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Shamelessly pirated from the Rogue Trader (RPG), mostly Stars of Inequity, and modified for more detail in the


1 System Properties
1.1 Star
Solar Zones
1.2 System Elements
1.2.1 Element Descriptions
1.2.2 Ruin Origins 1
1 Planet
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0

2 Planet Properties
2.1 Gross Properties
2.1.1 Gravity and Surface Composition
2.1.2 Air and Orbit
2.1.3 Biosphere
2.2 Environment and Riches
2.2.1 Territories Base Terrains Terrain Traits
2.2.2 Reasons to Investigate Resources Landmarks and Encounter Sites Common Landmarks Exceptional Landmarks
2.3 Life

System Properties

System Features; make D6-3 rolls (min 1)

D10 Feature Effects
1 Bountiful Lots of mineral wealth. Choose one to all of:
Add one extra Asteroid Belt/Cluster
Increase minerals available on asteroid belts/clusters by 1d10-5 r
Increase minerals available on planets by 1 roll
Each planet has a 40% chance to have extra 'Exotic Resources' av
2 Gravity Tides Treacherous skies. Choose one:
Add 1d5 Gravity Riptides
Maintaining a stable orbit around the planets in this system requ
Interplanetary travel in this system is made at double speed, but
3 Haven Peaceful system of garden worlds. Choose one:
Add one Planet to each of the three Solar Zones
Add +1 to Atmosphere Presence rolls and +2 on Atmosphere Com
Add +2 to Habitability rolls for Planets in all zones
4 Ill-Omened Cursed, either in fact or in legend. Crew morale will suffer just by
5 Pirate Den A wretched hive of scum and villainy. You must be cautious. D6+4
6 Ruined Empire A Xenos or Dark Age civilization once lived here. Choose one:
D6-2 Planets gain a Xenos Ruins Resource. Increase Abundance o
D6-2 Planets gain an Archaeotech Resource. Increase Abundance

In either case, this affects a minimum of 1 Planet and if there are

7 Starfarers There are several planets and a civilization (human or xeno) whic
8 Stellar Anomaly Some star systems don't fall into the neat "planets orbit star, star
9 Warp Stasis A calm Warp isn't always good; sometimes it becomes "becalmed
10 Warp Turbulence This isn't a true Warp Storm, but that may not be much consolati
One planet in the System is the center of a very small Warp Storm
Psychic powers have stronger effects than usual here
Psychic powers are easier than usual to manifest here
Perils of the Warp and the corruptive influence of the Warp are s

Star And Solar Zone

Roll for star strength and size, which then determines how much stuff is in each of the three Solar Zones; Inner

Star Properties; D10

Roll Meaning
1 Mighty: Blazing, overpowering blue or blue-white light. Strong Inner Cauldron, weak
2-4 Vigorous: Steady white light. All zones normal.
5-7 Luminous: Well past its peak brightness, but steady yellow or yellow-orange. Weak In
8 Dull: This star will live for millennia more, but it is unmistakably dying. It is large but d
9 Anomalous: Dis's fuckin weird. It may be bilious green, nearly-invisible purple, or just
10 Binary: Two stars. Roll D10; 1-7: the stars match; reroll once. 8-10: they're different;

Zone Crowdedness Top

Zone Strength # of System Element rolls
Weak 1d6-3, min 1 /roll 1d5-2
Normal 1d6-1, min 1 /roll 1d5
Strong 1d6+1, min 3 /roll 1d5+1

System Elementsedit

Zone Features; D100 each

Inner Cauldron Main Biosphere
Roll System Element Roll System Element
01-20 No Feature 01-20 No Feature
21-29 Asteroid Cluster 21-30 Asteroid Belt
30-41 Dust Cloud 31-41 Asteroid Cluster
42-45 Gas Giant 42-47 Derelict Station
46-56 Gravity Riptide 48-58 Dust Cloud
57-76 Planet 59-64 Gravity Riptide
77-88 Radiation Bursts 65-94 Planet
89-100 Solar Flares 95-100 Starship Graveyard

Element Descriptions Top

Asteroid Belt: A thinly-spread ring of rocks which may have once been a rocky world. This poses a minor naviga

Asteroid Cluster: A denser, cohesive group of asteroids, usually the remains of a shattered planet or moon. It is

Derelict Station: An old, empty space station. If there is a space-capable civilization in the system, it was their c

Dust Cloud: The leftovers of an asteroid field or solar flare, these can be used as sensor cover but are basically i

Gas Giant: Usually not a useful planet directly, but frequently home to rocky moons which could be much more

Gravity Riptide: A major navigation hazard and one that's very hard to detect from a distance.

Planet: A rocky world, potentially suitable for human habitation. Use the Planet generation table below.

Radiation Bursts: Not localized, but affecting the whole Inner Cauldron. Detecting an imminent burst is tricky b

Solar Flares: Not localized, but affecting the whole Inner Cauldron. They are essentially unpredictable, and any

Spaceship Graveyard: A number of dead ships, floating in the void. Roll on the Graveyard Origins table to deter

Ruin Origins Top

Derelict Station Origins; D100

Roll Origin
01-10 Eldar Orrery: Wraithbone station with many cloistered cells, and psychic signatures o
11-15 Eldar Gate: Wraithbone contraption in the shape of an enormous door. What could i
16-30 Ork Rok: From a distance, this looks like an asteroid, but it's hollow and full of Ork 'te
31-45 STC Defense Station: A commonplace core pattern found across the Imperium, custo
46-65 STC Monitor Station: A commonplace core pattern found across the Imperium, custo
66-75 Unknown Xenos Defense Station: A heavily armed station of unrecognizable origin, c
76-90 Unknown Xenos Monitor Station: A station of unrecognizable origin, with many sens
91-95 Necron Station: Station made of the Living Metal characteristic to the Necron xenos.
96-100 Unusual Human Station: Structure and markings indicate this was built for humanity

