Access to college education through enrolment and admission is one of

the main sources of the senior high school students. The subjects add burden to

the students especially when the learners are struggling to cope up on lessons.

Inside the school, teachers can impose lots of disciplinary actions but sometimes

teachers’ way of teaching can shatter a students’ confidence and over all morale.

Classmate-related and classroom-related stressors reveal the academic stress

level because it includes the competition inside the room that results the stress

that will increase when the classrooms is over-crowded or have any distractions

that may sum up to the academic stress level. Schedule-related stressor is also

one of the elements of stress, specifically includes the class workload in which

the advanced level classes requires a high amount of study. In money issue, the

financial related stressors reveal that the financial problem is the most conceive

causes of academic stress according to American study. Furthermore,

expectations can leads to low self-confidence because students are afraid to

have disappointments on parents. On the other hand, the parental expectation

has no relationship to the academic stress level from the study of Chellamuthu


Nonetheless, the academic stress level has relationships on the

demographic profile includes the gender, age, track and strand. Gender has a

significant difference between stress level and between male and female. In terms

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

of age, in the 2018 statistics of Canada; the age of 35 to 54 age group has high

stress level. Lastly, from the study of Desamporado, et al. (2019) stated that there

is no significant relationship between strand or track and academic stress level.

The relationship of strand and track to academic stress level is the variable that

the researcher will fill to enhance the research that may use by the future

researchers as their basis.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City



This chapter describes the research method used, population frame and

sampling scheme, description of the respondents, research instrument, data

gathering procedures and statistical treatment of data.

Research Method Used

This study entitled Academic Stress Level among Selected Senior High

School Students of President Diosdado Macapagal High School. S.Y. 2019-2020

used correlation and descriptive research. A correlational research

design measures a relationship between two variables without the researcher

controlling either of them, McCombes (2019). This means to study whether

variables increase or decrease that corresponds into another variable that will

identify if the correlation is strong or weak. In other cases, there might be no

correlation at all between the variables of interest. According to McCombes

(2019), descriptive research is an appropriate choice when the research aim is to

identify characteristics, frequencies, trends, correlations, and categories; this

research method is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical

calculations. Often the best approach prior to writing descriptive research, is

conducting a survey investigation. These two research designs are vital to know

the academic stress level of seniors through the sample and its relationship to

gender, age and strand.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Population Frame and Sampling Technique

Senior High School Students in President Diosdado Macapagal High

School will be the population in this research with the total of 686 students in

senior high school level; hence, 253 senior high school students will be the

sample. According to Ochoa (2017) simple random sampling is a sampling

method in which all of the elements in the population and, consequently, all of the

units in the sampling frame have the same probability of being selected for the

sample. It would be along the lines of having a fair raffle among every individual

in the population.

Slovin’sformula was utilized to determine the sample size of the population

on this study, where,

n= sample size

N= population size

e 2= margin of error

1+ N e 2

Description of the Respondents

Simple random sampling procedure was been used on this study for

selecting the respondents from the six (6) sections of grade 12 and eight (8)

sections of grade 11 with their corresponding strand Science Technology

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), General Academic Strand (GAS),

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) under Academic Track and Electrical

Installation and Maintenance (EIM), Cookery, Nursing Aid, Information and

Communication (ICT) for Technology Vocational Livelihood.

Research Instrument

The researchers adopted the survey questionnaire of Glenn M. Calaguas

consisting of series of questions. This questionnaire is adopted to get the

academic stress level among selected senior high school students and its

relationship to gender, age and strand. The questionnaires compose (a)

enrolment and admission-related, (b) subject-related, (c) teacher-related, (d)

classmate-related, (e) schedule-related, (f) classroom-related, (g) financial-

related, and (h) expectation-related as academic stressors to know the academic

stress level. But we can only used t The questionnaire has 67 items to be

answered by the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers were asked permission from the teachers especially to the

principal to use the students on responding to the research. Next, the

identification of the sample population of the students that the researchers used

in conducting their study with the help of Mrs. Leilani D. Concepcion as the SHS

basic education information system officer in-charge. The researcher found out

that the total number of students in grade 11 is 376 students while in grade 12 is

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

310 with the overall total of 686 senior high school students. Researchers used

Slovin`s Formula to get the total number of samples to be use on responding the

survey. Then, the researcher administered the survey questionnaire to the

selected senior high school respondents through fish-bowl method wherein the

names of respondents was placed inside the bowl and the researchers randomly

picked 253 respondents. When the respondents were absent the researchers

used social media in communication to have their answer. Before the

respondents answer the provided questionnaires, the researchers give the

permission letter to the current teacher in class and when they approved, the

directions and content was clearly explained to have more accurate and reliable

data results. If there are some misconception on some statement, the

respondents had their freedom to ask. The survey questionnaire was checked

by the researchers if the respondents answered it completely while collecting.

