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No.5 Ym An Ordinary Man = Cue: MAGGINS:..1 find that the moment I let myself become friends with @ woman, 1 become selfish aud tyranntenl. SO these { am, 2 confirmed old bachelor, aud likely to romain so. After all, Pickering: Moderato HicGiw ve ispoten) NOK GD) Avbou dn, Vn an ordinary man, Piano 7 1 veh WAP valet, way Tee gen Se~ FEL PAP 8 MAP, Haw dex pet VA Wok Sen HE sires noth- ing more than just the or di- nar- y — chdnoe 1% (Cis sust.) deg Se WUT SA BAD 1 et, A Hoe Ster ude Et Hie A act- ly as he likes and do pre - cise = ly what_he wants. An avr mo Wy beny NV faa~ VE DEY ec = cenb- rie whimy — who 8 Ou i cals Te MA Tickur SAN, Tee VE M6 sido TE = tery Ts sh ese-sye-el-en his life free of strife, do - ing what - ev- er he thinks is best fer ao TE Av Co dh i MINT A wg BD Se | him Berea Saat > die nar = yA ) == asa yeu = p a grasivso (vivid (F104 Hte-Te—_ Len ey ® pnegro mottsvwo ® PS * es ku- koe wom = an in your life QU, Xpia, And your se - Fintona sp 5 rs 49 Ssz- see through! aXyer Shell re- oe ee eS ww J, ius 2f) ——~ 4 latins — z @ —vieesen_re-cse- wee, Slee he He- ada ds, ua your home from the cel lar to the dome; Then ——— - (Cle, sust tae wep te a Ua pint, Homa ale egy YE Pat onto the en = thrall - ing fun of over = Lp Sor > Ak~ Kor 50 @p-co0- tor wom- an in your | WE wi ue, Kyler) Hin —pent Make a De ~ oO. DA Te, 6- 25% ua- CA By- KAT vem, AK Kon plan and you will find she has some- thing else _in mind; And so = Bor poe, Mosrin CMTNAT ds 9 PAT Puc Fey cone AL Her eA tewayTt er thin do eith= ef you do yome - thing else that eth er likes at SL Lae t Ven ges — wel You to Bry Xyt0, want all. (Pai fete tbete te Fy tf = = iy Vad ( @ Px mosso! ScHU- MANN DAL-~_ @AN A PAW DH talk of (Sts trem) (WW east = (Ben,, Celto} ¢ ON, HA e pe est, ke~tes— edd Tae SF YS ee atiLe Owca - oc 63 sabe HAL— LAK FTAN) A see b (Tawi? And spend it (Ste, rem) 2) wvew, ust He (Bsn, Celio y no! ds Ae~ Kon, @yele-zeep A life .W, Br, wom- an in your mie (allen Ner) Fos Riu GA- Lot, A-_ GUO! Molto meno e> tere strife) i et then vite eters nal stl me Let them wh rutin tda-2kg ' Benn © va—_ eas, Hule-2on gull bor yet MAS! eneten. anx- ious lit- tle hands; Td be len. buy their wed- ding bands for those vin. sal \Z Fisw,ww, sont) pe Woa 53 Rec KtiL MINT SEM ‘A tempo To Git ve~GliL iN vag Ie Q6K= cr ~ @ e-qual-ly as willing for a dentist tobe drill ing than to eg) ay =— = nf (Bsn, Hs, Str) He nd! mi i ce-giiejiner -ro-vinta_Pesante haar steld Tina very gentle ev-er let a > — > wom-an in my» life! = 5 (Totti) if > b. 1 EN eet i ® carmato (eee soce Sud! NOM Ane GOL Ue, Mee TU Tae ~ tem = pord and goud- na- turd, whom you (Ste) sehersendo (Bs piee : Le ~bel-Mes yh, He RESPEC MES, Ypnecon tr a CMY se- Wert, A 1 oy ub St Tar “he wliz A wA-sayB- YE KEN EL" VENA man am T——— down tomy ae S2ie- LA VAR, yy Set- LARD, ' 7now SHA~LANT! , A_ sal vem er. sv . — fin - ger- tips; — The sort w wo. er could, ~ (Cellar ta La- Lage Ba mA var Ls en Sh N Hee Kee ye- de- yer —_ ‘bet an in- sult ing re- mark es- cape his Lips. ; OSS ANE (Ol ete pe wo Tee Hint A yap Te