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Letters of Marque

The Master of the Administratum and High Lord of Terra of the Most Honourable Order the Adeptus Administratum,
governing bureaucracy of the Imperium of Man, member of the nine Senatorum Imperialis, titular head of the
Departmento Munitorum and overseer of the Imperium of Man. MoA HLAA, HIS, HDM.

In his Holly light of Lord Emperor of Terra, Master of Mankind and Guardian of Humanity.

Whereas, by The High Lords of Terra collectively under the Great Seal of Senatorum Imperialis and the Imperium of
Man. Bearing Date the 2 / 004 in the light of the Emperor of Mankind's Year 001 M42 named Lord Emperor of Terra,
and in his 34th Millennium of Reign, the Lords Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High of Terra are required
and authorized to issue forth and grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal to any of His Subjects or others, whom we shall
deem fitly qualified in that Behalf for apprehending, seizing, and taking of Systems, bodies, Ships, Vessels, Goods and
trade belonging to those not belonging to Imperium of Man, or to any being, Subjects not In his Holly light of Lord
Emperor of Terra (save and except for those to which Warrant has been granted) and to bring the same to Judgement in
any of the Master of Mankind’s and Guardian of Humanity with his Dominions, for Proceedings and Adjudication and
Condemnation to be thereupon had, according to the Court of Imperium of Man; These are, therefore, to will and
require you to cause a Letter of Marque and Reprisals to be issued out of the High Lords of Terra unto
_______OScar______________ Commander of the ______Smudge__________ Burthern of about __ 5 megatonnes __ ,
mounted with ___ Carriage Guns carrying Shot of ___ Pounds Weight and navigated with _______ men, whereas the
said _______________________ is commander, to apprehend, seize, and take the Ships, Vessels and Goods Belonging
to the United States of America, or to any persons being Subjects of France, according to His Majesty’s Commission and
Instruction aforesaid. And you are to keep an exact Journal of Proceedings, and therein particularly to take notice of all
Prizes taken, the nature of such Prizes, the Time and Place of their being taken, the value of them as near as you can
judge, as also the Situation, Motion and Strength of the Americans, as well as you can discover by the best Intelligence
you can get; of which you shall from Time to Time as you shall have Opportunity, to transmit an Account to our
Secretary. Provide always that security be given according to His Majesty’s Instructions before mentioned; the Said
Letters of Marque and Reprisal to continue in force until further orders, for which this shall be your Warrant.

Given under my Hand, and the Great Seal of the Province this ____ day of _____________ 18 __ in the _______ year of
His Majesty’s Reign.
By His Excellency’s Command.

First Lord of the Council and Regent of Terra: Malcador the Sigillite
Fabricator-General of the Martian Mechanicum: Kelbor-Hal (until the Schism of Mars)
Captain-General and Chief Custodian of the Legio Custodes: Constantin Valdor
Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica: Nemo Zhi-Meng
Master of the Administratum: Simion Pentasian
Paternoval Envoy of the Navis Nobilite: Bolam Haardiker

The Lord Commanders Militant of the Imperial Army: Adreen.

Grand Provost Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites: Harr Rantal
Master of the Astronomican : Cohran Hursula
Chancellor of the Estate Imperium: Ossian
Speaker for the Chartist Captains: Kelsi Demidov
High Lord of the Imperial Chancellery: Jemm Marison

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