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DJIA 18552.02 g 0.45% NASDAQ 5227.11 g 0.66% NIKKEI 16596.51 g 1.62% STOXX 600 343.32 g 0.79% BRENT 49.23 À 1.82% GOLD 1350.50 À 0.76% EURO 1.1281 À 0.86%

Louisiana Prepares for Further Flooding

Fall Hints
Business & Finance
At Doubts
Over Fed
B HP Billiton recorded
an annual loss of $6.39
billion, the biggest in its BY CHELSEY DULANEY
history, as big charges ex- AND DAVID HARRISON
acerbated a deep slump in
commodity prices. A1 Investors appear to be tun-
ing out Federal Reserve offi-
 Investors are tuning out
cials’ warnings that another

Fed officials’ warnings

increase in U.S. short-term in-
that another increase in
terest rates is imminent, un-
U.S. rates is imminent. A1
derscoring the central bank’s
 China is opening the doors struggle to maintain credibil-
to its Shenzhen exchange ity at a time of rising skepti-
and scrapping limits on cism about the U.S. economy’s
foreign stockholdings in a health.
bid to entice more global The dollar dropped to its
investors to its markets. A1 lowest level Tuesday since late
June against a basket of cur-
 Germany’s Linde and
rencies, even after two Fed of-
U.S. rival Praxair said they
ficials signaled that the cen-
were in preliminary talks
tral bank is still leaning
for a merger deal. B1
toward an interest-rate in-
 Damaging outflows crease before the end of the
continue to sting the year. The dollar tends to rise
hedge-fund industry. B1 UNDER WATER: Flooding in southern Louisiana has resulted in eight deaths since heavy storms submerged the area over the weekend. against other currencies when
At least 40,000 homes have been damaged, the governor said. Above, Lester Duplessis walked down a flooded street in Gonzales, La. A7 investors anticipate a U.S. rate
 The U.S. dollar fell be-
increase, reflecting the expec-
low ¥100 for the first time
tation that bond yields and in-
since immediately after the

BHP Tumbles to Big Loss

vestment returns will rise.
U.K. vote to leave the EU. B6
Federal Reserve Bank of
 U.K. government bonds New York President William
have become the most ac- Dudley said Tuesday that the
tively traded bonds in Eu- economy should strengthen in
rope since the June vote. B7 the second half of the year and
 Soros’s fund increased Charges worsen hit acerbated a deep slump in com- The loss deepens the gloom iron-ore mine in Brazil and that the presidential election
modity prices. in the global mining sector, weak oil and natural-gas mar- won’t factor into the Fed’s de-
its bet against the S&P 500 from a steep slump BHP, based in Melbourne, which has responded to global kets. Those enormous charges cision to raise interest rates.
and cut its position in gold. B6
in commodity prices Australia, posted a net loss of economic uncertainty and low were largely against the Brazil- Atlanta Fed President Dennis
$6.39 billion for the 12 months prices for commodities such as ian venture and U.S. onshore en- Lockhart said he could envi-
BY RHIANNON HOYLE through June, compared with a copper and iron ore by closing ergy assets, totaling a respec- sion a rate increase by the end
World-Wide year-earlier net profit of $1.91 mines, laying off workers and tive $2.2 billion and $4.9 billion. of the year.
SYDNEY—BHP Billiton, the billion. Underlying profit, strip- slashing returns for investors. BHP’s petroleum business, in- The muted reaction sends a
world’s No. 1 mining company ping out one-time charges, BHP’s earnings also took hits tended to help it through bad powerful signal that investors
 Russia said it launched by market value, recorded the slumped 81% to $1.22 billion. from problems not shared by times in metals markets, in- believe soft economic growth
airstrikes against targets worst annual loss in its history As recently as 2011, annual many of the company’s mining curred a $7.72 billion loss after around the world will limit the
in Syria from a base in as US$7.7 billion in charges ex- profit exceeded $20 billion. peers: a deadly disaster at an Please see BHP page A6 Please see DOLLAR page A2
western Iran, marking
new military coordina-


tion between Tehran and
Moscow. A1 U.K. Cleric Convicted
 German authorities are
For ISIS Stance
worried that guidance
from Turkey’s state reli-
gious body is aimed at solic-
iting support for Erdogan BP and others hope hydraulic fracturing will allow them to coax enough oil out of U.S. wells
among Germany’s Turkish
minority. A3 BY BRADLEY OLSON specialize in—giant offshore oil rigs and
AND SARAH KENT Shale Boom gas-export projects—are often prohibi-
 Europe’s top air-safety

U.S. shale oil-and-gas production tively expensive in a world of $40-a-bar-

agency proposed stronger PERRYTON, Texas—The oil-and-gas well rel oil. U.S. wells are a tempting option,
medical oversight to ad- BP PLC is drilling here in the Texas Panhan- 15 million barrels per day but major oil companies have yet to
dress shortfalls highlighted dle looks ordinary enough from the surface. prove they can master the techniques pi-
by last year’s crash of a Yet a mile-and-a-half underground, horizon- 12.3 oneered by shale drillers, whose innova-
Germanwings jetliner. A3 tal pipes shoot off for at least a mile in tions fueled a rebirth in U.S. energy pro-
 One of the U.K.’s most three directions, like a chicken’s foot. duction.
controversial radical Is- The idea, part of an experiment by BP If BP, Exxon Mobil Corp. and others
lamic preachers has been executive David Lawler, is to make three can figure out how to coax enough oil
convicted of inviting sup- wells from one. It also is designed to help 5 out of fracked wells cheaply enough to
port for Islamic State. A4 turn the London-based energy giant into a make it profitable, it could help them POLARIZING FIGURE: Anjem
shale-oil innovator that can better compete maintain production levels. Failure could Choudary, a provocative U.K.
 A dual citizen who had with the entrepreneurial outfits that pio- make it harder to replace the oil from Islamic preacher, has been
been in contact with British 0
neered the business of hydraulic fracturing, declining older megaprojects, and leave convicted of inviting support
intelligence services was or fracking. 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 them further behind on innovations for Islamic State. A4
arrested, Tehran said. A3 Big oil companies like BP are in need of Source: Wood Mackenzie transforming the industry.
 The U.S. transferred 15 a jolt. The multibillion-dollar projects they THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Please see SHALE page A6
Guantanamo Bay detainees,
the largest movement in
Obama’s push to remove
prisoners before January. A7
Beijing Approves Russia Uses
 Trump will get a classi-
fied intelligence briefing
Wednesday in New York. A7
New Stock Link To Bomb IS LIVE.
years, a step which could see
billions of dollars pour into
Syria Targets SAP HANA® helps Under Armour
instantly predict and fulfill the needs
Chinese shares. MSCI declined and expectations of over 200 million
OPINION A11 SHANGHAI—China is open- to comment. BY NATHAN HODGE connected athletes worldwide.
ing the doors to its tech-heavy Chinese stock markets—and Under Armour runs live.
Keeping an Shenzhen exchange and scrap-
ping important limits on how
particularly Shenzhen—retain
a reputation for casino-like
MOSCOW—Russia’s military
said Tuesday it had launched
Under Armour runs simple.
International much foreigners can invest in
the country’s stocks, in a bid
behavior. And not all curbs are
being lifted. Daily trading in-
airstrikes against targets in
Syria from an air base in west-
Eye on Ukraine to entice more global players
into its markets.
flows into both Shenzhen and
Shanghai, China’s other main
ern Iran, marking new military
coordination between Tehran
CONTENTS Opinion.............. A10-11 The moves are a major market, will remain capped at and Moscow in support of the
Arts & Ent............... A9 Personal Journal.. A8 milestone in the decadeslong 13 billion yuan ($1.96 billion) a government of Syrian Presi-
Business & Fin.. B1-5 Property Report... B9 opening up of China’s financial day, and many Shenzhen- dent Bashar al-Assad.
Crossword................. A9 Rio 2016.................. A12
Finance & Mkts..... B6-10 U.S. News.................. A7
markets, and could mark a re- listed companies will remain Tu-22M3 long-range bomb-
Heard on Street. B10 Weather..................... A9 turn to liberalization after a off-limits. ers and Su-34 tactical bombers
Markets Digest..... B8 World News........ A2-5 year in which regulators have Chinese regulators have took off from an air base in
tried to clamp down on the shown a tendency to reverse Hamedan, Iran, to carry out a
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; country’s notoriously volatile course on market revisions “concentrated airstrike” against
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
stock trading. and crack down on free trad- Islamic State militants and the
They also could help attract ing when stocks plunge. The group formerly known as Nusra
foreign investors, who have moves to encourage money Front, Russia’s Defense Minis-
avoided Chinese stocks amid a into Chinese stocks come as try said.
surge in emerging-market in- authorities there have been The bombers, escorted by
vestment this year. And they grappling with heavy capital Russian Su-30SM and Su-35S
could persuade MSCI Inc. to outflows. fighters based in Syria, tar-
s Copyright 2016 Dow Jones & finally add China to its key But the $3.2 trillion Shen- geted ammunition depots and
Company. All Rights Reserved
emerging-market indexes, af- zhen market, already the command-and-control centers
ter snubs in the past three Please see MARKET page A2 Please see RUSSIA page A4
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A2 | Wednesday, August 17, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Specter of an Accidental China-U.S. War

risks of an inadvertent clash ened now. Their man-made
on the water or in the air are islands are a fait accompli;
growing by the day. the tribunal has no power to
A new RAND Corp study enforce its judgment. South-
says that a Sino-U. S. war as east Asia has been silent. So
a result of such a crisis “can- has a struggling Europe, as
not be considered implausi- ever, most concerned with
CHINA’S WORLD ble.” ginning up Chinese invest-
ANDREW BROWNE Violence could ignite ment.
quickly, the report warns. “Nobody is pushing back,”
That is because each side has says Jennifer Lind, an East
SHANGHAI—The last time deployed precision-guided Asia specialist at Dartmouth
America and China went to munitions, as well as cyber College. She thinks the Chi-
war—in Korea in 1950—they and space technologies, able nese strategy has been suc-


fought each other to a stand- to inflict devastating damage cessful. “They control more
still. on the other’s military as- territory; they have more in-
Later that decade, as the sets, including Chinese land- fluence than ever before,”
Cold War ramped up, they based missile batteries and she says.
came close to blows again; American aircraft carriers.

the Eisenhower administra- Thus they have a strong in- orryingly, the RAND
tion repeatedly threatened centive to launch massive report notes an in-
“Red China” with nuclear strikes first as part of a “use creasing confidence
devastation as tensions bub- it or lose it” calculation. A U.S. destroyer was welcomed by a military band at the Chinese port of Qingdao on Aug. 8. among Chinese military
bled over Taiwan. strategists that they could

Today, nce out of control, to almost the entire South springing up on the fake is- that avoiding provocative conduct a short, sharp and
given the as- fighting could be pro- China Sea and rebuked it for lands, reinforced apparently words and actions, such as victorious war.
tronomical longed, although it is dredging artificial islands to withstand air attack. sending warships steaming Among the report’s rec-
stakes at unlikely to go nuclear, ac- topped by military-capable close by the island fortresses ommendations: America

play, many cording to the RAND study runways that have intimi- o far there are no signs in “freedom of navigation” should make clear it doesn’t
assume that sponsored by the U.S. Army. dated other claimants, in- that the People’s Liber- missions, will make it easier favor pre-emptive strikes
armed con- Both nations possess the mil- cluding Vietnam and the ation Army has sta- for Beijing to find a graceful against China and must “ex-
flict between the two giants itary, industrial and demo- Philippines. tioned military aircraft on way to comply with the rul- pand communications with
is out of the question. They graphic resources to absorb Instead of backing off, the midsea platforms. Then ing over time. China in times of peace, cri-
are each other’s largest trad- heavy losses and slog on. As China has doubled down on again, some Western experts For the U.S., striking the sis, and war.”
ing partner. Military con- in Korea, there would likely its assertive strategy, flying think China may be biding its right balance between dis- On that latter objective,
frontation wouldn’t only be no clear victor. a bomber over the Scarbor- time so as not to spoil a plays of conciliation and re- history isn’t encouraging. In
threaten these huge flows, Washington and Beijing ough Shoal, which it has ef- Group of 20 summit of lead- solve is critical. As the RAND 2001, when a Chinese fighter
but also student exchanges, “need to contemplate the fectively seized from the ing economies it is hosting report argues, war is much ran into an American spy
scientific collaboration, joint possibility of a severe, Philippines, announcing war for the first time next more likely to arise as a re- plane, killing the Chinese pi-
technical projects and the lengthy, uncontrollable and games with Russia and send- month. Watch out for even sult of China misjudging lot and forcing the crippled
myriad other ways in which devastating, yet indecisive, ing militia fleets swarming more aggressive moves be- America’s willingness to de- U.S. plane to make an emer-
the fates and fortunes of the conflict,” the paper asserts. into waters contested with tween then and the U.S. fend its East Asian allies, gency landing on Hainan Is-
world’s two largest econo- This is the troubling con- Japan. presidential election in No- and pushing them too far, land, then U.S. President
mies and their peoples are text in which to view China’s The Center for Strategic vember, they say. than from a premeditated at- George W. Bush tried to
inextricably linked. defiant response to last and International Studies, a Washington’s response to tack. reach his Chinese counter-
Yet, as China flexes its month’s ruling by a panel of Washington think tank, has The Hague ruling has been Indeed, Chinese leaders— part, Jiang Zemin, on a
muscles in the South China jurists in The Hague, who published satellite photos conspicuously restrained. arch-realists on foreign pol- hotline. Mr. Jiang wouldn’t
Sea and East China Sea, the struck down Beijing’s claims showing aircraft hangars U.S. officials seem to hope icy—may even feel embold- take the call.

MARKET top policy-making body, said

The move will place some
880 Shenzhen-listed stocks,
China 2.0
Many investors see the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, mostly composed
But the launch was marred
by regulatory and tax issues,
and foreign interest was fur-
ther chilled by the collapse in
peak to trough from last June
to September, compared with
the 45.1% slump in Shanghai
stocks during roughly the
of fast-growing stocks geared to China’s economic rebalancing, as a
Continued from Page One representing more than $1 more attractive proposition than the state-owned banks and Shanghai stocks last summer same period. Both markets are
world’s seventh largest, could trillion in market capitaliza- rust-belt industries traded in Shanghai. that shook global markets. down about 12% year to date.
prove attractive to foreign in- tion, onto the menu of global Beijing’s attempts to stem the Investors have been antici-
vestors because it is where investors. The ChiNext, a list- Sector breakdown of the Shenzhen market compared slide included introducing a pating the opening of the
fast-growing Chinese compa- ing board focused on fast- with Shanghai circuit-breaker mechanism at Shenzhen-Hong Kong Connect
nies that operate in sectors growing startups, also will be Shenzhen Shanghai the start of this year. The new for nearly two years, since the
such as technology, pharma- opened up, though limited to 22.4% Industrials 15.8% system was scrapped after earlier Shanghai-Hong Kong
ceuticals and clean energy of- professional institutional in- 18.7 Technology 4.0 just four trading days when link started. Traders say the
ten list. By contrast, Shanghai, vestors. shares continued to slump. announcement has been de-
which foreign investors al- Regulators also said there 17.8 Consumer cyclicals 8.7 The head of China’s market layed because Beijing’s prior-
ready can access via a trading would no longer be an upper 12.6 Basic materials 8.2 regulator resigned in Febru- ity has been to stabilize do-
link with Hong Kong, is domi- limit on the total amount of 8.8 Financials 39.9 ary. mestic stock markets.
nated by less-vibrant state- Chinese shares foreigners can Such missteps have deep- “Considering the number of
owned banks and oil compa- hold. Currently, global inves- 8.1 Health care 3.6 ened skepticism about Bei- fires they’ve had to put out
nies. tors can buy up to 300 billion 7.2 Consumer non-cyclicals 4.9 jing’s desire to develop truly this year, it makes sense for
“Shenzhen is widely re- yuan worth of shares in more free markets. Recently, the ex- authorities to try to do this in
2.2 Energy 10.5
garded as being a bit like the than 500 Shanghai companies. isting Shanghai-Hong Kong a methodical way,” said Bill
Nasdaq in its characteristics,” Still, foreign investors used 1.9 Utilities 4.1 trading link has been used Bowler, an equities trader at
said Mark Tinker, head of as- to trading mostly on major 0.4 Telecoms 0.4 more heavily by Chinese in- Hong Kong-based Forsyth Barr
set manager AXA Framlington Western markets will find vestors wanting to buy shares Asia Ltd.
Asia. “People looking to par- plenty of oddities trading in Trading volume across global exchanges, July 2016 in Hong Kong. Among the well-known
ticipate in the growth of China Chinese stocks, including rules NYSE $1.27 trillion “Last year’s stock market companies listed in Shenzhen
are looking more keenly to that prohibit day-trading of Shenzhen Stock Exchange 1.20 rout and bungled policy re- are telecom-equipment manu-
Shenzhen, and if this gives stocks, market holidays that sponse have hurt overseas de- facturer ZTE Corp.; China
easier access to participate in fall on different days on each BATS Global Markets - US 0.96 mand for mainland stocks— Vanke, the country’s biggest
that market, then it’s going to side of the border, and regula- Nasdaq - US 0.77 foreigners have been net residential-real-estate devel-
be regarded as another posi- tory restrictions that make it Shanghai Stock Exchange 0.71 sellers of Chinese equities in oper; and TCL Corp., a con-
tive step in the integration of virtually impossible to short recent months,” Julian Evans- sumer-electronics company
China with the rest of the stocks. Japan Exchange Group 0.50 Pritchard, China economist at that bought the Palm brand
world.” “I don’t think it’s crucial for BATS Chi-x Europe 0.21 Capital Economics in London, from Hewlett-Packard Co. in
The start date for the so- people to be invested in Shen- said in a note. 2015.
LSE Group 0.19
called Shenzhen-Hong Kong zhen at this point, but longer The Shenzhen market —Yifan Xie and
Connect still is unclear, al- term there will be opportuni- Korea Exchange 0.16 opened in 1990, when the city Dominique Fong contributed
though the statement an- ties,” said Ilya Feygin, manag- Euronext 0.13 was spearheading some of the to this article.
nouncing the launch said it ing director at brokerage Wal- Sources: Thomson Reuters (sectors);
country’s most far-reaching
should now come by the end lachBeth Capital. “For me, World Federation of Exchanges (volume) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. economic overhauls.
of this year.
“Preparation work for the
Shenzhen is like the Nasdaq
was in the ’90s and ’80s—it Kong Stock Exchange opened companies in China, where
Today, trading remains vol-
atile, driven by retail investors
Shenzhen-Hong Kong Connect
is basically done,” China’s
had a few bubbles but risk
also represents opportunity.”
in late 2014, it led to predic-
tions that billions of dollars
growth, while faltering, re-
mains far higher than in most
and subject to heavy govern-
ment intervention. Shenzhen
State Council, the country’s When the Shanghai-Hong would flow into shares of major economies. lost 50.2% of its value from
California is the U.S.’s most
populous state. The Aug. 2

DOLLAR target above 2% or moving

away from an inflation target
and targeting prices or eco-
nomic growth instead.
for the Fed to come more in
line with where the markets
have been all along.”
The WSJ Dollar Index,
remained flat in July added
fuel to the dollar’s decline. The
Fed has cited weak inflation as
a reason to remain cautious on
investors had seen a 94%
chance of a rate increase by
the end of the year.
Mr. Williams isn’t alone at
Capital Journal column called
it the largest state, without
specifying that it was largest
by population, not area.
Continued from Page One “There’s been a huge gulf which measures the U.S. cur- rate increases. the Fed in suggesting that it is
Readers can alert The Wall Street
Fed’s capacity to tighten pol- between the Fed and the mar- rency against 16 others, on Federal-funds futures, used reassessing the economy’s Journal to any errors in news articles
icy as promised. If borne out, ket’s expectations,” said Tuesday fell to its lowest level to place bets on central-bank long-term growth prospects. by emailing
the trend for now could help Paresh Upadhyaya, director of since the U.K.’s June 23 refer- policy, are showing a 55% Federal Reserve Bank of St.
support this year’s rallies in currency strategy at Boston- endum to leave the European chance that the Fed raises Louis President James Bullard, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
the Dow industrials, which hit based Pioneer Investments. Union sent markets reeling. rates by its December meeting, who has been one of the Fed Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
a high Monday before declin- “The Williams paper…is finally A Labor Department report according to CME Group Inc. leaders most reluctant to raise The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
ing 84.03 points on Tuesday, now providing the justification showing U.S. consumer prices data. At the start of the year, rates, in June forecast a
and government bonds, whose slower path for raising U.S. Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Bruce Orwall, Senior Editor, Europe
yields have tumbled to lows. rates as productivity and eco- Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
Minutes of the Fed’s latest nomic growth remain slow. He Margaret de Streel, International Editions Editor
Darren Everson, Deputy International Editor
meeting, due for release on called for officials to rethink
Wednesday, could send a fresh how to forecast and communi- Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
signal of the central bank’s cate policies. Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
willingness to raise rates. Fed Chairwoman Janet Yel- Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
Andrew Robinson, Communications
When the year began, many len called it “the new normal” Stuart Wood, Operations
Fed watchers were bracing for in a June news conference. Jonathan Wright, Commercial Partnerships
the central bank to raise rates The two views aren’t con- Katie Vanneck-Smith,
as many as four times. But a tradictory. Even the hawks Global Managing Director & Publisher
wide range of economic mea- generally haven’t talked about
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straining policy makers’ from investors have been critical of Printers: France: POP La Courneuve; Germany:

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sets. “The Fed’s policies are
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the Fed have even shown signs is one of the reason’s why the license from Dow Jones & Co.
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of coming around to the dollar has been waning,” said Editeur responsable: Thorold Barker M-17936-
“lower-for-longer” view that Axel Merk, founder of invest- 2003. Registered address: Avenue de Cortenbergh
60/4F, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
has been evident in interest- ment firm Merk Investments
rate markets in recent months. LLC in Palo Alto, Calif. The NEED ASSISTANCE WITH
San Francisco Fed President central bank “does not have a YOUR SUBSCRIPTION?
John Williams on Monday sug- clear vision. Investors have By web:
gested studying the possibility believed this for quite some By email:
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of raising the Fed’s inflation Some members of the Fed, above, have shown signs of embracing the ‘lower-for-longer’ rate view. time.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 | A3

Berlin Says Turkish Mosques Play Politics
Politicians accuse Germany Arrests
religious group of Man Suspected
seeking to build
support for Erdogan Of Selling Gun to
Munich Shooter
officers arrested a 31-year-old
BERLIN—For years, Ger- German man suspected of sell-
many encouraged Tur- ing a gun to a teenager who
key’s state-run religious insti- went on a shooting spree in
tution to provide Munich last month.
Islamic preachers and teachers Officers from Germany’s
for the large Turkish minority Customs Investigation Bureau
here. made the arrest in Marburg af-
But Turkey’s upheaval since ter posing as buyers willing to
July’s coup attempt has Ger- purchase €8,000 ($9,024)

man authorities worried that worth of guns and cartridges

the guidance on offer isn’t from the alleged arms dealer,
only spiritual—but also aimed according to prosecutors in
at drumming up support for Frankfurt. Communication with
Turkish President Recep the man took place over an en-
Tayyip Erdogan. crypted messaging service, ac-
In late July, as Mr. Erdogan cording to prosecutor Alexan-
launched a sweeping crack- der Badle.
down on alleged coup support- Germany has some of the
ers, the association of Turkish strictest gun laws in the world,
mosques in Germany pub- Turkish supporters of President Erdogan demonstrated in late July in the German city of Cologne against the failed coup. making anonymous corners of
lished a sermon praising “our the internet the place of choice
noble nation” for rising up Greens. and media have criticized the Turkey’s government to influ- politics” onto it. for criminals to procure weap-
against “a wretched network” The sermon and other inci- scope of Turkey’s arrests and ence them are worrying, Ditib’s imams are supplied ons. The Munich rampage left
that had sown “seeds of sedi- dents are fueling angst in Ger- its suspension of tens of thou- Volker Kauder, parliamentary by Ankara, and scholars of Is- 10 dead, including the shooter.
tion, rebellion and hostility.” many that Turkey’s internal sands of suspected Gulen sym- leader of Germany’s ruling lam in Germany say it has al- Chat records and bus tickets
The tough rhetoric was allud- politics are spilling over into pathizers. Many in Europe ac- Christian Democrats and a ways had limited autonomy. found in the home of shooter
ing to the followers of U.S.- German cities, inciting sup- cuse Mr. Erdogan of using close ally of Chancellor Angela German politicians used to Ali David Sonboly, an 18-year-
based Turkish imam Fethullah porters of Mr. Erdogan against popular patriotic fervor to Merkel, said in early August. welcome that, viewing Ditib old German-Iranian dual citizen,
Gulen, whom Turkey’s gov- his opponents, and sowing di- pursue autocratic ambitions Mr. Kauder singled out the and its state sponsor as useful showed that he had met the
ernment accuses of master- visions between Germany and and stifle dissent. association of Turkish partners in promoting a mod- man twice in Marburg, Bavar-
minding the coup plot. its three million residents of Mr. Erdogan and his gov- mosques, known by its Turkish erate form of Islam, in con- ian officials said on Tuesday.
The sermon came from the Turkish descent. ernment, and a majority of acronym Ditib, which manages trast to Salafi and other radi- On a first visit on May 20,
Ankara-based Presidency of The criticisms are part of Turks, reject that perception some 900 mosques in Ger- cal versions preached at some he bought the Glock 17 semi-
Religious Affairs—which re- the deepening acrimony be- and accuse the West of ignor- many, calling it a mouthpiece Arabic mosques in Germany. automatic pistol used in the at-
ports to the prime minister’s tween the European Union’s ing the failed putsch, which of Mr. Erdogan. Some of Ger- “Ditib does a lot of good tack, and on a second trip on
office—and was supplied to most powerful country and killed at least 271 people, many’s states have in recent work. It’s not just the long July 18, just days before the
Turkish mosques at home and the biggest applicant to join many of them civilians. Ankara weeks frozen cooperation with arm of the Turkish govern- shooting, he returned to Mar-
abroad. Therein lies the rub, the bloc. argues its response has been Ditib on providing religious ment,” said Kristina Dohrn, an burg to buy 350 rounds of am-
say many German politicians Turkey’s government has measured. education in schools, citing ethnologist at Berlin’s Free munition for the weapon, ac-
across the spectrum: Turkey’s accused Germany and the In Germany, Mr. Erdogan’s concerns that it isn’t suffi- University. And to some ex- cording to a joint statement
government, in their eyes, is West of failing to condemn the sometimes provocative rheto- ciently independent from An- tent, Turkey’s internal ruc- from the Munich attorney gen-
conducting its internal poli- coup attempt strongly or to ric—he once called European kara. tions would ripple through the eral and Bavaria’s state crimi-
tics on German soil. show solidarity with Turks, a pressure on Turkish immi- Ditib rejected the charges Turkish diaspora anyway, she nal investigation office.
“That was not a religious large majority of whom sup- grants to assimilate “a crime of political agitation as “ten- said. Investigators found the sus-
text. It was a declaration of port their government’s effort against humanity”—has dentious” and “prejudiced,” “But the political connec- pected dealer by following
obedience to Mr. Erdogan and to root out Mr. Gulen’s net- stirred insecurity about where saying that it has always been tion and the sermons may leads from investigating two
his measures since the coup work. Mr. Gulen denies any ethnic Turks’ loyalties lie. nonpartisan and neutral and have the effect of the sharpen- other men in Germany who are
attempt,” said Volker Beck, a role in the violent July 15 coup Turkish-Germans should be that some Germans may be ing the conflict” between Er- suspected of buying guns from
lawmaker in Germany’s parlia- attempt. loyal to Germany first and projecting “a deep antipathy dogan supporters and their the same source.
ment for the center-left Many European politicians foremost, and attempts by towards Turkey and Turkish foes, Ms. Dohrn said. —Zeke Turner

Europe Plans to Boost Four Years Later, in South Africa

Pilots’ Medical Checks

BY ROBERT WALL undergo drug and alcohol
LONDON—Europe’s top air- The European Cockpit Asso-
safety body proposed a new ciation, a Brussels-based pilot
set of medical checks for pi- lobby group, said it welcomed
lots and stronger medical the proposals including early
oversight to address shortfalls drug and alcohol testing.
highlighted by last year’s “The earlier those aspects
crash of a Germanwings jet- are checked the better, both
liner at the hands of its sui- from a safety perspective and
cidal co-pilot. to prevent that young people
The Cologne, Germany- eager to become a pilot, don’t
based European Aviation Safety start costly training and pile
Agency said Tuesday that pi- up big financial debts, to then
lots should undergo more thor- find out that they are not fit
ough initial and recurring med- for this type of profession,”

ical checks, including those for said the group’s Secretary-

their mental health. General Philip von Schöppen-
When psychiatric condi- thau.
tions are documented, EASA is Pilots still have reserva-
urging better follow-up of tions about later random drug
such cases. and alcohol tests.
Germanwings Flight 9525 The European safety regula-
crashed on March 24, 2015, tor also called for training and
killing all 150 people onboard oversight of aeromedical ex-
on a flight from Barcelona to aminations, the checks pilots REMEMBRANCE: Workers sang before joining a commemoration on Tuesday in Rustenburg, South Africa, of the death on Aug. 16,
Düsseldorf when the 27-year- have to undergo. Physicians 2012, of 34 striking miners for the Lonmin platinum company who were shot and killed by police trying to disperse them.
old co-pilot Andreas Lubitz in- also would have to report any
tentionally flew the plane into incomplete medical checks to
the French Alps. Lubitz had a authorities.

Iran Arrests Dual Citizen for Spying

history of depression. He hid EASA’s proposal now goes
the condition from airline offi- to the European Commission,
cials and regulators for fear it which will draft legislation
would end his career, investi- based on the safety body’s rec-
gators concluded. ommendations. The regulator BY ASA FITCH U.S. freed seven Iranians. The Iran denies that it ever and Iran’s powerful Revolution-
The crash spurred a num- said it expected a legislative U.S. paid Iran $400 million as sought to develop a nuclear ary Guards—a hard-line force
ber of safety recommenda- proposal to be ready by year- DUBAI—Tehran’s top prose- the U.S. prisoners were re- weapon. charged with protecting Iran’s
tions, including from the end. cutor said authorities arrested leased as part of a settlement The country has long held Islamic system, Mr. Rosen said.
French prosecutor probing the The BEA suggested regula- a dual citizen who had been in of a failed 1979 arms deal be- foreign nationals to further its Mr. Rouhani’s outreach to
case and the France air acci- tors consider weakening doc- contact with British intelli- tween the countries but denies political aims. In 2009, it ar- the world through the nuclear
dent investigation office, the tor-patient confidentiality gence services, the latest in a the money was a ransom pay- rested three American hikers deal and his encouragement of
BEA, which was formally rules in the case of pilots if string of such detentions in ment. who had strayed into its terri- foreign investment are seen by
charged with the crash probe. safety is at stake. EASA didn’t Iran this year. Recent arrests in Iran in- tory from neighboring Iraqi the Revolutionary Guards and
EASA also led a task force in address the issue though indi- The person faces espionage clude Nazanin Zaghari-Ratc- Kurdistan. They were released their allies as a potential threat
the aftermath of the crash to cated it would provide the charges after being taken into liffe, a British-Iranian employee in 2010 and 2011 after Oman to their political and economic
explore changes. commission with its view on custody, prosecutor general of the Thomson Reuters Foun- intervened and facilitated talks power, he said, and the for-
EASA said its latest pro- how to balance medical confi- Abbas Jafari Dowlatabadi told dation, the charitable arm of between the U.S. and Iran. eigners’ arrests as a way of
posal also calls for pilots to dentiality and public safety. the official Islamic Republic media giant Thomson Reuters, striking back as Iran opens to
News Agency on Tuesday. He who was picked up in April and the world.
didn’t disclose the person’s later accused of being a spy.
The detainee is The Revolutionary Guards
name or second nationality, or Others include two Iranian- accused of having said in June that Ms. Zaghari-
elaborate further on the case. American businessmen and an Ratcliffe was working for Brit-
The U.K. said it was seeking in- Iranian-Canadian professor.
been in contact with ish media involved in anti-Ira-
formation following the re- Iran doesn’t recognize dual British intelligence. nian propaganda and carried

ported detention of a dual Ira- nationality, and treats the dual out espionage “for several
nian-British national in Iran. citizens it arrests solely as Ira- years,” according to IRNA.
At least six other Iranian nians. The arrests come as Iran “The regime sees hostage- Ms. Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s work
dual nationals have been ar- tries to mend ties with the taking as part and parcel of its was “being used as a boogey-
rested this year, many of whom world under President Hassan foreign policy,” said Barry man in Iranian domestic poli-
stand accused of spying or at- Rouhani. His government nego- Rosen, senior adviser with tics, and her passport makes
tempting to undermine the Ira- tiated a nuclear deal last year United Against Nuclear Iran, her a bargaining chip for inter-
nian system. with the U.S. and five other which advocates against Iran national negotiations,” her hus-
The pickup in arrests fol- world powers that gave Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. He band, Richard Ratcliffe, said in
lows a rare prisoner swap sanctions relief in exchange for was also one of 52 Americans July. “It is precisely because
agreed to in January under placing new curbs on its nu- held by Iran for 444 days dur- she is a British dual national
which Iran released four prom- clear program. ing the 1979 hostage crisis. that she has been taken as col-
inent American prisoners—in- The deal went into effect in The recent spate of arrests lateral by Iran.”
cluding Washington Post re- January, around the time of the were likely part of an internal —Jenny Gross in London
Andreas Lubitz, co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525, in 2009. porter Jason Rezaian—and the Iran-U. S. prisoner swap. standoff between Mr. Rouhani contributed to this article.
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U.S.-Backed Forces Aim at Syrian Town

Group plans to push in the important city of Man-
bij, which will set the stage for
farther in border area the eventual attack to seize
after taking Manbij Raqqa, and that will mark the
beginning of the end for [Is-
from Islamic State lamic State] in Syria,” Gen.
MacFarland said.
BY RAJA ABDULRAHIM The SDF announced the for-
mation of the Al-Bab military
After expelling Islamic council on Sunday. The council
State militants from the Syrian will receive weapons and am-
city of Manbij, U.S.-backed munition from the SDF, which
forces are turning to another gets its supplies from the U.S.
town in an area along the coalition.
Turkish border that the ex- In the lead-up to the battle
tremist group has used to fun- for the Arab-majority city of
nel fighters in and out of the Manbij, the U.S. and Turkey
country. negotiated over the ethnic
As the Syrian Democratic makeup of the fighting force
Forces prepared to defend and the future rule of the city.
their hold on Manbij, they an- Turkey is concerned that au-
nounced the formation of a tonomous Kurdish areas in
military council for Al-Bab, Syria could be used to bolster
signaling that this was the Kurdish separatists in Turkey.
next target in their campaign. Opposition activists and
Al-Bab is about 30 miles to the monitoring groups have said
west of Manbij. the majority of SDF fighters in
Taking the town of Al-Bab Manbij are Kurds. Only about

from Islamic State would be an 15% were Arabs, according to
important step toward cutting Aleppo 24, an opposition mon-
off the group’s access to a 60- itoring network.
mile corridor along the border. The people of Manbij are
The focus on Al-Bab also sig- afraid it will be turned into a
nals that it could be some time Forces attended a gathering in Manbij, Syria, on Sunday to mark the founding of a military council for Al-Bab, a nearby town. Kurdish city after the YPG was
before an assault begins on accused of preventing Arabs
Raqqa, Islamic State’s de facto coalition that includes Kurdish is to continue advancing west- coastal city of Sirte. And in the battle against Islamic and others from returning to
capital in Syria. and Arab fighters and is domi- ward to link two separate Iraq, forces are gearing up for State, said last week. their homes in other recap-
“The Americans and the in- nated by a Syrian Kurdish mi- Kurdish cantons in northern an offensive against the In May, the SDF appeared tured areas, Aleppo 24 said.
ternational coalition would litia. The militia, known as the Syria—part of an autonomous group’s stronghold in that to be advancing against Is- YPG has denied those claims
like to advance on Raqqa, and YPG, and its political wing region they call Rojava— country, Mosul. lamic State militants around in some cases and said others
this was their position even have used the continuing bat- rather than to launch an offen- Islamic State has lost about Raqqa. But the offensive were due to security reasons.
before the Manbij offensive,” tle against Islamic State in sive for Raqqa. 10,000 total square miles, ac- stalled as focus instead shifted Kurdish leaders with the
said Ahmad Hisso Araj, a Syria to expand its control of Manbij, which fell on Fri- counting for nearly 50% of to Manbij. By taking Manbij, Rojava administration have
spokesman for the Syrian land it considers to be histori- day, was the latest in a string what the militants once con- the SDF severed Islamic previously claimed that the
Democratic Forces. “The opin- cally Kurdish. Al-Bab is part of of Islamic State losses across trolled in Iraq and 20% of State’s vital supply route be- Arab-majority towns of Man-
ion of the [SDF] is that Al-Bab that land. Raqqa isn’t. the Middle East. what they held in Syria, Lt. tween the Turkish border and bij, Al-Bab and Azaz are all
is more of a priority than For months, Kurdish politi- In Libya, government- Gen. Sean MacFarland, Ameri- Raqqa, leaving the militants in historically part of Rojava.
Raqqa.” cal and military leaders have backed militias have nearly ex- can commander of the interna- Raqqa in a weakened state. —Noam Raydan
The SDF is a U.S.-backed been clear that their priority pelled Islamic State from the tional task force overseeing “Soon we’ll finish the fight contributed to this article.