Lastly, the researchers analysed and interpreted the gathered data from the

respondents’ answers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Data would be analyzed by the used of descriptive statistics and inferential

statistics. According to Kaur et al. (2018) descriptive statistics are used to

summarize data in an organized manner by describing the relationship between

variables in a sample or population. Calculating descriptive statistics represents a

vital first step when conducting research and should always occur before making

inferential statistical comparisons.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

On the other hand, inferential statistics is used to draw educated

conclusions about a population that is likely too large to sample completely. This

is done by taking a random sample of individuals within the population of interest,

and taking measurements. From these measurements, various parameters can

be estimated about the overall population, King, P. (2018).

Frequency Table is a representation, either in a graphical or tabular format

that displays the number of observations within a given interval. The interval size

depends on the data being analyzed and the goals of the analyst. The intervals

must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive, Young (2019). This table is used to

identify the number of responses with regards to gender, age and strand or track

as well as their answers on the academic stressors to know the academic stress


Percentage reflects the proportion of scores of a particular value. The

percentage for a particular value is calculated by dividing the frequency of a

given value by the total number of scores in the data set, Hayes,

(2015).Percentage is used to know the portion of respondents in terms of their

demographic profile that includes gender, age and strand or track.


P- Percentage for a category

f- Frequency or number of responses per category

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

N- Total number of respondents

Weighted Mean is a statistical method where in the value will be multiplied

to the given data points and after the multiplication is the application of addition

and division based on the respondents. The weighted mean is used in the

frequency table to know the value of each academic stressors.

ANOVA or Analysis of Variance is a statistical test that looks for

significant relationship between means on a particular measure, Crossman 2018.

It is purposely used to identify the relationship of gender, age and strand or track

to the academic stress level.


 X = individual observation,

  = sample mean of the jth treatment (or group),

  = overall sample mean,

 k = the number of treatments or independent comparison groups, and

 N = total number of observations or total sample size.

Likert Scale was used to interpret the data. It is a system that has verbal

interpretation that measures the likeness or the most preferable answer of the

respondents that is used in data analysis and reflects on the results of the study.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

There are classically four options to be offered.

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.01-4.00 severely stressful

3 2.01-3.00 moderately stressful

2 1.01-2.00 mildly stressful

1 0.01-1.00 not at all stressful

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City



This chapter shows the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data in

every criterion that states the result in terms of gender, age and strand as

demographic profile and teacher-related, classmate-related, as academic

stressors to evaluate the academic stress level.

Specific Problem 1. What is the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of gender, age and strand?

1.1 Gender

Table 1

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 108 42.69%
Female 145 57.31%
Total 253 100%

As shown on the table above, most of the respondents were female

comprises of 145 with its corresponding percentage of 57.31% while the male

had the number of 108 with its percentage of 42. 69%. The total number of

frequency of male and female is 253 with percentage of 100%.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

1.2 Age

Table 2

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

24-25 2 0.79%
22-23 4 1.58%
20-21 16 6.32%
18-19 104 41.11%
16-17 127 50.20%
Total 253 100%

As mentioned on the table 2, the age of the respondents started from 16-

25 years old. Majority of the respondents were from the age range of 16-17 years

old that consist 127 respondents or50.20%, followed by 18-19 years old with the

total of 104 or 41.11%, from the age of 20-21, the respondents were composed

of 16 or 6.32%, while from the range of 22-23 there were 4 or 1.58%

respondents. On the other hand, the lowest number of respondents were came

from the age range of 24-25 that only consist of 2 or 0.79%

1.4 Strand

Table 4

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Strand

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Strand Frequency Percentage

Humanities and Social Science

(HUMSS) 43 16.99%
General Academic Strand (GAS)
37 14.62%
Science Technology Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) 41 16.21%

Cookery 49 19.37%
Electrical Installation and
Maintenance (EIM) 32 12.65%
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) 31 12.25%
Nursing Aid 20 7.91%
Total 253 100%

As shown on table 4, the total respondents is 253 students.Cookery has a

largest respondents composed of 49 or 19.37%, followed by Humanities and

Social Science (HUMSS) has 43 or 16.99% respondents then, Science

Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)has 41 or 16.21%

respondents while, General Academic Strand (GAS) has a total 37 or 14.62%

respondents, Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) has sum of 32

respondents, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)composed of 31

or 12.25% respondents and Nursing Aid has a smallest number of respondents

consist of 20 0r 7.91%.

