Lec - Chemical Messengers

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CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS: NEUROTRANSMITTERS • Between the axon end of one neuron and the cell

AND HORMONES body or dendrite end of the next neuron is a

space filled with an aqueous fluid called a
3 PRINCIPAL TYPES OF MOLECULES FOR o If the chemical signal travels, from axon
COMMUNICATION to dendrite, we call the nerve ends on
the axon the presynaptic site
1. RECEPTORS – protein molecules that bind to
• The neurotransmitters are stored at the
ligands and effect some type of change.
presynaptic site in vesicles, which are small,
• They may be on the surface of the cells,
membrane-enclosed packages
embedded in the membrane of the
• Receptors are located in the postsynaptic site of
subcellular organelles, or free in solution
the cell body or the dendrite
2. CHEMICAL MESSENGERS – also called ligands,
interact with the receptors HORMONES – are diverse compounds secreted by
• Chemical messengers fit into the specific tissues, released in the bloodstream, and then
receptor sites in a manner reminiscent adsorbed onto specific receptor sites
of the lock-and-key model
➔ The distinction between hormones and
3. SECONDARY MESSENGERS – in many cases carry
neurotransmitters is physiological not chemical.
the cases from the receptor to the inside of the
Whether a certain compound is considered to be
cell and amplify the message.
a neurotransmitter or a hormone depends on
TERMS AND DEFINITION whether it acts over a short distance across a
synapse, in which case a neurotransmitter, or
NEURONS – nerve cells; present throughout the body
over long distance from the secretory gland
and together with the brain, constitute the nervous
through the bloodstream to the target cell, in
system which case it is a hormone
• In the neurons, the signals travel as electric ➔ Epinephrine and norepinephrine are both a
impulses along the axons neurotransmitter and a hormone
• When they reach the end of the neuron, the 5 CLASSES OF CHEMICAL MESSENGER
signals are transmitted to adjacent neurons y
specific compounds called neurotransmitters 1. Cholinergic
2. Amino acid
NEUROTRANSMITTERS – chemical messengers between 3. Adrenergic
a neuron and another target cell; a neuron, muscle cell 4. Peptidergic
or a cell of a gland 5. Steroid messengers
HORMONE – chemical messenger releases by an ➔ Neurotransmitters can belong to all classes, and
endocrine gland into the blood stream ad transported in hormones can belong to the last 3 classes
the blood to reach its target cell Chemical messengers are also classified by how they
NEUROTRANSMITTERS – are compounds that • Affect the synthesis of enzymes
communicate between 2 nerve cells or between a nerve • Affect the permeability of membranes
cell and another cell. • Act directly or through a secondary messenger

• A nerve cell consists of a main cell body from CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS

which projects a long, fiber-like part called axon
• A large percentage of the drugs we encounter in
• Coming off the other side of the main body are
medical practice try to influence chemical
hair-like structures called dendrites
communications. A drug may affect either a
messenger, a receptor, a secondary messenger,
or an enzyme that is activated or inactivated as are adsorbed onto specific receptor
part of a metabolic pathway sites.
• An antagonist drug blocks a receptor and C. CALCIUM AS SIGNALLING AGENT (Secondary
prevents its stimulation messenger)
• An agonist drug competes with a natural • The message delivered to the receptors
messenger for a receptor site. Once there it on the cell membrane by
stimulates the receptor neurotransmitters or hormones must be
• Other drugs increase the concentration of a delivered intracellularly to various
messenger by inhibiting its removal from its locations within the cell
receptors. • The most universal yet most versatile
• Still other drugs inhibit or activate specific signaling agent is the cation Ca+
enzymes inside cells. • Calcium ion signaling controls different
functions via 2 mechanisms: (1)
increased concentration and (2)
ACETYLCHOLINE – the main cholinergic duration of signals
neurotransmitter • Source of calcium ions may be external
(calcium influx caused by the electrical
signal of nerve transmission) or internal
(calcium released from the stores of the
endoplasmic reticulum
• The effects of Ca+ are modulated
through specific calcium-binding
A. CHOLINERGIC RECEPTORS proteins. In all non-muscle cells and in
• Exists on the motor end plates of smooth muscles, calmodulin serve as
skeletal muscles or in sympathetic the calcium-binding protein
ganglia • Calmodulin-bound calcium activates an
• The receptor itself is a transmembrane enzyme, protein kinase II, which then
protein made of 5 different subunits phosphorylates an appropriate protein
• The central core of the receptor is an substrate. In this way, the signal is
ion channel through which, when open, translated into metabolic activity
Na+ and K+ ions can pass. When ion SUMMARY OF STORAGE AND RELEASE OF ACH
channels are closed, the K+ ion
concentration is higher inside the cell
than outside; the Na+ ion concentration
is higher outside of the cell than inside
• Events begin when a message is
transmitted from one neuron to the next
by neurotransmitters. The message is
initiated by calcium ions.
• When the concentration in a neuron
reaches a certain level (more than D. ACTION OF MESSENGERS
0.1uM), the vesicles containing ACh • The presence of Ach molecules at the
(Acetylcholine) fuse with the presynaptic postsynaptic receptor site triggers a
membrane of the nerve cells. conformational change in the receptor
• Then they empty the neurotransmitters protein.
into the synapse. The messenger • This opens the ion channel, and allows
molecules travel across the synapse and ions to cross membrane freely
• Na+ ions have higher concentration • Nicotine in large doses is an antagonist and
outside the neuron and pass into it. blocks the action of the receptor and may cause
• K+ ions have higher concentration convulsions and respiratory paralysis
inside the neuron and leave it. • Strong antagonist which blocks the receptor
• This change of Na+ and K+ ion completely can interrupt the communication
concentrations is translated into a nerve between neuron and muscle cell
signal o Cobratoxin – found in venom of snakes
• After a few milliseconds, the ion channel o Curare – found in poisoned arrow of
closes Amazon Indians; may acts as a muscle
➔ For the channel to reopen and transmit a new relaxant in small doses
signal, Ach must be removed and the neuron • Supply of Ach can influence the proper nerve
must be activated transmission, concentration of Ach is reduced
and nerve transmission is impaired:
E. THE REMOVAL OF MESSENGERS o Botulism – Ach is not released
• ACh is removed from a receptor site by o Alzheimer’s disease – synthesis is
hydrolysis catalyzed by the enzyme impaired


• Some AA are excitatory neurotransmitters; Glu,

• This rapid removal allows nerves to
Asp, and Cys
transmit more than 100 signals per
second. • Others are inhibitory neurotransmitters (reduce
transmission); Gly, Taurine, b-Alanine, y-
• When Ach-esterase is inhibited, removal
Aminobutyric acid (GABA)
of Ach is incomplete thus nerve
transmission ceases Each amino acid has its own receptors:
CONTROL OF NEUTRANSMISSION • Glu has at least five subclasses of receptors.
• Acetylcholinesterase is inhibited irreversibly by • The best-known receptor of Glu is the N-methyl-
the phosphonates in nerve gases and some D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. This receptor is a
pesticides. ligand-gated ion channel.
• It is inhibited by succinylcholine and • Phencyclidine – antagonist to AA receptor,
decamethonium bromide (muscle relaxant) induces hallucinations, “angel dust”, causes
bizarre psychotic behavior and long-term
• Succinylcholine and decamethonium bromide
psychological problems
resemble the choline end of the Ach and
therefore acts a competitive inhibitor • When Glu binds to the receptor, the ion channel
opens, Na+ and Ca2+ ions flow in, and K+ ions
• Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase is one way of
flow out.
controlling cholinergic formation
• The gate of this channel is closed by Mg2+ ion.
• Another control is to modulate the action of the
ACh receptor. • There is no enzyme to degrade Glu to remove it
from its receptor once signaling has occurred
• Because ACh enables ion channels to open and
propagate signals, the channels themselves are • Glu is removed by reuptake, which is facilitated
called ligand-gated ion channels. by transporter molecules.
o Glu is removed by a transporter, which
• The binding of the ligand to the receptor is
brings it back through the presynaptic
critical to signaling.
membrane (reuptake)
• Nicotine in low doses is a stimulant; it is an
agonist because it prolongs the receptor’s
biochemical response.
o Transporter – protein molecule that • G-protein—adenylate cyclase cascade in
carries small molecules across a transduction signaling is not limited to
membrane monoamine messengers
• A variety of other neurotransmitters and peptide
hormones use this signaling pathway, including
• Examples are epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucagon, vasopressin, luteinizing hormone,
serotonin, dopamine and histamine enkephalins, and P-protein
• A number of enzymes can be phosphorylated by
protein kinases and the phosphorylation
• These monoamines transmit signals by a controls whether these enzymes will be active or
mechanism whose beginning is similar to the inactive
action of acetylcholine, that is, they are absorbed
on a receptor
• Once the monoamine is adsorbed onto the • The body inactivates monoamines by oxidation
receptor, the signal is amplified inside the cell to an aldehyde, catalyzed by monoamine
• G-protein – produces many signal (amplification) oxidases (MAOs).
• The action of histamine is similar to that of other
monoamines. It is synthesized from His by
• cAMP is synthesized in cells from ATP decarboxylation.
• act as secondary messenger which amplifies the • H1 receptors are found in the respiratory tract
signal where they affect the vascular, muscular, and
secretory changes associated with hay fever and
➔ The catalytic unit phosphorylates the ion- asthma; antihistamines that block H1 receptors
translocating protein that blocked the channel ion relieve these symptoms.
flow. • H2 receptors are found mainly in the stomach
➔ The phosphorylated ion-translocating protein and affect the secretion of HCl; cimetidine and
changes its shape and position and opens the ion ranitidine block H2 receptors and thus reduce
gate. acid secretion.