RUSSIA Tuesday his government re-

ceived no official request from
Moscow for aircraft to transit
Iraqi airspace, but he said he

Continued from Page One supported the airstrikes.

in the provinces of Aleppo, Mr. Abadi said his govern-
Deir Ezzour and Idlib, the min-
istry said.
Syria’s state news agency
ment had previously given
Russian forces overflight per-
mission as long as they re-
Guilty in
SANA reported Moscow’s an-
nouncement and carried re-
marks by Russian and Iranian
mained in certain flight corri-
dors that bypass major cities,
so today’s sorties are nothing
U.K. Case
officials. new. Mr. Abadi said he feels a BY ALEXIS FLYNN
“We will put our facilities duty to assist military strikes AND JENNY GROSS
at Russia’s disposal in its war on Islamic State in Syria,
against terrorism,” said Iran’s though to remain mindful of LONDON—A U.K. jury found
Supreme National Security civilian populations. Anjem Choudary, a prominent
Council, according to SANA. Col. Chris Garver, spokes- radical Islamic preacher, guilty
Moscow has provided air man for the U.S.-led coalition of inviting support for Islamic
power to back Mr. Assad’s mil- in Iraq, said Tuesday that Rus- State, underscoring efforts by
itary in the Syrian conflict, A Russian long-range bomber flew above the Aleppo region of Syria on Tuesday. sian forces notified American authorities to stem the spread
while Iran and the Lebanese military officials before of violent extremism.
Shiite Muslim group Hezbollah national economic sanctions. forces from Syria, but its mili- tional Security Council, said launching their airstrikes in Authorities accused Mr.
have sent advisers and fighters As negotiations on the deal tary presence has continued. Tuesday that Iran and Russia accordance with a memoran- Choudary, a trained lawyer, of
to support government forces. neared an end, Russia opened Russian President Vladimir were cooperating in the fight dum of understanding be- praising the extremist group in
An array of groups are the door to better ties with Putin last week asked Russia’s against terrorism in Syria and tween the two countries. The a series of online comments.
fighting the Assad regime, in- Iran by lifting a five-year-old parliament to ratify a deal were sharing their facilities strikes presented no flight- Mr. Choudary, 49 years old,
cluding extremist groups such ban on the delivery of its pow- that would allow Russia to sta- for that purpose, according to safety issues for coalition air- was found guilty of a single
as Islamic State and Nusra erful S-300 surface-to-air mis- tion warplanes at a Syrian the official Islamic Republic craft, he added. count of inviting support for a
Front, which recently changed sile defense system. The ban base indefinitely. News Agency. The bombing comes amid banned organization. The jury
its name to the Syria Conquest in 2010 followed tighter Ruslan Pukhov, director of Mr. Shamkhani didn’t indi- intense combat around the reached its verdict July 28,
Front after it said it severed United Nations sanctions over the Moscow-based think tank cate how many sorties Russia northern Syrian city of but a court-imposed restric-
ties to al Qaeda, and more suspicions Iran was seeking to CAST, said an agreement had was carrying out from Iran, Aleppo. The violence has raged tion meant it could only be re-
moderate rebels supported by develop nuclear weapons. likely been reached between what the cooperation con- for more than a week after op- ported on Tuesday.
the U.S. and its allies. Iranian officials have said Moscow and Tehran on the sisted of or how long it would position rebels broke through Mr. Choudary’s close associ-
Iran, a Shiite theocracy, has since then that significant use of Iranian airfields for continue. a siege imposed by the Syrian ate, 33-year-old Mohammed
long been wary of military in- components of the missile sys- bombing runs in Syria. Iran shares no border with government on its opposition- Mizanur Rahman, was also
tervention abroad, but the tem have been delivered. “There were extensive con- Syria, and the route the Rus- held eastern neighborhoods. found guilty of the same
strikes come against a back- Russia launched an air cam- sultations,” he said. “The Ira- sian warplanes took during Since then, rebel factions charge. The two men are due to
drop of warming ties between paign in support of Mr. Assad nians were asking for some their raid wasn’t immediately including the Syria Conquest be sentenced on Sept. 6 at Lon-
Moscow and Tehran. Russia nearly a year ago using war- arms deliveries and a good clear. Russian long-range Front have continued their of- don’s Central Criminal Court.
was among six world powers planes based in Syria. The price, and we [the Russians] bombers previously have fensive on government-held Authorities in the U.K. and
that reached an agreement Russian navy also fired cruise had our own demands, likely flown sorties from Russian neighborhoods in a bid to other Western countries have
with Iran in July 2015 under missiles from warships in the including the request to use territory, farther from the re- seize more territory. long expressed frustration about
which Tehran agreed to curbs Caspian Sea. the Iranian air base.” gion. —Thomas Grove how to deal with fundamentalist
on its nuclear program in ex- In March, the Kremlin said Ali Shamkhani, the secre- Haider al-Abadi, prime min- and Ben Kesling Islamic leaders who they allege
change for an easing of inter- it would withdraw its main tary of Iran’s Supreme Na- ister of neighboring Iraq, said contributed to this article. use laws ensuring freedom of
speech and religion as a shield
to espouse controversial views.
ing more than 6,000 lives since BRAZIL trial in the country’s Senate, a accusing her enemies of violat- For years, British authori-
World the insurgency arose in 2004.
In recent days, top leaders of
Suspended President defiant Ms. Rousseff said in a
speech that the attempt to oust
ing the constitution.
After witness hearings and
ties tried to curb what they
say is Mr. Choudary’s malign
Watch the ruling junta have eased back
on initial claims that the blasts
Vows to Fight Ouster
Suspended President Dilma
her amounts to a coup d’état.
On Aug. 25, Brazil’s Senate
lawyers’ final arguments, a mini-
mum of 54 out of 81 senators
influence on British Muslims.
Security officials say his
were the work of individuals op- Rousseff promised to keep de- will start the final trial of an im- would need to vote against her shadow falls across a number
posing a new, military-backed fending herself against accusa- peachment process launched in for Ms. Rousseff to be ousted, of Syria-related cases, from
constitution. tions of fiscal crimes that may December accusing Ms. Rousseff confirming her former ally-turned- cheerleaders arrested for pros-
—James Hookway cost her job. of using accounting trickery to foe interim President Michel Te- elytizing on Islamic State’s be-
THAILAND and Wilawan A little more than a week be- hide a widening budget gap. She mer at the helm. Anything less half to former associates who
Watcharasakwet fore the beginning of her final has denied the charges, while than that and she would be rein- surfaced in Syria and Iraq.
Muslim Separatists stated, with Mr. Temer going Mr. Choudary had been a
Probed in Bombings back to the vice presidency. mainstay on British airwaves
Thai authorities investigating —Paulo Trevisani and other media channels whose
a wave of bombings that killed provocative rhetoric often tested
four people and injured dozens UNITED KINGDOM the boundaries of free speech,
last week in popular tourist spots lawyers said. He has said he
are now looking at the possible
Import-Price Rise doesn’t support violence. He
involvement of Muslim separat- Fastest in Five Years also has boasted an exhaustive
ists in the country’s south. Import prices rose in July at knowledge of the minutiae of
Thailand’s deputy national po- the fastest annual pace for five British legal codes.
lice chief, Gen. Srivara Ransibrah- years, after voters’ decision to Before his September 2014

manakul, told reporters on Tues- leave the European Union trig- arrest in this case, police had
day that he was seeking an gered a sharp fall in the pound. arrested Mr. Choudary on mul-
arrest warrant to detain a man The Office for National Statis- tiple occasions but never
suspected of bombing a busy tics said the prices companies charged him.
area of Patong beach in Phuket pay for metals, oil, food and other “These men have stayed just
last week. He said evidence from materials bought from abroad within the law for many years,
the scene of the blast had been rose 6.5% on the year in July, the but there is no one within the
compared with police DNA re- fastest rate of growth since 2011. counterterrorism world that has
cords and matched that of a That pushed up companies’ over- any doubts of the influence that
suspected militant involved in all raw-material costs by 4.3%, they have had, the hate they
antigovernment protests in the quickest increase since 2013. have spread and the people that
2004, in which 85 people died in Driving the pickup has been they have encouraged to join
a police crackdown. the falling pound. Sterling has terrorist organizations,” said
A conflict characterized by declined 13% against the dollar Dean Haydon, head of the Coun-
bombings and shootings has since the referendum. ter Terrorism Command and
simmered in Thailand’s three FLYING HIGH OVER THE HOLY LAND: Israeli troops participated in a military parachuting exercise —Jason Douglas London’s Metropolitan Police
Muslim-majority provinces, claim- near the Palmachim air base south of the Israeli coastal city of Tel Aviv, on Tuesday. and David Hodari Service.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 | A5


Olympians Didn’t Report Robbery in Rio

Medalist Lochte at first Police Gunfire Rings Out Near
denied incident; police Olympic Venues; 3 Are Killed
started probe only
RIO DE JANEIRO—Confron- combat crime.
after media reports tations between police and “The civil police quickly
armed gangs claimed more identified the [suspects], got
BY PATRICIA KOWSMANN lives amid continuing violence arrest warrants, and put to-
in the host city for the Olym- gether the operation,” said Mr.
RIO DE JANEIRO—Local po- pic Games. Moraes, adding that the minis-
lice investigating the armed Three people were killed try “will give all financial, lo-
robbery of four U.S. Olympic and three arrested in a police gistical and operational help
swimmers, including star Ryan operation Tuesday aimed at to increase the fight against
Lochte, learned about the detaining suspects in last narco-trafficking and weapons
high-profile crime from media week’s fatal shooting of a po- trafficking.”
reports the same time the rest lice officer in the Complexo da Interim President Michel
of the world did. Maré, a large group of slum Temer declared a national day
A police official said Mon- areas known as favelas. of mourning Friday for Hélio
day that the crime, which al- Another person was killed Vieira Andrade, the officer
legedly occurred about 4 a.m. on Monday in an unrelated killed last week in Maré. Hail-
Sunday, wasn’t reported to po- shootout with police near ing from Roraima, a sparsely
lice here by Mr. Lochte, the Rio’s principal tourist neigh- populated Amazonian state,


other victims or U.S. Olympic borhoods of Ipanema and Co- Mr. Andrade was in Rio as
officials. pacabana. part of the Força Nacional, a
Upon seeing the media re- Meanwhile, shootouts were reserve contingent of police
ports later in the day, police reported in neighborhoods and firefighters from across
immediately launched an in- across the city, often bringing the country deployed to in-
vestigation, the officer said. daily life to a standstill for crease security during the
The official said it was ex- thousands of locals unable to Games.
pected that the victims would leave their homes for work or Mr. Temer described the
notify the Brazilian authorities U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochte was robbed of $400, Rio police say, but didn’t come to them about it. school out of fear of being death as a “regrettable acci-
immediately, particularly since caught in the crossfire. dent.”
they are high-profile figures. ing as the situation unfolded. personal belongings,” the robbery, and that another of Law-enforcement authori- Mr. Andrade was buried on
Why the crime wasn’t re- “I messaged USOC and they USOC said Sunday. them said he didn’t remember ties said none of the dead or Monday. While the suspects in
ported is one of several ques- said they spoke to Lochte and The athletes were on their doing so. arrested in Tuesday’s opera- his killing remain at large, the
tions police here are seeking he said it wasn’t true.” way to the Athletes’ Village A police officer said $400 tion was directly related to government’s reaction to his
to answer in a case involving In early afternoon, however, from a party at France House was taken from Mr. Lochte and last week’s police killing, killing has left at least four
one of the U.S.’s most well- the USOC issued a statement early Sunday and were un- $300 from Mr. Feigen. Police which occurred when a group dead in Maré, one last week
known Olympians. saying the swimmers had been harmed in the incident, the are puzzling over why the of officers was ambushed af- and three on Tuesday.
When media outlets began robbed at gunpoint. statement said. swimmers’ mobile phones and ter taking a wrong turn into The latest crime statistics
reporting the incident late Police got testimony from Police are now scouring Olympic credentials weren’t Complexo da Maré, which is in Rio de Janeiro state show
Sunday morning, there was Mr. Lochte and teammate camera footage along the stolen. known to have a heavy pres- police killings have doubled
confusion initially because an Jimmy Feigen on Sunday and route from the party to the According to a copy of Mr. ence of armed drug-trafficking so far this year compared
International Olympic Com- were scheduled to hear the neighborhood of Barra da Ti- Feigen’s statement to police, gangs. The suspects in that with the period last year, ac-
mittee spokesman denied the other two Monday. juca, where the Athletes’ Vil- he was sleeping in the taxi killing remain at large, accord- cording to Rio’s Public Secu-
incident had taken place. Another officer said Mr. lage is located. That may also when he realized the vehicle ing to the Ministry of Justice. rity Institute. Forty-nine peo-
The IOC apparently made Lochte and Mr. Feigen told po- help them locate the taxi was being stopped. A man or- In Tuesday’s raid, the police ple were killed by police in
that statement because Mr. lice they were under the influ- driver, whose identity isn’t dered them to get out of the “came, killed people and left,” June amid a broader increase
Lochte initially denied the in- ence of alcohol during the in- known. taxi, according to the state- said a member of Maré Vive, in crime.
cident had happened when he cident. A police official said camera ment. a local community organiza- Despite deploying around
was contacted by the United Mr. Lochte, a veteran of footage has been secured Mr. Feigen described the tion, who said he saw the 85,000 security agents to Rio
States Olympic Committee as four Olympics, and the three showing the swimmers return- person, but said he couldn’t dead. for the Olympics, the largest
media reports of the incident others said they were robbed ing to the Athletes’ Village describe the taxi driver or At a news conference, Bra- ever for the city, violence has
spread. when their taxi was “stopped early Sunday. where they were when the in- zilian Justice Minister Alexan- spilled over from the city’s
“All I can tell you is from by individuals posing as armed An officer said one of the cident occurred. dre de Moraes said the opera- poor neighborhoods and even
USOC,” IOC spokesman Mark police officers who demanded swimmers said they took a —Rachel Bachman tion marked an advancement touched star athletes.
Adams said late Sunday morn- the athletes’ money and other second cab home after the contributed to this article. in local and national efforts to —Benjamin Parkin

U.K.’s May Says

Ties With Beijing
Remain Strong
British Prime Minister The- clined to comment on the con-
resa May sought to reassure tent of the letter but said that
the Chinese leadership that Britain’s Asia minister, Alok
London is committed to Sharma, during a three-day
strengthening relations with visit to China hand-delivered
Beijing, after delaying a final the letter from Mrs. May, a
decision on a major deal in spokeswoman for the U.K. for-
July strained relations be- eign office said.
tween the two countries. In a meeting on Mon-
day between Mr. Sharma and
By Jenny Gross Chinese Foreign Minister
in London and Chun Wang Yi, Mr. Wang said he ap-
Han Wong in Beijing preciated the British official’s
visit, and that he believes Brit-
The postponement of a de- ain would continue with its
cision on building a nuclear proactive and open policies to-
plant raised questions about ward China, the ministry said.
whether the new prime minis- Mr. Sharma also met with oth-
ter would seek to reset Sino- ers in China to discuss devel-
British relations. The U.K. said oping trade and investment
it needed until autumn to re- between the two countries.
view the controversial £18 bil- While the delay prompted
lion ($23.3 billion) project, criticism from China, Mrs. May

funded by the Chinese and has insisted that China would

French, which had been remain an important partner for
agreed by former Prime Minis- the U.K. Britain’s treasury chief
ter David Cameron. Philip Hammond visited China
In a letter to Chinese Presi- in July as part of a series of
dent Xi Jinping and Premier Li trips aimed at bolstering Brit-
Keqiang, Mrs. May said she ain’s economic ties, after its
was “looking forward” to at- vote to leave the EU. Mr. Ham-
tending the Group of 20 sum- mond’s predecessor, George Os-
mit of advanced and develop- borne, had talked of creating a
ing economics in Hangzhou in “golden decade” of relations be- A Thaad interceptor during a test launch. China worries the system’s deployment in South Korea could weaken its nuclear deterrent.
September, as well as tween London and Beijing.

U.S. Assures China on Missile Defense

“strengthening cooperation In the wake of Britain’s de-
with China on economic, trade cision to leave the European
and global issues,” China’s for- Union in June, politicians and
eign ministry said on Monday. analysts are looking to Mrs.
She also conveyed Britain’s May’s early approach to for- BY GORDON LUBOLD hour meeting at the Bayi announced Feb. 7 that they of a ruling against China on
support for China’s hosting of eign relations for clues on the building, the headquarters for were in formal discussions the disputes by a tribunal in
the summit, the ministry said. U.K.’s approach to foreign BEIJING—The U.S. Army’s the PLA here. about the deployment of the The Hague July 12.
The U.K. government de- trade outside the bloc. top general, on a swing Beijing has expressed deep Thaad system, just hours af- Gen. Milley’s visit to China
through Asia this week, concerns that the missile-de- ter the North conducted an- follows a visit this summer
stopped here to meet his fense system, which monitors other missile launch, and by Adm. John Richardson, the
counterpart and assure the North Korea, also covers concluded those talks with an U.S. chief of naval operations,
Chinese military that a de- parts of China and could thus agreement this summer to as well as White House na-
ployment of a controversial weaken Beijing’s nuclear de- deploy the system. tional-security adviser Susan
missile-defense system in terrent. The Chinese govern- Rice.
South Korea didn’t amount to ment so far hasn’t indicated a Gen. Milley’s trip to the re-
a threat to China. willingness to accept Wash-
Beijing is concerned gion includes stops in Seoul
Gen. Mark Milley, the U.S. ington’s view that the system that the system and Tokyo as well as at U.S.
Army chief of staff, told Gen. isn’t designed to threaten Pacific Command, Hawaii.
Li Zuocheng, who heads the China.
could weaken its The trip, which was planned
ground forces of the People’s North Korea has launched nuclear deterrent. months ago, was meant to as-
Liberation Army, that the more than 30 ballistic mis- sure the PLA but also to es-
coming deployment of a Ter- siles since North Korean tablish stronger ties between
minal High Altitude Area De- leader Kim Jong Un took The announcement of the the two generals.
fense system to South Korea power in 2011. Most launches deployment of the missile “On behalf of the entire

is only meant to defend South are tests of old missiles that system comes amid enduring American Army and my dele-
Korea and the U.S. against travel short distances and tensions between the U.S. and gation, thanks so much for
North Korean ballistic mis- land in the sea far from other China over the disputes over the warm welcome. I look
siles. countries. But in June, Pyong- islands in the South China forward to the visit,” Gen.
Gen. Milley was expected yang successfully tested a Sea. It was unclear if the Milley told Gen. Li as the
to brief Gen. Li and his staff new midrange missile that is talks between Gen. Milley and meeting got under way. “Con-
on the system, an Army pro- considered a threat to U.S. Gen. Li would include discus- gratulations again on being
The U.K. delayed a decision on a deal with China to build the Hinkley gram typically known as bases in Guam and Japan. sion on those disputes, selected as commander of the
Point C nuclear-power station site near Bridgwater in Britain. Thaad, during a roughly two- The U.S. and South Korea though it was likely in light PLA.”
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A6 | Wednesday, August 17, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Continued from Page One
Six years after the Deep-
water Horizon accident in
the Gulf of Mexico caused
the worst offshore spill in
U.S. history, BP is turning
again to America. Mr. Lawler,
a former college football
linebacker turned engineer,
is in charge of the push into
shale oil and gas. If the Per-
ryton well succeeds, Mr.
Lawler could try the same
thing with drilling leases BP
has in Oklahoma, Texas and
beyond, potentially yielding
oil and gas on a large scale.
He isn’t the only Lawler in


the fracking business. His
older brother, Robert, known
as Doug, is chief executive of
Chesapeake Energy Corp.,
the trailblazer founded by
fracking pioneer Aubrey Mc-
Clendon, who died in a car
crash in March.
The Lawler brothers are
part of the second wave of
the fracking revolution: a
move away from debt-fueled
drilling mania to what they
hope will be a more finan- BP executive David Lawler, right, at the site of a horizontal oil well being drilled in Perryton in the Texas Panhandle. The London-based company is moving into shale-oil
cially sustainable future. drilling with wells such as the King Harry 1H in the Texas Panhandle, below, which descends 8,000 feet before splitting into three shafts.
Doug’s challenge is to take
debt-laden Chesapeake and made things worse. Exxon mentation, and he gave indi-
its attractive drilling leases has lost money in its U.S. vidual managers control of
and turn it into a profitable drilling business for six how they drilled wells in dif-
business. David’s mission is straight quarters. ferent areas—a common ap-
to crack the code of shale In 2014 and 2015, shale proach among success-
drilling for BP, something wells drilled by BP, Royal ful shale producers.
that the world’s biggest en- Dutch Shell PLC, Exxon and BP says it has seen im-
ergy companies haven’t been Chevron Corp. were one- provement. In Oklahoma and
good at. third less productive, on av- Texas, it has reduced well
Processes designed for erage, than the top 10 opera- costs by almost two-thirds,
huge offshore platforms are tors, according to data from and is now drilling wells in
a poor fit for fracking, which analytics firm NavPort. Their 37 days on average, com-
requires endless tinkering to wells have improved each pared with 67 in 2012. The
be successful. Frackers must year, but so have those of the wells are on track to produce
also develop a substantial top operators. Many big 44% more natural gas than
tolerance for failure. They companies—often called “in- those drilled three years ago.
often must drill dozens of tegrated” firms because they Although the wells of big
wells to figure out the best have production and refining companies have lagged be-
techniques for particular lo- operations—say they are get- hind those of top shale oper-
cations. ting better and have drilled ators, the big companies are
some profitable wells. getting better. Exxon, Chev-
“You have to be quick, you ron, Statoil ASA, ConocoPhil-
Oil firms have yet to have to be nimble, you have lips and Occidental Petro-
prove they can master to be flexi- leum Corp. are among the
ble,” says shale pioneer Mark top 20 in terms of U.S. well
techniques pioneered Papa, former chief executive performance so far in 2016,
by shale drillers. of EOG Resources Inc. “The according to NavPort.
track records of the integrat- BP has high hopes for its
eds is really not very pretty.” blessed with what others in nard Looney, BP’s head of ex- discussions. “Not just sort of “multilateral” wells—the
So far, big oil companies David Lawler, 48 years the industry see as good ploration and production, working, but really working.” “chicken-foot” type—which
have compiled a poor record old, acknowledges the chal- rock—land in the country’s adding that shale has “the Mr. Looney attributes involve drilling horizontally
in U.S. fracking. Their lenges BP faces trying to go most prized oil-and-gas ba- potential to be a material much of the success to Mr. in more than one direction
fracked wells don’t produce small. Exxon, Shell and Total sins. “It’s about how fast we source of growth.” Lawler, who took over from one vertical well bore.
as much as those of industry SA all notched losses or can change,” he says. BP initially was unsure BP’s shale operations in Doing so would allow the
leaders because they haven’t write-downs from If he succeeds, it would about the prospects of shale. 2014. company to tap more than
mastered the technology. their shale businesses, even bolster the view that As smaller competitors be- Mr. Lawler’s brother Doug, one layer at about half the
They have taken more than before oil prices began fall- the shale age could last de- gan demonstrating the mag- who became Chesapeake’s cost of drilling multiple
$20 billion in write-downs, ing two years ago. cades as the drilling bonanza nitude of the oil and gas chief executive in 2012 and wells.
some stemming from top-of- Yet Mr. Lawler says he is extends to new areas, not trapped in shale rocks, other has slashed that company’s After a test proved the
the-market acquisitions of optimistic that BP can just in the U.S. but around big companies piled in with near-term liabilities roughly concept with two horizon-
fracking companies, and the make shale profitable at to- the world. costly acquisitions, such as by half, says David “attacked” tals, Mr. Lawler decided to
plunge in crude prices has day’s prices, even if it isn’t So far, BP has managed to Exxon’s $31 billion purchase the opportunity with zeal. go for three in the Texas
slash its shale production of XTO Energy in 2010. BP Doug Lawler predicts that Panhandle on the King Harry
costs, and it believes it can signed smaller transactions his brother will help extend lease, and to do it six
Playing Catch-Up produce as much as 7.5 bil- to jointly develop wells with the life of the shale revolution times—18 horizontal wells
lion barrels economically. Chesapeake—deals not at BP as engineers expand the from six vertical well bores,
Big oil companies are lagging behind the fracking pioneers While some analysts see only struck by the Lawlers. areas that can be considered draining 3 square miles. The
in shale-oil production. about half that as viable at When the Deepwater Hori- prime drilling turf. “There are wells are expected to begin
Top 10 producers of U.S. shale oil and shale gas in 2015… today’s prices, it still zon accident took place in definite sweet spots,” he flowing this month.
COMPANY THOUSANDS OF BARRELS PER DAY amounts to enough drilling April 2010, BP’s shale ambi- says. “But through technology, A two-lateral well drilled
Chesapeake Energy 607 locations to last 30 years. tions took a hit. The com- ingenuity, innovation, those late last year produced the
Some of its Colorado wells pany needed cash to pay tens can be expanded.” equivalent of 1,040 barrels a
Devon Energy 478
each have produced enough of billions of dollars in Part of David Lawler’s chal- day, mostly natural gas. That
EOG Resources 462 natural gas to power 9,000 cleanup costs and legal pen- lenge upon taking over was is much less than some of
Southwestern Energy 443 U.S. homes for a year. A well alties. It sold off holdings in teaching BP employees that the biggest natural-gas wells
ExxonMobil 424 in a Wyoming field that no West Texas, home to the some failures were acceptable. in Ohio and Pennsylvania,
one had tapped in eight Permian basin, which some At major oil companies such but it is more than three
Anadarko 398 years yielded the equivalent analysts and executives see as BP, executives are used to times the average in the ba-
BHP Billiton 335 of almost 50,000 barrels of re-emerging as one of the tackling multibillion-dollar sin, an area that most other
Cabot 261 oil in its first month. An ear- most important oil forma- projects. In deep-water explo- operators have abandoned.
lier test in Texas, he says, tions in the world. ration, a dry hole can cost At the current price of
EQT 254
suggested BP’s land could The company underwent a $100 million or more. In shale, $2.59 per million British
ConocoPhillips 249 hold the equivalent of 400 major restructuring after the it is just $5 million in many Thermal Units, about half
million barrels of oil. spill. Executives were di- areas. that of two years ago, the
…and shale production among major oil companies Currently, most of BP’s vided over how to improve “If we drill a well and it wells have a rate of return
ExxonMobil 424 planned growth is coming the U.S. shale unit’s middling doesn’t work, no one is between 10% to 20% over
Statoil 174
from nonshale production in record. In the end, they de- blamed,” Mr. Lawler says. “We their productive
places such as Azerbaijan, cided to give the business had to fight back against an lives, Mr. Lawler says. The
Chevron 117 Oman and Egypt. The U.S. freedom to run almost as an unwillingness to try new results, he says, point to the
BP 89 shale business is responsible independent. things.” viability of 500 potential
Shell 81 for only about 13% of its pro- “We’ve chosen a model to Mr. Lawler outsourced less new wells across the area.
duction. separate the business, and work to contractors so BP “We had to create a way
Total 59
“The point for us is that it’s working,” said Mr. Loo- could gain from any advan- to make money,” he says,
Source: Wood Mackenzie THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. it’s an optionality,” said Ber- ney, who was involved in the tage gleaned from experi- “and we’re doing it.”

BHP dence in the health of its bal-

ance sheet.
BHP didn’t signal a recovery
in commodity prices was immi-
flow in the year ahead if com-
modity prices remained stable.
Last year, BHP shifted assets
in several niche commodities
analysts say BHP might need to
set aside more money because
of last year’s deadly dam failure
at the Brazilian iron-ore mine it
Rock Bottom
BHP Billiton has been struggling with weak prices and large
write-downs, underperforming the business it spun off last year.
Continued from Page One nent, instead saying that abun- such as manganese and alumina jointly owns with Vale SA.
its write-downs. dant supplies of crude oil and into a new company called BHP isn’t alone in grappling BHP net profit and loss, since the merger with Billiton PLC
The annual loss was the first metals such as copper are likely South32 Ltd. that was listed in with tough commodity markets. $30 billion
at BHP Billiton’s group level to persist. Also, it views the Australia, London and South Af- In July, Anglo American PLC re- Loss: $6.39 billion
since the company was formed economy of China—the top con- rica. Mr. Mackenzie has justified ported a first-half loss of $813 20
in 2001 through a merger of sumer of most of BHP’s com- the overhaul as a way to boost million as it recorded a $1.2 bil-
Australia’s BHP Ltd. and U.K.- modities, including iron ore—as BHP’s profit by focusing only on lion impairment for some Aus- 10
based Billiton PLC. Before that, merely stabilizing, rather than the company’s biggest assets. tralian coal assets.
BHP last posted a full-year loss rebounding. The strategy hasn’t paid off However, BHP’s purchase of
in 1999, also a time of weak In response, BHP said it con- yet: While South32 shares are energy assets near the peak of –10
prices. tinues to seek $2.2 billion in up roughly 25% over the past oil and gas prices have com-
FY2001 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16
“We are clearly very disap- savings over the two years end- year, BHP’s are off 20%. Mr. pounded its mining woes. The
pointed with this result. How- ing next June by making its op- Mackenzie insists BHP would be company plowed $20 billion
Share performances, since the spinoff of South32 in May 2015
ever, the underlying perfor- erations more productive, while worse off if it hadn’t restruc- into U.S. shale assets in 2011,
mance of our business…remains cautiously advancing new proj- tured, and calls the company’s becoming one of the biggest pe-
and is getting stronger,” said ects such as a U.S. Gulf of Mex- portfolio “pretty close to what I troleum producers outside of
0 South32
Chief Executive Andrew Mack- ico deep-water oil field that would say is ideal for BHP Billi- large integrated oil companies BHP
enzie. could boost revenue. ton right now.” such as Exxon Mobil Corp. –20
The company, which in Feb- “We are starting to open up Credit Suisse said the 2016 The oil-price slump has made
ruary abandoned a policy of sta- at long last a decent margin and financial year is likely to be the that unit “a problem child,” –40
ble or rising capital returns, cut therefore strong cash-generat- low point in the cycle for BHP’s Credit Suisse said in an Aug. 9
its final dividend by 77%. Still, ing capacity,” Mr. Mackenzie earnings, despite global uncer- note. Still, Mr. Mackenzie on –60
at 14 U.S. cents a share, it was said. The company’s London- tainty that in part reflects Wednesday stood by the energy 2015 ’16
higher than the eight-cent mini- listed shares rose 0.67% on China’s economic slowdown and business for what he called its Note: Fiscal year ends June 30.
mum required under its policy, Tuesday, helped by forecasts the U.K.’s vote on June 23 to damping effect on long-range Sources: the company (profit and loss); Thomson Reuters (share)
which BHP said reflected confi- that BHP could double free cash leave the European Union. Other volatility. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 | A7

U.S. to Offer Aid for Alternative Training
Program will give certain for-profit schools it
says use deceptive marketing
students $17 million while getting billions in fed-
in loans and grants for eral student aid as a group.
Some academic experts say
nontraditional training that by opening up federal aid
to the new providers, the
BY JOSH MITCHELL Equip program risks inviting
the same abuses.
WASHINGTON—The Obama Mr. Mitchell said the agency
administration will inject mil- will closely monitor how the
lions of dollars into a group of funds are spent, with a “laser-
nontraditional education pro- like focus” on whether stu-
viders to address a vexing dents find decent-paying jobs
problem: Many Americans are afterward. It has arranged for
leaving college without skills outside groups to collect data
the economy needs. on graduates’ career outcomes,
The administration is turn- including their earnings.
ing to the private sector for Officials point to an eco-
help. In a novel experiment, nomic imperative for change.
the Education Department an- College enrollment soared 20%


nounced Tuesday up to $17 between 2005 and 2010, the
million in loans and grants for biggest increase since the
students to undergo training 1970s. Meanwhile, nearly half
at eight entities that aren’t of recent college graduates—
traditional colleges. Most are about 44.5%—were underem-
for-profit companies. They in- ployed as of March, meaning
clude coding academies such they work in jobs that don’t
as New York startup Flatiron require their degree, according
School and Portland, Ore.- to the Federal Reserve Bank of
based Epicodus, as well as New York.
websites such as The Equip program is de-
and StraighterLine that pro- signed to address those issues.
vide online courses. Graduates at coding academies
The one that stands out Students in a class at the Flatiron School, a New York coding academy that is one of the eight entities approved for the new federal aid. like Flatiron have learned
from the group is corporate skills in high demand among
giant General Electric Co., write computer code, or using kinds of partnerships,” Mr. system has allowed colleges to of their training at one of the employers, and they are
which won’t receive funds di- new software to operate high- Mitchell said. “Our economy become complacent in shaping eight nontraditional providers, quickly finding high-paying
rectly but will provide training tech manufacturing equip- depends on it.” curricula to keep up with tech- ultimately leading to degrees. jobs after graduation.
at one of its jet-engine plants ment. Until now, the student-aid nological advances, and that As with educational loans for Besides GE, training provid-
under the program. Ted Mitchell, the Education program has been restricted to alternative providers can bring traditional colleges, the grants ers in the Equip program in-
The program, called Educa- Department’s undersecretary, students at community col- competition into higher educa- will be made to students who clude four coding academies
tional Quality through Innova- said the program is part of a leges, universities and trade tion. will then pay the provider. and several companies that
tive Partnerships, or Equip, is broader trend, accelerated schools that must first win ap- The program will let up to The program marks a shift provide online courses at costs
designed to enable low-income since the recession, of colleges proval from a regional accredi- 1,500 students in the coming in the Obama administration’s far lower than at traditional
Americans to learn skills in ar- turning to employers to learn tor composed of fellow college academic year enroll in a se- approach to higher education. schools. Academics say lower
eas where colleges often fall what skills to teach. “It’s a leaders. The Education Depart- lect group of traditional col- The Education Department has costs increase the likelihood of
short, such as learning how to must for us to build these ment said that peer-review leges while undergoing much taken a hostile stance toward a student graduating.

