Baird, Veague & Rabbitt (2005) Developmental Precipitants of Borderline Personality Disorder.

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Development and Psychopathology 17 ~2005!

, 1031–1049
Copyright © 2005 Cambridge University Press
Printed in the United States of America
DOI: 10.10170S0954579405050480

Developmental precipitants of borderline

personality disorder


Dartmouth College

Traditional theories regarding the etiology of borderline personality disorder have focused on poor attachment
figures and0or traumatic experience. The present review posits an additional pathogenic course for this disorder.
Specifically, the proposed mechanism involves a basic disruption of the neural hardware that supports the formation
and maintenance of unconscious emotional memory, hardware essential for the formation of early attachments. It is
further theorized that this early disruption has ongoing effects on both behavioral and concomitant neural
development. Within this model, adolescence is described as a period of intense change that serves as the tipping
point for the onset of borderline personality disorder.

“All you need is love,” sang the Beatles. More gests an additional pathogenic course for this
appropriate, however, may have been some- disorder. Specifically, the proposed mecha-
thing along the lines of—“all you need is a nism involves a basic disruption of the neural
reciprocal exchange of correctly expressed, hardware that supports the creation of uncon-
perceived, and internalized attachment-related scious emotional memory, which is the foun-
affect.” Somehow, that is just not as catchy. dation of early attachment. We further suggest
Human beings are fundamentally prosocial that, akin to tossing a stone in a pond, the
animals who rely on interactions with conspe- effects of this early disruption have a rippling
cifics for feedback and guidance on a vast effect in both behavioral and concomitant neu-
array of life events ranging from simple daily ral development. Based on this notion, we de-
activities like basic nourishment, to more com- velop a model that describes adolescence as a
plex life-altering decisions like whether to ac- period of intense change where these early
cept a job overseas. These essential personal perturbations begin to evidence themselves in
interactions are uniquely disrupted in individ- terms of psychopathology.
uals suffering from borderline personality dis-
order ~BPD!.
Etiology of BPD
BPD is a personality disorder in which pa-
tients exhibit highly unstable affect, mood, There is a rich clinical and theoretical litera-
behavior, object relations, and self-image. Tra- ture on the affective and interpersonal compo-
ditional theories regarding the etiology of this nents of BPD; however, there is little empirical
disorder have focused on environmental con- work in these areas. Although clinical re-
tributors, such as poor rearing conditions or search suggests that BPD is more common
traumatic experience. The present review sug- among females, recent epidemiological work
~Torgerson, Kringlen, & Cramer, 2001! sug-
gests that BPD may be equally common in
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Abigail
A. Baird, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, males. This discrepancy in prevalence esti-
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755; E-mail: mates may be explained by several factors: ~a! women may be more likely to seek treatment

1032 A. A. Baird, H. B. Veague, and C. E. Rabbitt

for BPD, ~b! symptoms of BPD might cause Problems in interpersonal relationships may
more impairment in females relative to males, be a function of the borderline’s frequent cog-
or ~c! gender bias in the categorical descrip- nitive distortions. Borderlines appear to have
tion of this disorder may favor females. a cognitive style, in which they display, “A
Given the prevalence of females in BPD tendency toward global perceptions with a loss
clinical settings, female samples have in- of attention to detail, distortion of the mean-
formed much of the theoretical and empirical ing of an event, patterns of confusion, and
investigation in this area. Most etiological theo- spotty amnesias” ~Kroll, 1988!. Clinicians have
ries suggest that the disorder develops from noted that much of the cognitive distortion of
some combination of biological or tempera- borderline individuals is a function of a fran-
mental predisposition and a toxic family envi- tic fear of abandonment or rejection. Given
ronment. Kernberg ~1996! argues that BPD that a large percentage of individuals with BPD
results from the combined influence of ge- have a concurrent depression or anxiety disor-
netic, constitutional, psychodynamic, and psy- der ~Gunderson & Phillips, 1991; Zanarini,
chosocial forces. Although there is some Frankenburg, Dubo, et al., 1998!, it is difficult
evidence that BPD and related traits tend to to disentangle the relative contribution of Axis I
run in families ~Baron, Gruen, Asnis, & Lord, pathology to such distortion. However, it is of
1985; Nigg & Goldsmith, 1994! it is unclear note that the quality of the cognitions thought
to what extent shared pathology is due to ge- to underlie the borderline’s distortions may be
netic versus environmental influences. particularly interpersonal in nature. Dys-
Disordered personality may be considered phoric cognitions uniquely associated with
an unusual and maladaptive expression of nor- BPD compared to other personality disorders
mal personality traits, thus, some scholars ar- reflect themes of paranoia and being tortured
gue that it may be inappropriate to consider or abused, among others ~Zanarini, Franken-
personality disorders distinct, independent cat- burg, DeLuca, et al., 1998!.
egories. Indeed, Depue and Lenzenweger Recent attempts to elucidate these cogni-
~2005! suggest that personality disorders may tive distortions have involved investigation of
be better understood as fluid, multidimen- information-processing mechanisms in indi-
sional entities, produced by a confluence of viduals with BPD. Neuropsychological data
traits on neurobehavioral dimensions that ex- suggests that there is no specific cognitive im-
ist within the space of normal personality. pairment unique to BPD. The role that affec-
Within this model, personality traits are best tive memory plays in these difficulties is as
defined as the product of the interaction of yet unclear. Two studies of neuropsychologi-
neurobehavioral systems. These systems may cal functioning in BPD have revealed difficul-
be part of an evolutionary process designed to ties in memory and visual perception ~O’Leary,
produce flexible behavior that is critical and Brouwers, Gardner, & Cowdry, 1991; Swirsky–
adaptive for reproductive success and sur- Sacchetti, et al., 1993!. Problems in memory
vival. Thus, neurobehavioral systems respond functioning appeared to be positively related
to interpersonal events, producing a complex to the complexity of the information. Diffi-
emotional response to stimuli. Personality dis- culty in visual perception appears to reveal a
turbance, therefore, appears when these emo- tendency to rely on global scenes at the ex-
tional responses are maladaptive, essentially pense of specific details.
inappropriately intense or absent. For BPD, A natural extension of this work would be
this may mean that the emotional lability and to include affectively salient stimuli. Sprock,
frantic fears of abandonment may be manifes- Rader, Kendall, and Voder ~2000! explored
tations of a complex interplay of anxious and this issue by including a modified Stroop task
affiliative ~increased negative emotion, de- utilizing anger- and sadness-related words ~pre-
creased positive emotion, and diminished con- sumably because these words should have par-
straint! behaviors that may emerge ~a! to less ticular significance to a BPD sample!. Further,
specific interpersonal stimuli or ~b! with more they employed a story-recall paradigm to as-
intensity. sess memory for complex verbal material and
Development and BPD 1033