Spaceship Graveyard Origins; D100

Roll Origin
01-15 Wrecked Battlefleet: Whichever side fielded these, they lost badly, and all hulks belo
16-20 Fleet Engagement: Massive conflict raged here, with many hulks from both sides. 1d
21-35 Lost Explorers: Ships lost to overextended supply vaults, or failure of vital systems. D
36-65 Plundered Convoy: Plundered transports and cargo ships drift here, from an ancient
66-90 Skirmish: Wrecks from a small battle, from two different sides, drift here. D6+2 hulks
91-100 Unknown Provenance: Bizarre assortment of different vessels drifting past defies eas

Planet Properties


Gravity and Surface Composition

Planet Body (Size and Mass); D10

Roll Meaning: Rocky Planet
1 Small, Light: The already-small world is low in metals, and so has even lower mass th
2-3 Small: Too small for strong gravity or abundant resources. Subtract 5 from the result
4 Small, Dense: As Small but with higher gravity and more mineral resources available.
5-7 Large: Worlds of this size can range across a vast spectrum of possible types.
8 Large, Dense: As Large but with higher gravity and more mineral resources available.
9-10 Vast: Huge and voluminous, worlds of this type strain the upper edges of the possibl
Roll Meaning: Gas Giant
1-2 Gas Dwarf: Considerably more massive than most rocky planets, but small for its kind
3-8 Gas Giant: Vastly more massive than any rocky world, with accordingly powerful grav
9-10 Gas Titan: The titans among gas giants are larger than some small stars, and may eve

Dense: A Dense planet adds 5 to the result of its Gravity roll. Increase the Abundance of any Mineral Resources

Light: Subtract 2 from the result of its Gravity roll, and halve the Abundance of any Mineral Resources it holds.

Gravity; D10 Top

Roll Meaning: Rocky PlaOrbital Feature Rolls
-6-2 Low Gravity: Subtract
D210 from its rolls for Orbital Features and subtract 2 from its rol
3-8 Normal Gravity: Approximately
2D3-1 the same gravity as Terra's standard 1 G. No effects.
9+ High Gravity: Add 10D6+1
to this planet's rolls for Orbital Features and add 1 to its roll for
Roll Meaning: Gas Giant
-4-2 Weak: Weak gravityD6 for a gas giant, though still stronger than almost all rocky planet
3-6 Strong: Enormous gravity
D6+D3field, normal for its type. No effects.
7-9 Powerful: Objects well
2D6beyond its immediate surroundings feel its pull. Add 5 to its ro
10+ Titanic: Even the system's
3D6 star is affected by this world's gravity. Add 15 to this plane

Air and Orbitedit

Orbital Objects; D100
Roll (Rocky) Roll (Gas) Feature
-9-30 -4-15 No Feature: Nothing interesting added to the planet's orbit.
31-45 Large Asteroid: An asteroid large enough to be detectable by sen
46-60 16-40 Planetary Rings(Dust): A wide ring of fine particles circles the plan
61-90 41-70 Lesser Moon: Large enough to have a noticeable gravity well, but
71-85 Planetary Rings(Debris): A narrow band of asteroids or chunks of
91-100+ 86-100+ Moon: A true moon, massive enough to form a proper hydrostati
For a gas giant, you're done here. For rocky planets, continue to generating its atmosphere and biosphere.

Atmosphere Density; D10

Roll Meaning
-4-1 None: No atmosphere,or almost none. Operating on its surface requires the usual to
2-4 Thin: The atmosphere is very thin, making any dangers from toxic gases reduced but
5-9 Moderate: The density of the air is normal or nearly so, and imposes no extra strain.
10+ Heavy: Air so thick it is crushing. Any dangers from toxic gases are more severe, and

If no atmosphere, you're done here. If there is one, continue:

Atmosphere Composition; D10
Roll Meaning
1 Deadly: You're basically swimming in an acid ocean. Even with total environmental s
2 Corrosive: Poisonous to breathe and deadly on contact. If you're a SPEHSS MARINE y
3-5 Toxic: Poisonous to breathe, but only mildly harmful to walk through. You'll need a re
6-7 Tainted: Trace elements will be harmful to breathe with long-term exposure, though
8-10 Pure: Rejoice! The air is clean and breathable by even the frailest of constitutions.

If the atmosphere is Toxic or worse, you're done here. If it's at worst Tainted, continue to the biosphere.

Biosphereedit Top

Climate; D10
Roll (Zone) Meaning
1-6 Burning World: The most moderate climate o
7-9 1-3 Hot World: Most of the planet is incredibly ho
10 4-7 1 Temperate World: Praise the God-Emperor, t
8-10 2-4 Cold World: Most of the planet is incredibly c
5-10 Ice World: Blizzards in Antartica got nothing o

If the planet has no atmosphere, its climate is instead extreme, based on the Zone it inhabits. Inner Cauldron a

Life and Water; D10 Top

World Type:Roll
Temp. Hot Burning Toxic

Cold Ice Airless

<0 <2 <5 <6
0-1 2-3 6 7-8
2-3 4-5 7
4-5 6-7
6-7 8-9
8-9 9-11
8-11 10+
10+ 12+

Regardless of whether the world bears life or water, next roll for the distribution of its land.
Table Name; D10
World Type: Roll Meaning
Hostile Trapped Water Lifeless Oceans

Inhospitable Extremophiles Standard Ecosystem

1-9 1-7 Unbroken Surface: The planet's crust is unifor
1-3 Supercontinent: All dry land is one contiguous
10 8-9 4-6 Few Continents: D3+1 landmasses make up th
10 7-10 Many Continents: 2D3 landmasses make up t

Environment and Richesedit

Base Terrainsedit

Territory Number Modifiers

Planetary Details Territories
Base rolls
Hostile N/A
Inhospitable 0
Trapped Water D2
Lifeless Oceans D3
Extremophiles D3
Standard Life D6
Size-based modifiers
Body: Small -3
Body: Large -1
Body: Vast +2
(n+1) Landmasses +Dn
Ecosystem modifiers
Ecosystem: Minimal +0
Ecosystem: Thriving +2
Ecosystem: Abundant +3