More Guantanamo Louisiana Braces for More Flooding

Detainees Relocated BY CAMERON MCWHIRTER

BY JESS BRAVIN tling detainees, officials said. DENHAM SPRINGS, La.—

AND CAROL E. LEE The U.S. usually pays for- Even as thousands of southern
eign governments to monitor Louisiana residents returned to
WASHINGTON—The U.S. has transferred detainees and un- their homes to assess damage
transferred 15 Guantanamo Bay derwrites resettlement costs— from historic flooding here,
detainees to the United Arab for language instruction, voca- thousands more braced for new
Emirates, the largest such tional courses and the like—up flooding as the deluge surged
movement yet in President Ba- to $100,000 each, a senior ad- into communities southeast of
rack Obama’s push to remove ministration official said. Baton Rouge on Tuesday.
most prisoners from the off- Officials wouldn’t discuss Eight people have died in
shore prison before he leaves specific security arrangements, the floods since pounding
office in January. but people familiar with the rains submerged the region
The transfer of 12 Yemenis matter said the U.S. typically over the weekend, according
and three Afghans from the conducts electronic surveil- to Mike Steele, spokesman for

Cuba facility to the U.A.E. lance of former detainees, the Louisiana Governor’s Of-
leaves 61 detainees, a signifi- while local authorities keep fice of Homeland Security &
cant drop from the 242 men physical tabs on them. Emergency Preparedness.
imprisoned there in 2009 when One technique the U.S. uses At least 40,000 homes have
Mr. Obama took office but to find homes for detainees in- been damaged, Gov. John Bel
short of the president’s long- volves leveraging rivalries to Edwards said Tuesday. As
time goal of closing the lockup. get countries to compete over of Tuesday morning, about
The Obama administration resettling the men. Foreign 40,000 people in the area had
has faced persistent resistance governments are realizing that registered with the Federal
from Congress and the Penta- “if you want to get attention in Emergency Management Residents surveying floodwaters at Bayou Manchac in Prairieville, La., on Tuesday.
gon to closing the prison. Since the Obama administration, one Agency seeking help, he said.
its opening after the Sept. 11, way to do it is to take Guan- President Barack Obama on been mobilized. looking for more survivors and his town had fled to shelters,
2001, terrorist attacks, the tanamo detainees,” a senior Tuesday declared eight addi- Louisiana is no stranger to victims of the floods in houses but he estimated that 75% of
prison has held nearly 800 administration official said. tional parishes part of the di- heavy rains or major storms. and abandoned cars. Ascension Parish had been hit
men. The Obama administra- In the U.A.E., the 15 newly saster area, up from four par- But Tim Destri, a meteorologist The flood was still very by the flooding.
tion has released about 200 transferred men will enter a ishes in his Sunday declaration. with the National Weather Ser- much under way Tuesday in Mr. Lambert said the town
detainees, while 532 were re- rehabilitation facility that FEMA Administrator Craig Fu- vice in Slidell, La., said the rain Ascension Parish, southeast of weathered the heavy rains over
leased during the George W. seeks to “deradicalize” former gate visited the area Tuesday. that fell during a 48-hour pe- Baton Rouge, where the Amite the weekend but all the rain
Bush administration. detainees, a senior administra- The flooding, which has riod late last week was extraor- River, other rivers and bayous that fell northwest of them has
In recent months, the trans- tion official said. The men will transformed miles of the state dinary. The weather service es- have overflowed and spread become the problem. “It all
fers have increasingly involved be held until authorities decide into a vast, muddy lake, timated that, in any given year, across much of the parish. Of- came down my way,” he said.
Mr. Obama, Secretary of State they can be released at a mini- was caused by heavy storms that volume of rain—more than ficials have declared a dusk-to- Closer to Baton Rouge, peo-
John Kerry and Vice President mum of risk, the official said. that dumped more than 2 feet 20 inches in many places—has dawn curfew and are distrib- ple had begun cleaning up the
Joe Biden, who at times have The U.A.E. won’t receive the of rain in some areas. The ma- only a 0.2% chance of hitting uting sandbags for people to wreckage. Most of Denham
worked to “close the deal” typical resettlement subsidy, jor storms have moved away, the region, he said. pile up around their houses. Springs, a city of about 10,000
with foreign leaders on reset- the official added. but the slow-moving water was The resulting flooding has All schools are closed. east of Baton Rouge, was dam-
expected to take days to fully been unprecedented for this In Sorrento, a town of aged in the floods. By Tues-
recede. The water was flowing part of Louisiana, requiring about 1,500 people between day morning, much of the wa-
southeast toward Lake Maure- more than 20,000 people to be Baton Rouge and New Orleans, ter had receded, leaving
pas, north of New Orleans. rescued, he said. In addition to Mayor Mike Lambert said that behind mud-smeared, aban-
Roads across the region, in- the people rescued, about by late Tuesday morning 25% doned cars. People across the
cluding major highways, have 1,000 pets had been saved, Mr. to 30% of the homes were in- city piled furniture, carpeting
been closed, and about 2,000 Edwards said Tuesday. Mr. Ed- undated with water. He wasn’t and other ruined household
National Guard troops have wards said search crews were sure how many people from items along the street.

Trump to Get Intelligence Briefing


BY DEVLIN BARRETT handling government secrets.

Mr. Trump has been criti-
WASHINGTON—Republi- cized by former intelligence
can presidential candidate officials for, among other
Donald Trump will get a classi- things, suggesting Russia
The United Arab Emirates accepted 15 men from Guantanamo fied intelligence briefing on might be able to find previ-
Bay, part of President Obama’s effort to remove most prisoners. Wednesday in New York, ac- ously deleted Clinton emails.
cording to officials familiar Democrats have said that
with the plans. amounts to inviting a foreign

her leak of grand-jury materials Mr. Trump is scheduled to power to conduct cyber-espio-
U.S. to a Philadelphia newspaper to
discredit a political adversary.
get the briefing at the New
York field office of the Federal
nage against the U.S.
Mrs. Clinton has come un-
Watch On Monday, a jury convicted
Ms. Kane on all nine counts she
Bureau of Investigation, these
officials said.
der prolonged criticism for her
use of a private email server to
faced, including two for felony It has long been the prac- handle business while she was
perjury, which each carry poten- tice—once it becomes clear secretary of state. An FBI in-
tial seven-year prison terms. Kane who the two main parties’ vestigation found 110 emails
lawyer Gerald Shargel vowed to nominees for president will on the server contained classi-
PENNSYLVANIA appeal. Ms. Kane is scheduled to be—for intelligence officials Donald Trump has made controversial comments about Russia. fied information. The agency
be sentenced within 90 days. to provide a wide-ranging ultimately decided Mrs. Clin-
Attorney General Ms. Kane, who took office in briefing on matters of con- of the main issues that the in- aren’t an important part of ton’s and her staff’s conduct
Quits After Conviction January 2013, was the first cern around the world. Typi- telligence agencies are con- the public election debate, but was careless but not criminal.
Attorney General Kathleen woman and first Democrat elected cally, the briefing isn’t meant fronting and expect to con- this year, both Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton has called the
Kane resigned Tuesday, a day af- attorney general in the state since as a deep dive into U.S. opera- front, according to people Democratic candidate Hillary email arrangement a mistake
ter she was convicted of perjury the office became elective in 1980. tions or capabilities. Instead, familiar with the practice. Clinton have faced accusa- and said she never sent or re-
and obstruction stemming from —Kris Maher it is designed as a discussion Such briefings usually tions they aren’t suited to ceived data marked classified.
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A8 | Wednesday, August 17, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7: Best New Android Phone
Samsung cements its
winning formula with the
latest phablet and its new
stylus and security tricks
Somewhere around minute 25
of hearing a Samsung executive
wax on about the new Galaxy Note
7 stylus—sorry, “S Pen”—I decided
I would scribble the entirety of this
column in little notes with the
toothpick-shaped pointer. I con-
verted it to text in the new Sam-

sung Notes app. Of course, I went

back over it on a real keyboard,
because I’m not a complete psy-
While at periods I considered
icing my hand, it
didn’t prevent me
from realizing the
Note 7 is the best
Android phone I’ve
ever tested. Samsung
continues to lead the way in turn-
ing our phones into pocket com-
puters with serious multitasking advantageous than poking a finger “Great news for mermaids!” was The stylus works underwater. Reviewer Joanna Stern shot an entire video
power. at a screen: my first thought when I heard the underwater, and it is possible to shoot stunning photos submerged. The pen is
All phones are big now—so big 1) Taking notes or sketching. stylus would work underwater. most useful for taking notes or sketching, editing a spreadsheet, snapping
that the latest Galaxy Note, de- The new Samsung Notes app has a Then I tested it for myself, shoot- photos underwater, and making GIFs, or animated photos.
scendant of the original “phablet” selection of different pens, mark- ing my entire Note 7 review video
once said to have been designed ers, pencils, etc. The finer, pres- while submerged. While the Galaxy translator) I’ve most used a fea- that is if you are in good lighting
for basketball great Shaquille sure-sensitive tip gets you closer S7 and S7 Edge can also get wet, ture that lets you select a portion and not moving around and/or
O’Neal’s hands, now feels just right than ever to the ballpoint-pen feel. their touch screens go on the fritz. of a playing video and convert it wearing glasses. While its accu-
in my hand. Plus, in meetings, people assume On the Note 7, the magnetic com- into an animated photo. It’s a ton racy and speed are better than
Samsung’s gotten better at fit- you’re paying attention to them, munication between the pen and of fun, but I still don’t see why the what I’ve experienced with facial
ting big screens into smaller pack- not texting more interesting peo- screen fixes that. Grab your gog- phone needs a stylus to do it. scanning on Windows 10 laptops,
ages. ple. I did notice a delay as I wrote, gles, tap the stylus to the shutter While touring an apartment the fingerprint sensor is more con-
I love how this phone feels. I however, especially compared with button and get some pretty stun- that I’m considering renting, I venient and reliable.
love the curved edges of the using the iPad Pro’s Pencil. ning shots. chose to snap photos and video of My dog grabbed the S Pen off
screen and how it makes the foot- 2) Editing a spreadsheet. You 4) Making GIFs. Of all of Sam- the space with the Note 7 instead the couch and put it in his bed.
print of the phone smaller. It can easily select a cell or multiple sung’s new “Air Command” hover- of my iPhone 6s. Like the S7 and Why isn’t there a locator on these
makes the wide bezel surrounding cells and enter text inside them. ing-stylus tricks (which also in- S7 Edge, the low-light photos are things? How about a finder option
the 5.5-inch screen on the iPhone 3) Snapping underwater photos. clude a magnifying glass and text sharper and clearer than Apple’s. that makes the pen beep? Of
6s Plus look like a paper picture Even shots taken outdoors or in course, then the stylus would re-
frame from Six Flags. The slipperi- well-lit environments are more ex- quire its own battery. Samsung
ness of the Gorilla Glass back (not
to mention its growing fingerprint
Can You Spot the Differences? citing to review on the Note be-
cause of the crisper display. And
couldn’t confirm how much an S
Pen replacement would cost; previ-
collection) bothers me, but not Picking your next Samsung phone means weighing your screen, storage and there are no storage fears here. ous models have been around $30.
enough to pen another sentence to stylus needs. The Note 7 comes with 64GB of lo- It’s 6 p.m. I’ve been using this
complain about it. cal storage—and has a MicroSD phone heavily since 8 a.m. and I
Finally, Samsung’s software de- slot that will support cards up to have about 20% battery remaining.
sign matches the caliber of its re- 256GB. That’s similar in endurance to the
cent hardware designs. The car- Usain Bolt looks really small Galaxy S7 Edge, which has a very
toonish, bright-colored icons you’ll when you’re actually sitting near slightly larger battery. In my lab
find on other Samsung phones the track in Rio, next to the starter stress test, which cycles through a
have been replaced with simpler pistol. Oh sorry, I just took a break series of websites at uniform
icons with white borders. The to watch the Olympics…in virtual screen brightness, the Note 7
crazy tabbed settings menu has reality. One of the biggest reasons lasted nearly seven hours—an
been swapped with a cleaner list. to get a Samsung phone these hour longer than the previous
Samsung wouldn’t say if—or days is for the $100 Gear VR, a Note 5 but 35 minutes short of the
when—it would bring the software headset that is powered by the S7 Edge. The Note 7 is the first
redesign to other phones. (It’s a Galaxy S7 Galaxy S7 Edge Galaxy Note 7 phone. Samsung phone to use the new
shame, though, that the Note 7 This note is stored in my Se- USB Type C charging port. And
still comes with carrier-added Starting price* $650 $750 $850 cure Folder. The only way to read while there’s also a wireless charg-
junkware and can’t be purchased Screen size 5.1-inch screen 5.5-inch screen 5.7-inch screen it (on the phone, that is) is for me ing option, sold separately, a fill-
unlocked.) to unlock it…with my irises. The up takes three full hours, rather
Writing this review by hand on Shared • AMOLED QHD screen • Great 12MP camera encrypted folder adds a layer of than 90 minutes.
the screen took me twice as long features • Water-resistant body • Expandable MicroSD storage protection to documents, files or The Note 7 is a great phone. It’s
as typing it would have, even us- • Quad-core processor • 4GB RAM apps you don’t even want to be ac- in keeping with Samsung’s winning
ing the Note’s software keyboard. cessible when the phone is un- 2016 formula: Do more—in more
But the new S Pen’s finer tip and Base storage 32GB 32GB 64GB locked. places—with bigger screens, better
software tricks add precision Differentiating Smaller body, Longest battery Stylus, iris The iris scanning, which relies cameras and more storage. But if
where our God-given styluses fall features shorter battery life life, comfortable scanner, works on the front-facing IR camera, can you don't think you will use this
short. be used in place of a password or stylus, don't buy the Note 7. Get
curved edges better underwater
I’ve found popping out the pen fingerprint to unlock the phone, the Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 Edge
in the following scenarios more * Pricing may vary by carrier. too. You’ll feel very James Bond— instead.

Hotels Boost Exclusivity with More Guest-Only Spaces

BY ANDREA PETERSEN property’s condominium owners. pez.” really hard to get a table,” says the space becomes reserved for
“You can sit and hang out and see The couple often dines at the Mr. Matzkin, a film producer. hotel guests: Visitors need a room
These days, some hotel guests the beach and ocean,” says Ms. beach-front Costa Grill, one of the Hotels employ all sorts of mea- keycard to enter. Acqualina has
just want a common space of their Schroeder-Matzkin, a film pro- resort’s three restaurants and the sures to prevent interlopers from guests wear special wristbands.
own. ducer and actress who lives in only one reserved for overnight crashing guest-only spots. The Jef- Faena decided not to lock off
In the last several years, many Beverly Hills, Calif. and Tampa, guests and condo owners. “If it ferson in Washington, D.C. locks the Library but employees are ad-
luxury hotels have aggressively Fla. “It feels like you’re in San Tro- was open to the public, it would be its “Book Room” at 5 p.m., when vised not to ask visitors for room
courted locals and travelers stay- numbers to keep more of a resi-
ing elsewhere to visit their buzzy dential feel, says Nicole Sinclair,
restaurants and bars, lavish spas the hotel’s general manager. They
and WiFi-enabled lobbies. That are trained to ask leading ques-
made revenue jump, but so has tions to assess whether or not
traffic and noise. Now, some lux- someone is supposed to be there:
ury properties are carving out new “We would ask them how their
areas for overnight guests only. stay has been so far and where are
Someone paying hundreds— they dining,” says Ms. Sinclair. If
even thousands—of dollars a night they are found not to be overnight
for a room doesn’t necessarily guests, employees gently offer to

want to have to fight for space escort them to one of the public
with a local spending $5 for a cup areas.
of coffee. Auberge du Soleil is a 50-room
Earlier this year, the new Faena luxury hotel with extensive grounds
Hotel Miami Beach unveiled the Li- and far-reaching Napa Valley views:
brary, a room done up in golds and Room rates average about $1,200 a
reds tucked beyond the reception night. The resort also has two res-
desk where overnight guests can taurants that are popular with lo-
have drinks and meet with con- cals and tourists staying elsewhere.
cierges. In the winter of 2015, Cli- They serve anywhere from 300 to
veden House near London, where 1,000 people a day.
rooms in the high season start at But this popularity has come
about $640 a night, added a bar with a price. The check in area for
and lounge for overnight guests Clockwise from top left, Acqualina Resort & Spa in Florida keeps adding red sofas to its beachfront lawn for guests and overnight guests, which was adja-
only. condo owners. A sculpture in the Napa Valley Auberge du Soleil’s garden for guests. Guests can eat in New York’s cent to the entrance of one of the
The hotel’s common spaces Greenwich Hotel’s Drawing Room. The Book Room at the Jefferson in Washington, D.C., is guests-only after 5 p.m. restaurants, was mobbed with peo-
were getting “busier and busier,” ple. Pieces in the hotel’s sculpture
says general manager Sue Wil- garden were occasionally vandal-
liams. “Because our guests are ized: One of the more portable
paying a premium to stay with us pieces even vanished. “We are in
they ought to be guaranteed to wine country. People are typically,
have a space to sit with a coffee or you know, happy and exuberant at
read a book.” About 40% of diners times,” says George Goeggel, the
at the 48-room hotel’s two restau- hotel’s managing director.
rants are locals, she says. At the Hotel Café Royal in Lon-
Steve Matzkin and Sarah don, the clientele of its restaurants
Schroeder-Matzkin are frequent and bars is about 80% locals by
overnight visitors to Acqualina Re- design. In 2014, the hotel opened
sort & Spa in Sunny Isles Beach, the Club, a private club with a
Fla. Ms. Schroeder-Matzkin’s fa- membership of 1,000. Overnight
vorite spot is on one of the 52 hotel guests get access, too.
plush red couches set out on the “There’s an element of exclusivity,”
resort’s seaside lawn that are re- says managing director Thomas
served for hotel guests and the Kochs.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 | A9


Blowing Up the Boys’ Club

REVIEW Joan Mitchell’s ‘Hudson River Day
Line’ (1955).
staining with floods of thin, lumi-
nous color; De Kooning and Harti-
Women of Abstract gan both worked largely with figu-
Expressionism rative imagery, albeit freely. (That
Denver Art Museum Frankenthaler would have shunned
Through Sept. 25 any show that labeled her a
“woman” anything is another mat-
ter. Like many others in the exhibi-
Denver tion, she always insisted that she
THE DENVER ART MUSEUM’S was a painter, without qualifiers.)
“Women of Abstract Expression- Surprises? For the most part,
ism,” the first show to focus on the selections remind us why the
the topic, was probably inevitable, best known of the included artists
given today’s hypersensitivity to are the best known. The less fa-
matters of gender. But given the miliar Gechtoff’s murky, energeti-
not-unfounded perception that the cally scrawled canvases, done be-
New York art world of the 1950s fore she left San Francisco for
was dominated by hard-drinking, New York, are unexpected, but
chest-beating males, who over- those done afterward are fairly
shadowed and condescended to generic. Fine’s scribbled black-
their female colleagues, it’s impor- and-white canvases are extremely
tant to be reminded that women accomplished and clearly impas-
played a role in the era’s radical sioned, but there’s a flavor of
rethinking of aesthetic possibili- Philip Guston’s drawings. It’s re-
ties. So why did I emerge from a markable that DeFeo’s enormous,
leisurely visit to the show with its encrusted slab of matte gray oil
passionately enthusiastic instiga- paint, punctuated by dangling
tor Gwen F. Chanzit, curator of strings, is in the show—it resem-
modern art at DAM, feeling not ex- bles a rock face and probably is
hilarated and excited, as I’d hoped as easy to transport—but it posits
to be, but mildly disappointed? ideas about materiality and physi-
My expectations had been cality very different from those
raised by the exhibition’s ambi- associated with Ab Ex.
tious catalog, which includes es- The show raises provocative

says by Ms. Chanzit and the art questions, such as “does women’s
historians Robert Hobbs, Ellen G. abstraction of the 1950s differ
Landau, Susan Landauer and Joan from men’s?” The curators suggest
Marter (editor of the Woman’s Art that women were more willing to
Journal), plus an interview with allow references to specific experi-
the distinguished critic Irving ence into their work and cite titles
Sandler, a friend to and welcome as evidence, even though they
studio visitor for many of the ex- were usually attached after the
hibited artists. There’s a good thy (or particularly original), but ent. On the plus side, we get infor- lection of Mitchells is exemplary, fact. Maybe. Frankenthaler’s “Ja-
chronology, informative documen- it’s difficult to fault the desire to mative views of other artists’ work emphasizing the not-always-appar- cob’s Ladder” was a response to
tary photographs, illustrations of enrich the history of recent Ameri- from each individual section. ent variety with which she could the structure of the completed pic-
most exhibited works, and brief bi- can art as written to date. Also on the plus side, “Women compose her webs of paint. ture. An accompanying film, with
ographies of 42 female painters— The exhibition is necessarily far of Abstract Expressionism” in- These painters all shared their clips of all 12 artists, provides in-
many obscure; most from the East more modest, concentrating on cludes some first-rate paintings: male colleagues’ convictions that teresting observations, contradic-
Coast, some from the West; only work by 12 painters—Mary Abbott, “Abstraction,” a small, tough 1947 the source of art was the uncon- tions and other ideas. The big
one, Alma Thomas, African-Ameri- Jay DeFeo, Elaine de Kooning, De Kooning, all vigorous strokes scious and that the artist’s role question, of course, is why the 12
can—each with one work repro- Perle Fine, Helen Frankenthaler, and high contrast; Frankenthaler’s was to reveal the unseen, not to women included in the show were
duced. The criterion appears to Sonia Gechtoff, Judith Godwin, radiant “Jacob’s Ladder” (1957), depict the known. But were they chosen, rather than any of the oth-
have been that at some point in Grace Hartigan, Lee Krasner, Joan with its delicious greens and rusty Abstract Expressionists or even, in ers in the catalog. We all have al-
the 1950s, each of them made Mitchell, Deborah Remington and pinks; Krasner’s bold “Stretched some instances, abstract painters? ternative lists. Mine is headed by
paintings that responded to Ab- Ethel Schwabacher. The Daniel Yellow” (1955), an homage to Ma- Frankenthaler rejected Ab Ex’s Alma Thomas, not strictly an Ab-
stract Expressionist ideas; that Libeskind-designed wing of DAM, tisse, striking for clear color and contingent, wet-into-wet ges- stract Expressionist, perhaps, but
several of them are known for with its perverse slanted walls, has emphatic collaged-on floating, dark tures—which just about everyone a hell of an abstract painter.
quite other kinds of work does not been improved by vertical inser- shapes; Hartigan’s robust, deep- else in “Women of Abstract Ex-
seem to have been an issue. Not tions, but the resulting spaces are red, economically constructed inte- pressionism” embraced—inventing, Ms. Wilkin is an independent
everything is particularly notewor- still cranky and somewhat incoher- rior, “The Creeks” (1957). The se- instead, an influential method of curator and critic.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 66 “Something to 28 Flour variety
-10 Talk About”
-5 14 15 16 29 See 60-Down
Riga singer
Glasgow 0 30 Covert call
Moscow 17 18 19 Down
C p h g
Copenhagen 5 31 Grand
10 20 21 22 1 Arbitrary orders
32 Cylindrical
15 2 Creator in the
D b
Dublin li
Berlin Warsaw 23 24 25 structure
A d
Amsterdam 20 Quran
25 26 27 28 29 30 33 “I think...”
London 3 Oscar-winning
Brussels kf
Frankfurt 30 37 Campaign-
Prague Kiev
31 32 33 34 35 screenwriter
35 contributing org.
Paris i h
Munich 36 37 38
Vienna Warm 4 Santa ___, 40 Work for one on
d p
Budapest 39 40 41 42 43 44 California the injured list
Geneva Cold
5 Reserve for 41 It could result
Milan h
Bucharest 45 46 47
Stationary Christmas, from a torn ACL
48 49 50 51 52 perhaps 42 Romantic
Rome t b
Istanbul 53 54 55 56 57 6 Capital on the hopeful
d id Rain Hudson 43 Still
58 59 60
T-storms 7 Known earlier as 44 Halfway house?
61 62 63 8 Boor’s lack
Al i
Algiers T i
Tunis Ath
Athens 46 Like carbonara
64 65 66 9 Preparing for sauce
Flurries delivery 47 Mentally
Ice NETWORK PREMIERES | By Alice Long 10 “Enough already!” prepares for an
11 Leaving the
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 23 Williams’s 45 “Store owners
company, in a 50 Mojave flora
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Like some partner in the vie for return
Geneva 27 15 t 23 14 t Ottawa 27 16 pc 29 17 pc paint business shoppers, way 51 Fit for guard
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; Hanoi 34 26 r 31 26 r Paris 31 18 pc 25 16 t flaws
tonight on CBS”? 12 Square-ended duty
Havana 33 23 pc 33 23 pc Philadelphia 33 22 pc 32 23 pc 6 Nay voters 25 Bob’s frequent
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 31 27 t 31 27 r Phoenix 42 29 pc 40 28 pc co-star 48 Toothless fish boat 52 Trip odometer
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Honolulu 30 23 pc 31 24 pc Pittsburgh 24 19 c 29 18 pc 11 Transcript
13 Best Picture set button
Amsterdam 23 12 s 22 13 pc Houston 30 23 t 31 25 t Port-au-Prince 36 22 s 37 22 pc fig. 26 “Who has what 49 Limo
Anchorage 19 13 pc 18 13 c Istanbul 31 22 s 32 24 s Portland, Ore. 28 16 s 36 23 s it takes to be a in Iran 53 Section with a
Athens 34 24 s 34 23 s Jakarta 32 24 t 32 25 pc Rio de Janeiro 31 22 s 26 22 pc 14 Massey of the 53 Charges semidome
swabbie, tonight 18 Pen knives?
Atlanta 33 23 pc 32 22 t Johannesburg 21 7 s 21 7 pc Riyadh 43 30 pc 42 27 c Marx Brothers 56 Wingtip width
Baghdad 44 25 s 44 27 s Kansas City 31 20 s 31 21 s Rome 27 18 pc 28 19 pc on NBC”? 19 Inasmuch as 54 Cafeteria item
movie “Love
Baltimore 32 22 pc 31 21 pc Las Vegas 42 27 s 41 26 pc Salt Lake City 36 22 t 35 21 t 31 Lamb pieces 57 Amber libation 55 Fosters
Bangkok 34 28 t 34 27 t Lima 22 15 pc 22 16 pc San Diego 28 20 pc 27 20 pc
Happy” 24 Cell component
Beijing 27 22 c 25 24 sh London 25 16 pc 25 16 sh San Francisco 23 14 pc 24 15 pc 15 Had an 34 Honey buy 58 “Legal eagles 59 Bishop’s bailiwick
27 Singer whose
Berlin 21 11 c 21 11 c Los Angeles 32 17 s 30 17 pc San Juan 31 26 s 32 26 sh inclination help the poor,
Bogota 20 10 c 19 10 c Madrid 35 19 pc 35 19 s Santiago 16 1 pc 16 1 s 35 Lamb tenders last name is 60 With 29-Down,
tonight on
Boise 36 18 s 36 18 s Manila 30 26 t 30 26 t Santo Domingo 32 23 s 32 23 pc 16 Joint ownership Guðmundsdóttir jumbled
Boston 30 21 pc 30 21 pc Melbourne 15 9 pc 20 11 pc Sao Paulo 30 16 s 21 16 t
36 Chart inspiration PBS”?
Brussels 24 13 s 23 13 t Mexico City 22 14 t 22 14 t Seattle 27 17 s 30 19 s 37 Joint stock? 61 Rick’s pianist Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 18 6 s 19 7 s Miami 32 25 pc 32 26 pc Seoul 34 25 pc 33 26 pc 17 “Ruthless T O T E M L O N G C C C P
Cairo 34 24 s 36 23 s Milan 31 18 pc 29 18 t Shanghai 35 28 pc 35 28 pc real estate 38 CIA predecessor 62 Banister support I H O P E U S E R H O A R
Calgary 20 11 c 16 6 sh Minneapolis 30 20 s 31 23 pc Singapore 31 27 t 32 27 c agents compete, T H I S M I N U T E R U D Y
Caracas 31 25 pc 31 26 pc Monterrey 32 20 pc 33 20 pc Stockholm 17 12 sh 16 12 sh 39 Robert of “The 63 Between, in O I L O N A G R I N G O
Charlotte 34 23 t 33 22 t Montreal 27 17 s 28 18 pc Sydney 22 11 pc 22 11 s
tonight on Sopranos” Bordeaux T I G R I S O S T E R
Chicago 29 20 pc 30 21 s Moscow 21 15 sh 26 17 c Taipei 34 27 t 34 27 t G R A N C A N I S MA J O R
Dallas 29 23 t 30 23 t Mumbai 30 27 sh 29 26 sh Tehran 34 22 s 35 20 s
41 Old-fashioned 64 Hieroglyph D E R N A R I E L R A G U
20 Camel’s kin spot? symbol P A R I S M E T R O T I R E
Denver 32 14 t 31 13 t Nashville 28 22 t 30 21 t Tel Aviv 30 24 pc 31 25 s
Tokyo 32 25 sh 31 26 c 21 “Now I get it!” O S MO S E T I L E
Detroit 29 20 pc 31 20 pc New Delhi 34 25 t 34 28 t 42 Even though, to 65 Chorus from H I T M E O D D S O N
Dubai 45 34 s 44 34 s New Orleans 32 25 t 32 25 t Toronto 28 18 pc 29 21 pc O T T AWA R O W M B A
Dublin 18 14 t 19 14 sh New York City 31 23 pc 30 23 pc Vancouver 23 15 s 27 17 s 22 Access Brits toadies R I O T C O R E B E L I E F
Edinburgh 20 12 pc 19 11 pc Omaha 32 21 s 33 21 s Washington, D.C. 34 24 pc 32 23 pc U N P C I D I G L I N E R
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A10 | Wednesday, August 17, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

The Meaning of an
Trump’s Anti-Terror Strategy Olympic Snub
onald Trump made another pivot back but then so were Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton
to the issues on Monday, this time lay- in 2009. Mr. Trump hasn’t seemed to notice An Israeli heavyweight linquished the Sinai to Anwar Sadat.
judoka named Or Sas- Among Palestinians, anti-Semitism be-
ing out his strategy to fight radical Is- that Mr. Obama recently agreed to share intelli-
son defeated an Egyp- came markedly worse during the years
lam. As usual it included some gence with Russia in Syria tian opponent named of the Oslo peace process.
good ideas and some bad, but This is a debate the over the vociferous objections Islam El Shehaby Friday In his essay, Mr. Johnson called anti-
if we’re lucky he’ll stick with American public of the Pentagon. The Republi- in a first-round match Semitism a “highly infectious” disease
the subject long enough to can nominee would have to at the Rio Olympics. capable of becoming “endemic in certain
force Hillary Clinton to debate deserves to hear. learn the hard way that Mr. GLOBAL
The Egyptian refused to localities and societies,” and “by no
something other than his tem- Putin is a hard man who only By Bret
shake his opponent’s means confined to weak, feeble or com-
perament. responds to the logic of hard extended hand, earning monplace intellects.” Anti-Semitism may
The polls show Mr. Trump still has a slight geopolitical facts. boos from the crowd. be irrational, but its potency, he noted,
edge over the Democrat in fighting terror, More welcome is Mr. Trump’s promise to con- Mr. Sasson went on to lies in transforming a personal and in-
thanks in large part to President Obama’s eight- duct “ideological warfare” against Islamic State, win a bronze medal. stinctive irrationalism into a political
If you want the short answer for why and systematic one. For the Jew-hater,
year record. Islamic State incubated in the vac- making the analogy to the way Ronald Reagan
the Arab world is sliding into the abyss, every crime has the same culprit and ev-
uum left by American retreat in Iraq and Syria, told the truth about “the evil empire” during the look no further than this little incident. ery problem has the same solution.
and its poison has spread throughout the world. Cold War. He said this will mean speaking out It did itself in chiefly through its long- Anti-Semitism makes the world seem
Mrs. Clinton is promising to continue Mr. “against the oppression of women, gays and peo- abiding and all-consuming hatred of Is- easy. In doing so, it condemns the anti-
Obama’s strategy, which gives the Republican ple of different faith” in the Muslim world. rael, and of Jews. Semite to a permanent darkness.
an opening. Perhaps most encouraging was his pledge That’s not a point you will find in a
“The failure to establish a new Status of that “our Administration will be a friend to all long article about the Arab crackup by
Forces Agreement in Iraq, and the election- moderate Muslim reformers in the Middle East, Scott Anderson in last weekend’s New The Arab world has
driven timetable for withdrawal, surrendered and will amplify their voices.” This may seem York Times Magazine, where hatred of a problem of the mind, and
our gains in that country and led directly to the obvious, but Mr. Obama has preferred to play Israel is treated like sand in Arabia—a
rise of ISIS,” Mr. Trump said as he read from down divisions in the Islamic world lest he of- given of the landscape. Nor is it much its name is anti-Semitism.
mentioned in the wide literature about
a prepared text in Youngstown, Ohio. That’s ex- fend the Muslim leaders he has courted in Tur- the legacy of colonialism in the Middle
actly right, though he should have added Mr. key and Iran. Islamic State must be defeated on East, or the oil curse, governance gap, Today there is no great university in
Obama’s decision to let the Syrian civil war rage the battlefield, but it’s good to see Mr. Trump democracy deficit, youth bulge, sectar- the Arab world, no serious indigenous
out of control. recognize that the West needs to win the battle ian divide, legitimacy crisis and every scientific base, a stunted literary cul-
Then again, Mr. Trump has sometimes said of ideas too. other explanation for Arab decline. ture. In 2015 the U.S. Patent Office re-
the U.S. should stay out of Syria’s civil war be- Yet on this point he contradicts his strategy Yet the fact remains that over the ported 3,804 patents from Israel, as
cause it amounts to the “nation-building” that by proposing a total ban on immigration from past 70 years the Arab world got rid of compared with 364 from Saudi Arabia,
Mr. Trump again promised to end. That’s a good countries “that have a history of exporting ter- its Jews, some 900,000 people, while 56 from the United Arab Emirates, and
applause line on the right and left these days, rorism.” Mr. Trump calls it a “temporary” sus- holding on to its hatred of them. Over 30 from Egypt. The mistreatment and
but setting up safe zones in Syria so millions pension until new screening procedures can be time the result proved fatal: a combina- expulsion of Jews has served as a tem-
tion of lost human capital, ruinously ex- plate for the persecution and displace-
of refugees won’t flood Turkey, Jordan and Eu- established. But he isn’t clear when or how the
pensive wars, misdirected ideological ment of other religious minorities:
rope is a long way from nation-building. The ban would be lifted. No screening is fool-proof, obsessions, and an intellectual life per- Christians, Yazidis, the Baha’i.
U.S. did that for the Kurds after the first Gulf and pledges of loyalty or other ideological tests verted by conspiracy theory and the per- Hatred of Israel and Jews has also de-
War, and the Kurdish territory of Iraq is a rare can be gamed. petual search for scapegoats. The Arab prived the Arab world of both the re-
American success in the Middle East. The sweeping immigration ban might be world’s problems are a problem of the sources and the example of its neighbor.
If Mr. Obama had kept 10,000 U.S. troops in read as anti-Muslim by the same allies Mr. Arab mind, and the name for that prob- Israel quietly supplies water to Jordan,
Iraq after 2011, the critics might have called Trump says we need to defeat Islamic State. Its lem is anti-Semitism. helping to ease the burden of Syrian ref-
that nation-building too. But it would have breadth would also presumably apply to Coptic As a historical phenomenon, this is ugees, and quietly provides surveillance
blocked the march of Islamic State and spared Christians in Egypt or Syria, Iraqi translators not unique. In a 2005 essay in Commen- and reconnaissance capabilities to Egypt
us from having to refight the war in Iraq today. who helped U.S. troops, and perhaps even Israe- tary, historian Paul Johnson noted that to fight ISIS in the Sinai. But this is
Mr. Trump’s caricature of nation-building is lis since some Israeli Arabs practice terrorism. wherever anti-Semitism took hold, social largely unknown among Arabs, for
and political decline almost inevitably whom the only permissible image of Is-
closer to Barack Obama’s view than he would Mr. Trump is right that Mr. Obama fails to stig-
followed. rael is an Israeli soldier in riot gear,
like to admit. matize radical Islam, but then the Republican Spain expelled its Jews with the Al- abusing a Palestinian.
The better news is that Mr. Trump seems to shouldn’t stigmatize all refugees as potential hambra Decree of 1492. The effect, Mr. Successful nations make a point of
be warming to the idea that the U.S. needs co- security risks. Johnson noted, “was to deprive Spain trying to learn from their neighbors. The
alitions to defeat radical Islam. Most notably, The best message of the speech is that it (and its colonies) of a class already nota- Arab world has been taught over genera-
he reversed course on NATO in his speech, means we might get a national-security debate ble for the astute handling of finance.” tions only to hate theirs.
praising its role in fighting terrorism. He also this election year. The Clinton campaign is hop- In czarist Russia, anti-Semitic laws led This may be starting to change. In the
called for “an international conference” on ing to disqualify Mr. Trump as a potential Presi- to mass Jewish emigration as well as an past five years the Arab world has been
fighting radical Islam and he cited Israel, Egypt dent without having to confront the issues or “immense increase in administrative forced to face up to its own failings in
and Jordan as particular allies in the fight. her record as Secretary of State. Mr. Trump has corruption produced by the system of ways it cannot easily blame on Israel. The
restrictions.” Germany might well have change can be seen in the budding rap-
Mr. Trump still seems naive in expecting trouble sticking to a message, but this is a de-
won the race for an atomic bomb if Hit- prochement between Jerusalem and
Vladimir Putin’s Russia to assist in this effort, bate the American public needs to hear. ler hadn’t sent Albert Einstein, Leo Szi- Cairo, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, which might
lard, Enrico Fermi and Edward Teller yet yield tactical and strategic advantages

Trust in Business vs. Government into exile in the U.S.

These patterns were replicated in the
on both sides, particularly against com-
mon enemies such as ISIS and Iran.