the influence of emotional themes on recall. when the words were particularly relevant to
Finally, the researchers presented participants BPD ~e.g., abandon, reject, emptiness!. The
with a verbal-recall task with interference. Two authors speculated that participants with BPD
lists of eight words were presented followed were unable to inhibit rehearsal of BPD words
by an interference involving a control condi- when they were presented with the instruc-
tion of serial sevens, or an emotional interfer- tions to forget. This disinhibition is unique to
ence that required subjects to tell a story about stimuli that are interpersonally salient, and does
Thematic Apperception Test Card #13 MF, not occur in the presence of positive or neutral
which often evokes stories of rape or murder. words.
There was no difference in performance on Indeed, it appears that the addition of an
any of the tasks, even those involving emo- affective component that is uniquely salient to
tional stimuli, between BPD, depressed, and BPD individuals may affect information pro-
normal subjects. cessing. Such an interaction between cogni-
A potential criticism of this work is that tion and affect would suggest that borderlines
test stimuli are not specifically interper- might have difficulty on other types of tasks
sonally salient, and thus will not activate of emotion recognition and emotion manage-
BPD-specific schemas. Thus, general words ment. Levine, Marziali, and Hood ~1997! found
associated with depression might not be that borderlines differed from normal subjects
uniquely relevant to BPD individuals. There on four measures of processing emotional in-
is a strong empirical basis for this hypothesis. formation, suggesting that borderlines have
Cognitive biases for specific emotional states more limited capacities for processing emo-
have been noted in several mental disorders. tional information related to self and others,
Mood-congruent memory biases have been recognizing facial expressions of emotion, and
demonstrated in individuals with depressive integrating conflicting or ambiguous emo-
disorders ~Mineka & Nugent, 1995!. Further, tional states.
it appears that the emotional and0or cognitive In addition, tasks that require effortful pro-
deficits associated with each disorder are cessing of stimuli may present a unique chal-
often circumscribed to disorder-specific fea- lenge to individuals with BPD. Lenzenweger,
tures. For example, individuals with posttrau- Clarkin, Fertuck, and Kernberg ~2004! exam-
matic stress disorder ~PTSD! display enhanced ined the role of attention and control in fron-
sensitivity only to emotional lexical stimuli tally mediated tasks ~the Wisconsin Card Sort
that are related to the traumatic experience Test @WCST# ! in relation to emotional dyscon-
~Foa, Feske, Murdock, Kozak, & McCarthy, trol. Whereas participants with BPD were not
1991; McNally, Kaspi, Riemann, & Zeitlin, impaired relative to normal, healthy controls
1990!. These findings suggest that trauma- on tasks that employed working memory or
related psychopathology may involve effects sustained attention, BPD participants did ex-
specific to one emotional system rather than a hibit impairment on the WCST. Similar to the
general state of heightened emotionality. conclusions of Korfine ~1998; Korfine &
To investigate this issue in BPD, Korfine Hooley, 2000!, the authors suggest that dimin-
and Hooley ~2000! utilized a directed forget- ished control may interfere with tasks that
ting paradigm. Researchers instructed a group require effortful processing.
of BPD patients from a day treatment pro- A few etiological explanations have fo-
gram, a group of BPD individuals from the cused on the interaction between tempera-
community, and a group of normal controls to ment and specific environmental attributes.
either remember or forget three types of words: Linehan ~1993! focuses on the emotional dys-
borderline, neutral, and positive. Consistent regulation that is pathognomonic to BPD. She
with hypotheses, both borderline groups argues that a biological predisposition ~per-
showed increased recall of borderline words haps limbic in origin! interacts with an inval-
in the forget condition. In short, BPD individ- idating and interpersonally alienating family
uals remembered more of the borderline words environment resulting in a disruption of the
that they were instructed to forget but only emotion regulation system. This theory views
1034 A. A. Baird, H. B. Veague, and C. E. Rabbitt

child sexual abuse ~CSA! as a model by which tations. These representations are the merging
to understand the etiology of BPD rather than of cognitions relating to self and others and
a prerequisite of the disorder. According to the affects attached to those representations.
this perspective, an invalidating environment If these representations are flawed or biased
in general is required for the disorder to de- by differential memory processing and re-
velop, and CSA represents a prototypical ex- trieval, this may account for a great deal of the
ample of extreme invalidation. This chronic interpersonal problems experienced by BPD
invalidation of emotional experiences may re- individuals ~Kernberg, 1976, 1996!.
sult in a disruption of the emotion regulation
system. As a result, the borderline patient de-
velops extreme emotional vulnerability and
deficits in the ability to regulate emotions. As The first systematic examination of attach-
such, the borderline will experience high sen- ment behaviors involved the study of imprint-
sitivity to emotional stimuli, increased inten- ing behavior by Lorenz ~1935!. Lorenz noted
sity of emotional states, and a slow return to what he believed to be an innate behavioral
emotional baseline relative to nonborderline program, in which the newborn bird formed a
patients. Experience with highly emotional rather rigid behavioral bond with a moving
events may lead to an overactivation of the object. Exposure to this object must occur dur-
limbic system, which may render the individ- ing a critical period immediately following
ual more sensitive to emotional material. The birth. Unfortunately, one caveat of this phe-
result may be analogous to “kindling,” where nomenon is that the object with which this
emotional sensitivity becomes heightened to a bond is formed may or may not be useful as a
pathological level resulting in misinterpreta- mother. There are numerous reports of inves-
tion of interpersonal stimuli ~Hartman & tigators imprinting birds on everything from
Burgess, 1993!. human beings to garden rakes. It is clear that
Benjamin ~1996! asserts that borderline without the interference of science this pro-
pathology is best observed within a social cess is effective in securing recognition be-
and interpersonal context. The borderline tween baby and mother bird. Although human
individual’s misunderstanding of seemingly in- infants do not exhibit imprinting per se, they
nocuous events, her rapid mood swings, and do exhibit a wide range of complex attach-
her frequent cognitive distortions make main- ment behaviors, the nature of which has been
taining a relationship with a borderline a par- empirically delineated.
ticularly daunting task. Using interpersonal As conceptualized by the British psycho-
behavior as a proxy by which to illuminate analyst John Bowlby, attachment behaviors are
borderline pathology, Benjamin ~1992! offers those that have the predictable outcome of
an explanation of the intrapsychic functioning maintaining proximity0contact with the mother.
of the borderline. In general, she argues that Further, Bowlby proposed that the presence
the interpersonal experiences in early child- of these behaviors was evidence of a biologi-
hood affect the patterns of adult relationships. cally based behavioral system that serves to
Specifically, Benjamin ~1992! postulates that promote the viability of the infant by the for-
the instability in relationships, affect, and self- mation of a bond with its mother ~Bowlby,
image in BPD are an extension of childhood 1969!. This bond, according to Bowlby, oc-
environments in which the child was exposed curs within the first year of life, and promotes
to traumatic experiences, simultaneously ide- the survival of the infant by ensuring the prox-
alized and devalued, and encouraged to be imity of a protecting adult. The way in which
and rewarded for being dependent upon the maternal behavior and infant physiology inter-
family. act is no doubt reciprocal and largely depen-
According to object relations theory, the dent on the infant’s stage of development. In a
borderline individual experiences disturbances broader sense, mammalian-infant attachment,
in interpersonal functioning that reflect under- unlike imprinting in birds, is not a singular,
lying disturbances in “object–world” represen- instantaneous event. Infant attachment repre-
Development and BPD 1035