A world which is Hostile never has territories. One which is Inhospitable does not usually have territories, but m

Territory Type Modifiers

Planetary Details Roll Modifier
Base roll D6
Inhospitable -2
Minimal/Thriving Extremop-2
Trapped Water -1
Lifeless Oceans +0
Minimal/Thriving Ecosyst +1
Abundant Ecosystem +2

Base Terrain Type; D6 + modifiers

Roll Base Terrain
less Hybrid Terrain
0 Wasteland
1 Mountain
2 Wasteland
3 Mountain
4 Plains
5 Swamp
6 Waterways
7 Forest
more Hybrid Terrain

Hybrid Terrain: Roll twice; the territory is a mix of the two types rolled. (Reroll results of Hybrid Terrain.) If  you

Wasteland: Frozen tundra, scorching sands, or many other things in between. Defined by being inimical to life,

Mountain Range: a chain of mountains, stretching across the landscape. Usually frost-capped peaks, but someti

Plains: grasslands, savannahs, stony plateaus, or other wide, flat expanses of land. Usually support some life, an

Swamp: Abundance of water, not dangerous in itself but often hosting deadly disease and toxic creatures

Waterways: Whether large river, inland sea, or particularly interesting patch of ocean, this territory is all water

Forest: an abundance of large-scale flora, and usually many other species, especially when tropical. Usually, bu

Terrain Traitsedit

For each territory, roll 2D3-1 to determine number of traits, then roll D100 on the table for the territory's base

Territory Traits
Wastelands Mountains
1d100 Roll Territory Trait 1d100 Roll Territory Trait
01–20 Desolate 01–25 Boundary
21–40 Expansive 26–50 Expansive
41–70 Extreme Temperatu51–65 Extreme Temperatu
71–75 Notable Species 66–75 Foothills
76–80 Ruined 76–85 Notable Species
81–95 Unusual Location 86–95 Unusual Location
96–00 Roll again twice and96–00 Roll again twice and

Boundary: Boundary mountains are very difficult to cross. They bisect a continent, separate two other Territori
Broken Ground: This Territory has only the semblance of even ground. Its apparently flat expanses are actually

Desolate: This territory is harsh and unforgiving, even by the standards of Wastelands. It has no oases, natural

Exotic Nature: Rather than trees, vines, or other true plants, this forest is made of something much stranger. Th

Expansive: The boundaries of this Territory are greatly extended beyond a typical example of its type. Typically

Extreme Temperature: Extreme heat or cold pervades this Territory. If the Planet already has an inclination tow

Fertile: This plain or waterway is rich with nutrients and excellent for life. Local flora thrive her and are particul

Foothills: Most of the peaks in this mountain range are dwarfed by a single larger example, towering above the

Notable Species: One of the Planet’s more noteworthy native species is found only in this Territory. Generate a

Ruined: This wasteland was created not by nature, but by conflict. It may be a scar of fused glass from an orbita

Shoreline: This territory is along the coast of an ocean or sea, and borders another territory on the planet. It ma

Stagnant: This swamp or waterway houses little in the way of life, and even less in activity. There is little or no fl

Unique Compound: A strain of local flora that can only be found in this forest or waterway contains a substance

Unusual Location: In most cases, Territories are located where local conditions would be most likely to create t

Virulent: The marshy pools here are foul cauldrons of plague worthy of Nurgle's favor. The adaptations this spu

Reasons to Investigateedit


Resource Prevalence (Minimums are 0)

Planet Size Mineral Resources Other Resources
Small D3-1 D3-1
Large D6 D6-2
Vast D10 D6-1

Resource Type; D10

Roll Resource Type
Life No Life
1-2 1-3 Archeotech Cache
3-4 4-6 Xenos Ruins
5-8 7-10 Minerals
9-10 Organic Compound
Abundance: Every resource present has an Abundance rating from 01-100 (or occasionally higher). Starting Abu

Abundance Rating in Words; D100

Roll Meaning
<1-15 Minimal: Not enough to support an ongoing extraction project.
16-40 Limited: Enough to support a small-scale extraction for a few years.
41-65 Sustainable: Extensive reserves, a small operation could sustain itself on this.
66-85 Significant: Easily accessible and plentiful, good for a sustainable small colony or an a
86-98 Major: Vast potential, both short- and long-term. Startup costs to make good use of
99+ Plentiful: It would take at least a decade to exhaust this even with the most aggressiv

Archeotech Cache: This planet has a number of isolated pockets of valuable archeotech, each with one or a han

Minerals: Inorganic valuables, whether industrial material like iron, copper, or lead - all with enormous supply b

Mineral Type; D10

Roll Mineral Subtype
1-4 Industrial Metal
5-7 Ornamental
8-9 Radioactive
10 Exotic Material

Organic Compound: Found only where there is life, these have even more varied uses than minerals. The most

Organic Compound Type; D10

Roll Organics Subtype
1-2 Curative
3-4 Juvenat Compound
5-6 Toxic
7-9 Vivid Accessory
10 Exotic Compound

Xenos Ruins: The difficulty in finding things of value for the contents of Xenos ruins is primarily finding artifacts

Landmarks and Encounter Sitesedit

To Be Improved

Landmarks; D100
Roll Meaning
01-20 Canyon
21-35 Cave Network
36-45 Crater
46-65 Mountain
66-75 Volcano
76-100 Exceptional Landmark
Common Landmarksedit


Canyon Landmarks usually take the form of a vast trench, carved into the soil or bedrock. Sometimes they repr

Cave Network

Extensive ranges of tunnels and caves can be found beneath the surface of many worlds. Systems of this sort th


In most cases, a Crater Landmark represents the impact point of an object originating beyond the planet, usual


Whether solitary or part of an extended range, Mountain Landmarks are among the most impressive sights on