Arab world. Contrary to myth, the cause That’s not enough. So long as an Arab
he public mood isn’t especially buoy- The exceptions are the five industries that was not the creation of the state of Is- athlete can’t pay his Israeli opposite the
ant, and neither is confidence in U.S. in- Gallup found are viewed more negatively than rael. There were bloody anti-Jewish po- courtesy of a handshake, the disease of
stitutions, though there is one notable positively on net: oil and gas (minus-7), law- groms in Palestine in 1929, Iraq in 1941, the Arab mind and the misfortunes of its
exception: American business. yers (minus-8), health care and Lebanon in 1945. Nor is it accurate world will continue. For Israel, this is a
On Monday Gallup published The public likes the (minus-20) and pharmaceuti- to blame Jerusalem for fueling anti- pity. For the Arabs, it’s a calamity. The
Semitism by refusing to trade land for hater always suffers more than the ob-
its annual poll of public views private economy more cals (minus-23). Public opin-
peace. Among Egyptians, hatred of Israel ject of his hatred.
on various industries, and ion for health care has barely abated after Menachem Begin re- Write
most continue to have posi- than the politicians do. plunged to a five-year low,
tive and durable reputations which also corresponds to its
despite election-year attacks rough annexation by the fed- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. eral government under ObamaCare.
Across the 25 areas that Gallup surveyed, Speaking of which, the worst performer in
the restaurant and computer industries were the Gallup survey? None other than the fed-
Uneasy Is the Head With the Crown of Dollars
the most popular by far, and maybe it’s no coin- eral government, with merely 28% expressing Ruchir Sharma’s argument that the pends on how intensively banks use
cidence that these are among the most compet- a positive view and 55% a negative one for a world economy will be traumatized those reserves. Mr. Sharma’s analysis
itive U.S. markets. Only 7% viewed the food and net rating of minus-27 points. The pollster re- by an increase in the federal-funds is a good example of why the Fed has
rate (FFR) is highly questionable been derelict in making progress to-
beverage business unfavorably, 66% favorably, ports that “trust in the government’s ability
(“The Dollar—and the Fed—Still ward its stated goal of normalizing
for a net rating of +59 points, while tech was to handle domestic problems has never been Rule,” op-ed, Aug. 1). interest rates. The conventional wis-
close behind at +53. Another seven industries, lower in Gallup’s trends, which stretch back Since the Fed finally increased the dom has placed an extreme emphasis
like groceries, retail and farming, had net rat- to the 1970s.” FFR target last December by 1/4%, on the potential negative effects of a
ings above +20 or +30. Trust in government tends to expand and the value of the dollar initially rose rate increase while failing to ac-
Another 10 industries have images that are contract in inverse proportion to Washington’s slightly after the December increase, knowledge, much less analyze, the
solid or near neutral, including some favorite ambition, so one of President Obama’s legacies but since January broad dollar in- severe distortions and costs associ-
political targets like banking and finance (+2) will be to erode faith in the central planning dexes have given up that increase and ated with over seven years of a near-
and electric and gas utilities (+9). Even airlines, he so reveres. The Gallup report shows that slipped back to slightly lower levels. zero FFR.
in this summer of security limbo, congestion Americans are more invested in the resilient This contradicts Mr. Sharma’s conten- EM. PROF. ROBERT F. STAUFFER
tion that a higher FFR will cause Roanoke College
and delays, shook out at +15. So did telecom. private economy than in their public leaders.
global markets to “seize up.” Is there Salem, Va.
any evidence that the December rate

The Money Fund Mistake increase caused any major problems?

Long-term interest rates have
The Fed has maintained U.S. dollar
strength in relation to many foreign

come down sharply since December; currencies over an extended period.
he taxpayer safety net is about to get a about the right time to flee. only the rates on one-month and This is displayed in 25% to 30% de-
little smaller thanks to a sensible re- We warned regulators that the threat of such three-month Treasurys have in- valuations in Canadian and Australian
form from the Securities and Exchange penalties would likely inflame a crisis rather than creased, while all longer maturities dollars, Chilean and Mexican pesos,
Commission. Too bad regula- dampen it. They didn’t listen. have decreased. So the overall level and the South African rand, among
tors also enacted changes to Borrowing costs rise Now institutional investors like of interest rates has fallen despite an others, in relation to the U.S. dollar.
money-fund rules that are dis- corporate treasurers are asking FFR increase and the Fed’s stated in- The negative results are amply dem-
couraging investment and
thanks to a looming how they can rely on an ac- tention to normalize rates. Mr. onstrated in the current status of the
Sharma doesn’t seem to recognize U.S. mining and metals industry.
could exacerbate the next fi- SEC regulation. count that may not be available that his all-powerful Fed cannot con- While all commodity producers have
nancial crisis. when they most need it. trol long-term interest rates. been impacted by slowing demand,
The good news is that a Institutional prime money- Money supply growth has acceler- the mining sectors in Canada, Austra-
2014 SEC rule that will become effective October market funds that invest in short-term corpo- ated this year. This contradicts Mr. lia, Chile, South Africa, etc., have re-
14 requires some institutional money-market rate debt have seen their assets dwindle to $612 Sharma’s assertion that Fed tighten- tained relative health due to appreci-
funds to report more accurate prices to inves- billion from more than $800 billion in late ing will reduce the M2 growth rate. ation of U.S. dollar prices in local
tors. By allowing their net asset values to float, March as investors have shifted to other invest- All the Fed can do is raise the rate currency terms.
rather than reporting a fixed value per share, ment options. Also affected are institutional paid on the huge level of excess re- This same dynamic can be ex-
these funds will make clear that they are invest- tax-exempt money funds that finance state and serves it has pumped into the bank- tended to the oil, gas and agricultural
ment vehicles, not guaranteed bank deposits. By local governments. Their assets have slid to $41 ing system. Monetary growth de- sectors of our economy. Is it any
wonder that many citizens in this
clarifying that investors really can lose money, billion from more than $57 billion over the
country are saying, “enough is
fund managers can help avoid another 2008- same period. With October 14 on the horizon, No Surprise: Negative Rates enough.” The Fed’s actions at playing
style panic and taxpayer rescue in the event that institutional investors are considering other the global financial stabilizer is cost-
some funds “break the buck”—i.e., their values places to park their cash. Mean Less Income, Spending ing jobs in the basic (usually rural)
fall below $1 per share. The result is less liquidity for the commercial That middle-class Europeans sav- industries of our economy. This is the
Now for the bad news. Along with this sensi- paper and municipal debt markets. This is trans- ing for retirement would respond to Trump vote and it is why people are
ble reform, the SEC also enacted rules encour- lating into sharply higher short-term borrowing negative interest rates by consuming angry.
aging new fees and redemption limits in times costs for companies, banks and municipalities. less and saving more is intuitively ob- JAMES HESKETH
of stress. These limits are often called “gates” Given how low interest rates remain for all cate- vious (“Vexing Results on Negative Golden, Colo.
because they would temporarily lock investors gories of borrowers, these issuers are still enjoy- Rates,” page one, Aug. 9). Central
bankers didn’t take into consideration
into a fund even when they wish to sell. ing historically cheap financing. And the re- Letters intended for publication should
that middle-class people don’t have be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
Whereas the first reform creates a more moval of the implied taxpayer safety net should large financial cushions, aren’t think- of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
transparent market and conditions investors to push rates at least somewhat higher. ing about macroeconomics and can- or emailed to Please
accept slight declines without panic, the second But the threatened gates and fees are driving not afford to gamble in a casino they include your city and state. All letters
does the opposite. Uncertain investors wonder- sharp rate increases while providing only uncer- don’t understand. are subject to editing, and unpublished
ing if the fees and gates are about to come tainty for the credit markets. The SEC should LOUISE VOGEL letters can be neither acknowledged nor
crashing down on them will start guessing scrap these expensive creators of systemic risk. Upton, Mass.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 | A11


Evading the Constitution to Ban Nuclear Tests

By Jon Kyl Then-Secretary of terpretations could lem of nuclear proliferation that it
And Douglas J. Feith Defense Robert conduct [low-yield] was created to help solve.

Gates noted in a tests . . . . Appar- These concerns led the Senate in
arack Obama has done 2008 speech that ently Russia and 1999 to reject the CTBT. The rejec-
more than any predeces- U.S. nuclear weap- possibly China are tion was not close. Instead of re-
sor to increase presiden- ons “were designed conducting low- ceiving the necessary two-thirds
tial power and diminish on the assumption yield tests.” majority (67 votes) for approval, the
Congress’s constitutional of a limited shelf Senators also CTBT won 48 votes, while 51 sena-
role. He gave the Senate virtually no life.” Because “sen- complained that the tors voted against it.
voice in the Iran nuclear deal and he sitive parts do not CTBT isn’t verifiable Despite this, President Obama
now plans to undercut the Senate’s last forever,” he or enforceable: The wants to make U.S. nuclear tests il-
treaty-making authority even fur- said, the U.S. re-en- Russians, Chinese or legal, and an unprecedented maneu-
ther. The subject this time is the gineers them to ex- others could violate ver in the U.N. would allow him to
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, a tend their lifespan, it and the U.S. would shut the Senate out. Mr. Obama
1996 agreement to ban explosive but “with every ad- not necessarily be plans to propose a U.N. Security
testing of nuclear weapons. justment we move able to detect, let Council resolution declaring that
The Senate has already consid- further away from alone prove, the vio- any nuclear test would be an action
ered and rejected the CTBT. To cir- the original design lation. Taking effec- inconsistent with the CTBT’s “object
cumvent Congress, Mr. Obama that was success- tive action to com- and purpose.” Under international
wants the United Nations to declare fully tested when pel compliance law, this would make the ban appli-
nuclear tests illegal. This is an the weapon was would be difficult or cable to countries that are merely
affront to the Constitution and bad first fielded.” At even impossible. treaty signatories—that is, those
nuclear policy. some point, he Allies and part- that have signed but not ratified.
warned, it will ners around the The U.S. remains in that category
become “impossible world have posi- even though the Senate voted the
The safety and reliability to keep extending tioned themselves treaty down.
the life of our arse- for decades under Mr. Obama wants to attach the
of U.S. nuclear weapons nal, especially in America’s so-called label “illegal” to nuclear testing

cannot be ensured light of our testing nuclear umbrella. without the Senate’s advice and
moratorium.” Rather than create consent. This is the way progressive
forever without tests. Because the U.S. - their own nuclear transnational lawyers use courts
no-test policy is a arsenals, they rely and multilateral organizations to
unilateral measure, on America for circumvent legislatures.
The United States has not done any president can their security. This A future U.S. president could, in
an explosive nuclear test since change it in the fu- makes America— effect, unsign the CTBT, but that
1992. U.S. officials rely on computer ture. If America be- and the world— doesn’t make it proper for Mr.
simulations to ensure nuclear- came a CTBT party, safer than if there Obama to abuse international legal
weapon safety and reliability. The however, that policy Hoisting the rack for the U.S.’s last full-scale nuclear test, 1992. were numerous nu- mechanisms to inflate his executive
no-test policy was adopted as a nu- would harden into a clear states. power at the expense of the Senate.
clear nonproliferation gesture, in permanent international legal obli- hibits. The bipartisan 2009 Perry- Imagine, however, the following In this particular presidential elec-
hopes of persuading other countries gation to refrain from testing. Schlesinger commission report scenario: Technical problems de- tion season, it’s especially impor-
to similarly restrain themselves. Yet Negotiated in the 1990s, the summarized the opponents’ case: velop in U.S. warheads and respon- tant to show respect, not contempt,
experts worry that the safety and CTBT won approval from the U.N. “The treaty remarkably does not sible scientists say that tests are for the Constitution.
reliability of U.S. nuclear weapons General Assembly in 1996 and Presi- define a nuclear test. In practice needed to confirm reliability. If
cannot be ensured forever without dent Bill Clinton promptly signed it. this allows different interpretations America were legally bound not to Mr. Kyl served three terms as a
tests, for there are uncertainties in He then asked the Senate to ratify. of its prohibitions and asymmetri- test, that would undermine faith in U.S. senator from Arizona. Mr.
the relevant chemistry and physics. Senate opponents of the CTBT cal restrictions. The strict U.S. its nuclear umbrella and other coun- Feith, a senior fellow at Hudson In-
At some point computer simula- highlighted a number of flaws. interpretation precludes tests that tries might decide they need their stitute, was undersecretary of de-
tions may not provide enough con- Among the gravest was lack of produce nuclear yield. However, own nuclear weapons. The CTBT fense for policy in the George W.
fidence. agreement on what the treaty pro- other countries with different in- could thus aggravate the very prob- Bush administration.

Keeping an International Eye on Ukraine

By Daniel Baer ization for Security and Coopera- struction, threats and violence to ists cut their power—in an apparent supplies into eastern Ukraine calls

tion in Europe (OSCE) as witness, in stop the OSCE monitors from seeing effort to stop the cameras from into question the sincerity of Mos-
or the third year in a row, Au- 2014 and 2015. Unfortunately, these what they don’t want them to see. documenting their attacks. It took cow’s claims to support a cease-fire.
gust is proving a particularly efforts have so far not borne fruit. Between April and July, OSCE pa- weeks to bring them back online. There have been occasional inci-
deadly month in eastern The latest effort is to secure dis- trols were blocked more than 120 The OSCE Mission uses un- dents involving Ukrainian military
Ukraine. Russian fighters, funds, engagement—essentially a pullback times, overwhelmingly by combined manned aerial vehicles to comple- forces. Though much less frequent
weapons and equipment have kept of soldiers and weapons—in several Russian-separatist forces. The sepa- ment the work of monitors on the than in Russian-separatist con-
the conflict burning—a conflict that hot spots along the line of contact. ratists have also held monitors at ground. The UAVs have played a trolled areas, these moves are unac-
has devastated buildings, roads and The hope is that once these hot crucial role in supporting patrol ceptable. And Kiev’s political and
public works, led to massive popu- spots are calmed, a cease-fire and planning and in identifying prohib- military leaders have made that
lation displacement and widespread weapons pullback along the entire Leaders should insist that ited weapons on the battlefield. clear themselves. Unlike the other
human-rights abuses, and claimed line of contact will follow, and the Again, combined Russian-separatist side, Ukraine has taken such inci-
the lives of nearly 10,000 people, additional steps—such as free and Russian separatists in the forces have mounted an apparently dents seriously, reiterating instruc-
with tens of thousands more in- fair local elections, as well as the east not obstruct cease- systematic effort to bring them tions to troops to allow the OSCE
jured. return of the international border down—OSCE UAVs have spotted so- safe and free access, and following
New Russian military equipment to Ukrainian control—could take fire monitoring missions. phisticated Russian military zhytel up to identify and discipline those
has been spotted in recent weeks, place. jammers; later UAVs have crashed responsible for incidents when they
and Ukrainian soldiers have now be- But cease-fire and weapons pull- after being jammed by Russian or happen.
come accustomed to being on the backs need verification to build gunpoint, and have shot at patrols pro-Russian forces. The conflict in eastern Ukraine
receiving end of coordinated Rus- confidence. If they are to stick and and organized mobs to burn their The last image one UAV sent be- remains a chosen tragedy: an un-
sian and separatist artillery strikes, be sustainable, actors on the vehicles. The OSCE mission is rou- fore it was apparently shot out of necessary war with horrific human
often fired from residential areas, ground need to know they are tinely denied access to border areas the sky was of a Russian Strela-10 costs inflicted by Russian interven-
with the targeting assistance of working. outside of government control. antiaircraft system—with its barrel tion. The road map to end this trag-
Russian unmanned aerial vehicles, Which is why it’s especially wor- These are the actions of someone aimed at the UAV. After three edy—the full implementation of the
or UAVs. International observers rying that the OSCE’s Special Moni- with something to hide. crashes or shootdowns in less than Minsk Agreements—starts with a
confirm that the majority of the toring Mission to Ukraine is being Given that cease-fire violations three months, the OSCE has no complete, sustainable cease-fire,
fighting in eastern Ukraine is being blocked, threatened, shot at and ha- often provoke a defensive response, long-range UAVs left. As the secre- followed by additional security and
initiated by the Russian-separatist rassed by Russian-separatist forces. it’s important to try to document tary-general of the OSCE said re- political steps. The OSCE Special
side. The OSCE mission has nearly 700 who shot first so that accountabil- cently to assembled ambassadors in Monitoring Mission can do its job
Washington has not and will not civilian monitors from more than ity for violations can be assigned. Vienna, “This appears to be an ef- only if it has safe, unfettered access
abandon diplomatic efforts to jump- 40 countries, most of whom are de- To this end, the OSCE mission set fort to blind us completely.” on the ground.
start a cease-fire and the full imple- ployed in and around the conflict up 24-hour monitoring cameras at Moscow’s failure to support un-
mentation of the Minsk Agree- zone. two important hot spots two fettered and safe access for the Mr. Baer is the U.S. ambassador
ments—several agreements Russia Combined Russian-separatist months ago. Shortly after they be- OSCE while pouring sophisticated to the Organization for Security and
and Ukraine signed, with the Organ- forces have consistently used ob- came operational, Russian separat- weapons and ammunition and other Cooperation in Europe.

About Those Loser ‘Trumpkins’

In the land of Nev- This contempt is most naked on porters know exactly what he work in blue collar occupations, but zens. In this light, a more fruitful
erTrump, it turns the left. No surprise here, for two stands for: hatred of immigrants, they earn relative high household approach might start by taking note
out one American is reasons. First, since at least Wood- racial superiority, a sneering disre- incomes, and living in areas more of the surprise popularity in these
more reviled than row Wilson progressives have al- gard of the basic civility that binds exposed to trade or immigration year’s primaries of an outsider
Donald Trump. This ways preferred rule by a techno- a society.” does not increase Trump support.” businessman in the GOP and a so-
would be the Don- cratic elite over democracy. Second, Still, the contempt for the great In fact, in areas where people cialist over in the Democratic Party.
ald Trump voter. today’s Democratic Party routinely Republican unwashed does not em- were more affected by immigration The result? A conversation that
Lincoln famously portrays its Republican Party rivals anate exclusively from liberals or and competition from Chinese im- opened not with a taunt but a ques-
described govern- as an assortment of nasty ists (rac- Democrats. Thanks to Mr. Trump’s ports, support for Mr. Trump de- tion: “What are the American peo-
By William
ment as of, by, and ists, sexists, nativists, etc.) making run for office, it is now ascendant clined. By contrast, his support was ple trying to tell us?” Unfortu-
for the people. Even war on minorities, women, foreign- in conservative and Republican nately, it’s hard to get there when
so, the people are ers and innocent goatherds who quarters as well. ordinary people with concerns
now getting a hard lesson about somehow end up in Guantanamo. Start with the fondness for the What is it that about the future for themselves and
what happens when they reject the Thus Mr. Trump confirms to word “Trumpkin,” meant at once to the much-vilified Trump their families are hectored and lec-
advice of their betters and go with many on the left what they have al- describe and demean his support- tured about how loathsome they
a nominee of their own choosing. ways told themselves about the ers. Or consider an article from Na- voters are trying to tell us? are.
What happens is an outpouring of GOP. A New York Times writer put tional Review, which describes a It all calls to mind a witticism
condescension and contempt. it this way: “Donald Trump’s sup- “vicious, selfish culture whose main from Bertolt Brecht from 1953, after
products are misery and used her- stronger in areas low in intergener- East German workers who revolted
oin needles” and whose members ational mobility. Could it be that over measures requiring more work
find that “Donald Trump’s speeches what motivates Trump voters is not for less pay were met with Soviet
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY make them feel good. So does Oxy- a purely selfish concern for how tanks. In a poem that was not pub-
Contin.” Scarcely a day goes by they themselves are faring but how lished until years later, Brecht, a
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp without a fresh tweet or article tak- well their children and their com- playwright who had publicly sup-
Gerard Baker William Lewis ing the same tone, an echo of the munities will do? ported the crackdown, wryly de-
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher old Washington Post slur against There are those, this columnist fined the problem as a regime los-
Rebecca Blumenstein, Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT:
evangelicals as “largely poor, included, who would argue that the ing confidence in its people rather
Deputy Editors in Chief Ashley Huston, Chief Communications Officer; uneducated and easy to command.” under 2% average growth rate of than the other way around.
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS: Paul Meller, Chief Technology Officer; We get it: Trump voters are stu- the past decade has done more to “Would it not be easier in that
Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer;
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Edward Roussel, Chief Innovation Officer;
pid whites who are embittered be- constrict income and opportunity case,” he quipped, “for the govern-
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Asia;
Christine Glancey, Operations; Jennifer J. Hicks, Anna Sedgley, Chief Financial Officer; cause they are losing out in the for ordinary Americans than buga- ment to dissolve the people and
Digital; Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, Katie Vanneck-Smith, Chief Customer Officer global economy. boos such as the North American elect another?”
News; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Andrew Regal, Video;
But a new Gallup paper suggests Free Trade Agreement or currency On TV, through Twitter and in
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Stephen Wisnefski,
Professional News; Jessica Yu, Visuals Jason P. Conti, General Counsel; this is may be a caricature that manipulation by China. In the same person Mr. Trump has long made
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Nancy McNeill, Corporate Sales; misses the fuller picture. The analy- vein, there’s a strong case to be clear that his epithet of choice for
Steve Grycuk, Customer Service;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page Jonathan Wright, International;
sis is by Gallup senior economist made that Paul Ryan’s “A Better those who disagree with him is
WALL STREET JOURNAL MANAGEMENT: DJ Media Group: Jonathan Rothwell, who looked not Way” is the path to the Trump “loser.” How ironic that the same
Trevor Fellows, Head of Global Sales; Almar Latour, Publisher; Kenneth Breen, only at Trump voters but where voter’s goal of “Making America people most loudly complaining
Chris Collins, Advertising; Commercial; Edwin A. Finn, Jr., Barron’s;
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business:
they lived: Great Again.” about what a vulgarian Donald
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; “The results show mixed evi- The people are not always Trump is are now using the same
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head dence that economic distress has right—even schoolboys know about insult to dismiss the ordinary Re-
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: motivated Trump support,” writes the tyranny of the majority—but a publican voters who happen to dis-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 Mr. Rothwell. “His supporters are self-governing society ought to wel- agree with them.
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A12 | Wednesday, August 17, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

The Perfect Team That Has People Worried

Rio de Janeiro U.S. close despite sitting Tony
Is it time to freak out about the Parker) have been better at passing
U.S. men’s Olympic basketball team? and distributing the basketball,
Look: “Freak out” is probably not while the U.S. reverts to one-on-one
the appropriate term here. The U.S. style, which even the NBA has
men have taken some narrow victo- stepped away from in recent years.
ries here in Rio, but they have not Basketball in crunchtime often re-
lost once. Back home, there is not a quires an intuitive feel for everyone
nationwide panic about their state. else on the court, and there is also…
You probably feel the same way The pressure of blowing It. This
about the U.S. men’s basketball is not the U.S. men’s fault, but their
team at the Olympics trip to Rio is a big deal only if they
as you do about that lose. Otherwise, they’re expected to
spider plant you left march down the aisle and get the
on the windowsill be- gold, with minimal trouble. That ex-
fore you went on va- pectation ignores obvious truths—
cation. international basketball may not be
JASON It’s OK. The spider perfect or even close to its high
GAY plant, and the U.S. point, but it’s not a slouch fest.
men, will be fine. Meanwhile, even the best teams can
But maybe not! have a bad run. The 73-win War-
The upset loss of the U.S. women’s riors lost in the Finals this season!
national soccer team was a cold It’s never an ideal mind-set when
dish to anyone who thinks there’s the fear of losing creeps up against
such a thing as a gold medal lock. the desire to win. Those close group

The men’s team is entitled to noth- stage games weren’t technically do-
ing, and after three-point victories or-die, but what happens when the
over Serbia and France and letting U.S. men find themselves in a close
Australia hang around, they’re not one when they know losing will be a
going to terrify opponents off the national embarrassment? This is
court. Their draw to win gold here DeAndre Jordan of the U.S. loses the ball against Serbia during a preliminary-round game at the Olympics. probably keeping coach Mike
is a beast: To do it they will have to Krzyzewski up at night—the knowl-
get through Argentina, the winner they battled each other in the NBA venerable kingpins like Magic John- and played volleyball on their off edge that a few bad bounces here
of Spain-France and then perhaps Finals. The team is also missing son, Michael Jordan and Larry Bird. day Monday), and have been stellar and there, and he comes back to a
Croatia or Australia in the final. As Oklahoma City’s Russell Westbrook, Who’s the boss of this 2016 outfit? ambassadors for the game. But flurry of How Did Coach K Screw
always, beating the U.S. is every a dynamic if imperfect ex-Olympian Carmelo Anthony is the roster’s vet- who’s going to be the decision This Up? headlines. Again, not fair,
other nation’s fantasy, not the whose relentless play could have eran sage, a two-time gold winner maker when the United States in- but the reality for Team USA.
equivalent of winning a gold medal, been an energizer for this occasion- who thrives in the relaxed Olympic variably needs one? The upside to this is that these
but pretty close. ally languid roster. Of course, if style of play, but has never even They sort of just met. OK, this is games will be intriguing. Krzyze-
Let’s take a look at some of the Westbrook were here, it would have reached the NBA finals and is not not exactly true. A lot of the Team wski, regarded as an undisputed
issues here: meant he was on the club with exactly known as a ruthless leader. USA players have known each other college coaching legend, has one of
This is not our best team. Well, Kevin Durant, who just abandoned The Warrior trio—Durant, Klay since they were elite young up-and- the more compelling challenges of
everyone knew this going in. Men’s him to flee to Golden State, which Thompson, Draymond Green—are comers. But as constituted, this is his career—stitching together great-
Team USA is missing the two best would have been a delicious Olym- more in sync with Golden State’s their first tournament. They’ve been ness on the fly from a strange and
basketball players in the world: Le- pic drama. commune lifestyle. It should be un- together barely a month, whereas perhaps ill-fitting U.S. roster. This
Bron James and Steph Curry, who Who runs this thing? Past men’s derlined that this team has been a some of their competition have will almost surely not be another
between them have won four of the basketball rosters have been Sun delightful group of Olympians, who been playing national team basket- dull Olympic romp for gold. Pre-
last five NBA MVPs. Both James and Valley summits of basketball CEOs, have shown up at numerous events, ball for years. This has revealed it- sume nothing about U.S. men’s bas-
Curry passed on a Rio adventure af- no more so than the original Dream soaked up Brazil (they went down self on offense—opponents like Cro- ketball this year. That’s maybe not a
ter exhausting seasons in which Team in 1992, where the U.S. had the beach and drank coconut water atia and France (which played the freakout, but it’s fun.

The British (Cycling) Empire Lives

BY JOSHUA ROBINSON cling. In all, the sport has delivered low-hanging fruit.”
more than a quarter of Britain’s Today, the British cyclists are the
Rio de Janeiro Olympic gold medals in the past best-funded in the sport. Over the
In 1996, Great Britain took 300 three Summer Games. past four-year cycle, their budget ex-
athletes to the Olympic Games in At- “It’s an amazing set of Games that ceeded $32 million. The U.S., mean-
lanta. It came home with just one we’ve had, really,” said sprinter Ja- while, spends around $1 million a
gold medal, a 36th-place finish in the son Kenny, a five-time gold medalist. year on track cycling, according to
overall table—sandwiched between “I don’t think we’ve ever been sec- USA Cycling, with the bulk of it fo-
Ethiopia and Belarus—and with its ond in the medal table.” cused on its women’s pursuit team.

Olympic program in crisis. Few countries rely as heavily—or On Saturday, Great Britain beat the
How to return Team GB to promi- as overtly—on a single sport to Americans in the women’s team pur-
nence wasn’t tough to figure out. In boost their medal totals. China has suit final by two seconds.
the years that followed, Britain tried in recent Olympics with gym- “It was very clear that lottery
turned around its national sports nastics and diving. Italy’s strength in funding is about gold medals, not
programs thanks to a flood of cash fencing has helped the country out- even [just] medals,” Boardman said.
from the U.K. lottery. But one ques- perform expectations. But the only “Gold medals in the Olympic
tion did require careful consider- accurate comparison to Britain’s Games—not world records, not The track cycling world has had a difficult time keeping up with Great Britain
ation: Which sport should the coun- dominance of cycling might be the growing the sport.” and Jason Kenny, above left during a men’s keirin race in Rio on Tuesday.
try build around? U.S. swim team, which has contrib- The reason Britain’s plan has
The answer was a small, rela- uted more than a third of America’s proved so effective is that track cy- nuclear weapons on you.” The rest of the track cycling
tively obscure sport in which Brit- gold medals in the past three Sum- cling is the rare sport in which sub- Britain’s dominance is so com- world is now resigned to winning
ain had precious little Olympic his- mer Games. tle improvements can have a mea- plete that it even takes the suspense non-Olympic events. Britain effec-
tory: track cycling. The birth of Britain’s cycling em- surable impact on a large number of out of gold-medal races. On Sunday, tively decided to punt on this year’s
Now, two decades on, track cy- pire came in 1997, when U.K. lottery athletes. A new aerodynamic helmet, the men’s sprint came down to world championships, because the
cling has become the bedrock of Brit- funding began flowing into the sport. for instance, might help medal hope- Kenny and compatriot Callum Skin- timing didn’t jibe with its training
ain’s rise into a powerhouse at the Cycling officials were able to con- fuls in six different events. ner, a scenario they had rehearsed schedules for Rio. It still won five
Summer Games. As of Tuesday after- vince Britain’s national sports author- Britain’s lead is now nearly im- hundreds of times in training. It was events, but those were more of a dis-
noon, Britain was second in the gold ities that their sport was already possible to overhaul. Its financial ad- the same in 2008, when Kenny fin- traction than anything else.
medal table with 17, trailing only the close to winning medals and could re- vantage means that every cycle, ished as runner-up to Hoy. Rivals “What is the point of us winning
U.S. Of those 17 golds, four had come turn plenty with the right investment. Team GB can afford to keep techno- have no idea what to make of it. something that we’re not being
in the velodrome. “We looked at it ruthlessly,” said logical innovations under wraps un- “It’s annoying, because you can asked to win?” British Cycling pro-
This is no fluke. In 2008 and Chris Boardman, a former Olympic til the eve of the Games. As U.S. tell they’re just walking it,” French gram director Andy Harrison said,
2012, British riders took 14 out of 20 cyclist and British Cycling execu- coach Andy Sparks put it, they get to sprinter Virginie Cueff said. “You adding that Olympic gold “is what
possible gold medals in track cy- tive. “On the track, there’s more the Olympics and “just unload their watch and cycling is easy for them.” we’re here for.”

Overwhelming Majority of Everything You Need to

Paralympics Tickets Unsold A Helping Hand Know About Diving in Track
Olympic organizers here said that When Shaunae Miller of the Baha-
less than 10% of available tickets to mas lunged for the finish in the
the Paralympic Games have been women’s 400-meter final on Monday,
sold, amid mounting concerns that nabbing the gold medal over Ameri-
funding problems will turn the hall- can Allyson Felix by less than a sec-
mark event for disabled athletes into ond, her path to victory prompted a
a major embarrassment for Brazil. question: Is diving across the finish
Three weeks before the Paralym- line legal?
pics are scheduled to begin, only In short, it is. According to Rule
220,000 of the 2.5 million available 164 of track and field’s official compe-
tickets have been sold, a spokesman tition rule book, “the athletes shall be
for the Rio 2016 organizing commit- placed in the order in which any part
tee, Mario Andrada, said Monday. of their bodies (i.e. torso, as distin-
Slow sales come on top of legal guished from the head, neck, arms,
challenges to organizers’ hopes of legs, hands or feet) reaches the verti-
Brazil’s Latest Disaster: securing government subsidies for cal plane of the nearer edge of the
Women’s Soccer Falls the Paralympics, which are set to finish line as defined above.”

The Brazil women’s soccer team’s run Sept. 7 to 18 and feature more In other words, it is the torso, and
visions of Olympic gold evaporated than 4,000 disabled athletes from not the extremities, which counts in
on Tuesday afternoon with an up- around the world. determining finish place. Anna Leg-
set semifinal loss to Sweden on A number of Paralympic groups, nani, a spokeswoman for the Interna-
penalties. especially from poor countries that tional Association for Athletics Feder-
After 120 scoreless minutes, goal- depend on grants from Rio 2016 to ations which sets the rules for
keeper Hedvig Lindahl saved two of travel to the event, have expressed international track competitions in-
Brazil’s five tries in the shootout to concern in recent days that their ath- OUT OF ACTION: Nikki Hamblin of New Zealand tended to American Abbey cluding the Olympics, said there is
book a place in Friday’s gold-medal letes won’t be able to participate. D’Agostino after they got tangled up during a 5,000-meter heat Tuesday. currently no language in the rules
match against Germany or Canada. “The participation of a large part which prohibit diving across the finish.
As for Brazil, the hunt for a first of African countries has been seri- Diving for the finish isn’t all that
gold medal in soccer will come down ously compromised,” said Ousmane uncommon in track races—in fact,
to the men’s national team, which Diane, secretary-general of Guinea’s lympic Games, IPC spokesman Craig Biles Wins Once More several U.S. Olympic team spots were
plays in the semifinals against Hon- Paralympic Committee. “Guinea relies Spence said. Simone Biles took her final, fourth determined with a dive this summer,
duras on Wednesday. primarily on the rapid availability of But a court battle over transpar- gold medal of these Olympics on including the third and final place in
Having lost 5-1 to Brazil in the grants to buy its plane tickets.” ency in Rio 2016’s financial accounts floor exercise on Tuesday and again the women’s 1,500.
group stage, Sweden happily surren- Leaders of the International Para- currently stands in the way of any finished 1-2 with teammate Aly Rais- Miller said after the race that the
dered to pragmatism and packed its lympic Committee, the world govern- government funds. The organizing man, clinching the U.S.’s domination dive wasn’t intentional. “It all kind of
players into defense to frustrate the ing body for disabled sports, met committee has long declined to break of this gymnastics competition. happened,” she said. “My mind went
creative Brazilians. It was the same Monday with a senior Brazilian gov- down its budget on the grounds that For bronze, Great Britain’s Amy completely blank and the next thing I
approach that Sweden had used in its ernment official in the capital of it is privately funded by sponsors, li- Tinkler edged Italy’s Vanessa Ferrari, was on the floor.”
quarterfinal against the U.S., which Brasília and separately in Rio de Ja- censing agreements, ticket sales and who revived a decade-old routine Felix, who choked back tears after
prompted American goalkeeper Hope neiro with Mayor Eduardo Paes. transfers from the International with which she won the 2006 world the race, was resigned about the out-
Solo to call the team “cowards.” Paes promised 150 million Brazilian Olympic Committee. championships all-around title. come. “Rules are rules,” she said.
—Jim Chairusmi reais ($47 million) to fund the Para- —Paul Kiernan —Louise Radnofsky —Sara Germano
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or


Euro vs. Dollar

1.1281 s 0.86% FTSE 100
6893.92 t 0.68% Gold
1350.50 s 0.76% WTI crude
46.58 s 1.84% German Bund
yield -0.028% 10-Year Treasury
yield 1.576%

1.13 6500 1290 45 0.20 2.00

1.10 6000 1240 40 0.00 1.50

1.07 5500 1190 35 -0.20 1.00

As of 4 p.m. ET Sources: Tullett Prebon; SIX Financial

© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 | B1

Linde and Praxair Confirm Merger Talks

Possible combination companies of about $30 billion fore, but talks were put on ice “In our view, high synergies
apiece, ranking it as one of the after Linde issued profit warn- of up to €800 million—3% of
of industrial-gas firms largest tie-ups in a strong year ings in October 2014 and No- the combined entity—could
would create company for mergers. vember last year, according to be…achieved,” Baader Helvea
Linde shares rose more a person familiar with the analyst Markus Mayer said in
valued at $60 billion than 11% in German trading matter. a note Tuesday.
Tuesday, while Praxair shares Talks resumed while Air On top of cost savings, a


BY EYK HENNING were up 2.7% in late-afternoon Liquide SA pursued an acqui- tie-up would help better bal-
New York trading. sition of U.S. company Airgas ance the companies’ regional
FRANKFURT—Germany’s A merger would likely bring Inc. of the U.S., another person footprint and product mix. Un-
Linde AG and U.S. rival synergies of more than $600 said. That transaction, which like Linde, Praxair doesn’t run
Praxair Inc. said Tuesday they million, people familiar with closed in May, returned the large medical-gas and engi-
were in preliminary merger the matter said Tuesday. They French company to the No. 1 neering operations, which ca-
talks for a deal that would cre- added that the parties were spot in the industry. ter to the oil-processing indus-
ate the world’s largest indus- discussing an all-stock trans- A combination of Linde and try. While Linde is big in
trial-gas supplier, with a po- action. Praxair would again surpass Europe and Asia, Praxair has a
tential market value of more “Discussions are ongoing Air Liquide, creating a com- large presence in the U.S. and
than $60 billion. and have not resulted in any pany with revenue of more Latin America.
The statement confirmed a concrete results or agreements than $30 billion before dives- Despite being somewhat
Wall Street Journal article late yet,” Linde said. titures. complementary, analysts cau-
Monday. The companies have dis- Analysts said a merger tioned that a deal would face
Such a deal would combine cussed a potential merger be- would help cut overcapacities. Please see DEAL page B2 Rivals Linde and Praxair are valued at about $30 billion apiece.