sents a constellation of various behavioral– iors that enables affiliation ~see Depue & Len-
physiological interactions that begin prenatally zenweger, 2005, for a review!. As defined by
and continue to evolve postnatally ~Insel, Depue and Lenzenweger, affiliation “reflects
1997!. Bowlby ~1969! described this assem- enjoying and valuing close interpersonal bonds
blage of attachment-related processes as “in- and being warm and affectionate.” They go on
ternal working models.” Internal working to further describe affiliation as reflecting re-
models describe a process thought to begin ward processed, and specifically, two impor-
during infancy, when, based on experiences, tant phases of goal acquisition: appetitive and
the child forms a cognitive model of an attach- consumatory. The appetitive processes serve
ment figure ~Kirsh & Cassidy, 1997!. Partic- to bring individuals into closer proximity with
ularly important aspects of these models, their desired affiliative objects. In humans,
according to Kirsh and Cassidy, concern the this may be expressed as approach behaviors
availability and responsiveness of the attach- such as desire, wanting. When close proxim-
ment figure. Although Bowlby viewed inter- ity to a rewarding goal is achieved, appetitive
nal working models as remaining open to new processes give way to consumatory ones. Con-
input, he believed that, because they tend to sumatory processes elicit intense feelings of
operate outside the realm of consciousness, pleasure, gratification, and in terms of physi-
over time they become increasingly resistant ology produce restful and satiety. Thus, where
to change. These models have also suggested appetitive approach processes bring an indi-
that attachment guides children’s behavior, vidual into contact with incentive stimuli,
feelings, and processing of social information consumatory processes bring behavior to a grat-
~Kirsh & Cassidy, 1997!. An interactive rela- ifying conclusion ~Hilliard, Domjan, Nguyen,
tionship between attachment and information & Cusato, 1998, as cited in Depue & Lenzen-
processing is based on the notion that such a weger, 2005!. Depue and Lenzenweger posit
relationship would be adaptive by providing that the subjective experience of warmth and
psychological protection to the individual as affection reflects this capacity to experience
well as by helping to preserve the relationship consumatory reward. It is also thought that
with the attachment figure. For example, ac- this general capacity is thought to apply to a
cording to Main ~1996! an individual whose number of affiliative stimuli, and through this
bids for care have been rejected or belittled it serves as an essential part of additional psy-
may develop a nonconscious strategy for re- chobiological processes that facilitate the de-
ducing attention to, or memory for, attachment- velopment and maintenance of longer term
related stimuli. Such a cognitive strategy would affective bonds, the sort that form the basis of
help ensure that the attachment system is ac- attachment. Because of the fact that these ideas
tivated only when absolutely necessary, thereby about affiliation and attachment are based in
reducing the risk of alienating an attachment large part on the reward system, it is intuitive
figure who did not wish to respond. Although to look to the dopaminergic system for neuro-
attachment theorists have long proposed that chemical evidence of this process.
representations of attachment would influ- Distal ~i.e., visually based! affiliative
ence a child’s information processing related cues are known to provoke dopamine ~DA!-
to social relationships, empirical examination facilitated incentive–reward motivation, de-
of this proposition has been rare. sire, wanting, and approach. As affiliative
Although neurocognitive models of human stimuli are reached, more proximal ~i.e.,
attachment have been rare, there has been sig- tactile! affiliative stimuli strongly activate
nificant focus on affiliation, which is thought m-opioid release. This cascade promotes an
to be one of the primary underpinnings of intense state of reward, warmth, affection, and
attachment. Particularly at birth, but in actu- physiological quiescence, and brings approach
ality throughout the life span, human beings behavior to a gratifying conclusion. Through-
rely on one another for survival. Given this, it out this entire sequence of goal acquisition,
is reasonable to think of a relatively innate the contextual cues associated with approach
and general neurobehavioral system of behav- to the goal, and the cues specifically related to
1036 A. A. Baird, H. B. Veague, and C. E. Rabbitt

the goal, are associated with the experience of chemical recipe for both immediate and long-
reward. DA and m-opiates play a central role term social bonds. The DA and opioid system
in strengthening the association between con- sets up reward contingencies for achieving
textual cues and reward. Thus, these two neuro- close proximity to an affiliative object, which
modulators are essential for establishing the may be any number of people or things. The
stimulus reward pairings that are the basis of approach to this object if driven by dopa-
our preferences and memories for specific stim- minergic activity, and the satisfaction felt af-
ulus and contextually based affiliations ~Depue ter achieving proximity, is mediate by the
& Lenzenweger, 2005!. m-opiates. Over time, specific affiliations may
An additional neurochemical player in the form. The memory for these specific affilia-
game of affiliation and attachment is the hor- tive objects ~e.g., the smell of one’s offspring!
mone oxytocin. Oxytocin is produced in the is regulated by the effects of oxytocin on the
hypothalamus, and released into the blood- DA and m-opiate systems.
stream through axon terminals in the pituitary. Human beings are fundamentally social
Part of a family of hormones, oxytocin can be mammals, and social mammals regulate each
traced phylogenetically to invertebrates. An- other’s neurophysiology and alter the internal
cestral substances have been implicated in var- structure of each other’s nervous systems
ious forms of nonmammalian reproductive through the synchronous exchange of affect.
behaviors. Oxytocin is unique, however, as it For these interactions to exert long-lasting in-
is found exclusively in mammals. It is not fluences on behavior, it is necessary that they
surprising that oxytocin has been implicated exist in memory. It is possible, then, that the
in prototypically mammalian functions. For memory of the attachment relationship is an
instance, it has an important role in milk ejac- enduring neural structure that exerts a signif-
ulation during nursing and uterine contraction icant influence on emotional behavior related
during labor. Thomas Insel has speculated that to attachment behavior. The internalization in
the role of oxytocin in the uterus and mam- memory of affective information over time
mary tissue necessary for providing the phys- has consequences of utmost importance for
iological support of offspring may be parallel the successful development and future func-
to that in the brain, where oxytocin subserves tion of the developing organism. In an infant
the motivational changes essential for mater- or child, the gradual internalization in mem-
nal care ~Insel, 1997!. There has also been a ory of the affectively laden interchange with
great deal of work that has underscored the his0her surroundings may organize and deter-
importance of oxytocin in complex forms of mine the structure and function of neurobe-
social memory such as offspring recognition, havioral systems, and the psychology of the
and pair bonding ~see Bielsky & Young, 2004, child’s mind, which are fundamentally inter-
for a review!. It is thought that social memory twined ~Amini et al., 1996!. Further, the rela-
is highly reliant upon the expression of oxy- tionship between affect and memory has been
tocin receptors in the nucleus accumbens ~a described as a reciprocal one, in which the
portion of the caudate nucleus well known for character and development of affect is as much
its role in reward and learning!. Further, the influenced by memory processes as these pro-
expression of oxtytocin receptors in this brain cesses are influenced by affect. Important to
region facilitates brain DA release ~Insel, understanding how deficits in this system
2003!. Finally, oxytocin’s effects on maternal may contribute to the emergence of BPD is
bonding can be disrupted via blockade of a more thorough understanding of memory
m-opiod receptors, underscoring the relation development.
between oxytocin and opioid peptides. In both
monkeys and humans, dulling the effect of
m-opiates in the reward centers of the brain Memory Development
with drugs has the effect of inducing individ-
uals to seek social contact ~Kendrick, 2004!. Memory processes are frequently described
Taken together, these findings suggest a neuro- as being either explicit or implicit in nature
Development and BPD 1037