2. What is the academic stress level in terms of the following:

2.1 Teacher-related

Table 7
Academic Stress Level in terms of Teacher-Related

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

TEACHER-RELATED 4 3 2 1 Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
1. Dealing with strict parents 41 66 78 68 2.62 Moderately
2. Coping with teachers’
teaching methodologies 29 62 101 61 2.23 Moderately
3. Adjusting with teachers’ unfair
treatment of students 38 72 83 60 2.35 Moderately

Reflected in the table 7, all verbal interpretation is moderately stressful

and the highest weighted mean is 2.62 forthe situation of dealing with strict

parents followed by the adjusting with teacher’s unfair treatment of students with

2.35 weighted mean and the last is the weighted mean of 2.23 for coping with

teacher’s teaching methodologies. The total weighted mean resulted on

moderately stressful because of its value of 2.40.

The result implies that the students mostly had stress in dealing with strict

parents. It only says that the parents should build and enhance their good and

open relationships with their children and students may open up to their teacher

about the problem they encounter, specifically, their relationship with their


To support the findings, Alm and Colnerud (2015), the grading is often

perceived as one of a teacher's most difficult tasks. Despite most teachers

endeavoring to grade their students as objectively as possible, many students

feel that they are subject to unfair grading.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

2.4 Classmate-related

Illustrated on the table 8, the verbal interpretation in all situations under

the classmate-related is moderately stressful along the total weighted mean of

2.26 with same corresponding verbal interpretation. The Bullying by classmates

is on the top with 2.31 weighted mean, 2.30 for conducting activities with

classmates, 2.24 for competing with classmates, 2.23 for disliking classmates

and the last is the arguing with classmates resulted on 2.21 weighted mean.

This implies that bullying by classmates is one of the sources that make

the student stress. However, conducting activities with classmate give stress to

the students. Therefore, the students should have proper socialization with each

other to lessen the cases of bullying like cyberbullying, physical, social and

verbal bullying. The teachers should give personal advices to their students to

stop bullying and the Supreme Students Council or SSG must strengthen their

control on different types of bullying.

Schuman (2012) stated that bullying is a widespread and serious issue.

According to, 160,000 children in the U.S miss school each

day for fear of being bullied. Cyberbullying, can be particularly hurtful and

aggressive, especially if they are anonymous, and their harmful effects are often

brought back into school the next day. Whether it's verbal or physical, bullying is

a threat to children of all ages.

Table 8

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Academic Stress Level in terms of Classmate-Related

CLASSMATE-RELATED 4 3 2 1 Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
4. Arguing with 29 58 10 63 2.21 Moderately
classmates 3 stressful
5. Disliking classmates 32 63 90 68 2.23 Moderately
6. Competing with 31 68 84 70 2.24 Moderately
classmates stressful
7. Bullying by 46 54 85 68 2.31 Moderately
classmates stressful
8. Conducting activities 35 60 10 54 2.30 Moderately
with classmates 4 stressful

Specific problem 3. Is there a significant relationship between

academic stress level of selected senior high school students pertaining to

gender, age and strand?

Table 13

Relationship of Academic Stress Level to Gender

Academic Stressors F-value Significance Verbal Interpretation
Enrolment and .333 .564 Not Significant
Subject-related 2.37 .120 Significant
Teacher-related .016 .900 Not Significant
Classmate-related 2.072 .151 Significant

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Schedule-related .005 .944 Not Significant

Classroom-related 1.626 .203 Significant
Financial-related 2.431 .120 Significant
Expectation-related .713 .399 Significant

As illustrated on the table, Enrolment and admission-related had greater

significance of .564 compared to its f-value .333, in terms of subject-related the

significance was .120 with f-value of 2.37, while the significance of teacher-

related was .900 with .016 f-value. In classmate-related .151 was the significance

with its f-value of 2.07 while schedule-related had significance of .944 with f-

value of .005, classroom-related had significance of .203 and f-value of 1.626,

the significance of financial-related was .120 with 1.626 f-value. Lastly,

expectation-related had significance of .399 and f-value of .713 that shows

significant to gender.