Weakness Setbacks
In Pound For Two
Is Fuel Hedge
For FTSE Funds

The FTSE 100 is on a roll. BY LAURENCE FLETCHER

The U.K’s flagship stock index is AND GREGORY ZUCKERMAN
up 8.8% since the country voted
to leave the EU, and is now Damaging outflows contin-
testing a record level reached ued to sting the hedge fund in-
in April 2015. dustry Tuesday as one of the
Though the index pulled largest firms in the industry
back by around 0.7% Tuesday, reduced its head count by 15%
that still leaves it just 3% shy of and another posted outflows
a historical high. of more than $3 billion.
But there is a Brevan Howard, one of the

ANALYSIS big catch. The world’s largest hedge-fund

rally has coin- firms, experienced investor
cided with a rare withdrawals of more than $3
surge in expectations for earn- billion from its flagship fund
ings, which are denominated in in the first half of this year.
sterling. The FTSE 100 is one of The Brevan Howard Master
the most internationally fo- Fund was one of the star per-
cused indexes in the world, and formers during the credit cri-
the drop in the pound seems to Chinese manufacturers bought roughly 67,000 robots in 2015. Demand is projected to jump to 150,000 robots annually by 2018. sis but is now in its third
be almost entirely responsible straight calendar year of

Factories Use Robots as Wages Rise

for the surge. losses.
Aggregate forecasts for It has struggled recently, as
earnings per share at FTSE 100 bond markets have proved
companies 12 months from now tough to predict. Information
are enjoying their largest rise A Chinese factory near said Mr. Gao in his office, including consumer electronics lion and will fall below 800 about this year’s withdrawals
in the last five years, climbing Shanghai is relying on a new overlooking rows of buildings and apparel. million by 2050. comes from letters sent to in-
from a low of £386.85 in April breed of workers to maintain where a battalion of robots At stake is whether China In addition, the average vestors and calculations by
to £430.19 Tuesday. That marks its competitive advantage in was cranking out computer can retain its dominance in hourly labor cost—defined as The Wall Street Journal. The
a sharp turnabout from an al- assembling electronics de- keyboards. “It’s one of the ef- manufacturing. wages plus benefits—of $14.60 fund now has $15.7 billion un-
most constant decline from vices: small robots designed in fects of the one-child policy.” “China is saying, ‘we have in China’s coastal manufactur- der management, the letters
more than £600 in late 2011. Germany. China’s appetite for Euro- to roboticize our industry in ing heartland has more than said. A spokesman for Brevan
In local-currency terms, the pean-made industrial robots is order to keep it,’ ” said Stefan doubled as a percentage of U.S. declined to comment.
FTSE 100 has risen about 15% By Robbie Whelan rapidly growing, as rising Lampa, chairman of the robot- manufacturing wages, from Separately, Paul Tudor
since June 27, when it reached in Stockholm wages, a shrinking workforce ics division of Kuka AG, a Ger- roughly 30% in 2000 to 64% in Jones’s Tudor Investment
its lowest level after the EU ref- and Esther Fung and cultural changes drive man automation firm and a 2015, according to Boston Con- Corp. has reduced its work-
erendum. Its roughly 10% rise in Suzhou, China more Chinese businesses to supplier to Suzhou Victory. sulting Group, making the force by about 15% as it begins
this year is outperforming the automation. The types of ro- The rush to buy robots country less competitive as a to emphasize computer driven
S&P 500 in local-currency Suzhou Victory Precision bots favored by Chinese manu- comes in part because China’s destination for manufacturers. trading amid losses and inves-
terms. As of midday in New Manufacture Co.’s chairman, facturers are also changing, as population of workers aged 15 China, in 2013, became the tor withdrawals, according to
York, the S&P 500 was up 6.7% Yugen Gao, said the days when automation spreads from to 59 is starting to shrink, world’s largest market for in- people close to the matter, a
Since June 23, the increase the company drew its strength heavy industries such as auto forcing manufacturers to turn dustrial robots, surpassing all sign of how even hedge-fund
in earnings expectations has from China’s cheap and hard- manufacturing to those that to automation. The United Na- of Western Europe, according giants are feeling pain lately.
been matched almost entirely working employees are gone. require more precise, flexible tions estimates the number of to the International Federation Mr. Jones, who became a
by the decline in sterling. The “We’ve been losing that robots capable of handling and the country’s workers peaked of Robotics. In 2015, Chinese billionaire with prescient
pound itself has dropped by edge in the past three years,” assembling smaller products, in 2010 at more than 900 mil- Please see ROBOTS page B2 Please see FUNDS page B2
nearly 12% since the referen-
dum, compared with a basket
of currencies.
The two-step dance between
sterling and earnings estimates
shows just how sensitive to
Stocks in U.S. and Europe Edge Lower Setback
Volkswagen’s daily share price
currency movements the FTSE BY AARON KURILOFF to release minutes of its most among the biggest decliners in U.S. energy companies
100 has become. On three-quar- AND RIVA GOLD recent meeting on Wednesday. the Dow industrials, losing gained as the price of U.S. Tuesday: €124.15
ters of the days since the refer- The dollar fell to its lowest 1.2% in late trading. crude futures rose 1.8% to 140 1.7%
endum, the pound and forward U.S. stocks edged back from level since June, however, af- The weaker dollar dragged $46.58 a barrel on the New
EPS have moved in opposite di- record highs on Tuesday and ter a paper released by Federal down shares of global export- York Mercantile Exchange. 130
rections. When the pound goes government bonds retreated Reserve Bank of San Francisco ers, weighing on markets in Following a slow summer
up, expectations drop, and visa following mixed signals from President John Williams sug- Europe and Japan. The Stoxx climb in stock markets, some 120
versa. Federal Reserve officials about gested a possible increase to Europe 600 slipped 0.8% and investors are growing wary of
“EPS revisions are still nega- the course of the inflation target, which Japan’s Nikkei Stock Average the recent rally, as the gains 110
tive for the other key regional TUESDAY’S interest rates. would give the bank room to fell 1.6%. have come without an increase
markets and for MSCI World,” MARKETS In 4 p.m. keep rates lower for longer. The euro rose to $1.1275 in corporate-earnings growth, 100
said a note on Friday by equity trading in New Data released on Tuesday late Tuesday in New York from which many expect later in the
analysts at J.P. Morgan Chase & York, the Dow showed U.S. consumer prices $1.1185 late Monday, while the year.
Co. “We believe that the roll- Jones Industrial Average fell were flat in July, a signal that dollar was at ¥100.26 from “Profit growth will be nec-
over in the pound largely ex- 84.03 points, or 0.5%, to inflation remains modest. ¥101.25. The British pound essary to drive the market J F M A M J J A
plains the rebound in EPS revi- 18552.02. The S&P 500 de- The yield on the benchmark rose to $1.3036 from $1.2880 higher from here, but while we Source: FactSet
sions.” clined 0.5%, and the Nasdaq 10-year Treasury note was as U.K. inflation figures nar- wait for that, we’ll probably THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Deutsche Bank AG analysts Composite Index lost 0.7%. 1.576%, compared with 1.554% rowly beat expectations. consolidate the recent gains
recommend overweight posi- Treasury yields rose after on Monday. Yields rise as bond In Germany, shares of we’ve had,” said Matthew Pe- tive rates around the world
tions in the FTSE 100 compared New York Fed President Wil- prices fall. Volkswagen slid 1.7% follow- ron, head of global equity at forcing investors toward risky
with the broader Stoxx Europe liam Dudley said in a television Stocks sensitive to changes ing reports that U.S. prosecu- Northern Trust. assets, including stocks.
600, arguing that “further ster- interview that the economy in interest rates, such as tele- tors and Volkswagen were ne- But many suggest a lack of For investors, “the focus
ling weakness should also help should strengthen later in the communications companies, gotiating a settlement after alternatives and ultra-support- seems to be on the heavy lift-
the FTSE 100 to outperform the year and that the U.S. presi- were among the biggest de- the Justice Department found ive central-bank policy should ing that is being done by mon-
broader European market.” dential race won’t affect the cliners in the S&P 500. Shares evidence of criminal wrongdo- keep investors in the stock etary policy,” said Koen Straet-
The daily changes in the Fed’s decisions on the course of phone companies fell 1.5%. ing in the car company’s die- market even if earnings disap- mans, a multiasset strategist
Please see FTSE page B2 of rates. The Fed is scheduled Verizon Communications was sel-emissions cheating. point, with ultralow and nega- at NN Investment Partners.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B2 | Wednesday, August 17, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

ABB ............................. B2
Advanced Info Services
Exxon Mobil.....A1,A6,B2
Ford Motor..................B3
Fortinet ....................... B3
General Electric .......... B2
Pinterest ..................... B5
Procter & Gamble.......B2
Qihoo 360 Technology B3
Sponsors Dial Down at Rio
Airgas..........................B1 Germanwings..............A3 Royal Dutch Shell.......A6
Air Liquide .................. B1 Golden Brick Silk Road
American Express.......B7 Fund Management For the London Olympics in
(Shenzhen) ............... B3 Samsung Electronics..A8
Anglo American..........A6 2012, McDonald’s Corp. set up
Apple......................B3,B7 H-I its biggest-ever restaurant: a
Shaanxi Networkcloud
Archer Daniels Midland Hershey.......................B4 32,000-square-foot building
.....................................B4 Hershey Trust.............B4 Technology................B3 with cushioned chairs, recy-
B Hyperloop One............B3 Silver Wheaton...........B6 cled wood floors and a balcony
Baidu ........................... B3 Intel.............................B3 Simon Property GroupB9
International Business
overlooking the Olympic Park.
Bank Audi....................B2 Singapore
Machines...................B7 Telecommunications.B7
The McDonald’s in Rio’s
Bank of America.........B1
International Flavors & Soros Fund main Olympic Park is a frac-
Barrick Gold................B6
Fragrances.................B5 tion of that size. Perched on


Bayer...........................B4 Management.............B6
Beijing Kunlun Tech....B3 Intouch Holdings.........B7 SPDR S&P 500............B6 the edge of a concrete plaza
Beijing Topsec Network J-K Statoil.........................A6 behind the tennis stadium, The
Security Technology.B3 Suncor Energy.............B7 so-called dessert kiosk has no
Johnson & Johnson....B5
Berkshire Hathaway...B7 Suzhou Victory
Juniper Networks.......B3
Precision Manufacture seating and serves only ice
BHP Billiton.........A1,B10 Kinder Morgan............B7 cream. The company’s choice
BP................................A1 .....................................B1
KUKA...........................B1 highlights a distinctive feature
Symantec .................... B5
Brevan Howard...........B1 L-N T-V of the Rio games: the subdued
C-D Lenovo Group..............B2
TCL .............................. A1 presence of major Olympic
Chesapeake Energy....A6 Liberty Broadband......B6 Temasek Holdings ...... B7 sponsors on the ground. The McDonald’s restaurant in Rio’s Olympic Village. The chain also runs a dessert kiosk on site.
Chevron.......................A6 Linde............................B1 Tencent Holdings........B3 The streets of Rio de Janeiro
China Telecom.............B3 McDonald's..................B2 TJX...............................B4
China Vanke................A1 Midea Group..........B2,B3 aren’t packed with buses have faced several challenges, ing into the social media expe- chose to operate only those two
Cisco Systems.............B3 Mondelez International UBS Group...................B5
wrapped in brand names. Spon- experts say, including a failing rience, as opposed to spending Olympic outlets because the
C&J Energy Services .. B6 .....................................B4 U.S. Steel....................B4 sors’ billboards and promotions economy, broader shifts in several million on a showcase events are so far flung—only
Coca-Cola ............... B2,B7 Monsanto....................B4 Vale ............................. A6 seem lost in the colorful city. marketing strategies, and the in Olympic Park,” said Michael 45% of the events are taking
Comae Technologies...B3 Morgan Stanley........B10 ValueAct Capital.......B10 In the Olympic Park, small fact that the events spread Payne, former director of mar- place in Rio’s main park, he said,
ConocoPhillips.............A6 Nissan Motor..............B3 Visa..............................B2 Coca-Cola Co. logos adorn ta- across a sprawling metropolis, keting for the IOC. compared with 80% to 85% in
Coty.............................B4 Nucor...........................B5 Volkswagen............B1,B3
Deere...........................B7 Nusra Front.................A1 bles and menus, while drink rather than being concentrated The lower-profile presence the 2012 London Olympics.
Voya Financial.............B5
Dell..............................B2 O-P
stands consist of a cart staffed in a single Olympic Park, as in of top Olympics sponsors re- The decision to operate just
DONG Energy..............B4 by an attendant or two, with London. “It does feel dimin- flects sensitivity to Brazil’s po- one restaurant and a dessert
Occidental Petroleum.A6 Wal-Mart Stores.........B7
DP World.....................B3
Opera Software .......... B3
stacked cases of warm soda. ished because things are so litical instability and economic kiosk in Rio had nothing to do
Wells Fargo.................B7
E-G OptoForce....................B2 Westfield.....................B9 “I have not seen a lot of spread out,” said Shawn woes, which have shaped and with the local economy, Mr.
Ecolab..........................B5 PetroChina...................B2 Wyndham Worldwide.B2 overt commercialization of McBride, executive vice presi- haunted the games. Zlotnik said. Instead,
EOG Resources...........A6 Phillips 66...................B7 ZTE..............................A1 Olympic sponsorship,” said dent of sports at Ketchum Several major sponsors said McDonald’s decided to showcase
Rob Prazmark, president of 21 Sports & Entertainment, which their presence in Rio is on par an operation fairly unique to Bra-

INDEX TO PEOPLE Sports and longtime adviser to

the International Olympic
Committee, who was in Rio as
represents sponsors including
Procter & Gamble. “I think
you get outside these Olympic
with previous Summer Olym-
pics, and dismissed suggestions
that concerns about security
zil, where it runs 2,500 dessert
kiosks serving vanilla cones, Mc-
Flurry desserts and smoothies.
A-C Fishman, Dave..........B10 Mayer, Markus............B1 a guest of the IOC. “It’s a very clusters and you feel like and public health might have led A spokesman for Coke, which
Andrada, Mario...........B2 Franklin, Missy ........... B2 McBride, Shawn..........B2 conservative games.” Indeed, you’re in a big city, not swept them to scale back their plans. has sponsored the Olympics since
Baker, Doug.................B5 Gorman, James.........B10 Musk, Elon..................B3
Olympic officials and others up in the Olympics.” In addition to the dessert ki- 1928, said the beverage com-
Bauer, Randy.............B10 H-K P-T
say corporate sponsors aren’t That feeling is compounded osk, McDonald’s has a full-ser- pany’s marketing efforts in Rio
Blin, François ..............B6 Horn, Karen.................B5 Payne, Michael............B2
Bowler, Bill .................A2 Prazmark, Rob ............ B2
using and are even returning by a sharp swing toward digital vice restaurant in the athletes’ have been “typical’’ compared
Howard, Alan..............B1
Buffett, Warren..........B7 Sakai, Yuzo ................. B6 tickets, as potential guests de- and social-media marketing, Olympic Village. Spokesman Da- with previous Summer Games.
Ishikawa, Junichi........B6
Cabana, Mark............B10 Krzanich, Brian ........... B3 Sands, Anita M...........B5 cided to stay away from the which tends to be less visible. vid Zlotnik said the company, —Ted Mann, Julie Jargon
Carr, James.................B9 Kumar, Renuka..........B10 Shin, Jihae .................. B5 Games for various reasons. “There’s no question that which has 33 permanent and Mike Esterl
Cassidy, Sukhinder Soros, George ............. B6 In Rio, corporate sponsors more marketing dollars are go- McDonald’s restaurants in Rio, contributed to this article.
Singh.........................B5 L-M Spengler, Peter...........B2
Combs, Todd................B7 Lawler, David..............A1 Spieth, Jordan.............B2

Western Firms Slowly Return to Iraq

Cook, Tim....................B3 Lawler, Doug...............A6 Stewart, Beth.............B5
Li Keqiang...................A5 Suiche, Matt...............B3
Lloyd, Rob ................... B3 Tinker, Mark ............... A2
Dudley, William .......... B1 Looney, Bernard..........A6 V-Z
Elswick, Jeffery........B10 Lubitz, Andreas..........A3
Evans-Pritchard, Julian Vautrinot, Suzanne M B5
Mackenzie, Andrew Weaver, Nicholas........B3
............................. A6,B10
BY SARAH KENT tion arranged a $375 million fi- velopment. In 2015—a year of
Weschler, Ted ............. B7
F-G Mahoney, David..........B5 Zaghari-Ratcliffe, AND ALI NABHAN nancing package for an Iraqi Cautious Investing military uncertainty and falling
Feygin, Ilya ................. A2 Malone, John .............. B6 Nazanin.....................A3 power company, backed by After years of turmoil, foreign oil prices—FDI crashed 30%.
Fibig, Andreas.............B5 Martin, Rodney O.......B5 Zlotnik, David ............. B2 BASRA, Iraq—For years Iraq Lebanon’s Bank Audi—the companies tentatively are Iraq is still in a delicate sit-
has careened from crisis to cri- bank’s first major investment returning to Iraq. uation. The price of oil—the
sis. Now, some foreign compa- in the country. The deal is a main source of government

Direct foreign investment in Iraq
nies see opportunity as the tur- sign of the IFC’s increased sup- revenue—remains under pres-
Do the Robot moil appears to be subsiding. port for Iraq in the 12 months $5 billion
sure. The country’s budget def-
Chinese purchases of industrial After disruptive anticorrup- to June 2016, which was accom- icit ballooned to 14.3% of GDP
robots have surged as manufac- tion protests earlier this year, panied by an “increase in inter- 4 last year and is expected to be
Continued from the prior page turing labor has become scarcer a degree of stability has re- est by investors from the re- closer to 15% in 2016.
manufacturers bought roughly and more expensive. turned to parliament. Weak oil gion,” said Mouayed Makhlouf, Meanwhile, a mounting hu-
67,000 robots, about a quarter 150 thousand units Projected prices that sapped its economy IFC Director for the Middle East manitarian crisis threatens to
of global sales, and demand is have staged a fragile recovery. and North Africa. Bank Audi de- overwhelm the government. And
projected to more than double And Iraqi forces have beaten clined to comment. 2 anticorruption protests have
to 150,000 robots annually by 125 back Islamic State to just a few In a sign that some companies dogged and disrupted the Iraqi
2018. pockets in the country, most are betting that even tourism 1 government, and could resurface.
Chinese firms also are in- 100 recently driving them from Fal- could begin to pick up, Wynd- The hurdles facing compa-
vesting in industrial technol- lujah and Ramadi. ham Hotel Group announced nies also remain significant. A
ogy, with an eye toward build- Since then, interest in the plans to open two new hotels in 0 stifling bureaucracy and ram-
ing more of their own robots. country from serious investors Najaf, a pilgrimage destination ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 pant corruption make for a
Chinese home-appliance maker has increased, said Mudher Sa- for Shiite Muslims, by 2018. Source: UNCTAD challenging environment. It is
Midea Group Co. launched a 50 lih, a former senior central “It takes a long time to de- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. little surprise that Iraq ranks
bid to buy Kuka for more than bank official who advises Prime velop new hotels so you can’t 161 out of 189 countries in the
$5 billion in May and now 25 Minister Haider al-Abadi on fi- wait until the moment before Iraq to undertake significant World Bank’s 2016 ease of do-
owns about 86% of the robots nancial policy. “After Fallujah the thing is in all the travel mag- economic changes, cutting ing business rankings.
company. Some German politi- 0 and Ramadi everything azines,” said Daniel Ruff, Wynd- spending and tackling corrup- The Iraqi government in
cians criticized the deal, say- changed,” he said. Part of that ham’s president for Europe, the tion, and paves the way for particular, makes a difficult
2005 ’10 ’15 ’18
ing Kuka should have re- change is foreign capital, and Middle East and Africa. added assistance. business partner. Mohammed
mained German or European- Source: International Federation of Robotics deal-scouting executives are International law firm Ever- Driven by higher oil produc- Al Khasaky, chairman of Iraq’s
owned. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. cautiously returning to Iraq. sheds says it is working on tion, economic reforms and di- AKG Engineering Construction
At a robotics-research con- In January, General Elec- two deals to acquire assets in minished threat from the mili- & Trading Group said his com-
ference in Stockholm in May, ing automation en masse in re- tric signed contracts worth $1 the country—the first Iraqi ac- tant group, the World Bank pany, like many others, hasn’t
companies including Kuka and sponse to concerns over the billion to upgrade Iraq’s elec- quisitions the firm has handled expects Iraq’s economy to been paid in more than a year.
Switzerland’s ABB Ltd. dis- quality of goods manufactured tricity infrastructure, the com- in more than 12 months. grow about 7% this year. Sami al-Araji, chairman of
played lightweight robots with in the country. Now, however, pany’s largest power deal in Another big reason for opti- Foreign direct investment in Iraq’s National Investment Com-
agile arms capable of manipu- Chinese factories—including the country since 2008. GE, mism: the International Mone- Iraq could increase by around mission, acknowledged the chal-
lating items as small as bottle those that make consumer which has been operating in tary Fund. Last month, it ap- 20% this year to nearly $4 bil- lenges, but said it is looking at
caps. Last year, ABB, intro- goods—are buying robots to the country for years, said it proved a $5.3 billion bailout lion, according to estimates by “all means and ways to try to al-
duced a two-armed version of fill positions that would other- “continues to see growth op- for the cash-strapped country, Astrit Sulstarova, head of the leviate the difficulties of the
its YuMi robot, a lightweight wise sit empty because of high portunities going forward.” helping to plug its budget investment trends and data companies.”
robot that was designed spe- job turnover rates. In April, the World Bank’s shortfall and restore corporate unit at the United Nations —Ghassan Adnan
cifically for the Chinese mar- “Hard as it may be to be- International Finance Corpora- confidence. The deal requires Conference on Trade and De- contributed to this article.
ket. It can put together car- lieve, despite having 1.3 billion
dashboard electronics, inhabitants, China doesn’t find
wristwatches and eyewear.
YuMi, which is manufac-
tured both in Sweden and in a
sister factory in Shanghai that
enough people to do the work
generated in its factories,” Mr.
Wyatt said.
Budapest-based OptoForce
FUNDS tal analysis, the people say.
Two key Tudor hedge funds
were down about 3% for the
year through early August, ac-
modities and emerging-mar-
kets funds in recent years, and
spun out its credit-funds unit.
Like most so-called global
ropean Union in June.
Macro funds on average are
up 3.7% this year, but lost
money in four of the previous
opened a decade ago, was de- Ltd. manufactures €2,500 Continued from the prior page cording to investors, well be- macro hedge funds, Brevan five calendar years, according
signed as a “collaborative” ro- ($2,796) sensors that can be trades that anticipated moves low the overall market. The has struggled to cope with to Hedge Fund Research.
bot, meaning it is small and attached to robotic arms and in various financial markets, workforce reduction of about markets dominated by central Brevan’s main fund gained
safe enough that it can share used to polish metal parts that has seen Tudor’s assets drop 60 employees includes money bank money-printing. This has 25% in 2007 and 20% in 2008
the manufacturing line with go into car transmissions and to approximately $11 billion managers as well as other flattened yield curves and sup- but suffered its first-ever cal-
humans and doesn’t require a other products. from $13 billion last year, one staff, the people said. pressed volatility in bond mar- endar-year loss in 2014, falling
protective cage, as many large Its head of sales, Szabi of the people said. Now the Bloomberg News first re- kets, making it harder for such 0.8%. Last year it lost 2% and
industrial robots do. Fekete, said such sensors have firm is cutting underperform- ported Tudor’s staff reduction. funds to profit. this year the fund is down
Over the past five years, become significantly cheaper ing traders who rely on a tra- The withdrawals at Brevan, Brevan was also caught out 2.25% through the end of July.
China has become ABB’s larg- to produce in recent years. ditional, fundamental ap- which is headed by Switzer- by the European Central The Journal reported last
est market for robotics cus- “Ten years ago when a force proach and is focusing land-based billionaire Alan Bank’s lower-than-forecast year that Brevan planned to
tomers, according to Steven sensor cost €20,000, no one resources on its best money Howard, mean the firm’s as- stimulus package in December, cut at least 10% of its work-
Wyatt, ABB’s head of market- wanted to automate polishing, makers. Tudor also is hiring sets have now more than which hit funds betting on a force. Staff numbers are down
ing and sales. Mr. Wyatt said because it was cheaper to hire so-called quantitative traders halved in the past two years, weaker euro. However, it was from around 460 in 2014 to
China originally started adopt- 100 workers,” Mr. Fekete said. who rely on mathematical from around $42 billion to among funds to profit after around 350 currently, said a
models rather than fundamen- $19.4 billion. It has shut com- the U.K.’s vote to exit the Eu- person familiar with the firm.

DEAL heavy scrutiny. Antitrust hur-

dles may, however, not be as
big in the U.S., where Linde is
FTSE stocks aren’t enjoying the re-
bound. The FTSE Local U.K.,
There are some other sup-
portive factors, particularly the
relationship with the pound
holds, that will require the U.K.
Continued from the prior page active in health care and which includes only companies recovery in commodity prices, currency to weaken even fur-
intense antitrust scrutiny and Praxair has a large on-site that make at least three-quar- lifting the most internationally ther.
questioned whether regulators business, said Mr. Spengler. Continued from the prior page ters of their revenue in Britain, exposed stocks. For that rea- And with several analysts
would approve another big Other analysts see antitrust Bank of England’s sterling ex- is down 7.05% in sterling terms son, miners such as Glencore, expecting the pound to con-
takeover in the industry with- issues extending beyond Eu- change-rate index and forward this year, and 18.8% in dollar Fresnillo and Anglo-American tinue to fall, FTSE 100 investors
out hefty divestitures. rope. “Antitrust regulators in EPS for the FTSE 100 have a terms. find themselves in the top 10. may get just what they want.
The top four industry pro- the U.S., Europe and China so-called R-squared measure of A quick look at the 10 best- They also have next to no expo-
ducers have a share of more would likely challenge the 0.862. The statistic measures and 10 worst-performing stocks sure to the British economy.
than 75% of the market, while combination’s on-site market how much of the variation in on the FTSE 100 this year of- The worst performers, such
the merged entity would have position,” said Bernstein ana- EPS is explained by the change fers a good example. Of the top as easyJet, Royal Bank of Scot-
about 40%, analysts from lysts. in the pound. A score of zero 10, only Admiral Group, up land, ITV and Berkeley Group— Delivering news and insight
Bernstein said Tuesday. “There are significant over- means none of the variation nearly 36%, has any meaningful all down more than 28%—have on finance and markets
Peter Spengler, an analyst laps across the businesses, es- can be explained, and a score of domestic exposure. Most, such far more exposure to the U.K. from London
at DZ Bank, said regulators in pecially in their ability to offer one means all of it can. as Smiths Group and Mediclinic than the broad index.
Europe especially could sub- on-site projects,” Bernstein So it also shouldn’t be sur- International, make less than The FTSE 100 may yet reach Download on the App Store
ject any Linde-Praxair deal to added. prising that more U.K.-focused 10% of their revenue in the U.K. a fresh record high. But if its
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 | B3


Opera Software Hyperloop Studied for Ports

Revises China Sale DP World joins with
Hyperloop One to look
BY MATTHIAS VERBERGT (Shenzhen) LLP. at possible use of the
The consortium’s bid is the
Opera Software ASA latest sign of Chinese interest futuristic technology
agreed to exclude its video- in European technology com-
compression and virtual pri- panies, including internet gi- BY ERICA E. PHILLIPS
vate network business from ant Tencent Holdings Ltd.’s
the sale of the Oslo-based acquisition of Finnish games LOS ANGELES—Hyperloop
company’s internet browser to editor Supercell Oy and Midea technology is fast-tracking into
a Chinese consortium after Group’s takeover of German the freight sector.
earlier failing to secure regu- robot maker Kuka AG earlier Hyperloop One Inc., one of
latory approval for a broader this year. two companies racing to build
deal. In the Opera deal, the the futuristic speed-of-sound
In exchange, the parties transaction would now ex- transportation technology, an-
agreed to reduce the enter- clude Opera’s Skyfire soft- nounced a new partnership
prise value of the deal to $575 ware, which reduces the size with DP World, one of the

million from $600 million, Op- of videos to fit available band- world’s largest port-terminal
era said. width, as well as its SurfEasy operators.
The amended deal follows business, which provides a Hyperloop One and DP
the collapse last month of the virtual private network, or World will work together to
consortium’s earlier $1.2 bil- VPN, to protect users’ online study the viability of using hy- A rendering of a hyperloop system at Dubai’s Jebel Ali port. Hyperloop One and port-terminal
lion bid for the entire com- identities and unlock web- perloop technology to unload operator DP World will work together to study the viability of using hyperloop technology.
pany after the parties failed to sites. ocean-container cargo at the
obtain regulatory clearance. The Chinese group would Jebel Ali port in Dubai. Con- in Dubai, and thousands of ve- eral where Hyperloop One’s setbacks in Southern Califor-
Opera hasn’t disclosed which acquire Opera’s mobile and tainers would travel swiftly via hicles visiting the port each engineers are studying the ap- nia, including a BNSF Railway
regulator blocked the deal and desktop browser, which are hyperloop to an inland depot, day, he said, “congestion is a plication of their technology to Co. rail yard that lost a court
why, but approval was pending the Norwegian company’s while minimizing the impact way of life.” move cargo. The firm is also battle after the neighboring
in the U.S. and China. flagship products, technology on local surface traffic. The DP World feasibility conducting freight-related fea- community objected to the en-
The Chinese consortium in- licensing outside of Opera TV Hyperloop, a concept popu- study will explore design, cost sibility studies in the U.S., vironmental impact.
cludes security-software firm and Opera’s 29.09% stake in larized in recent years by bil- and financing options, and it Switzerland and Russia. “The things that prevented
Qihoo 360 Technology Co., Chinese joint venture nHori- lionaire entrepreneur Elon will include studying the pos- “The first hyperloop could BNSF’s project don’t apply to
online-game company Beijing zon. Musk, is a technology that sibility of an offshore, floating easily happen in Dubai,” said hyperloop,” Mr. Lloyd said.
Kunlun Tech Co. and private- Opera said it still expects would transport people or hyperloop. That concept would Hyperloop One CEO Rob Lloyd. “We could go directly from the
equity firm Golden Brick Silk the transaction to close late in cargo in suspended capsules enable containers to be taken While the technology has been dock to hyperloop, to rail yards
Road Fund Management the third quarter this year. through miles-long near-vac- from a ship, placed into the discussed widely as a speedy or the Inland Empire in the fu-
uum tubes at speeds reaching tube, then transported directly means of passenger transpor- ture.” The Inland Empire is an
more than 700 miles, or 1,120 to an inland hub rather than tation, Mr. Lloyd said freight area east of Los Angeles that is

Ford Outlines Plans kilometers, an hour.

“We have to be creative to
sustain our business,” said Sul-
tan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, chair-
requiring handling and taking
up space on the docks—vastly
reducing local congestion and
emissions, while freeing up
may be the first step.
“Our intuition and discus-
sions with regulators have told
us start first with freight,” Mr.
a popular transportation and
logistics hub for goods deliv-
ered via the port complex.
Hyperloop One faces other

For Self-Drive Autos man and chief executive of DP

World, at a news conference at
Hyperloop One’s offices in Los
port real estate.
If hyperloop works in Jebel
Ali, Mr. Sulayem said, “this
Lloyd said. “That’s why we’re
pretty excited about these
challenges. In July, Brogan
BamBrogan, one of the
startup’s co-founders, sued co-
Angeles on Monday. “This is a will re-engineer our thinking In Southern California, founder Shervin Pishevar and
BY CHRISTINA ROGERS with the latter working on game changer for the terminal world-wide.” DP World oper- where Hyperloop One is based, the company in a California
sensors to help autonomous handling operation as it is to- ates 77 cargo terminals in the firm has teamed up with state court, alleging misman-
Ford Motor Co. plans to re- cars successfully recognize ob- day.” more than 40 countries. AECOM and GRID Logistics agement, breach of fiduciary
lease a fully driverless car jects and navigate traffic. Chi- Dubai’s Jebel Ali port last The announcement comes Inc. to study the feasibility of duty and other mistreatment.
without a steering wheel or nese web-service provider year handled about the same as ports around the world are hyperloop technology at the The company filed a $250 mil-
pedals in the next five years, Baidu Inc. invested in Velo- volume of cargo as the South- working both to improve effi- Ports of Los Angeles and Long lion countersuit, alleging Mr.
the latest salvo in a technolog- dyne alongside Ford. ern California port complex, ciency and reduce emissions, Beach, the largest container BamBrogan and three col-
ical arms race engulfing the Ford’s forays mark the lat- which includes the ports of after decades of global trade port complex in the U.S. leagues tried to start their own
global auto industry. est attempt to keep up as tra- Los Angeles and Long Beach, growth have increased traffic Mr. Lloyd said hyperloop competing company while at
The Dearborn, Mich., auto ditional car companies and Sil- but it is growing quickly, Mr. congestion and pollution in technology has advantages Hyperloop One, breaching non-
maker on Tuesday said it icon Valley upstarts race to Sulayem said. With nearly port-adjacent communities. over proposed rail-transfer fa- solicitation, nondisparagement
would initially target ride- deliver automated-driving 8,000 port-related businesses The Dubai port is one of sev- cilities that have recently hit and confidentiality agreements.
sharing fleets and package-de- technologies. But those en-
livery services with the un- deavors have come under in-

Hackers Peddle Cyberweapons

named model, underscoring creased scrutiny after the May
the still-incremental approach fatal crash of a Tesla Motors
many car companies are tak- Inc. car driving itself. Ques-
ing before offering vehicles to tions also remain over regula-
consumers that don’t require tions and legal liabilities aris- BY ROBERT MCMILLAN two Chinese companies— in its report, but it appeared profit research center affili-
humans behind the wheel. ing from the advancements. Shaanxi Networkcloud Infor- to detail the kind of work typi- ated with the University of
General Motors Co. A previously unknown hack- mation Technology Co. and cally conducted by the NSA. California, Berkeley. Mr.
punched the accelerator ear- ing group claims to have broken Beijing Topsec Network Se- The NSA didn’t reply to re- Weaver said that, in addition
lier this year, taking a $500 into a cyberespionage organiza- curity Technology Co. quests for comment. In the to the router-attack programs,
million stake in ride-hailing tion linked to the National Secu- A Cisco spokeswoman said past, the agency has neither the code includes tools that
startup Lyft Inc., with which it rity Agency and is offering to her company was investigating confirmed nor denied involve- would be available only to
plans to soon start testing a sell what it says are U.S. govern- the incident, but “so far, we ment with the Equation Group. someone with access to NSA
fleet of driverless taxis. The ment hacking tools. have not found any new vul- In an internet post, the computers and tools that ap-

Detroit car maker also has The group, calling itself the nerabilities.” Shadow Brokers railed against pear to interact with NSA soft-
said it expects next year to Shadow Brokers, said in an in- A Fortinet representative “wealthy elites.” It didn’t re- ware described in documents
roll out its SuperCruise fea- ternet post on Saturday that it didn’t have a comment. Juni- spond to emails and Twitter leaked by former NSA contrac-
ture that allows for hands-free had access to a “full state per, Topsec and Shaanxi Net- messages seeking comment. tor Edward Snowden.
driving on the highway. sponsor tool set” of cyber- workcloud didn’t respond to Security experts who have However, security experts
Other global giants includ- weapons. To back up its requests for comment. examined the code published questioned the ransom demand,
ing Toyota Motor Corp., Nis- claims, the group posted what The Shadow Brokers’ claims by the hackers said it appears saying it was unlikely anyone
san Motor Co. and Volks- appears to be attack code that are still being analyzed by se- to contain genuine NSA pro- would pay millions for the
Ford also is taking a stake in wagen AG have committed to targets security software on curity experts. If true, they grams that could manipulate promised tools, sight unseen.
laser-sensor maker Velodyne. putting self-driving cars on routers that direct computer would reflect an unprece- or redirect computer traffic as Mr. Weaver believes the bitcoin
the road. Nissan pledged it traffic around the internet. auction scheme was most likely
Ford expects the first of its would roll out 10 new models In a post written in broken a distraction to obscure who-
driverless cars to be used by within the next five years with English, the Shadow Brokers
The group offered to sell U.S. government ever obtained the documents.
commercial-fleet operators a range of self-driving features offered to sell a complete hacking tools to the highest bidder. “Whoever stole the data
looking to cut the costs of em- aimed at individual buyers, in- trove of tools to the highest wants the world to know that
ploying human drivers, com- cluding a fully autonomous bidder. It said that if it is paid they stole it,” he said in an
pany executives said. The ve- car. one million bitcoin, valued at dented breach of a computer- it passes through a router. email message. “The suspect
hicles largely will be confined Ford’s driverless car won’t roughly $568 million, it will espionage outfit dubbed the “The more we look at it…it list is almost certainly short—
to cities with pre-mapped be made available for sales to release the tools publicly. Equation Group. looks more and more like a Russia or China, and given the
zones designed for autono- individual customers until Security experts doubt the In a report last year, Rus- tool kit from the NSA,” said recent espionage troubles be-
mous vehicles. later in the decade, Chief Ex- group has access to the hack- sian computer-security firm Matt Suiche, the founder of tween the U.S. and Russia,
Separately, Ford said it had ecutive Officer Mark Fields ing treasure trove that it Kaspersky Lab ZAO said the Comae Technologies FZE, a probably the former.”
acquired Israeli machine said in an interview. boasts, but several of them Equation Group launched computer-security startup The Shadow Brokers say that
learning firm SAIPS and in- “We’ve done a lot of work said the code it released ap- hacking efforts against gov- based in the United Arab they obtained their code via
vested $75 million in Morgan reducing the cost on the tech- pears to be legitimate. It af- ernments, telecommunications Emirates. hacking. However, the origin of
Hill, Calif.-based laser sensor nical components, but at the fects routers built by three companies and other organiza- “It looks genuine,” said the documents remains unclear,
maker Velodyne Inc. Both are outset, it is still going to be a U.S. companies—Cisco Sys- tions in countries such as Rus- Nicholas Weaver, a researcher said Oren Falkowitz, the CEO of
aimed at boosting Ford’s au- relatively expensive vehicle,” tems Inc., Juniper Networks sia, Iraq and Iran. Kaspersky with the International Com- Area 1 Security Inc., and a for-
tonomous-vehicle know-how, he said. Inc. and Fortinet Inc.—and didn’t name any U.S. agencies puter Science Institute, a non- mer NSA analyst.