Volcanoes can take a wide variety of forms, varying in size and shape based on the conditions that formed them

Exceptional Landmarksedit


These Landmarks are often found on ice worlds, or near the polar regions of worlds with an abundant supply o

Inland Sea

The lakes of some worlds are so big as to stretch the definition of the word, demanding a more appropriate ter

Perpetual Storm

Unusual atmospheric conditions can result in persistent or even wholly stable weather patterns in a limited are


Oceanic reefs are typically too limited in size or spread to qualify as a Landmark, but some worlds house notabl


Certain tidal forces can create a vortex in the oceans of a world that churns and seethes without end. They are

Native Species, subsapient
Inhabitants, sapient
Tech Level

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y, and modified for more detail in the description with less detail about the mechanics. Tables for randomly generating a Star System

Features Ruined Empire

Luminous: Well past its peak brightness, but steady yellow or yellow-orange. Weak Inner Cauldron.
Inner 1 Core 4

1 Gravity Riptide
2 Planet
3 No Feature
4 Asteroid Belt
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0


ose one to all of:

on asteroid belts/clusters by 1d10-5 rolls

on planets by 1 roll
nce to have extra 'Exotic Resources' available

round the planets in this system requires a skilled pilot.

system is made at double speed, but is risky. 6 Ruined Empire
worlds. Choose one:
he three Solar Zones
ence rolls and +2 on Atmosphere Composition rolls for Planets in the Biosphere zone
for Planets in all zones
egend. Crew morale will suffer just by arriving and will stay fragile until you leave.
nd villainy. You must be cautious. D6+4 ships are present, including a beefy flagship, and 50% chance of a space station base.
tion once lived here. Choose one:
Ruins Resource. Increase Abundance of each by D10+5 (out of 100)
eotech Resource. Increase Abundance of each by D10+5 (out of 100)

minimum of 1 Planet and if there are more Resource deposits than planets the remainder are Derelict Stations or Starship Graveyards
nd a civilization (human or xeno) which spans them. Minimum 4 Planets in the system; add more wherever if it falls short. The native c
l into the neat "planets orbit star, stars orbit galactic center" bucket. This is one; there's some fuckhueg negative space wedgie affectin
ood; sometimes it becomes "becalmed in the Warp". Double the base time for any trip entering or leaving this system and the time to
m, but that may not be much consolation. All Warp jumps into or out of this System are more difficult. Some of the following may also b
the center of a very small Warp Storm, making it inaccessible and the rest of the system even more difficult to navigate.
ger effects than usual here
han usual to manifest here
corruptive influence of the Warp are stronger here


n each of the three Solar Zones; Inner Cauldron, Main Biosphere, and Outer Reaches

ite light. Strong Inner Cauldron, weak Main Biosphere.

eady yellow or yellow-orange. Weak Inner Cauldron. 5

t is unmistakably dying. It is large but dim, usually red. Strong Outer Reaches.
s green, nearly-invisible purple, or just about anything else. Make any one zone strong or weak.
h; reroll once. 8-10: they're different; roll once for each. Reroll 9s and 10s, but if the stars match a 10 can mean it's a three-star system


Outer Reaches
Roll System Element Inner 1 Core 4
01-20 No Feature Planet Gravity Riptide
21-29 Asteroid Belt Planet
30-40 Asteroid Cluster No Feature
41-46 Derelict Station Asteroid Belt
47-55 Dust Cloud
56-73 Gas Giant
74-80 Gravity Riptide
81-93 Planet
94-100 Starship Graveyard

ocky world. This poses a minor navigational hazard for all travel in its Solar Zone, and has D6-1 Mineral Resource deposits.

ns of a shattered planet or moon. It is confined to a small volume but is a serious navigational hazard within its extent. It also has D6-1

ivilization in the system, it was their creation. Otherwise, roll on the Station Origins table and give it D6-1 (min 0) Archaeotech or Xeno

used as sensor cover but are basically irrelevant beyond that.

cky moons which could be much more promising. Use the Planet generation table below.

tect from a distance.

Planet generation table below.

etecting an imminent burst is tricky but possible, and a skilled Enginseer's care for the augur arrays, or taking refuge behind a planet o

are essentially unpredictable, and any journey through the Cauldron has a 10% chance per day of being hit by a solar flare, which is nea

n the Graveyard Origins table to determine how they got here, and add an Archeotech or Xenos Ruins Resource to the graveyard, split

Zone Feature

oistered cells, and psychic signatures of long-gone power

pe of an enormous door. What could it possibly be?
eroid, but it's hollow and full of Ork 'technology',
ttern found across the Imperium, customized to defend a human colony.
ttern found across the Imperium, customized with extensive augurs and communications tools.
med station of unrecognizable origin, clearly not built for human occupants.
unrecognizable origin, with many sensor arrays and clearly not built for human occupants.
al characteristic to the Necron xenos. Purpose unclear, probably defended by Canoptek robots.
gs indicate this was built for humanity, but it is unlike usual patterns of station.

ese, they lost badly, and all hulks belong to the same force. 2D6 ships, most or all shattered beyond any value.
, with many hulks from both sides. 1d10+6 hulks, plus possible unexploded mines, torpedoes, or attack craft. A few might be worth sal
ply vaults, or failure of vital systems. D3 ships but most or all are salvageable.
argo ships drift here, from an ancient shipping lane. D6+1 ships are here, all boardable but dsifficult to salvage and probably thoroughl
different sides, drift here. D6+2 hulks, all heavily damaged but possibly sturdy enough to salvage.
ifferent vessels drifting past defies easy explanation. Dozens of utterly ruined ships, D6 hulks with some integrity remaining. No shared

metals, and so has even lower mass than it appears.

resources. Subtract 5 from the result of its Gravity roll.
and more mineral resources available.
st spectrum of possible types.
and more mineral resources available.
strain the upper edges of the possible size for a single world. Such planets tend to be of middling density, as they are already more m

ost rocky planets, but small for its kind. Subtract 5 from the result of its Gravity roll.
world, with accordingly powerful gravity.
er than some small stars, and may even be 'Brown Dwarfs', arguably closer to being stars than planets (the difference is that a true sta