~Sherry & Schacter 1987; Squire, Knowlton, . . . in learning to catch a ball one must learn the
& Musen, 1993!. Simply, the explicit memory principle of tracking a moving object, no matter
~EM! and implicit memory ~IM! systems ap- what the speed of the object, the starting point, or
pear to be fundamentally different neurophys- one’s initial posture at the time it is thrown. It
iological processes that rely on different sets would be cumbersome to remember the exact speed,
starting point and position of each successful prac-
of neural structures and have different physi-
tice catch; a new throw is unlikely to match any
ological properties. Damage to temporal lobe specific counterpart in practice. ~p. 150!
structures impairs EM while leaving some
forms of IM unaffected ~Eslinger & Damasio,
1985!, whereas damage to the basal ganglia This perspective has received support from
impairs some forms of IM while leaving EM research on nonhuman primates. Infant mon-
capacities largely intact ~Squire et al., 1993!. keys have shown habit or skill-based learning
EM and IM tasks also result in different pat- as early as 3 months of age ~Bachevalier, 1990!.
terns of neural activity as detected by positron In addition, there is clear evidence that human
emission tomography and by EEG. In addi- infants, despite the absence of EM function,
tion, EM and IM seem to have a different are able to acquire operational long-term mem-
pharmacology, as evidenced by differential re- ories. These “habits” or “procedures” of which
sponses to anxiolitics and alcohol, both of infants and young children are capable can be
which impair EM, but not IM ~see Amini et al., thought of as products of IM ~Schacter & Mos-
1996, for a review!. covitch, 1984!.
Most relevant to the present discourse, how- IM most frequently describes skills and “au-
ever, is that EM and IM show a different course tomatic” operations that are not stored with
of development over the life cycle. The devel- respect to times or places. The human organ-
opmental courses of IM and EM, not surpris- ism is capable of demonstrating long-lasting
ingly, seem to parallel the development of the changes in behavior in response to informa-
neurological structures thought to underlie the tion and experiences that have no conscious
respective systems. Infant monkeys exhibit representation. IM has been described as a
poor performance on tasks that depend on the system that preserves information that is not
operation of EM ~Bachevalier & Mishkin, available for conscious recollection or aware-
1984!. ness; however, this information creates en-
In marked contrast, some forms of implicit during and observable changes in behavior
learning and memory appear to be behavior- ~Milner, Corkin, & Teuber, 1968!. In addition,
ally functional quite early in life. Implicit or evidence suggests that the IM system is capa-
procedural memory has been described as be- ble of functioning early in the neurodevelop-
ing both functionally and structurally more mental life of nonhuman primates ~Bachevalier,
archaic. For the most part, IMs can be re- 1990!. Conjugate reinforcement paradigms
garded as the mnemonic component of learned have been used in human infants to demon-
action patterns. Simple organisms can learn strate that infants as young as 3 months can be
patterns of action without any detailed epi- conditioned to kick their foot to move a mo-
sodic recall, again, like human infants. Sherry bile ~Rovee–Collier & Hayne, 1987!. Amini
and Schacter ~1987! have reported that, in et al. ~1996! review a great deal of evidence
terms of its storage strategy, procedural mem- supporting the hypothesis that human infants
ory is the opposite of EM. Whereas EM pre- are equipped with a functional memory sys-
serves the specifics of events, IM preserves tem at birth, a system that is most adequately
the general principles for action and ignores suited for implicit learning. Furthermore, it is
the specifics of the situation. Thus, learning a conceivable that IM represents an inherent
procedure involves setting parameters and fol- property of the mechanism used by the brain
lowing general rules. Detailed EM would in- to store information, specifically, Hebbian syn-
terfere with this process ~Donald, 1991!. apses. This kind of memory, which may be
Donald provided an excellent example of this paramount in the function of affect and attach-
theory: ment, may be phylogenetically older than the
1038 A. A. Baird, H. B. Veague, and C. E. Rabbitt

consciousness, EM, with which we are most attachments in accordance with the rules or
familiar. prototypes they have extracted based on their
It has been established that information can prior experience. If their experience contained
be analyzed at a level including emotional0 aberrancies, they will likely proceed to extract
affective meaning without reaching aware- aberrant rules and generalizations, and they
ness ~Bruner & Postman, 1947!. This and may enact them later without being able to
similar findings have lent support to the con- have conscious knowledge of why they do so.
tention that affective information is processed Because of the interplay between the phenom-
~at least in part! in the IM system. As men- enon of attachment and memory, the prior ex-
tioned above, one of the ways in which IM perience of inadequate attachment figures may
operates is by extracting the rules that appear result in an inner structure that is incapable of
to govern particular covariations between stim- optimal self-regulation. In addition, because
uli. It has been shown that if subjects are pre- of the preference for familiar patterns that
sented with affective stimuli, the nature of seems operative in attachment ~most vividly
which reflects the presence of an underlying illustrated in the primitive bond of imprint-
rule that governs or predicts a covariation, ing!, early exposure to an inadequate attach-
subjects will learn the rule and proceed to ment figure may also predispose an individual
apply it without their awareness ~Hill, Lewicki, to recognize and engage preferentially with a
Czyzewska, & Schuller, 1990!. particular brand on inadequacy in relationships.
In this view, from the first day of life, mother The IM system is ~a! operational early in
and infant are participating in a vital ex- life, perhaps at birth; ~b! is capable of extract-
change of signals that will have crucial impli- ing and storing prototypes and complex rules
cations for neurodevelopment, and hence, for that govern covariations from repeated expo-
the nature and capacities of the adult that in- sure to examples; and ~c! appears to be in-
fant will become. From their earliest encoun- volved in at least some forms of unconscious
ter, the mother is participating in the regulation processing of affective information. Once
of the homeostatic state and the neurodevel- learned implicitly, rules may exert a self-
opment of the infant with whom she is engag- perpetuating bias for interpreting later experi-
ing. All mammals are perpetually dependent ences in a light consistent with past experience,
upon the synchronous exchange of affect with whether later experience is objectively consis-
others for stability; early life, however, repre- tent with past experience or not.
sents an important period during which input
heavily influences and shapes the organism.
Affective Development
At this time in life, implicit memories of the
experience of the attachment relationship are Charles Darwin was among the earliest peo-
laid down, well before the capacity for EM of ple to theorize about different types of affect
events and concepts is present. The underly- in an integrated way ~Darwin, 1872!. Darwin
ing patterns and regularities in the attachment saw affect as a behavioral function that origi-
relationship are thus detected, extracted, en- nated and persisted in human beings for the
coded, and stored. In this manner the growing same reason that any aspect of function orig-
infant acquires knowledge regarding what re- inated and persists in any species: because of
lationships are like, how they are conducted, its ability to advance survival and reproduc-
and according to which “rules” behavior is tive fitness. In this way he saw affect as an
regulated. However, because the operative intrinsic part of the human neurobehavioral
memory system is implicit, the knowledge repertoire. In addition, Darwin viewed affect
gained is in the form of generalizations and as originating in our phylogenetic past, part of
rules extracted from experience, and it later which we share with other animals. Affect
operates to influence behavior in an unthink- clearly has powerful experiential aspects; there-
ing, reflexive manner. In a process that may fore, it would be an oversimplification to ex-
be somewhat analogous to the learning of mo- plain affect as little more than subjective
tor skills, people proceed in later life to enact internal experience; rather, it is a complex
Development and BPD 1039