Intel Unveils Virtual-Reality Headset Apple CEO Vows to Make

Deeper China Investments
BY DON CLARK vice the ability to understand
and respond to its environ- BY EVA DOU center, including its location,
SAN FRANCISCO—Intel ment,” said Brian Krzanich, In- expected head count and the
Corp. stepped up an effort to tel’s chief executive, at the BEIJING—Apple Inc. Chief total amount the company will
shape the fast-moving market company’s annual gathering of Executive Tim Cook, in a meet- invest in the effort.
for virtual-reality technology, developers here. ing with senior Chinese gov- The move comes as Apple
demonstrating an unusual The Wall Street Journal in ernment officials, pledged to faces multiple headwinds in
headset prototype it hopes March reported that Intel was increase investment in China, China, including the shutdown
other companies will manufac- working on an augmented-re- including creating Apple’s first of its online book and movies
ture and sell. ality headset using RealSense. research center in the country. services, tighter cybersecurity
The chip maker, which also Mr. Krzanich said on Tues- Chinese state broadcaster regulations and slowing
announced plans to collaborate day the company would share CCTV reported in its evening iPhone sales.
with Microsoft Corp. in the specifications for Project Alloy news program on Tuesday that China has been leaning on
field, said its “Project Alloy” to allow other companies to Mr. Cook met with China Vice Apple and other U.S. technol-
prototype differs from other make their own versions of the Premier Zhang Gaoli. ogy companies to store their
virtual-reality headsets in sev- product in the second half of The research center, which data locally, share source
eral ways, most notably be- 2017. No pricing was discussed will open later this year, will code—a company’s proprietary

cause it doesn’t need to be con- for the technology. focus on developing new prod- software—with the govern-
nected to a high-performance Intel CEO Brian Krzanich on Tuesday welcomed developers to the Intel’s moves coincide with ucts and services and ment and accept reviews to
personal computer as Facebook company’s developer forum in San Francisco. Microsoft’s own efforts in vir- “strengthening relationships prove their products are se-
Inc.’s Oculus Rift device does. tual and augmented reality, with local partners and univer- cure, according to industry
Project Alloy headsets also ler device. The camera also the physical world. The com- which include a headset sities,” a spokesman for Apple groups. Apple in 2014 moved
have front-facing 3-D camera eliminates the need to deploy pany on Tuesday applied the dubbed HoloLens. Terry Myer- said. “We look forward to ex- Chinese customer data to a fa-
technology, known as Re- sensors to prevent users from term “merged reality” to Proj- son, a Microsoft executive vice panding our operations in cility operated by local tele-
alSense, which allows the walking into walls. ect Alloy, stressing the bene- president, said his company China with a new Research communications carrier China
wearer to see objects sur- Intel’s approach could be fits of RealSense in making would work with Intel to de- and Development center as we Telecom Corp. and said the
rounding them in the physical considered a variation on aug- simulated experiences more fine specifications to help de- continue to grow our talented data was encrypted and wasn’t
world and to use hand ges- mented reality, a term that useful and convenient. velopers create software that team here,” he said. accessible by China Telecom.
tures to execute commands usually refers to headsets that “When sight and computing would work with both compa- Apple declined to provide —Robert McMillan
rather than a separate control- combine digital images with come together, it gives the de- nies’ technology. further details on the research contributed to this article.
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B4 | Wednesday, August 17, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Company Town That Chocolate Built U.S.Puts

Hershey, Pa., reaped many benefits over the years, and residents now fear corporate suitors like Mondelez
HERSHEY, Pa.—This town
runs on chocolate.
From the roller coast-
1 Hershey Park
Part of Hershey Entertainment
& Resorts, a Hershey Trust Co.
ers at Hershey Park to the
HE&R has 8,000 full- and
butterfly conservatory at part-time employees in peak
Hershey Gardens, Hershey, season
Pa., was literally built on the
generosity of its founder, the 2 The Hershey Story BY AMY HARDER
iconic chocolatier Milton S. museum AND IMANI MOISE
Hershey. Owned by M.S. Hershey
Seven decades after his Foundation WASHINGTON—Major truck
death at the age of 88, the 129 full-time employees work manufacturers and operators
maker of Hershey’s Kisses for the foundation's properties of large commercial fleets cau-
and Reese’s Peanut Butter tiously embraced federal stan-
Cups still employs 4,500 peo- 3 Highpoint Mansion dards released Tuesday re-
ple in a close-knit community Milton Hershey's former home quiring cuts in fuel usage of
surrounded by farmland. The serves as headquarters for big trucks, one of the last in a
related entertainment com- Hershey Trust Co. long line of regulations Presi-
pany draws 8,000 more full- Trust manages $12 billion dent Barack Obama has issued
and part-time workers into endowment for school over the past several years
the town of 14,200 people. seeking to clamp down on
No wonder, then, that 4 Hershey Co. greenhouse-gas emissions
Hershey residents fret the corporate offices across the U.S. economy.
tap might run dry if Hershey Hershey has several offices The Environmental Protec-
Co. is sold or merges with a and two factories in town tion Agency and the Transpor-
suitor such as Mondelez In- It employs 4,500 people in tation Department jointly an-
ternational Inc., the Oreo Hershey, Pa. nounced the final standards
cookie maker that offered for big vehicles ranging from
on June 30 to buy Her- 5 Giant Center vans to garbage trucks to 18-
shey for $23 billion. Hershey Bears hockey arena wheelers that requires up to
Hershey’s board re- Part of HE&R 25% lower carbon emissions
jected the bid. Cost $75 million to and fuel consumption in cer-
“Who knows what build in 2000 tain models over the next de-
happens to all that if the cade compared with today.
company is sold? That’s 6 Hershey Marking a departure from
what worries people,” said Chocolate Factory the divisive debates over Mr.
Ken Rawley, who grew up in Hershey Co. spent $300 million Obama’s climate agenda, many
Hershey, where his father to build it, replacing the executives in the trucking in-
was a sales and marketing original factory dustry backed the standards,
executive at the company. Mr. Opened in 2012 and makes 70 saying they ultimately help cut
Rawley has since moved million Hershey's Kisses a day down fuel costs across large
to New York and works commercial fleets of trucks.
for a boat company. 7 Milton Hershey School Some operators of large
Hershey is a holdout Endowment managed by fleets, such as Waste Manage-
from a bygone American Hershey Trust ment Inc., are shifting to nat-
era, when some 2,000 Houses 2,000 students and ural gas, a cleaner burning
towns sprang up to serve has 1,200 full-time employees fuel whose prices have been
one particular coal mine, tex- cheap in recent years, while
8 Hershey Gardens

tile factory or slaughter- others see a business opportu-

house. Many have faded as Owned by the M.S. nity by selling more efficient
Hershey Foundation
factories moved overseas and engines.
technological advancements Completed a $7 million “The whole suite of tech-
expansion in June
led to job cuts. nology to help commercial
The coal-mining town of for seed giant Monsanto table and entertainment in- cess in Pennsylvania,” Mr. facility nearby employs 500 fleets do their jobs in a posi-
Lynch. Ky., built by U.S. Steel Co.—a major employer and stitutions across Hershey, Shapiro said. fewer people than the old tive way provides a lot of pull
in 1917, saw its population charitable donor that could and 81% of the chocolate The latest offer from plant. for Cummins products,” said
start to plummet in the 1950s depart if it gets acquired. maker’s voting shares. Mondelez, formerly Kraft John Foley, a Milton Her- Brian Mormino, executive di-
from a peak of 10,000 as the The same fate hasn’t be- Milton Hershey founded Foods Inc., included conces- shey School alumnus who rector of environmental strat-
industry mechanized. As of fallen Hershey, where Kisses- the trust over a century ago, sions to call the combined sits on the town’s board of egy and compliance at Cum-
the 2010 U.S. census, there shaped lamps burn bright mainly to look after the Mil- company Hershey and make supervisors, said despite mins Inc., one of the largest
were 747 people left in Lynch. above the downtown inter- ton Hershey School for some the town its chocolate head- downsizing, Hershey resi- engine makers in the world for
Archer Daniels Midland Co. section of Chocolate and Co- 2,000 underprivileged chil- quarters. That hasn’t stifled dents still see the company big trucks.
recently left its longtime coa Avenues. “Hershey seems dren. It still does that, but concerns in Hershey that jobs as their “golden goose.”
home of Decatur, Ill. for as prosperous and welcoming today the trust also owns a would leave. “They should never sell it.
trendier pastures in Chicago, as ever,” said Hardy Green, resort and spa, an amuse- Mondelez told worried Even if the headquarters
Big vehicles are to
hurting fancier restaurants author of “The Company ment park and a real-estate Britons that its acquisition of stayed here, we’d lose our lower fuel use and
and hotels that catered to the Town: The Industrial Edens company in town. Cadbury in 2010 would pre- power,” he said.
commodities giant’s execu- and Satanic Mills That The trust enjoys an un- serve a local factory that had Brad Reese, the grandson
carbon emissions up
tives and white-collar visitors. Shaped the American Econ- usual relationship with state been slated for closure. After of the creator of Reese’s to 25%, EPA says.
Belgium-based InBev pur- omy.” He added, “People in leaders. Pennsylvania law re- inking the deal, Mondelez Peanut Butter Cups, which
chased Anheuser Busch in the town of Hershey are re- quires the state’s attorney closed the factory after all. Hershey bought in 1963,
2008. The beer giant had cut luctant to say anything bad general to oversee the trust’s Hershey Co. has also dis- spent his early years in Waste Management and
some 2,000 jobs in the St. about the company because major investment decisions, appointed its citizenry in the what he calls “this very in- Cummins are among two
Louis area—AB’s headquar- they’re afraid of what will including a possible sale. past. A few years ago, Her- sular town.” He swam in the members of a coalition of ma-
ters—by the end of 2011, and happen.” Democrat Josh Shapiro and shey closed its original fac- pool at the Hershey-built jor corporations, which also
started a yearslong squabble Hershey’s resilience is due Republican John Rafferty are tory, built under smokestacks community center, and includes PepsiCo Inc., and Wa-
over who would operate a be- largely to the unusual running for the open state at- that still proclaim the com- drank milk from the Her- bash National Corp., that have
loved local nature reserve. St. strength of Hershey Trust torney-general seat, and Her- pany’s name, indicating to shey-owned dairy. worked with the EPA on the
Louis-area residents face an- Co., a secretive body of about shey has become a campaign visitors that they’ve come “It’s a honey pot,” said rule and generally backed the
other potential blow with 10 members that oversees a issue. “I will vigorously pro- upon “the sweetest place on Mr. Reese, “the hand that agency’s work.
Bayer AG’s percolating bid $12 billion endowment, chari- tect Hershey’s continued suc- earth.” A more mechanized feeds.” The vehicles covered in the
rules comprise just 5% of road
traffic but 20% of emissions

Noranda Wins and fuel use in the transporta-

tion sector, according to the
The sector makes up about

Approval to Sell 6% of overall U.S. greenhouse-

gas emissions.

The regulations, first pro-

Its Foil Business posed last summer, include

two broad categories for stan-
dards: one for the load-pulling
tractor unit of large so-called
BY PEG BRICKLEY unsecured creditors threatened semitrailers and one for the
to block the sale to Granges on trailer it hauls.
A bankruptcy judge said he the grounds that the transac- The final standards, which
would sign off on the $309.7 tion could potentially leave cover the engines and trailers
million sale of Noranda Alu- Noranda’s remaining business of 18-wheelers and other big
minum’s foil business to Swe- stranded in bankruptcy with- hauling trucks over the next
den’s Granges AB, after No- out cash to operate or a means decade, as well as buses and
randa came to terms with of exiting chapter 11. vocational vehicles, are sightly
junior creditors. Additionally, Noranda’s un- more stringent and will result
At a hearing Monday in a secured creditors will get 10% Coty, maker of brands such as OPI nail polish, posted a $31 million loss for its latest quarter. in higher compliance costs
bankruptcy court in St. Louis, of the sale of the remaining than last year’s proposal.
Noranda and its official unse- business, which is the “pri- and 580 operational and mainte- million, or five cents a share. “There will be some escala-
cured creditors committee an-
nounced a pact that will clear
mary aluminum” operation
that includes a bauxite mining
Business nance jobs, it said.
Dong, which is part-owned by
Revenue was $1.08 billion.
—Sharon Terlep
tion in cost, but it is with a
long lead time and gradual
the way to the Granges sale.
Judge Barry Schermer said he
operation in Jamaica, accord-
ing to the settlement an- Watch Goldman Sachs, welcomed the
and Lisa Beilfuss and very short payback pe-
riod,” EPA Administrator Gina
would sign the sale order. nounced in court. —Nicholas Winning TJX McCarthy said Tuesday.
The settlement among No- Noranda’s primary alumi- By 2027, operators of the
randa, its top lenders and its num business goes on the COTY
Retailer Pulls Share trucks covered by the stan-
unsecured creditors ends sev- bankruptcy auction block in
Acquisition Costs From Competitors dards can expect to recoup
eral weeks of waiting for September. DONG ENERGY TJX Cos., the parent of T.J. costs between two and four
Granges, a Stockholm-based Granges won a bankruptcy
Wind-Farm Project Dull Glow of Sales Maxx and other off-price chains, years, depending on the type
company that supplies rolled auction for the foil business Beauty-products maker Coty posted 4% growth in sales at es- of vehicle, Ms. McCarthy said.
aluminum products for indus- with an offer valued at more Gets U.K. Clearance Inc. swung to a quarterly loss as tablished stores as it grabbed Those costs vary widely
try. than $324 million, a figure The U.K. government gave charges associated with recent market share from other retail- based on the vehicle type, en-
The Swedish company is that includes liabilities the development consent on Tues- acquisitions more than offset ers in the latest quarter. gine or trailer at issue.
getting three U.S. plants that new owner agreed to take on. day to the world’s largest off- improving sales in its fragrance The Framingham, Mass., com- While large companies
make rolled aluminum prod- The Swedish company is shore wind farm, the Hornsea business. pany raised its annual profit tar- making engines and managing
ucts. Most of the money will taking on labor-union con- Project Two planned by Den- The New York company has get but issued a forecast for the commercial fleets mostly
go to pay off the bankruptcy tracts, including pension obli- mark’s Dong Energy off the been aggressively hunting deals current quarter that was below backed the rules, others repre-
financing that has been sup- gations, as part of the deal. coast of northeast England. to improve its business and ex- Wall Street’s expectations. Shares, senting smaller companies and
porting Noranda’s operations Noranda, based in Franklin, Investment in the wind farm pand its footprint. Last year which hit an all-time high on truck dealerships were more
during the chapter 11 process. Tenn., filed for chapter 11 would total about £6 billion, or Coty said it would snap up much Monday, were off 5.5% at $78.22 critical.
Noranda’s unsecured credi- bankruptcy in February, hav- $7.7 billion. It would deliver as of Procter & Gamble Co.’s beauty in Tuesday afternoon trading. The Owner-Operator Inde-
tors cut a deal to have $7.5 ing already agreed to sell its many as 1,800 megawatts of business, including labels such For the quarter ended July 30, pendent Drivers Association
million set aside from the sale aluminum-foil operations to electricity to about 1.8 million as CoverGirl makeup, Gucci fra- TJX reported a profit of $562.2 said new and more expensive
proceeds. The settlement pro- appease senior creditors. homes, generated by as many as grances and Clairol hair dye, for million, up from $549.3 million a technology requirements
vides money to keep the rest The company’s balance 300 wind turbines located about about $13 billion. year earlier. Revenue increased 7% places an unfair burden on
of the company operating as it sheet was weighed down with 90 kilometers off the coast, the For the June quarter, Coty re- to $7.88 billion. Sales at stores smaller truck companies that
looks for a buyer or a way out nearly $530 million in secured government said. The planned ported a loss of $31 million, or open at least a year rose 4%. rely solely on their reputation
of bankruptcy. loans, as well as $175 million development would create as nine cents a share, compared —Suzanne Kapner and can’t wait years to pay off
The official committee of in unsecured bond debt. many as 1,960 construction jobs with a year-earlier profit of $21 and Tess Stynes the standards’ cost.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 | B5

Job Seekers Face Virtual Interviews
Recruiters are turning “Others tend to fidget or look
away, but she looked di-
to video meetings to rectly into the camera and
speed up hiring and answered the questions
thoughtfully and com-
widen their reach pletely,” she said.
HireVue, Inter-

BY DAHLIA BAZZAZ viewStream, WePow and other

vendors that make video-inter-
For job seekers looking to viewing software say their
make a good first impression, programs make hiring more
a working webcam and a tidy fair because all applicants
room might be the new firm must answer the same ques-
handshake. tions. Video interviews might
How One CEO Fights First-round job interviews also present some problems
Jet Lag When are the latest part of the hiring because managers cannot ask
process to undergo digitization follow-up questions or engage
Traveling for Work as companies use video inter- candidates further on a point,
Andreas Fibig rarely stays in views to cut recruiting costs said Carol Miaskoff, assistant
the same place for long. The 54- and times. Cigna Corp., Gold- legal counsel for the Equal Em-
year-old chief executive of New man Sachs Group Inc. and In- ployment Opportunity Com-
York-based International Fla- ternational Business Machines mission.
vors & Fragrances Inc. expects Corp. are among the employ- In letters to vendors, Ms.
to spend up to 40% of 2016 ers now asking some appli- Miaskoff has suggested that

traveling for work, mostly cants to log on to a website companies assign more than
abroad. He recently flew home and submit video responses to one person to review individ-
after 10 days in Germany and It- interview questions in lieu of ual videos to ensure hiring de-
aly. Amid the strain of frequent talking with a human. cisions aren’t made hastily.
travel, some senior managers The method has grown in Taking robo-recruiting one
struggle to cope with the grog- recent years as nearly every- step further, some HireVue
giness, memory loss, indigestion one has access to a laptop or review the videos and pass year-old had to complete a Frank Abate, a senior re- customers have an algorithm
and impaired decision-making smartphone with a camera, along promising applicants to video interview last year for cruiter there, said one of his review the video interviews for
ability of jet lag. and companies say it is an effi- managers for consideration. an internal job switch at colleagues racked up more them. Using data about the
But Mr. Fibig has devised an cient, fair and inexpensive way Applicants who make the cut Cigna-Healthspring, she re- than $1 million annually just skills and attributes companies
unusual way to stay sharp dur- to process hundreds of appli- are typically invited to a one- called feeling apprehensive traveling to meet candidates. are seeking for a given role, a
ing short European visits: He cants. Salt Lake City, Utah- on-one interview. and camera-shy. She waited Since adopting video inter- program called HireVue In-
keeps his schedule in sync with based HireVue Inc., which pro- That doesn’t always mean it until after work hours and views four years ago, that col- sights scans videos for verbal
his U.S. time zone. He starts vides video interviewing will be in-person, though. Var- used a computer in the IT de- league’s expenses are now un- and facial cues that match
morning business meetings as software for Goldman Sachs sha Paidi, a software engineer partment. With the door der $100,000. those skills then ranks the top
late as 11 a.m., rather than his and 600 other firms, said it hired by IBM last year, had closed, she clicked a link to Companies say they seek 100 applicants.
typical 7 a.m. “You just get more hosted nearly three million subsequent online interviews Cigna’s video-interviewing similar traits in video inter- Human evaluation can help
sleep, and that makes you more video interviews last year, up and eventually received her site. Replaying footage of her views as they do in traditional when things go wrong mid-
productive,” he said. from 13,000 five years ago. job offer via text message. interview responses was “very interviews. Recruiters at IBM interview. Bruce DelMonico,
IFF gets 77% of its sales out- Most programs require ap- Speeding up the hiring pro- uncomfortable” at first, she and Cigna said they evaluate the assistant dean for admis-
side the U.S. On average each plicants to click a link or in- cess allows recruiters to look said. She resubmitted two re- candidates based on how well sions for the Yale School of
year, Mr. Fibig visits 15 of the 34 stall an app. Interviews begin at more applicants than be- sponses, but ultimately found the person communicates his/ Management—which requires
nations where it operates. IFF with a prompt such as “Tell us fore, giving companies wider her stride and even preferred her thought process, whether M.B.A. program applicants to
makes flavors and fragrances for about a time you had to deal reach, said Obed Louissaint, the video format because, she the person answers all parts of respond to video prompts—
products like cosmetics. with a conflict” that stays on- the human-resources lead for recalled, “you’re not trying to the question—and whether he/ said that unforeseen interrup-
Sticking to the same regimen screen for about 30 seconds. IBM’s Watson division. perform.” Last January, she she makes eye contact. tions like a roommate barging
during brief business trips to Eu- Then, the camera turns on Applicants, however, say got the job as a senior data an- According to Mary Wilson, in midinterview show how ap-
rope means Mr. Fibig must eat and the candidate has any- that computer-guided inter- alyst managing records for a Cigna hiring manager, Ms. plicants think on their feet.
dinner late. That doesn’t bother where from 30 seconds to 5 views take some getting used Medicare doctors. Hall’s interview stood out be- “All is not lost,” said Mr.
him because “I am still more on minutes to respond before the to. Amy Hall was never the Video interviews have sig- cause her responses seemed DelMonico. “We pay attention
the U.S. clock,” he said. next question pops up. type to get nervous during job nificantly reduced travel costs like they were addressed to an to how well you respond and
—Joann S. Lublin Human-resources staff then interviews, but when the 29- for Cigna recruiters. actual person, not a camera. recover.”

‘Plan A’ Works Best

Without ‘Plan B’
It turns out, the best-laid
Some Boards Step Up Push for Gender Parity
plans are those that don’t in- BY JOANN S. LUBLIN were looking to replace four female directors than those nority candidates for head-
clude a Plan B. male colleagues due to retire with none. “The system pro- coaching and general-manager
New research has found that A small but growing num- in 2016 and 2017. duces white male candidates jobs. Voya Financial informally
when people make a backup ber of U.S. companies have in- Directors believed increased unless board leaders deliber- took this approach after the
plan for their goals, their perfor- tensified their push to increase board diversity “sets the ex- ately do something different,” provider of retirement, life-in-
mance on the primary goal can the ranks of women on their ample for the company as a said Karen Horn, chairman of surance and investment services

suffer. “Simply contemplating boards as businesses pay whole,” recalled Mr. Baker, the National Association of went public in spring 2013 with
backup plans makes you want to greater attention to gender who would like women to ac- Corporate Directors. a nine-man board. CEO Rodney
achieve the primary goal less, parity at all levels. count for 50% of Ecolab’s cor- Under Ms. Stewart’s guid- O. Martin Jr. and another direc-
which makes you put less effort These initiatives are bearing porate leadership positions— ance, Symantec Corp. directors tor soon interviewed male and
into it,” said Jihae Shin, the fruit as companies revamp the up from about 20% today. limited their 2013 hunt solely female prospects.
study’s co-author and assistant way they recruit female direc- Ms. Stewart began as a to women because the maker Women landed four of the
professor of management and tors. Some companies have be- Goldman Sachs analyst. of antivirus software “takes its five board seats filled since
human resources at the Univer- gun to restrict initial searches Trewstar Corporate Board Ser- diversity commitment seri- Voya’s initial public offering.
sity of Wisconsin-Madison’s to women, while others insist vices, which she formed in ously,” said David Mahoney, Mr. Martin hopes women
business school. on interviewing at least one 2012, has recruited 30 women head of the board’s nominating will hold half of its 10 board
In a series of studies, Dr. Shin woman for director spots. to U.S. public-company boards. and governance committee. seats someday. “Our board
and co-author Katherine Milk- Among those pursuing such She says boards will gain The board then had one fe- should look a lot like our cus-
man, associate professor of op- strategies are Ecolab Inc., Sy- more gender diversity if they male member. tomer base,” he explained.
erations, information and deci- mantec Corp., Johnson & “interview all-women slates In an unusual move, Syman- “More women than men con-
sions at the University of Johnson, Voya Financial Inc., before interviewing men.” Us- tec didn’t insist that possible Beth Stewart, a recruiter of trol family financial decisions.”
Pennsylvania’s Wharton School Pinterest Inc. and Nucor Corp. ing this approach, Ms. Stewart directors already had served qualified female directors. Pinterest began applying
observed time and again the At Ecolab, the cleaning- helped Ecolab find two women on a public company board. the Rooney Rule to fill full-
detriments of making a backup products company had just directors since 2014. The requirement is one rea- “a high standard for commit- time leadership roles and di-
plan. The researchers only stud- one female director when These extra efforts have yet son that boards have ap- ment to the more routine re- rectorships in July 2015, a
ied the effect on individuals, Doug Baker advanced to be- to alter the sluggish progress pointed so few female direc- sponsibilities of public direc- spokeswoman said. The image-
rather than groups or compa- come its chief executive in on board gender diversity, tors, Mr. Mahoney said. tors,’’ Mr. Mahoney said. Both discovery site appointed its
nies. Even so, Dr. Shin said, the 2004. Its current 15-member however. Women held less Retired Air Force Gen. Su- now hold three seats apiece. first female director this May.
findings have implications for board includes four women— than one-fifth of directorships zanne M. Vautrinot and Anita Other businesses try a ver- “The clamor for gender
people who lead teams. Instead partly because of his work at S&P companies last year, a M. Sands, a former wealth- sion of the Rooney Rule, which board diversity in the tech in-
of asking the same team to with Beth Stewart, a recruiter slight gain from the prior year, management executive for requires that at least one dustry reached a fever pitch
work on a goal and formulate a who specializes in seeking according to Catalyst, a re- Swiss lender UBS Group AG, woman or underrepresented mi- during the past two years,’’
backup plan, managers can ask a qualified female directors. search group. A 2011 Catalyst joined Symantec’s board in Oc- nority be interviewed for posi- said Sukhinder Singh Cassidy,
different team to come up with The Ecolab CEO approached study found significantly bet- tober 2013. Neither had been tions. The National Football founder of Boardlist, a market-
a Plan B. Ms. Stewart when he and its ter financial results at big corporate directors previously. League created the rule to en- place for female board talent
—Rachel Emma Silverman lead independent director businesses with three or more As board novices, they set sure that teams interviewed mi- in technology.
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B6 | Wednesday, August 17, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Soros Jacks Up Bearish Bet
Investor increases tions on roughly four million They generally rise in value as commodities, selling off posi-
shares in an exchange-traded the price of the underlying tions in Schlumberger Ltd., the
wager against U.S. fund that tracks the index. That stock falls relative to the strike world’s biggest oil-services
stocks and reduces is up from “puts” on 2.1 million price. Call options, meanwhile, company by market value. Still,
shares as of March 31. grant the buyer the right to the fund disclosed a new two-
exposure to China Meanwhile, Mr. Soros’s fund buy the stock at a target price million share position in oil-
also cut sharply its position in within a specified time. field servicer C&J Energy Ser-
BY MARIA ARMENTAL gold, selling off the bulk of the Mr. Soros hasn’t specified vices Ltd., which filed for
shares it had bought last quar- when those positions were bankruptcy protection in July.
Billionaire investor George ter in Barrick Gold Corp., the placed or at what “strike” price He also disclosed a large posi-

Soros, who rose to fame and world’s largest gold producer, and expiration date. tion in media mogul John Ma-
fortune by betting against ster- and cutting sharply its position The investor has been shift- lone‘s Liberty Broadband
ling in 1992, showed his latest in a gold-backed ETF set up by ing the fund’s focus back to the Corp., its second holding by
hand: nearly doubling down on the World Gold Council. Mr. So- big-picture economic global value as of June 30, behind his
his bearish bet against the mar- ros’s fund had opened the posi- view that earned him recogni- derivative position on the
ket. tion in the first quarter, dis- tion as he continues to warn of SPDR S&P 500 ETF, the most
The 86-year-old’s fund, So- closing “call” options in about a coming financial crisis, much widely traded fund that tracks
ros Fund Management LLC, one million shares. Mr. Soros as he did leading to the 2007 the S&P 500. George Soros’s fund has sharply cut its position in gold.
disclosed in a regulatory filing also sold off the stake it opened crash. The holdings were disclosed
on Monday that it had in- last quarter in mining company On Monday, Mr. Soros indi- in a filing with the Securities cates the number of shares held manages the Soros family for-
creased its bet against the S&P Silver Wheaton Corp. cated he continued to unwind and Exchange Commission, a and the value of each stake at tune, although much of the
500, the main index used to Put options give the buyer his exposure to China, which quarterly requirement for in- the end of the quarter. money is distributed to other
measure big-stock performance the right to sell stock at a set he’s placed at the center of the vestors managing more than Founded by Mr. Soros in hedge funds and investment
in the U.S., and holds put op- price within a specified time. next financial storm, along with $100 million. The report indi- 1969, the New York City firm firms.