Abundance of any Mineral Resources it holds by 10.

nce of any Mineral Resources it holds.

sting added to the planet's orbit.

large enough to be detectable by sensors, but not visible except as a fast-moving star to the naked eye, occupies a stable orbit around
de ring of fine particles circles the planet. This isn't a hazard to navigation, but does make sensor readings noisier. If this is rolled multip
h to have a noticeable gravity well, but smaller than even a small rocky planet and often not massive enough to be a proper hydrostatic
narrow band of asteroids or chunks of ice extends out around the Gas Giant. The spread is limited enough that they can be avoided wit
ve enough to form a proper hydrostatic spheroid. Generate this as a new Rocky Planet, but its mass must be less than its primary. If the
ng its atmosphere and biosphere.

ng on its surface requires the usual tools and protection for working in vacuum.
dangers from toxic gases reduced but also making it very difficult to breathe.
early so, and imposes no extra strain.
rom toxic gases are more severe, and breathing the dense, heavy air is stressful, preventing unaugmented humans from getting prope

cean. Even with total environmental seals, you're probably living on borrowed time. If the atmosphere is  Heavy, you're definitely living
contact. If you're a SPEHSS MARINE you can probably make it a minute or two without a total environmental seal, but without it you'r
rmful to walk through. You'll need a rebreather but not a full isolation suit.
athe with long-term exposure, though spending a week or so breathing it shouldn't have much effect. Not great for colonization but fin
y even the frailest of constitutions.

ted, continue to the biosphere.

World: The most moderate climate on the planet at night is still hotter than a nuke in the Sahara
rld: Most of the planet is incredibly hot, but some sheltered patches are merely as hot as the Sahara.
ate World: Praise the God-Emperor, this world is mostly habitable.
orld: Most of the planet is incredibly cold, but some sheltered patches are merely as cold as Siberia.
ld: Blizzards in Antartica got nothing on this planet.

the Zone it inhabits. Inner Cauldron airless planets are Burning Worlds, Outer Reaches Ice Worlds. Airless worlds in the Primary Biosph

Water and Life

Hostile: Not only is there no water, it would be difficult or impossible to introduce any.
Inhospitable: There is no water or life to be found on this world.
Trapped Water: Whether vapor, ice, or mixed with severe contaminants, water exists here but is very hard to come by.
Lifeless Oceans: Liquid water is readily available, but no native life exists. (Yet?)
Minimal Ecosystem: Native life exists, but it is limited in form or distribution and without much variation.
Minimal Extremophiles: Native life exists in the extreme conditions, in isolated pockets.
Thriving Ecosystem: Native life is diverse, plentiful, and wide-ranging; most or all parts of the planet have native species.
Thriving Extremophiles: Despite the harsh conditions, native life is plentiful and wide-ranging
Abundant Ecosystem: Native life is so rich that it has numerous properties uniquely useful to the galaxy, if you can find the

ibution of its land.

en Surface: The planet's crust is uniform without substantial cracks or segments

ontinent: All dry land is one contiguous cluster, with only a few small islands set apart
ntinents: D3+1 landmasses make up the land surface, divided by oceans or something more exotic
ontinents: 2D3 landmasses make up the land surface, with many islands and archipelagos besides.

does not usually have territories, but may have them if modifiers add some.
eroll results of Hybrid Terrain.) If  you roll two of the same terrain, the terrain is that single type, but has the Unusual Location trait an

een. Defined by being inimical to life, even native life. Wastelands are frequently found in regions of extreme heat or cold. You may ad

Usually frost-capped peaks, but sometimes volcanic fissures. Useful for navigation.

s of land. Usually support some life, and sometimes a great deal of it.

adly disease and toxic creatures

tch of ocean, this territory is all water.

, especially when tropical. Usually, but not always, trees.

0 on the table for the territory's base terrain type to select a trait. Reroll traits incompatible with previously-rolled traits. If the terrain

Plains Forests Swamps Waterways

1d100 Roll Territory Trait 1d100 Roll Territo1d100 Roll Territo1d100 Roll Territory Trait
01–10 Broken Ground 01–05 Exotic Natu01–10 Expansive 01–15 Expansive
11–30 Expansive 06–25 Expansive 11–30 Extreme Te16–35 Fertile
31–45 Extreme Temperatu26–40 Extreme Te31–45 Notable Spe36–60 Notable Species
46–70 Fertile 41–65 Notable Spe46–65 Stagnant 61–70 Shoreline
71–85 Notable Species 66–80 Unique Co 66–75 Unusual Loc71–80 Stagnant
86–95 Unusual Location 81–95 Unusual Loc76–95 Virulent 81–95 Unique Compound
96–00 Roll again twice and96–00 Roll again t 96–00 Roll again t 96–00 Roll again twice and apply

ontinent, separate two other Territories, or bisect a single other Territory into two almost-unconnected pieces. Passage across the bou
apparently flat expanses are actually riven with small fissures, which could be a relic of tectonic activity or simply a side effect of local

Wastelands. It has no oases, natural springs, or other potential sources of life or easier conditions. Survival is even harder than in a us

made of something much stranger. This might be groves of living crystal, spires of chitin or bone, or mounds of dormant, oozing flesh.

a typical example of its type. Typically it is at least 150% the size of other territories on the world. If there are several continents, this t

e Planet already has an inclination towards one extreme, this territory is even worse in that regard, more extreme by 20° to 40° C. Alte