physiological process with its roots in evolu- tal representations, symbolic representations
tionary history. As a dynamic process stem- as opposed to more rudimentary schemas
ming from a neurological system that has been ~Greenspan & Lourie, 1981!. The capacity for
conserved over a considerable evolutionary symbolic representation sets the stage for the
time span, affect must serve functions that integration and differentiation of the represen-
enhance survival and fitness. The functional tational world and the development of an or-
role of affect, therefore, is required to be multi- ganized representation for the psychological
faceted and highly complex. sense of self ~Kohut, 1971!.
Emotional development is the process by During this phase, the heretofore relatively
which children learn to recognize, identify, autonomous lines of affective and representa-
and communicate affective states. Extreme tional development become integrated. From
emotional experiences are thought to influ- this point in development and thereafter,
ence an individual’s interpretation and reac- affective states become associated with the
tion to affective information. This effect of inner experience of self and object represen-
experience suggests that emotion and memory tations. The emergent complex constellations
are intimately related. Further, this relation- of affective states and internal representations
ship may involve neurophysiological function- of experiences are primarily affective in na-
ing that is affected by both genetics and ture and only secondarily ideational. Affect
environmental events. Cicchetti and Tucker experience undergoes a change in function.
~1994! argue that brain function and develop- Affect now functions not only as a response to
ment are governed primarily by one’s active external stimulation or as a communication to
strivings for self-organization. As a result, por- the caregiver but also as a signal for the on-
tions of brain development that involve self- going changes within the representational
organization may be particularly sensitive to world. Certain constellations of internal self-
environmental influences at certain life stages. representations, object representations, or both
The implication inherent in this argument is may become activated or deactivated in par-
that neural development may be uniquely goal ticular situations. The changes in affective ex-
oriented. Depending upon one’s experiences, periences correspond to shifts in internal
neural development may proceed to incorpo- representations as much as to shifts in exter-
rate specific pathways intended to facilitate nal stimulation. In this sense, affective states
behavior that is uniquely adaptive. become partially separated from external stim-
In the toddler years, the infant enters a new ulation and interactions with others with whom
phase of development, what some have called they were originally associated. However,
the separation0individuation phase of devel- total memory capacity during this phase of
opment ~ Mahler, 1975!. These years are development is unstable, so the emerging or-
marked by the full maturation of the percep- ganization of representations is vulnerable to
tual and motor systems. The child also makes fragmentation in response to the contingen-
great strides in the development of cognition, cies associated with this developmental pe-
memory ~especially representational mem- riod ~Brown, Mounts, Lamborn, & Steinberg,
ory!, and language. With increased perceptual 1993!; all of this changes with the onset of
and motor skills, the child becomes able to adolescence.
turn their attention away from the attachment What is strikingly clear throughout every
relationship toward an active interest in the stage of affective development is the reliance
external environment. The child experiences of the individual on a tightly interwoven syn-
various states of elation and considerable plea- ergy between cognitive and emotional pro-
sure in mastery by using this increased auton- cesses, there are individuals ~LeDoux, 1994!
omy to effectively negotiate the new world who have argued that these two processes are
and discover new abilities ~Mahler, 1975!. nearly inextricable. Many species are criti-
The toddler years are also characterized by cally dependent upon the synchronous ex-
great strides in cognitive development. The change of affect with one another for survival;
child develops the capacity for genuine men- early life, however, represents an important pe-
1040 A. A. Baird, H. B. Veague, and C. E. Rabbitt

riod during which input heavily influences and More characteristic of adolescent affect is
shapes the organism. Among the functions that the way in which it is transformed by cogni-
affect serves then, is that of providing an innate tive maturation. Adolescence marks the tran-
language that possesses seemingly “hard wired” sition from concrete operational thinking to
predispositions alongside mechanisms that formal operational thinking ~Piaget, 1954!.
enable rapid, perhaps even single-exposure, les- With respect to affect, affect is translocated
sons. This type of learning provides the scaf- from the self to self-in-relationship, a domain
folding for split-second communication between where the complex unfolding of affective states
social animals ~LeDoux, 1994!. Because the ex- in both the self and other can be mutually
pression and interpretation of affective infor- recognized. The adolescent has the capacity
mation does not exclusively depend on explicit to discern future feelings and to make subtle
information or learning, it is a communication distinctions between fine nuances of emo-
and learning process that begins to operate im- tion. Moreover, affective states become inte-
mediately after birth. grated with formal thought operations. For
this transition to take place all of the requi-
site building blocks must be sturdy and avail-
Adolescent Development
able for assembly. It is as if adolescence is
Philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote: “We the performance of an orchestra, whose sec-
are born twice over; the first time for exis- tions have been practicing independently for
tence, the second time for life; once as human some time, and it is finally time for the group
beings, and later as men or women.” In his performance. If the conductor taps the music
view, adolescence was a recapitulation of in- stand, raised the baton, and the horns are out
fancy; a time of intense and rapid change where of tune, or absent all together, the resultant
many of the early lessons are transformed to sound will suffer. Simply put, the intense trans-
suit adult life. formation of adolescence relies on the integ-
There is an ongoing debate over whether or rity of the developmental processes ~both
not adolescence is characterized by a distinct behavioral and neurobiological! that have pre-
stage of affective development. The assump- ceded it. It is not surprising that adolescence
tion commonly made is that adolescence is a is also a time when the chances of nonadap-
period of marked emotional variability and tive change significantly increase. Because of
intensity. However, there have been surpris- the nature of human development, specifi-
ingly few studies on affect in adolescence. cally its tendency to build on itself, it is
There is evidence that adolescents ~compared possible for a relatively uneventful develop-
with children and adults! do not manifest sig- mental process to unmask a previously hid-
nificantly greater variation or liability in the den diathesis. To use another analogy, not
emotional states ~Greene & Larson, 1991!. being able to steer a car is not a problem
Overall, there is no compelling evidence in prior to the age at which one is expected to
support of the view of the so-called “storm be able to drive. If one is not able to learn to
and stress hypothesis” of normal adolescence. steer, however, the entire process of learning
Although the transition from childhood to ad- to drive a car is likely to collapse. As a result
olescence may be characterized by an intensi- of trying to learn to drive, one now has knowl-
fication of certain affective states, adolescent edge of a previously silent “steering disor-
development progresses in the direction of der.” Quite simply, adolescent development
greater consistency and stability of affective requires the acquisition of increasing com-
states ~Brown et al., 1993!. Brown speculates plex cognitive, social, and emotional process
that adolescent development brings forth a that rely heavily on those that precede them,
variety of speech patterns that include an emo- and it is conceivable that the expectations as-
tive language. Thus, locating what is charac- sociated with adolescent development may in
teristic of adolescent affect may be found less and of themselves serve to uncover and per-
in the type and structure of affect and more in haps even exacerbate previously unseen
the way it is expressed. diatheses.
Development and BPD 1041