Table 14

Relationship of Academic Stress Level to Age

Academic Stressors F-value Significance Verbal Interpretation
Enrolment and 1.229 .299 Significant

Subject-related .817 .515 Significant

Teacher-related .762 .551 Significant
Classmate-related 1.590 .178 Significant
Schedule-related .077 .989 Not Significant
Classroom-related 1.013 .401 Significant

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Financial-related .767 .547 Significant

Expectation-related .448 .774 Not Significant

Reflected on the table, enrolment and admission-related significant to age

which had greater f-value of 1.229 compared to its significance .229, .515 was

the significance of subject-related with f-value of .817, while teacher-related had

significance of .551 with its f-value of .762. In classmate-related had .178

significance and 1.590 f-value, while schedule-related revealed not significant to

age its significance .989 was greater than to its .077 f-value, .401 was the

significance of classroom-related with its f-value of 1.013, financial-related had

significance of .547 with .767 f-value. Lastly, expectation-related shows not

significant to age with its significance of .774 and .448 f-value.

Table 15

Relationship of Academic Stress Level to Strand

Academic F-value Significance Verbal
Stressors Interpretation
Enrolment and 3.537 .002 Significant
Subject-related 4.852 .000 Significant
Teacher-related 3.165 .005 Significant
Classmate- 1.080 .375 Significant
Schedule-related 1.830 .094 Significant
Classroom- 3.639 .002 Significant
Financial-related 2.265 .038 Significant
Expectation- 8.018 .000 Significant

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City


As mentioned on the table, all academic stressors show significant to

student`s strand. Enrolment and admission-related had significance of .002 and

f-value of 3.537, .000 was the significance of subject-related with 4.852 f-value,

in teacher-related the significance was .005 with its f-value of 3.165, while

classmate-related got .375 significance and 1.080 f-value. In terms of schedule-

related the significance was .094 with its 1.830 f-value, classroom-related had

lowest significance .002 compared to its f-value of 3.639, financial-related had .

038 significance and f-value of 2.265. On the other hand, expectation-related had

.000 significance and 8.018 f-value.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City



This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusion drawn, and

recommendations made as stated in the statement of the problem.

Summary of Findings

The salient findings of the study are as follows:

1. Demographic Profile

1.1. Gender- Most of the respondents were female which contained 57.31%,

while male was 42.69% from the 253 respondents.

1.2. Age- The age of the respondents started from 16-25 years old. Majority of

the respondents were from the age range of 16-17 years old that consist 127

respondents or 50.20%, followed by 18-19 years old with the total of 104 or

41.11%, from the age of 20-21, the respondents were composed of 16 or 6.32%,

while from the range of 22-23 there were 4 or 1.58% respondents. On the other

hand, the lowest number of respondents came from the age range of 24-25 that

only consist of 2 or 0.79%

1.4. Strand- the total respondents is 253 students. Cookery has a largest

respondents composed of 49 or 19.37%, followed by Humanities and Social

Science (HUMSS) has 43 or 16.99% respondents then, Science Technology

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has 41 or 16.21% respondents while,

General Academic Strand (GAS) has a total 37 or 14.62% respondents,

Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) has sum of 32 respondents,

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) composed of 31 or 12.25%

respondents and Nursing Aid has a smallest number of respondents consist of

20 0r 7.91%.

2. Academic Stress level

2.3. Teacher Related- the most answered is the verbal interpretation of

moderately stressful. The highest mean is the submitting of requirements with

weighted mean of 2.34. Followed by the 2.32 weighted mean of preparing for and

examination, 2.31 for completing requirements and 2.29 for passing practical

examination. The situations passing unannounced examinations and beating

requirements for deadlines both got the weighted mean of 2.28. Passing a

removal examination with 2.26, passing written examinations and participating in

extension activities both got 2.21. A weighted mean of 2.19 for searching for

reference materials, 2.18 for passing oral examinations, 2.16 in conducting

laboratory experiments and 2.15 in completing assignments. Participating in

classroom discussions had 2.13, 2.12 for completing seat works and for the last

three situations got 2.10 for dealing with unannounced graded recitations,

followed by understanding classroom discussions with 2.09 and the lowest is the

weighted mean of 2.04 for writing of assignments. Overall, the total mean is 2.20

with its verbal interpretation of moderately stressful.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

2.4. Classmate related-the verbal interpretation in all situations under the

classmate-related is moderately stressful along the total weighted mean of 2.26

with same corresponding verbal interpretation. The Bullying by classmates is on

the top with 2.31 weighted mean, 2.30 for conducting activities with classmates,

2.24 for competing with classmates, 2.23 for disliking classmates and the last is

the arguing with classmates resulted on 2.21 weighted mean.