Local flora thrive her and are particularly abundant and vigorous. An area like this is likely to be a primary source of an Organic Compo

le larger example, towering above the rest. This is a very useful aid to navigation and is usually high enough in elevation to provide an

ound only in this Territory. Generate a new species for this purpose, using the species generation tables below. This sometimes instead

be a scar of fused glass from an orbital lance strike, the shattered shells of an ancient barrage, or in the worst cases the spilled energie

s another territory on the planet. It may divide up that territory or separate it from another land territory, much like a boundary moun

en less in activity. There is little or no flow to its waters, and what life exists is largely microscopic, hidden, and sessile. It is a silent, still

rest or waterway contains a substance of great value. The Planet has an additional Organic Compound Resource, provided by these pl

itions would be most likely to create the relevant base terrain. This is the exception, whether it is a forest in a frozen polar region, or a

urgle's favor. The adaptations this spurs in the local wildlife make them just as bad, or worse. Merely camping within it requires consta
0 (or occasionally higher). Starting Abundance is generated with a D100 roll. Exploiting the resource gradually lowers the abundance ra

traction project.
ction for a few years.
tion could sustain itself on this.
d for a sustainable small colony or an aggressive extraction rig.
m. Startup costs to make good use of it will be high and competitors will be tempted to cut in.
aust this even with the most aggressive extraction operation the Imperium could mount.

ble archeotech, each with one or a handful of examples. Archeotech voidship components count for 10 Abundance, man-portable exam

er, or lead - all with enormous supply but even more enormous demand, primarily for the Imperial war machine -, ornamental like gold

e varied uses than minerals. The most common are substances which can be prepared into medical uses, either for curatives or for juve

enos ruins is primarily finding artifacts - most often art objects or things of archaeological interest, technology is rare - which have not d
soil or bedrock. Sometimes they represent a network of smaller canyons, or retain the imprint of whatever force shaped their course.

of many worlds. Systems of this sort that also connect to the lands above can represent an unusual form of Landmark. In some cases, a

t originating beyond the planet, usually a meteor. Some craters show signs of being formed from a long- ago barrage by orbital weapo

among the most impressive sights on any world that features them. These towering peaks can extend to twenty kilometres in height, o

ed on the conditions that formed them. Those with a sufficient presence to qualify as a Landmark are generally huge fire-mountains, o

of worlds with an abundant supply of water. These huge, frozen mountains are usually formed of ice, although the range of substance

rd, demanding a more appropriate term to describe their expansiveness. Such features are common on worlds with an undivided landm

able weather patterns in a limited area. The affected region might constantly be overshadowed by banks of thunderheads, riven by lig

dmark, but some worlds house notable exceptions. In some cases, these vast formations are created by thousands of generations of n

ns and seethes without end. They are usually lethal to any efforts at nautical travel in its vicinity, but even the land is not be wholly saf
y generating a Star System a pioneering Exploratory Fleet might discover, or is already a bastion the Imperium. For individual planets, c

. Weak Inner Cauldron.

Outer 5

1 Gas Giant
2 Gas Giant
3 No Feature
4 Planet
5 Gas Giant
6 0
7 0
8 0
Ruined Empire

ace station base.

ons or Starship Graveyards.

if it falls short. The native civilization inhabits D6+3 Features, planets first. Any planet with a native civilization has this one, with Devel
ative space wedgie affecting the local gravity. Remove any 2 Planets generated in the system as they or their orbits are destabilized. N
his system and the time to send or receive an Astropathic message. It may also be harder to use psychic powers of any kind in the syste
of the following may also be true:
t to navigate.

Luminous: Well past its peak brightness, but steady yellow or yellow-orange. Weak Inner Cauldron.

ean it's a three-star system. Star characteristics are set by the appropriate roll; zone strength is set by the lowest roll, subtracting 1 for

Outer 5
Gas Giant
Gas Giant
No Feature
Gas Giant

ource deposits.

n its extent. It also has D6-1 Mineral Deposits, either within the asteroids or in the remains of ships destroyed trying to navigate it. Pira

min 0) Archaeotech or Xenos Ruins Resources.

ng refuge behind a planet or moon, can protect the sensors; otherwise they will be damaged and difficult to even begin repair on for se

y a solar flare, which is nearly as damaging as void combat weapons. Multiple instances of this each add 10% to the daily chance of be

urce to the graveyard, split among D10+2 small caches spread across the dead fleet. Roll Abundance normally, but a roll which is lower

ft. A few might be worth salvaging.

ge and probably thoroughly picked-over.

grity remaining. No shared origin is plausible.

s they are already more massive than is common. Add 5 to the result of its Gravity roll.

difference is that a true star can maintain fusion reactions, Brown Dwarfs can't). Roll another  D10; on an 8+ this is a Brown Dwarf; its G

upies a stable orbit around this planet.

oisier. If this is rolled multiple times, enlarge the rings rather than adding more sets of rings. Sensor readings get progressively harder a
to be a proper hydrostatic spheroid. Roll  D10; on a 6+ it is rich enough in minerals to count as a Mineral Resource, generated normall
hat they can be avoided with a short detour, but if the detour is skipped, navigating them is like navigating an Asteroid Field system fea
less than its primary. If the primary is a rocky world, the moon's Body must be less than the primary's Body. If the primary is a gas gian
umans from getting proper rest.

avy, you're definitely living on borrowed time.

al seal, but without it you're probably living on borrowed time.

reat for colonization but fine for short-term exploration.

orlds in the Primary Biosphere can be either, either decided at random (use 1d2) or based on which other Zone their orbit is nearer to

s very hard to come by.

anet have native species.

e galaxy, if you can find them
e Unusual Location trait and rolls for twice as many further traits as normal. Rather than double the number of traits, you may instead

me heat or cold. You may add an additional copy of the Extreme Temperature trait after generating traits randomly.