Germane to the investigation of the neuro- One can imagine that a response to a particu-
physiological mechanisms that may underlie lar event in the environment will be potenti-
an individual’s ability to successfully inte- ated by repeated exposure and subsequent
grate cognitive, emotional and social pro- strengthening of the relation between that event
cesses is the neurodevelopmental trajectory of and the generation of the appropriate re-
the functional connectivity between medial sponse. The delayed maturation of this brain
temporal lobe structures and frontal cortices. region allows the individual to adapt to the
LeDoux ~1994! has stressed the importance of particular demands of their unique environ-
the amygdala in fear detection and condition- ment. Many researchers have documented that
ing describing it as “a neural system that while there are age-related decreases in gray
evolved to detect danger and produce rapid matter in the prefrontal cortex, the overall cor-
protective responses without conscious par- tical volume does not change significantly. It
ticipation.” The central nucleus of the amyg- is not surprising that the cortical volume re-
dala has been described as essential for the mains stable because of simultaneous in-
expression of autonomic and somatic fear re- creases in white matter volume that may be
sponses elicited by both learned and un- equally important in terms of functionality.
learned threats. These responses are controlled The greater volume of frontal white matter
through efferent connections from the central observed during adolescence is likely the re-
amygdala to brainstem nuclei ~Rogan & sult of greater axonal myelination. It has been
LeDoux, 1996!. The amygdala has also been well established that myelination has a direct
characterized as a higher order “convergence impact on the speed and efficiency of neural
zone” for the social homeostatic and survival- processing. At the level of the neuron, in-
related meanings of complex stimuli ~Dama- creased myelination leads to increased action
sio, 1994!. Taken together, these lines of potential propagation speed and reduced sig-
evidence describe the amygdala as a structure nal attenuation. At a macroscopic level this
that has evolved to help the human animal type of maturation facilitates synchrony and
recognize and learn the emotional meaning of coordination, both regionally and across the
stimuli in their environment, and produce ap- whole brain.
propriate behavioral responses. One specific frontal region within which
The production of appropriate behavior may increases in myelination have been observed
rely heavily on the functionality of the frontal is the anterior cingulate, an area known for its
cortex. The frontal cortex has been shown to central role in the mediation of emotional, at-
contribute to a wide range of human behavior; tentional, motivational, social, and cognitive
it has been implicated in behavioral inhibi- behaviors ~Vogt, Finch, & Olson, 1992!. A
tion, decision making, and abstract thinking. significant positive relationship between age
One striking difference in the development of and total anterior cingulate volume ~which has
the prefrontal cortex relative to other cortical been attributed to increases in white matter!
areas is the continuation of synaptic pruning has been well documented ~Casey et al., 1997!.
into young adulthood. This decrease in synap- It is thought that this relationship may reflect
tic density during adolescence coincides with improved cortical–cortical and cortical–
the emergence of newly entwined cognitive subcortical coordination. The observed projec-
and emotional phenomena. The secondary pro- tions from both cortical and subcortical regions
cess that is likely to be taking place during to the cingulate in adult subjects is known to
this time is the fortification of synaptic con- contribute to the coordination and regulation
nections that will remain into adulthood. There of cognitive and emotional processes. A criti-
has been further speculation that this “use it cal question with regard to human develop-
or loose it” process may represent the behav- ment has been the exact developmental course
ioral, and ultimately, the physiological, sup- of these projections. Activity of the dorsal cin-
pressing of immature behaviors that have gulate has been shown to play a crucial role in
become obsolete due the novel demands of autonomic control and the conscious interpre-
adulthood ~Casey, Giedd, & Thomas, 2000!. tation of somatic state. Further, maturation of
1042 A. A. Baird, H. B. Veague, and C. E. Rabbitt

the dorsal cingulate has been correlated with tional connectivity that in early life begins
self-control and behavioral inhibition. Finally, with medial temporal influence of frontal cor-
the anterior cingulate is believed to play a tices, and later is driven by frontal regulation
specific executive role in the integration of of medial temporal lobe structures.
autonomic responses with behavioral effort
~Critchley, Mathias, & Dolan, 2001!. This mat-
uration may set the stage for the integration of
emotion and cognition, which is fundamental To illustrate the infant–parent bond, consider
to the formation of social attachments. the analogy that it takes two hands to clap.
Relevant to the establishment of reciprocal Although a lack of sound indicates no clap-
influence between the amygdala and the pre- ping, it is hard to say for sure which hand is
frontal cortex is the time course of this con- not cooperating. Traditional models of attach-
nectivity. Medial temporal lobe structures are ment disruption focus on a disordered or in-
functionally mature very early in life, while adequate attachment figure ~see Agrawal,
the human frontal cortex does not reach full Gunderson, Holmes, & Lyons–Ruth, 2004, for
functional maturity until after puberty. There- a review!; again this is simply one side of the
fore, it is plausible that early in development, possible equation. Modern attachment theo-
many aspects of behavior may be regulated by rists have concluded that sociability is a natu-
medial temporal lobe structures. Further, it is ral consequence of a beneficial infant0parent
conceivable that during later development, attachment and, further, that the quality of
frontal regions begin to exert a more powerful being securely attached is preserved from in-
influence, so that what were once largely fancy to later childhood. ~Note that the use of
survival-based “unconscious” behaviors be- “secure” here is not meant to imply a category
come increasingly entwined with more “con- of attachment, but rather the quality of attach-
scious” cognitive and social processes. To date, ment. There has been considerable empirical
however, few studies have explored the devel- evidence that the categorization of attachment
opmental trajectory of this functional connec- relationships into “types” may be misleading.
tivity. It has been established that during More parsimonious models have suggested that
adolescence there is a substantial increase in variation in patterns of attachment is largely
the density and myelination of projections be- continuous rather than categorical. See Fraley
tween medial temporal regions and frontal cor- & Spieker, 2003, for a review of these argu-
tices ~for reviews of the specific circuits, see ments.! These inferences have generated con-
Benes, Vincent, Molloy, & Khan, 1996; Cum- siderable debate because of the possibility that
mings, 1995!. Investigations using nonhuman the temperamental qualities of infants might
primates have suggested that selective aspects influence early anxious behavior, as well as
of normal frontal development may be reliant later social interactions with their peers, inde-
on medial temporal lobe integrity ~Bertolino pendent of their attachment to their parents
et al., 1997!. Additional studies of nonhuman ~Kagan, 1996!. Although the current literature
primates support the idea that early damage to is replete with reports of how poor early at-
the amygdala has a deleterious effect on later tachment predicts adult psychopathology,
social and emotional learning and behavior, there has been a paucity of reports that have
while lesions of the amygdala in adulthood do gone beyond that basic relationship to more
not produce the same types of behavioral im- closely examine how and why. We propose
pairments ~Bachevalier, 1991!. It is not clear, that there may be a subtype of BPD where the
though, how these findings extend to human observed disturbances in socioemotional cog-
development. It is possible, however that the nition are the result of a deficit on the infant
functionality of early developing brain re- side of the parent0infant dyad. Simply, we
gions ~i.e., temporal lobe structures! may serve suggest that neurophysiological-based defi-
to guide, at least in part, later developing re- cits in the infant’s implicit affective memory
gions ~i.e., frontal cortices!. Taken together, system may disrupt the earliest of attachment
the studies above suggest a model of func- relationships. This deficit is then magnified
Development and BPD 1043