• When the neurotransmitter or hormone
dissociates from the receptor, the adenylate PEPTIDERGIC MESSENGERS
cyclase stops the synthesis of cAMP.
• The first brain peptides isolated were the
• The cAMP already produced is destroyed by the enkephalins
enzyme phosphodiesterase, which catalyzes the
• These pentapeptides are present in certain
hydrolysis of one of the phosphodiester bonds to nerve cell terminals.
give AMP.
• They bind to specific pain receptors and seem to
• The amplification through the secondary
control pain perception.
messenger (cAMP) is relatively slow. It may take
• Because they bind to the receptor site that also
from 0.1 s to a few minutes.
binds the pain-killing alkaloid morphine, it is
• In cases where transmission must be fast, a
assumed that the N-terminal binds to the
neurotransmitter, such as acetylcholine, acts on receptor
membrane permeability directly without a
o Morphine – most effective agent in
second messenger. reducing pain
CONTROL OF NEUROTRANSMISSION o Side effects: respiratory depression,
constipation and addiction
• Neuropeptide Y – affects the hypothalamus 3. Other drugs decrease the concentration of the
(integrates hormonal and nervous system); a messenger by controlling the release of
potent orexic (appetite-stimulating) agent messengers from their storage
• Leptin – “thin protein” anorexic agent 4. Other drugs increase the concentration of the
• Substance P – involved in the transmission of messenger by inhibiting its removal from the
pain signal receptors
5. Others act to hibit or activate specific enzymes
FLOW inside the cell
Injury/inflammation → Sensory fibers (transmit signals)
→ PNS (synthesize and release substance P) → CNS
(spinal cord) process pain → Substance P removes the
magnesium block at the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor
→ Glu can bind to the receptor, amplifying the pain
signal to the brain


• Phophofructose-kinase-2: decreases activity →

• Fructose-biphosphatase-2: increases activity --?



A large number of hormones are steroids.

• These hormones are hydrophobic and,

therefore, cross plasma membranes by diffusion.
• Steroid hormones interact inside cells with
protein receptors.
• Most of these receptors are located in the
nucleus, but small numbers also exist in the
• Once inside the nucleus, the steroid-receptor
complex can either bind directly to DNA or
combine with a transcription factor, a protein
that binds to DNA and alters the expression of a
gene, thereby influencing the synthesis of
certain key proteins.




1. An antagonist drug blocks the receptor and

prevent its stimulation
2. An agonist drug competes with the natural
messenger for the receptor site, once there, it
stimulates the receptor

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