La Défense Office District Rallies in Paris Yen Turns

Cheap rents have companies
flocking to La Défense, the
Paris business district that be-
came a symbol of France’s
weak economy in the years fol-
The Dollar
lowing the financial crisis. BY HIROYUKI KACHI
In the first half of 2016,
more office space was rented TOKYO—The dollar fell to
in the area than any other six- less than ¥100 during Tues-
month period since 2000, ac- day’s trading for the first
cording to property broker time since immediately after
CBRE. the U.K.’s vote to leave the
The uptick is a reverse of European Union.
fortunes for La Défense, the Traders said thin trading
largest business district in con- volume and stop-loss orders
tinental Europe, sitting about exaggerated the Japanese
six kilometers west of the currency’s gain, with many in
Eiffel Tower. the financial markets taking
In the years following Eu- off this week for summer
rope’s debt crisis, the district holidays.
struggled as economic growth “Amid extremely thin vol-
sputtered. Companies looking ume, selling might have
to cut costs moved out to the kicked in to intentionally in-
suburbs. Development projects duce stop-loss orders,” fur-

were abandoned. Entire towers ther weakening the dollar

sat vacant. against the yen, said Yuzo
With offices empty, rents Sakai, manager of FX busi-
fell. Average prime rents in La ness promotion at Tokyo
Defense fell to €466 a square Forex & Ueda Harlow. He and
meter a year in 2015 from €529 other market watchers said
a square meter a year in 2010, there was no particular news
CBRE data show. Meanwhile, In the first half of 2016, more office space was rented in La Défense than in any other six-month period since 2000. trigger for Tuesday’s cur-
prime office rents in central rency movements.
Paris remained far higher, av- crisis stalled. But as firms same pace as in La Défense, as September, said Simon Mar- ment dropped 30% to €107.5 The dollar fell to ¥99.84 late
eraging €709 a square meter a move back, real-estate inves- said Philippe Depoux, the CEO rison, CEO for Europe at the billion in the first half of the in Tokyo, from ¥101.25 late
year last year. tors are building new towers, of Gecina, another real-estate firm. year compared with the same Monday in New York. Tuesday
Lower rents have become betting on continued demand. firm present in La Défense. After Britain’s vote to leave period in 2015, according to afternoon in New York, the
enticing to companies looking Unibail Rodamco SE, the “These are the areas where the European Union, office real-estate consultant firm dollar was at ¥100.24.
for space. Construction-materi- biggest listed property firm in we seek to focus on, beside in- markets in Paris and other Eu- Real Capital Analytics. Political Investors have been watch-
als firm Saint-Gobain SA, ac- Europe, is aiming to complete tramuros Paris. Transactions ropean capitals like Frankfurt risks, including Brexit, and ing the direction of interest
countancy company Deloitte the 33-story Trinity Tower in are rising there, too,” he said. and Dublin could benefit years of rising prices were rates in the U.S. and Japan.
and health-care data company the second half of 2018 and the More daring developers should companies, especially among reasons global investors Weak retail sales in the U.S.
IMS Health Holdings Inc. are much larger Sisters towers due have set their eyes on noncom- those in the financial-services held back. have led some investors to
among the firms that signed after 2020. mercial areas such as Aubervil- sector, decide to relocate some But Paris held up better take the view that the Federal
up for office space in the area The Abu Dhabi Investment liers, Fontenay-sous-Bois or operations away from London. than other major markets like Reserve might hold off on in-
this year. Authority bought the 39-story Ivry-sur-Seine, where land is That isn’t the reason LaSalle London, Berlin and Madrid. terest-rate increases. If the
Saint-Gobain chose to Alto tower development that is cheap and the distance to Paris is pursuing development proj- Transaction volumes in the Fed did wait, that would be
gather all the headquarters of due to be finished in late 2019. short. ects, but it would be the “icing French capital were down 17% negative for the dollar.
its different units in La Défense “There is very little space to €7.8 billion, the second-most “Investors’ appetite for
this year partly because of the being built in the next few active market behind London, dollar buying remained low in
rents, according to its Chief Ex- years,” said Karim Habra, head
After Europe’s debt crisis, the district RCA data show. the wake of downbeat U.S.
ecutive Pierre-Andre de Chal- of France at LaSalle Invest- struggled as economic growth sputtered. A number of headwinds are economic indicators recently.
endar. “We wouldn’t have cho- ment Management, which ad- expected to weigh down the Against that backdrop, I think
sen it otherwise,” he said in an vised ADIA on the Alto sale French economy in the coming there were some investors
emailed statement. and is spearheading the devel- French banks BNP Paribas on the cake,” Mr. Marrison months, such as the weakness who opted to offload [the
Another draw: La Défense opment. “There is a window of and Société Générale have re- said. in the U.K. after the vote to dollar] amid weakness in To-
offers the types of large office opportunity.” cently installed some offices in Mr. Depoux at Gecina leave the EU and the spate of kyo stocks,” Mr. Sakai said.
spaces where companies can A series of developments in Fontenay-sous-Bois and water doesn’t see developments out- terror attacks in Europe. Uncertainty about the Bank
install thousands of workers. other areas in the Paris periph- utility Veolia Environnement is side La Défense as a threat. For La Défense, swings of Japan’s direction also con-
In downtown Paris, where sky- ery are likely to compete with planning to move its headquar- Public transportation to La should be expected, analysts tinues to create instability in
scrapers are forbidden, build- La Défense. In the traditional ters to Aubervilliers. Défense is far better, and many said. Tokyo markets.
ings are far smaller, requiring areas close to either La More developments are peripheral projects may not “Vacancy and occupancy After the central bank de-
some big firms to rent multiple Défense or downtown Paris— coming. Chicago-based LaSalle come to fruition because build- rates there have always swung cided on July 29 not to take
spaces. That makes rents in La like Boulogne-Billancourt, in July bought an office devel- ers typically wait for tenants much more than other parts of significant new easing steps
Défense appear even cheaper. Neuilly-sur-Seine, Issy-les- opment in Clichy, a northern before starting any work, he Paris,” said François Blin, head beyond an increase in pur-
In La Défense, development Moulineaux or Levallois-Per- suburb of Paris, and plans to said. of international investment in chases of stock funds, the yen
projects during the financial ret—demand is rising at the complete another deal as soon European real-estate invest- France at broker JLL. rose because traders believed
that the central bank was un-
likely to lower interest rates

The Dog Isn’t Barking in the Options Market

further. Monetary easing is
one of the original “three ar-
rows” in Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe’s pro-growth
BY JON SINDREU pening three months from now. fate of his government on the Donald Trump in the U.S. elec- beast has smelled a familiar “Abenomics” policy.
Looking at the political cal- result of a referendum on con- tion on Nov. 8 could deeply rat- presence: a central bank. “The yen’s strength is ac-
Although there is a lot of endar for this period, the cur- stitutional reform, which is ex- tle markets. Whether a Trump “Cheap money makes inves- celerating as investors be-
risky stuff on the political cal- rent level of implied volatility pected to take place in late Oc- victory would push the dollar tors pay less heed to potential come mindful about the lim-
endar for the next three seems like a curious incident tober or early November. up or down is uncertain, but risks” and low bond yields force its of Abenomics,” said
months, options markets re- indeed. Across the Atlantic, many swings are still to be expected. them to make riskier invest- Junichi Ishikawa, market ana-
main silent. Why? In Italy, Prime Minister Mat- analysts have said that a vic- And yet, even when it comes ments, said Jane Foley, an ana- lyst at IG Securities.
In “Silver Blaze,” Sherlock teo Renzi is likely gambling the tory by Republican candidate to stocks, the three-month Vol- lyst at Dutch lender Rabobank.
Holmes investigates the disap- atility Index, or VIX, which It may be that none of these
pearance of a racehorse. He measures the implied volatility political events matter as much Taking Off
points out “the curious incident Calming Down of options on the S&P 500 to investors as some analysts The yen surged past 100 to the
of the dog in the night-time,” Price of hedging against swings in the euro against the U.S. dollar three stock-market index, is heading would lead us to believe. At the dollar on Tuesday.
meaning that the dog did noth- months ahead, measured by implied volatility on options contracts toward record lows. same time, it is noteworthy
ing at all. Had strangers broken Implied volatility should go that, even after heavily buying ¥100
in, Holmes reasons, surely it 20% up when there is a potentially- options as a hedge, markets
would have barked. Therefore, disruptive political event on the still underestimated the proba- 102
the dog had to be acquainted agenda, because financial mar- bility of a Brexit—and were
with the thief. 15 kets are prone to plunge or forced into a violent correction. 104
Something similar appears rally right after. “This is ultimately reflective
to be happening in financial That happened in the run-up of a failure of markets to appre- 106
markets. The three-month im- to the U.K. referendum on Eu- ciate the looming political
plied volatility of the euro ropean Union membership. Op- risks,” said Hassan Malik, a 108 June 23
against the U.S. dollar has tions contracts on the pound strategist at Ned Davis Re- Brexit vote
dropped around 3 percentage expiring right after the vote be- search Group. “The point is not
points since June and, after a 5 came extremely expensive, but that investors don’t care about
bumpy year, is now back at paid off after Britons chose to political events—just that they
2014 levels. This is a gauge of exit the bloc: Sterling plunged may not care early enough to 112 Scale inverted
how expensive it is for inves- 12% against the dollar. hedge against adverse out- June July Aug.
tors to use options to hedge What could explain why the comes, the likelihood of which Note: Through 8:32 a.m. EDT Tuesday
themselves against swings in 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 dog isn’t barking? Many ana- they have underestimated in re- Source: Tullett Prebon
the euro versus the dollar hap- Source: Thomson Reuters THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. lysts believe it is because the cent times.” THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 | B7


Hedge Fund Puts Bet on Morgan Stanley

Investor thinks the taken much of the risk—and massive wealth-management gave the hedge fund the im-
profit—out of once-lucrative business in which brokers ad- pression the company wasn’t
bank’s shares are trading businesses. vise individuals how to invest. prepared to make changes it
undervalued, isn’t Over the past decade, Mor- Those operations typically gen- thought were needed, The Wall
gan Stanley and other big erate fees with less risk and Street Journal previously re-
calling for change banks have sought to make less volatility. Morgan Stanley’s ported.
themselves slimmer and sim- chairman and chief executive, Most recently ValueAct has
BY LIZ HOFFMAN pler, becoming less reliant on James Gorman, has called been contending with problems
AND DAVID BENOIT the risky businesses that once wealth management, for exam- in one of its once-most-lucra-
powered their earnings. But it ple, a “ballast” that can smooth tive investments, Valeant Phar-
Activist investor ValueAct has been a struggle to convince out the choppier earnings from maceuticals International Inc.,
Capital Management LP dis- investors. investment banking and trad- where shares are down about
closed Monday that it had Morgan Stanley shares are ing. 90% from last summer.
taken a $1.1 billion stake in down 22% over the past year, ValueAct, which has success- Morgan Stanley in 2013
Morgan Stanley, signaling a po- the worst performer of the fully lobbied for change at com- drew an investment from fel-
tential rallying cry for bank in- largest U.S. banks and com- panies like Microsoft Corp. and low activist Third Point. But
vestors after years of poor re- pared with a 10% decline in the last year took a stake and then that investment was much
turns. KBW Nasdaq bank index, itself sold out of American Express smaller, about $150 million, and
ValueAct’s stake of 38 mil- a laggard in the broader stock Co., isn’t planning to call for only lasted a few months, with
lion shares represents about 2% market. any major changes at the bank little long-term impact on the


of the shares outstanding in Morgan Stanley’s shares and backs Mr. Gorman, people bank.
Morgan Stanley. But unlike have regularly traded below familiar with the matter said. “The banking industry is
most activist positions, Value- book value, a symptom it “As with any investor, we ripe for activism,” notes CLSA
Act says it is the market, not shares with other banks includ- welcome ValueAct as a share- analyst Mike Mayo. “It proba-
the company, that has it wrong. ing Citigroup Inc. and Bank of holder,” a Morgan Stanley bly doesn’t make for a pleasant
“We believe there is a dis- America Corp. Banks regularly spokesman said in a statement. August for Morgan Stanley
proportionate amount of time traded for a multiple of their Morgan Stanley’s return on management,” but investors
and energy spent overanalyzing book value before the financial equity, a closely watched mea- should view the news as “fan-
Morgan Stanley’s trading and crisis. Their fall is a sign that sure of bank profitability, has tastic” because the presence of
lending business and fretting investors don’t see a return to also lagged behind Wall Street a potentially vocal activist
about its Fed oversight,” Jef- rapid profit and revenue rivals and remains below Mr. means that “someone is carry-
frey Ubben, ValueAct chairman growth any time soon. Gorman’s stated goal of 10% by ing the torch for them.”
and chief executive, wrote in a VaueAct, which manages $16 next year. Jeffrey Ubben, ValueAct chairman and chief executive ValueAct has had discus-
quarterly letter to investors billion in assets, said the mar- Mr. Gorman has been push- sions with Morgan Stanley
that was reviewed by The Wall ket is misunderstanding the ing for years the message that management business aggres- activist investor, an approach management, a person familiar
Street Journal. “It feels like New York bank, keeping the Morgan Stanley is a far differ- sively and maintained its No. 2 in which investors take a stake with the matter said.
missing the forest for the stock price low based on the ent firm than the one that spot in merger advice. in a company and then press The firm bought shares of
trees.” bank’s exposure to stock and nearly collapsed during the fi- Mr. Ubben said he valued for strategic, managerial, finan- Morgan Stanley at about 0.7
The stake could represent a bond trading businesses. nancial crisis. Morgan Stanley’s the bank on the more utility- cial or other changes. times book value, according to
catalyst for investors who have But ValueAct believes that future lies more in the lower- like profits Morgan Stanley can ValueAct took a roughly $1 the letter. Over the past year,
shunned bank stocks for years, overlooks the current focus of risk businesses of advising earn reliably, rather than on billion stake in AmEx in 2015 the bank’s stock has traded as
due mainly to low interest rates the bank, whose earnings are companies and wealthy individ- the unpredictable trading reve- but sold the position that No- high as 1.1 times and as low as
that sap lending profits and now more geared toward giving uals. Under Mr. Gorman, the nue that once powered it. vember after discussions with 0.6 times the value of its assets,
tough postcrisis rules that have advice to corporations and a bank has expanded its wealth- ValueAct is well known as an the company’s management according to FactSet.

Berkshire Takes a Bigger Chunk of Apple SingTel

BY TESS STYNES at more than $10 billion,
which has since been ex-
Warren Buffett-led Berk-
shire Hathaway Inc. in-
creased its bet on Apple Inc.
panded. In the second quarter,
Berkshire left its IBM stake
unchanged, along with posi-
Talks With
by about 55% in the second
quarter, bringing its stake in
the iPhone maker to roughly
tions in Wells Fargo & Co.,
Coca-Cola and American Ex-
$1.5 billion. Berkshire reduced its hold- BY P.R. VENKAT
Though Mr. Buffett’s record ings in retailer Wal-Mart

has been built on investments Stores Inc. by 27% and cut its SINGAPORE—Singapore
in insurers, financial compa- stake in farm-machinery Telecommunications Ltd. has
nies and industrial businesses, maker Deere & Co. by 5.7%. restarted discussions to buy a
including household names The firm cut its stake in Sun- portion of Temasek Holdings
like Coca-Cola Co. and Amer- cor Energy Inc., Canada’s Pte. Ltd.’s $2.4 billion stake in
ican Express Co., Berkshire largest oil producer, by 26%. one of Thailand’s largest tele-
disclosed in May that it had Berkshire added to its communications companies, ac-
made a $1 billion bet on Apple stake in refiner Phillips 66, cording to people familiar with
stock. Apple’s shares have Berkshire Hathaway raised its Apple stake to about $1.5 billion. Above, a Brooklyn store. increasing its holdings by the situation.
since advanced more than 4.3%, but left its position in SingTel has revived talks to
20% in the past three months. trading Tuesday, Apple’s stock who joined Berkshire in 2011, came aboard as part of Mr. pipeline company Kinder purchase a stake in Intouch
Berkshire added 5.42 mil- inched down to $109.40. and Ted Weschler, who ar- Buffett’s long-term plan for Morgan Inc. unchanged. Holdings PCL, founded by for-
lion Apple shares to its posi- While Mr. Buffett has long rived a year later, have shown the conglomerate’s future. Mr. Buffett’s positions were mer Thai Prime Minister Thak-
tion in the second quarter, voiced his aversion to invest- a willingness to wade into Berkshire’s first big step into disclosed in a filing with the sin Shinawatra, from state-in-
bringing the firm’s total stake ing in technology companies, corners of the market that Mr. the tech sector was in 2011, Securities and Exchange Com- vestment firm Temasek, after
to 15.2 million shares, valued the initial investment was Buffett won’t touch, including when the company disclosed a mission, a quarterly require- exploring a similar deal in 2013.
at $1.46 billion at the end of made by one of his stock-pick- the tech sector. The two for- stake in International Busi- ment for investors managing The stake purchase would
the period. In late New York ing lieutenants. Todd Combs, mer hedge-fund managers ness Machines Corp. valued more than $100 million. further boost SingTel’s pres-
ence in Thailand as Intouch
owns a 40.6% stake in the coun-

Gilts: Europe’s Most New Doubt on OPEC Talks try’s largest mobile operator
Advanced Info Services PCL.
SingTel already holds a 23.3%
stake in Advanced Info.

Actively Traded Bonds BY BENOIT FAUCON

around 3.6 million barrels a
day in the past two months,
after rising by 600,000 barrels
group’s members have
pumped at full tilt and com-
peted for their slice of the ex-
SingTel, Southeast Asia’s
largest telecom firm and the
biggest company in Singapore
BY CHRISTOPHER WHITTALL look for securities that offer Iran on Tuesday undercut a day after sanctions were port market. by market capitalization, has
higher returns. hopes of an agreement to limit lifted in January. An extended period of low chased growth around the globe
U.K. government-bond trad- The 10-year Treasury yield petroleum output next month, The press official said Iran prices, though, has devastated to expand beyond its saturated
ers might want to postpone was at 1.58% Tuesday, down saying it doesn’t expect that hadn’t decided whether it OPEC members like Venezuela, local market. It snapped up U.S.
their August vacations. from 1.74% before the Brexit its production will have risen would join other OPEC mem- where consumer-price infla- managed-security services spe-
Gilts have become the most vote, as investors bet on global to the levels the country has bers in talks over production tion is forecast by the Interna- cialist firm Trustwave last year.
actively traded bonds in Europe central banks keeping interest said it needs to justify cooper- levels in Algeria at an energy tional Monetary Fund to hit In 2012, it bought Amobee, a
since Britain’s June vote to rates lower for longer. ation with its rivals. conference scheduled to begin 480% this year and the mili- digital advertising firm. SingTel
leave the European Union, in Gilt trading volumes began The spotlight has been on on Sept. 26. tary now controls food stocks owns substantial stakes in sev-
another sign of how the U.K. picking up in June and July Iran in recent weeks after the Persian Gulf producers said after widespread looting. Most eral Asian telecom firms, in-
has become the main driving around the time of the EU ref- Organization of the Petroleum there would be no agreement countries that rely heavily on cluding India’s Bharti Airtel Ltd.
force in global bond markets in erendum. During that time, the Exporting Countries, a 14-na- if Iran doesn’t join the cap—a oil revenue need much higher and Telkomsel in Indonesia.
recent weeks. 10-year gilt supplanted the 10- tion cartel that counts Iran as longstanding condition set by prices to balance their na- Thailand is an attractive
The average daily trading year U.S. Treasury note as the a member, said it would hold Saudi Arabia and its Arab tional budgets. growth market for telecom
volume of the U.K. 10-year gov- most actively traded bond in discussions in late September neighbors. “Iran has to be Venezuela’s oil minister Eu- companies. The country is ex-
ernment bond is £6.75 billion European debt markets. about whether action was there or there will be no logio del Pino was in Tehran periencing increased mobile us-
($8.7 billion) so far in August— Investors’ focus on gilts has needed to lift oil prices. While freeze,” one OPEC delegate in this week, meeting Iran’s for- age as incomes rise and the
roughly seven times higher heightened since the Bank of global production has fallen the region said. eign minister Mohammad Ja- economy grows at a steady clip.
than it was during the first England said it would restart back in line with demand, The assessment from Iran vad Zarif on Monday, accord- Mobile phone and data sub-
three months of year, according its quantitative-easing bond large amounts of stored oil comes as other OPEC members ing to Mr. del Pino’s official scribers are expected to in-
to Trax, a subsidiary of bond- buying with an additional £60 continue to keep prices below express pessimism about those Twitter account. Mr. del Pino crease to more than 88 million
trading platform MarketAxess billion of purchases at its Aug. $50 a barrel. talks bearing much fruit. Oil is on a whirlwind tour of oil- this year, which is up 4.4% from
that processes around 65% of 4 policy meeting, as part of a In April, Iran refused to join ministers in Iraq and Nigeria producing countries to build a year earlier.
all fixed-income transactions in broad package of measures. other OPEC members like Qa- both said they expect no pro- support to limits on output. SingTel is in discussions
Europe. Gilt yields lurched lower—a tar, Venezuela and Saudi Ara- duction cuts to come out of But the calls for production with Temasek over the exact
That surge in trading volume move that intensified after the bia and nonmembers like Rus- the meeting. limits are coming as countries size of the Intouch stake that it
is no small feat given that Au- Bank of England failed to buy sia in an agreement to limit OPEC members have been like Iraq and Saudi Arabia are could buy, according to people
gust tends to be a time of all of the long-dated debt it was production and potentially unable to agree on ways to pumping more oil than ever. familiar with the talks. Intouch,
lighter trading activity as in- after in an auction last week. raise prices. The country’s oil curb their production for al- Iraq’s new oil minister Jabar which trades on the Thai stock
vestors and traders alike head That suggested investors such officials said that before con- most two years since oil prices Ali al-Luaibi on Tuesday exchange, has a market cap of
for the beach. as pension funds were reluctant sidering cooperation, their began a free fall, descending pledged to work “day and $5.9 billion and Temasek owns
Average daily volumes in the to part with these bonds, which production had to rise to be- to $27 a barrel this year—a 12- night on increasing the na- a 41% stake. The people cau-
benchmark U.S. Treasury 10- they need to match long-dated tween 4 million and 4.2 mil- year low—from highs of $115 a tional production of oil and tioned that the discussions ha-
year note total $1.87 billion so liabilities. lion barrels a day. barrel in 2014. Instead, the gas.” ven’t been completed and
far this month, down from Those fears eased Tuesday On Tuesday, an Iranian could still fall apart or change.
$2.25 billion in July, while trad- after the BOE said it had press official said the country Thai regulators cap foreign
ing in equivalent German debt bought £1.17 billion of long- likely wouldn’t be pumping ownership of local telecom
has more than halved to €640 dated gilts after being offered that much oil when the re- firms at 49%.
million ($716 million) over that £3.12 billion of these securities. newed OPEC discussions begin Intouch has been a lightning
period. The yield on the 30-year gilt in late September, and pointed rod in local politics after being
U.K. government bonds have rose to around 1.32%, from out that Iran had never an- founded by Mr. Shinawatra.
been in the limelight since the 1.25% earlier in the day. nounced a time-frame for that Temasek led a consortium that

surprise Brexit vote on June 23. The success of Tuesday’s level. The level is important bought control of the firm,
The yield on the 10-year note auction reflects the fact that because it is what Iranian offi- then known as Shin Corp.,
tumbled as prices rose from the U.K. is scheduled to sell cials say represented the from Mr. Thaksin and his fam-
around 1.37% before the refer- £1.25 billion of government country’s market share before ily in 2006.
endum to 0.59% Tuesday—just bonds due in 2055 on Wednes- the West tightened sanctions A stake sale of Intouch
above a record low. day, which more than offsets over the country’s nuclear would give Temasek more cash
That precipitous fall has rip- the BOE’s buying, said Francis program, crippling Iran’s oil to invest in technology and
pled through markets, helping Diamond, an interest-rate strat- industry. newer industries, such as arti-
to pull down yields on other egist at J.P. Morgan Chase & According to OPEC, Iran’s ficial intelligence and life sci-
government bonds as investors Co. production has stagnated to Venezuela’s oil minister, Eulogio del Pino, supports output limits. ences.
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B8 | Wednesday, August 17, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
16596.51 t 273.05, or 1.62% Year-to-date t 12.80% 343.32 t 2.73, or 0.79% Year-to-date t 6.15% 2178.15 t 12.00, or 0.55% Trailing P/E ratio * 24.91 21.70
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low20554.47 14952.02 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 388.13 303.58 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.57 17.65
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.09 2.04
All-time high: 2190.15, 08/15/16

* P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

17500 360 2200

65-day moving average

17000 350 2160
65-day moving average

16500 340 2120

16000 330 2080

Session high
DOWN UP 15500 320 65-day moving average 2040

Session open Close

Close Open

15000 310 2000

Bars measure the point change from session's open Session low
14500 300 1960
May June July Aug. May June July Aug. May June July Aug.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2447.25 –5.14 –0.21 2033.03 • 2503.41 4.7 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1708.26 –2.48 –0.14 1471.88 • 1956.39 –0.5 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 914.44 –1.42 –0.16 691.21 • 1044.05 15.1 3.250 Australia 2 1.429 67.9 71.2 96.2 124.1 1.441 1.635 1.967
4.250 10 1.889 31.5 32.7 43.5 59.3 1.885 1.982 2.794
Americas DJ Americas 526.32 –3.01 –0.57 433.38 • 529.65 8.0
1.250 Belgium 2 -132.0 -123.4 -90.0 -0.591 -0.561 -0.175
-0.570 -132.1
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 58878.05 –267.93 –0.45 37046.07 • 59323.91 35.8
1.000 10 0.185 -138.9 -140.7 -129.5 -119.5 0.151 0.251 1.005
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 14713.19 –63.83 –0.43 11531.22 • 14855.69 13.1
1.000 France 2 -0.554 -130.4 -128.7 -120.6 -91.7 -0.557 -0.533 -0.191
Mexico IPC All-Share 48362.80 –332.10 –0.68 39256.58 • 48956.06 12.5
0.500 10 0.191 -138.2 -140.7 -132.0 -122.4 0.151 0.227 0.976
Chile Santiago IPSA 3250.16 7.81 0.24 2730.24 • 3253.99 10.4
0.000 Germany 2 -0.609 -135.9 -133.9 -131.9 -99.4 -0.610 -0.646 -0.268
U.S. DJIA 18552.02 –84.03 –0.45 15370.33 • 18668.44 6.5
0.000 10 -0.028 -160.2 -162.7 -153.9 -154.0 -0.070 0.008 0.661
Nasdaq Composite 5227.11 –34.90 –0.66 4209.76 • 5271.36 4.4
0.250 Italy 2 -0.062 -81.2 -82.0 -70.5 -63.4 -0.090 -0.032 0.092
S&P 500 2178.15 –12.00 –0.55 1810.10 • 2193.81 6.6
1.600 10 1.122 -45.2 -49.4 -29.1 -39.3 1.064 1.256 1.808
CBOE Volatility 12.51 0.70 5.93 11.02 • 53.29 –31.3
0.100 Japan 2 -0.191 -94.1 -91.4 -100.5 -71.9 -0.185 -0.332 0.006
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 343.32 –2.73 –0.79 303.58 • 388.13 –6.1 0.100 10 -0.095 -166.9 -164.3 -177.7 -182.1 -0.086 -0.230 0.379
Stoxx Europe 50 2867.87 –22.53 –0.78 2556.96 • 3353.75 –7.5 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.568 -131.8 -131.3 -127.2 -94.7 -0.583 -0.599 -0.221
Austria ATX 2276.46 –8.07 –0.35 1929.73 • 2515.09 –5.0 0.500 10 0.073 -150.1 -152.5 -143.0 -136.7 0.033 0.117 0.834
Belgium Bel-20 3524.40 –38.85 –1.09 3117.61 • 3773.73 –4.8 4.450 Portugal 2 0.450 -30.0 -37.9 4.5 -38.9 0.351 0.719 0.337
France CAC 40 4460.44 –37.42 –0.83 3892.46 • 5011.65 –3.8 2.875 10 2.834 126.0 112.8 159.5 21.8 2.686 3.142 2.419
Germany DAX 10676.65 –62.56 –0.58 8699.29 • 11430.87 –0.6 0.250 Spain 2 -0.149 -89.9 -89.6 -80.5 -63.1 -0.166 -0.132 0.095
Greece ATG 572.43 –3.69 –0.64 420.82 • 731.18 –9.3 1.950 10 0.992 -58.2 -61.7 -32.2 -20.6 0.941 1.225 1.995
Hungary BUX 27671.68 –197.11 –0.71 20452.90 • 28100.59 15.7 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.634 -138.4 -136.8 -129.3 -119.3 -0.638 -0.620 -0.467
Israel Tel Aviv 1467.58 –4.87 –0.33 1378.80 • 1720.94 –4.0 1.000 10 0.066 -150.8 -150.3 -133.1 -155.0 0.055 0.216 0.651
Italy FTSE MIB 16792.96 –204.87 –1.21 15017.42 • 23495.41 –21.6 1.250 U.K. 2 0.191 -55.9 -59.1 -50.4 0.4 0.139 0.170 0.730
Netherlands AEX 451.40 –3.11 –0.68 378.53 • 480.85 2.2 2.000 10 0.588 -98.6 -102.5 -71.1 -30.4 0.533 0.835 1.896
Poland WIG 48463.51 –167.93 –0.35 41747.01 • 52701.83 4.3 0.750 U.S. 2 0.750 ... ... ... ... 0.730 0.673 0.726
Russia RTS Index 974.82 2.72 0.28 607.14 • 987.07 28.8 1.500 10 1.574 ... ... ... ... 1.558 1.547 2.200
Spain IBEX 35 8621.70 –98.90 –1.13 7579.80 • 10952.20 –9.7
Sweden SX All Share 503.55 –4.95 –0.97 432.78 • 530.82 –0.3 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8215.45 –89.83 –1.08 7425.05 • 9415.54 –6.8 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 52396.40 –1.57 –0.003 45975.78 • 54760.91 3.4 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 8/15/2016
Turkey BIST 100 77707.13 –765.44 –0.98 68230.47 • 86931.34 8.3
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 6893.92 –47.27 –0.68 5499.51 • 6955.34 10.4 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low
337.75 0.75 0.22% 449.00 322.50
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1471.01 –3.15 –0.21 1188.42 • 1479.05 5.8 Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT
Soybeans (cents/bu.) 1008.50 -0.75 -0.07% 1,186.25 868.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5532.00 –8.00 –0.14 4765.30 • 5587.40 4.5
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 439.75 1.50 0.34 551.50 425.25
China Shanghai Composite 3110.04 –15.16 –0.49 2655.66 • 3794.11 –12.1
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 114.075 -1.050 -0.91 125.500 106.950
Hong Kong Hang Seng 22910.84 –21.67 –0.09 18319.58 • 23474.97 4.5
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 3,064 49 1.63 3,216 2,728
India S&P BSE Sensex 28064.61 –87.79 –0.31 22951.83 • 28208.62 7.5
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 140.55 unch. unch. 157.65 119.40
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 16596.51 –273.05 –1.62 14952.02 • 20554.47 –12.8
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 20.22 0.24 1.20 21.22 12.92
Singapore Straits Times 2858.80 –8.41 –0.29 2532.70 • 3083.07 –0.8
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 68.83 -0.03 -0.04 77.98 54.19
South Korea Kospi 2047.76 –2.71 –0.13 1829.81 • 2052.77 4.4 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 1810.00 -24.00 -1.31 1,886.00 1,423.00
Taiwan Weighted 9110.36 –38.15 –0.42 7410.34 • 9200.42 9.3
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.1815 0.0195 0.90 2.3290 1.9710
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1353.50 6.00 0.45 1,384.40 1,066.00
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 19.815 -0.032 -0.16 21.225 13.930
Currencies London close on Aug. 16 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,657.00 12.50 0.76 1,695.50 1,451.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 18,025.00 -155.00 -0.85 18,650.00 13,225.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Tue YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 4,761.50 0.50 0.01 5,070.50 4,320.50
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 1,836.00 16.00 0.88 1,909.00 1,598.00
20% Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 2,226.00 -16.00 -0.71 2,306.50 1,467.00
Yen Bulgaria lev 0.5765 1.7347 –3.6 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 10,400.00 -80.00 -0.76 10,950.00 7,750.00
Croatia kuna 0.1508 6.631 –5.4 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 157.40 0.30 0.19 159.30 150.80
Euro zone euro 1.1281 0.8865 –3.7
WSJ Dollar index Euro Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2542.00 -35.00 -1.36 2,669.00 2,171.00
s s Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0417 23.960 –3.7
0 Denmark krone 0.1516 6.5976 –4.0 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 47.23 0.83 1.79 53.02 33.28
Hungary forint 0.003640 274.73 –5.4 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.4827 0.0140 0.95 1.6047 1.0081
Iceland krona 0.008498 117.67 –9.6 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.3597 0.0245 1.83 1.5121 0.9930
–10 Norway krone 0.1220 8.1969 –7.3
0.2636 3.7940 –3.3
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.662 0.033 1.26 3.0220 2.0490
2015 2016 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01571 63.645 –11.5 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 49.46 0.85 1.75 53.81 32.51
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1189 8.4104 –0.4 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 428.25 5.75 1.36 474.50 291.50
Tue Tue
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0394 0.9621 –4.0
Turkey lira 0.3419 2.9249 0.2 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1290 7.7547 0.1
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0400 25.0255 4.3
Argentina peso-a 0.0682 14.6680 13.4
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
66.8376 1.0
13102 –5.3
U.K. pound 1.3027 0.7676 13.1 Cross rates London close on Aug 16
Brazil real 0.3144 3.1805 –19.7 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009971 100.29 –16.6
Canada dollar 0.7776 1.2861 –7.1 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.002913 343.34 1.4 Bahrain dinar 2.6521 0.3771 –0.01
Chile peso 0.001536 651.00 –8.1 Australia 1.2994 1.6924 1.3504 0.0130 0.1675 1.4653 1.0104 ...
Macau pataca 0.1254 7.9752 –0.4 Egypt pound-a 0.1126 8.8825 13.4
Colombia peso 0.0003414 2929.10 –7.7 Canada 1.2861 1.6752 1.3365 0.0128 0.1658 1.4503 ... 0.9898
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2509 3.9861 –7.4 Israel shekel 0.2647 3.7783 –2.9
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7267 1.3761 –6.0 Kuwait dinar 3.3188 0.3013 –0.7 Euro 0.8865 1.1550 0.9216 0.0088 0.1143 ... 0.6894 0.6822
Mexico peso-a 0.0556 17.9740 4.5
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 104.715 –0.2 Oman sul rial 2.5976 0.3850 0.01 Hong Kong 7.7547 10.1012 8.0610 0.0773 ... 8.7476 6.0304 5.9680
Peru sol 0.3020 3.3115 –3.0
Philippines peso 0.0216 46.254 –1.3 Qatar rial 0.2747 3.641 –0.1 Japan 100.2880 130.6400 104.2500 ... 12.9330 113.1100 77.9900 77.2000
Uruguay peso-e 0.0348 28.770 –3.8
Singapore dollar 0.7467 1.3393 –5.6 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7504 –0.1 0.9621 1.2531 ... 0.0096 0.1241 1.0851 0.7482 0.7405
Venezuela bolivar 0.100150 9.99 58.4 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0009127 1095.67 –6.8 South Africa rand 0.0752 13.3032 –14.0
U.K. 0.7676 ... 0.7980 0.0077 0.0990 0.8659 0.5969 0.5908
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0068937 145.06 0.6 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7696 1.2994 –5.3 Taiwan dollar 0.03198 31.269 –5.0 U.S. ... 1.3027 1.0394 0.0100 0.1290 1.1281 0.7776 0.7696
Australia dollar WSJ Dollar Index 85.55 –0.66 –0.77 –5.13
China yuan 0.1510 6.6235 2.0 Thailand baht 0.02888 34.630 –3.9 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 0.50744% 0.20275% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 4652.00 -1.38 -23.30 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 245.40 -1.37 -11.22 Last: 141.66 t 0.31, or 0.22% YTD s 4.0%
Three month 0.80128 0.33285 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 195.40 2.25 27.96 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 1930.00 -0.13 26.47
Six month 1.19456 0.52930 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 48.60 -1.82 4.29 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 3738.00 -2.02 -20.67 € SAP SAP 77.99 -0.99 6.28 High
One year 1.49822 0.84435 ¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1634.00 -1.42 -5.63 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 5875.00 -1.26 -21.54 € Sanofi SAN 70.87 -1.28 -9.83
50–day 135
Close moving average
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 26.58 -0.11 -4.83 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 42.64 0.09 2.48 € SchneiderElectric SU 60.29 -1.31 14.71 Low 130
One month -0.37143% -0.10429% AU$ BHP BHP 20.25 0.45 13.38 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 29.71 -0.17 -11.47 € Siemens SIE 105.85 -1.17 17.77 t
Three month -0.32157 -0.02643 HK$ BankofChina 3988 3.47 -0.29 0.29 AU$ Woolworths WOW 23.37 -0.51 -4.61 € Telefonica TEF 8.97 -1.11 -12.37 125
Six month -0.20214 0.05271 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 97.80 ... -6.32 € Total FP 43.51 0.22 7.56 120
One year -0.07271 0.15743 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.79 0.20 21.31 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 13.29 -1.34 -31.92
Euribor ¥ Canon 7751 2881.50 -1.20 -21.59 CHF ABB ABBN 21.29 -1.21 18.54 € Unilever UNA 41.24 -1.16 2.84
One month -0.36900% -0.08900% ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 17325 -1.39 -19.79 € ASMLHolding ASML 97.91 -1.45 18.61 £ Unilever ULVR 3610.50 -0.85 23.37 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12
Three month -0.29900 -0.02800 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 5.74 ... 8.10 € AXA CS 18.21 -1.49 -27.82 € Vinci DG 67.60 -1.60 14.31 June July Aug.
Six month -0.18900 0.04300 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 19.34 0.31 -22.95 € AirLiquide AI 99.26 2.35 -4.24 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 236.45 -1.36 6.99
One year -0.05000 0.15900 HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 98.00 -0.81 12.00 € Allianz ALV 132.80 -1.48 -18.80 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 249.60 -1.65 -3.41
Yen Libor AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 76.00 -0.39 -11.14 € Anheuser Busch ABI 111.45 -1.33 -2.58
DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.04814% 0.05657% ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 8783.00 -0.58 -23.29 £ AstraZeneca AZN 5097.00 -0.91 10.41
17165 -1.21 -18.57 65.31 -0.49 -6.10 Last: 2867.87 t 22.53, or 0.78% YTD t 7.5%
Three month -0.01329 0.09429 ¥ Fanuc 6954 € BASF BAS 72.85 -0.30 3.01 $ AmericanExpress AXP
Six month 0.01036 0.13229 ¥ Hitachi 6501 478.70 -0.66 -30.77 € BNP Paribas BNP 44.02 -1.33 -15.72 $ Apple AAPL 109.39 -0.08 3.92 2925
One year 0.10214 0.24043 TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 86.20 -1.15 6.68 £ BT Group BT.A 392.60 -1.06 -16.77 $ Boeing BA 135.00 0.25 -6.63
¥ HondaMotor 7267 2929.00 -0.66 -25.09 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 5.27 -0.30 -21.03 $ Caterpillar CAT 84.28 0.15 24.01 2850
Offer Bid
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 133000 -2.21 -10.74 € BancoSantander SAN 3.81 -0.88 -16.41 $ Chevron CVX 102.67 -0.10 14.13 2775
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 4.85 -0.41 3.63 £ Barclays BARC 161.75 -1.10 -26.11 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 31.12 -0.22 14.60
One month 0.5500% 0.4500%
Three month 0.9000 0.8000
¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3991.00 -1.29 -10.74 € Bayer BAYN 97.92 -0.73 -15.44 $ CocaCola KO -0.88 2.07
¥ KDDI 9433 3190.00 -2.00 1.14 £ BP BP. 436.25 -0.14 23.23 $ Disney DIS 96.88 -0.23 -7.80 2625
Six month 1.2500 1.1500
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2014.50 -1.54 -0.67 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4968.00 -0.26 31.74 $ DuPont DD 68.03 -0.89 2.15 2550
One year 1.5500 1.4500
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 518.00 -1.31 -31.58 CHF FinRichemont CFR 60.55 -0.16 -16.02 $ ExxonMobil XOM 87.94 0.15 12.82
Latest 52 wks ago
1254.00 -2.18 -13.25 $ GenElec GE 31.21 -0.10 0.19 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12
¥ Mitsui 8031 € Daimler DAI 62.52 -1.23 -19.41
June July Aug.
Prime rates ¥ Mizuho Fin 8411 163.10 -1.33 -33.02 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.49 -0.71 -6.26 $ GoldmanSachs GS 165.65 0.06 -8.09
U.S. 3.50% 3.25% ¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2708.50 -0.22 9.04 £ Diageo DGE 2171.50 -0.73 16.97 $ HomeDepot HD 136.23 -0.61 3.01
Canada 2.70 2.70 AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 27.04 -0.59 -10.46 € ENI ENI 13.74 0.29 -0.43 $ Intel INTC 35.21 0.86 2.21
Hong Kong
¥ NipponStl&SmtmoMtl 5401 1936.00
£ GlaxoSmithKline GSK 1689.50 -1.31 23.05 $
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 20
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 542.50 -0.91 1.17
Policy rates ¥ NissanMotor 7201 980.70 -1.73 -23.35 € INGGroep INGA 10.48 -1.04 3.30 $ JohnsJohns JNJ 120.34 -1.61 17.15 Last: 18552.02 t 84.03, or 0.45% YTD s 6.5%
ECB 0.00% 0.05% ¥ NomuraHldgs 8604 448.90 -1.84 -33.90 £ ImperialBrands IMB 4139.00 0.56 15.40 $ McDonalds MCD 117.95 -0.48 -0.16
Britain 0.25 0.50 996.50 0.01 -19.67 $ Merck MRK 63.06 -0.41 19.39 18500
¥ Panasonic 6752 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 1.94 -1.97 -37.27
Switzerland 0.50 0.50 HK$ PetroChina 0857 5.39 0.94 5.89 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 157.15 -0.98 8.45
$ Microsoft MSFT 57.44 -0.55 3.53
$ NikeClB NKE 56.88 0.19 -8.99 18000
Australia 1.50 2.00 HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 40.10 -1.11 -6.53 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 53.95 -1.01 -26.17
U.S. discount 1.00 0.75 $ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 30.65 -1.13 0.16 € LOreal OR 174.55 -0.65 12.40
$ Pfizer PFE 34.79 -0.91 7.78 17500
Fed-funds target 0.25 0.00 AU$ RioTinto RIO 48.46 0.87 8.39 £ NationalGrid NG. 1081.00 -1.91 15.31
$ Procter&Gamble PG 86.58 -0.51 9.03
Call money 2.25 2.00 1568000 1.49 24.44 $ 3M MMM 179.26 -0.72 19.00 17000
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 CHF Nestle NESN 78.95 -1.13 5.90
4353.00 -1.07 -21.57 $ TravelersCos TRV 117.00 -1.14 3.67
Overnight repurchase rates ¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 CHF Novartis NOVN 79.10 -1.49 -8.87 16500
6802.00 -0.03 10.80 $ UnitedTech UTX 109.14 -0.50 13.60
U.S. 0.56% 0.25% ¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 309.80 -0.45 -22.53
3329.00 -0.98 -27.72 $ UnitedHealthGroup UNH 141.07 -0.39 19.92 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12
Euro zone n.a. n.a. ¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 £ Prudential PRU 1415.50 -1.87 -7.54
108.40 -1.72 15.63 $ VISAClA V 80.81 -0.12 4.20 June July Aug.
HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7521.00 -0.82 19.74
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX 175.50 -1.96 22.73
$ Verizon VZ 52.75 -1.60 14.13 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 £ RioTinto RIO 2486.50 2.09 25.61
Financial Information, Tullett $ WalMart WMT 72.89 -0.59 18.91 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 | B9


New Zealand Opens Doors Mall Owners Add
Foreign buyers flock
to Auckland; sales of
‘Pop-Up Stores’
$1 million-plus homes BY ESTHER FUNG sign a concept for the physical
space to upstarts that might
see 63% annual gain Mall landlords are turning not be able to commit to five-
to short-term retailers known or 10-year deals, mall owners
as “pop-up stores” to attract are hoping to refresh and en-
shoppers and boost revenue as liven their properties. Pop-up
department stores and other stores that introduce local
WELLINGTON, New Zea- tenants struggle to combat the brands, perform demos and of-
land—While other countries growth of online commerce. fer shoppers an elite selection
grappling to contain frothy Big shopping-center owners of products or allow them to
housing markets have moved such as Westfield Corp. and interact directly with design-
to cool foreign investment, Simon Property Group LP are ers can help drive traffic to
this picturesque island nation dedicating more staff and mall other tenants.
boasts one of the world’s most space to the short-term stores, One big potential category:
open-door policies. which once were seen as only online retailers that don’t yet
That relaxed attitude toward seasonal business opportuni- have a substantial bricks-and-
foreign buyers helped New ties to drive foot traffic during mortar presence.

