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UNU-LRT 2018 – personal goals revisited

In the beginning of the programme you set yourself some goals and described your
expectations. Now, at the end of the programme, it is time to revisit these goals. Did you meet
your goals? What happened? Please read the copy of your goal setting sheet and answer the
following questions. The answers will only be accessible to the UNU-LRT staff, and will be
treated with confidentiality.

1) What happened with the goals you set yourself? Did you achieve them? To
what extent? Did you achieve additional things that you had not stated as goals?

2) Did you contribute to the programme in the way you intended? Did you
contribute in some other way to making this a positive and useful experience for
you and the other fellows?

3) What did you get from the programme professionally? Was it in accordance with
your expectations (stated in F on goal sheet)?

4) What did you get from the programme personally? Was it in accordance with your
expectations (stated in G on goal sheet)?

5) To what extent did you fulfil the expectations you had to yourself in relation to
the programme (stated in B on goal sheet)?

6) Other comments related to your goals and expectations?

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