3. Significant relationship of academic stressors to gender, age, track and strand.

In terms of gender, Enrolment and admission-related had greater

significance of .564 compared to its f-value .333, in terms of subject-related the

significance was .120 with f-value of 2.37, while the significance of teacher-

related was .900 with .016 f-value. In classmate-related .151 was the significance

with its f-value of 2.07 while schedule-related had significance of .944 with f-

value of .005, classroom-related had significance of .203 and f-value of 1.626,

the significance of financial-related was .120 with 1.626 f-value. Lastly,

expectation-related had significance of .399 and f-value of .713 that shows

significant to gender.

In terms of age, enrolment and admission-related significant to age which

had greater f-value of 1.229 compared to its significance .229, .515 was the

significance of subject-related with f-value of .817, while teacher-related had

significance of .551 with its f-value of .762. In classmate-related had .178

significance and 1.590 f-value, while schedule-related revealed not significant to

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City

age its significance .989 was greater than to its .077 f-value, .401 was the

significance of classroom-related with its f-value of 1.013, financial-related had

significance of .547 with .767 f-value. Lastly, expectation-related shows not

significant to age with its significance of .774 and .448 f-value.

In terms of strand, all academic stressors show significant to student`s

strand. Enrolment and admission-related had significance of .002 and f-value of

3.537, .000 was the significance of subject-related with 4.852 f-value, in teacher-

related the significance was .005 with its f-value of 3.165, while classmate-

related got .375 significance and 1.080 f-value. In terms of schedule-related the

significance was .094 with its 1.830 f-value, classroom-related had lowest

significance .002 compared to its f-value of 3.639, financial-related had .038

significance and f-value of 2.265. On the other hand, expectation-related had .

000 significance and 8.018 f-value.

In terms of track, enrolment and admission-related had significance of .

009 and f-value of 6.837, with the significance of subject-related was .020 and f-

value of 5.521, in teacher-related the significance was .043 and its f-value was

4.143, while classmate-related had significant of .977 and f-value of .001. In

terms of schedule-related the significance was .976 and f-value of .001, the

significance of classroom-related was .140 with its f-value of 2.192, while

financial-related got a significance of .483 and f-value of .4984. On the other

hand, expectation-related had significance of .020 and 5.519 f-value.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1.Most of the respondents were female. Majority of the respondents who answered

the survey questionnaire were in the range of 16-17 years old, where most of

them came from Technical Vocational Track. There were more respondents in

the strand of Technology Vocational Livelihood- Cookery.

2.Majority of the respondents answered moderately stressful in all academic

stressors. The expectation-related stressor is the highest academic stress level

while lowest is the schedule-related.

3.The subject, classmate, expectation, financial, and classroom-related had the

verbal interpretation of significant while the enrolment and admission, teacher,

schedule-related is not significant to gender. In terms of age, the academic

stressors that had significant relationship are enrolment and admission, subject,

teacher, classmate, classroom and financial-related in contrast to schedule and

expectation-related. All academic stressors had significant relationship to

strand. Enrolment and admission, subject and teacher-related had significant

relationship, on the other hand, classmate, schedule, classroom, financial and

expectation-related had no significant relationship.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City


Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following

recommendations are suggested.

1. The curriculum design for planning and implementation of program was

suggested for the principal to focus on the academic stressors presented in

this research.

2. Study suggested that the guidance counselors will focus on the program that

will lessen and handle the academic stress particularly on the field of

expectation-related as the most answered stressor of having stress.

3. Approach the students on what academic stressors that they struggle the

most and help the principals and guidance counselors on conducting the

implemented program that focus on handling the academic stress.

4. Students must tell their answers on the teachers’ approach about the

academic stressors that they experienced and manage their time in school


5. Future researchers may find what specific gender, age, strand and track

mostly suffered from stress to have their enhancement.

Senior High School Department
8th GHQ Brgy. Katuparan Taguig City


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