by the development that takes place during ences may exist prior to the onset of psycho-
adolescence. pathology. In a twin study disorder severity in
Neuropsychological research of BPD pa- PTSD patients who were exposed to trauma was
tients suggests that a hallmark of the disorder negatively correlated with the hippocampal vol-
is general dysfunction of the frontal and lim- ume of both the patients and the patients’trauma-
bic circuitry ~see Tebartz van Elst, 2003, for a unexposed identical co-twin. Furthermore,
review!. Anatomical investigations of patients severe PTSD twin pairs ~both the trauma-
with BPD have found relative reductions in exposed and -unexposed members! had signif-
gray matter volume in both the limbic and icantly smaller hippocampi than non-PTSD
frontal systems of the brain. The most com- pairs. We suggest that it is, in fact, the very early
mon anatomical finding among patients with disruption of limbic development that not only
BPD is reduced amygdalar and hippocampal prevents the individual from making necessary
volume ~Brambilla et al., 2004; Driessen et al., attachments, but also creates a memory system
2000; Schmahl, Vermetten, Elzinga, & Brem- that is ill equipped to cope with trauma. The
ner, 2003; Tebartz van Elst, 2003!. Functional important distinction between PTSD and BPD
studies of these structures have revealed met- ~although they arguably share a number of char-
abolic differences associated with BPD. Spe- acteristics! is the difficulty with interpreting
cifically, the amygdala has been shown to be emotion, and creating habit-based memories
hypermetabolic in BPD patients ~Herpertz based on emotionally laden information; this is
et al., 2001!. the domain of the amygdala, which we also pro-
One might consider these anatomical dif- pose to be developmentally dysfunction in BPD.
ferences from a developmental perspective. It Taken together, the above evidence is consis-
is possible that there is a subtype of individu- tent with a developmental pattern of hyper-
als for whom it is difficult to form implicit active ~meaning that emotional information is
affective memories from birth. We propose constantly being updated, to the extreme that it
this is a result of early dysfunction of the is not functional!, but ineffective affective mem-
amygdala0hippocampal complex. Starting in ory ~spinning one’s wheels! associated with
early infancy, these individuals would possess BPD. It is additionally conceivable that, over
unstable affect, poor implicit affective mem- time, unstable affective perceptions of relation-
ory, and overt biological markers, such as ships contribute to a cognitive style that is con-
abnormal hippocampal and0or amygdala func- stantly updating IM, such that there are few, if
tionality. Further, it is suggested that a hyper- any, long-term affective habits or procedures
active amygdala in infancy produces a highly associated with the attachment figure. ~Note that
anxious, affectively unstable infant, while an it is also conceivable that this cognitive style
underactive hippocampus, in combination with partly underlies splitting behavior in BPD.!
a preexisting deficient amygdala, underlies the In this way BPD has something important
disturbances in implicit affective memory. in common with obsessive–compulsive disor-
As a result of deficits in their implicit af- der ~OCD!. Although this may not be intu-
fective memory systems, these individuals are itive, both populations have difficulty trusting
theorized to be unable to benefit from their their feelings regarding their memory. OCD
attachments to their primary caregiver~s!. There patients have been shown to have normal mem-
has been much debate as to the nature of the ory for events. However, patients with OCD
hippocampal differences observed in BPD pa- consistently self-report uncertainty around the
tients. Specifically, it has been suggested that accuracy of their memories and on neuropsy-
these differences are the result of the stress or chological memory tests are more likely to
trauma associated with the disorder. This rea- report low “feeling of knowing” with regard
soning has also been applied to similar volu- to memory for stimuli. Interestingly, these self-
metric differences observed among individuals reports do not correlated with actual memory
with PTSD ~for reviews, see Hull, 2002; Sala performance ~Tuna, Tekcan, & Topcuoglu,
et al., 2004!. There is, however, compelling 2005!. In a study examining neural activity,
empirical evidence that hippocampal differ- metabolism in the right hippocampus, was
1044 A. A. Baird, H. B. Veague, and C. E. Rabbitt

associated with the severity of obsessive– matic stimuli, these ruminations may actually
compulsive symptoms, but not with memory be indicative of a memory system trying ~un-
for stimuli ~Kwon et al., 2003!. Perhaps there successfully! to consolidate the events, take
are features of BPD that resemble an interper- away the implicit meaning, and “move on,” a
sonal form of OCD, where there is a compul- process that is often difficult for BPD pa-
sive need to check on the status of relationships tients. This thinking is also reflected by the
due to a feeling of uncertainty regarding the idea that the symptoms associated with BPD
veracity of one’s memory. In sum, it is offered are “. . . the manifestations and consequences
that the volumetric differences in hippocampal of complex interactions among cognitive–
volume are a relatively generic risk factor for affective units that are triggered by a specific
psychopathology, and that it is the co-occurrence situational contingencies and, through syner-
with amygdalar dysfunction early on that pre- gistic and recursive activation, lead to char-
dicts the eventual appearance of BPD. acteristic patterns of action, thoughts, and
Traditional neuropsychological tasks have feelings” ~Meyer & Pilkonis, 2005, p. 240!.
largely failed to reveal gross differences be- As has been previously argued, one con-
tween BPD and control subjects. Intelligence sequence of the early disturbance in the amyg-
testing, such as performance on the Wechsler dala and hippocampus is subsequent disruption
Adult Intelligence Scale, does not seem to dis- of the systems that rely on these structures
criminate borderline subjects from normal sub- during development, namely the frontal cor-
jects or many of their Axis II counterparts. tex. Frontal deficits have been reported in
Likewise, borderlines are often characterized both the orbitofrontal cortex ~OFC! and the
by good functioning in work environments anterior cingulate cortex ~ACC! among pa-
relative to other patient populations, argues tients with BPD ~Tebartz van Elst, 2003!. Per-
against a general neurological or cognitive turbations to the OFC have been linked to
impairment. Investigations of brain regions impulsivity, irritability, and emotional insta-
known to be primarily involved in cognition bility. This area of the brain receives much
~e.g., the dorsolateral prefrontal area!, have input from the limbic system, and is pri-
also reported no significant differences be- marily responsible for mediating functions
tween BPD patients and nonpsychiatric con- critical to social behavior, including reward–
trol participants ~Tebartz van Elst, 2003!. punishment responses, recognition of emo-
Further, the specificity of interpersonal prob- tional expression in others, identifying social
lems generally experienced by individuals with signals and violations, and inhibition of be-
BPD suggests that there may be certain emo- haviors that may compromise social rewards
tional features of social or interpersonal inter- or lead to punishment. The OFC in border-
actions that are highly relevant to this patient lines has also been found to be hypometa-
group. This notion has received empirical sup- bolic. Interestingly, this same hypometabolism
port from the work of Korfine ~Korfine, 1998; is seen in violent individuals, behavior some-
Korfine & Hooley, 2000!, which examined what consistent with BPD pathology ~Soloff,
directed-forgetting performance in a BPD pa- 2003!. Given its central role in the integra-
tient group. As described above, the results of tion of emotion and cognition described in
this work indicated that a disinhibitory pro- detail above ~see section on adolescent devel-
cess may be at the root of BPD patients’ ten- opment! it is not surprising that abnor-
dency to remember BPD-relevant words that malities in this region have been found in
they were instructed to forget. Whether early conjunction with BPD. Interestingly, and con-
trauma is a cause or a symptom of BPD is not sistent with the ACC’s role in second-order
known ~see Horesh, Sever, & Apter, 2003, for body representations, the volume of this re-
a review of this issue!. It may simply be that a gion was correlated with incidents of self-
person who has BPD may be more likely to injurious behavior among BPD patients ~Tebartz
interpret or remember events as traumatic. Fur- van Elst, 2003!. Finally, when education level,
ther, the ruminations associated with BPD may alcohol use, abuse, major depressive disorder,
indicate memory deficits associated with trau- and PTSD were controlled for the OFC andACC
Development and BPD 1045