-rolled traits. If the terrain is a hybrid, either divide the rolls evenly between its two base types, or make each roll normally but pick wh

Roll Territory Trait

Notable Species

Unique Compound
Roll again twice and apply both results

ces. Passage across the boundary will be via a small handful of traversable passes - or they may have no passes and only traversable by
simply a side effect of local burrowing creatures. These fissures may be created in the past and currently static, or active and unstable.

is even harder than in a usual wasteland, and it is impossible to find water here.

s of dormant, oozing flesh. The only constant is that the pseudo-flora are  growing, either alive or as if alive, and that the pseudo-plant

e several continents, this territory will typically take up most or all of a continent. (If it is a Waterways territory, it is a large sea or a tru

treme by 20° to 40° C. Alternately, a Territory can provide an extreme temperature opposite the one common on the rest of the Plane

ource of an Organic Compound Resource, if the planet has some, and it also often makes for a useful agricultural outpost.

in elevation to provide an excellent location for surface-to-orbit transport facilities.

ow. This sometimes instead indicates the presence of an unusual local  variation of a more widespread species, dramatically different f

rst cases the spilled energies of the Warp and the footsteps of Daemons. Terror and ruinous taint are constant companions when explo

much like a boundary mountain range.

nd sessile. It is a silent, still place, ill-suited to vigorous activity and difficult to traverse and map. If it a waterway, it is a lake or inland se

ource, provided by these plants. Its exact nature and Abundance are generated normally.

a frozen polar region, or a wasteland surrounded by verdant fields. This Territory exists where it does not belong and perhaps where i

ng within it requires constant vigilance to remain healthy, drinking the water without thorough treatment can inflict a variety of malad
ly lowers the abundance rating as you scoop up the valuables and sell them off elsewhere.

ndance, man-portable examples count for 2-3 each. This is rarely if ever one big vault of lost technology.

hine -, ornamental like gold and gemstones for the nobility or to decorate the glorious state and church of the Emperor, radioactives fo

her for curatives or for juvenat treatments; toxins which can be sold to aspiring poisoners; and vivid ornamental substances from feath

gy is rare - which have not decayed over time. Some races, such as the Yu'Vath and Necrons, leave relics which do not decay, but most
force shaped their course. The largest and deepest canyons extend through the crust of a planet, so that their roots are filled with see

Landmark. In some cases, a single cavern of immense proportions can be a Landmark instead, but it is rare for a natural cavern to rem

o barrage by orbital weaponry, instead. This type of Landmark can also represent a large depression in the planet’s surface formed by

enty kilometres in height, or more. More than one Rogue Trader has set the seat of their authority on a colonised world, atop the high

ally huge fire-mountains, or occasionally an extensive series of volcanic vents. In any form, they are as notable for the haze of superhe

ugh the range of substances that they could contain is greatly expanded on the coldest worlds. Glaciers are only found on Planets with

lds with an undivided landmass, although they can potentially be found wherever there is a continent large enough to surround one. A

thunderheads, riven by lightning, or simply blown about in a constantly circulating wind. Such effects are usually dangerous to anyone

usands of generations of native aquatic life, while others represent eroded tracts of coastline, or even sunken continents. Reefs are oft

he land is not be wholly safe from its influence. Whirlpools that lie near a shoreline sometimes exacerbate issues with local tectonics, c
perium. For individual planets, check out the  Planet generator as well.
ization has this one, with Development level Voidfarers, Colony, or Orbital Hab, with at least one Voidfarers in the system.
r their orbits are destabilized. Navigating within and through this system is easier since these wedgies are used as Navigator's landmar
c powers of any kind in the system.

the lowest roll, subtracting 1 for each extra star, min 1.

troyed trying to navigate it. Pirates often use these as cover.

ult to even begin repair on for several hours. Even when there is no active burst, lower-level radiation makes all augurs and sensors noi

d 10% to the daily chance of being hit by a flare.

ormally, but a roll which is lower than 3 per cache instead generates an Abundance of (3 per cache + D6 - D6), and a roll which is higher
an 8+ this is a Brown Dwarf; its Gravity roll is an automatic 10 and its moons are generated as if they were one Solar Zone closer to the

adings get progressively harder as the rings get larger.

ral Resource, generated normally but with Abundance reduced by 5.
ting an Asteroid Field system feature. If this is rolled multiple times, increase the size and density of the rings, making the needed deto
Body. If the primary is a gas giant, the satellite's Body must be less than (the primary's Body+4).
her Zone their orbit is nearer to. Roll on the Water and Life table next, using the column corresponding to the planet's type. If the wor
mber of traits, you may instead use the normal number of traits but select/roll up to half its traits from a different terrain type.

ts randomly.

ke each roll normally but pick which table's result to use based on whatever criteria you wish. (Most traits can be applied more than on

o passes and only traversable by air or around the ends.

ly static, or active and unstable. Crossing this Territory on the ground is often disastrous; double all travel times and expect to encount

alive, and that the pseudo-plants do not possess minds, even at an animal-intelligence level. (An unusual species/pseudo-species withi

territory, it is a large sea or a true ocean.)

ommon on the rest of the Planet, such as a range of volcanoes on an ice world, making the local temperature more moderate by 10° t

gricultural outpost.

species, dramatically different from other specimens in coloration, temperament, or physique. Often these have special adaptations to

onstant companions when exploring Ruined territories.

waterway, it is a lake or inland sea without meaningful inflow or outflow, and it will have large buildups of impurities making it inimical

not belong and perhaps where it  should not be.

ent can inflict a variety of maladies, and all wounds risk immediate infection, sepsis, and/or necrosis.
h of the Emperor, radioactives for obscure purposes within the Adeptus Mechanicus, or exotic materials like the raw materials needed

namental substances from feathers to dyes to horn, bone, or leather, sharing that it is rare enough and recognizable enough to serve n

s which do not decay, but most of these still have active or passive defenses which make extracting valuables dangerous. Necron ruins
hat their roots are filled with seething magma. Major canyon networks are often used to assist mining operations in the surrounding ar

rare for a natural cavern to remain stable at such a size. Landmarks of this sort cannot normally be used as a reference point for Naviga

the planet’s surface formed by a more local source, such as a valley shaped by tectonic forces.

a colonised world, atop the highest mountain that could be found. Such fortresses offer unparalleled protection from ground attack, a

notable for the haze of superheated air and occasional cloud of spewed ash as for their size. Outright eruptions are rare, but utterly ca

s are only found on Planets with a Climate result of Ice World, or a Habitability result of Trapped Water or higher.

arge enough to surround one. Any sufficiently large, land-locked body of water can be an Inland Sea Landmark. Inland Seas are norma

are usually dangerous to anyone caught without shelter, although rare benign cases have been discovered. Drive and Pilot Tests to pas

sunken continents. Reefs are often spread out over a wider area than other Landmarks, making up what they lack in height through an

ate issues with local tectonics, causing tremors or earthquakes, and eventually tearing the entire coast apart. Whirlpools can only be f
arers in the system.
are used as Navigator's landmarks. Local Warpspace is also calmer, but sudden reversion to realspace is more dangerous with a high ch
makes all augurs and sensors noisy and unreliable in the area.