Just aver y gene tle mitre, oy But lot & 7 TF1.08 eh TN rin rm ) And pa- thence =~ ww) (WW, IB ¥ ) yo P ex e882, Wez- N Tups2. — has - alt got Shee ieee She will lx ; ke sreuce. & Ha @, 1 s Hos, your re- ply will be con- cise, And shell ee (Cs. sust) Bea) DEM-BE -Onluss A TUC~CAL, MI = RE STU C-CAL, ney Kow- ku-_eku- ya jis- ten ve - fr nice - ly, then out and do pre - cise- ly what she a= 36 csi-_seour_ eS crs. 2 You were a wants! WN, Br)’ 2: ao t =, ust S a < Piu_mosso eEM- gee vor we, DE _Moy— PAS man grace and. pol - ish, (Te) Who (te. trem) ea ie z ~_F Lhe rt {sien =. (Ben, Cello) = ee ele out ce RAT, Host Aa A spoke. ; b. Ga) 5 Bsn.) ' on BAH HU once youre that would (ste teem) er aw seat (Ben. Cetiol 87 ' Lat Tat Nez Feu Pes! Hat €- Resen ake @Bn- tao torn vot. ‘And you are ——> wom- an in fe (Bry wom- an your life (Bra, wn aw Molto meno Seg TAD af- vente a Ter plung-ing in Let the a (Str, Tpte) (Vin. voice cue) ' BB, HA aA Uete A We SE~ RECS, ben, ten oth - ers x Knot around their ecks; Td pre (Vip, solo) ten. (vin. yoive cue! ten pts, WW. sust) 58 QAM SUIT 4 ' A tempo Oh wd, Miwesery NS evr, Ap v4 “TAH BO, MEN QO fer a new e - di tion of the Span- ih In- qui - si - tion Than to (Fi,cu) (Str, Tambourine) = Lory, ome prima Pesanté nea Male vite A 4- pd- wex ©: ev-er let a wom-an in my Tma quivt-living — eee “ tifel pe) dbgey 2 = > FL Goer! rae nee Letra pl NO~ bapa UA Who pre- fers to spend his ev 'nings in the mete So ry, >. sw) “Foote EEN oy nee ph- yess Teel Bug yen A Duan Va si- lence of his room, Who likes an at-mos-phere as rest- ful as an so 59 mura TeS= TL vr, . wel eo, ony boy Be coeff NEW == un= dis- cov-erd t3mb, A pen-sive oman am I hy isn, Cetta) -sere veh 4 . BURSA WAT, pa WER 8 gh TE MAT, ore set ANT, ——— + soph - ie joys; Who to med- i - tate, tem = plates adt.0, J likes C ' Den, AML OLY &s!_riwe poor, AML Guy gelp & Kurta ade free from hu-man- i+ ty mad, im- bum~ an nvise, — Z tee N= Gold parece, de_2elo Toe ON ee tte _— Justa qui et liv ing man, — But let a (ong ad we 60 tHe TG - LEN © negro Wwo™ wd! ds Ab- vor. And your sab —=. (Bsa) . 7 : pYu- GR ort, A- GUS! oa SS cal is throught (HW, wood oct] ae : Ar Hip (ye Benen &. 8 OS BE raya, MAGIA ‘ wa, ez IS line that nev - er ends ar- my of her friends, Come tu —_——~ { (CIS. susty GBs) ver sobs fe ys BEr StL Lo Clog FE Oe Hale AZ. £626. Pe te jabber and to chat- ter and to fell her what the mat-ter is with (WW set pte 61 uml Wis- tue GA, Shell have Br) (Sp. De, gust) (tp e Gare Ge boom - ing, boist - ‘rous = > v We -Te- Nee _Hor- al! We AU se masse, She'll have a : = _ Sun! an (oa) aS CsA. tte 62 93 ——— Gd- fot cup. rar Pen ee ls peeeeeeeeeeceeeee tA gibberish of voices begins B10) cap oe a wGrl eH farun Lowa phonogroph) _& geen Let woman in your life, vee) 5 ESS (Sind pir) —— Mi- 6RD-_ Ho ez A vor! e— esp MAH £0. in your (in turns off the phonographs.) ¥ Presto No ! life. erase. multe. Slowly eu-Gor (Curtain) ney - wort eile Le er vieatra) let 2 pre. a wom- an in 2 Gu.) —————- 7) ote fb hs, Trine, Ban, Cetlo,ts..Pimmp.) (Tepes) te Sto AT, A attacca 63

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