volumes remained significantly lower than non- tive tendency to seek out friends for support in
psychiatric controls, the observed neurologi- times of stress. Following a meta-analysis of
cal differences are not likely to be the direct extant animal literature Taylor and colleagues
result of environmental influence ~Tebartz van reported that relative to males, females’ phys-
Elst, 2003!. In sum, the BPD patient’s amyg- ical aggression and fear-related behaviors are
dala tends to be overreactive, increasing vigi- less intense and more “cerebral.” Specifically,
lance and evaluating threat in stimuli at higher females were more likely to display aggression
rates than normal individuals; however, due to and fear behaviors in response to specific cir-
frontal deficits, BPD patients are less likely than cumstances, and these responses were less tied
nondiagnosed individuals to appropriately eval- to physiological arousal. Thus, although both
uate and modulate such reactions. The increas- genders share the capacity for fight or flight,
ingly complex social and emotional demands females seem to use it less. As previously dis-
of adolescence likely push the system to its “tip- cussed, oxytocin is known to contribute signif-
ping point.” icantly to females’tendency to affiliate. In many
Adolescence heralds the emergence of BPD mammals, and crossculturally in humans, fe-
as a clinical syndrome. Unfortunately, the in- males form especially close, stable attach-
creased focus on relationships in adolescence ments with other females, often kin. This is a
only exacerbates the long-standing attach- process that takes on additional import follow-
ment difficulties among those at risk for BPD. ing the onset of puberty. Before puberty prior-
There are a number of reasons why relation- ity had been given to the attachment relationship
ships become central to adolescent develop- with the primary caregiver; following the on-
ment; however, from the neurobiologist’s point set of puberty there is a shift to peers and even-
of view they are an essential precursor to mate tually romantic partners.
selection. Although it is obvious that human Adolescents spend an inordinate amount of
adolescence has come to represent a great deal time with friends. In a regular school day, teens
more than simply reproduction, it is difficult have an average of 299 interactions with peers
to ignore some of the basic attainments of ~Barker & Wright, 1951!. During the limited
puberty. For example, it is now known that time teens spend away from their friends, if they
the sensitivity of the hippocampus to puberty- are not conversing on the phone or computer,
related increases in estrogen promotes greater they are likely thinking about their peer groups.
growth in this structure among girls relative to Based on the empirical and theoretical data on
boys, while sensitivity to androgen promotes the importance of social self-perceptions
greater amygdala growth in boys ~Giedd, Cas- during the teenage years ~Jacobs, Vernon, &
tellanos, Rajapakse, Vaituzis, & Rapoport, Eccles, 2004!, it is perfectly reasonable for teen-
1997!. It has been suggested that this differ- agers to place great importance on their friend-
ence may influence ~although not exclusively! ships. Adolescents turn to peer groups for
gender-based behavior associated with puberty. emotional support and perceive group approval
Although there has been extensive investi- as an indication of social acceptability ~Brown
gation regarding the role of the amygdala in et al., 1993!. These processes are all heavily re-
the fight or flight response, little attention has liant upon one’s ability to form attachments, and
been paid to how a balance between this and retain a continuous and appropriately flexible
the role of the hippocampus in the “tend and affective sense of your relationships with
befriend” ~Taylor et al., 2000! response could others. During late adolescence peer groups be-
be effectively integrated for adolescent girls. come increasingly coed, and provide opportu-
Taylor and colleagues have reasoned that the nities for sexual exploration and eventually
adaptive value of fighting or fleeing may be mate selection. Assuming that the attachment
lower for females, who often have dependent relationship did not provide the necessary so-
young and so risk more in terms of reproduc- cioemotional foundation in childhood for indi-
tive success if injured or dislocated. It is also viduals with BPD, it is inevitable that both peer
the case that females of many species form tight, and romantic relationships are highly dysfunc-
stable alliances, possibly reflecting an adap- tional for BPD patients ~Agrawal et al., 2004!.
1046 A. A. Baird, H. B. Veague, and C. E. Rabbitt

Given the combination of biology, social is modest because some infants with risk pro-
expectations, and hormonal events that take files are fortunate enough to encounter more-
center stage during puberty, it is not surpris- supportive environments later, while others
ing that women are 2– 4 times more likely to living under adverse circumstances possess
seek treatment for and be diagnosed with BPD a temperament that enables them to develop
than are men ~Swartz, Blazer, George, & Win- effective coping styles. Many children who
field, 1990!. This etiological discrepancy also manifest symptoms do not encounter ad-
adds to the plausibility of the idea that verse circumstances until later in childhood
amygdalar0hippocampal dysfunction is at the ~Kagan & Zentner, 1996!. Despite these short-
core of this disorder. It is plausible that the comings, formulation of these types of
same biology in males is likely to manifest as models helps us to generate better descrip-
antisocial personality disorder ~see Paris, 2004, tions of “at risk” populations, and are there-
for a review of this idea!. Proper adolescent fore worth consideration. Although the
development relies in great part on the pro- presented model is not meant to capture the
cesses that have preceded it. For example, by full range of possible adult expression of
the time you are ready to seek out a mate, your early attachment disturbance, it may typify a
language development should be complete. unique subtype. This model is meant only as
One must possess mastery over language, with- but one way of clustering developmental
out devoting conscious energy to its con- profiles that may be predictive of adult psy-
struction, so that it may serve as a tool for chopathology. Kagan reminds us ~1996!:
establishing new relationships, and aid in the
navigation of your social world. This is re-
flected in the fact that although it is possible The actualization of most profiles—Axes I
to learn a new language after puberty, you and II— requires the combination of at least
three independent factors: a particular tempera-
will always speak with an accent. In terms of
ment, and environment that amplifies the par-
attachment, those who have not passed the
ticular vulnerability associated with the tem-
appropriate developmental milestones will for- perament, and stressors that will precipitate the
ever be easily discernable to those around them, symptoms.
if for no other reason than their “emotional
accent.” In terms of neuropathology, the
changes that take place during puberty are Conceptualizing the relation between neu-
effectively like attaching a 330 horsepower ral “hardware” and experiential “software,” a
motor to a cardboard box to make a vehicle; it permutation of the eternal nature0nurture de-
simply will not work. There is convincing ev- bate, has kept psychologists, psychiatrists,
idence that the effect of having a developmen- and philosophers speculating for centuries.
tally dysfunctional amygdala0hippocampal Given our recent advances in technology, it
complex undergo a biobehavioral growth spurt seems that we stand at the threshold of a great
is certainly enough to provoke the symptoms renaissance in the understanding of this rela-
associated with the emergence of BPD. tionship. Further, it is through careful char-
acterization of not only the factors described
above, but also their highly individualized,
Cautionary Note
and mutually influential interplay, that will
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pathology from infancy and early childhood “at risk.”

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