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Question 1

Create new user named Computing and include the following tables:

Creating the user Computing and granting resources to it

Creation of Student, Course and Student grade tables:

Describing the structure of the student table

Describing the structure of the course table

Describing the structure of the student grade table

Insertion of records into student table

Selection of all records in student table

Insertion of records into course table

Selection of all records in course table

Insertion of records in student grade table

Selection of all records in student grade table

Question 2

Define the following terms and explain with example

 Application
Software that runs on the computer to perform a specific task instructed by an
end-user is known as an application. Applications are made for the usage of
the end-users. Examples of applications range from word processors,
database management programs, web browsers, and communication
 Data vs. Information
Data can be considered as the raw, unorganized facts whereas the same
data when organized and processed, which gives a meaningful fact, is called
information. Example of data can be considered as the names of all the
students attending in an organization and the organized way in which the
students are classified according to their sections is an example of
 Database
A database is a collection of information which is organized in such a way that
it can be easily accessed, managed and retrieved. Example: detailed
information of the employees in an organization.

Database management system is software allows the end-user to interact
with the database, by allowing the user to insert, retrieve, alter and delete
data. Example: MySQL.
Question 3:

Explain Database Design process and importance of Database Management system.

Database Design is a collection of processes that enable in the designing, development,

implementation and maintenance of data management systems. The following are the
main phases in database design process:

 Requirement collection and analysis

Requirement collection comes under as one of the important phases in which
data is collected through various mediums such as interviews and
observations. Since the data are the building blocks, the data collected in this
process should be accurate. Requirement collection also helps to determine
what the database is going to be used for.
 Conceptual Database Design
The conceptual database design phase is used to find the detailed description
of all the appropriate entities types, and the relations among them and
producing an entity-relationship diagram. The entities used in database
design must be specified in this stage.
 Choice of DBMS
Database Management System is software that allows the user to interact
with the database. While designing a database, the appropriate database
management system that benefits the organization should be chosen. There
are many examples DBMS software such as Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft
Access, etc.
 Data Model Mapping (Logical Database Design)
This phase helps to establish the relationship among different entities
(tables). The various attributes of the tables are also defined in this stage. In
this process, normalization is also used to minimize to many anomalies that
might occur in the design.
 Physical Database Design
After completing the logical design of our database, comes the physical
design of the database. During physical design phase, we transform the
entities into tables, the instances into rows, and the attributes into columns.
The indexing, access mechanism and file structures are taken care of in this

The importance of Database Management Systems is listed below:

 It helps in handling large amounts and multiple types of data effectively.

 It helps to categorize data of organizations and individuals.
 It helps to avoid the duplication of data.
 Data redundancy can also be ignored easily.
 DBMS offers security to all the valuable data stored in the system.
Question 4:

What is the role of database administrator? Explain in detail.

The DBA (Database Administrator) is a person in an organization in charge of the

database and the DBMS that runs the database. The database administrator attempts
to balance of the needs of individuals and the overall needs of the organizations.

The following are some of the detailed roles of the database administrator:

 Software installation and Maintenance

A DBA often helps with the installation and configuration of new database soft
wares. The system administrator sets up hardware and operating system for the
database server, then the DBA installs the database software and configures it
for use. The database is constantly maintained to ensure all the things are up-to-
 Database Backup and Recovery
Database administrators create backup plans and procedures based on best
practices, and then make sure that the necessary steps are followed. Backups
cost time and money, so the DBA works carefully to take necessary precautions
to preserve data. Other employees or personnel also help to create the backups,
but it is the DBA’s responsibility to make sure that everything is done on
 Security
A database administrator needs to know weaknesses of the database software
that may put the organization at risk. No system is one hundred per cent immune
to attacks, but implementing best practices can minimize risks. In the case of a
security breach or irregularity occurs in the company, the DBA should find
possible solution to minimize the situation.
 Monitoring Performances
Monitoring performance of the database system is one of the important tasks that
the DBA performs. If some part of the system is slowing down, the DBA may
need to make configuration changes to the software or add additional hardware
capacity. The DBA must analyze how the system can be improved through the
necessary changes.

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