Zealand’s commercial capital, holidays or transitory fillers to “All of these retailers that
Auckland, overtake Toronto as address temporary vacancies. have internet presence under-
the world’s “hottest” city for Now landlords increasingly stand that a bricks-and-mortar
luxury real estate last year, ac- view such retailers as neces- presence is an essential part
cording to a survey by Chris- sary fixtures as they seek to of their strategy,” said Simon
tie’s International Real Estate. minimize vacancy rates and Property President Rick
The harbor city of just over keep cash flow stable, in some Sokolov during an earnings
a million people recorded 63% cases offering a rotating cast briefing with analysts.
annual growth in $1 million- of pop-up stores virtually Some mall owners are allo-
plus home sales. year-round. cating about 5% of their leas-
“A strong economy, magnif- Auckland surpassed Toronto as the world’s “hottest” city for luxury real estate last year. In Woodbury Common Pre- able space to house such tran-
icent natural beauty and a mium Outlets in suburban sient tenants by building a
friendly image are key selling glut. New York, online designer- “white box” pop-up store with
points for New Zealand’s for- Concerned the boom once Hot Property dress rental firm Rent the a plain interior that can be
eign real-estate buyers,” Chris- thought to be limited primar- Auckland, New Zealand, was one of the world’s ‘hottest’ luxury Runway teamed up with Si- used by the next tenant. These
tie’s said. “Add to that the ily to Auckland is spreading, markets last year... mon Property, the outlet boxes are typically smaller
country’s property laws— Reserve Bank Gov. Graeme owner, to launch a pop-up than regular stores, at around
which do not include a stamp Wheeler on July 18 proposed Real-estate sales of property worth $1 million or more, 2015 store across eight days in May 1,000 to 1,500 square feet.
duty, capital-gains tax or visa curbs on the amount that can Locations Change from a year earlier and June. It took them just six In Westfield San Francisco
requirements—and the result be lent against the value of an Valencia, Spain 89%
weeks from the start to the Centre, the owner set apart
is one of the world’s most at- investment property nation- pop-up launch. the entire fourth level for pop-
tractive property markets for wide. Auckland, New Zealand 63 “They sold some of their up shops, events and co-work-
overseas buyers.” Mr. Wheeler is especially Costa Smeralda, Sardinia, Italy 50 existing inventory and they ing space. The mall, which
While many prime destina- worried about people buying Toronto, Canada 48
had unbelievable success,” houses Bloomingdale’s and re-
tions have plateaued amid a houses strictly as investments said David Simon, chief execu- tailers such as Burberry, said
volatility in financial markets, rather than as a place to live. Victoria, Canada 45 tive of Simon Property during this “Bespoke” project had
falling commodity prices, Household debt is climbing Jackson Hole, Wyo., U.S. 45 a recent earnings briefing. seen success at appealing to
China’s slowing economy and rapidly compared with other Portland, Ore., U.S. 40
“There’s so much creative shoppers seeking alternative
political unrest, others are developed countries; home stuff going on with new ideas experiences at malls, as well
flourishing as the world’s loans account for 55% of Stockholm, Sweden 31 and new concepts.” as businesses looking to test
wealthy continue to turn to banks’ loan books. Analysts Sydney, Australia 15 The moves come amid their prototypes.
luxury real estate as a safe as- say investors are more likely San Francisco, U.S. 12
tough times for big retailers. Joy Fan, a San Francisco-
set, Christie’s said. than owner-occupiers to sell in Macy’s Inc. said last week it based senior manager of expe-
Among New Zealand’s sell- a downturn. prices are rising sharply ...fueling concerns of a speculative intends to close 100 stores, or rience at Westfield’s Bespoke
ing points: Despite the rising The number of homes sold across the country... debt bubble. 15% of its store base. In the project, hosts a monthly semi-
prices, it is still one of the for more than a million New past year, Office Depot Inc., nar to educate retailers and e-
cheapest luxury markets. Zealand dollars (US$719,700) Top 10* house price, year-to-year Household debt as a share of J.C. Penney Co. and Gap Inc. commerce brands about run-
In Auckland, $1 million—the increased by a third nation- change between 2012 and 2015 disposable incomes** all have announced they are ning and designing pop-up
entry point for luxury here ac- wide in the year through June, closing stores. The closures, in stores. “Even though there’s
Hong Kong 59% 180%
cording to real-estate agents— according to the Real Estate turn, jeopardize landlords’ so much available online and
would buy a three-bedroom, Institute of New Zealand. March 2016: 163% revenues, forcing them to everyone keeps focusing on e-
Sweden 38
solar-powered “eco” home Jeremy O’Rourke, a real-es- 160 scramble to fill empty space. commerce, much of the addic-
New Zealand 36
south of the city with district tate agent at Lodge Real Estate By giving more leasing flex- tive quality of purchasing hap-
views. A one-bedroom condo in Hamilton, an hour’s drive South Africa 35 ibility and offering to help de- pens in person,” Ms. Fan said.
in the Dogpatch section of San from Auckland, says he regu- U.S. 32 140
Francisco was recently listed larly sells properties for more
for roughly the same money. than NZ$1 million whereas two Ireland 31
On a price-per-square-foot ba- years ago NZ$750,000 was a Australia 31 120
sis, the New Zealand house “significant sale.” U.K. 27
cost $385.50, versus $1,077.45 New Zealand hasn’t tar-
for the American loft. geted overseas buyers in the Canada 25
Monaco recorded the same way other countries Denmark 17

1999 2000 ’10

world’s highest average price a have done. The provincial gov-
square foot among million-dol- ernment of the Canadian city *Advanced economies excluding developing nations **Including investment housing
lar-plus home sales globally of Vancouver recently said for- Sources: Christie’s International Real Estate: Luxury Defined 2016 Report (sales); Westpac;
Bank for International Settlements (house prices); Reserve Bank of New Zealand (debt)
last year, at more than $4,000. eign home buyers will face an
Policy makers worry that if additional 15% property-trans-
left unmanaged the boom fer tax. In Australia, where
could turn into a destabilizing foreigners can only buy newly partly in an effort to collect ment is a means to launder
bust. Foreigners aren’t the built properties, wealthy Chi- data on foreign buyers after money or, more generally, to
only drivers. Many New Zea- nese are helping fuel a resi- the opposition Labour Party get money out of a country to
landers are returning from dential construction boom. published controversial data a ‘safer’ place.”
abroad amid a downturn in “While nothing has been suggesting a large number of In the capital of Wellington, Westfield San Francisco Centre’s fourth level is for pop-up stores.
neighboring Australia and ruled out, we are not actively homes were purchased by some 400 miles from Auck-
troubles elsewhere. Overseas pursuing any further property people with Chinese sur- land, real-estate agent Craig ADVERTISEMENT
students also play a role, as taxes at this time,” a spokes- names. Nearly 5,000 foreign- Lowe says the market is the
does a citywide housing short-
age in Auckland.
man for New Zealand’s Reve-
nue Minister Michael Wood-
ers have applied for a tax
number to buy or sell prop-
strongest he has seen in 16
years of selling real estate. Legal Notices
Back in 2014, when house house told The Wall Street erty since the laws came into Among his recent deals: an un-
prices last rose sharply, the Journal. force in October. renovated weatherboard house BANKRUPTCIES
central bank tightened interest New legislation introduced “The role of foreign money in a workaday suburb sold for
rates to cool things off. But in New Zealand last year will always be overstated US$676,000, more than 60%   
     %) ( &)% ,#( ;(( %& + # .& 
         9 . 9 9 ! $* #( !3 3
lately the bank has been low- means properties purchased thanks to the inherent xeno- above its government-ap-      9#&8 86 '&. 1 5!&  & 9&D '&&. &(9" #

          9#&8 #8 " 8&# " & & " #  "9:
ering rates—a quarter-point by investors and resold phobia that exists in any resi- praised value.     !" #
9#!D '&&&. (3!8 1#&#992 5&  !3 3
cut on Aug. 11 took the bench- within two years face a sales dent population,” said Stephen “The psychology of the %& %'  #(  '%) *+,&&-
.)%%' %' (#, # ) /* & '%)
9#&8 !8 $!%&" " 12   1! ! 3B(&#9 !8
,D '&%. # # 9#&8 ##&   1!D '%. 1
mark policy rate to a record- levy. And, nonresident buyers Toplis, head of research at booming market is so power- .#0, & * ) +#1)*.&0 %  &% & " 12  9#&8# ! &3  9#&8# &  #
2344 #-#& &5  +&%) &"&%&"#9 12 # #!&E " #  3  9#&8#D
low 2%—to aid an agriculture- now are required to register Bank of New Zealand. “In the ful that I don’t think any rhet- .( # &#1 %& &5#&    #" '%&. &(9" $$!& "(8 #& '! &3
( "(8 #& & %98& &(9" # 8:
rich economy that is with the country’s tax depart- extreme, there is always the oric from [policy makers] will   !  ! " # !" ! #$$!%&
         8#!2 3 ( "(8 #&. ! # ;$9##& #
struggling amid a global milk ment: a measure introduced danger that property invest- make any difference,” he said.             52 ( "(8 #& &  #%#&9#19 *
             < 9 ' ! 8  & $!" 
 !"  "  #$%&'  (!!)  $  0  . 9 9 ! $* #" ! $ =
      "   < 
  9 !   $   . 9 9 ! $

Fewer Mortgages Go to Blacks in U.S.

        ' " (!!)    
 =   +  %
 + " , '()  * +,-. ' /
#! # 9   ! ! +  !!  9 6
!" !0. &  #1% (#$& " (# * ($2 3  
9 $   8

#! # !" ! (# 1 #((  " #   1!4  ! $ 8          "
! !(!& 5 1&  $677(# *$!&8 (9 !)*    
(87 "&78 :" ;*     

#! # !" ! ! <&!  #99 &&  ' 
    !!  9 6

/9#&8#0. 9"& ! 5&&  # ! # (9#&8 9 $ " 


  !  ! " = 
BY ANNAMARIA ANDRIOTIS shifted their mortgage opera- cies, according to the report. to trade publication Inside # #! ! & " 8 "  #% #!&  $!&! 
 && # !  =  && #  #
    ! $ 
 6     7 " !
tions toward so-called jumbo Default rates have been de- Mortgage Finance. #$$9&(#19  ##&   1! ' /9#&80.    ?  >        
18& # $!3 3 (9#&8 '/ !3 3 9#&80.  # 
Mortgage lending to Afri- mortgages. These cater to clining on mortgages in recent Between 2004 and 2014, 1 #(#992 ! ( &% " 12 !&8 9 !) >>* '/ !&8  ! $   6 9    8
9 !)0.   1!4 (9#&8 #" &(& #    ! $
can-Americans has declined more affluent borrowers with years as many lenders have re- black borrowers’ applications ! 1 3! # ( !#& "# ' /
#! # 0.*   3! ) 6  9 ) 8 * & (#& " &
since the last housing boom, a loans exceeding $417,000 in quired higher credit scores for Fannie- and Freddie-eligi- 1 95 #! 
#! # 6
-! +  4! !  2344
& &( & & " "  ! 9" 1 (! "
# # 5#&% ! 3   1!4 !& 6 '#. "&$  !
direct result of tightened un- most parts of the country. and as the economy has im- ble mortgages fell 82%. Their ! $  99 9#&8#  ! # % !8 #9 # ! 33  ! " 3   ##& #2 B9 " 9#&8
! #2 9#&8 9& " ! ! F ( " &  ( "9 
& 9"& ! 5&&  # ! # 9#&8 8
derwriting standards that per- Jumbos have become in- proved. Defaults on mortgages applications for government- 18& $!3 3 ( 9#&8  #  1 #(#992 #   #!  #8 9&#1&9&2 ! (9#&B(#&
! ( &% " 12 !&8 9 !) 12  $ 81 ! ?   ! 3D '1. 1 < 92 " &# #2 ( "9 "
sist eight years after the melt- creasingly appealing to banks used to purchase or refinance backed mortgages—mostly # @6 $*8* $! %#&9& # ! &8 ' /A  !#9 9#&8 # "&$ " (&  ! 9&<&"# "D #"
down, according to a new in recent years because of homes totaled 0.65% in June, those insured by the Federal
#! # 0.* <  3! $#28  " !
!$(2 "  (& @?'1.'+. 8 #9 1 1:
'(.  !5& #8 "  ( "9 *

 ! 9 $ * 3 2 #% #2

report. their low default rates. The down from 0.80% a year ago, Housing Administration— 8& "  #  1 #(#992 ! ( &% " 12 !&8 9 !) < & ! #!"&  (9#&8 $!(  #"7!
&3 2 5&  1#& # ($2 3 
#! # !" !
12  A  !#9
#! # *
Black borrowers accounted loans are mostly held on according to the S&P/Experian jumped 60%, according to the - 6$! +  99 % !8 #9 & '5&( (#& # 8! " #&9 " " (!&$& 3 
9"& ! 5&&  # ! # 9#&8 8 18& ! <&! 8  3! B9& $!3 3 (9#&8. # $!3 3
for a smaller share of mort- banks’ books. Consumer Credit Default Indi- report. FHA mortgages are $!3 3 ( 9#&8   1 #(#992 ! ( &% " 12 (9#&8 3!8 ! ! 9# " "(8  2 8#2 "  12
gage originations in 2014, at The report released Mon- ces. That figure was 5.58% in generally easier to get ap- (1 ! -  # @6 $*8* $! %#&9& # !
&8 ' /A% !8 #9
#! # 0.*
(#(& !&8 9 !) #6 '#. '-@@. ?--:,@G@D '1.
  1!4 ! !(!& 5 1& $677(# *
5%, than in 2004 when they day by Nareb doesn’t address June 2009 during the housing proved for—in large part be- #$

! +    %   $!&8 (9 !)*(87 "&78 :" ;* 9 #
 # !&8 9 !) (# #"%& 2 5  B9 
 1! #8 " ! $$9 8  & ( "9  3
were 7%. By contrast, white jumbo loans. It focuses on the crisis. Also pushing defaults cause they permit lower credit #  #" 9&#1&9&&  '(99 (&% 92  /( "9 0. ! 5  ! 2 9" B9  # !3 3 9#&8*

 ! "(  " 9   (#  (9#&B(#& 3 !   1! &   (#$ !  (#  #9
borrowers accounted for 69% decline of black borrowers re- down is the near extinction of scores—but can also come #"" # 9#&8   1! #99 &% &( 3 #2 ( 5&  9# 3! "&& 3 #(  1!4 #; &" :
of mortgages in 2014 versus ceiving smaller mortgages that subprime mortgages, or those with higher costs for borrow- #8 "8    9" ! 3 #2 9#&8 #33 ( "
 ! 12 #" ( 9" ! #99 1 #33!" " 
&B(#& 81 ! #! # 39956 "& (*
'@GG.D "& A >> '7 .D  &" 9":
58% 10 years before then. That are eligible for purchase by to borrowers with low credit ers. 9# ! 3 &!2 '?. "#2 3!8  "#  5&( ( & (* ',,.D  #5#&& 9#! 9"& >>
'++,.D &! &" 9#! !39& >> '@,.D &!
&( & &%  !  A  !#9
#! # ! A% !:
is based on an analysis of the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. scores, which were widespread The report also says “out- 8 #9
#! #  # #$$9&(#19   18& # !3 &" #9&3!&# 9"& >> 'G+G.D "&
3 9#&8 5& ! $ (  ( #8 " " 9#&8 ' 9"& !$!#& '-+.D "& &9&2
most recent Home Mortgage Only 3% of Fannie Mae- and during the last housing bub- dated credit scores” are hold- / 8 " " ( "9 
#! # 0. ! 1 3! % ! 9"& (* ',,?.D "&  !#&#9 (*
Disclosure Act data in a report Freddie Mac-eligible mort- ble. Those loans “dispropor- ing back black borrowers from 1#!! " 3!8 "& *
)7  +  9#&8# 8 B9 # $!3
',@@.D  H>  >> '??.D HH ##" #
(* '@?-.D 9#&(; '++.D "& !#(:
commissioned by the National gages went to black borrowers tionately went to black and getting mortgages. It says 3 (9#&8 #!&& 3!8   1!4 ! C (& 3 #2 & >> '?-+.D I >> '@?G.D I >&(  
>> '@,,@.D  #8:9#! (* 'GG-.D "&
; (!2 (!#( !  ;$&! " 9 # 12  9# !
Association of Real Estate Bro- in 2014, down from 6% in Latino households,” said many black borrowers lost 3  A  !#9
#! # ! @6 $*8* # ! ##"# >> '-G.D F ; !$!#& '@@@.D
&8    "# # & ? "#2 #3 !  !2 3 5#&  5#19 I !  (* 'G--.D &9:
kers, or Nareb, a trade group 2004, according to the report. James Carr, a professor in their homes to foreclosure or  ! 9 %# C (& ' / C (&
#! # 0.* % ! &" 5 ! 9"& >> '@--.D "&
of African-American real-es- The decline is largely be- Wayne State University’s De- experienced other negative ' ! 8  . 9 9 ! $* 99 !3 3 9#&8 8
1 18& "  #  1 !!"  6
 9# !
 !#&#9 >> '@G.D  "& >> ',@.D
"& !"( &#$!  * >"* 'G?G?.D
tate agents and brokers. cause of tighter underwriting partment of Urban Studies and credit events that still weigh # @6 $*8* $! %#&9& # ! &8   "& &" &#9  !%&(  >> '@G-G.D I
#! # #  3995& #""! 6 ' +0 9#! (* '??-.D I H ! ! 1 (* '7 .D :
Using similar data, The requirements that most lend- Planning, who co-wrote the re- down their credit scores. ,#( "& (* 9#&8 !( &   ! F5 !  5#19 9"&  >> 'G?.D
9 )2
(7 !&8 9 !) >> -? ?!" %   ?!" 9!  5   #$&#9 >> 'G+.D &! &" #)B 9" !:
Wall Street Journal in June re- ers have been sticking to since port for Nareb. Others don’t use banking !)  D '  (: )  +0 5# & " 39& >> '?G.D &! &" ##"9 9"&
ported that minorities are re- the recession. Nearly half of all mortgage services often and their lack of # 
#)!$(2 !  ! &!&( 3  5
59& A!  8 @?,  5 !) 
 >> ',?-.D   5#19  >> '@@?.D #:
(()  5#19  9"& >> '7 .D % !! #8
ceiving a smaller share of In part, this has been to dollars extended to borrowers historical usage of loans is ,:,-D ' '(  ( &)%#((0 $677 9"( "  >> '+@,.*  #""!  3   1:
(# *$!&8 (9 !)*(87 "&7 :" ;* !4 (!$!#  #"<#! ! & ?G? &% !$! !*
mortgages from the largest avoid the threat of having to in 2015 were sold to Fannie also negatively affecting their .)%%' %' (#, *+,&&  +0 '#,( H#!29#"  & H&!& ?,?*
U.S. retail banks as many have buy back loans from the agen- Mae or Freddie Mac, according scores.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B10 | Wednesday, August 17, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


A Good Sign for Morgan Stanley OVERHEARD BOE Gets

Its Way on
ValueAct Capital Man- while sales and trading reve- Hear the word “market-
agement’s investment in Second Act
Morgan Stanley is a striking
vote of confidence in the
Morgan Stanley’s quarterly
nue plummeted 22%.
Poor market conditions
and weak trading revenues in
place” or “exchange” and
crowds of merchants vying
for customers’ business by
Bond Buying
return on equity
Wall Street institution—one the first quarter pushed the offering either better or Last week, U.K. govern-
that could signal a broader 14% bank’s return on equity down cheaper merchandise than ment bonds proved to be the
shift in investor perceptions 12 2017 target: to a lamentable 6.2%. It re- their competitors comes to thing even central-bank
of major banks. Around 10% bounded to 8.3% in the sec- mind. Someone should point money couldn’t buy. Not so
The $1.1 billion outlay, for ond quarter. That still is be- that out to Kevin Counihan, this week.
about 2% of Morgan Stanley, 8 low the 10% level that the “Marketplace Chief Execu- The Bank of England last
is unusual in a few ways: 6 investors generally look for tive Officer” at the U.S. gov- week fell short of its target
ValueAct isn’t urging big in a bank. ernment’s Centers for Medi- as it sought to buy govern-

changes in strategy or man- 4 Mr. Gorman’s plan to care and Medicaid Services. ment bonds maturing in
agement. Instead, it is essen- 2 reach a return on equity of While they may “continue more than 15 years, part of
tially endorsing Chief Execu- around 10% by next year has to bring quality coverage to its new £60 billion ($77.4 bil-
tive James Gorman’s three basic planks: aggres- millions of Americans next lion) gilt-purchase program.
strategy. This fits with Value- 2015 ’16 sive cost cutting, return of year,” there may be a single Liquidity in this part of the
Act’s general practice of act- Source: the company James Gorman, chairman and capital to shareholders and seller of those services in market is relatively low.
ing as a friendly, rather than THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. CEO of Morgan Stanley achieving modest revenue some places. That lack of The BOE’s failure had an
hostile, activist investor. growth of 3% to 5% annually. competition bodes poorly for electric effect on bond prices
But to the extent it is urg- continued, or for sweeping a turning point. So far, the first two are on price and quality. Health in- and yields. The yield on the
ing anything, ValueAct could breakups of financial con- ValueAct’s focus on wealth track, while the third has surance giant Aetna is the benchmark 30-year gilt fell
be seen to be gently encour- glomerates. ValueAct’s management and advisory fallen short. ValueAct’s in- latest to say it will pull the to a record low of 1.18% on
aging more investment in agenda is notable for its em- makes sense and is consis- vestment suggests that it be- plug on participating in sev- Thursday, 0.3 percentage
those business lines it sin- phasis on addition, not sub- tent with Mr. Gorman’s exist- lieves Morgan Stanley can eral state exchanges autho- point below where it had
gled out for praise, notably traction. ing strategy. These are less hit its target. If its doesn’t, rized by the Affordable Care started the week, according
advisory and wealth manage- This reflects the fact that exposed than trading to the the activists may start mak- Act. Ironically, one reason the to Tradeweb. That is an ex-
ment. Morgan Stanley already has ebb and flow of market ac- ing demands. But if it does, U.S. Justice Department is traordinary move in just a
Activists, particularly been through a huge restruc- tivity, giving Morgan Stanley it will be a very positive sign suing to block its acquisition few days.
those investing in struggling turing, including the signifi- more control over its fate. for the bank and its peers— of competitor Humana is the On Tuesday, however, the
financial companies, typically cant scaling back of its fixed- In the first half of 2016, that years of painful cut- potential impact on competi- BOE found it easy to buy
focus on what should be sub- income-trading business. for instance, advisory reve- backs are drawing to a close tion in ACA exchanges. long-dated bonds. It saw of-
tracted. They frequently call That activists are now focus- nue rose 22% from a year and that it finally is time to They can now cross that fers of £3.1 billion of paper
for underperforming busi- ing on what segments could earlier and wealth-manage- start raising their sights. worry off their list. against the £1.17 billion it
nesses to be cut back or dis- do well marks something of ment revenue fell just 3%, —Aaron Back was seeking to buy. But this
may in part be a function of
impending supply. The gov-

BHP Billiton Mines Some Cash for an Uncertain Future ernment is about to sell
£1.25 billion of bonds due
2055. The response to Tues-
More often than not, some- ise: meaningful debt reduc- that is giving BHP the room unveiled a streamlined strat- day’s purchases pushed
thing is easier said than done. tion. The miner’s free cash to balance dividends, debt Step Change egy, he said BHP’s existing yields higher, helping make
That is especially true for flow in the second quarter and growth. BHP Billiton's dividend per share opportunities could increase Wednesday’s sale cheaper
mining giant BHP Billiton. came in strong at $3.4 billion, In an effort to keep free their value by a lofty 70%. for investors. The 30-year
The miner is trying to keep but net debt has stayed cash flow looking strong, cap- $1.5 Again, however, this assumes yield now stands at 1.32%.
shareholders happy as it largely flat at $26 billion. The ital expenditure has tumbled, commodity prices stay flat at But negative net supply
trudges through disasters down 40% since last year and 1.0 best. Take, for instance, will return in the next four
and operational challenges. lower than BHP’s guidance in BHP’s problem child, the on- weeks, strategists at J.P.
After recasting its progres-
The raised dividend February of this year. But in-
shore U.S. business. It needs Morgan note, and alternative
sive dividend policy in Febru- takes attention away vestors should note that BHP 0 oil prices to stay at about investments for holders of
ary, BHP said Tuesday it now forecasts higher spend- $50 a barrel to get growth long-dated bonds are thin on
would return 30 cents a share
from a past promise ing in fiscal 2018. FY2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 going, according to UBS ana- the ground. The BOE could
for the full year, down almost to reduce debt. The company on Tuesday Note: Fiscal year ends June 30. lysts. yet face a further hiccup in
80% from $1.24 last year, but delivered some positive news Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence BHP’s stock surged in Lon- its bond purchases over the
only slightly less than ex- to mask its worst-yet annual THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. don to its highest level in summer.
pected. For the second half of balance sheet remains robust, loss, tied to write-downs on nine months, and investors Investors face crosscur-
the year, it sweetened its div- but the burden of finance its U.S. oil business and pro- rent spot prices.” are rightly pleased to be at rents from rising U.K. infla-
idend by six cents on top of costs continues to weigh. For visions for a fatal dam failure Perhaps more convincing the top of the miner’s priority tion, BOE buying and a
the minimum payout of eight now, cash-flow generation in Brazil: It planned to double would be a boost to cash list. But they also should keep growing debate about fiscal
cents. doesn’t seem to be hindered cash flows to $7 billion next flow from operational pro- an eye on whether BHP deliv- policy. Holders of long-dated
But that takes attention by this. But it is only an un- year. That is good news until ductivity. In May, when Chief ers on past promises. gilts could be in for a bumpy
away from an earlier prom- certain commodity price rally you get to the caveat: “at cur- Executive Andrew Mackenzie —Anjani Trivedi ride. —Richard Barley


Rare Bonus: Money-Market Yield

“This decision is purely re-
Finance lated to the individual. Handels-
banken remains strong and our
Watch long-term goals stand firm,” Mr.
Boman added. BY BEN EISEN The opportunity has been months to a year—maturities
Mr. Vang-Jensen had been AND JOHN CARNEY created by new rules that will Rising Yield that prime money-market
chief executive since the start of take effect Oct. 14 requiring Rates on three-month double-A funds with an eye on October
2015. A Handelsbanken veteran Something that has been so-called prime funds that in- commercial paper issued by are avoiding.
who ran the bank’s Swedish op- hard to find recently is show- vest in corporate paper to financial companies Other investors are looking
HANDELSBANKEN erations, he had also been Han- ing up in the money markets: make clear that investors can 1.0% to different markets affected
delsbanken’s head of Danish op- yield. lose money and allow the by the rise in short-term
Nordic Lender Ousts erations between 2007 and Rising rates paid by banks funds to bar the exits in a cri- yields. Jeffery Elswick, the di-
Its Chief Executive early 2014, helping steer the and other companies that issue sis. Both changes are a deter- rector of fixed income at
Svenska Handelsbanken AB, bank through a recession and a commercial paper are attract- rent to corporate treasurers Frost Investment Advisors,
one of the Nordic region’s larg- sharp fall in housing prices. ing new investors to the mar- who can’t afford to lose ac- 0.6 reasons that yields on other
est lenders, removed Chief Exec- —Dominic Chopping ket, just as more-traditional cess to their cash. The funds types of debt also are rising
utive Frank Vang-Jensen from buyers are scaling back in re- in turn have been delaying in- 0.4 as Libor climbs. Long-term
his position, citing the bank’s NORWAY sponse to looming regulations. vestments and piling up cash floating-rate bonds that are
need for a manager with more The newcomers include in- to prepare for redemptions. indexed to Libor, for example,
“complex” leadership skills.
Oil Output Reaches vestors such as Renuka Ku- The diminishing demand has
look more attractive than
The bank said that following A Five-Year High mar, a senior portfolio man- been lifting rates. commercial paper, he said.
an extensive analysis, the board Norway produced more oil in ager who manages corporate As of June 30, prime 0 Nevertheless he is enjoying
unanimously decided it was time July than in any other month cash at SVB Asset Manage- money-market funds held 22% 2015 ’16 the higher yields on the part
for a new leader. over the last five years, signifi- ment in San Francisco, an af- less short-term debt issued by Source: Federal Reserve of his portfolio allocated to
“All managers at Handelsban- cantly exceeding forecasts, the filiate of Silicon Valley Bank. financial institutions in the THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. paper.
ken—particularly the branch Norwegian Petroleum Director- She bought six-month com- U.S. than they did a year ear- “We’re sitting back and go-
managers—must have a very ate said, a sign that oil compa- mercial paper issued by a ma- lier, according to data from 0.95% Friday from 0.30% a ing, this is fantastic,” he said.
high degree of autonomy. Being nies are scrambling to boost jor bank at a rate of 1.05% last the Treasury’s Office of Fi- year earlier. The new investors are help-
the most senior manager at the output and offset weak prices. week. To get a similar yield nance Research. Yet demand The three-month U.S. dol- ing provide stability to the
bank therefore requires a special Norway increased its output on a high-quality industrial from borrowers hasn’t gone lar London interbank offered short-term markets during a
type of leadership—considerably of crude oil by 10% from a year corporate bond, she said she away; the amount of such rate, a benchmark based on critical time, ensuring that
more complex than traditional earlier to 1.73 million barrels a would have to commit money debt outstanding fell by just the cost of short-term bor- companies can fund them-
management,” Chairman Par Bo- day in July, the NPD said. for 18 to 24 months. 3.8% during the period, ac- rowing between banks, selves as the traditional buyer
man said. —Kjetil Malkenes Hovland Commercial paper made up cording to the Federal Re- climbed to about 0.82% on base for their paper dries up.
“Thus, it is possible to be an a very small percentage of her serve. Friday, its highest level since Analysts have praised the or-
excellent leader and manager— CHINA clients’ portfolios as recently “You still have plenty of is- the financial crisis. By com- derliness of the transition in
as Frank Vang-Jensen has as a year ago. But with yields suers who need to fund and parison, a three-year U.S. preparation for the money-
been—but not fulfill the require-
PBOC Injects Funds improving, it has been grow- are paying higher rates than Treasury note had a yield of market fund overhauls.
ments of CEO of Handelsban- Into Banking System ing. She now allocates be- they did three months ago,” 0.845% on Monday. But such investors might
ken.” China’s central bank injected tween 30% and 40% of her cli- said Dave Fishman, head of Goldman Sachs Asset Man- not prove as enduring a
Mr. Vang-Jensen is being suc- 289 billion yuan ($43.5 billion) ents’ cash to the market, on the liquidity-solutions busi- agement is among those hop- source of demand as money-
ceeded immediately by the via a medium-term lending facil- average. ness at Goldman Sachs Asset ing to benefit. It created its market funds if other assets
bank’s U.K. operation chief, An- ity into 15 financial institutions “It is really nice to see Management. Short-Term Conservative In- begin to look more attractive
ders Bouvin, who has worked at in the country on Monday, in a higher rates,” she said. “We Rates on three-month dou- come Fund in February 2014 due to factors like a Fed rate
the bank for more than 30 years bid to maintain ample liquidity in have been in the low-rate en- ble-A commercial paper is- in anticipation of efforts to rise. That could add to the
in positions including branch the banking system. vironment for so long.” sued by financial institutions overhaul money-market funds. challenges for companies try-
manager in New York and gen- The People’s Bank of China Money managers that look hit 0.72% as of Thursday. A It had $21.4 million in assets ing to line up short-term
eral manager of Handelsbanken said it would keep the lending after short-duration bond year ago, that rate was 0.13%. at the end of July. funding.
Denmark. rate unchanged. —Grace Zhu funds, which typically invest It averaged 0.55% over the Recently the fund, which “It increases the risk that
in securities with maturities first six months of 2016. Pres- isn’t subject to the coming you don’t have as stable U.S.
between one and three years, sure has been high on rates rule because it isn’t a prime dollar funding as you did in
are turning to commercial pa- for 90-day commercial paper money fund, has been buying the past,” said Mark Cabana,
per with even shorter maturi- backed by things like auto commercial paper issued by head of U.S. short-rates strat-
ties, as well. loans and credit-card pay- European, Asian, and U.S. egy at Bank of America Mer-
“There’s no doubt that ments. Those rates rose to banks that matures in six rill Lynch.
we’ve become more active in
the traditional CP market,”
said Randy Bauer, senior
portfolio manager for low-du-
ration products at Federated
Investors. “It’s not traditional [ Search by company, category or country at ]

He said his portfolios and NAV —%RETURN—

accounts typically would have
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
bought almost no commercial Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website:, Email:
paper with an initial maturity CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 08/05 USD 304464.03 8.7 3.6 -7.3
of less than a year. Now that
rates have risen, that paper Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
averages between 5% and 7% U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
Anders Bouvin is Handelsbanken’s new chief executive. of their holdings. All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email:

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