6 - D6), and a roll which is higher than 10 per cache generates an Abundance of (10 per cache + D6 - D6).
ere one Solar Zone closer to their star. On a 1-7 it is an 'ordinary' titan and merely adds 3 to its Gravity roll.

rings, making the needed detour longer and the navigation through them harder.
to the planet's type. If the world is Burning or Ice-bound and a result indicates it bears extremophile life forms, the world bears 'Trapp
m a different terrain type.

aits can be applied more than once, intensifying the effect.)

vel times and expect to encounter sinkholes.

al species/pseudo-species within the forest may possess minds, just as an unusual plant species may possess minds. But the varieties w

erature more moderate by 10° to 20° C. If the planet is broadly moderate in temperature, this region is extreme in the direction of you

hese have special adaptations to better exploit the Territory in which they live. This species is likely to be a source of an Organic Comp

of impurities making it inimical to life.

s like the raw materials needed for manufacture of adamantium, ceramite, and promethium or unique ornamentals.

d recognizable enough to serve nobility's taste for conspicuous consumption and exotic fashions. More exotic substances, from novel c

luables dangerous. Necron ruins attack the body, usually via Canoptek drones, while Yu'Vath leavings attack the mind, with passive fiel
operations in the surrounding area by providing easier access to buried minerals.

d as a reference point for Navigation (Surface) Tests. At the GM’s discretion, it might be possible for Explorers to follow their course wi

rotection from ground attack, as well as making excellent locations for surface-based defence lasers and similar weapons. The awe-ins

eruptions are rare, but utterly catastrophic when they occur. Treat an extinct volcano as a Mountain Landmark.

r or higher.

andmark. Inland Seas are normally only be found on Planets with a Habitability result of Liquid Water, Limited Ecosystem, or Verdant. A

red. Drive and Pilot Tests to pass through a Perpetual Storm suffer a –20 penalty. Storms with harmful effects such as electrical discha

at they lack in height through an impressive amount of coverage. Reefs can only be found on Planets with a Habitability result of Liquid

apart. Whirlpools can only be found on Planets with a Habitability result of Liquid Water, Limited Ecosystem, or Verdant. In addition, t
s more dangerous with a high chance of Gravity Riptide, Solar Flare (even if not near a star), or Radiation Burst.
fe forms, the world bears 'Trapped Water' as described in that result, and additionally you may choose to ignore the life rolled and tre
ossess minds. But the varieties which make up the bulk of the forest do not.)

extreme in the direction of your choice, generally with an average temperature of 50°/-30° C (hot/cold, respectively). Multiple instanc

be a source of an Organic Compound Resource if the planet has some.


exotic substances, from novel combat drugs to singing flowers or trunks made from still-living wood, are also possible.

ttack the mind, with passive fields of the Immaterium driving those within the ruins to terror or even lasting insanity.
plorers to follow their course with a scanner or similar technology, and gain the navigational benefits through the device.

nd similar weapons. The awe-inspiring view can prove a valuable reminder of the Rogue Trader’s power to visitors, as well. The vast siz

Limited Ecosystem, or Verdant. At the GM’s discretion, a frozen version can be found on Planets with a Habitability result of Trapped W

effects such as electrical discharges or corrosive precipitation typically inflict 1d10+3 Energy Damage for every half hour of exposure,

with a Habitability result of Liquid Water, Limited Ecosystem, or Verdant. At the GM’s discretion, the remnants of a Reef can be found o

ystem, or Verdant. In addition, they are rarely found on Planets without at least two Orbital Features influencing the tides.
to ignore the life rolled and treat it as a pure Trapped Water result. You may optionally roll even if the world has no atmosphere or a
, respectively). Multiple instances of this trait stack and create progressively larger shifts in temperature; a forest on a temperate worl
re also possible.

asting insanity.
hrough the device.

r to visitors, as well. The vast size and rigid definition of Mountain Landmarks makes them the ideal visual cue. Using Mountains to as r

Habitability result of Trapped Water. The Landmark also represents phenomena like reservoirs of fluid chemicals such as quicksilver, w

or every half hour of exposure, although examples exist that are either more or less dangerous. Perpetual Storms are only found on Pl

mnants of a Reef can be found on a Planet without water, indicating the presence of ancient oceans on a Planet where they no longer

nfluencing the tides.

world has no atmosphere or a toxic atmosphere, in which case it may bear extremophile organisms which do not make use of water i
re; a forest on a temperate world with 3x Extreme Temperature(Hot) will have an average temperature in the 150° to 180° C. If this cre
ual cue. Using Mountains to as reference grants an additional +10 bonus to Navigate (Surface) Tests.

chemicals such as quicksilver, which can be found on a Planet without any water.

ual Storms are only found on Planets with an Atmosphere result of Moderate or Heavy.

a Planet where they no longer exist. The largest of these extinct reefs provide an additional Navigation bonus, in the same manner as
hich do not make use of water in their biology.
e in the 150° to 180° C. If this creates absurd results, e.g. a forest where the average day is 300° C and would boil the sap from the tree
n bonus, in the same manner as a Mountain.
would boil the sap from the trees, reroll the trait.

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